Letters From Prisoners and Families Re Wright Petition
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I ~ \t\J;:~ =L"0 f\ R~~\\c f.sb~('6\QJ)-\- ~,,~~ lP\' "~\\'\- \),<--"'k '\.-to()l Gc C~~ ~ .. ~ -'--~-d.l£N"'t \ L- ~---Loill . -++----'__ ;-t;- ~ \:-\- ?t ~- I d t) ~~~___ a Uc;( '\ cW Q(\~ -~\L~~ - (' mClQr__ _ -----H-Ll~ J:. \~01J,~~~~~,----__ -._ _ ----W------- ~~ ~l{-- - - f) --- Received &fnlpeetad -. ____~ 2) t~~l ~) _ _ _. _ _ - - - - - -- __ NOV -8 FCC Mail Room _ -~- ~~-.--- ---1t-~~ - - - - -&0 _ ~ _~~ C~ ____ ---++-- _ _ - ---,,-----+4------- - -- - --~~-I\- t ~-- --- -- ----- - ~deJ - - - - - - - - - - --~- - - - ---~~- ._------- ------++-- -- - - - - - - - ---- - - -+-1--- -- -.- Received &Inspected NOV - 82012 FCCMaURoom This is a public comment for the Wright Petition (CC Docket#96-128). Darin Buf alino --:_t90-:-Rtver_Road Winthrop,MA 02152 Chairman Julius Genachowski Federal Communications Commission Public Comments 445 12th Street, SW Washington,DC 20554 Dear Chairman Genachowski, I write to you urging for your help in passing of the Wright Petition. The goal of the Wright Petition is not only fair pricing for interstate prison phone calls but for the ability of prisoners to be able to stay connected to family members and thereby creating stronger ties to the community in which they will return. As it stands presently the high cost of these calls are a formidable obstacle for poor prisoners to communicate with family and friends and is detremental to the re-entry process for prisoners returning to the community. For those of us incarcerated the passing of the Wright Petition will mean more than cheaper phone calls, it could possible be a life saver. Thank you for your consideration. SinCerelY~~~~ Received & Inspected David Lambert No. KD-2560 SCI-GREENE 175 Progress Drive Waynesburg, Pa 15370 :'~T 1 9 201Z FCC Mail Room October 7, 2012 Chairman Julius Genachowski Federal Communications Commission Public Comments 445 12th Street, SW Washington, DC 20554 Dear Chairman Genachowski: This is a public comment for the Wright Petition (CC Docket #96-128). Hello Mr. Chairman. My name is David Lambert and my Pennsylvania Inmate Number is KD-2560. I am an inmate at SCI-GREENE located in Western Pennsylvania. In comment of the high prices of telephone calls, I must say that it is totally out rages. It cost app. $5.00 and some odd change for a 15 minute phone call. Which is a tough pill to swallow for most of us inmates. It is very tough considering the fact that most of us don't have a in-house job, and there are plenty whom are on an extensive list waiting to be appointed a job. However, the inmates that does not have a job are placed in the General Labor Pool (GLP), in which we receive app. $12-$15 per month. This would be enough to buy a $10.00 phone card and we'd be able to make one or two phone calls. Even with this being an option it is not quite the whole story. We must consider that this will only allow an individual to call home once a month. The rest of the story to consider is that this option mat not be available for many, because if an individual owes money to the Crime Victims Compensation Fund, 10% of that is deducted. Also if an individual owes money for cost & fines or restitution, 20% is also deducted. Therefore, the situation puts a person below $10.00 for the month and the cheapest phone card available is a $10.00 card. Because of this, a person's opportunity to call home is no longer an option. As I reflect even further into this problem of high price telephone services, there remain another obstacle which causes friction in our situation. We are put in a situation where we must choose between purchasing a phone card or purchasing cosmetics. This D.O.C. does not provide soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, lotion, razor, shaving cream, Q-tips, deoderant, hair grease, and etc. So we are pressured into making very hard decisions, because most of us want to speak to our loved ones like our children, or our mothers, fathers, and grandparents. Most of our parents are older and they would love to speak to also. One of my children, particularly speaking of my 12 year old daughter, asked me "Daddy why you don't be calling us?" The question broke my heart. So I explained to her the situation and further explained that I always write to her because of the phone situation. Then I told her to be sure to write me back and we can communicate via U.S. Mail. Mr. Chairman, that situation was also subject to change because of the cut backs that were made in the institution. When I first came to prison, which was only one year ago, we were being given 10 envelopes and free postage were reduces to 8. However, it doesn't stop there. Visitation has also been attacked. Visitation days wre, in the past, Sun-Sat. As months pasted, Tuesday was taken. Then Wednesday was also taken; followed by Monday. Our current visitation schedule is Thurs-Sun, which further does not allow us to communicate with loved ones. Not including the fact that I am from Philadelphia and I'm being held in Waynesburg, Pa.; which is a half an hour from W. Virginia. Not only is this Cruel and Unusual Punishment, but it is very oppressive. One must ask himself, "Is this a chess move in the bigger scheme of things to pressure one to buy phone cards, Are we being further punished by the D.O.C. after we have already been punished by the courts, Do we have any rights, why does my family have to suffer also, does the D.O.C. make commissions or get kickbacks for their participation, if so, where is this money going?" US In conclusion to these facts and these questions, I've formulated an opinion of these D.O.C. practices. They are oppressors, extortionist, a monopoly, and a corrupt organization in and of itself. So one must ask himself, what is the best way to deal with this? My answer is to remain patient during these trying times. Also, I must be thankful that I was awaken to see another day. I also must be thankful that, by minimum, I am given three meals a day. I always reflect on the words of the late Dr. Martin Luther king Jr. He said, "The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in times of comfort and convenience, but where he stands in times of trials and controversy." I humbly thank you, Mr. Chairman, for your time and effort in attempting to ratify the issue at hand. y...lel{\"e.