Prisoner Letters to Fcc Re Wright Petition 2012
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((.. '11 ~ _ ·- , tD. 1 ~,· ,. {~5 ~~ L~ ,~ ,· A." -1/i.L £t0n''J.Ivf fe1;)7:rn ({'C_ Pt'c.l<ef-#f;'tj(;·-j~!?}. f •UOI•v ~~''' l Received & Inspected J) Received & Inspected t.UG 142012 FCC Mai! Room 6,,\i\16 Ge.1O.Cho.&i\<';) C.hciitf/>:i.J F6i)6th{ CoMtYJ(}(liCAliot1s COWJM,~iotJ 145 12#1 LJa6h~~to(\ 8tRUt 8. W. .u.C. 2D50</ I Eu.Ii51et o. }4100 y'Vktr/u/1ua CvmbefllaflCi -:s:: ~,,~ &sz.w.d \6 <:no. 00t5' To ~~ .Q..c.-\- O~f'tj CAH~. \tvtca\.{Sb ~ \he~b ~E' ome ~~ A IS 1odo~ -kch~()~ ea",c:.G ~~ or \~ ~~~ \,U\~ '3:.. (\'\~t AQ~ c.a\b to~ '(V\~ i\ \'!:> ~~ ~'5~ ~6f:,~. ",,",0('; \Q\l~ o~ onCl..C) sjw tJ{Qe~<lV\d 21602. I \2... ~ w~',v~ GtPtfJJSjl/C V\'~t~ v~ -\t> ~iA.~ -k> ai~ w~ ~~ ~~ #- 2'iZ-32l Hw1. ~4'\ \~ \0(\ ~ ~\UI.~(l~O ?~O~ /:..0(1/\. 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V't tt c., h() lP) k. L) " Vl \f'efe.V'~vtc e..- et ftt,~ ~ c. '"..s+ 0 C. if"',j:, z> '" ~ 1..~ "&-. f ka:s . c:.-v. J. ~s ~.c e d; v1. " '" I -t'Il. 0'1\ , ( ",-,,,,jL '1: l" ea... l bA.~ I be('",<.t.< e ot ~e. i\ '5 It. c:. 05+ o{ f "" 5 ,0 '" P1..0 "e T t<.... v..lubi e. f., l \,. \j Of., Wl c.J r' ~ t\ ~~~ r :r: r· Co"'rn""k~+-<- (,.;,-/t M1 -{'/Uk;'r b",t ovtly ~frl"of-' e-.J U I ~ r H mlJ"'~ h.>kJ eL'''-1.(6 e. :r: c<U1 1\~{ • C<...fCc r.J :-t b P&\;j ~Dr ~~ ~.j ~ Cos t phOIAc:..s. i"'- f r)s (6 t.1, ::I+ \s : J€'f V"e.sS \+..\ ic I l' I' , .' L I I ~-f.rec~~J ,~ V'ea.{ J,Ct~ ~vt.Q X:t<-~ 0.., II 0{ ~e -.}. Me k (' OL(.(,..r~ :r: c.. a.."'l. Vlo1- re.aJl, +0 f>'.1 fcc,. . ;l r 'P Ie ,,-S L ~If "'-' f • Heceiveo& inspected. AUG 20 2012 Received & Inspected AUG 202012 FCC M~i: f~oom ~ ~n~'("G.:::> - \'2- \2 60<'Z.4\c::.s, -- ,l '' '' This is a public comment for the 'WRIGHT PETITION (CC Docket #96-128) Chairman Julius Genachowski Federal Communications Commission Public Comment 445 12th Street, SW Washington, DC 20554 Received & lntipeeteo AUG 2 0 Z01Z Dear Chairman Genachowski: I'm writing to ask that you act on the WRIGHT petition to cap inmate telephone rates and stop the exploitation of prisoners and their loved ones. I am serving time in the Michigan Department of Correction. Since coming to prison, I have tried to remain in close contact with my family and friends, but with each passing year it becomes more difficult. Despite publicly trumpeting the benefits of prisoners remaining in close contact with their families, the self serving policies and actions by the MDOC are continuing to tear at the very fabric of these bonds. The two most important and critical ways for a prisoner to keep in contact with his family comes through visits and telephone calls. For most families, including mine, making the trip to visit is a rare occurrence. When you consider the bad economic times, and that most of these visitors themselves are struggling near the margins, the cost of making the trip to visit is prohibitive. Add to this that the MDOC has reduced the amount of days a prisoner can get visits, and restricted the number of visitors an inmate is allowed to see, it's not surprising to see the number of visits being reduced by 70%. This leaves the telephone as the main lifeiine for a maJority of prisoners. Rather than making this critical service more convenient, the MDOC has chosen instead to exploit this service for profit. They, along with predatory telephone providers, have colluded to extort and target those who can least afford it. Of the average $3.25 charged for a 15 minute call, $2.50 goes directly into the pockets of the MDOC and telephone provider. The MDOC claims it needs its share to shore up its budget. Prisoners and their families should not be charged outrageous rates to support prison budgets, that burden should be borne by the entire tax base. As for the telephone provider, they get a 30% cut of the overcharge. Remember, the telephone provider has already built in their cost and profit margins for providing the actual telephone service. Public Communication Services is Michigan's current provider and they are making more money from administering this slush fund than they are from providing the actual inmate telephone service. It seems one of the functions of our Federal Communications Commission is to protect the consumer from predatory behavior, and if this doesn't qualify for that protection, then I don't know what would. Please put a stop to this. Cap the rate~,~ August 16, 2012 Chairman, Julius Genachowski Federal Communications Commission Public Comments 445 12th Street, SW tlashington, D.C. 20554 RecelveLi & lns~ected P.UG 2 0 2012 FCC Ms::~ :=:oom RE: Wright Petition (CC Docket #96-128) Dear Chairman Genachowski: This is a public comment concerning Wright Petition- CC Docket #96-128 on prisoners charged cost (30¢ per minute) for calling my folks. The prison pretty much~ purchases these minutes for 2¢ a minute and makes .28¢ per minute off of our calls. That's not including. the 3¢ per call they charge us for the call not going through. tle are not even allowed to hear if the other party is accepting or rejecting our calls. Due to the fact the computer at this facility shields prisoners from hearing if the call is fully sent or accepted. tle are still charged the 3¢ per call due to using the computer system. Revenues generated at this facility are almost over a million dollars. The prison clearly profits off of all these monies they make from excessive telephone cost. There was a lawcourt case challenging the expense prison officials could charge prisoners per minute. Maine Dept. of Corrections v. Public Utilities Commission, 968 A.2d 1047, 2009 ME 40. This lawcourt pretty much sided with penal agency that P.U.C. could not govern who charged what cost. Legislation should monitor how low income families are burdened to keep in contact with their incarcerated inmates due to extensive cost per minute they are charged. At least these profits should be invested into re-entry programs and stop prisoners from chronic substance abuse or their addictions. ~~/t:#'~ II ' J This is a public comment for the Wright Petition (CC Docket-#96-128) Received & Inspected AUG 27 2012 Chainnan Julius Genachowski Federal Communications Commission Public Comments 445 12th Street, SW Washington, DC 20554 FCc Ma:.' Room Dear Chairman Genachowski: I am writing to ask that you consider the Wright Petition that I understand would put a cap on inmate telephone rates. I have a loved one who is currently incarcerated in the Michigan Department of Corrections (MDOC) and in order to speak with this person on the telephone I am charged outrageous rates. It is my understanding that the telephone provider, Public Communication Services (PCS) charges $0.05 per minute to provide the actual inmate telephone service, and an additional $0.15 is added to support a "special fund" created by PCS to generate additional profits for themselves and the MDOC. This predatory telephone provider collects 30% of the money generated for this fund. They actually make more money from this fund than from providing the actual telephone service. For its part, the MDOC claims it needs this extra money to plug holes in the state's prison budget. Shouldn't that budget funding come through taxes equally spread across the entire tax base? It seems prisoners and families are being permitted to maintain their relationships through telephone calls only if they make a contribution to the MDOC operating budget. Their option is to not use the phone. Excessive phone fees not only unfairly burden low-income fanulies but also undermine the re-entry and rehabilitation efforts trumpeted by the MDOC. Taxpayers should not have to subsidize prisoner phone calls, but neither should the state and predatory phone companies make millions of dollars on the backs of some of the state's poorest people. This fund is generating over $9 million annually. Keep in mind, this fund has nothing to do with the necessary cost of providing the telephone service; it's strictly pure profit and greed. It seems the main function of our FCC is to protect consumers from predatory behavior, and if this doesn't qualify for that protection, then I don't know what would. Please cap these rates and do the right thing. Sincerely, pwclftjv( r1 J'L-vbz 1 .. This is a public comment for the Wright Petition (CC Docket-#96-128) Received & Inspected AUG 2 1 Z01Z Chairman Julius Genachowski Federal Communications Commission Public Comments 445 12th Street, SW Washington, DC 20554 FCC Ma!~ Room Dear Chairman Genachowski: I am writing to ask that you consider the Wright Petition that I understand would put a cap on inmate telephone rates. I have a loved one who is currently incarcerated in the Michigan Department of Corrections (MDOC) and in order to speak with this person on the telephone I am charged outrageous rates. It is my understanding that the telephone provider, Public Communication Services (PCS) charges $0.05 per minute to provide the actual inmate telephone service, and an additional $0.15 is added to support a "special fund'' created by PCS to generate additional profits for themselves and the MDOC. This predatory telephone provider collects 30% of the money generated for this fund. They actually make more money from this fund than from providing the actual telephone service. For its part, the MDOC claims it needs this extra money to plug holes in the state's prison budget. Shouldn't that budget funding come through taxes equally spread across the entire tax base? It seems prisoners and families are being permitted to maintain their relationships through telephone calls only if they make a contribution to the MDOC operating budget. Their option is to not use the phone. Excessive phone fees not only unfairly burden low-income fanlilies but also undermine the re-entry and rehabilitation efforts trumpeted by the MDOC. Taxpayers should not have to subsidize prisoner phone calls, but neither should the state and predatory phone companies make millions of dollars on the backs of some of the state's poorest people. This fund is generating over $9 million annually. Keep in mind, this fund has nothing to do with the necessary cost of providing the telephone service; it's strictly pure profit and greed. It seems the main function of our FCC is to protect consumers from predatory behavior, and if this doesn't qualify for that protection, then I don't know what would. Please cap these rates and do the right thing. Sincerely, P~~- CAA\t2. M A-N be-NAC-t.-toW ":> l<. \ · "' l/U e, ~c...o.. ("l t. t.OfVlf'VVCN ~ Received &.Iflspeeted L{t..\5 l ~~ S\.) S· W . . 5 lA.)~~tNbTt>rV \ D.C.. 'd-oS c..1 AUG 2 1 2012 AoG(J~T ~5) FCC Mal! Room 'd-O \)- b~ C\+A-\\t2, ~ btNP\C\+\-Dw5¥:..\: '""fW; Vt-\-ONE S~lC£ \)fl.,O~lt::,8'-, T-N€I1X-! S6CU'l(uS. l S ~t.t...lNb Ai:JVA-N\f\Gf.. o~ l"-lMPt-11c':, iN ~ c..u W\i=?(:.\Q..lAN D ( M~, Yl..8 G \ D N, 6\ R) 'E kM.. W\n4 o~ '1~'> 0(:' rNt.At'<..~t<..~TlO~. \tOO'::>~ ~\f' ~ t-..lo~-mb ~c.,~ Z. A CD(2..~c:NTL.'-l c..orz. A.£.c.:nDN A-L l ~- 511 tun '0 A LJ--ll1lA- N D V2...~L tvtb~ ~ (9'::- S 0 \>'\:>0«.., P-e.ON\ f'~u.....~ Ot<. F~HSAJ~S,12. MUC;T A- v-::> rn\ n+G~(V\€A-l>f:fL. ~ l<6 A. M~~ "P~O~t~C7 --n+e MJOr\t!.€ ~o csT1V\f; FOrz. WO~\(,lNG AN INSl1TU1l 0 NAt.,. ~o f:> • -rR~ INt> T{) A'Nt> f\. L.l i="Ctt.. c.Prll.E {:'o R M<-\ ~Gl~ e ~lY> ~v<-,ntvG ~<\S~lP<L. ~t.hT ~..,. CXJ4.~~r ALL o\=' f\A..'-l S~ ~A'l, TO CofYlMVN \~ li0lm ~A-lllHL'-{ A-"N-b Pt'2..l€1\l~~ Vl~ T14-G %tEPtft)N"G l> b)t.:rr<S1Vl'£ L~ cosllL.'-1 b\'lJCAJ (\ALi Bubl.:>~ ~ 1>l+oNE "7€:R\Jtcb "P~O'-lt~~ C~bE 2>Oq:.'l>~ M~~un;. -n+t", ~S A- IbUR.~tAJ Or\) vYV--t ~ INAN~--S . T12..'i IN G '\(() Nt" \ N~ t.J ~ANllL'M... i?>ot.J~~ lS ~~ brJ00b~ Abt>Ei'> 'Bo ~ b C::. N <:>0 ME, :50-<;r c.o N\ -PU c...A- re t:b<..f'r ~ t4i l:> H \\> ~r'H~: Co ~~ ~ tn=~ ~ fYVt:>a.. ~ ~ , '. So 1"1-h:; 1> ~Nt Sf:t«Vtc£ l't<.c0\ Dc~<> A12.lC ~i N b l T'bt-tl ~ MoNCi PL.-~. ~~ 'NG ~ O~L'-' Gf'rt'Vl G - trv . .10 ~ t( ~'C~A-'py--\ (\ ~~"l c..£ AL-~()) ~l~ ~"PEu <= \0 b\ ~ S"", ~')( t\ J (..! c>\.) OP' POf'2-GO () P "~O(bl..£7V\) ~ A--a..e. ~ l2 Prl2..12 C,.D{2. ~ t:.~ ,L'-J 0(<" A-Ot:>(.2...8S'> ~oon Nt L.~ l}..) 0(-<. S-nl,L i+AVG: TO "P~ PeR \ N A-b€ ~0A- \€ 'V\t"O N 6' se R \J j, t.£ -; n-ts ¥. t N G Tb <:fI+€ -pa.OrbU::..-t\/\/~pLA-t"'r'l. ~> (N~S.S t)oNe 1>~e ""PA-tb~ 61 tV ~12..£:l-'-/ I ~vt2--f ~ -""/5 '7 !:>~J fJ1 J (!Jf-A-t:" LIif£rJ ,e..'-l .iJ;::-15 '7 50 I • Dl{o~e us ~c...:£. . w~ CDMPU\tN A~<..)"\ A- #-.lEVe-t.ll+GLb~S) {.AJe TltG b l n~f2.. V ~-...\ 'Ft:> rz. -n+b l R. - fV1 OST Hc..1Ze:. AT NlOc.....\ t5 ""This is a public comment for the Wright Petition (CC Docket #96-128) ''ieee''IVel1.& insPected I August 14th, 2012 AUG 21 2012 Dear Chairman Julius Genachowski, FCC Majl Fioom I am writing you in cOM~lBint shout tMp nh8ne rates in the Michigan Dept. of Corrections. tJJhen I was first incarcerated in 2002 the phone rates were at about eight dollars per 15 minute phone call. Since then we have gotten a new phone contract with the same company and the rates went down to about a dollar fifty per 15 minute phone call. I don't understand how the same company can drop their rates by six dollars and fifty cents per 15 minute call. I have been told that the six fifty is a added surcharge by the state but have no conformation of this. About one year ago we got a new phone company, (Public Communications Services, 855-466-2832). Now our rates are at about three dollars per 15 minute call. I've been told that there is a 10n% mark-up on these rates but there again, I have no conformation of this. I make better than most prison wages in the MODe at about fifty dollars per month. My family ask that I call them twice a week to stay in contact with them. I make four to six calls per week to talk to everyone. In a months time that works out to be $4A.nO to $72.00 dollars per month. I put some funds on a phone card myself and my family puts pre-paid money on their phones too. This has added up to quite a large expense for myself and my family. We would all be very thankful to any relief of this expense. If the surcharges themselves were removed and we only paid the phone companies rates, this would be a big adjustment and savings to myself and my family. I would like to thank you in advance for your efforts in trying to do something about these very unfair rates that we have been paying over the years. Duane Peevey #407493 Carson City Correctio al Facility 10274 East Boyer Road Carson City, Mi. 48811 This is a public comment for the Wright Petition (CC Docket-#96-128) Receiveu & Inspected AUG 2 1 Z01Z Chairman Julius Genachowski Federal Communications Commission Public Comments 445 12th Street, SW Washington, DC 20554 Dear Chairman Genachowski: I am writing to ask that you consider the Wright Petition that I understand would put a cap on inmate telephone rates. I have a loved one who is currently incarcerated in the Michigan Department of Corrections (MDOC) and in order to speak with this person on the telephone I am charged outrageous rates. It is my understanding that the telephone provider, Public Communication Services (PCS) charges $0.05 per minute to provide the actual inmate telephone service, and an additional $0.15 is added to support a "special fund" created by PCS to generate additional profits for themselves and the MDOC. This predatory telephone provider collects 30% of the money generated for this fund. They actually make more money from this fund than from providing the actual telephone service. For its part, the MDOC claims it needs this extra money to plug holes in the state's prison budget. Shouldn't that budget funding come through taxes equally spread across the entire tax base? It seems prisoners and families are being permitted to maintain their relationships through telephone calls only if they make a contribution to the MDOC operating budget. Their option is to not use the phone. Excessive phone fees not only unfairly burden low-income families but also undermine the re-entry and rehabilitation efforts trumpeted by the MDOC. Taxpayers should not have to subsidize prisoner phone calls, but neither should the state and predatory phone companies make millions of dollars on the backs of some of the state's poorest people. This fund is generating over $9 million annually. Keep in mind, this fund has nothing to do with the necessary cost of providing the telephone service; it's strictly pure profit and greed. It seems the main function of our FCC is to protect consumers from predatory behavior, and if this doesn't qualify for that protection, then I don't know what would. Please cap these rates and do the right thing. Sincerely, ~w This is a public comment for the Wright Petition (CC Docket-#96-128) A.ece\\JeU & \nspecteo ~uo 21 zorz. FCC Ma\~ Room Chainnan Julius Genachowski Federal Communications Commission Public Comments 445 12th Street, SW Washington, DC 20554 Dear Chairman Genachowski: I am writing to ask that you consider the Wright Petition that I understand would put a cap on inmate telephone rates. ' I have a loved one who is currently incarcerated in the Michigan Department of Corrections (MDOC) and in order to speak with this person on the telephone I am charged outrageous rates. It is my understanding that the telephone provider, Public Communication Services (PCS) charges $0.05 per minute to provide the actual inmate telephone service, and an additional $0.15 is added to support a "special fund'' created by PCS to generate additional profits for themselves and the MDOC. This predatory telephone provider collects 30% of the money generated for this fund. They actually make more money from this fund than from providing the actual telephone service. For its part, the MDOC claims it needs this extra money to plug holes in the state's prison budget. Shouldn't that