State of Louisiana - Security & Contract Compliance Review, CCA, 2014
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BOBBY JINDAL jAMES M. Le B L\NC Governor Secretary Department of Public Safety and Corrections December 31, 2014 Harley Lappin, Executive Vice·President CCA - Winn Correctional Center 10 Burton Hills Boulevard Nashville, TN 37215 Dear Mr. Lappin: I appreciate you and your team taking time today to meet with me and my staff via phone. I acknowledge the personal attention that you and your leadership team, Mr. Swenson and Warden Morgan specifically, have given to the monitoring process and discussions around plans of action thus far. As promised during our call, you will find attached a bulleted list of the issues we discussed. I have also attached copies of the documents I referenced, including reports from staff assigned as contract monitors and/or to conduct program specific evaluations of our contract with CCA. Combined, they have made several site visits to WNC to evaluate operations against our contract for services. It is their observations and findings, in combination with recent events at WNC, that lead to the conference call we had today. You will note that the attached list highlights the areas identified for which basic correctional practices are deemed to need improvement or in which contract requirements could be an issue. As we discussed, these are the areas where a plan of action and timeline for reporting and/or changes if necessary are expected. I have assigned Seth Smith, Chief of Operations, to oversee contract compliance monitoring and he will work with Warden Cain, Regional Warden, and Warden Slay, Contract Monitor, to assist you and your staff as necessary to develop plans of action and coordinate support as we discussed today. Post Office Box 94304 • Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70804-9304 • (225) 342-6740 • Fax (225) 342-3095 An Equal Opportunity Employer .. WNC Contract Compliance Page2 I request that you provide your feedback and proposed plan of action to my office with copies to the Chief of Operations Seth Smith and Regional Warden Burl Cain by January 20, 2015. Sincerely, law c: Seth Smith, Chief of Operations Burl Cain, Regional Warden Rodney Slay, Contract Monitor Enclosures America's Leader in Partnership Corrections Harley G. Lappin Executi11e Vice President & ChiefCorrections Officer January 20, 2015 James LeBlanc, Secretary State of Louisiana Department of Public Safety and Corrections P.O. Box 94304 Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9304 Re: Security & Contract Compliance Review, December 31, 2014 Dear Secretary LeBlanc: We are in receipt of your December 31, 2014 letter in which you requested CCA's plans of action concerning findings that were made during the Department's recent site visits to the Winn Correctional Center (the "Facility"). CCA takes it obligations under the contract very seriously and appreciates the recent opportunity to discuss these matters with you and the opportunity to provide this written response. Consistent \vith our discussions with you and your staff on December 31, 2014, the following plans of action correspond to the list of items that was included with your letter. 1. Security Concerns The security of the Facility is CCA's top priority. Even prior to the Department's recent visits, CCA took steps to make security improvements. Some of the Facility's more recent efforts include, but are not limited to: placing a new drug dog into services on September 10, 2014; purchasing a new BOSS chair on September 18, 2014 for use during chow movement; and placing a new package scanner at the front lobby on October 27, 2014. We believe that these prior efforts will combine with the additional plans of action below to further enhance the facility's overall security. • • • Four (4) walk-through metal detectors have been purchased and the facility has installed two in the Ash and Elm Units. A third will be installed outside the Cypress unit by February 23,2015. The fourth unit has been returned to the manufacturer for repair, and will be installed near the Industries Building upon its return. Five (5) new handheld metal detectors were purchased on December 16,2014. These new metal detectors have been added to the Facility's existing inventory of metal detectors to allow for increased usage by staff during inmate movements. The Facility has increased the number of shakedowns throughout the buildings and is utilizing staff for targeted shakedowns throughout the week. These shakedowns are being done at least twice a week with assistance from unit teams. This process is managed by the ADO staff, which randomly selects the areas to be searched. The • • • • • • 2. Assistant \'\'arden and the Chief of Security arc responsible to ensure that