~ ·~\.b~ ~ \ \ \Lf1l0 i j-?O Box ~l D 1;1)\ \ \\I~,\(\\ \11\ 'L?:f'1?:f..t, '"?a.t ~ 5"' • 1 I Received & Inspected i r~T I: 192012 i I' FCC Mai! Room i; : i , . I, I, I] ,, : i: I ~\~ \ f:, a. ~L)b\\C ~--\- \-t\ 0 II l c...OMti\eA-t ~O~ \11e lAJ.r\~V\t t t "Ood,e+ ~ g tc -l2~ .) iI]I iI :l'Ueo., CJr\a.\6 N\C.\f) ~erAc..\nD~h \ :I 1 I Ii :I [I .:!. 0.111\ V\DvS.ed C\~ '"1)\ \ \W,\ V\ (J::N6C£;t\b/\C\\ ~( ; jD\\\-N~f\ ~A I ~e C\ \OCA\ I !t. :I\~ 6\1e; I,d) ~ ~\\. OJt I ! iCA\\5 ore D~.!\\I;.d) ~ 20 J; .'V\V\ u\e "¥V)OI\e· CA\ \ Ottd II'D~'\ \OCA.t 6\A-k, CA\ \.:!. \1\ ",COe ~ l)~V\~ i iC\ d~scou..(\.\- ~(\t\l'\C\te. -\eteQ\r\DJ\e CA\\v\~ <cer,hces WA\c.11 1 I ~\\c\JU~ I 'IMC>J\~ M,,\ ~0iV\~\'-{ cv~ ~I.et"d.s -\J ~y. 5ef-.!\=:;' -\Ce W v\- i~c.h~-~~'ZO MU\u\e 0It\l.\, Co&t Q, 1.9f: #Ie ~ go' -tC( call. I \b~ ~ ~ A.. ~ ~ co\- Q : Ic).\,\ ll\N\C\\e& ~~ Ole L\'E:e~ ~\~ ,I Jl.t\eMO -\0 V\fo.:'M ~ ~0Sf: ~tY\e .f\~MI/:JCJJ ~~\J. \De tioc~ Dl\d. cQ.f f<MA~\vt CV\d :f\\(~ WQ\J\c\ (\~ -\a C.oJ'\.-\-cd- o.\o\c:lC\\ 1e\ \...V\"- a.-\:!~~w, oW€:V\d-erc..o1\f\ec-\ ~ c..cN\. C( cq~\ \-~OO- 4~'b- ~~iY . : I to\Ut\ ~\~ t:e'f'-l \~ -:l.- OJI\ o.~~ -\0 ~\~ ~ VIAv\ -\OJ"\\\'{ ;! 0..\ \-e£X~ c.xe CA wee~ ty, v~e\~~ ~\e ~ -b S6.r'\l\ee5 I l~ ~ 0.,\ ~ ~ CP.\\f>. J.. M~\he ~S4.00 ~ M~v\'\.tt i~rJ\ MI..\ ~ \j~-\e ~~, :l Q..v\ evo\e -b ;lV'Pl~e ~t I : I i l~~ \0 ~Me ~\\s -.po{ MoA~. 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('C)-f . Y!' DY)~L\ .Th~.~ ~I'_~L __. . _.____.___ _ I i. ----.---~,----.-------.-----------.--.---.------------ •.- - - - - - - - ___.___--_____.__.__ .___________.__.~_0l_~12~ ~£__.__ _ ~ s e f\ ~ n ~_ _ __ _____.________ ____ -1 +- _~ ____________. ~____ . . .____. ______. _____. ___ . ______ &QcLr~_X~ki....tlS_- • II' 10 • Andrew Hersh JW2630 175 Progress Drive Waynesburg, PA 15370 Receiveli & Inspected nr,T 1 9 Z01Z FCC Mail Room Chairman Julius Genachowski Federal Communications Commission Public Comments 145 12 Street, SW Washington, DC 20554 This is a public comment for the Wright Petition (CC Docket #96-128) Dear Chairman Genachowski, My name is Andrew Hersh, I am currently incarcerated at SCIGreene in Waynesburg, PA. Waynesburg is about 4~ hours from my hometown of Gettysburg, PA. Due to being incarcerated so far from home it costs me quite a bit to call home. It costs about $5.15 to call home to my fiance and my family that is in Gettysburg. However, my mother and other family live in Florida. It costs about $11 dollars for any out of state call I make to my mother. Since I have been incarcerated I have been spending about $50.00 per week on phone cards. That may not seem like a lot to most people, but when you are incarcerated making only prison salary of ~ 0.33/ hour. It then forces your family to foot the additional part of the bill. Unfortunately for most families this is very difficult to do. I am somewhat fortunate that my family has stepped up to the plate but with it costing more than $200 a month on strictly phone calls per month, Its extremely taxing even for those families who are willing to help. In the economic times we are living in $200 per month is the difference between eating or important medication or calling and talking to those of us that are incarcerated. I would appreciate your support in this matter. Prison phone calls financially do not hurt those of us incarcerated, it hurts the law abiding, tax paying family members of ours that are out there struggling through a dilapidated economy. Thank you for your time and support in this matter. Sincerely Yours ~~ Andrew Hersh JW2630 fteeetved , 'R8peeted • ocr 252012 FCC Mall Room T) • '1. "ox '~nn() Vacaville. ~~ o~A0~ Richard Flood #BC1488 175 Progress. Drive. Waynesburg, PA 15370 October 17, 2012 ReceiveCI & Inspected Chairman Julius Genachowski Federal Commtmication Commission Public Comments 445 12th Street, SW Washington, DC 20554 rr~T (3 2012 Re: This is a public comment for the Wright Petition (CC Docket #96-128). Dear Chairman Genachowski, I am writing you this letter concerning the extremely high cost, that 1 and other inmates who are presently incarcerated in the SCI-Greene institution in Pennsylvania, are paying to keep our lines of communication open with our families. Sir 1 have presently been in the department of corrections for twenty-four years now. and have seen many changes in those years, some for the better but many for the worse. One of the worse being this monopolized prison phone service, that is daily gouging prisoner's and our families. The phone company that is dealing wi th the department of correcti ons here in Pennsylvania, is truly taking an unfair advantage of a captive audience. Giving us no other options but to use their phone service, and charging outrageous exorbitant rates, when we who are in these pri son Is arn It maki n9 much of nothi ng. The department of corrections do allow us inmates to work in the institution, but they only let us make nineteen cent a hour, and only four to six hours a day. Sir 1 may make only fifteen dollors a month a mere stipends, and after paying for the basic things 1 need like toiletry items, soap, toothpaste, and deodorant, 1 don't have much of nothing left to pay for a phone call. f-1ore less a phon~ call where 11m charged $15.00 dollors or more for 15 minutes, to speak with my family right here in Pennsylvania. Sir the rates that we as prisoner's are force to pay, are extremely to high. So I and many other are reduced to just writing to our families by letters, because we can't afford the high cost of calling our love ones. Mr. Genachowski whatever help you can provide will genuinely be a great help to so many in the priseo system, as well to so many struggling families who are trying to stay in touch with their love ones. »?