budget funding come through taxes equally spread across the entire tax base? It seems prisoners and families are being permitted to maintain their relationships through telephone calls only if they make a contribution to the MDOC operating budget. Their option is to not use the phone. Excessive phone fees not only unfairly burden low-income fanulies but also undermine the re-entry and rehabilitation efforts trumpeted by the MDOC. Taxpayers should not have to subsidize prisoner phone calls, but neither should the state and predatory phone companies make millions of dollars on the backs of some of the state's poorest people. This fund is generating over $9 million annually. Keep in mind, this fund has nothing to do with the necessary cost of providing the telephone service; it's strictly pure profit and greed. It seems the main function of our FCC is to protect consumers from predatory behavior, and if this doesn't qualify for that protection, then I don't know what would. Please cap these rates and do the right thing. Sillce~v4 .JJ;A • • > This is a public comment for the Wright Petition (CC Docket-#96-128) Chainnan Julius Genachowski Federal Communications Commission Public Comments 445 12th Street, SW Washington, DC 20554 Dear Chairman Genachowski: I am writing to ask that you consider the Wright Petition that I understand would put a cap on inmate telephone rates. I have a loved one who is currently incarcerated in the Michigan Department of Corrections (MDOC) and in order to speak with this person on the telephone I am charged outrageous rates. It is my understanding that the telephone provider, Public Communication Services (PCS) charges $0.05 per minute to provide the actual inmate telephone service, and an additional $0.15 is added to support a "special fund'' created by PCS to generate additional profits for themselves and the MDOC. This predatory telephone provider collects 30% of the money generated for this fund. They actually make more money from this fund than from providing the actual telephone service. For its part, the MDOC claims it needs this extra money to plug holes in the state's prison budget. Shouldn't that budget funding come through taxes equally spread across the entire tax base? It seems prisoners and families are being permitted to maintain their relationships through telephone calls only if they make a contribution to the MDOC operating budget. Their option is to not use the phone. Excessive phone fees Rot only unfairly burden low-income fanlilies but also undermine the re-entry and rehabilitation efforts trumpeted by the MDOC. Taxpayers should not have to subsidize prisoner phone calls, but neither should the state and predatory phone companies make millions of dollars on the backs of some of the state's poorest people. This fund is generating over $9 million annually. Keep in mind, this fund has nothing to do with the necessary cDst of providing the telephone service; it's strictly pure profit and greed. It seems the main function of our FCC is to protect consumers from predatory behavior, and if this doesn't qualify for that protection, then I don't know what would. Please cap these rates and do the right thing. Sincerely, (A)~iJ~ This is a public comment for the Wright Petition (CC Docket-#96-128) Received &lnspecteti AUG 21 2012 Chainnan Julius Genachowski Federal Communications Commission Public Comments 445 12th Street, SW Washington, DC 20554 Dear Chairman Genachowski: I am writing to ask that you consider the Wright Petition that I understand would put a cap on inmate telephone rates. I have a loved one who is currently incarcerated in the Michigan Department of Corrections (MDOC) and in order to speak with this person on the telephone I am charged outrageous rates. It is my understanding that the telephone provider, Public Communication Services (PCS) charges $0.05 per minute to provide the actual inmate telephone service, and an additional $0.15 is added to support a "special fund'' created by PCS to generate additional profits for themselves and the MDOC. 1bis predatory telephone provider collects 30% of the money generated for this fund. They actually make more money from this fund than from providing the actual telephone service. For its part, the MDOC claims it needs this extra money to plug holes in the state's prison budget. Shouldn't that budget funding come through taxes equally spread across the entire tax base? It seems prisoners and families are being permitted to maintain their relationships through telephone calls only if they make a contribution to the MDOC operating budget. Their option is to not use the phone. Excessive phone fees not only unfairly burden low-income families but also undermine the re-entry and rehabilitation efforts trumpeted by the MDOC. Taxpayers should not have to subsidize prisoner phone calls, but neither should the state and predatory phone companies make millions of dollars on the backs of some of the state's poorest people. 1bis fund is generating over $9 million annually. Keep in mind, this fund has nothing to do with the necessary cost of providing the telephone service; it's strictly pure profit and greed. It seems the main function of our FCC is to protect consumers from predatory behavior, and if this doesn't qualify for that protection, then I don't know what would. Please cap these rates and do the right thing. . ; This is a public comment for the Wright Petition (CC Docket-#96-128) Rece\veu & \nspected AUG 2.1 2012 Chainnan Julius Genachowski Federal Communications Commission Public Comments 445 12th Street, SW Washington, DC 20554 FCC Malt Room Dear Chairman Genachowski: I am writing to ask that you consider the Wright Petition that I understand would put a cap on inmate telephone rates. I have a loved one who is currently incarcerated in the Michigan Department of Corrections (MDOC) and in order to speak with this person on the telephone I am charged outrageous rates. It is my understanding that the telephone provider, Public Communication Services (PCS) charges $0.05 per minute to provide the actual inmate telephone service, and an additional $0.15 is added to support a "special fund" created by PCS to generate additional profits for themselves and the MDOC. This predatory telephone provider collects 30% of the money generated for this fund. They actually make more money from this fund than from providing the actual telephone service. For its part, the MDOC claims it needs this extra money to plug holes in the state's prison budget. Shouldn't that budget funding come through taxes equally spread across the entire tax base? It seems prisoners and families are being permitted to maintain their relationships through telephone calls only if they make a contribution to the MDOC operating budget. Their option is to not use the phone. Excessive phone fees not only unfairly burden low-income families but also undermine the re-entry and rehabilitation efforts trumpeted by the MDOC. Taxpayers should not have to subsidize prisoner phone calls, but neither should the state and predatory phone companies make millions of dollars on the backs of some of the state's poorest people. This fund is generating over $9 million annually. Keep in mind, this fund has nothing to do with the necessary cost of providing the telephone service; it's strictly pure profit and greed. It seems the main function of our FCC is to protect consumers from predatory behavior, and if this doesn't qualify for that protection, then I don't know what would. Please cap these rates and do the right thing. Sincerely, p~ Swj J_}Yl • .. This is a public comment for the Wright Petition (CC Docket-#96-128) Received & Inspected Chainnan Julius Genachowski Federal Communications Commission Public Comments 445 12th Street, SW Washington, DC 20554 !UG 2 4 201Z FCC Mail Room Dear Chairman Genachowski: I am writing to ask that you consider the Wright Petition that I understand would put a cap on inmate telephone rates. I have a loved one who is currently incarcerated in the Michigan Department of Corrections (MDOC) and in order to speak with this person on the telephone I am charged outrageous rates. It is my understanding that the telephone provider, Public Communication Services (PCS) charges $0.05 per minute to provide the actual inmate telephone service, and an additional $0.15 is added to support a "special fund'' created by PCS to generate additional profits for themselves and the MDOC. This predatory telephone provider collects 30% of the money generated for this fund. They actually make more money from this fund than from providing the actual telephone service. For its part, the MDOC claims it needs this extra money to plug holes in the state's prison budget. Shouldn't that budget funding come through taxes equally spread across the entire tax base? It seems prisoners and families are being permitted to maintain their relationships through telephone calls only if they make a contribution to the MDOC operating budget. Their option is to not use the phone. Excessive phone fees not only unfairly burden low-income families but also undermine the re-entry and rehabilitation efforts trumpeted by the MDOC. Taxpayers should not have to subsidize prisoner phone calls, but neither should the state and predatory phone companies make millions of dollars on the backs of some of the state's poorest people. This fund is generating over $9 million annually. Keep in mind, this fund has nothing to do with the necessary cost of providing the telephone service; it's strictly pure profit and greed. It seems the main function of our FCC is to protect consumers from predatory behavior, and if this doesn't qualify for that protection, then I don't know what would. Please cap these rates and do the right thing. \, Sincerely, ~h.J~ This is a public comment for the Wright Petition (CC Docket-#96-128) Received &Inspected - !'JO 2 4 2012 Chairman Julius Genachowski Federal Communications Commission Public Comments 445 12th Street, SW Washington, DC 20554 FCC Mall Room Dear Chairman Genachowski: I am writing to ask that you consider the Wright Petition that I understand would put a cap on inmate telephone rates. I have a loved one who is currently incarcerated in the Michigan Department of Corrections (MDOC) and in order to speak with this person on the telephone I am charged outrageous rates. It is my understanding that the telephone provider, Public Communication Services (PCS) charges $0.05 per minute to provide the actual inmate telephone service, and an additional $0.15 is added to support a "special fund'' created by PCS to generate additional profits for themselves and the MDOC. This predatory telephone provider collects 30% of the money generated for this fund. They actually make more money from this fund than from providing the actual telephone service. For its part, the MDOC claims it needs this extra money to plug holes in the state's prison budget. Shouldn't that budget funding come through taxes equally spread across the entire tax base? It seems prisoners and families are being permitted to maintain their relationships through telephone calls only if they make a contribution to the MDOC operating budget. Their option is to not use the phone. Excessive phone fees not only unfairly burden low-income fanulies but also undermine the re-entry and rehabilitation efforts trumpeted by the MDOC. Taxpayers should not have to subsidize prisoner phone calls, but neither should the state and predatory phone companies make millions of dollars on the backs of some of the state's poorest people. This fund is generating over $9 million annually. Keep in mind, this fund has nothing to do with the necessary cost of providing the telephone service; it's strictly pure profit and greed. It seems the main function of our FCC is to protect consumers from predatory behavior, and if this doesn't qualify for that protection, then I don't know what would. Please cap these rates and do the right thing. .. This is a public comment for the Wright Petition (CC Docket-#96-128) Received & Inspected Chairman Julius Genachowski Federal Communications Commission Public Comments 445 12th Street, SW Washington, DC 20554 AUG 24 2012 FCC Mail Room Dear Chairman Genachowski: I am writing to ask that you consider the Wright Petition that I understand would put a cap on inmate telephone rates. I have a loved one who is currently incarcerated in the Michigan Department of Corrections (MDOC) and in order to speak with this person on the telephone I am charged outrageous rates. It is my understanding that the telephone provider, Public Communication Services (PCS) charges $0.05 per minute to provide the actual inmate telephone service, and an additional $0.15 is added to support a "special fund'' created by PCS to generate additional profits for themselves and the MDOC. This predatory telephone provider collects 30% of the money generated for this fund. They actually make more money from this fund than from providing the actual telephone service. For its part, the MDOC claims it needs this extra money to plug holes in the state's prison budget. Shouldn't that budget funding come through taxes equally spread across the entire tax base? It seems prisoners and families are being permitted to maintain their relationships through telephone calls only if they make a contribution to the MDOC operating budget. Their option is to not use the phone. Excessive phone fees not only unfairly burden low-income fanli.lies but also undermine the re-entry and rehabilitation efforts trumpeted by the MDOC. Taxpayers should not have to subsidize prisoner phone calls, but neither should the state and predatory phone companies make millions of dollars on the backs of some of the state's poorest people. This fund is generating over $9 million annually. Keep in mind, this fund has nothing to do with the necessary cost of providing the telephone service; it's strictly pure profit and greed. It seems the main function of our FCC is to protect consumers from predatory behavior, and if this doesn't qualify for that protection, then I don't know what would. Please cap these rates and do the right thing. Received &InsPected ~.1J;/5 /s A AUO 272012 /"fbite;. C4P1!'lelr/ ~e. aJ$7A.f~~14all Room ... . . . ( C C J)?JcK'e-f #?6 - /::Z8 ) Veq~ Chlf/.t2.P1l7tJ@enC?chou)S .J /p-ma/;o);~.J yow 1:::/ Q:>/7C~'<'h/~y . .-J.4t2- A/JI.... cos-!- . .cf /je /£/s~n Cle:?$ .;;00 ?7t.1~ ~tJQ. c:7/Jes~ ~/ ~~e~!s .. t:£/te.. ~t!)1i. ~~//:e.E,j 4/1/ 4?/1 /l~t q"c~d ftJ /qy -#'~ ... 4f1t. /~/l€. ~t/l eact.- .-#o/?l4~ h~Ct:lv$Q.. #ey 4~r<. " C/7 A- /)((&1 //lCCJ/P/16 e> /l/JI//n; I~ujk /o//~;J. #~ /irZ. /"'tCV!€.. .. eq//s/ deCClV5e.. :£ C'/21y ~~.k'e :3 L/1- A A~t{,,< .q./?/ .. --f~j///lJ ,t6. .$tI//d,Lf. ~j/'5el;:- &/J#.tJu-/ ~y /e?£f'oYLi,s :7" .. ho/J .. //111 . .. /it o"e~ ?lAf .. .7 . ~~;,t// . //~e. .,0.. .,$'[) .:::t. o;:'!erl Cct/l A4pe /lcAe4/€.L C?l//,.4/Y' c.4ec/::' . an. ~en O/lly O/] . /-',N1 e ,4((" /q~e;z!r S?l,'Ld~y . ~e4,/A:J _. .{iJ?/J,6t?d . /0 q//lf,{!eS, If4'/t1; .. . ~/I!-Ie-.e . ?jCJl(... {J /L .?/tJr,(~ rlM.<e.. .. / ~ ~/ 2s . W: Chairman Julius Genachowski Federal Communications Commission IleotIved &1"'Pectsd Public Comments 445 12th. Street, ~Jashington, Jeffrey D. FROM: AUG 2 72012 S~ DC 20554 FOe Mall Room \~eibel FP-L~828 S.C. I.-Greene 175 Progress Drive Waynesburg, Pennsylvania 15370 DATE: 22 Aug. 12' Re: Public Comment for the Wright Petition (CC Docket 1f96-128) I'm writing to express my outrage at the high cost of the phone rates to call my family members. Currently it costs me intrastate call. 1he prison pays me .18¢/hr x 4hrs./day $3.45/15 min. = • 72¢/day. You can do the math on just hmv often I'm able to call home after 1 buy my personal hygiene products (soap, toothpaste, deoderant, etc ••. ), and a few things to eat (since the prisop diet is the bare minL~um). TI1e Pennsylvania Department of Corrections (PDOC) get's a IIkickback" (~ call it a: "commission il ) to the tune of $7,OOO,OOO.OO/year from Global Tel Link (GTL). The PDOC attempts to justify this kickback by claiming; monitoring fees, and equipment to monitor the inmates phone calls. The staff utilized to monitor these calls nre iistatic'l, they're here, and paid regardless of what they're doing. The equipment is supplied by GTL, and is merely the ('.cst of doing business w/ the lucrative penal syste.rns (nationwide [ larges t single phone provider]). I'm respectfully requesting that your agency set a natiomvide policy that "reels-in" this outrageous industry, to prevent them from taking edvantage of tlie largest, unprotected portion of society next to the; children or this country. Thank you for your tim/" and serious consirleration in this [natter. ;~egard8 , Received & Inspected -\N DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS BR STATIONARY T· FROM: NAME NAME NO. AND STREET oR R.R. NO. CITY STATE CSJ-110 4/90 4835-3110 AUG 2 7 2012 ZIP FCC Mail Room I LOCK DATE INSTITUTION IN CORRESPONDENCE, USE NAME AND NUMBER ON YOUR LETTER AND ENVELOPE ~ in ffi1D (#)D t,!JBS 19ND No~b.t·~ all SJ.t ·0 -* 1m 0£. mA.(j Not u:oeJG I wes . Ll.Y>t01ftfj W9StjOSt oN JutJ -24 1 -20Jz_, I couiDN'f St~ I )t wAS P,z!%-h<t· DuhD <)R,. tc.),Q$ hPppH-L ·Tbes u,,ffl 21, 20\2- -to ooi CChJz UJADt.. 8v+; :r /AJIJ5t./-l r Jv.0 uAL +&<DO=Jdci\ Jx+ De:h. f± ~ wPS llo 1 zorz., F>?h~ COJ.t-/-4( f fht. fJt{jOSt 23/ oblz io .fd& }A/k oJJD :?M += coo + ~ wb~<.b -:c bt~ill 2012 ot--r r.7J. (Oo~t O<cJv>t ........ " ls lXis " / {J, c! t. /)(f)dct:1 pu~/i'c t!cJt;tI"l~?d -/d; ,r..Iklt-'t.! f..:)Ov..j ~ ~t- u~~lt ~\JS v~.JS~R-V ~ L L X4-~uLR.1~~ i-~~M. +h.L'j CAUs AUG 2 72012 /J / J FCc Mai' Room 0 6E/JA~hOW-5Kt I~S ,,{Jp 6i/l/ ~J"e.: It.. c!!61"L 6Vf-R- \Ol/2.. , r h.o II'O~. /-h~ tJ~~ht P£f;!i'cltL ffD - / 2. Y /J/ 0 () fltiC- L (Lf/-ii:..;<-<f(.