the shakedowns are carried out. The Facility began replacing metal lockers with canvas property storage bags on September 19, 2014. To date the Facility has installed 1080 storage bags in the Ash, Birch, and Elm units. Replacements for the Dogwood unit will be installed by January 26,2015. Additional razor ribbon is being installed strategically throughout the Facility, with an emphasis in the recreation areas. We estimate that this project will be completed by February 27,2015. We have completed the enhancements identified as part of the after action review of the December escape incident and are currendy working on additional areas that were identified by the new management team. Replacements for inoperative cameras have been ordered with an estimated installation completion date of February 27,2015. We have also replaced the encoder that controls the cameras and coordinates the automatic camera pull ups with any fence alarms to ensure proper functioning of this security feature. The Facility has installed a new 32" video monitor to enhance the ability of control room staff to monitor perimeter cameras. Beginning on January 2, 2015, the Facility has implemented a daily shift briefing for security staff. These shift briefings include discussions of current issues and incidents, policy and procedure, expectations for activities during the shifts and general announcements. These briefings will provide an agenda for the supervisors to discuss pertinent issues as oudined above. CCA has temporarily assigned an additional Assistant Warden, Assistant Chief of Security and Unit Manager to assist \vith management duties, implementation of corrective actions and training. Turnover/Training. CCA also shares the Department's concerns about the facility's turnover rates and, as you noted, has temporarily assigned staff members from other CCA locations to supplement the facility staffing. Currendy there are 31 temporary duty (TOY) employees assigned to the Facility. • • • In an effort to effect a long term resolution by reducing the number of permanent staff vacancies, CCA has increased candidate outreach and advertising. CCA has also increased the correctional officer starting pay to $10 per hour, effective January 11, 2015. Additionally, we have increased the pay for all existing security and unit management staff by $1 per hour to positively impact retention of current staff. This will also be effective January 11, 2015. We have implemented a referral bonus for Correctional Officers, Nurses and Academic Instructors. This bonus will be paid to any staff who refers a qualified candidate in one of the job categories. The bonus will be paid to the referring 10 Burton Hills Boulevard, Nashville, Tennessee 37215, Phone: 615.263.3000, Fax: 615.263.3070, • • • employee in two installments, upon the newly hired staff completing 3 months and 6 months on the job. In anticipation of increased applicant flow as a result of the above increases in pay and advertising, additional human resources staff have been identified to assist both onsite at the Facility and remotely from Nashville, beginning the week of January 26, 2015. In the ncar term, in an effort to ensure that all TDY staff members are appropriately trained to work with the Facility's population, they will complete 12 hours of additional facility-specific training in areas such as Policy and Post Orders, Management and Supervision of inmates, Use of Force, Inmate Handbook, Report Writing, and Security Systems. Going forward, this training will be provided to TDY staff members prior to the time they are assigned to a post. The Learning & Development Manager is responsible to ensure that this training is completed. For the next 6 weeks, a minimum of 2 additional certified and qualified trainers from other CCA facilities will be assigned to the Facility to assist in providing additional training for current Facility staff and to assist with implementation of the enhanced onboarding training for the TDY staff. 3. Medical/Mental Health Staffing/Programming • As indicated above, CCA is working to reduce the number of permanent staff vacancies throughout the Facility. In the medical department, efforts are focused on reducing the number of nursing vacancies. Specifically, during the week of January 19, 2015 CCA will send a direct mailer to all Louisiana Licensed Registered Nurses advertising the openings and the increased shift differential. The Medical Clerk position is now filled and the employee will begin working in this capacity on January 20,2015. • Registered Nurse pay has been adjusted to include a pay for experience program effective January 11, 2015. • Medication Administration times will be changed to 6:45 a.m. and 4:45 p.m. effective February 1, 2015. Additionally, a review of staffing is being conducted