~~ Ri chard F1 ood. ~~5C~L---\;8.H-4f(~Et~-n~l:;~~_~~ _ _._~~ _ __ _ ~ . .~. J7-5 lJ(0cJ.RE55 j)gjYE~_ ~ J//~~ PJl 16310 --.---.--~---- -.~--.-.- --.~-.-~.~~--~ .. --~ ----~- .... ... - - - - -~-----.--~-----.---- ~.---- ~. -------~------------ --.~-~------~--- --------- ~ - ... ,t: "> .. -. -$.' .... " ~. " -. --. . _'._ ~:. ~ ,-. x·' ~.J .... - ;: Received & Inspected I r g O~A Or:T 1 9 zon FCC MaH Room ATTORNEYS AT LAW T: (321) 622-8866 F: (321) 622-8867 E: bill@clecknerlaw.com GLOBAL TEL* LINK PHONE SERVICES BREVARD COUNTY JAIL, FLORIDA October 10,2012 Brevard County Jail Attention: Communications Director 860 CampRd Cocoa, FL 32927 Global Tel *Link Brian Oliver, CEO 2609 Cameron Street Mobile, Alabama 36607 AdvancePay Service Department POBOX 911722 Denver, Colorado 80291-1722 Office of Attorney General State of Florida The Capitol PL-O 1 Tallahassee, FL 32399-1050 Federal Communications Commission 445 12th Street SW Washington, DC 20554 Re: Global Tel Link (GTL) Phone Services in Florida Dear Brian Oliver, CEO GTL, Brevard County Jail Communications Director, AdvancePay Service Department, the Florida Attorney General and the Federal Communications Commission, I am bringing a problem with the communications Global Tel Link provides, their deceptive tactics and their unacceptable customer service to your attention for several reasons: First, I called Global Tel Link customer service on 10/4112 because I have been having multiple instances of dropped calls, specifically yesterday 10/4/12, I received 5 or 6 calls from my client who is an inmate at the Brevard County Jail and the calls dropped off each time and I was charged approximately $3.00 for each call. I immediately called and asked customer service to refund the $25.00 credit card payment I paid on 10/4112 and they basically told me dropped calls were not their fault without doing any checking into my complaint, it was like there was a scripted answer customer service gave to my complaint. I was able to speak to my client for a few seconds during one of the calls and he said the person next to him at the jail was on the phone and his calls kept dropping off also clearly indicating this was a GTL problem. It was not a problem with my phone. I did not have any dropped calls on 10/4/12 except for calls made through GTL and I had dozens of phone calls that day to different numbers. I told the customer service representative on 10/4112 that if they did not give me a refund I would dispute the $25.00 charge with my credit card company because I did not receive the services I paid for. I have since made that complaint to my credit card company as GTL did not give me a refund. More importantly, my client is in the Brevard County Jail could not conduct the business he needed to conduct with me because of problems with GTL equipment/phone services. This is not the first time the GTL system has had problems. A week or so ago over the weekend the GTL phone system was down at the jail. Also, I have had at least 10 other GTL calls that were dropped over the past two months, right after being connected (and of course GTL collected their fee instantly and I did not get the service I paid for). I am asking for a refund of $50.00 from GTL based on GTL's failure to provide the services I have paid for over the past several months. GTL charges a $5.00 service charge each time we prepay a $25.00 account, that's a 20% fee. On $50.00 prepays we are charged a service charge of$1O.00, again a 20% fee. The prepay fees are in addition to the $3.00 fee for each phone call. How and why can GTL charge such an outrageous "service fee" before they ever provide any communications service? Who gets this fee, what does GTL do with it? Once we accept a call from the jail we are instantly charged about $3.00 whether the call connects or drops right off or not. GTL calls have a 15 minute time limit for the fees we pay and many times the calls drop off well before the 15 minute limit. I am not paying for phone calls that are not completed or that drop offright away, whether it is a problem with GTL equipment or the interfaces ofGTL equipment with other service providers. No excuses - if we don't receive the communications service GTL charges us up front for, GTL should not be paid, period!!! Second, about a month or more ago I called GTL customer service to have statements for my two accounts mailed to me. I was promised I would have the account statements within a week or so. I have received no statements for my accounts (321) 622-8866 and (321) 626-9782 from GTL and when I asked GTL customer service representative about it on 10/4/12 he had no answer and took no action to send me my statements. Third, I fmd it appalling that GTL is taking advantage of those that are least able to afford telephone services, citizens that are incarcerated by the state and their families. The people that are in jail typically are represented by the public defender because they are declared 2 indigent, and they are unable to post bond. GTL's 20% service charges are outrageous and $3.00 for a local 15 minute call is ridiculous. I hope the Attorney General and FCC will investigate these charges to determine if they are proper and lawful. Finally, I received a call from an inmate at the jail on 10/8112 and followed GTL's instructions to block all calls from the jail on my phone (321) 626-9782. GTL's recorded message then told me to call an 800 number and I would receive a text message from GTL to complete the process of blocking my phone from jail calls. Well it did not work. I did get a text message from GTL after