-pJ My /-6R-- ,Received &'l1SIlected y'-A-Q5 6.n J-D If ~ d r It 4~ A#-:-dJ \"L k~v~ W~£.t--.J 6 L€,u bf-£f.J (; -,- k r,v If /Z.~£ft A-hJ ~6l~ {! +0 ei..>~"J-.(!. .t~ '~'j P~~k:.~ I ~R.o4-l.~~J ~ S l.s+f...~ P~O~L My r ~CN €.. s c MOv..:>f'~~A-:t ~O~ t-A-':J c..ollf.-<-J (!~115J ~~lJL v:\L,0flr'jS rf't:J +k~L r~<9~L- b~ II ~<9fL ~J ~~~ :£' ~tL\ +k~+ Q","\L ~6 N'CI.0 pu~~~l~t-.:)-Sk'j -\.0 ~\.~ l~~ f\~2, ~>A.-\.L'~!--\~ ~f-'..- ~' \(\L~~~ A.-~J 'fJ04-~{~<J ~ "'~R.d..s"'~f' &t--) {l~~ b"'j c-l~~i:~5 -\-l'C..V4 o~~~tou~ ~ru c£. (s -\.-0 P{2...£..p 1\-,- ~$ t2:... -+.h.L eo \t~<,A CA- \ \,s J C\ L- ~A Kf..l S ~ *- i;v\.c (LL £.x Pf-~ S \ u ~ <9 fL -+ k ~ Q.rA-ll S (!J":::' Pf-LP At d ~~ \) (kt0d C-lA~SE.(~ ~ ~~~L +0 r u..{. VVLOf..>£..j <3lN 'jOe..) fL P~Pt-~cJ '~LC.C)(jf0*.J ~~j ~\so ~(L~ 8~V~~ k"Lk bf\<..k.s +D +"'-'C..- ,'S,~Pt..\.L/' x: ..Q£€-l (;Jt:.~+ V~r<:.3~N~A 'A~J CTL .r P,,~,0~~ Co~PA.f.-)Cj -5~o0\d b~ k~Jj ~.srONs~blL ~~I?... 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""') ,; • 'f "d ! t""f" '\ -" ...-' ." r ;, -.. , II Co /)'lm u • , ~) i'~ . (C{ ,,' ..;: -! ,':: i.' i' -+ I • 11CU'.{ "/C V .... -',...i ",. ,: ' ':1 ,; !, -.: ' /" :;..l,r/'~.:.r:-" t'~ (~_if t"t'~4' : i i' i I: ) , , I, , ' , j "i, I , I ,; I' ! , j. I. I! I, ', .. ,) j s ()..;" tu ft'J1h4N" F~r rh" t,V(':, h r (J-er,' To' OfV ({Co Do~k.eT.J;tq'·/~l1 ) ,-, , i ~ -; I ; 1- I 1" I , I AeClfved &InSJ'eeted ,I AUG 27 Z01Z FCC Mall Aoom I) Iltt'V~~J {Y!a r gO"} Cu.i4'~1' MNJ UJ~~fc"" ~c= ()t{ [(b~ Cka:a'V.\t.tVl FeJuu.t JuiluJ 6et\il;Ghoi.;,sk; . (. Coi1lMI.<HI c.Qft.M, Received & Inspected U,Jt)JI,f.,/ifIIM P~'/~ ComMffl if 445 1.2 t~ Sfru.t• 5' IAJ Wad~/~f fo.\ il C ~ 0 5lJ"f AUG 2 7 2012 FCC Mail Room Dt:.Cit C~cl.I(II1tc;.II~ G'eM(' C~c.),~I..{k i, 'Th,li fj At Q M41.j,c, Q(()"'~! p~~/.~ (~in,Jlilc~f For +l Wr;'fkt fe:f,ltc't\ (Cc. Dojeltt (U-J~fJ. S'~atc p(lj('~ '14 sfate. fitrcLrJ.,eJ fh/'o\.<. J#.~ ..... ICi R:-i cth,,,j .OJ. "Ct~J fkrz, fwltl ~{fu"'Jl JQMt: lIIIti4-u:fel ~ Mttlttc.a/lj, J... ~ S(.t'VIO: Ct tt~M Q,.~ ~IAI ~ rely b~l II'4Y -e/j('I't, fUftVllt tv Je.."d m(,.'t~.:r t?c(:L~ Mv",fh 50 ..L cal'\, J~y I~ wt"vfGcf. wt~ f'kWi. ot.d .f .fink: 'Thefe ar;;. ~U:' f~,!i"'f JO'j', TI~c;r 4:e- ~)~\t q, ~"I:l j"h,c..,'Me unJ. ,1'IUJ t rc(',I'"A ~u.J rCeLt'?~J M.f\[.,~l. , , .sCI'I'..J~~· c:,d~f ()I~/ ~.~ . U\f. ~C;J pe~,>,,~~1 jflLteJ we Wi.·~d J tf-kc -/0 c,itjJ o~ WI 'C,eu.4 b~ e.v.,,; h;;."",lIy h~.J we U"wvr "l- Pk"J ~f,. ( (:c.J, C~j;Q,"f~i rti~'1£lf ,30' CejN\. 0 ()/t JI,{ ~,ll~ CVfI fG;yi~f du;',i, ~tou/ itAls.f4kel f,i\CWvCull, J~t p~.~ jJv,.tc calif. fJe~l(' kelf tJ~o'l()~('1! J~c;.c&far,;,"k! In +4J; CJl{,rII-f"l ~f I~~ btoj c",1 vPf tll,nr*,/, l/'c//",,~s hI IVIJl\ tll/l.u. ral-er ~J {k,t cere fV\tkvl.y, Our I hCtwk ylU ~. '&j'lor<. Received & Inspected AUG 27 Z01Z FCC Mail Room \h~s \5 ~ fLLb\;G COrvt(\ILO'Lt -for-- -t-hv 0r~9hl-;D(t ~ ·~oc.X~ #=- qb - \(,0. X. kq...\/~ +~~ I~-j;~ "\ fl- ~~\() ~ -::c ~ GU--({UL~ ckJ-d.n~ ~{\. ~r~\(u'J .. ~ eH~j ~(6... p"0A-e..->-~ \!:> ~ Sv0{Y'd0 ~(:~ ~ ~ ~\ ~~~ O'-~er $~-t~ ~ \>~ ~ -r:- ,{\ ~l>-- 'Mc~b ~ ph~~ ~f\ca-- MD(Q..- (.u.'So",,"~~~-::C n~ ().. ~od-'L,I~do ~-t. ~~ V \cu;s. *~ ~V-LO .00 0 .. YA:\h. .. ~ \)h~{\a..- ~ls oJ~ ~\-~to.b:J cJ.--\\~ M·(:;~ . . ~"f>G h,~ --.: b ~ -\<>.. ,1. ..,J ~ I~' J:+- f>0~s-,Io\.u lJ..r~J-.Q..., Dr CJ- (ef(~ -b -\h\S ~oJ-\-~ ~~ f> J-\ Of\... .. tJ.- \vttif. I CA>A- 3"l-L 3'(<?'/ (VIIL..- ""c.~ tf\J.., for ~~( +\MQ..; (A,~ /.~~ ~t' ~/~r{I!vt5-Y - K,r., W;lL'~WL K., ()ixov :::rr $12:-1 lao r",. (6 0 r:: \L\\OO ~..ul~ \\~.~ t-V-.VV'-'eu-\wJ-\ NU) I I ~. 0\-0\33)(' l)5:)? "THIS IS A PUBLIC COMMENT FOR THE WRIGHT PETITION (CC DOCKET #96-128) Chairman Julius Genachowski Federal Communications Commission Pu!Jlic Comments 445 12th Street, S.W Washi~gton, DC 20554 Received & Inspected AUG 272012 FCCMaURoom Dear Mr. Chairman Genachowski I'm writing you this letter to comment on the outrages prison phone calls. The prison I'm in charge you to set up an acount then overy time your family wants to put money on you acount, the company charges you an extra seven dollars. Credit card companies don't even charge that much to add money to a credit card. It's hard for me to check in with two of my daughter's who live in separate houses. I would like for the calls to be more affordable so that I can be able to help them with their homework every night. I'm three and a half hours from them so I don't get visits like that. So the only communication I have to be a father to my children is the phone. I have to make a choice if I'm going to eat or call home to my children and family. I would like to also address that the computer system that we're calling on always hangs up which is costing us more money, because we can't get our money back for hang up calls. Mr. Chairman Genachowski I hope my public comment is addressed and that you can please look into this matter on how prisoners and their family's are being held hostage when it comes to communicating with each other. Thank you and have a nice day. Sincerely Mr. Shawn Gardner #291-181/N.B.C.I 14100 McMullen Hwy, S.W Cumberland, MD 21502 ~ '27 /7?7?J (/' / ~91/;??1;7 '7 ~?/u l1ZJ J ~ --B)1//;r..);:S917~C7~~ ?P yf7? ~f//~/(7? £?cYlJ ';~'»C,,\ WI) ~ .\.)~'\: ~G ~l "';Dd-~Q7' Y{' ch)o~ ~--r;~P~/07 o/"w,?;;> ~ ?i::/(J? ~/ r- Y~l/7)'? Yf)Z/7 ~d'6' :;p D~~ ~ ~,j .A" 'r 1 ""f' ~~ VDQ:7IJ., /c:, //?£p yC/(9 C:-? ., c :" ~,""/f ">- P )'"" ) ' " \ " '\"00 "'"" J<2= ;//'/=N 7" L~ ~'>"j' v.;,c/ ot:- 9,fP / 01 • '~ L/ 4p'O '7 "'';'17 6>/'''!'7'- 1Cf7i>.;,' "':'7" 4.v ~"" ::.~ R'?P'" c-p-.;>' ~/>;> ;/ -;;'-y/o&> 2>"7 ~ r ~ ,: 70;;(?;? ( Jg?$ ;,1", r ~ /;;>d~ hyrD QO;;, ." ? .rau7c1~j/uo//~;-~C:>//::>~d9 d9~C)' 7.? //?77 JT =" <d?/-U,O? /=v ;;-//<Y"P If>r 7'Y /t 'T~u "'/" r~/P7'7"A/ 7" 7 /7,,""-I~/,7~ 401 / "? ym hv '''7-''/7~c{pS>.rC/.9 ";YP,;J~7?///0;; ~7 0/-/# V!>&;># :;JI!' .,.;;Je.,:/y r ~~PaJ' -;;Ja/.FU;;,?9 /::>#~ 7_ L.L-~ $.r>? ~ ~t-U>w Ii? rf//?c.:;U/-.9/ ~ //-PP )/ih--i J~'c~ /.!f7 r /F?C/ ~ r f1?7 97 //(I'/,?O;Y /~: ... " y/-PP -;}&'''yclft_: f?{ .//?Ji>7'~ 9(//7~?-:7 pp /9:JcI ~p '+ lIO /77c$ 7'7 k=.> 07<?! /7<'.>dy J¥&c>cv 17·· ",0>1<l ""-,r ~ 'lPw ~ , h'<of ""d I >? 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':t: ""o.:Jt. (). w~ft.. ()..(\~-\-v.>() K~~S. ""~ ~'\-\e... ~C\S (e(.t?(r\\~ been la', d 0-++ 0-\ ~~(' j~b ~( ,-t-he.. ~C\5+-t\Nee.. morr\-~6. As \jtJ\.,lMctY K-I1Dt,J +k~C{)If\C("\~', S '\(\ c"- \\'(L\J kc..c\ .s~~-\-lOf\ Sb ',-\- '\.S \jeJj ho.\d. ~()( ~e()fl~ ~ ~~(\& v:>cc¥... W"'-~ ShR....vJ00 \~\ ~ c.-\..\- o-G ~or\ ~~d-M:> Se.\\ h€..\ ~o-,( ·~e\ ~ \ }5 bO j \k~.5 c ~~~ c...o",\~ ~o.) +0 \U'\-\- o-~ u+, \I+y b~ll..s, l\l 0+ Me-M-~oV\-toi>6+or he..f l\/\cl+~<- \<'~~.s, ~jWl~\.5 CU\:-\--+~(~ S\-r~5J\IJ kr ~ o..{\~ k o..f~\y o.,\,k-\-o fC\.~ +~Q... \e...t'\t. .s h~ ~5' .s+~ \I 'A.V\C\b\e..- +0 ~;I\J ~O{'\<~>I no+ 0 \A~-+~e.(L :t. o...fV\ o..~~cuV\-eA +\tc~:\-:t +0 s'-{ff ot+ "'e( ~v'\d.~j \(~~5. :r: It'\ fr;jH'.·\'~~\()c:.. . -t~Of\o++k.L . t\'\J w:.(~ ctl\~ ·K~o.s \~ \lQ.. SO QM. 0...11'\. Se.C\.iLl'tj ex. :J..S)'e-o.f'5 svrtel'\'--L ff~5f)"';S 0e.rj-+G\(-f-{ol'\'\. w~{LrL o...S 'jl>J..-~o....v'\ \ M~i'(t~-+ ~ Ol.r~ ItD+ ~hl.JL '+0 \l~S; + Me... lo..\\<i'j -\-1, ~j ~·\-\~CV'\6. 'K~dS _'tS~ O(\\1--+~Y\~ +~+j' Keep;, ~LSet()e... ~~f;~-+~L$ ;i1tp6SMIV\£JVt-.. -\u\\<~ -\-0 +\..~~ (~fee...,"'tDI\+~5 G~(~rutk\7;r h,~.v~ J t0t~ ~A-b+ 110+ d -to ~qy+h!L. \\t~h\y dfU\5f\JL r~OVle...~~.s -te( I"k. +~ £:.4\[' --rie- f0Stl'\ Vhb fie... S jS~ i s J~s+ Ce..cli\.\5 a.M \1'\(,0(\$ ;c.\eS~-k. w'i-\-~ ~·+s" h; j~ bt:.Lt\v.$c- M o.+(e.{ ~~()f\.~ fct+e...S. M~ W\~Il.··IS DA '+\"L ~3-Q.... ~-~ bij 1'\3 e\l; fJ ()D ~lAy sk L.o.r-. C\.{-fl>(d +\.-.t. r(~jOi'\ S~S-tet\1'J hil '" phMf... rt>.~~. ~ :t -\- '\.) b~6 e.(\\,;Uj\"-' *"'+ ffi<sofle-rs h"ue. :+t> S""~({(D'",,\ +~i S Sd·+~.5 h ~ L +- J t)\A.-t ~(\I 1- Mo..¥"'e... 'd\1f\O <:-U\.+ .{ o.JVL; h'1? 5 .$ ~r ~(\d. b-e- d-e.. f (i "~d 0-+ +C\\~ii\)'-ro 0.- \b.Je.d OM_ of\,·-+kfkl:>v\~~ ~Ml Matty~II1;I;'d olL unqb}€.- -\-0 -\-f c,\fe...\ ,.. 0 C.oMe....Se..e- +'Nii ( \,b~~ ~nR..5. S () ~(\.+ Mo..Ke... ~'V) LC\Je..r) pttJ - .. . " I.' II ~~~~L t>* +~e.-.jfe,e.c\ c-t +\A.e.... ~(\Sc.'\ p~6I'1c...5~~tVl. "J:. £l~ not ,Sqy~ v;\3 ~f '"\~~ ff~jo{'\ fhof\.e.... 5:.j-S tef'Yl-to jive... ha.i\~ d vl-t5/ b\t+1:" <V'1 S(;(i~ : ;... }~ ~jn~,¢1 ~S +\rM.L ~(+ke~ -\u k~L()(\.s,'dertl1-~ -+0 -the$<L0kc klfe.d. +ke.1'Vl ~\L-\-\\c.~. \~f\\'\ -k.~(V)%IL~ML~\)..-\--rO ~~4";S' 'I:. \~\\1 '\fP{e.'-\~k k·*r/ ;+ · I"\\C.~~~\ ~k~~5 Kg3l\q h ~$~\f' "l:\\~rt(! ~ S Co ({e(.:t~ol\C\ l :J.Sa c ~~'"\<L ~ C\ ~v. +k M+ • .s+c.r\~(\j )I L.. bd-353 cef'tkr d~~,; ~//J'£JC7/7C--~r;;/{.6~~t'~.tL/~/a.o ~ &J /r,l'Y~;( L.07~~~ (7~Jd' #'~~);&~cf?;7e-.. .. An</,.,A, I'~R6 ~7 ,.:, £;;07 -U<s",,,d <f2.,ar:~,~ Lf? a/c1o ~ <3>7'? ~c £:"6 (?£oh/J'.s /~CC/'l<'d~ 4/ ~ c/L//<r.h/ c?~~7·~,,· 4 / £5E~.e- "'" V>.J~ V' c4n/ "'k -//LJc?e ~,<c.. L /6'/,>//,17/6'~/<r.5~ M/,c<t:,w -; &.ocR" d:r. o"1/ea4J1 &Ia-; c/ u;'/?c/ r J'~ c,,07 c?4-7? r« /M/~d~/~ k ",,/d-~~EY~7?~ (2/""~~ e6<S/, d'.;;>d:AA ""7 =~~'C«:~~~~4 kF< r'Ln~. //.6d 4 ~ h",;.£7 P/E- Q"L/ A/ifk ,g/, c?~ A, '. , • I RecefvecI &InSpected [)tAo... '1UJ ~C#O L..b IL..\ Q\A \ll.MA I\.l THLS W(L\ i,t\" tilt. CDMM€:,,,JT {JLJ.B.UL PQ...tC£ MlC."\~l\N ~Ab OOlYA'-£..O o:r- {Jllo\.}£ ·t:XPE:.I\l~'\J£ C.A LL.5 J.\j 1. 60 10 3. 00 f'tJt CJ~LL.. ::rQOM 'Tt\~ Oc.f"T. O~ COaJl.E:,c:rlOI'\l's \1-\£ q" - 1d.8 . '-me: I +062.. CL OL>Ci(£::,,·'::/I: pc-rlTlO.J C+\f\ \ iN\AC\J l£~s FCOMaUAoom . • I A. l,s AUG 2e:Z01Z PA~ \-\68::. -n-\l.\T CDtJ,(LJ\Q;\S o\J£VL arr~ '1\-\£ 6Awxt;... ~Q." ~LE:S t Ou!J-r J.\A.,\Je.. ,\"" MOI\Jn\> -:ro~ WHE:..~ I A (X) • IT ~ Vb \liE..4 rT vJ \L\"'" 4£\ otJ£: to -} C£N\S <a ,sL +012., ~o ~£~ (;A(L o·~ .so~ -, . oe~IAJ4 .-t-\E. 4LA(lO TA \.-\i...\N l.l POl--\cv{ ) D.JJ ·PAl.( :roll--. J/E:Vt(LC. OCJE,6~\ ().JO a.JL J35£X.Au b.£ OCPJl\-1 w~(U)EAJ 1.\(L:)vl\.l 0 Q.l\ ~ \ "-' t, EAJEJL4T~ \ I\J 6 CE:.LL f~orJE: A Pf~f2.E::N\LL{ T'G...\.( \IV 9 ,;.j'\tAl-r, 0 rvA LL-L.{ 00 tL -=R\ M\ L\ £60 .6V( l:\ {L£. t>"-\o/Jc QJ\,~ 1,J£~ fU\\S:Ej? -ro OU {l, ~ T\-tE PlL\ c..~ o·~ 'Tcx:rn~ fA S\1:: + (l.o M . (J fL\ t..:.£~ o l\J , Ti-l~ J5E£/Ij WAl\\AJ oN£: J)olLJ\;t. .pE.fL DAL-{ N\O I'J ',\-\ . Ll ~ lL'E"'E () ~n\£ I.IV~ I . 3c.{ t- PEJ<. . ~I1MCN AloD()c£ . .5OA{). I', :I: p€~ <-fUlX:) 3. f;J /D --loS lL-SS ~f\gJ 01\ L( b , rV If::, 1\ \-\\ ~ GA:(b..'::£;J W\~ \-\£6 c fJ et" LL i>4\o r.Jt::. w~L.\~ L\ ilC.6 '\0 I1-\-E Pl.A~T1 OAj (wV\\c.~ \1\0 ~'\Eb · ., tJ .\¥\'rJt, w \\~ Ml{ ,(loG g.~ :r: I 0 -nU b $lS ''-It:£().s \0 ~AM \'-L{ lAuD Hc--L(JS. .&Jl \..i) APQ(~J2_\ttr~ M.A,,£ IL ' A \{OU fL. COM~u~lCA\lO"-' Owe::. M'€- STAL{ :ru-r-J ~ ~\rJ~ CLJ"'\ 'r:-u'fl- O~ ~. AT-r';(AlnotJ 11\1 IH A,J JL. 4 LU Y2:66~"=FLJLL-'i, ~/l/l I~£)t.-I h7AN',J:#- r9711~3 /#A/(()L76 ',T£. ./JIM tVclf f1/.U$UN /'i~O U,.5. ttl ;rlAlU(ut-rtC !YJX I ..svurl/ tff!sS- ~ pv~LG ~ t . 'h\S t5 -Gr -tk W(i9 h f- (>f;1;)flJY) (e.c O~1C-t1*96'- J'2..:l ReceIved &Inspected AUG 282012 • " Mj f"'G\~ r~ JctI,OA. ~/)ITl«.la.,\., r~~LnD-r* ?-'1or zc..JK ~ C'r-- FCC Mail Room ~i lr s..e..rv~J Cl .. 4s d.e.l~ ("" ~~\e~ 0.,-,2, \""'- M\)~ ~\~l~l,v )\{vQ. "hIJA 1.V'( ~r ~ -L C2fiJJ~ , ~ c;.J~5> i. ~ Sbv \ ~(!J\ ~- Gr M'J t~"...: t '( ) So ~\\w lJV~ ~ ~iV'3 CI \ok, -tD \: ,c;rY"(liet~ \ \: :\rv~~~, if\. -t~ " ""rov~\r. e-CJ.>AbTY'j \,\u. ~"J \)~kr- \.~,.,:,t\tJ ~t\~"J \.--I\.~ <';~{\A, \\£.,- ~r\\~t.".'\ '\1"- ~~ ~ \D&-\ ~{~\~Ji. VV'j C~lt'J .. tvti>...C'vVk\r~ 3 ~q,vL~ 'lS 2 +&,.. (Z~.- Si)/\. Q..--vb '-I~ ..... 6ld 4 C-Jh,\LI lb~ ~ l<-1 ) ~vt ~~ ot -t\.e-~ (.\~"': \ors.\J l,'l""' ~c\(.9.S 6.-.. (fo\~~ vJ h ) . t~l~ ~ ~ ,-;:I _ l4" t.~\J CA"\£P(~ ~t> ~~ -to ~7 $6A fV'i>/vt ""- C"."...J (4""- (, ~1::- ,,'3 ,q "J i,) ¥1+k- Ct-t q l ~ I \.\A~ -l~r-J I ~ fV\L~ (~~':"'fV\.4A '1 Mt- tit fw.. ~t-e..-- ~(tJ~k ~S -t~ ~j b1: V S l-v'~ &tr""'tS~Gfo ~l)~{ ~ t AIt I '" -t A, Ll) \.a", '-if'-' 1"""'-J<" '" ~ t"..-t- k I ~s I V~'N2.S>~ \S $ \.M.&f'S 1--oLV) J / ~v t ~ \lV\V0~ ~ -L /\-tt.G(" 1*\<; -L ~ --v( e~~ rwt 0'\ftJ~1A 7~\h.:.\: ~ ~ G~o~ ~-t~ Ot 1'V\J(4l Q l-6 )~~J -tl> (Yr ~~;I\~? \,~'\~ ~ ~ til CL{~t 'itA.) v('\~~ .~-t ,,~-\\~ G\lJ~ *-~ ~l>~~ } \ . VVV( f'~ ~~\v:J w;~'\A -)-t- ,,-t~ .i- ~~T VV\. 0 _ "" V ,1'\Au-l~("" ~ ) ""vfV'4~ (\~Q.J 4,/rI"':1 ~OyY\, -tk~r tk"'-\ 1.-, ~ llbt V) 01('<'"rl\' -e,'.h\~ ~ jlV"¥'l~ vA -\;~V)-\:CVt:- ~e.C:\'-\£Y.'\.S ~-\; "'4.~ C~t v) ~"rj .. cy..;2, OV"_ ,~ bJr Ck\ \.~ ~~ l~; (\I)w -\(i\~j t» re..~t-Ir ~~p;<,., \.-\:L""'~~ ~~\~~~ l~~ ~_-~ -{..~ ~ tJ"'~v ~41 c...e sl .. q~<\~ At> Y""'6~ the./\ (Yl.j.)rL S\c1.'j \~~\vt J~-l~(.i"tt/ ~CAv~ p"A~\~ (.~ t t, t • $' b VV'\,. C~I-v'\C:V-- ~~ ¥(' {'Of~~ t,r \:,vr I <-t I 10 t~b (,.-4,"'1 (h-c.~"lf h~r'<. (,-~(ckllo ,~(. ~ \ tJ-vVjlt..:-j ~ ;" (~~VV"ltlS2.-~ -b> ~\;V\~u:.<k- ty;~' b'x..~r l/J~-.(..'6~ . ~o c~ .,.,r (;.~.\ 'I V'" pi\ ~ D(\.Q.d ~-\:. "(P-J ~>'\ \(.,yPJ " my ive..f\0"--' h-,-t- fv e~J"""" -t JL\h Y'1lf;:. .5VVh.A bLt~ vlf'J 0."" J t:rt~ This is a public comment for the Wright Petition (CC Docket #96-128). August 22,2012 Received &Inspected Chairman Julius Genachowski Federal Communications Commission Public Comments 445 12th Street SW Washington, DC 20554 AUG 28 201l FCC Maif Room Dear Chairman Genachowski, I am an inmate at MCF-Rush City, a prison in tile Minnesota DOC. I was convicted and came to prisor" in 1992. I would like to share my experience with the prison phone system with you. Over the past 20+ years, I have seen ~irsthand the changes in th~ "'~dephones in prism: and i.l0~' the~' are managed. h hac, un~' ·'L ") '.tdy, cvdved irA-to a profiteering racket 'Under the gui3~ of "aec·'_·n~" .. Currently, a call home to my m:::>ther i:;:'1 Minn~apolis '" 15 minute call. Because IT'y hlother's ph :1e service prmTiu contract witrl Global Tel Link (GTL), she cannot acc~pt coll nlust pre-pay lor calls through our cornr.lissa;:y hel'e. My r prison job is about $60.00*, .::;0 a single pho.,.j,e carl repn:,p'" my mother were 1:0 send in money for me '.::0 purchase pi subject to a 10% "cost of co:.tfinement" cha::-ge. If she Vv providers in order to be able to accept collect salls ~l'crr higher rate for all of her phone services. This places a with home. proximately $6.00 for a nc't have a billing from. ":1.e priso;1. and I y t\7G weeks from my t 10% of my wages. If money would be ;e phone service !:Iuld have to pay a den on communication :,s 70 years old and ly painful act. nisspelling words and Writing letters is, of course, an option. However. suffers arthritis pain in her hands. So, writing for her, Furthermore, she is dyslexic and avoids writing becau appearing "stupid", no matter how much I may try to :. , , • ! " ',. ,.r,., "~ :_' '-! ~.'i~' ~: .. ~"', _ .., J 5ted 'ways, A vendor J' banfi'ed inth€ ~rlhey '-threatened a" ohit.ort:d :andfor recorqed, tre resource 'IlJre.quen tly ~ti bewtise :Qf the'mer:e The 'prison phone 'syste.rn'has 'burdened'me iii. 'Ofl wl1lch provided:'interhetresearch' arid dtnef.:serVices -to'~ Minneso'ici DOC for' 6ffiirlng a discount 'phbhe (rate ~serVR., prison reveri,it&scrur6e:" 'Sinc~tne "e'aI'ls' would" ~U'have stiu th'e .prison 'carlrlofjustiiy any 'teal! se6urity: corkerns; N6<V} us~d a:nd' h-ad ~f good busin~ss' reIatiohshi~-with:'has bee'ri>._ fear that som~body'mig:nt iSbmehow'cut ihi:o pdson profits.; +'~ ~ ! T -J . -': ~ 8' ~ .I ! t"", f \., r, f I I'. i.f ~ [) _ ~ I." # ~lY , ,1' ~ "... ( q )f ~l! : ~--'" i. The prison phone system has stymied the flow of corr, ation with my home. It has:cost' nre an· undue.arriotlnf offfioney;',i:juslness reladons ?~ ~nd cost me closeness in my relationship with my talpily'.I'1:>fy 'punis1'trr~eI1t aB -a ct"imh,iit1 fuwpposed,to be removal .,,~. !'-' .• , : ; ' " L i J /~\l;-: '. t l J \.: { , , ,-, ", ';',1 ]' ' .. t <: "' . " ..:l ,. .. ('::'4'~,) ! ".' .i~,:"t ~ ,...._ 1-,.' ' . ~ '. ' ( , :_;.'" .It t:: .."':'j ,';J. - , , ~ r:' ;~;", 'I., ".:' fcyr .~.. ~-!J~' from society for a specified period of time. However, uncontrolled profiteering through the phone system has increased my punishment by several magnitudes by isolating me further •.And "further from positive support systems. This increased punishment extends to the outside world, depriving vendors of business and inmates' families of the intimacy of calls from their loved ones. Thank you for your time and attention, sir. Sincerely, {Jv~ (,Lvfohn S. Nemo #166505 MCF-RC 7600 525 th Street Rush City, MN 55069-2227 *1 am at top pay for my job and have no fines or restitution. Most inmates here make far, far less - as little as $5.00 every two weeks. Gt",- nC! cho \{) <. k; t",d~ral (lom r'l'lUf\; c-vt.h 0 f\) Cf'Hl1 mE ~,on ~ vJ-v \' C Co 11'11)'\ \Q rt-1-:5 zt-4S lJ:+h 0+r\Q~+ t c5 L0 C.hQI j man J u. t •Us Wosh; r;s---\.ol\ Q(J: 4)(\\ b,-c Co Y)1 (Nh-t -Poi- ~ Dc.. <:20S5~ \.b ri ;) hl p-..Q{; -J-;"" (f)o <-L"J- .,j} % *".- ~r 1 rnp lu 'Ii l\~ - ~ C!.ur Q ~S :uI-6Il\Q(l, and in va lw tn<QJl+ IY) ~k.Q ~.or , 2: -Por-tuo.o you +hiS ~hd, Thl" lS)U.1i\j)~ 30 fhQl\~ -tarn; lioe.) -+~cJ- 'I~ rnu.o+~o,ih -th~ +u.ll;oh ot' •Ql.- ~\ \0\1\ -1--ll-\\ ~Q\J ~ o-hrlf ~ ." fY\~+c\l'I\;hr 1. (.\8SUr~ ~G'\Amlm\'C) rr.o."Y : ' \IOUI o+i.\c'tQ. .~ (T\u"~ 0+ h-.Q6, ~; :-:rhLl. C'O\). r-l-J Paull: -.3 \-;..p-t~ -f\'U tTl M Ita.. b ;.i.kl-l on ;1 -k YJh\<S h; \Iv:') 'th -R.Yl(lJl!-W~ +hT'0LBh e1f1,\.- -rk. . jJ. o,'G, Tk~ "QS a\Ie, w",& +'or ..::r1l1'Ao l.) i y) mcd-Qs J-to M pluc<Qd i.,.. -Poet' ii4- i 'e8 -f"ur+h4J-t -trn Yl1 : +h-ei r \ou\Qd Oh-uS, 1Dh.l(h +'ur fnGft'\/ C'Qj-e.s .: f\'\C\ ~ s th..t ph" h.e au r Oh l'f rea I rn.-eGlh-S eN' , ().dLt. 001"Q 9ua+~ (l() rn rnu It eoh'o h tu C'Gtu J:-{ \; w-b +0 cos-H'f Gi hcI {)'\ c( \ ru h S Ot i')'\(j h% --l-u I m(JV\-ths b&h~rd SGh~dlJdd( ~ \h~ Gl6rn.\f\i0-tra.t;oY) ~ \U~\\ qw<w'-e ~ _/~) Our rUl.\lQ}'i<:\.Q : uS O\A~ cqaoh +h~ yh()("\~ Q~d 0~ll5 tu'k; ch-ev~r CO(Y\f>C\ f'y of'N'rS ·+'h-.em .~-..t b~~04 ~ elL b01cb tU-e U\Q r t~ --t h.