to ensure adequate coverage of clinical needs during medication administration. This review will also be completed by February 1, 2015. • Sick Call Practice. Once implementation of the revised building schedule is in place, a follow-up review of the sick call practice will be completed by CCA's Regional Director of Health Services by March 1, 2015. • The Facility will implement Health Care Policies HC-01, HC-03 and HC 13. • CCA's Regional Director of Health Services has contacted the Department's Leslie Schmidt to discuss the Department's pharmacy formulary and other health care policies and forms. CCA's Vice President of Facility Operations, Daren Swenson and CCA's managing Director, Lane Blair, met with the Department's Chief of Operations, Seth Smith on January 15, 2015 and, among other things, agreed that CCA's Chief 10 Burton Hills Boulevard, Nashville, Tennessee 37215, Phone: 615.263.3000, Fax: 615.263.3070, • l'v[edical Officer (CMO) will contact the Department's C!'viO to discuss the formulary concerns. This will be completed no later than February 27, 2015. A review of available eMAR systems is currendy underway and will be completed by February 27, 2015. Once the review is completed, CCA's Regional Director of Health Services will meet with the Department to discuss options for possible implementation of the system. 4. Demographics and C-05-001 Report Comparisons. CCA appreciates the Department furnishing this information. The plans that are oudined here have been developed to address the Department's concerns, which concerns are also shared by CCA. 5. Grooming Standard. The grooming standard identified in B-08-003 will be communicated during roU caUs to staff and a memorandum is being posted in the dormitories for the inmate population. Grooming standards will be enforced by facility staff. 6. Contract Concerns a. Following DOC Department Regulations- At the January 15, 2015, meeting, CCA and the Department agreed upon a process for a joint review of applicable DOC Regulations and CCA Policies. CCA's Director of Policy and Procedure will contact the Department's policy Coordinator to coordinate this review. b. Section 5.9 Recreation- Open outdoor recreation is provided through housing unit recreation yards and the gymnasium is available based on an established schedule, which is currendy under review. The current Recreation Supervisor is appropriately credentialed for this assignment. Additionally, the facility hired a new Recreation Assistant on December 8, 2014 and this will allow more opportunities for inmate recreation. c. Section 5.13 Religion -A review of religious services indicates more than 65 hours of religious worship/study opportunity each week. This assessment is supported by the religious services schedules and attendance rosters for the previous three months. Additionally, CCA has worked to enhance the inmate peer minister program and will continue to utilize this program as a mentoring tool for the inmate population. The Facility currendy has 4 inmate peer ministers and the Warden and/ or Assistant Warden for Programs meet with these inmates on a weekly basis to ensure that they have adequate access to the population. We are also exploring the addition of more faith based programming in the housing units. d. Section 5.16 Security and Control - Please sec above information under Security Concerns. e. Section 5.19 Inmate Discipline - The Facility will comply \vith the Department's Disciplinary Rules and Procedures for Adult Inmates. At the January 15, 2015, meeting, CCA and the Department agreed that the Facility will work \vith Contract Monitor Slay to facilitate additional training for Facility staff on Department procedures in this area. f. Section 5.26 Inmate Work- The Facility is evaluating jobs to increase inmate work. Orderly positions have increased by 100 positions since November 18,2014. The Facility will continue to work to improve the job program. The Facility will provide Contract 10 Burton Hills Boulevard, Nashville, Tennessee 37215, Phone: 615.263.3000, Fax: 615.263.30701 Monitor Slay a list of all inmate jobs along with the names of the inmates assigned to each by the 10'h of each month. g. Section 5.27 Vocational and Academic Training- The Facility will provide Contract Monitor Slay a list of all inmate vocational and academic assignments along with the names of the inmates assigned to each by the to•h of each month. h. Section 6.2 Personnel - The Facility is currendy utilizing 31 temporary duty status (fD\') employees from other locations to supplement facility staffing. CCA is currendy in the process of increasing applicant flow through increased candidate outreach and advertising. The Facility is currendy providing the required monthly reports to the Department. i. Section 6.3 Training- CCA is conducting a comprehensive review of the Facility's training program to ensure that it complies with all applicable requirements. The review will be completed by January 30, 2015. CCA's Regional Learning and Development Manager was at the Facility during the week of January 12- 16, 2015 and will continue to monitor the implementation of the training plans outlined in this response. At the January 15, 2015, meeting, CCA and the Department agreed to a joint review of the Department's training plans, essential elements of CCA's training plans, and the Department's offer to allow Facility staff to attend training academies at Angola and David Wade. After Contract !