calling the (800) number and here is what it said: "Locater Svc $9.99/mo Msg&date rates may apply for 20 lookups/mo. Reply HELP for help www.wmw181.com Reply Y for info on # you R dialing Reply STOP to cancel." I replied "STOP" GTL replied with: "You are NOT subscribed to the Locator Svc. No further charges apply or msgs sent. For more assistance, Reply HELP or calISOO-8505400." I am still receiving inmate calls from the jaiL This is another example of how GTL plays games to try to take advantage of those least able to afford it by trying to sell something to someone trying to cancel service. This really needs to be looked at by the Attorney General and FCC. Global Tel Link: Please respond specifically and in detail to the following: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I request a $50.00 refund for reasons stated above, please immediately credit my credit card accounts that I used to pay these fees or send me a check at the address listed below. I request complete written statements of my accounts as listed above from January 2012 to present. You may be violating the law by not providing an accounting statement of the communications services we pay for, but regardless', that is very poor customer service, especially with the outrageous up-front fees you are charging your customers. What specifically is the purpose of the $5 and $10 service charge fees (20% rate) and why are they so high and what do you do with these fees? Why do you charge $3.00 for a local 15 minute phone call? How much does the Brevard County Jail collect from Global Tel Link for each $5 or $10 service charge and for each phone call? Please immediately refund all credit balances on my accounts listed above to me by crediting my credit card accounts or mail a check to me at the address listed below. Close both of my accounts immediately and block my phone numbers so I cannot receive calls from inmates because I refuse to do business with Global Tel Link. On You make it very easy to make payments to you as that is the first prompt when we call 3 your customer service number and get the automated payment system with instructions in crystal clear English language. However, you make it virtually impossible to speak with a live customer service representative when we have a problem as there are multiple automated prompts before we can actually speak with a live person. When we finally reach customer service there is a distinct language barrier to communicating with your representatives. I point this out to illustrate that you have put a lot of resources into collecting fees and charges but not at providing quality customer service. I am also bringing these issues to the attention of the Florida Attorney General and the Federal Communications Commission. I look forward to hearing from you promptly. Thank you, k~«1squrre 7777 N. Wickham Rd # 12-411 Melbourne, FL 32940 Office (321) 622-8866; Cell (321) 626-9782; Fax (321) 622-8867 bill@clecknerlaw.com 4 Received & Inspected I r g O~A Or:T 1 9 zon FCC MaH Room ATTORNEYS AT LAW T: (321) 622-8866 F: (321) 622-8867 E: bill@clecknerlaw.com GLOBAL TEL* LINK PHONE SERVICES BREVARD COUNTY JAIL, FLORIDA October 10,2012 Brevard County Jail Attention: Communications Director 860 CampRd Cocoa, FL 32927 Global Tel *Link Brian Oliver, CEO 2609 Cameron Street Mobile, Alabama 36607 AdvancePay Service Department POBOX 911722 Denver, Colorado 80291-1722 Office of Attorney General State of Florida The Capitol PL-O 1 Tallahassee, FL 32399-1050 Federal Communications Commission 445 12th Street SW Washington, DC 20554 Re: Global Tel Link (GTL) Phone Services in Florida Dear Brian Oliver, CEO GTL, Brevard County Jail Communications Director, AdvancePay Service Department, the Florida Attorney General and the Federal Communications Commission, I am bringing a problem with the communications Global Tel Link provides, their deceptive tactics and their unacceptable customer service to your attention for several reasons: First, I called Global Tel Link customer service on 10/4112 because I have been having multiple instances of dropped calls, specifically yesterday 10/4/12, I received 5 or 6 calls from my client who is an inmate at the Brevard County Jail and the calls dropped off each time and I was charged approximately $3.00 for each call. I immediately called and asked customer service to refund the $25.00 credit card payment I paid on 10/4112 and they basically told me dropped calls were not their fault without doing any checking into my complaint, it was like there was a scripted answer customer service gave to my complaint. I was able to speak to my client for a few seconds during one of the calls and he said the person next to him at the jail was on the phone and his calls kept dropping off also clearly indicating this was a GTL problem. It was not a problem with my phone. I did not have any dropped calls on 10/4/12 except for calls made through GTL and I had dozens of phone calls that day to different numbers. I told the customer service representative on 10/4112 that if they did not give me a refund I would dispute the $25.00 charge with my credit card company because I did not receive the services I paid for. I have since made that complaint to my credit card company as GTL did not give me a refund. More importantly, my client is in the Brevard County Jail could not conduct the business he needed to conduct with me because of problems with GTL equipment/phone services. This is not the first time the GTL system has had problems. A week or so ago over the weekend the GTL phone system was down at the jail. Also, I have had at least 10 other GTL calls that were dropped over the past two months, right after being connected (and of course GTL collected their fee instantly and I did not get the service I paid for). I am asking for a refund of $50.00 from GTL based on GTL's failure to provide the services I have paid for over