~ . Ca~ -\-'0 --t~~ fO\-\i~s )'O\Jutuwd cohs'v\~r~. \h~ sacJd~&~ yar'+ ~ a:\l .~~ l;) -+hoJ- t~fS C\\\ p.e(F~~~ -to I _ ~CA\ o¥'d ~\ f\.~sS as hv'-t~~ In .:r1\ \ ro lS. · 'h\~ rrcb\..em ·i~ S~ cri+cod bwuJ...l .~ · r'fcn~ tu\n~ our on ,\( \iM ~ c()mm<..U",~<x:A---l-;cdl ~G\Y'-S • OJJL f'a\\ -\-0 CA fYlonopo,,-/ syS+-ehl, Nb(\OpO\~~.s ~_Q\'e ~rb\dd<.Qn ~o -t~U( U~i-kd s-tQ·L.?s h..v4 rc;-\ wh-.en _:t-\~ \ Y\\Jo\\J-e.s b1t~\'l5+h~ pG()\ O\rd d~--eY1+ro.nchi-s.ed Us \nm:rh.~ a'(~ ~ru\Y'fJ cur ~ fn& ~~ ~y\ \0() beL .our C\\A.p.t .-\0 0Ccl urt.y . t:>(A.-t o<.)'r +CA~'\ \t"€s G.flQ~--t : (H'.Q~ fb roP~d \k\f QY<.Q -\~X fh'J \ r;J ?tcJdU e-Bu~ ctSV'o-\ 4 w, I ,h an ~.s ~.:G\--s un\='Ct ~ r- -~ rC b ---\-~..e Yh err hcrrd..Qe rtt ~ ('(\G 'r\~ Y i: b..t cCW&-Q -~~ oi;:c.\j -t.rv p..{ r.\sh ~ k C~ "'-1Ji~ t ~f.e c:>~c,.d 'l y ;: lYJ *bda-,/s do.~ o)'\ct ~ U)~o\ p1()fl~ or~ l'Ulhj. ::~rd --h.> \'1l(Ju~ I: ~ 9hc~~ CCt\l +hA+ co~ ~Gm...Q oh'-l \n ~ 1~..A ~()r\d ex ~V0 blAcL~ -tr\r\.e~ ~\ (Y\~ and i ~"{ -mm -, \~. UJJ- P()~ ~you rd i LO fOO~i4 30 nu-le j 'P'N:>~ ~~\. --\hO \+" ~JL cl~tZ ~ w·~ \).JQ.vrl 0\ ~. f'r\~rn~r5> of Sa::A d-y G.hd \ h'0tc~'h+ t r t m, ;cYu~fUr CDo\~ Y\\f ~h~)1 ~~ just don+ u~+ -+0 : tQ\\ ~ecw~ CO)'lSc:> \,da~ d ~\Q) --th--R. &i f\+retd: ",rd ~,(.t~ rf\ll1\O:P\'J.,.QS -{-\-u. ~~ ~s-km, ! · t~ -rk rro()J\\~ck of ~ (),~o1<fn QYll~ -f'~\+ l\j -+~~ fbefuA- ~~ .:r-b • Q~Jb oorr\---oo\ '\Y'\ b\o()(\. Our ~G\,,-th J 8lh's , G\"d do \A2>'hl~rs or~ pre,k b!-hd ~rrt CJct --+c ~\\ ~n~l(\Q'fa-Nd ~r~n-ksJ ~ \ ~~rJ~ \~# M I :. ~ W \Ci I&eO ~ +0 \\CJ \}.\\Od *\\,) -+N c+r~. Nu '(\~ ~r<Q, ~~ e\\Q. UJJ. (\Q G) ~~ r~ ;~ op~rt\A f\~~ ~ f?YltV~N- -Yh~ cyc\~ from " r~r.Q(A-t'VI~ 1-\-)-Q\t'. J\'\d -I~ llP -h -eW\'\fGhct--k c-~~~\( ~~(+, - . ~uu'raU\Q *",-Q ~Y- ~ Pw.~ Cln 'i rYlf1r(-krJ· rcA\ \)) ~~ ~\ff\~n+ or ~~.~ couNr-y IS '. S6cA~~. t~ b\(j)d ~pl\\\.Qd \0 o\f1\OS~ a1w~Yj ,~~ f)" o~ rr\\ -Uu-\ p tA.J pN \J\W)4 ~.- s~ :,-rhctb '\A)~ oJ S~~~ h~r~ J Lm \( \VJ.-Io o.r',/ Ml}d'l CIYU ~ (J\A will ~..Q ::~\-- t(Ain\l~ UYll'it i~ IJi-k1 Y\o+ only~. ~h~ !;vJ~o Q\\~ad~ (}Jmfb\*~d 0r-lh\--e -to b..ecafn'-R. :j ~rc dv~~\J~ h\~t'Y\ b.Qt:S of' ~6cJ~f &d -6 ~p ,i-t~ ir ~~~l\j. -frDI\'1 fa \\9 if> ~~ -1'Nif -t=Oo-\- sh~. :; 'T'h \~ t~ h.Q. -tHA ~ ,<Qu \1+) Q;·0 1AJhotk \\o..\J\Q r . v j \ r t # ! W-ur ~o\Jr -r eo\YlIni o:'M. G,N\}..p-+-:bn 0. hd h.;u'<?~ \, • \)0 ~h-L --to.'i PQ\f~'rS ri~M- qhd puv-\ a. ~p '.+0 <5u e h b~n+ ro b~r'f ~ruM *~~-t (TnGh.Q4~ . ~ yo\,C-~ i ~ -+M Cr'\ m~ ro-Ls ( . 2)'1 ho...e nIL\y ~ \J rn ti:-\~d : O~IYl~ Cdu!J a~ 1-1-~-k~ [?t.t1YZ3(P 1 • ~11 ~ ~ 1,'~ L!errwJua.J' /,16{ 1--++ ~b-n·k-n t31L¥(_ 2 3 4 5 CJ'la. ' r /11.<tiA1 6 Received &\nspected Ct.'t111tlt.e~ Pv b / t <L 7 ~ C.. l .. , AUG 2 9 Z01Z if.I.J 5 ~ I L·n1. ~"(_,e/1, Ut-\_) £< )tMll t 'tJ)c;n l2 l!e d bo'SY 8 9 t=GCMaURoom 10 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~Qgo"' (!~Y" ,-.fU ~~ 11 G e-n.a..a.luu:~kV 1 12 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Th ;; 13 14 15 .~; pobJ'-Q.I (~Mitw4 Av- 'tit..R-LUrttJkb Pe,t,-l,oYJ ( e.e., Dc.e-lui:, ~1fo-l ;__e,) Omd ~ o ,tw~ ~ '"' c1)4 G f ex= (XU-< ~"' «-4'-.. ~ '(! 16 --------------~---------------------------- 18 e£,· Yl< 19 (!) '-~ 2o & ~-:hv k,~ ~J i11-HC.AL. bt-Y'J-t t,\ ~~t-es...J ~ fYI ~ 21 22 23 24 25 R o06J 'ftrl(l.~ /fans . '7}t ,:;; ~~J-krkJ tvitl'-- 1 _ lcA.;J; ·. bJff. _ KA112.eSb. -. ·::rci·V\.: l \-·~ t\" \) 1- f'1~t~L~ CLuJ t~ !\.€~\4}ou.oj l-~~ t~ t'1f:._, IJM:>·.Jcfa(.,~r:t~tfkl f/012at11 /1--t f~kr,Jv{e, I'Yk. hm~l· ~ ~ prloy Mmkt'..Jd.e:p~~ ~J:JI.s,.(s~aei--) d~rtfalb- . -. b,lb J...Q_ Cl.evl:l ·k4:r D...RJ 1 2 6 rt\.(.... ~ Page __/__ of D'f'fl f"<'...l--<.,.kg '(f (J.u.}/,;;, /;;vh,.J JU>11 h;:.!> V. A • ~ Edward Ned Stokes 8474236 Oregon Dept. of Corr. 2 3 4 5 6 7 ~~-alb (l-~·-1-o aos-L ~"1£1.8-s-c:...r;e (!&J,{ 11 a.-uJ L&.M'tJJ' k~ltt.. C!.b;;. ~ a-ll<6& + ;;u;: (!~ \\ -Q.o± ~ ·- CL p r i ~ ;}0\,VV\. oeJ.o.t Y\te+ ~~ e~ 'I. Cl-!1&, W ;·-\iv...Ji:.. Q,.. f r 1 .SZ-v.. (fb a-.1 &9u<,p{_ Mi o1ib.oJ Q. Q,aJl bui ~ St,x '!.le..../§ cr ~. f>•ka .. : ILL ·Or~ A~C!..tJI-S o.J~~ In T.J · - lv~-0--tv 1o I; /1 · M tt c.J0i.e.,;, t.e- I" .etlu · · 11 i.o-e ~ 12 r~ pLv ~litl.-tfle .. - 13 ~-lc,ck.t ·±o -k~. c~ ~a.. ~iCJ;& i-k... YLtcd- ~ 14 ~ cJlkscic;L~ f<MUL f!y;;,+ ·r ~l\{;/f1 j ·'PI(; ~~J a, 'f>j-101AL. actll 48'i/i!.1 15 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ·n---=-=ft.JZ......-=--=--~_.:..."--r--.,-----'1 "-=~~W~' __,·]'--._;j!..L-·..:..-,LAt_::..t._;:;;~-=---:oOo=lo!e""-"JrN...........,.,%<-='f~'-..----:'-=~,__17 ~ .fbd ftud -tt-~:..s ld """J:.;-n4«e&lfl..s. ~~ 1a t.:s M&J PuAJI6Htl'f(j usevs kJ?-Itt li~ris-. ..fe:.16 _ _ _ &5::::..:=. · ::....::.. !)rL"'~/l'1 19 l 20 ·fA:...-:.....=.-, Vtbtc~kJyt<S lo.oJc,Le_ ~iJro~ .r (p~ s~~ o-~{ I~<JSL'Jhr). ~·rk,~ f'tJle_, I 23 AI'? 1 t>St~ wiftv -If~ f2':'6~1h1~a,~.·h-c.d kid!~ ; 11 ~4 ~;J..aC,/.c:_- , t !.\ na f 1 n ·ttUL... £J ok/~.«.{ p v ~I: .i J1k.u;si- (x- 1;; tirlr f'.!2M ·.fo allo-t..v c:~ p IY.u&: . 24 ('£Yklo(/1?( 21 22 --.r- ( _ .J.o VJ c {till. " <W Ie rt ~~~ d~ I ervC!.J.i.&S , 25 ---~·------------------~--------------26 _ _ ~/;k~~~~~~~~·th~·~~~h~'6~J~~p~-k~l~i/l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·----12~J£i~l Page "of 'J-. !4l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 page Weekly Movie Schedule Changed Earned Time Process Quote of the Week Telmate Fines for 3-Way Calling Weekly Forecast In Memoriam Advanced Cardio Class Music Warden MP3 System Outside Food Incentive Fundraiser Parenting Class 'Weei~ :forecast Thursday: Friday: Saturday: 101/69 99/65 98/66 101/68 98/65 93/62 Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: 15,2012 In reminded you that it has ·,-· been, and continues to be, against DOC rules to conduct - three-way calls. In addition to DOC's prohibition on this practice, Telmate charges a $25 fine for confirmed three-way calls. Notice of this fine was posted in the laminated sign that Telmate put up near all phone banks. . 92/61 Three-way calls are flagged by Telmate's system when there is a request for a call to . ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. . a third party, or when additional dial tones, keypad tones, ringing, or excessive silence are detected on the call, whether a third On AUQUl?t 4, 2012, Mr. Greg- party ultimately answers or not. After the ory MCBnde passed away at call is completed, a live operator verifies on age 52. He had been a part of a case-by-case basis if it was an intentional ttie SRCI community since three-way call or an error or accidental dial2008;.. most recently residing in Unit .d. He will be missecf by friends and family. In Memoriam Remembrances will take place in Reli_gious Services. Please hold h1s familY. and loved ones in your thoughts and prgyers -r.o\/IO\AI CJS they go through this difficult t1me. Complex 3 Recreation will be holding an ADVANCED CARDIO CLASS!!!! -n.n . . ,,, The class will have a limit of 30 •n...., .....,, "Joyful Noise" (Queen Lafifah, Dolly Parton\ Keke Palme~ Jeremy Jordan 1 (1·•8 min) Dolly Parton and Queen Latifah square off in this big-hearted comedy about a' flat-brOke town choir whose member's dream of winning a national contest. However, the stars' struggle for leadership could scuttle the group's harmony and hopes of success. "The Inn Keepers" (Sara Paxtor'J Pat Healey, Kelley •v•cGillis) (101 min) In this eerie ghost story, a venerable inn closes alter a century in business and the two remaining employees are determined to uncover tlie truth about longtime rumors that the majestic manston is haunted -- but will they survive their explorations? "The Devil Inside" (Fernanda Andrade, Simon Quarterman, Evan Helmuth) {83 min) At once spooky and gnsly, this thriller follows a woman's quest to find the truth behind claims that her mother killed three people during an exorcism. The daughter's iourney takes her to Italy, where she becomes involved in other exorcisms. · "Goon" (Sean William Scott, Jay Baruchel, Alison Pill) (91 min) When he's seen dispatching a rude ·opposing hockey player in the stands, Doug Glatt is hired bY. a rival team ... for his fighting skills. It seems the new team's s1ar is gunshy after being hit by a puck and Glatt's job is to be his on-ice bodyguard. participants. All participants •cteoosits must be incentive level 2 or 3 and have no conflicting call- l~!!nJ!!l.!.lilll!ID~~~'f!. outs. receive a Telmate fine that you beIf you are interested, send an in error, you must appeal this fine to It is not a DOC fine. You may dial inmate communication to Mr. 1-1 and request that the call be reviewed. Roberts, C3 Recreation using the recreation box in front of second Telmate employee will review the C3 dining area. ng of the call to verify whether the OISC currently processes earned time reviews two a true three-way call. If it is riot·or_• weeks after the end of the review period. The first 30 requests for that the fine was imposed in error, time and meets the guidelines will be reversed and you will be To make sure that OISC has up-to-date program will be on the roster. by voicemail message of the and misconduct data, OISC will now process earned time reviews four weeks after the end date of the All inmate communication must to your account. review period. You will still have 30 days from the be received no later than Audate of the final determination on the earned time keep in mind that fines imposed form to file for administrative review. Thank you. gust 10, 2012. will be in addition to any Prolected start date August imposed for three-way calls. 20th. 2012. Schedule Monday-Friday 8:45am- 9:45am. Author: Unknown Submitted Inmate R. Callahan !Music !M.P3 System We are pleased to tell you that we are starting an MP3 SI[Stem for Inmates. The system has two main parts: an MP3 player (that you purchase) and a Music Warden Kiosk (that will be located at each facility). The SeP,tember 2012 Outside Food Incentive Fundraiser w1ll be Subway which includes 1 of 3 Foot Long Subway Sandwiches. You may only choose one of the following sandwiches Ham, Cold Cut, or Vegetarian. You may only order one sandwich meal and be sure to verifv what sandwich you would like! The movie "Red !ails" will be shown on the following dates and times listed below: Here's how it worksPurchase an MP3 player: You can purchase an MP3 plal[er through the canteen (price to oe aetermined). Presale starts Sept. 1, "2012. Purchase songs: You will purchase vouchers for sonQs through the canteen (price to be determined). Pre-sale starts Sept. 1, 2012. Browse the music catalog: You will browse the catalog and select songs directly from your MP3 player. Meal Plan: Foot Long "Black Forest Ham": Lettuce, Olives, Pickles, American cheese, Green Peppers, and Tomatoes. Connect to Music Warden Kiosk: Once you've selected songs you want to purchase, you will connect your MP3 player to the Music Warden Kiosk. Once connecled, the kiosk will recognize you and will automatically begin to download your selected music to your player. The kiosk will deduct fhe price of songs from your balance. l Foot Long "Cold Cut": Turkey, Bologna, and Salami with Lettuce, Olives, Pickles, American cheese, Green Peppers, and Tomatoes. This Sandwich is made with turkey based products. Disconnect MP3 player from Music Warden Kiosk: The display on the kiosk will tell you fo disconnect your player when the transaction is complete. After each connection, y9ur MP3 player will display your list of aownloaded songs and your mus1c account bafance. ' Foot Long "Veggie": Lettuce, Tomatoes, Green Peppers, Black Olives, and Onions. Each facility will begin broadcasting an instructional video for the MP3 system in August. The video provides a lot of information about how to use fhe f0P3 players and Music Warden Kiosks. Please take the time to watch the v1deo. All Sandwiches will come with the following sides: Mayonnaise, Mustard, Oil, Vinegar, Jalapenos, and Pepper Chine's, Doritos Nacho Cheese Chips, Raspberry Cheese Cake Cookie, and two sodas. Again you may only purchase one sandwich meal! Cost: $10.75. You will not be able to burn your COs tQyour MP3 player. We will give you more details on what will happen with CD players soon. We will have many updates over the next several months. Complex 3 Monday, September 1oth 2012 6:009:20pm Prices Pnces for the MP3 players and songs have not been determined yet. We will provide an update as soon as the prices have been set. Complex 2 Tuesday, September 11th 2012 6:009:20pm Timeline lnstallahon of the Music Warden Kiosks will begin in late August. Pre-sale of MP3 players and vouchers for songs will begin Sept. 1 through canteen. Complex 1 Wednesday September 1ih, 13th, 14h, 2012 6:00-9:20pm • All participants must be an incentive level 3. MP3 players will be delivered to inmates who pre-purchased them in October. • Do not sign up if you have a conflicting call-out, or work ass1gnment. • Refunds will not be given to those inmates that are unable to attend due to their own actions. => The MP3 system will be fully functional Oct. 1. Other Features We are able to offer the MP3 system because of our new contract with Telmate, the inmate phone service provider. Telmate offers several other features .that we are working on that we think you will enjoy. Upcoming features mclude: : - Video Visitina: Fnends and tamily members on your approved visiting list will be able to visit with xou usin~ their home comP.uter, laptop or tablet. Video e~uipment will be se up at esignated facility locations fordou to receive vi eo visiting. We estimate beginning this system at SR and WCCF in October. Eventually we will have video visiting at all institutions. More information to come. Electronic Messagin~: For a small fee, frien s and family members can send ~ou electronic messages and photos that you will access directly throu~ 6our MP3 player. We estimate that electronic messaging will be availal5 e eginning Nov. 1. More information to come. Printable Electronic Messaging: For those inmates who don't have MP3 fclayers, we are working on a printable messaging system. Friends and amily members will be able to send you electromc messages that mailroom staff will then grint and send you hrough the facility ma1l system. We estimate that printa le electronic messaging will be available beginning in January 2013. More information to come. Ordering Kiosks: Touch screen kiosks will allow you to place canteen orders, transfer money from your trust account to your ~10ne account, and rece1ve electronic messa~es from friends and famil~. e estimate that ordering kiosks will be ava1 able beginning in March 013. More information to come. Make sure ~our signature is verified on-r.our CD28 by any availab e Officer and forwarded to . Bidwell, Ac~~~t~ESS -~~~:~~3_:3z8_~~.f.r:_e.f:!~-b~!P._~ B~freat1on box lo.... ~V...... .....! .....'!,.,.,:;::!\,.!;: V:! ;::"C.'-;: •!:::!-:.:;:_::: ••!!:!:"~' '"~'' - Please make sure you have the correct amount on your CD28 or it will be sent back. Please make sure your CD28 is gayable to account jl12453. If the Account number is not on your CD28 1t will be sent back to you! Thanks for your assistance! ·" Parentine Ctass The program's curricula were developed specifically for incarcerated parents. The inmate parent partic1pates on a voluntal)' basis and is reqwred to attend 108 hours of class time over a twelve-week period. In addition to class time, the inmate parent is required to complete homework assignments. The curricula covers child development; parenting styles; play and Viraise; emotion regulation; setting limits; communica ion with caregivers and children; ryurturing and empathic parenting; and health of famihes. Additional Information Some or all of the services listed in this article may be available only at specific incentive levels. More information will follow in future updates. Upon successful completion of the course, the ~arent Will have a broad range of skills and tools to he p him in his parentin~ duties. The Rrogram culminates in a festive gradua 1on ceremony t at children and caregivers can attend. Please direct westions about the MP3 system and other features listed in this article to and~ Geerc Chief of Inmate Services. ALL DATES ARE ESTIMATED AND UBJE T TO CHANGE. Please talk to bour Counselor and write Box 243 if you would like to e added to the wait list for upcoming Parenting Inside Out classes. ' J•_ e~ •. ReCllved & Inspected l 0 : t\R. j u \ \l)~ &e.nchotJ'sk i FRox: Ro' St:o\nS¥\ t Rt: : Phor\~\tt * q L - \ d8 :' DATE: Saturd A.l81.lst. d'S., 'dol.) AUG 302012 FCC Mail Room d RckrL~rdU '1 ~S l-hc\<oc'K ~odd A\pe.nd,)q-r 4<1101 I' j; I. I' jl i i ! • ! .· 1---r ((. 1'~c:...r. j 10n'l 1 I -++ . -rr I q J r> t>lv2... Received &Inspected j £. C Br ool(.s. Corr. F dC. j ~I L s t S. hor L I ; n L- C. a rr. Fc1 ~ • ! AUO 3 0 201Z She...r-~ d 0 n br ~ ve_ 12..500 S. I !IV!~ s. k..r-. c1 <:~ n FCC Mait Room WL~ c1 h+s. 1 1'11 L\ CJ l-\1..\L\ .L\ '-" <i . . . .s+' 2..-::, 2... 0 I J_ I j be._ a r ( h a ~ r c_l e._n a c h o ~ .s K ~ ,...,..,, a n ·' 1 I I j-,h'ls ~sa publ~c. C..6rYJr.'\e_n.f. .{,~r +hL- L......)r~Cjh+ j p c...-f~· ~: o n ( c_ C b oc l~e_f· # c1 ~- 12. ~ ) . C.1l o I'~ -l-o ~ o d ~ ~"P,""-s.s "'"'~ <j/af;+..,J<- i'nd ap 1o/L~\a-l.'~n .(.o/ 17 l b e...h o ·~h~+u-v-,L.. 1 and ~orK o{ ~-he.. I"Y'1 e_ So I'YIL ~ ~ yY)e_ h I-( .f.hci+ ,lc.>~ n I~ o Y'Vl < n q 1 ve.n on b e_h ~ n d 6 d r s . hdv-e.. +h a+s I i j j I h c v e... 6-e_e... n b u rd e_n e....d j6 \1 +he-. h ~ Cj h C o sf o-( -1- he-. p h <> n .e - r c k'3 +h a L -r i Cl ~ _{o I' c..~ d -f o p d 'I 'r( ~ "-"-' d n ~ -l-o +c I K '---' ~ -f.h m i _(CI'Y\.. I 'I d d ch; I d r Lrl• A II -1-o o{ +e_n ih e_ Los+ ~jo{ u5e....\nl ~he phon-e. +"' Ccill horYle (ll'l'_ be._~n9 1j r a~ <;.. t~ d ~,......