\Janitor Slay provides the Facility with a copy of the Department's current training plans, CCA will conduct its assessment and provide feedback to Contract Monitor Slay. As always, CCA values its longstanding relationship with the State of Louisiana and the Department of Public Safety and Corrections. If you have anr questions regarding any of the plans of action, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you once again for your partnership. Sincerely, Harley G. Lappin Cc: Seth Smith, Chief of Operations, LDOC Burl Cain, Regional Warden, LDOC 10 Burton Hills Boulevard, Nashville, Tennessee 37215, Phone: 615.263.3000, Fax: 615.263.3070, cc_.,_ America's Leader in Partnership Corrections Harley G. Lappin Executiue Vice President & Chief Corrections Officer March 20, 2015 James LeBlanc, Secretary State of Louisiana Department of Public Safety and Corrections P.O. Box 94304 Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9304 Re: Status Update - Winn Correctional Center Dear Secretary LeBlanc: We are in receipt of your March 6, 2015, letter requesting a status update on both our January 20, 2015 plans of action, as well as the items discussed during our recent meeting at Winn Correctional Center. I have included the following attachments for your review: • • Attachment I - Status update on each item presented in our January 20, 2015 response letter. Attachment 11- Status update on topics discussed on March 4, 2015. Where applicable, we have included our response to the review of your Attachment lll (Treatment Review) and Attachment IV {Staffing Requirements). As stated in our previous response, CCA takes its obligations under the contract very seriously. We appreciate the opportunity to address your concerns and will continue to provide updates to our plans of action to keep the Department abreast of facility progress. If you should have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, 3'. "' J', •; Attachment(s) Cc: Seth Smith, Chief of Operations, LDOC Burl Cain, Regional Warden, LDOC Daren Swenson, Vice President, Facility Operations Lane Blair, Managing Director, Division IV Tim Morgan, Warden, Winn Correctional Center 10 Burton Hills Boulevard, Nashville, Tennessee 37215, Phone: 615.263.3000, Fax: 615.208.1129 Attachment I CCA Status Update to the January 20, 2015 Response Letter As a follow-up to CCA's plans of action submitted on January 20, 2015, in response to the Department's Security & Compliance Review, we provide the following update on all items. Security Concerns • • • • • • • Three walk-through metal detectors have been installed in Ash and Elm Units and the Industries Building. The fourth unit identified in our previous response is being replaced due to damage during shipping. Two additional units were also requisitioned on March 5, 2015. All three units are anticipated to arrive April15, 2015 and one will be placed at Cypress Unit. The five handheld metal detectors purchased in December 2014 have been added to the facility's existing inventory and are currently in use on the housing unit gates. The facility continues with building shakedowns. There are an additional twelve SORT members on site assisting with shakedowns and they will be at the facility for the next sixty days. These staff are conducting daily searches of various areas of the facility and assisting with inmate management. Replacement of metal lockers have been completed. The additional razor ribbon, replacement cameras and installation of the control room video monitor have all been completed. Daily shift briefings began in January and are on-going. CCA currently has an additional Assistant Warden and one Housing Unit Manager assigned to the facility to assist with management duties and training. Tumover/Training • • • • There are currently twenty-six (26) uniformed temporary duty (IDY) employees assigned to the facility. Additionally, the facility has twelve (12) SORT staff who are assisting in Restricted I lousing. There are a total of twenty-four (24) TOY SORT staff on site. Pay increases previously reported in our January 20'h letter have been implemented. as well as the referral bonus for Correctional