the past several months. GTL charges a $5.00 service charge each time we prepay a $25.00 account, that's a 20% fee. On $50.00 prepays we are charged a service charge of$1O.00, again a 20% fee. The prepay fees are in addition to the $3.00 fee for each phone call. How and why can GTL charge such an outrageous "service fee" before they ever provide any communications service? Who gets this fee, what does GTL do with it? Once we accept a call from the jail we are instantly charged about $3.00 whether the call connects or drops right off or not. GTL calls have a 15 minute time limit for the fees we pay and many times the calls drop off well before the 15 minute limit. I am not paying for phone calls that are not completed or that drop offright away, whether it is a problem with GTL equipment or the interfaces ofGTL equipment with other service providers. No excuses - if we don't receive the communications service GTL charges us up front for, GTL should not be paid, period!!! Second, about a month or more ago I called GTL customer service to have statements for my two accounts mailed to me. I was promised I would have the account statements within a week or so. I have received no statements for my accounts (321) 622-8866 and (321) 626-9782 from GTL and when I asked GTL customer service representative about it on 10/4/12 he had no answer and took no action to send me my statements. Third, I fmd it appalling that GTL is taking advantage of those that are least able to afford telephone services, citizens that are incarcerated by the state and their families. The people that are in jail typically are represented by the public defender because they are declared 2 indigent, and they are unable to post bond. GTL's 20% service charges are outrageous and $3.00 for a local 15 minute call is ridiculous. I hope the Attorney General and FCC will investigate these charges to determine if they are proper and lawful. Finally, I received a call from an inmate at the jail on 10/8112 and followed GTL's instructions to block all calls from the jail on my phone (321) 626-9782. GTL's recorded message then told me to call an 800 number and I would receive a text message from GTL to complete the process of blocking my phone from jail calls. Well it did not work. I did get a text message from GTL after calling the (800) number and here is what it said: "Locater Svc $9.99/mo Msg&date rates may apply for 20 lookups/mo. Reply HELP for help www.wmw181.com Reply Y for info on # you R dialing Reply STOP to cancel." I replied "STOP" GTL replied with: "You are NOT subscribed to the Locator Svc. No further charges apply or msgs sent. For more assistance, Reply HELP or calISOO-8505400." I am still receiving inmate calls from the jaiL This is another example of how GTL plays games to try to take advantage of those least able to afford it by trying to sell something to someone trying to cancel service. This really needs to be looked at by the Attorney General and FCC. Global Tel Link: Please respond specifically and in detail to the following: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I request a $50.00 refund for reasons stated above, please immediately credit my credit card accounts that I used to pay these fees or send me a check at the address listed below. I request complete written statements of my accounts as listed above from January 2012 to present. You may be violating the law by not providing an accounting statement of the communications services we pay for, but regardless', that is very poor customer service, especially with the outrageous up-front fees you are charging your customers. What specifically is the purpose of the $5 and $10 service charge fees (20% rate) and why are they so high and what do you do with these fees? Why do you charge $3.00 for a local 15 minute phone call? How much does the Brevard County Jail collect from Global Tel Link for each $5 or $10 service charge and for each phone call? Please immediately refund all credit balances on my accounts listed above to me by crediting my credit card accounts or mail a check to me at the address listed below. Close both of my accounts immediately and block my phone numbers so I cannot receive calls from inmates because I refuse to do business with Global Tel Link. On You make it very easy to make payments to you as that is the first prompt when we call 3 your customer service number and get the automated payment system with instructions in crystal clear English language. However, you make it virtually impossible to speak with a live customer service representative when we have a problem as there are multiple automated prompts before we can actually speak with a live person. When we finally reach customer service there is a distinct language barrier to communicating with your representatives. I point this out to illustrate that you have put a lot of resources into collecting fees and charges but not at providing quality customer service. I am also bringing these issues to the attention of the Florida Attorney General and the Federal Communications Commission. I look forward to hearing from you promptly. Thank you, k~«1squrre 7777 N. Wickham Rd # 12-411 Melbourne, FL 32940 Office (321) 622-8866; Cell (321) 626-9782; Fax (321) 622-8867 bill@clecknerlaw.com 4 ~ -_______ .___ne.hUtl._~E[.2_£_.32~93i~-. --------. -.--------.-.-- ------- ----- ----... - __ ~ ___ ._____ I O() v_ ~ tJ iLl E~_~cf'1 cL~_ _._____ ._____________ ~_. . .______________ . ___.___ . ____________ ._. __ ~\J lA~ ____ ia . . _~b~l_L______________ .___.____~ ____._____._____ _______________________ ~ ____ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ .... ______ ~ tJo'J Ll -, () j ____ _ ~--_____l_________ "Z... __________ ~ ____ ______ .__________ _ ~___ ___ - -_ _ _ _ _ --- ______~_______ c-D£a~~1L~l Ll..1.s___ G(~ c hq~j"t:;_~_____ .~___._.______ . .____ _________ .. ____ ____.