_); fh o._.A+ Cor. s ", d e_l' o +~ c- n .J. h c1t ~rLJ.e_ ........._.a g <- s pi'; S.Dn h d S n 0-l. "-' e_n-4- v f> ~ n ,, e._(] r S. "-' uL ~- e_ n +~c.,~ 4· h ~ C.. o n+ c, n u ~ n 1 h ~ (I h pr ~ c ~ s .J.. h (I+ L......~ -e._ c r L. 6.~; n 1 .{o rc <: d J 0 p d 'I fo f h "l g~,e-n e.. I hr"l ~ :=:,c_e_ll a r J F O/' I' o'--' I 1 ·.e_o~s . I') ~~e..VVlS. I L..our-+- Cos!.cnd'-L C.O·pctJS l Ll e._ n o L h C>\.-o..-) s I{ i 1 I p L f s. on a II 'I e__~ 'S p e....r i e... n c.e d :j-.j.h..._ -Ct . . s+~d~\0n or.e<.>u~h f"lvl bL-;"9 obk fvl 1. II horv")e. Se-~ 1 I hoV-L los+ bo.t..h o£ i't'l~ I! pc~r.e....nts clS '--.1<.....11 as m\l \...-.Jif-e... ~h',l~ tn pr;Son .1: re.. vYI ~ M be' h(./..._1 CJ.___,..(u I ·,+ '---' Cl s { 0 r rn ~ h 0 ~ ;j+6 Co < :: 6e..~n9 able +o c...a II hc.~V"V"le -i-o -+alk ._.__; ~.J.-h vv-1,! pdr.enfs j s~ be._.(or<- Jh e 'I) r-e I:> c1 s s. ~ h c, 1 du '(_ 4 u -i- h <- ~. ~ <i h ; cost cJ -the ph {)Y"!-€ v1 I .: I J-.~Ie. I ] pr d • i '' •! ; I !' ' . .' i I .. i i od bLh~nd bars, 'I e....r S o rv. cl I UL...Je. ((~ r"'1 9 ..l. h-e: tn ':c. h Cl n (I c 1 -........ +h o+ y pr ci ~ n ~ e._n a~ le. c.. 0 s.J. pluse. be.. 'I c~uf b e_h a I_( • 0 .{ ,I c-u +o l'"Yl a I<< u s ~ \ r- ('1 .f.h < ph(>V)-( cSSur'-d cJ our Received &InsfJected AUG 30 2012 FcCM, '/ c-:;'r<~ .' {!j;17:S-¥IN"[~,&d fft?;:M7/' Room If, c- 6;fooKs &rrecfit/Y'?I! .fi:tc/llf!:; ive<5f- /JftoYeI/iit3 &VtreCfT~/?at d-500 S - s//j/~/~d/t/ LJ,k1//~ /VlvS;tC6C1N /1~l!1/75/Nj C/9~?/f7' A;:9?i5¥-d- ~ d£j/c2 OePlr t!'Ci~r#1Hh deh uC'/;rfhlsi6j c:;/~~S' IS' ~/~//c ('}tJJ-J1~enr4r ~e Wr~h-/ /a-llllCrJ'l (c\ c /)oC~er--:.# 9t!f'''--/d-g), 'J?7~ (fc-d /Jle55 }/at ·/z-v 7'-he /t-l/'ci w~K ~hcle/(C:~r7r ']j?t1 /h1ve ~7he '/ZI /..ref5l /ht:!?f y{'efrMrec! ~e/~ arn(-/ It/tJ7nfZ../-"1 ,. ./ :7 CJfn a .!cr/hel- ~-( ntJo U/)tJ I~es·k C'v? SOM~ way) \~ -/h~e;~'f'a:P0y /:/clS:J cr)?d -(;#1/1}; ". /?v';- /~e IhCle:?1S6d //??/#6 Yd,;r-es-I&rve ;';;?~cI~ II- sue;/? 1'h/lf-:7 /f//~/(lII?fj/e 10 Wtir/c',/hv 3~Y ffltMlhS SiVfilj}/t1- J~sl'rb/:ffe able ;6r ~/p//~ fz; M}jCk/ldren UlI/1tt'll/-ltJe177h3 c--:r>f tl-f+" wli-I? IJn 'j),(5;;;-f(;4CAi.tI·1' ·/thJ 4htlt/}2Ce,~/lf- :1'/ /17!;! dl/~e~l //t/c-" //-1 ~lf1t7lhey ~Mf£./ und CiI/Ji/1/.jh lh:; Yk&(~ ah~ cfheY-PtMI/fj h-?ej/J~j~s i';i/e /ifl'e 117 )4lch&t1?!~ .7 .?~.!£ c: q/1 ;viI·f /7.117-)/(1 ·/~ -,i'n/~;./-Z; , Plh!J Of-/heft'1" / 7he ft-15'fl1 5'/~/e -{Jrl.cc5 d/iel /,hc0e., ~·fe.:5 Ci7f1 nJf1 {,Ie 'Iz; ~o V/3 ~'1e·l we (/;rife f/of/}rJ-/1ef1 Pi Y/lISe li1 6,V~Y- c20 !t#tfYS'- /:::£ (6)~c,~?7IJ; AI.~ JIc!rjJ '/~ __ t /h/iI/t/zWf/l q Iftk/!;t/Ptshl/J tvlr?! ~~ FPlM"l/(!}J 11t/7-2 Received & Inspected AUG 30 201Z HC4('CU J FCC Mail Room J /111 00 (L/t2 '3 or f ,C- ;), '09 )<;5 vv~s -r ·Lt....-lJJ ((~ C 0 5/. ;;)f'c.J, I c: FC1 L Cu ((', ii' 5j,1 CI'<"cic(1/ ), ~~//<~r?l/ L/ C/J"7 Fu c- ))j'( v c... /1r l(r'fLlI( H?,'c;lr-t-); Dew, c ~ (A. /'WI Ctf1 G-eV1G( ch 0 I;V}/<) ,I 1h !S 1\ ~/fCty G-oJ jI! ., btC7) \joy 5 /) LA Ci b/ ,I C. 0 V\ W1 L e VJ 1- {a (~+ l-t e- PC.+t'+I'OVl L cc..pocK·c~-* 9y-I2-q--) -I-~,c: EVe/y 5,'k\cL P/l:}rlL I l'\ q'/L Y t q l·l~ I ~ / LA 5 c c.) \)ve;..vl-r[1\ C U I} I I\. O.t- . -f 9/- I /5 t-C-Vl L-.CVl+5 +c(l vL- ,~S X t/ PO) 1015 VI/Vp)·tc- c{ Ct! ~}C( I kc.c{ ·t 0 + g c.. +- ,- C1 /11 ICr+C.)' +-/;1u.fV\OvV It+- (t vv 6t 5 t-v\'c.~ :) .I J "'ce. 'I . COO +9 Jc.- (/ III 09 Vi lit CIt 9 III \f to-c +- 5e 1/C:JI1. -I-- 0 k V) D 9/ ((! 15 c{. Ir' 0 Yt f- 1..,. C(VlJ 5(i1"\+/vV~) .J u") -b 'p,C,o Vi fb1; I~ 't ,'HOro/Or: I' hV[ . /c 1-' Q SOt vL } c47 -I- -.\!~(O (1-/-(1<:; eC'l'r ) 0 .c. CA 7 ( I vtc.t- , )1"\ t't C-Cl\!\ t 'h vC(/l Y},orlC- {Qf t·~~¥\ K YOCt LV'\ 9vt 21 h t:.~~\ +9 . PL/\ ..\-- +-\\6 +D))()\tv/ll~ +9 { YqC{C"' -f-.>VV\ L 10 1.-- ,) y\ +l1 c: 1'1+-\\" 5:; -~'~4 ..'.:• '.If J,l\ O~) ht. .. \'" r.;, ~M hol -/tie. tT?f9 /r/S't/)-;el- 4/h·tJ ~et/~ -f0/~ t{/~ ~ J.j·-/t-;eI/e /s qf7y~/!:3 #~'fCF?M 15e d C /)16 ~-Jv /'c/We'.r ~e~e m/es -Sd hal /rISf?0er 5 j-{,·1j/r.W&ll '"-/11-7 ~;6/~7'HM C&/-r-V? ·Ct/?//& .&'e /h>j>ery ~e -I-he Cc7JnPJv/?/~a-hc~ '#Jt?!i' /~, heceS~Ar:Cj <'li~ -/he /Vl,/?ac:s ?jz,:;Jrams' / tut:lJ'/C.J j5'/e?iS e {ef~ ffl,/k /?/l0f'~/" 'TO dcJ S~, ·n //5> H/5c1~-5~ /Ire S'eH1 ~/2?' /h..?c-4? h 7t/h/Sh~77'; Ylot- Nr:: ;:Vh~s-l?H?~/ '~e#t:'f ~1·-I I%ey ?7J/C aw~ .rrC»? -j-hel/r,171n///;~ ~/J(.I fh~ t/}?e5 Me!!- L.lJYe; SI10l//d /~ e!tfJ1;tgh" Lc:?r C/.-s ~()l c'c~j?'~?tZJ1d rhls ?f//!-h desfr(/!!)II1!2 wtt/ifl L/I-/le N#7//9 5I-YvC/vYe /5'- t.ef-/-~~ ·'/7;&/~/0:;;-cl~e . ) r-;1r --I?J ///}} t 7:; ttl /1r! s-C011:&/h/~:3 AJe&c/3' 1(:7 gc;? lJ{1h &r I~ f/MY ·h#;c; cn-?d {!~ -(, 'h vee! /J <f;~5~/ c:J-;Jc:. 5ZjjPe-r--/-, ~ ~ a-p1d '/'Y;?ij:! C-od 6/c?§s ?JCIt1 C?iYlci 4//of 2Jc#/-' :to -/lti'I11Kbtll-7 e R:c;Y/~ .jc;/ /.kfj v 5~'- ?.'.H/>L/-r /'~ e~o/s/-.... ~~. 7-cl7-/L. $fj ;, tt- ~ ~ tfe'-t dt--Id~ Pi%:litm ~t~# 96 -/zg ).. Received & Inspected AUG 13 2012 FCC Mail Room J THIS IS A PUBLIC COMMENT FOR THE WRIGHT PETITION (CC DOCKET 196-128) ~ /2 ~c/I s' '::23'i1'7J Th~ Correctional Facility 3225 John Conley Drive Lapeer, Michigan 48446 Chairman Julius Genachowski Public Comment 445 12th Street SW Washington, DC 20554 Rece\veu & Inspected AUG 132012 FCC Mai! Room Dear Chairman Genachowski, I am writing this letter in support of the Wright Petition to relay to you how the high costs of the telephone service in the Michigan Department of Corrections (MDOC) is affecting me and my family. Being that I am incarcerated I have no real source of income. Some prisoners make about $12 a month on their prison work details which is barely enough for a person to purchase the hygiene product needed to make it through a month. After purchasing these products there certainly is nothing left to put the mandatory minimum $10 on the telephone to talk to family and friends. As for my family, the high costs affect them as they are not able to pay the inflated phone bills. This leads to less calls a month and fewer opportunities to communicate and rebuild family bonds. Prison is supposed to be about rehabilitation and rebuilding family bonds that was torn apart by incarceration. The high price of phone calls is affecting this communication as i t re~tt;'icts the amoUllt of communication a person can have with their family without affecting the family memberls hi.idget with a high phone bill. If prison phone calls are reduce even back to the .IO¢ a minute that they were before the service was switched from Sprint to Embark this would be more affordable and reasonable. When dealing with the phone contracts prisoners and their families are customers. The current inflation in the price of the phone calls was not done with thought for the customers, but it was done to benefit the phone company and the MDOC at the customers' expense. "THIS IS A PUBLIC COMMENT FOR THE WRIGHT PETITION (CC DOCKET 1196-128)." IVAN ALLEN DoclI HQ-4425 SCI-ALBION 10745 ROUTE 18 ALBION, PA 16475-0002 Rece1Ved &Inspected CHAIRMAN JULIUS GENACHOWSKI FEDERAL COMMUNICATION COMMISSION PUBLIC COMMENTS 445 12th STREET,SW WASHINGTON, DC 20554 AUG 1 3 2012 FCC "'".,:- ."lOom . ., I ....;; Dear Chairman Genachowski, I forward this letter to the Federal Communication Commission on behalf of a public notice addressing direct issues and concerns involving outrageous and unreasonable costs of inmates phone calls. I am PHILADELPHIA native currenting serving a prison term at SCI-Albion which is located in the north-western Pennsylvania, a short distance from Erie county. The estimated traveling distance between Albion and Philly is about 1214 hour round trip. I have been face with the discomfort of being deprived a reasonable means of communication with relatives. At this particular moment, the going rate per phone call is about $5.50 for one 15 minute call and vary with cllect calls. It is obviously the Department of Correction duty to provide the best available treatment and rehabilitation to all inmates has been compromise,and has cause a devastating impact and burden on not only my recovery but my family is suffering due to my injustice as well. "How can one change or correct themselves if one of the most basic qualities and requirements of human development is being presented as challenge due to avaricious capitalist?" FACT:"In 2010 Pennsylvania inmates had been ship to out of state facility in Michigan,due to uncertain reason without all the proper facts. And going rate per phone call was $1.86 to any where in the UNITED STATES." I ask that this Commitee and Chairman understand that I voice my concerns for-_ not only on the behalf of my struggles but instead for everyone trying overcome opposition because "WE ALL ARE DOING TIME WHETHER YOU BELIEVE YOU HAVE YOUR FREEDOM OR NOT." I THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME AND PATIENCE ON THE MATTER SINCERELY, IVAN , DATE: f<. b /! L "THIS IS A PUBLIC COMMENT FOR THE WRIGHT PETITION (CC DOCKET /196-128)." . 1 Received & Inspected A.UO 1 3 Z01Z CHAIRMAN JULIUS GENACHOWSKI FEDERAL COMMUNICATION COMMISSION PUBLIC COMMENTS 445 12th STREET,SW WASHINGTON, DC 20554 FCC Mal! Room Dear Chairman Genachowski, I forward this letter to the Federal Communication Commission on behalf of a public notice addressing direct issues and concerns involving outrageous and unreasonable costs of inmates phone calls. I am PHILADELPHIA native currenting serving a prison term at SCI-Albion which is located in the north-western Pennsylvania, a short distance from Erie county. The. estimated traveling distance between Albion and Philly is about 1214 hour round trip. I have been face with the discomfort of being deprived a reasonable means of communication with relatives. At this particular moment, the going rate per phone call is about $5.50 for one 15 minute call and vary with cllect calls. It is obviously the Department of Correction duty to provide the best available treatment and rehabilitation to all inmates has been compromise,and has cause a devastating impact and burden on not only my recovery but my family is suffering due to my injustice as well. "How can one change or correct themselves if one of the most basic qualities and requirements of human development is being presented as challenge due to avaricious capitalist?" FACT:"In 2010 Pennsylvania inmates had been ship to out of state facility in Michigan,due to uncertain reason without all the proper facts. And going rate per phone call was $1.86 to any where in the UNITED STATES." I ask that this Commitee and Chairman understand that I voice my concerns for not only on the behalf of my struggles but instead for everyone trying overcome opposition because "WE ALL ARE DOING TIME WHETHER YOU BELIEVE YOU HAVE YOUR FREEDOM OR NOT." I THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME AND PATIENCE ON THE MATTER SINCERELY, DALLAS BULLOC:K DATE: B/b/11- This is a public comment for the Wright Petition (CC Docket-#96-128) Rece\\Jed & \nspeeted Chairman Julius Genachowski Federal Communications Commission Public Comments 445 121h Street, SW Washington, DC 20554 f\UG 13 'Z.Orl FCCMaHRoom Dear Chairman Genachowski: I am writing to ask that you consider the Wright Petition that I understand would put a cap on inmate telephone rates. I have a loved one who is currently incarcerated in the Michigan Department of Corrections (MDOC) and in order to speak with this person on the telephone I am charged outrageous rates. It is my understanding that the telephone provider, Public Communication Services (PCS) charges $0.05 per minute to provide the actual inmate telephone service, and an additional $0.15 is added to support a "special fund" created by PCS to generate additional profits for themselves and the MDOC. This predatory telephone provider collects 30% of the money generated for this fund. They actually make more money from this fund than from providing the actual telephone service. For its part, the MDOC claims it needs this extra money to plug holes in the state's prison budget. Shouldn't that budget funding come through taxes equally spread across the entire tax base? It seems prisoners and families are being permitted to maintain their relationships through telephone calls only if they make a contribution to the MDOC operating budget. Their option is to not use the phone. Excessive phone fees not only unfairly burden low-income families but also undermine the re-entry and rehabilitation efforts trumpeted by the MDOC. Taxpayers should not have to subsidize prisoner phone calls, but neither should the state and predatory phone companies make millions of dollars on the backs of some of the state's poorest people. This fund is generating over $9 million annually. Keep in mind, this fund has nothing to do with the necessary cost of providing the telephone service; it's strictly pure profit and greed. It seems the main function of our FCC is to protect consumers from predatory behavior, and if this doesn't qualify for that protection, then I don't know what would. Please cap these rates and do the right thing. John WUssery, 1424391 Eastham Unit 2665 Prison Rd. 1 Lovelady, 'IX 75851 Received &Inspected f,JG 132012 Aug. 4, 2012 FCC Mail Room Q1airman Julius Genachowski Federal Communications Commission Public Comments 445 12th Street, SH Washington) DC 20554 Re: Public comment for the Wright Petition (CC Docket j,~6-128) Dear Chairman Genachowski: I'll not take much of your time as I'm sure you are aware of the higll prices (Uy family, friends, and my self) are having to pay just to talk, and 11m sure you're aware that the cost to provide this service doesn't come close or compair to what I s being charged. ~;e I'm 67 years old, have than I. He's living on these prices. aut TDCJ reaching their desired good \vill more minutes a brother living in Seattle, ,,.rho's four years older social security; neither one of us can really afford keeps offering more minutes, why? because they're not revenue. tIe can afford to call at these prices? what do? I understand wanting to raake a prOfit~t these prices are only achievable under a "Monopoly" you cretianly could get these peices in a free-market. I'm sure you already know that Texas/ DCJ doen't accept the lowest bid. These high prices hurt families, and if staying in touch is such a positive for an inmate, then please help it not be all about the money. It's tough enough being in prison without being able to speak with family and other loved ones because of thses prices. I thank you for your time and the job you do, and pray you'll have a closer look and do sometiling to get a grip on the prices. They are way over the top and don't even compair to what a civilian nas to pay ... not even close! John IV Ussery ~. !! Received & Inspected , AUG 132012 l i I' !hfl.'R.- !,PDf FCC Mail Room , . ~Uj\,1A1J_~'C)~t5 t>Er£N3t Cau'+efZj j\'iECL1\ JU.S~ltE, , J.1~1 ~ %\s-h-l-Q+i ON , ?hOMC C! ... lI vJOf1-KirJq ) tJ/~r('/ttVr.s ~ 6;~,kt 1++ ~JOf·~Vt br(.t(l~trl ~tf't::c:-i-i()~ uW6 "'10- O() -roO' 30 Hi IJ 1.I-F0 -I--l-ti S, !4lA- S I.\. .rM4+e: / L~ l~d. N"E ,~"0fVl t--1j :f\-rv11(C/_ f'.1Lj ~Hll ~ L\rc .3 A-MJ. A \nA\f 11-\0Uf~ /I- W A- r- ('01'-1 +1;11 s f'ri ,>" vi) :c: ) b eJ=-rJ VI () U.) C IIJ --1-111 (5 p{\i'So'~ f~D{,n ~\ ~'l6S.t- 5 l! E'AR 4tvd :r 6 n ly V21A-,<i, '2 \0',:>.,'-1-:--1lttE IPVtDlue: I::' fEA-ti i'-1y OiLl~ W A '-/ --l-6 Cc>M'f'-iU. 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I ' W (A/<7 7 / // . r;711/ l/fv(Y 71- 7 !C'/~WC1jJ ~!C;(JcI ; Fl" 1/ p',)' J.' ~I -:(L ,. f ...... • Thit is a public comment for the Wright Petition (CC Docket-#96-128) # Reee\'Jed &. \nstleeted ~\JG '\ 3 7.0\7. Chairman Julius Genachowski Federal Communications Commission Public Comments 445 12th Street, SW Washington, DC 20554 fCC Ma\\ Room Dear Chairman Genachowski: I am writing to ask that you consider the Wright Petition that I understand would put a cap on inmate telephone rates. I have a loved one who is currently incarcerated in the Michigan Department of Corrections (MDOC) and in order to speak with this person on the telephone I am charged outrageous rates. It is my understanding that the telephone provider, Public Communication Services (PCS) charges $0.05 per minute to provide the actual inmate telephone service, and an additional $0.15 is added to support a "special fund'' created by PCS to generate additional profits for themselves and the MDOC. This predatory telephone provider collects 30% of the money generated for this fund. They actually make more money from this fund than from providing the actual telephone service. For its part, the MDOC claims it needs this extra money to plug holes in the state's prison budget. Shouldn't that budget funding come through taxes equally spread across the entire tax base? It seems prisoners and families are being permitted to maintain their relationships through telephone calls only if they make a contribution to the MDOC operating budget. Their option is to not use the phone. Excessive phone fees not only unfairly burden low-income families but also undermine the re-entry and rehabilitation efforts trumpeted by the MDOC. Taxpayers should not have to subsidize prisoner phone calls, but neither should the state and predatory phone companies make millions of dollars on the backs of some of the state's poorest people. This fund is generating over $9 million annually. Keep in mind, this fund has nothing to do with the necessary cost of providing the telephone service; it's strictly pure profit and greed. It seems the main function _of our FCC is to protect consumers from predatory behavior, and if this doesn't qualify for that protection, then I don't know what would. Please cap these rates and do the right thing. Sincerely, Received & Inspected AUG 1 3201l • FCC Mail Room c;s--;). -/ ).. $' /2C-:r. Dei v£ d2v. +4.she. k d s· ::r. 0 #- I 7 ;;1.30/1 '1 t-Or'"l l5/v d S ~V1 777 ~~ no J D,c:?vJ;1 ~ I oS Pr~J St Y"',:l h .>-h -I-l-t <- t Cc,,~.,.,...,~,., t pc;,- +'4.