Officers, Nurses and Academic Instructors. The facility currently has seven correctional officers in pre-service class and three additional employment offers have been accepted. Interviews are conducted as the facility has candidates, with the next interviews scheduled for March 24, 2015. Training for 1DY staff is being conducted prior to their assignment to post. We will continue to support the on-site Training Department with additional instructors. With the exception of this week, we have had two additional instructors on-site on a weekly basis since our previous update. This practice will resume in early April. Medical/Mental Health Staffing/Programming • The Medical Clerk position was re-posted due to the candidate identified in the previous letter declining the position prior to date of report Interviews were conducted for this position on March 20, 2015. Page 1 of 3 Attachment I CCA Status Update to the January 20, 2015 Response Letter • • • • Effective February 23, 2015, Medication Administration times for General Population have been changed to 5:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. A review of the sick call practice has been completed by CCA's Regional Director of Health Services and this review determined the fncility sick call practice to be in compliance with NCCHC and ACA standards. Since the audit, significant progress has been made in filling vacant positions in the medical department, with six full-time RNs and nine full-time LPNs currently on staff. Health Care Policies HC-01, HC-03 and HC 13 have been reviewed and will be implemented no later than March 31,2015. CCA's Regional Director of Health Services is working with Jonathan Travis, RPh for the Department, on the next steps in the formulary progression. A call to discuss any formulary concerns with CCA's Chief Medical Officer (CMO) and the Department's CMO is pending. A review of available eMAR systems is complete and CCA will use "Sapphire" software for implementation. The target date for implementation is May 1, 2015. Grooming Standard • Information regarding grooming standards has been communicated to all staff and memos on grooming were posted in the dorms on January 20, 2015. Two inmate barbers have been assigned to each housing unit to ensure inmates are in compliance. As referenced in Attachment II, the location for barbering services is being relocated to the housing units. Contract Concerns • • • Following DOC Department Regulations - CCA's Director of Policy and Procedure has contacted Seth Smith, Chief Corrections Officer for the Louisiana Department of Couections to discuss the process for a joint review of applicable DOC Regulations and CCA Policies. Section 5.9 Recreation - There ace currently two staff working 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday, in Recreation. The recreation officer completed pre~service on February 26, 2015 and will continue to shadow the recreation supervisor through the month of March. The second recreation officer position was posted on March 18, 2015. Once this position is filled there will be three staff in Recreation. Since the last update, we have implemented evening gym call and weekend recreation. Section 5.13 Religion • The Inmate Minister began the first class of Ma/tl(hi Dads on March 2, 2015. This faith-based program was recommended by Regional Warden Cain for implementation at the facility. There ace cuuently twelve (12) participants. • The first class of forty (40) faith-based participants housed in Ash Unit, B2 tier, graduated March 13, 2015. The facility has thirty-four (34) inmates being moved this week to Ash Unit, B2 tier, and twenty-one Page2 ofJ Attachment I CCA Status Update to the January 20, 2015 Response Letter • • • • • (21) moving to Elm Unit, B2 tier, to parttopate in faith -based programming. Classes will begin for each group on Monday, March 23,2105. • Beginning on March 1, 2015, the first faith-based service led by the inmate peer minister was held in the Freedom Chapel. This will be a reoccurring event. The inmate ministers have also been granted access to all housing units and work closely with facility staff on communications to the inmate population regarding deaths and family emergencies. Section 5.19 Inmate Discipline -Training on the Department's Disciplinary Rules and Procedures for Adult Inmates was completed on February 16, 2015. Assistant Warden Rachal conducted this two and half hour training session. A total of thirtyone (31) staff were in attendance. Section 5.26 Inmate Work - The facility currently has 789 inmates, 57% of the population, with job assignments. Reports are submitted monthly to Contract Monitor Slay, with the last report submitted on March 12, 2015. Section 5.27 Vocational and Academic Training- The facility currently has forty· one (41) of