___ ... ___.. _____ . ,'1"/\ w~h~9 "~L~ CFR N aLf€_hl._bL__fE'00.,j 5.')5+£r1L---. .______ .____ --- --~L-~rdE__'_____ IhE___CC)rt--_O.f---fL --rl:.REd-f2b<lI\lE--catL ----____ _______________-1s_ is, 15 __M __1L___CDJ1£~_t-L£tL~-±..C.--y£!L{~J{~«'~J¥--j s· ____ _ _ ________ ~~-lL3.!L¥---~lt£--~yJ.---~~iJ tvo+ ii~-~,-----f&cDJy ___:1--.0_____ __ . __._~__ -3£L.ccJl£ct-....ilJ~---+..hL~ __ __Ph~~~E-~j.~u1--- ~knLly__hjQVE. _J 0S:E.i:fAi ___________~JJ Be (, (,1 ~1J_Ll~:llL+hL~- Ll\LC1f~k~---t.11--L!S-E---JJ}£_..s:Q lJ£(J"---- ____._______ .J:£~\\5 ._ yl:~lLJ~\LCL~--bJ:1V£ ___ . ___~_ ---n--\2h-D.fJ E +; 11'1r (j --10 S£I..;4- )Iau ffi~v.ey--±r-JJ\Jy---. - rr _& ___CD_f1\.J1'tJ52Bf..\l ___Ji_dii£c..t_~_lht_{:ost__ _ ___ . _________Y-QJ2.. 5 _ +~m£5_±h~---fL-~c 11E~"J.LJCLY- -fa[nJ~ly----f)JJ&BV5---q.uLs-±/alV...________________~E A~_t_._Wb¥ ARE +I~_f2_RiCE..--£<L&..-4..bLllilE-- _e.£Ll L__~£ _ S fL__ ._______ Jllgh_L-'-L ___~c+ --¥k'.)-~-.-CALLQtJ +hf_ S..fJ:E:CLfL_Q..S1-__ jJ5. ~---A!-J_ s:ot Lc(~ ,___________C!l\1J_ {j 1,0C , -n.L~y-WA.bL+ LYlE_ +0 (,u~1kmn££__ bc Cjj0t~{~_JbL--f2-bdl'j£__ /' __________ ~_f~fL_\_E_5_JJ',( J1L_l'illJ.d1.L....P 1Efi.S'.E. __&1 p_u s _.'}f:1 _.thE ---ph OjJ~ ~~kdO.~ ~ 1'hAtJi< YlU S;\JCEftf:(Y DOJ1lt&.e ~ , This is a public comment for the Wright Petition (CC Docket #96-128) Aeeetv,g &Inspeeted November 4, 2012 NQV :- 92012 Fee Dear Chairman Genachowski, Mail F-ioom I'm writing to you to explain how the high cost of prison phone calls are having on me '8W my family. I'm currently incarcerated at ," the J.C.I. Annex in .1~ss~'P, Naryland. The current rate for a phone call is .30¢ for the tl;:-st-'minute and .30¢ for each additional minute. So a half hour ~hene lo!DS distance phone call runs $9 dollars. The majority of my family lives in the Washington D.C. area which is in 20 to 30 miles but is considered long distance and charged as such. The person in my fami ly that I 'm mos t close wi th is my twin sis ter who lives in North Hollywood, California. She moved out there almost seven years ago and lives out there by herself with none of our family out there with her, and is only able to make it horne to visit no more then two or three times a year. So it's important that I stay in contact with her if for nothing else to make sure that she is alright out there by herself. Our state jobs in here average around $20 dollars a month. That's almost half your months pay going to one half hour phone call. With the difficult economic times I don't want to put the burden of my family to have to pay for these phone calls. When companies li~e "Freedom Line" corne up with a legal way to give us a opportunity to pay a fair price for a phone call T-netix the company who has the phone contract for this region blocks the calls forcing us to have to continue to pay there inflated prices. As hard as it is for my family members to visit on a regular it's extremely important for me to be able to keep those family ties strong by phone and this system that we have in place is making that extremely difficult. People on the street if they don't like there long distance carrier can switch it, while we have no choice but to pay these high prices or not be able to stay in contact with our loved ones by phone. Where in desperate need of some type of relief in this matter. Thank you for listening and I hope that you will give us some type of help in this matter. . , .f'-,~... .... <' Sincerely, %'~~ O~~ -Received & Inspected Jermaine Williams NUV -9 l012 DF-7887 FCC Mail Room 1000 Follies Road Dallas, PA 18612 November 2, 2012 Chairman Julius Genachowski Federal Communications Commission Public Comments 445 12th Street, SW Washin~ton, DC 20554 Re: Prison Phone Justice Dear Chairman Genachowski: This is a public comment for the Wright Petition eCC Docket #96-128). I am an inmate currently resididng in the State Correctional Institute at Dallas, in Pennsylvania. The Phone system here is extremely costly for me and my family. $5.15 for a call to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. approximately 150 miles from the institution. It costs Which is The cost is slightly higher when calling collect. Moreover, GTL the system which is used by the institution is forcing us to use their system or not use the phone at all. Your family can no longer use their long distance provider to accept collect calls from their incarcerated family members. You now have to set up an account with GTL in order to make collect calls. This is monopolizing dnd is criminal and must be stopped. I would like to thank you in advance for any help that you may provide us in this unfair and unfortunate sitution we are in. • r Very truly yours, l V'~ ZJ~ Jermaine Williams Recelved &'nspected OCT 31 ZO\2 • -- - FCC. .Man Room -.---- - -- ~ .\JC:AS ".v~ __ ,- -~ - .'- ~. - --. -~. - - --- .~ CbcJ~_.Ge.v:l~c.bo~~\L ...... . •• _ ~ _ _ __ . . . _ ""_ • ____ _ _~. __ ._~ __ .". _ _ _ ~- ._• • ___ • __ ~ _~ __________ " ___ • ______ ~\~_ \-::'. 4 \?~~\\c... <;C:>\fI\W\ti)i:- ~~ ~~ . ~ ..~~\~\ ~~\:\\-\C>~L.Cs.(. <\)<x-\~\~~b.-=-\L1) __ .__ . _ ........ "_ _ __ ... .. -"'. '_~_~.~_..-~~-'~ ~.~~-·~'---'-~M~,,~t£;~~~\~~~ ~.-~~~~~;-~'~~_ ~' -~--=~~_ ~.'.-'~ _... _ .._ ._ ----.. -.. -..'b~\~~~. S?-~t- ~~~~~. Ve.a.~ nou:>_ ~d.::L'M....~~ ... ---.... ___.. ____ . __ ._ .._Ne.~_'\f~~~t.J,.~"k,.~.iV'~~~-.~\~.~ ~~'(..._~~~~" ~t..,_ ... ___ ._ .. ___-.-.__ .._. __ ~L.C~M~V\;c.g\iM.l._~e....~,~. \My~\\¥-_ O~~_.__..__ ._ .. ~ e.-.. '.... . . _ ~ ~ _.;~_~ ""~~ ~\!l~~~"1lt..-~(., Co~~____._ -... _.,______ . ...._;~ ._\'~~~ \\\~~.__g_.g9,\\_\_-o.,~~- _'(\o.~._'i"\¥_ c.o\\e~\-:._;~ _~~~_.. __ .._.__ ._ --_____........ -~~.--~ ~~·.~~\tck~~~*.~~e.- ~~~. ~~~_o1_._q~~~~~- .. ' ---..---.--.. - ... -.t~~~.-.P1\("'--.~.-~~ .. ~~.- .. ~~.-.~") ('b~~r- ----.. ---- .. -. _.____ .. _____ .~.~.e_ .~\... ~~~\__e\_~~. ~ C).~~.~~\c..... ~'M(.. _. '_.' __ _______ . ___ .... '1~~- ~; ~~-~. ~~~.-~ ~\.\ ~~ o~.. " ._...- . __ ,_.___ ..