-e. Dc?cCk~ t- -# q 6, -/2~) fo"')"" {c r (C'C e"& ~v I d JI k ~ -;-0 C"0 s i:c> .-1f' h oh c: 514 te. -t'hc:' q/(..l C; 7 c-0 /J"\ "'" -e "" -1:- c; Y"\ Ce'.!Is. h -Cr-e ~-erz::. X ~~ 0r-e--a-ov. C f../Ir y -t:' t-17' I V7 Ct:'4",.-c. T:: r 4t---e J. I .q VV"&:; t-f/,-e.. 11..:::; k·~ (}2 j..- er- Grr r",:- tfC-Vta I Jh €>'-r;-t-v'r-eci I ""'- IVl j2 11'1 s: {jn~'no I Dr c :r. J c, /, (.; IS. 0 S12c- I c:...hc:-vt ,?&Y7 ho~r ?i..,. ~'c::n.... ~.... c.. ""-y ,> -f'ha t. 1.--/ f r::: c-f2IYlCt -::r. So M o-F side- Me-e:;n-S (./n. c:: 0 -{: JJoISC) (Sh.ake 02lv-e- C:o-r/'"e.c--f,c-""c./ :r;..s·h'v+e') hov....- hollY! -e} G>es.: heito- lOr"..?c-..... e!?af::.t:- -I:- \...---z'"&. 7 (' Grc-s-ht'--. P.. ,-tlc,l'1.J / C7n -Prer"'\. Yk- y bor J-z:rs; '+h..:::: dnL-C: Ore"..$-o ...... ), ~ -e-+ /..'1' ~ Th,~ l..--U; I cilr;.TaHC-C -t .J2.rc, J-" once C{ t:-I d,:.;. G'T t ----H, r t- '7 I {llAy -ru /'VIm v Ct:?! i <:' 1/ ""'y ce::;.Il -\-1 -Pc::: Cos·-t k..-, .f:-e ?V\ fI---y H d I"--y !..-,Pc , 1 0'11 n v ,-I:: Fc..r S d2 c :r (,. . / ht:: r-e -::;:: a ,f2.v--- ~ -fi,lr~ i'v</1-7vl<: 4.5;)0 c~l/ . tr: ~ IS call ot? bcc:e<c.-,st!'! c1t~:-f;:;VltC'< oz...-y- Or~7':'/I''1 's f'oQ/v/&' VOo-" I ,-f2r~ -f~< buY!" -rh S t::.Jt#H.5- di,'1a",C'C' -flor Q l:p-ruc: S hce-Y\ 0.,.... )¥V'pr~'-~J"V/~.... --t ~ the,,L'he;;n 5<he:i~ ,c'4 II~ hc...-c cJr ~r t:' .f ..(2r-0"-" .c::,f'~r t.,.·. t<:rl-T:' /7 $ ;). SiL?O -Pc::.-r ~ hc-.lf2 hc;-v,- c"e;./I ~ <j tit ~o V. O)f:; (.7 M~JC.d'" prl{. UV1 S b c:c....... ht:l>v-t!' >0 / (;;1':;'4 ;v.~JO'ni/ -/'4< CtVl d \....-I/t-- I "" C::(Yc: &:i c:..>'/- j vrr~ (' /7 1 ·ly ~ c~ II Of"c.:?;-&V" ~/t {1flc",i:-r!'~j -F- Ore,son·.,;: pOC'I'L~ I VI VVL&:i·f.e.s b"7 ,~,~ c~J/~d / ~ -fh-c>~ '~ky \.s M-C/V1J f'r~l4vvsly P/'I C'-eS") -r-echYlC)/~ f?rY ~n V\-jr ~yt,.l 4.-). ,,) ~\""'-t::"'" r"ee~d/V\.}r cc.....rre." ~ ~I+h.. -f'h-c 4' pr<VIt:/v(' OODe 3C?, b~~ ..... has J, ?-t4-lc:~ it- ;).Ol?- c;-,..... aM .J. dviy I -j-i,.& 1:- I t- J -r ~Y'l 1'V'7 ?is I-t- hCvc,<!- S-'t.'YI-l:-e-hc-e I ~t 1/ -r:' v'\ /1'-20 r c-i Vl. .J -r '-' s.;;; e y <: co{ i/ S I./'--t -r k -If" c: -e£Cdl"" . _ " -::;::. ~ CvMr""-£....VlI c ..-- -r t- I ~J- bec·c./Y'-"l ~ fV\. Y IC/v-e .d. h c;....-- J -c-phon~ 1 0 c. Vt.d YI -< .S /VJ.Py b C" Received & jf18peeted .... , {:hairman Genachowski Federal Communications Commission Public Comments 445 12th Street, SW Washington, DC 20554 AUG 1:3 Z01Z FCC Mail Room Re: "This is Public comment for the Wright Petition (CC Docket #96-128)." Subject: Prison Phone Justice Campaign Dear Chairman Genachowski, 1 have a friend who is presently incarcerated in a Pennsylvania Department of Corrections Facility. 1 am unable to visit him because of health issues, and, the distance to travel. The only option 1 have to communicate with him is by telephone. 1 am a senior citizen whose only income is social security benefits and a small pension, and therefore adversely affected by the high cost of prison phone calls. The cost of a 15 min. phone call costs me $11.00 plus $1.96 for federal tax and .91 for state tax .... a total of$13.87! 1 am sure there are other families and friends who live out of state, who also cannot afford to pay these high costs for phone calls. It is a great injustice to us and to our loved ones ...... these prices are not only very unfair, but an absolute outrage! This fosters separation from support systems .... an invaluable and essential requisite by the inmates in these institutions. It is time for the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) to take action and intervene on our behalf, and reduce and cap the high rates charged by the phone companies who provide service to prisons and jails. 1 have enclosed a copy of my most recent phone bill from GLOBAL TEL *LINK (GTL) for your attention. 11 aV ,Qf,llS, ~ho have loved ones in the Pennsylvania Department of Correction's Facilities, will greatly appreciate your assistance in accomplishing our goal. (1~~ CHERRY MARSHALL 540 CRANBURY ROAD APT. 340 EAST BRUNSWICK, NJ 08816 ,or ,<, , t'!',' ", I" GLOBAL TEL*LINK ' ' " G .~··l··-······ . .. -~.- 1:4~;~ ......lit·<«:> ····:··:-.;.._, ..... ·~:· ..;;;~ PO BOX 2827 MOBILE, AL 36652-2827 ACCOUNT NUMBER:6351-0000011854 INVOICE NUMBER:l78966-6351 BILLING PERIOD:05/26/12-06/25/12 ' Call Detail for:(732) 387-8156 PAGE: 3 t . THIS IS A PUBLIC COMMENT FOR THE WRIGHT PETITION (CC DOCKET NUMBER (96-128) Mr. Ernest Francis~176318 Cheshire, Correctional Institution 900 Highland Ave Cheshire, Ct. 06410 Reeelved & inspecteo AUG 13 Z012 8/2/2012 Chairman Julius Genachowski Federal Communication Commission Public Comment 445 12th Street, SW Washington, D.C 20554 Dear Chairman Genachowski, Good day, mv n~mp is Ernest Francis and I am a prisoner at the Cheshire Correctional Institution in Cheshire, Connecticut. This communication is in regards to the Wright petition (CC docket Number 96-128). With respect to the foregoing, the Connecticut Department of Corrections utilizes a phone company by the name of Securus prior to the Ct D.O.C awarding Securus this contract they utilized Global Tel Link. What all these companies have in common ;~ that they all charge an excess amount for us to make contact with our families~ Securus presentlYl' charges .34··a minute for local and interstate calls pre-paid are .24 a minute. The high price of these calls have placed a barrier between me and my family. My mother who has grown sick since my incarceration has had her phone blocked because she was unable to keep up with the high costs of the phone bill. My wife works part time and cannot afford to take my calls and feed the family. This has resulted in me growing distant from my family. The inability to communicate with my loved ones has caused me to become increasingly distraught. The phone companies appear to have a monopoly on prison phone calls. Connecticut made an attempt to lower costs of prisoner phone calls when it enacted Connecticut General Statutes 18-81(s) Pilot Program for Debit Account Telephone System. This program was supposeo~o allow prisoners to pay for their own calls utilizlng a debit card. However,when the Department of Corrections realized that it would be more lucrative for them to utilize companies like Global Tel Link and Securus, they immediately entered into contracts with these companies in order to obtain large kick backs. Chairman Genachowski Page 2 8/2/12 Our only hope of reducing our phone rates and increasing family ties is for the F'.C-.C to change the rates of the phone calls for local and long distance. There is no sound reasoning for these rates. These rates only serve one purpose and that is to collect from the suffering of family members of prisoners. Thank you for your time in this matter in the interim I await your response. Respectfully Submitted, Recei~d & \ospected AUG 10 ?.01?. f'3 fr FCC Mai Room f) .. ;- Rece\~d &\nspected ~UG 10 1.0W. ECC Ma" Room t f /l/t£7"/oAJtt..J /l2f:> & Pe?~NT~~ 6'/t/ M/lfi'9· £EEC/5C5' /i) t2/S<:LAI.Sc #l:J4J l;lttA!:--tY tJL::_ _____ 71¥& 6'/bf:BD&.r &t!;e;:@ Bft!ky {,4£151>AJ Lf.i?S.&t..A/&J mda:!/1 u;-z...~ A/ali?. d//Lk ~#ey .t'-4 Lf?&£ L>~t;;;gJr,#LC Z?e~C !/OW / -rtYctr c&u..E:r;;:L/94?> «#a.ter6(c&2'b&@ h<>Es, :f6'l..r 's: Recei>tedr &\nspected AUG 10 Z012 FCC Mall Room ~ - . Recelwd &\nspected . AUG 102012 FCC Mall Room ~~~ I~ Q ~~};L eocnM~n-\- ~or- +~iL Wnsk+ re..t~.t-;(N' C~c... ~oc.k-\- 'Deo, #<1("- 1:28) ~a'\tMO(1 Ge.nac.h~wsk.·, :r a(lJ c..u.('r-en{.\, It"\\..eJ 'tn ~ V~"S~()ia. ~~G.\c.. ~\\.~~Ul\. sys~. :J::. ~ wrd'':'ns 'I(TV... ,~ re.sud +0 +k 0lA.+r-u~s; -\.dei).W()(L ~f\·~~ ~c:Jt O\A"" ~0(Yl~ \~e.~ a~ be.io5 ~a~ ~y Gl"bal Tel Ln k. ~ Q~S~ c-oJ ~Ci!.r ca.l\ ~c;,,~ My -~(n;ly ;,\"t!\\.ca r coll) G~ fl7r ~C(7I,-~ is' ~ o~ s.\.o.-k.. '1k ~(7)~lr ~cv\ ::r call l) Q \So .sa:(\~ -+-~n~ \'1eo\~coJ ern1~~ d hQVlllS -l ~at SLLcl h~~l ~\.~ ~n~'S .\..ab away ~r01'1 ~e.;t" hod. eot(lQJ \'1dhC.y ~J i':;' Oo~ ~0S ~ Cf'L ~rs vi'S~\.s Q-\J... ~rescriftO"lS. :r:: 4: n l :~ 1~ l"o~: r- ~ vo e--U.~('Q l ~ r Gt.ld ba I le-l Lnl *' ~iL k: I~~ 0()("" .so rJuc.h. VI f'S;O; ~ ')). O. c-. dd€'l:> (lo+ a U~t,.) ~ l..LSe.. 0 ~ c.a II .e,rWc.~;()S. 'rR~ CorrIr(l~es ~ o~ S\ ~;CR.~) /t.:€..Ore.. Icm~ allc:fwecl -\0- cleo.l t"J\~. ~ ~ \e.t.\ (},3;-.Ll (l(:) ~t)~ Sv.;k l. f01 ~ ~:r ~ ~~sl ff'C2S... '"::I:: ~oulJ ()<;) asl ~ you he-\f ~ ~C(Y\~ he..l ~y \nve;J:SQ-ko'l~ '-i--t;y fJ1a~ en) hel u.s J~ -..J-),e;e <U.k. 'lhC"l k you. ~ YCfI,l( ~(l)c.... f S;n~lr( /Ue.a l La ~ \<::.raL ~ \ ~~ ~~-:s;>. ~"l,hofYl ~\r<..c...~Q(lQ I Cen-\-~ '-y.o, ~O7' 400 b:\\~n Va. 02~q5lo '$ I I II I I i1eeelved & lnspectea .. AUG -7 2012 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 FCC Mail Room "This is a public comment to the Hrightpetition" (cc docket # 96-128) "Dear Chairman Genachov1ski" Greetings to you and orignaztion, i William Long # g-64902 of calipatria state prison in the state of california , I'm sending you this letter in regards to my grave concern of the high prices my family is forced to pay for us to maintain communication with one another,which has in turn stopped the much needed co~munication.I understand that companys are in the business of making money, yet these prices are simply unreasonable in there very nature.Would you please place a regulation on these company's abusing there privileages. This will enable me resume a more healthier relatrionship with my family, please.My family stays such a great distance from v1here i 'm 15 housed and the ability to communicate on a regular basis would 16 be great for myself and family. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Thaank you and God Bless, William J. Long G-64902-A-1-229 5002 Calipatria ,Ca 92233 f1 3D~ 1 Received &Inspected 0/or/ l.UG -7 Z01Z ./J l II/It '-' j,yJJ s K.\ fJV~r rls ~~ A- IIA 6/;c:_ Co~s-.Ji { cc. Oot..~l ~ <f{,-1;;~_9'), L lvtu£. 6£-f.N ;.~<AruM~~~ ~r 12/ Jl'b90:. .A)JvJ .~el )~r;~ ffi,f fift'lf:. 1 _:fJz w --/,J.f.sse.iJ {Itt. ;ID~ fA-Iu Jt.> up t:/1'46-J;LAII/. /Jo A> -lloSi:_ {#c.;fsJ ;-t:_5. kr~ ~ ~;j)-f.~..J~ f.....,,' lj J~>AcYS 1 ~ ZAl c::-/o.s}-j" p~ ~~~s..J. ~t-J~!u//f1f---Jts "...J /II~ j!,tA~ -cS;~(;c;J tJ~d£ ~ ;/r.;__.s1:_ 8£_ rl) /Gt 1/ct:-u SeS. · ~ / (; S.~~.!:( S AMJGj :5- c.-.J'J ul/s. .tfhl -/illsc ctt;/-fS ~ fE J.-9!5£ AA.Cd (). 6-<- _...j~J&I f€;~. .!c.~.~eg -fi£ ;r;·st!MJ lulL-e.~/; w .Abl #cJ r -~,')t~s for Jiz fu~-r~o.AJ wr};Al 1 f pr f.>r r/I,J clrAr;£S, hrs~.Ani'J Jti-1-K;A15 jAf'Wis A(l o/.J~r f'·~/c l~tt:J.Ac ~" .e><--!fVf fAoj<J€_ 01,6 .A/1J:;.. J/vjf ~ r f.!ly .0~ ,51) .M ~~! ~ At;) /].J .ey.;ioi'f/t),o~ </JJdly /'A£ / dJp.} rAJd a{ ~ fM~t /c/IA 11.-t J (-)}.II w;:;4 ~ w~J/ 6'~ ~.A de: .;//.fA.1 ,?__.! ~ .ft . ~ ,tJ-o-c /l;~e_ s;'5-/~. /--0 -'"'/ -f'XJ .-")dl}:xJAJce, Mrdl' A-4&'.. s d a..J cri./Vt;~l 2 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS Warden's Directive 08-2 Attachment A May 1, 2011 NOTTOWAY CORRECTIONAL CENTER/NOTTOWAY. WORil CI!NTI!R ' Offender Request For lnfonnation Fonn Receiveu & Inspected OFFENDER REQUEST FOR INFORMATION f:.UG- 7 Z01Z If you have a complaint that may result in a formal grievance. you must use the lnjQPll}lL M--··! Room INSTRUCTIONS FOR FILING: Complaint Form. This form is to be used for requesting general information through specific departments. Please ensdre\rh':n ·" c.L · · your topic coincides with the appropriate department. Please fill out form & send to (please check one below) and place in the institutional mail. All requests for maintenance issues should be sent to the Building Supervisor. Place your request in designated area on this form ONLY. Warden Assistant Warden u Major (Security) Q Treatment - Name: ~ Operations Manager CJ Business Office CJ Personal Property Q Q Offender's Last Name Q Q CJ Q Q 0 0 Building Supervisor DCE Mental Health Medical Food Service Rec. Supervisor/Law Library Offender Records First Name Number Q Q CJ Q Q Q Mailroom Laundry Offender Grievance Office Safety Officer Disciplinary Hearings Officer Other _ _ _ __ Building Cell Number PLEASE STATE YOUR REQUEST (USE THIS AREA ONLY)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Offender's Signature: -----,T'f.Zlt""""'~~414<,:~~4"'>""'-f44.4.?J;'J4Cf----------I ! Date: ?-d(?- j:2 Effective Date: December 1, 2010 Operating Procedure 866.1 Attachment 3 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS Informal Complaint . RECEIVED Informal Complaint INSTRUCTIONS FOR FILING: Briefly write your issue in the space provided onJIJI.Jqr~t~omplaint form, preferably in ink. Only one issue per Informal Complaint. Place your complaint in the designated area at your facility. A receipt is issued within 2 working days from the date received if thd'Gfh.rGQJI~~/ileflot returned during intake. If no response is received within 15 calendar days, you may proceed in filing a regular grievance. You may utilize your receipt as evidence of your attempt to resolve your complaint. 0 0 0 Offender Signature Date Received: I ~ Offender Number Food Service Commissary Other (Please Specify): 4 Housing Assignment 0 0 Treatment Program Supervisor Mailroom Date -~7._~_,23.__-_.I'-%C~-'--------- Offenders- Do Not Write Below This Line -L~1L~~::=:::__ Response Due: -+-.....ll:;;""""".....c..=..;=--Action Taken/Respons · \ WITHDRAWAL OF INFORMAL COMPLAINT: I wish to voluntarily withdraw this Informal Complaint. I understand that by withdrawing this Informal Complaint, I will not receive a response nor will I be able to file any other Informal Complaint or Grievance on this issue. Offender Signature: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Date: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 ' ' - l " " Staff Witness Signature: Date: - - - - - - - - - - - - - + 7 ' " 1 " " Revision Date: 9123/10 .JOHN ROBERTS JT-5669/DA-11 10745 ROUTE 18 ALBION. PA 16475-0002 1\ MEMO . . TO: ~n=rc.€ Ot THE C...J..'~\<'M'lr) jvliu~ bcnq<..how5~: FROM: J~~" C<ober+.s a""' DATE: A.v~v5-\'- RE: e.. I ~'\. '\ ) +o 14,oo ~er MoV\+". ~ MMo~o ''f ' \J f\ ~ Y: L, (h_~ ~·e._ (_q I la."' d -+ A4 +-s· ~ <tt J I-F I rc; -e rs I_ L.J CJ -?'ee.( jv.S+ ~q +- .L, ., I " '---- ~0/d. l sJ a /1 L r . 1'\ 0 ; c..J: -1-o The,~ tc "Deep within man dwell those slumbering powers. Powers that would astonish him. Capabilities ~v and inftuenees that he never dreamed of possessing. Forces that would revolutionize his life, if only aroused (\_ ~ and put into action." ~ "Arisen Sweat Martin" t TRULINCS 63737054 - JOHANSEN, KEVIN - Unit: BRO-O-A Received & Imspecteo FROM: 63737054 TO: SUBJECT: Phone Justice Campaign DATE: 07/23/2012 09:48:57 AM AUG - 72012 Kevin Johansen Reg. No. 63737-054 MDC Brooklyn PO Box 329002 Brooklyn, NY 11232 Chairman julius Genachowski Federal Communications Commission Public Comments 445 12th Street, SW Washington, DC 20554 This is a public comment for the Wright Petition (CC Docket 96-128) Dear Chairman Genachowski: I am a federal prisoner. My case had two parts, one in California where I am from, and the other in New York City. During the nearly ten months my case was being heard in federal court in San Francisco, the US Marshals housed me in the Alameda County Jail (Santa Rita) in Dublin, California. My mother lives within the same area code, yet when she would add $25 to her prepaid phone account, it would be gone in maybe half an hour of talking, broken up in several phone calls because each phone call cost a few dollars for the first minute, then a smaller amount for subsequent minutes. My mother is poor. Her monthly income is lower than her rent, and she lives well under the federal poverty line. I gave her access to the money in my bank account to help her with this, but it was not enough. While there, I had to communicate with my attorney in New York City. This jail did not have a system for legal calls for federal inmates. My attorney in New York was appointed and paid by the court, though he was not a public defender. There was no special phone I could us.e that would give me free phone calls to him, so my mother had to pay for that, too, a few times. I know that the attorney could have established his own account and eventually the courts would reimburse him. This is how it is supposed to be, but it is not done that way in reality. If I wanted to speak to my attorney, my mother had to pay for it. This was even more expensive than the calls I made to her, though tha.t was prohibitively expensive. After ten months I was transferred to Brooklyn to handle this aspect of my case, and I have been housed in a Federal BOP prison for the last twelve months. From the county jail in California, the cost for a 15 minute phone call was about $10 to a local number. From the federal jail in Brooklyn, a long distance phone call of 15 minutes has a flat rate of $3.45, which is comparatively reasonable. When is the last time you paid that much for a phone call? I remember we used to be billed that way in the 19905 for landlines, but it is not considered normal these days. The BOP limits each inmate to 300 minutes per month, no matter what their circumstances are. They also have wide latitude to place federal prisoners anywhere in the country. There is supposed to be a rule that they house us within 500 miles of our homes within a few years of our release dates, but that is a suggestion rather than a rule and isn't always followed. I am 27 years old and I have never been in jailor separated from my family for this long. Since I'm not able to receive visits from them, phone calls are the next best thing. I know this is a separate issue from the high costs of the calls, but limiting the number of minutes is just as destructive to families, especially'when they could be on the other side of the country. It damages relationships and makes the time harder. This isn't supposed to be part of the punishment. It is unfair to lock up the poorest people in this country only to allow predatory phone companies