its ninety-one (91) vocational seats filled. There are currently 112 of the 180 academic seats filled. The Education deparbnent is currently screening the request foons of the inmates who have requested placement in school in the last sixty days. They are verifying which individuals meet the criteria for academic enrollment and which individuals meet the requirements for vocational enrollment. If the individuals meet the requirements they arc placed on a reclassification list for education. The target date to have all academic 1111d vocational classes filled is April 15, 2015. Reports for both inmate work and education are submitted monthly to Contract Monitor Slay, with the last report submitted on Match 12, 2015. Section 6.2 Personnel - The facility is currently utilizing 1DY staff as described above in Security Concerns and Turnover/Training to supplement facility staffing. A breakdown of1DY staff is as follows: (12) SORT assisting with Restricted Housing, (12) SORT assisting with shakedowns and general population management, (26) correctional Officers and (1) Unit Manager. Section 6.3 Training • The facility is continuing with training classes as scheduled and CCA's Regional Learning & Devdopment Manager continues to monitor the implementation of training plans. The facility is 63.2% complete with all in-service and has provided 6942.50 hours of in-service training since January 1, 2015. • A comparison assessment of Winn's training plan to the plan provided by Assistant Warden Rachal was submitted on February 26, 2015 to Contract Monitor Slay. Page3 of3 Attachment II eCA Follow~Up to Meeting on March 4, 2015 at wee As a foUow~up to the bulleted list of topics discussed during the March 4, 2015, meeting with Secretary LeBlanc: Staff Issues • • • • • Overall staffing and vacancies (attached list of positions per contract} -In conjunction with a review of Attachment IV, Non· Security Staffing Analysis and Security Staffmg Swnmary, CCA provides the below information in regards to current vacancies: o (1) Maintenance Worker - There are four candidates under review. o (1.5) Clinical Social Worker- No applicants at this time. o (1) C.N.A.- No applicants at this time. o (1) Medical Records Clerk- Interviews were conducted for this position on March 20, 2015. o (4) Assistant Shift Supervisor (Corrections Lieutenants)- There is one interview to be held March 25,2015. o (3) Corrections Counselors- Three interviews were conducted on March 18, 2015. o (4) Case Managers - One offer has been accepted from a previous opening. The position has been re·posted and is scheduled to close on March 24, 2015. There arc currently six applicants. o (42) Correctional Officers - There are four applicants ready for interviews and one scheduled for an interview. The next scheduled interview date is March 24, 2015. o (2) Senior Correctional Officers (Correction Sergeants)- There are four candidates to interview, with interviews tentatively scheduled for March 26, 2015. As stated previously in Attachment I, the facility continues to utilize IDY staff to assist during this time and has undertaken measures to increase applicant flow at the facility. A breakdown ofTDY staff is as follows: (12) SORT assisting with Restricted Housing, (12) SORT assisting with shakedowns and general population management, (26) Correctional Officers, (1) Unit Manager and (1) Assistant Warden for a total of fifty-two (52) 1DY staff. Unit managers are not functioning- taking care of prison/employees - In respect to unit managers, one unit manager resigned; another was released from duty. We have hired one unit manager internally who has previous experience as a unit manager. Another unit manager has been hired externally, coming from a security background. Both have taken ownership of their areas, as evident in improved sanitation and fewer inmate complaints. Need Investigator- The new Investigator reported on March 16, 2015. He has been with CCA for one year and has six years of experience as a military investigator. The Investigator is cuuently attending two weeks of pre-service training and will participate in investigator training the fust week of April. 