___ ....~_.~L_~~~\:.~~~5~_.. ~~~ .. ~<:>~\:.-~~. ~Y_-~V\("--Q:\.)\~- .. ---- _~~_ ~~_ 'M~'n.. ~ _~m . ~ ~ \ N\\.'~ C.hQ\r'\"\.~V.\. . .___ ._ .~.~.S>.~--;~C4.b.~~~ \~.. ti\~\\~t'\._ ~.~ ~e"t\\__~_ . ._____ .. .__ .. __ . _. . ,\)~r~t1'\\Q,,--\l~ . ~~-\~.~\-:c.'fI\~ ~~\t,_ <:::>\.b~_ Q.v::A't- _. .-~"'~ ~1· c.\~~~. ~.~.\\.~ O!..~..Q._. N\,~~f""- .~~ . \}L~\y\\C\ . \~_ C-\o~ ~._~~e.. ~Oc...(~_ o.~ • . 9Y\<l ~'t-1_~ClL~ ~'1\y\ . ~.%c> ~ ~r 0:.\\'1>, \\t, 1"\ote..'\e.e.\'~ \'1\ ~.~ cl\ .~ .. @{\. ~~e,", ____ '\na..Y\'t. {ou..~ ~e,",,-~~M(.... .. ~~~ M\\\\~ \ oj ~v--.. C>~v ~ 1 e:. "5c-o ~JcJ-/*£- .2..S-7°;L 5Gt ~ L{\tt ~tl':.i S-t(.-tL fr~) J. j- (..7 -~) to , ReceIved & IlJsJJeCte(f +~ all Aoom ) r: C. C t ocr 3 1 ZOlZ , ---------jC~/~~~<~~~~~~-~,~F~~-7~~~c)<~~~J~F;_~~~~-__~,~y~L~~~--~£--a-~ ~ • , ) '<3 I <L t- 1<- ? C • --' J '-- "'-'.J --.! ~;S. -./ '- - ,a ~ ,- K"r f-(}-\c\ 1\ \ ~S I o. -'~ +0. « ~=r(r - c...ol ~ -<-1 s= <L -..t. • • - f.- J..k +- e: 1:-t;=rQ ro<1:bo.. - :(b..&,S "- ( 1.-4' Q * 3' - - r e..- ~~ j L ....,.: ~ ()~ ~ l 7 r ,. . ., !L r ... - cv I J ~ ..:[Q ,:....( ct. -- ',., , k \- ILf. w g st. g, , ." b { c. - / -~ -f, r 0 ( -J " h.9... I) .. 5 3.J lc>~ L, ::.cb....> (J\ .-l 1 , L.. '(....{ I 7 ~ ,r=u., , ~ 'f c :L ________~ '...A. -'( L& -- 3 J J pO L C) 6=- \L.l g ~ ...f ' - kl b-- I-- ..... \ .I( VO~4...-4~ 0. \):j t.,.A:::, Q..- L a-~ ~ J,.. boy. t - ) <t • ...£ +"L...... , ~......, 1 ~ g ~ ~.~L~.r..r4(_ _ _ _ _ __ b =L - +~ J 11'A ;- ( \I d , Cat; r:::. 9 '{ (" 0-3 ,.,--- :I' cS t-:' * v-"-- '4r Q 0.,.A("'" \ --r A a i" ~ §? \ -I.. ~ ,J u.....SX:! '- V <e. .> .. ./L\.... _ '"'-......... ,.0 L"- I - 5 <Ii ' ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 'Co.-~ ~&? lI.,,~___________ . _ __ Received & \nspected OCT 312m2 FCC Man Room October 22,2012 TO: Chairman Julius Genachowski Federal Communications commission Public Comments 455 12TH Street,SW Washington,DC 20554 From: Michael Drayton 85-6812 1100 Pike Street Huntingdon,PA 16654-1112 Sir, I'm writing to find out if you have a solution to the high cost of a call here in Pennsylvania that we must endure in the institutions throughout this state. This system has been a heavy burden not only for me and my family but for the entire population of inmates here in PA. We're currently paying $5.15 for a 15 minute call that's if we have the funds to pay for a Pre-Paid calling card if we call collect then it's $6.20 on our families bill for 15 minutes, and that cost gets even higher for those inmates who are calling out of state. Sir, I'm trying to understand how inmates were shipped out to Michigan, to help with the increase of the population that all calls were only $1.80 and that's to call anywhere in the USA. So, I'm asking not just for me but for everyone that this problem effects is there a solution to the high cost of the calls that we been dealing with for years and they're only getting higher and higher. I don't need help we all need help with this problem the inmate population as well as our love ones. Thank you for taking the time to read my issue I hope that you can help me in this matter Thank You Michael Drayton I £: 85-6812 ~1:1'<r, ! L/ Received &Inspected OCT 3 " 2012 FCC Mail Room This is a public comment for the WRIGHT PETmON (CC Docket #96-128) Ch~an Julius Genachowski Federal Communications Commission Public Co:inment 445 12th Street, SW Washington, DC 20554 Dear Cha:innan Genachowski: I'm writing to ask that you act on the WRIGHT petition to cap inmate telephone rates and stop the exploitation" of prisoners and their loved ones. I am serving time in the Michigan Department of Correction. Since corrring to prison, I have tried to remain in close contact with my family and friends, but witb. each passing year it becomes more clifficult. Despite publicly trumpeting the benefits of prisoners remaining in close contact witb. their families, the self serving policies and actions by the 11DOC are continuing to tear at the very fabric of these bonds. The tWo most important and critical ways for a prisoner to keep in contact with his family comes through visits and telephone calls. For most families, including mine, making the trip to visit is a rare occurrence. When you consider the bad economic times, and that most of these visitors themselves are struggling near the margins, the cost of making the trip to visit is prohibitive. Add to this that the :MDOC has reduced the amount of days a prisoner can get visits, and restricted the number of visitors an inmate is allowed to see, it's not surprising to see the number of visits being reduced by 70%. This leaves the telephone as the main lifeline for a maj ority of prisoners. Rather than making tills critical service more convenient, the :MJ)OC has chosen instead to exploit this service for profit. They, along with predatory telephone providers, have colluded to extort and target those who can least afford it. Of the average $3.25 charged for a 15 minute cail, $2.50 goes directly into the pockets of the :MJ)OC and telephone provider. The }v1DOC claims it needs its share to shore UJl its budget. Prisoners and their families should not be charged outrageous rates to support prison budgets, that burden should be borne by the entire tax base. As for the telephone provider, they get a 30 % cut of the overcharge. Remember, the telephone provider has already built in their cost and profit margins for providing the actual telephone service. Public Communication Services is Jv.fichigan's current provider and they are making more money from admjnistering this slush fund than they are from providing the actual inmate telephone service. It seems one of the functions of our Federal CoIi::Jm.unications Commission is to protect the consumer from predatory behavior, and if this doesn't qualify for that protection, then I don't know what ~ould. Please put a stop to this. Cap the rates! 