to exploit them. Limiting a prisoner's connection to his family damages his stability in prison and in transitioning back into the world. Thank you. ~ Kevin Johansen 1'4~ Reee\ved &\nspeeted AUG - 6 2012 This is a public comment for the WRIGHT PETITION (CC Docket #96-128) FCC Ma\\ Room 01/.;L/ /2012 &t\t)~t> ..) .k ,l-1§ ~g.E15 Thumb Correctional Facility 3225 John Conley Dr. Lapeer. Mich 48446 Chairman Julius Genachowski Federal Communications Commission Public Comment 445 12t!l Street SW Washington, DC 20554 www.prisonphonejustice . org Dear Chairman Genachowski: I am writing this letter in hope you will be able to help with this HIGH COST on the PRISON PHONES. As with the economy being so bad at time, it is really hard on most families, and I believe most people now days are on a FIXED INCOME, and most work for a MIMIMUM wage. But there is no doubts we want to talk to our Jove ones. But the COST is keeping our communication at a stand still. Also the families are FORCED to make accounts with the Phone Company (MORE MONEY) when there is nothing wrong with their Collect calls, as it is just another way for the Company to make money off the families. I want to thank you for your time. July 30, 2012 Federal Communications Commission Public Comments 4Q5 12th Street, SW Washington, DC 20554 Dear Chairman eenachowski, Received &. Inspected AUG - 6 2012 FCC Mai! Room This is a public comment for the Wright Petition (cc Docket# 96-128). tt Our son, at Mac Dougall Correctional Institute in Suffield,CT has been incarcerated since 1997. His collect calls origonally cost us about $20 for 15 minutes. In 2008 Global Tel Link offered a pre-paid contract which reduced the cost to $12.97 for 15 mim. Of course, that required us to pay up front. We tr¥ to maintain a minimum balance of $25 (2calls) which means that most of the time we have $100 or more of our Social Security Retirment tied up in that account. As with all telephone companies, we are charged a lot of State and Federal fees as well as surcharges and taxes so that the stated "rate per minute" is meaningless. We can~t call him. He has to call us and we can't guess or calculate how many . . tlmes he trles to call and cant reach us. So, in addition to regular letters and simi-annual 1600 mile trips to see him, phone calls are his and our lifeline. We appreciate every effort toward making his calls more affordable. J ." ? &-t-- /~~b;.:;? A Sincere Th~~k~ Tom and Dora Pickles 636 harris Point Way Wake Forest, NC 27587 Chairman Julius Genachowski 28 July 2012 Page 2 I also previously had problems with contacting my attorney. Apparently their service provider does not have contracts with all the other local service providers so I could not make collect calls to him as they did not have an agree~ent with his. They literally forced him into opening a prepaid account with them. Thank you in advance for your time and consideration in this matter. If you require any additional information please do not hesitate to contact me. {£:ere~K Den~ Beldotti W-45845 NATIONAL LIFERS' OF AMERICA, INC. Chapter 1026-A Michigan Refor.atary 13~2 West Main Street Ienia, Michigan ~BB~6-1923 Received & Inspected AUG - 6 2012 FCC Mail Room July 11,2012 Chairman Julius Genachawski Federal Communications Ca •• ission public Co.ments ~~5 12th Street, S.W. Washington, D.C. 2055~ Subject: "THIS IS A PUBLIC CDMMENT FOR THE WRIGHT PETITION (CC Docket • 96-128).· I have been in prisen in the stete af Michigan for 40 years naw. I am fre. another ceuntry. Placing a phane ta .y fa.ily .e.bers to my cauntry haa become very expensive aver the past yeer since PCS Daily has acquired the Michigan Dep't of Cerrectians prisoner telephone contract. They raised the coet of a phone call dramatically withaut even placing priaene~s and their familias en netice and placed a aurcharge per minute en a priaaner te1aphen. call to purchase apeciel equip.ent, auch as taaera, bullet praef Yest, cell phene detectien equip.ent .nd to pay PCS to handle the MDOC financial revenues far kicks backs genereted fre. the prisaner telephone aystem. It is herd enough to da a life aentence and now I can not even afford a phone call to my family in my cauntry. Its time far yeur effica to stand up fer what ia right. P1ae.a take actien and atop th~.l1 ca.panias from charging ae .uchfor an averaaaa phene call. Thank you vary much for your ti.e in this .atter. Very .uch concerned. 1'~ :r'cJwpo&t Tany Jekupaji, Active member '1~B692 NATIONAL LIFERS OF AMERICA, INC. Michigan Reformatory 1342 West Main Street Ionia, Michigan 48846 F\@C:~t\ieo &\11tlPDBted CHAPTER 1026-A AUG ~ 6 ~01! rOO Ma\l taeom July 22, 2012 Chairman Julius Genachowski Federal Communications Commission Public Comments 445 12th Street, SW Washington, DC 20554 RE: 11 This is a public comment for the Wright Petition (CC Docket t 96-128). 11 Dear Chairman Genachowski: This latter is in hopes that you will put soma type of regulation into effect with State's like Michigan and telephone companies that target prisoner populations end their families to make big profits. I have 50 years served in prison on a life without parole sentence. I have watched many prisoners come to prison young and are now old and greying grandparents. Today their are mora than 14 times as many prisoners over the age of 55 than ever. To live this long in prison takes e lot of family support and communication. If state and federal governments are going to keep people in prison until they die, 20 to 55 years after they been incarcerated, than they should at least provide us with reasonable telephone services, ta maintain this family support and communiccetion. After all, many of use older prisoners ere now in wheelchairs or us walkers to get around and can no lengar work a prison assignment, to be able to afford a phone call to our children's children, our grandchildren now. I thank you very much for your time hoping that you will do something about these high cost ef a prisoner telephone call in the state of Michigan. Yours truely, "Vi~ Mr. Ali Shabazz, LWOP #94288 Chairman, Legal Research Committee 11'€celo/~u & j(.j8fjOOi'€:O Al "~ ,,3 ZQ1Z DAVID b!ROBLESKI, LWOP 4/:226162 NATIONAL LIFERS' OF AMERISA, INC. Chapter 1026-1'1 Michigen Reformatory 1342 West Main Street Ionia, Michigan 48846-1923 FCC M1.1I; Room July 15, 2012 Chairman Julius Genachowski Federal Communications Commission Public Comments 445 12th Street, SU Uashington, DC 20554 Re: ~ ~ ..! public comment .f.2.£. ~ ltlright Petition (CC Docket 4/:96-12fJ): Dear Chairman Genachowski: Hello, does any body hear me out there? I am serving a life without parole sentence in the Michigan Department of Corrections I have been incarcerated for more than two (2) decades now. Over the years, I have lost most of my contact with my family and friends due to the increased cost of a telephone call from the prison setting. I come from a very poor family. A family who can't afford to ~ay $3.30 per phone call, and a surcharge of 12-cents per minute to pay for cell phone detection equipment, and another surcharge to pay for PCS and the MDOe's financial accounting scheme. Prison jobs ara very far and in between, and a prisoner such as myself who totally depends on a prison job to pay for a telephone debit card and hygiene products, typically is forced to go without communicating on the telephone with family and friends, where the average monthly income of a prison job in the state of Michigan is $8.00 to $14.00. PCS and the ~1DOC are destroying many prisoner family communications, as they have done with me. Please stop this outrages price gouging by these big prison telephone corporations and wealthy politicians who are taking campaign funds nr other kickbacks for entering in such contracts with these companies. Respectfully, ~~~ David Wrobleski, LWOP #226162 Special Programs Coordinator , t-)E~'_:::V 8ASKH: [lEV, ~ATIOMAL LIFERS OF U~IJP #165n48 ~MEqICA, Received &inspet;{eO INC. NJJ "762012 Chapter 1026-A Michigan Reformatory 1342 I-lest ~1ain Stroet Ionia, Michigan 48846-1923 FCC Mal! Room July 14 t 2012 Julius Senachow~ki Federal Communications Public Comments 445 12th street, SW Washington, DC 20554 ~hairman Re: ~.!.:! ~ public comment .!E!. ~ llright Petitioner eee Docket #96-128): Dear Chairman Genachowski: I am wri Hng you this lstter to address a few complaints in regards to the Michigan Depart~ent of Corrections prisoner tele~hone contract with the manipulating pes corporation. I have been confined now for 33 years, ~erv:ng a Life Without Parole sentenc2 It is very important that I have an access to the telephone to co~municatQ with my family members and loved ones. As I get older, my family member3 alRo get oleer, thay evr:mtually die off like the rest of us. It is very important to communicate with my wi fe as much as possible t I love her very much. But just being married while in prison is very straining on our relationship. Telephone communication keeps our relationship aliva. Mot being a~le to provide for my wife and family financially is very atraining. To be charged a 12-cent a rdnuti;! surcharge for every minute I speak on the telephone to my wife is very costly. Especially when this surcharge is being charged to purchase corrections staff personal protection equipment, tas2rs, ballistic vests and contraband detection equipment and a new security camera system here at the Michigan Reformatory. This equipment has nothing w~atso~ver to do with the prisoner telephone system. It serves only one purpose, to destroy prisoner and family relationships, and communications. It does not serve rehabilitation purpos8s at all. It only 32rves PCS and the M~r.~'5 financial gain goals. The prisoner telephone service should be used to restore the already strained family ties of prisoners, not destroy them. It should not be used for financial gain purposes, under any disguise. Thus, I respectfully request that you intervene and put an end to such practices as pes and the MODe have engaged in I thank you very much for your time, praying for your intervention. ?~sp'ectful1YD ~o._lyS_, uJ~~,g~ We;l~y a«skin Bey Chairman, Legislative Committee Received & Inspected AUG - 6 2012 Dear C:eenocJu,w~~ chaJrfrl&? ~ FCC Mail Room ~/74Y7Tr y},j3 j a ,Publ: c.iV,,:~ f ~f;f/~ (Ce- J)(J,·Ie~f .:J:t~ /; - )d-. g). i!) 7-3Cl-M ~ /Tl.<JntIJj :S cAr/st~ Jd;r};,j~, I'rY) /r1PJDie k.c,,,,, ;.., J>vch~3/>7 1)Cl/7)i! Ctv'-~!7 ;p, ~r~f-~19n3) ~~ lJy J7'Wtkr ./s ~ ;:;rfm~ ,PV'..s;on ::z:- Aa-ve tb CDJ~ ~:z; ~ tP/i5J6k t;; due f:p tk ~ rak ;/ (;,f<?f,;yJ Hz)~. ~ ~'s Pjy r ~s ~~ tp b. ~ ~ ~e5 were a ~e> ~ {,./r;;rkcf/!e (9t/f- fnc:ip/ tr tV&,~ ~ sf-r~4- duJs, ~ C(f/Z/l(?ttk rati.£ ~ eN! ,p-/wn# carli ~ 'f:rd Ute r-r; ~ oIi1'$~bil;;g, .lUI- ot4, adn St~ed-i~~. ~.aff/re ~ rilr~ U5~ J~ ke ::iI- /"a~ ~e. re&7.$I9r)Cl'~ ~.A¥f J/€- 6PVY ~/ /Tt(Y'B Ci;JJh, Cl <9W>7 ~~ r~~ ;:'Ir~f; C::? 71... cull ~ VnE'S-, k tJne.<, ? ~ .,'nP1iJze oIevb# :z; A",vt!? 0/7 ell- ~ ~~~ ~jl-- ~ theSR ~e5/ ~Ie re; I~ ~ _ I f iV<i!~!J' ,.//11 the ~ve"J&7r ~ t:.tJ~lfy d.e<lp€; ~// ~e. Help, CtJ;/e ~ ctll/ ~ a/I~e ~SfH?p/ c%bi1- uJ~1/ kfo, u2:? ':!Y ~ J~f:""" ~ to ~ ;vep~ ~~ c9-'7 ~;li? ~~ tc ~k ----------------.•~,----------------------7L--~4~7~-~'~~~-- FCC Mall Room NATIONAL LIFERS OF AMERICA, INC. Michigan Reformatory 1342 West Main Street Ionia, Michigan 48846 25 Recelwd & InsPeCted AUG 0 6 2012 FCC MaW Room CHAPTER 1026-A July 23, 2012 Chairaan Julius Genachawski Federal cea.unicatians c..aissian Public Ca-nts ~~5 12th Street, SW washington, DC 2055~ RE: "This is a public co..ent fer the Wright Petition (CC Oacket I 96-128)." Dear Chairman Ganachawaki: I .. heping that yau will step the Michigan Depart..nt ef Carractiena and their priaener telephene cqntrector PCS fram ..nipulating the peer familiae af prisenera and prisaner themselvea. I came frem a very paer ca.-unity in Oetrait, Michigan. I am 53 yeara and the father of twa and grandfather ef three. I aa approxi•ately 140 eiles free heme. I wauld lave to apeak te ey wife, children, and grandchildren, but I s1-,ly cannot afferd to purchase a phene card at a einimue ef $10 00 and te pay $3.80 fer a phene call en a $8.00 a eonth prisen assign..nt. Nor, can my faelly afferd te pay these high prices for aphene cell plus, surcharges far special aquip•nt such as bullet proaf vest, tasera, and security cameras, which have nothing ta do with telephena campania& and telephane calls, yet, we are farced to pay such en eur phene billa. I thank yeu very IIUCh fer yeur till8, preying fer your ceeperatien in this matter,. ::~::~lo, 11'6527 Vice-Chairaan, Legislative Camaittee .' NATIONAL LIFERS OF AMERICA, INC. Michigan Reformatory 1342 West Main Street Ionia, Michigan 48846 AUG 00 2012 FCC Matt Room CHAPTER 1026-A June 22, 2012 Chairman Julius Genachowski Federal Communications Commission Public Comments 445 12th Street SW Washington, DC 20554 RE: "This is a public comment for the Wright Petition {CC Docket 196-128)." Dear Chairman Genachowski: Government officials such as those in the state of Michigan, who have approved the PCS contract that includes kickbacks, described as 1 2-cent per minute surcharge for security equipment, and excessively high rates, apparently forgot why prisoners are afforded phone access in the first place. For one, there is a widely-know" and researched correlatior between prisoners who maintain contact with their families and those who are successful in staying out of prison after they are released. This reduces recidivism rates. But there is more to it. What about a person such as myself, who has been wrongfully convicted of murder and sentenced to life-without-parole--who is in~igent--and simply can not afford the high cost of a prison telephone call? I have been in prison for 29 years, fighting for my life. Prior to PCS's contract with the Michigan Department of Corrections, I was able to afford some phone calls seeking legal and other assistance to prove my innocence. Since PCS has acquired the MDOC prisoner telephone contract, I have been not been able to afford to make any phone calls seeking assistance to prove my innocence. How do I prove my innocence--if I cannot afford to communicate with my family, friends, or those with who may be willing to assist me? These high priced prisoner telephone contracts are designed to make big corporations rich, save the state of Michigan money, while nickel and dimming the poor and unfortunate. Thus, I respectfully request your intervention in lowering the cost of a prisoner telephone call. Sincerely,'\Jo..uSL ~.~~ Paul Russ, LWOP i178706 Active Membership , JAMES GOODMAN BEY, LWCP #227294 f!P.TIONAL LIFERS' OF AMERICA, WC. Chpater 1026-A Michigan Reformatory 1342 West Main street Ionia, Michigan 48846-1923 Rece\\ & \nS~cted ~UG 0620'2 FCC Ma" Room Jul y 1 2, 201 2 Chairman Julius Genachowski Federal Communications Committee Public Comments 445 12th street, SW Washington, D.C. 20554 Re; l..!::!l§.12..!l PUBLIC CDr-,r4ENT £.QB...I.t!f. ldRIGHT PETITION eCc Docket #96-128}: Dear Chairman Genachowski: The Michigan Dept of Corrections (MDOC) budget continues to include boilerplate language the requires contracts fo~ prisoner telephone services to use the same rates as calls placed from outside of cor~ectional facilities, 9xcept surcharges "necessary to meet special equipment cost." HOltleVer, there are now additional provisions being added that define what "special equipment!' can be purchased wi th thB restricted revenues in the special equipment (SEn generated by the surcharges added to prisoner phone calls last year. The MODe and Michigan politicians assume the availability of 19.7 million in SEF revenues generated since February 2011. The Executive proposed using $11.4 million to begin replacing staff personal protection equipment, $5.2 million in securi ty equipment such as tasers, ballistic vests and contraband detection equipment and $2 4 million for new security cameras in cellblocks here at the Reformatory. Not one consideration was taken in regards to how di fficul t i t is for the majority of poor prisoners and their families to communicate. Not ana consideration was taken to use any of this money to develop better visits or other telephone communications or video visiting equi;Jment for prisoners and thei= families who can't afford to drive hundreds of miles to visits their loved ones. Not one consideration was taken in regards to th~ importance of a prisoner's communication with their loved ones and rehab!li tation. The only thing considered was how to make money off prisoners to pay for equipment that is not needed. I ask you to stop these practices. They have nothing to do wi th a telephone service contract, or rehabilitation. Sincerely, a. A- ~~ James Goodman Bey, LWOP #227294 Secretary 4 8 I NATIONAL LIFERS OF AMERICA, INC. Received & Michigan Reformatory 1342 West Main Street Ionia, Michigan 48846 rmf!