6~ 7 CSOs let go - LDOC investigators conducted interviews and subsequent polygraph tests of CCA Wino Correctional Center employees. Four staff resigned their positions prior to submitting to the polygraph. Two staff admitted to wrong-doing and were terminated. Four staff remain on Administrative Leave with Pay pending the outcome of the investigation. SORT Teams/members in and out of prison- no consistency- A twelve-hour training session has been incorporated to provide alliDY staff with training prior to being placed on post Additionally, the SORT staff for Shakedown and Restricted Housing have an overlapping day when being rotated to receive training specific to their missions. Page lof4 Attachment II eCA Follow-Up to Meeting on March 4, 2015 at wee • • • • Bonus paid to Warden causes neglect of basic needs of prison ~ This was discussed in the meeting with Secretary LeBlanc and Mr. Smith on March 4, 2015. Lack of communication between staff and prison population and between different departments within the prison - The Warden conducts department head meetings each Monday and Thursday to enhance communication amongst the leadership of the unit. Roll calls, on~the-spot mentoring and department meetings are also conducted to enhance the training of staff in inmate management and communications. Send Unit Wardens to LSP /DCI Training - All ADO staff will attend training at LSP/DCI by no later than May 31, 2015. Warden Morgan will work with Warden Cain to schedule this training. MH Program reports (Attachment III) - CCA's Director of Mental Health, as well as our Inmate Re-Entry Services staff are in receipt of the treatment review provided in the Department's Attachment III and appreciate you sharing the concerns outlined therein. We are currently gathering data, reviewing our procedures, assessment protocols, and program delivery and plans of action will be submitted by April10, 2015, to address these concerns. Operational Issues • Disciplinary process (attached form not to be used)- Use of the "Investigation" form has been discontinued effective March 6, 2015. The facility has adopted the same process as the Department. • Count times- drop 7 o'clock count and more often after sundown - The times for count have been adjusted to remove the 7 a.m. count. During the briefing with Secretary LeBlanc and Mr. Smith, it was agreed that the time between counts after sundown are adequate. • Phone and visiting restrictions causing prisoner on cell phones - The use of cell phones by inmates due to phone and visiting restrictions is under review. The Assistant Warden with responsibility ofVisitation is reviewing the inmates who had their visitation privileges removed for this reason. This review will be completed by March 31,2015, and provided to Contract Monitor Slay. Special visits and restoration of privileges is being closely monitored. • ARP Responses - Both Assistant Wardens are closely monitoring ARP deadlines. The facility has seen an approximate 70% decrease in late responses as of this writing. • DA referrals on aggravated staff assaults/sex offenses· Aggravated assaults on staff and sex offenses by staff have consistently been reported to the Winn Parish Sherifrs Office upon occurrence. Most recently, the SherifPs and DA's Offices have supported a case of aggravated assault on a Correctional Counselor and a sex offense by a staff member on an inmate. • Process protection thru disciplinary process- The use of the Disciplinary Report to record inmate requests for protection has been discontinued effective March 6, 2015. The DOC form provided has been initiated and the inmate is seen by the court for his request. • Total lack of maintenance (i.e. cell doors, lights out over most of prison i.e. cell blocks) - The Maintenance Department has completed repairs of the lights in the dormitories and cell block. As recommended by the Department, the "medium" lighting level is being used at night to illuminate the tiers. All thirteen (13) light fixtures that were noted as being in disrepair have been replaced on Cypress A2 tier. Replacement lights will be installed as they are constructed, with an expected completion date of April 30, 2015, to complete all remaining Page 2 of4 Attachment II CCA Follow·Up to Meeting on March 4, 2015 at WCC • • • • • • • • lights in Cypress Unit. The cell doors of the Restricted Housing Unit were inspected by Southern Folgers. CCA's Managing Director of Facility Maintenance, Scott Whitson, provided the quote for this replacement to the Department on March 4, 2015 at the request of Secretary LeBlanc. Mr. Whitson has advised that he received confirmation on March 18, 2015, from the department that they have received the quote and agtee with the scope and cost estimate. They are currently reviewing their ability to fund the replacement of the locking system. Mr. Whitson will continue to work with the Department to coordinate completion of the replacement. These areas are being addressed on a weekly report provided to Mr. Smith. Still not utilizing prison ministers · The prisoner ministers continue to make rounds through all areas as operational procedures allow. The ministers are also conducting ceremonies in the chapel each Sunday. Inmate counsels (only 2 ea) not functioning • The facility currently has three inmate counsels who have completed annual training. This training was hosted at Dixon Correctional Institute (DCI) on May 5, 2014. No additional training has