$. AUG 0 6 2012 FCC Matt Room CHAPTER 1026-A July 22, 2012 Chairman Julius Genechowski Federal Communications Commission Public Comments 445 12th Street, Shl Washington, DC 20554 RE: "This is a public comment for the Wright Petition (CC Docket No. 96-128), II Deer Chairman Genachowski: I am requesting that you do something about the high cost of a prisoner telephone call. It is very imp•rtant that prisoners have access to telephones to call their loved ones, their attorneys and friends at a reasonable cost. PCS Daily the Michigan Dep't Corrections prisoner telephone company does not see it that way and have increased the cost of a telephone times three, since taking over the telephone contract in 2011. My family base has deteriorated since my mother passed away approximately seven years ago. I could not call her then when telephone call cost were also extremely high. She passed away without me ever being able to say good bye. I have been incarcerated now for 31 years, and have see many prisoners literally go insane because they could not talk to their children, wives, and other family members. Its not as easy as a free person thinks doing prison time, especially on those who are doing Life Without Parole like me, who cannot afford to pay they cost of a phone call anymore on .74¢ e day prison assisgnment. I respectfully request that you please take the necessary steps to prevent these telephone companies that ere targeting prisoners and their families from manipulating the system. Thank you very for your time, pray for soma action. i)~'uA Wynn,~ mennis 1126809 Chairman, Ways and Means Committee , Brian Lee Rowe #1131545 Buckingham Correctional Center P.O. Box 430 Dillwyn, Virginia 23936 Received & Inspected AUG - 62012 FCC Mail Room July 31, 2012 Chairman Julius Genachowski Federal Communications Commission Public Comments 445 12th Street, SW Washington, D.C. 20554 Re: CC Docket No. 96-128 Dear Chairman Genachowski: This is a public comment for the Wright Petition (CC Docket #96-128). I am currently in prison here in Virginia. The price of making a collect call home to my mother is extremely expensive. It cost on average $8.00 to make a collect call from Dillwyn, Virginia to Richmond, Virginia even though Richmond is only an 1\ away. On the other hand collect calls from Powhatan and Nottoway Correctional Facilities to Richmond are only 90 cents to a dollar. My mother is disabled and only receives $900 a month, $100 dollars of which goes to collect call fees every month. $8.00 for a 15 to 20 minute intrastate collect call is a grave injustice upon poor people in free society being penalized for showing support for their loved ones in prison. I pray that the FCC will look into this injustice being perpetrated by Global Tel Link phone company. Sincerely, ~,,gal?0 t-W Brian Lee Ruwe Aeeeived & h~8fjeeted AUO ... 6 ZOll FCC Mail Room M f.\"'rr b p\u:x: ~ :it K'l72 7't ~~ v:z:.LLf..- 1'. Of; ~K. 00L.:I:".£L) - 1.1 I Y\I.~ :!:s J.:-r -.:r;N f,...(~ ·FI..<...L t:oc..K t:..\ ~ Pl..t'\r{OaA. 1-..{':c..,vCE.r>-ElJ Co N 0 TAN't o A 0'\7' C{ (e; - \ ::I:: ~Al,)£. j...J~T\-{ :Jv..~T ? 'T\I\A't' • A '25 {'V\~I..A---c€... 434 W~H.T ~N'\Pon...-roC\lI..J-rl. '7 YlIC.O~~~ ~y t=: /-\TV\&2.. ('n"f A~!) C~OfL~.. ':?KbN€" C.ALL~ c..o.::" ~ 4;:C> 2-B) ",,- (L£HA~ :I:L.:I:--rPt\~"-o) ~E-~ I:iA£. E'l1. bNE.. x.s C-Dn.rcA(..'T ::t: l. OF UA'1S.) '"31A"T 'tYlo,:::>, -Pt2-CSEN<..£. () P \111.. -:c;Ga.. !-TEN \ \2- A \=>U&1...1:(.. c..c,fY\m£N7" 'FOtt.. '\\AIE.. -=?€;.. t":I:.-rZbf...l (c,(, -PAM:CL.'1 c.. c. . i'l-fo,.,sE. \VLE:... 6 ~ L'1 'ff\E-AN':r:-NI...:s- FQ::J:~D~, LboE.::D t'lGAt'C..lT CA:(..(... _ ..... O~CS) 1D QC\....LA~~ w~D t.:-ArJ A'FFO"tO . ~i\'1Z:-L't Al\)n DlA.T \..>p--(s,. AN"! &e>C:t:.E..""C"1 AS PI u~£. uVl&"t'":t:.-~P-..-r:s:.o~ oFf=':t:C. ""CP.lS ~ (\t.,l ~-r CI!\a.E... -:I:t-J ?IA~ PI WP<l1 \\'\.Pt\:'" r~n TVt. 5.'1 A ~T" -:CS t>fl.:;J::.&C~ \iC:s:.(.w:':.. - ~A..c.. \L5o ... Rcs~£c..,t=U.l\" SL.d~O'\~,q=_~ \ ;J!ttdt~4~ (JJ;nrM~'--' /1. OA~o 3'1+'\£:V~£i 6- e. c., -,,: k1727't ...• Mr. James Robert Pesci # 990495 Florida Civil Commitment Center 13619 S.E. Hwy 70 Arcadia, Florida 34266 c Received &lllspeetecJ AUG -6 2012 Chairman Julius Genachowski Federal Communications Commission Public Comments 445 12th Street SW Washington, D.C. 20554 FCC Mail Room July 27, 2012 RE: THIS IS A PUBLIC COMMENT FOR THE WRIGHT PETITION (CC DOCKET #96-128 Dear Chairman Genachkowski: I am an Involuntary Civilly Committed resident of the Florida Civil Commitment Center which is a secure facility. I am contacting you in support of the above referenced matter. This facility, as well as countless other prisons and secure facilities in the State of Florida have been victimized with the extraordinary billing charges in the phones that we are restricted to use here to make collect only outgoing calls. The particular telecommunications vendors contracted here is Secureus Technologies. Like the thousands of other companies that have contracts with various prisons and secure facilities across the nation, the prices are outrageous and the facility receives a kickback from the company for allowing them to run operations here. I can tell you by personal experience that the charges are so high that I very rarely call my family and friends in the community as I feel that I am disrespecting them and burdening them with the high costs associated with just accepting the calls. I can also tell you that I have used various phone services in the prison systems both in the State of New York and Florida and have, like everyone else, feel that I have been vrctimized and a. type of extortion is holding me hostage. I can also tell you that when I did use these systems, my family and outside contacts, especially my girlfriends, without exaggeration, have had monthly bills of anywhere from $ 300-to $ 800. It's a shame that such facilities and telephone contractors are allowed to conduct business as usual with impunity. Therefore, please consider this a letter of support for the above captioned .case and a formal complaint by myself on behalf of my family, friends and all others similarly. situated in this facility and across the nation. It is my prayer that the FCC will conduct investigations and put a halt ·to this outrageous service. , . ' \, r • - In closing, I would-like to thank you for your time, upderstanding and 'prompt attention to this matter. I remain; X~.: File~/Postings, ..... !. •, r: ' ·'. t; .. ~ "· r,.,_, Received & In5peeted .C'NAAotMiM\.-.~ t\v.:> AUO '" 0 f01Z Ge.-~LAJ~~: ~ct'U'~ [p MM.V.-t,~.o.*\~oIl.-~ CDMfv\..\;':<,:2 10" FCC Mal! Room ~ub\\c.. LD~ t-t45 \"Z-~ ~-L. ~W \.J~lU~~ ,\>,1:-; 20.5&)4 .~ L~\NNU\'. L:~~~) ~~':::> \:> ~tub\~~ c:..o~ ~o{' ~ ~,,~ . ~e-~.f:..; ~t'\ ~ ~c...~~ q G, - (Z-'& ) • A (l.M- e.- f1:' ,. ~(!)(l(:Ji' -- ~-\:: 8u&~'g)~ ~(,('e.L-L)O~ ~. "ILUiJ' C1-r-a.-tc.J- ;::s. ~ ~4 ~~('-s o\.J ~ ~'v~ b~ ~Le.r-cd:eJ. .:0, \/ILC- V\'lC\. -(l.v"~cA.. ~ ~""-~ """1 {C~ ttr ovul X; ~£-- ~tiu~\.-e! _w~~"C.- }L~ CD~~ c;,~ ~(' ·1~O.f'l f~ Qv-\..e- ~~. +< ~ l~ O'l't\. (O-W Yl-O .s..eae-+ ~ ~~~~ F-('·(~(;)(\.-er-0 c:...t>tvV:- 't.J'\-LO~ C--o..N\.-; \'\ es ~ ~ C ~f'f\.-I ~ \::;. fLt> c.Lffi~. ~L-.('£l..('e..~ 6f~ ~eJ' -t-k f~(:)Y1..c.. ~~ C DrL-b<ck \AJ ~Ls i ~ ,.,.,d..J<.vr: A k"-YL !l'~c{ ~'~~-- tf,u,A~ LJr.-C.~fLA' Lv- ou~tl h~(f fr..-£- C-<~-=--~CL G-€-~ e.-lu---\:-lD~.(? . t.-<.J~ ~ +~~. . ~:(l~4 \ "\ ,~1'~ ,K.~~-::s: t-\lJ~ ~u''''3\400 .~ f.D. ~Q)GLt~() ~ ,,\ \~t..I7\ vA- '=L$q;B~ ~e3l2 ~'j'IZMI\J (( !h?"':. ~"'" B p,?b\f'c. C'DmrreJ+ .Jb~ ~he LJ.?3l-ct PeHWoJ l -.l.:M GcJccl.uLLl~tr cc. DOG~+ *crlo- LL)(',(-t'r"-B /28') oJ -the kehal-9 09 (Yl'-'f3cl Q Q.Jd M~ ~M?'8· f-1ou.J . -\+-e hl'S\-t CCl2,-ts oP ~?~ prf&J"-i (e4hAM) ~ photJ£. C.21\l~ 'I'5--\-A:~ ~ M~OlZ. ~t-1c+ oAl -the.. W2~;~~bJ.B~ ~~ . ~L\ e,u~~ 8LJ8~ I h,3\/W'+ ~ I'\A~ mo\\-;iR vo'rce t r~ .-\-41ZEE- L{~~J . wow. 'I* U-bLJ8 +,tJt~ (Yl~JLi '26 much -406~ Cible. -toe- cal l hER 3JJd cJ-,ecl::. ot-.l -\\--thl~ o~~~ c.o~~ At '1.95"" ~ Cztl\. T 5Ll~~ ~ h -t t 3. \ \ Wl'v\~ '0~ -mil: wl--ti'<-t ts \!\JI%,oLL-\- 1-\--e 1Z\3 --t~ hl\w- 8. C}"1~ -+0 s+~ rAJ C!.oJ~ IN i4h-+h£.1'IZ- ~N\J\,£{~. . JJjAJt!fu G001 E/tfS:> --ree~ { C~'G-HT <I:i- Received & Inspected A.. AUG - 6 2012 FCC Mail Room -n..; So l( \ ~ ~ ~\.l<-b\(\.. [6&l~t- I -\I.e.. ·for If v)r:!k...l-- le.hka'\. {(.(, 1)cx.l<~+ "i\.. '\~ - \~\:rM l.o(~~V\S \~ ("LC\Ue.Y\,C.t.. 40 -the. \II ri~\C{ ~t~~t.~ ()f t.'"t(e.e:\ \oVtS p\..oV\t.. $~ J ~cl h,\)\.O ~(, e.lff.e.t.+- t.G~M~td-~Of\ v~..\-'" ~ ~:l't. ~~V)t.~ l(Co"'l +('Jt. W U.'-lo1 <..oV\-\V\\~o" ~5 ~ Olb\~ ~~ -k, ()~S.. Q,ti'V) -+0 k"<tj ~ ~~o.~ ~\c\ \,.) ,in. \ ~ r",k it. ~~ ~ ~ Il~''\(.... ~es L ~ t'\ :L Dv\ 't.fL-<'-y ~~~ '\\.L ~ \- c.vJ~ CA~ oJ\~e..c\ \~~ V""\i tA:+\'" c4~ 5 jt\.~\ -lk. (~~t1 \M.O ()-\h ~ \~ J \. ~ VleAr'\, fal c... u.S (> s'i:~ V\C -\-kn ~o...t.p\(. \~ol 1.- \"\uV".t.t, \;\I..L ~t... $e&AS ~~ 6...l.r ~+h. *h<.re..~ {'ef)~\~{\(£ tk,',r Sl,·Jd \V t>~\)V\c.... ~~e. ;\.o,.(tJorc... 1M \It\o\~\e<l b~~Jl..S\~ l,.'\.~V\.~t- ~'"'\,\-e...c...\- (J),,\~.\- be.\;e..\lL ~\ D.l. J: ~"""~ ~k.",,<. ~ ~ ~t~ t.€..i ~n~ u..~ ~·{\t.r R~J ("\\ b~,\. \Ilc.\t. ~~,-h S'(S\e~ 6 irfA¥\S~~iOl\ 0\.'1 fCA.M~l~ ~ ~ ~\-'.I'"c;.."'~~ I ~,~ O~ eM. \ l tk .ffe~u.evt~ Jo\ lcvrs e~5~\- +0 W\i -b prlc;...(.. ~c1e.. o\~(..¥e.o..'i~ ~~.t-h ('e.~CM.~\ \e. t'WL ~~; \ s"'~ S-.\--N\.-\-\cc..\ "-'" --r.. ~'i ..l- S~ ~~s I 40 5'L-tW. lJ,~ ~ 0\.. "'\~fJ "":>\'\3 S' t-~~ \i \Vl +4~( ~ \AS (.l ~~~Icv- .. ks',s" ~"\b<- ~V\.to.f'pcfct~e. C\ v~<-- C.u.~c\ +k\- v:>~\d. ~ p~~ ""'" o\do~~ Ctt.CO~ .. ~\f,~ 5 ....t..\. .lo Vl'\~ ()\.. Se..t ~~~.\-- o{. CtA.\\s ~&\'\ ~'\ vt>b .J. ~ or 4-ef\ ~\~ ~ c.\AaJ'e.._ ~~\"'S ~~J.. ~ t:\o\\cu Ci~ e-evt{S ~ c~l \ ~ tv>o Jo\\G.-rs" (2€.\l~e_vl\t1-' 6 ~~~ hi~ -tt.~ "')_ \,&()e.., c!)n \it~(~~, ~ k.~~~'"\. ~ foL )fl\$~\'l~s c.~C-Arp~ olev~~~ of- ~ol-e_ 5o\~ ploY\(_ <.o~cn.s. e-a.\(S" l'\ . J _, This is a public comment for the Wright Petition (CC Docket-#96-128) Susan Vaugh'" 9711 Norman Rd. Clarkston, MI 48348 Received & Inspected Chairman Julius Genachowski Federal Communications Commission Public Comments 445 12th Street, SW Washington, DC 20554 P,UG - 6 2012 FCC Mai! Room Dear Chairman Genachowski: I am writing to ask that you consider the Wright Petition that I understand would put a cap on inmate telephone rates. I have a loved one who is currently incarcerated in the Michigan Department of Corrections (MDOC) and in order to speak with this person on the telephone I am charged outrageous rates. It is my understanding that the telephone provider, Public Communication Services (PCS) charges $0.05 per minute to provide the actual inmate telephone service, and an additional $0.15 is added to support a "special fund" created by PCS to generate additional profits for themselves and the MDOC. This predatory telephone provider collects 30% of the money generated for this fund. They actually make more money from this fund than from providing the actual telephone service. For its part, the MDOC claims it needs this extra money to plug holes in the state's prison budget. Shouldn't that budget funding come through taxes equally spread across the entire tax base? It seems prisoners and families are being permitted to maintain their relationships through telephone calls only if they make a contribution to the MDOC operating budget. Their option is to not use the phone. Excessive phone fees not only unfairly burden low-income families but also undermine the re-entry and rehabilitation efforts trumpeted by the MDOC. Taxpayers should not have to subsidize prisoner phone calls, but neither should the state and predatory phone companies make millions of dollars on the backs of some of the state's poorest people. This fund is generating over $9 million annually. Keep in mind, this fund has nothing to do with the necessary cost of providing the telephone service; it's strictly pure profit and greed. It seems the main function of our FCC is to protect consumers from predatory behavior, and if this doesn't qualify for that protection, then I don't know what would. Please cap these rates and do the right thing. Sincerely, • J~ " This is a public comment for the WRIGHT PETITION (CC Docket #96-128) Chairman Julius Genachowski Federal Communications Commission Public Comment 445 12th Street, SW Washington, DC 20554 Received & Inspected AUG -6 2012 FCC Mai! Room Dear Chairman Genachowski: I'm writing to ask that you act on the WRIGHT petition to cap inmate telephone rates and stop the exploitation of prisoners and their loved ones. I am serving time in the Michigan Department of Correction. Since coming to prison, I have tried to remain in close contact with my family and friends, but with each passing year it becomes more difficult. Despite publicly trumpeting the benefits of prisoners remaining in close contact with their families, the self serving policies and actions by the MDOC are continuing to tear at the very fabric of these bonds. The two most important and critical ways for a prisoner to keep in contact with his family comes through visits and telephone calls. For most families, including mine, making the trip to visit is a rare occurrence. When you consider the bad economic times, and that most of these visitors themselves are struggling near the margins, the cost of making the trip to visit is prohibitive. Add to this that the MDOC has reduced the amount of days a prisoner can get visits, and restricted the number of visitors an inmate is allowed to see, it's not surprising to see the number of visits being reduced by 70%. This leaves the telephone as the main lifeline for a majority of prisoners. Rather than making this critical service more convenient, the MDOC has chosen instead to exploit this service for profit. They, along with predatory telephone providers, have colluded to extort and target those who can least afford it. Of the average $3.25 charged for a 15 minute call, $2.50 goes directly into the pockets of the MDOC and telephone provider. The MDOC claims it needs its share to shore up its budget. Prisoners and their families should not be charged outrageous rates to support prison budgets, that burden should be borne by the entire tax base. As for the telephone provider, they get a 30% cut of the overcharge. Remember, the telephone provider has already built in their cost and profit margins for providing the actual telephone service. Public Communication Services is Michigan's current provider and they are making more money from administering this slush fund than they are from providing the actual inmate telephone service. It seems one of the functions of our Federal Communications Commission is to protect the consumer from predatory behavior, and if this doesn't qualify for that protection, then I don't know what would. Please put a stop to this. Cap the rates! .-_/ Sincerely, lo/~a.$~ fYIA~tt.. A. s""-'~ iJ zs-li/69 3L2s- TO~n C.oYJie._1 (ft(Ji!<?~, ""1.c.t t..t8't'f(c, Received &Inspected ... q r 1 - 62012 ~1hZ Jje. ?$/~! FCC Mal! Room . .7-1 ~1.J~ 1o/IM'iJ.t'ic ~ , 0(;-ek-r--#~./~, ~J41=-7tf1e{Js-w ~~~It 11/-7'--00 j11uk~ J;il. ~.u 19/tt~ ~1IYG '~4 ~y MC9I()~, ?1tI~ibJ1/t!1lf dz~1 /~ oU~S tJ1d~'lkV 71-fc= ;4C'II-ic(s(zfb'L~ ~ tW 'IDjJ !J ~I 11-Vf: -Ir;~Yo (!qlffvA!lllh~ ~ IfNfiL Jrz ~tJlt)7j~/:111/ ~~ < ~~;~, ~ ~* ~() o/-Yk drn/~~;,i:J 7ft! 0/1. t<J~ f!-~"rk1'(~, ~z !W() t/1If{'/~ is /~7c;rO tf .~ ~ftt&t:1 't~ eJ~d~ &; ~ L(;P~~AiJ 'Iv ;JcfJZ8T fIYft 1m ~IIl~voZAiJ tIt:iJ JA{A/t;e&J~ -tJ,,,, CiJNO;A/oj1 ,;; IJI/ vJ~. Yk 1~?-t;{~ ~ Iljl IJIlr- tIt~ ~J,~1Z8e: ~ 0/ tA~ .Ji.{~~ .~ I;~ !Jkdr<::-d dt~1t:'fr1~L -f!-6 -tit),. l~tJ)tI ;;: fllitJW ~ Uj~/1. ~ fI£~ MO MIJ{ff.8 u( ~¥~'I. ~t ~ .:z*( ~ ~ 0(&fJ~fu/ A(zJ~>Wepqal!f~ t~l/ b~M/!dr I~ M-tj ItNt:~ ~I/ 111Jt::'-Io jJttJll'fIl ~~ jJ1();j~ ~~I/ dV vlu:: ~c()al// /1J1/ ~, ~.,ft(kkS.~OWO ~u J~-Imf=;p,(~~1'~A/{ &eN ~ll 'tll~ crIt/~ 'd;4t- /;tWf- c~~ cr-!.L(~ ~ witi4 /tMiQJJ tit&{ *-'t~rAf:~ll1l'f~If~Itaa;(JJJ1- . 1~h lJe ,/JeW! Id:sJ- foil ~1 W1()'1 k~f' ~Aj,(J d;:t::t7trbo.ltik <W.Q<:aIi tI;~ /;1W -fo fotY ~ rn<T IAfa fJlwA.{~ 621/. ~dC(~# ftl. G(G{/lOJ iecso -;#'<!-3.:L/:LiJ (-STlh'0;zl/E C'dilr~) /J'o, dux lid- ;]'iIi&- .;71(" ~3r./Of/ctl... ~€ ,P t/ g;-fj ~ J?;v-f; ,'7] ~ /~ ;;k cz,., Aop£ ~ fl.m-e- fuv.~ r, cfJ/ ck oa//e/ J-rnprt?veP:?~I: z-~ ~Bet' jy ~ ~ dar -d-J3 ~ ~P0 _,~we /:> r~<>-P)vee/ .h?~ II This is a public comment for the Wright Phone Petition (CC Docket #96-128) Misael Cordero #257533/SBI#551325 B New Jersey State Prison Received & Inspected P.O. Box 861 Trenton, New Jersey 08625 AUG - 2 2012 July 24, 2012 FCC Mail Room Chairman Julius Genachowski Federal Communications Commission Public Comments 445 12th Street, sw Washington, DC 20554 Dear Chairman Genachowski: I am a New Jersey prisoner and my family lives in New York. Due to the high cost of prison phone calls we hardly talk. Many times I have to choose between buying necessary items (soap, deodorant, and tooth paste) and calling my family. Sadly this is the story of many more prisoners in New Jersey since we come from poor families, and only earn a few dollars a month. Sir, being poor is not a crime, and should not be punish with the abusive cost of prison phone calls. Respectfully yours, MISAEL CORDERO MC/File Received & Inspected ~UG -2 2012 4 . # Received & Inspeeted AUG - 32012 FCC Mail Room Received & Inspected .... lUG - 32012 (Y) y . " .' ~.. U~~D ~ l n'SQ ..,) FCC Mail Room c..0(yt"¥lf 1y ~ M Iov-l"1l (n c-orc..,;..-.Jes:/ ?'~ /U,df~ G,rre<-H~c..{ Cen/-e.r 1'7 Bu- knIt U€. I Vt fJ In i,: Cr.c( t;' wnthny 'you c...) l th f)v..rt1f IS r thf h6pO of tncl: 1(")) m r VOt c.t' ~e<--rd 10 r-eY'-4-cb 1-0 }h~ lMpCC~ tf.-f hiSh frtc~ o't fns4I c:c..lIs hc:s Clt\ thy Pc.m'17' " _' ,. . ;r::-- ~<:4' _ (Ie ~\_I Y (n VIr~ In'lf'l- CA.ll ~lly II LJe S. 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AUG - 32012 FCC Mail Room G~o:x\'N\o.N\ -S \)\~\)~~ ~t)..~ou.J~~i ~~~~~ ~o'N\m\)'{\-\\;~\O'l\~ \;t)~m\SSiO'i\ ry\)\'\\10 t()'M'\'I\'Vv\\5 Li1..\ ~ \ 1-fu ~-\:\e,e\- ~w ~()..~~\(\~C)'J\\ \)~ LObf)~ D~~ \;\fu\'«\OJi\ ~1tN\~~~{)\0':l¥-.\J \h~~ ;~ G... ~\)~\\c tQ'I'I\'t4\~-\ ~\ ~~ ~\'\~""\ 'V~\"\\-'\(y{\(tc \\\)C,\~~\-\\:q!c~\'L~). \' OJ-N\ t\J(,{,~\\~ h\)\)~I2.-~ ~ ~\)C,~~V\~ Y\(\)'ffi ~o\'\'e~~()'(\~ C~\eA) 'VJv\d. Que \0 ~~ ~\~~ (,()s\~ o~ ~\\c>'Ae., C~\\~l 1- ~~ o'{\\'o ~~e'i\ ~\~ \--0 \o.\"h \-" '4Y\~ \~\'0 \-1\ ~~ ~~:)\ ~-,x ~ erMS. lee.~ -\\.~"{\ -t~ 1~s Q~D, 0\[\\)<.- 'It \00.,5 O'f\\J tA- ~C)\\0v\ \0 ~~\\ +~eW\ \e,(e, \{) ~'\~W\~V\61 'c u\- (),.~ \\~ b~~as-\-W\~ \)\ (;tlt\'~~\'\l)'(\o ~O-~ CJ-.\\D\,)j~ \J~~D\)~ ~~oV\~ t~'«\~~·\e.,~ tD ~;<+o\\- \)~ \-0\ 'co~ ~ ~~\ \.-\~().N\~~ ~o.>.'f\l ~~~'t\~ to..\\::, ~~ ~~~If/\~ \'\~ it\)\O\)~\~ ""~~\. ~\)W ) O'i\€.- 9~oV\e ~O-.\\ \-C) ~ -\~ 'ffIo'f\6 c.o:')-\~ ~~. 'at>. 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