been scheduled. The facility has one inmate who was assigned as a law library clerk on March 19, 2015. He will be required to successfully complete forty hours of training in the law library and forty hours of training on disciplinary court before he is officially assigned as an inmate counsel substitute. This training usually takes approximately thirty days. The facility is reaching out for assistance from DCI and Angola to find at least four additional inmate counsel substitutes. No yard privileges - Yard access to the inmate population continues to be provided and closely monitored. A report is provided to Mr. Smith each Wednesday on yard and gym access. Grooming issues - Inmate grooming is being relocated from the gym to the dormitories . Barber chairs were moved to the dormitories on March 13, 2015. The Maintenance Department ordered the material to install electrical outlets on March 9, 2015. The anticipated completion date for this project is April 6, 2015. Bypass metal detectors - Unit Managers, Maintenance, PE Garment, Auto Body Votech and Culinary Arts staff have been reminded of the importance of proper procedures at the metal detectors, as well as the requirement for the inmates to be screened. ADO staff observe and make corrections as needed. Not responding to Administrative Remedies - The Assistant Wardens are closely monitoring ARP deadlines. ARPs are tracked through the state Lotus Notes system. Having to pay for state issued hygiene items (i.e. toilet papcrt toothpaste)- also pay to clip toenails and fingernails - The general population continues to be provided toilet paper by the unit team on a regular schedule. The issuance of other hygiene items to indigent inmates is being monitored by the Canteen supervisor. Inmates who were charged for nail clippings will be reimbursed by April3, 2015. Cannot wear jeans/shirts they buy canteen- wearing scrubs -bad shape ·The inmates are provided three "scrub" uniforms upon arrival. The inmates are allowed to exchange one pair of scrubs each six months. Inmates are able to exchange scrubs which become worn due to regular wear and tear as needed. Chambray shirts and jeans have been approved for wear together. In the past, the inmates had to wear one scrub article with the jeans or chambray shirt, including during visitation. The facility currently has 1877 new uniform pants, 181 used pants, 1844 new uniform shirts and 204 used shirts on hand for issue and exchange. The facility has spent over $30,000 on inmate clothing from December 2014 through February 2015. Page3 of4 Attachment II eCA Follow-Up to Meeting on M:uch 4, 2015 at wee • Officer uniforms - not uniform - Officer uniforms and appearance are being discussed and monitored in the roll calls. Staff are being held to wearing CCA uniform articles only. Building Issues- Provided below is a table, by facility location, of the items listed in this section. All items are in working order as of the date of this response except for the cameras noted in the chart bdow. • • • • • • • • • Ice machine not working - [ce machines which are discovered not working are repaired upon notice. A report is provided to Mr. Smith each Wednesday on their status. Microwave not working - Microwaves discovered not working are repaired or replaced as soon as possible. A report is provided to Mr. Smith each Wednesday on their status. Heaters not working - Heating issues are reported by the Unit Managers or Shift Supervisors to the Maintenance Department. The issues are addressed immediatdy. TVs not working - 1V's discovered not working are repaired or replaced as soon as possible. A report is provided to Mr. Smith each Wednesday on their status. Sheets/clothes filthy -As stated above, inmates are provided three uniforms upon arrival . The inmates are allowed to exchange one pair of scrubs each six months. Inmates are able to exchange scrubs which become worn due to regular wear and tear as needed. Foot locker vs. bags - The use of the lockable bags continues . Cell block lights- exposed live wires - These issues have been rectified. The Maintenance Department continues to report to the unit to provide repairs or maintenance as needed. Front doors of pods do not lock- The doors have been repaired and staff will continue to monitor. Maintenance issues will be addressed promptly as they occur. Cameras through compound not working - Replacement cameras have arrived and are currently being installed. The estimated completion date for installation is Aprilt, 2015. Cameras Cypress Dogwood 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ash 1-camera out Birch 0 Elm 9 -cameras out . Lights Ice Machines Microwaves Heaters lVs Pod Doors 0 Comments 20 replacement cameras received March 18, 2015. The anticipated date for completion of Installation Is Aprlll, 2015. Page 4 of4