4J~MJ/ 'c9J.7/YF {o- Iq-/~ Received &Inspected OCT 31 Z012 :T-h'l ~ct~al~O~'o\~ I ~W f", ~~T c r0-\- ~ ~\o r'\ Lo~0\~r<f -fO\ -t~ L C \)0 LV'-Lt- :tfq G ,-l~g, I II wOV\.\ ~ V~ to LO (Y\ N0"\ t- 0(\ : f'\\{ C)(pQ.j'~ L/\~ , iN I-\-\, P)YO~ Co (Y\? \; r ~ 1\--) lJ.- \ \ ~ 0-/\ ~ n SO" \S · A+- T'hL ~)(,0 U\S L of ().. p''; J Q AU' ~ \f\ \k \A~~+'C~ ~\-~\-C) O~ A0\RJ~L~ : O-J\ \ ~<" c1o--~\j; ~~~ j)\';SO()I.s I 0rQJ\, ~\[' 0.00.'5 to '~h\J1\lL 1o\"I~~(\'~'<' ~~\--. V~CJ\ry-\\5L \J'L~ D(Al~> \{\ (\\\ \(I(\~> , (J-\ d,; f \' O~T --yJ ~y S +<0 -\-k- ~ l'- ~ \ '()J\~ ~,~>()" ,J- IN;\\ ->p(LD-.-k . (9(\ · tK ~t ~~ \)~.~ ~~\-(\Q...i\ T- 0\ lO\\E-ct, .'\Ol'\S rA!> th.<>---f \3> INWL I Q(Y\ ~(} ~~VL ~0>o(\cN ~~Lr~~f\LL LJ ~-r~ +~ ·\C'o\l~0 o~ t-k ?~'O~ C\J\ ~ DL\l\~ OVUL~o.-\C)~'i>- {:o~ -\-k ~Sc at- ~, If\ d--QO q T\-L \(\ l\~-\-Gj tv'r0-'e.- ~ \ (A\s, +-,A~ oJ\u- '\-k rc:>-\-~~ hc.-o, ~ot\L \Ar. ~XlA.bH(J.i,t-\y Tho-.'\-- -\-k L~\-('~ '\ ' -\j i!.....r\ \A ~ ~ !,IJlL 0 (\ 'T~ 'Q\-..0 ":' ~ ;, E:t S ~ oCt- ~ ,I v\., P.fY\"-".-\-to~ \0X~lJ\-tcS \ \0 L -\-k \0r'\rA-~t..S _ U{' LOLA".s<L \r')uJU" _s, ~ M'Y' _ ~J t>--S ,~O\0.~ ~ 0 \\ ;< \,,0 --t" vJ:-\-y~ -\-""C\ _ a -tv \ f'01 00 \ 4-"" YJ .A 1'00 f'0 _IO--\--t'(l \.J \~'\+ --4~\-\- )\) ~\~~~ ~ V~'0 ~ {5 <) "'; ~')vbv~'-P '--1:-/-§O ~5~) -"~'l f:\-\- -,,\;~ ~'<l+o\J +'it )5o'V,)50-rda'1 ~o ~i',V'dl Y7 t'N )" .> -0 '-l ') 50 y) p--\)\-\ 'ollt " ~"O--\-\- VOj -\-"-",0 ~YJ ~'0~\"Y)-\ ~\---o \)(\y)'1: 0 \J -\4''1' ~\.~;J'Cl&d )~\ /(NO l:-\\ll'I ·~~f,\\V\9 f1 '0-0 v 0,\)" .J 0 -\~ ( <:? \J" J()() -\d""'f\ T'0 j \" ~0S- ~d\ 1~0~. i;~ ~~-\':)~JJ-V 0~" ~\'t)OCJ ~~ O~ )J01-'lJ-1~~\.)'>N\~V VO)~~G- l{'X) ~O~ci -t~C1 O~ --;:rMY)~'"'f\ eYe> j \.J'{\ 'V{} -V,J~~M ~\.r{)-t5 A--t: -l-\J~ '011' ·/] \,' 'W'OJ -.J ~~j OJ- --t,~q (J) ----;!jl\ ->0j- -1.' O--\- <)\)\\.NcJ\...J 0) df\'Oft) ~ \;j A~-..Io];J~'--'Y) 5" \ ~cJ\ \( JC> v 0') ~..) d ~ ~\:\- XYOV0\ ~~\.".J 1J'0'Q \)'{J-;J J +0 ~ \00 0)1'0 e 1 )": -\0'-.\ ~~'d~JO);VJ '0, JO-\-\O \)~d u C)~7~ A"'O nYJ 5'.n 9,\..Ud \.AJ !'--t\ 'vKl} 6--1='9 \0 ') I, )Cl', \rvG U oJ ")'0 0,,-\0 'f~ '-.)0 )~-Jd 1-\-\-' 5" A'"YJ CVI, fl1i O /,\.J'{J\..J '{?'-J'() -()Mq'O '.,&U,->~d'/.d S'O 5"()---.A.'O~ \)o)~.A ~-\ S\VGI,-tJ oJ '1t~r'\ ~--\- -\-~"C{ ),J-\-VO -d~ \v'lj-55 0 J)Y\c; YJ 5\\)0 )~'?J _')0-& ~--\.}~~WO) I~ O'-),~1\ \..ro) A~+ :to 0+' Os t )i)~\- ~\}O.)1-5: 5di"1'-.,v1'0" ~!).J II .' i -\-~~L-. ~ bc ~\~y Cof'\VJ-lh~OI\ . O~U\~~ ~n~(\~s+- t~ v~o"C • Co ~()l.."'\ ~ > \1\ ~().Js o.r-...!J- 'f I'd 01\ J: , Uf ;. \~~,,\,( Yo l \.A. -Go r yo R-\ -t-\ ~ , i, ~ : I "I i " i J: .s, ~ (\ Le..rd y l\Ar~l> "E-\\~~ =tf- \~ 7 gl S- This is a public comment for the WRIGHT PE11:rtON (OC Docket 196-128) Chairman Julius Genachowski Received & Inspected Federal Communications Commission OCT 3 1 2012 Public Comment 445 12th Street, SW FCC Mail Room Washington, DC, 20554 Dear Chairman Genachowski: I have a family member who is currently incarcerated in a Michigan prison. For many years I have been subjected to excessive telephone rates when he calls home. I'm told the extra charges go towards supporting the state's prison budget. If the state needs additional funding for it's prison budget then it should collect those funds from the entire tax base in Michigan as part of raising general revenue; not select a certain group of taxpayers to pay more than everyone else. That's unfair and discriminatory. Keeping in contact with those who are incarcerated has proven to be one of the most effective tools for a prisoner's rehabilitation and success upon release. The politicians and prison officials publicly trumpet the benefits of keeping prisoners and their families connected, but behind closed doors they collude with predatory telephone companies to exploit this critical service. In Michigan, the state and telephone company are generating $10 million annually over and above the necessary cost of providing the actual inmate telephone service. The FCC should protect consumers from just this type of predatory behavior. Please put a cap on inmate telephone rates and stop this abuse on those who can least afford it. Thank you for your time and consideration in~~~matter. THIS IS A PUBLIC COMMENT FOR THE WRIGHT PETITION. (CCDOCKET #96-128). Received & Inspected DEAR: CHAIRMAN GENACHOWSKI OCT 3 1 2012 FCC Mail Room I HOPE THIS LEITER FIND yOU AND yOURS IN THE BEST OF HEALTH, AND UNDER THE WRDS MANY BLESSINGS. I AM WRITING THIS LEITER 'IO SHARE MY S'IORY, ON HOW THE HIGH COST OF PRISON CALLS HAS AFFECTED MY FAMILY & FRIENDS & MYSELF. MY FAMILY AND FRIEND HAVE ALWAYS BEEN THEIR FOR ME EVEN AFTER MY CIRCUMSTANCES • WE WHERE CWSE & EVEN AFTER ALL THESE YEARS WE TRY 'IO REMAIN CWSE.THE PROBLEM IS NOT ONLY THE DISTANCE IN MILES THAT SEPERATE US, BUT ALSO BECAUSE WE CANN I T COMMUNICATE AS WE ALWAYS DID. YES I KNOW THAT I COMMITTED A CRIME • BUT WHAT I OON I T UNDERSTAND IS WHY MY FAMILY HAS 'IO PAY FOR MY MISTAKE.I ALWAYS THOUGHT THAT JAIL WAS 'IO REABILITATE US & REBUILD THOSE RELATIONSHIPS WE HAD WITH OUR FAMILY.AT LEAST THAT IS WHAT OUR FAMILIES ARE 'IOLD.BUT I FIND IT DIFFICULT 'IO BELIEVE THIS.BECAUSE NOT ONLY 00 I FIND MYSELF AT THE OTHER END OF THE STATE,S.C.L GREEN,WHEN MY FAMILY IS FROM BERKS COUNTY.THEY ARE NOT RICH,THEY ARE HARD WORKING TAX PAYING CITIZEN'S. HERE IS MY S'IORY. I WAS ONE OF THE LUCKY ONES WHO GOT SENT 'IO THE STATE OF MICHIGAN. THERE THE LITTLE IDNEY FROM FAMILY & FRIENDS SENT 'IO ME ALLOWED ME 'IO BE ABLE 'IO AFFORD 'IO CALL HOME FREQUENTLY , DUE 'IO THE CHEAP COST OF CALLS. I LOST MY FATHER 'IO CANCER, WHICH WAS A VERY TRAMATIC TIME FOR ME.BUT WITH THE WVE & SUPPORT OF FAMILY & FRIENDS I MADE IT THROUGH THAT RUFF PATCH,& WAS EVEN ABLE 'IO PARTICIPATE IN THE FUNERAL SERVICE.ALSO MY SISTER YEIM COWN HAS A FOUR(4) YEAR OLD DAUGHTER, WHO I WVE DEARLY, & WAS ABLE 'IO SPEAK 'IO ON A REGULAR BASIS WHEN I WAS IN MICHlGAN.SHE WAS ONLY TWO(2) YEARS OLD AT THE TlME,BUT KNEW MY VIOCE DUE 'IO THE FREQUENCEY OF MY CALLS.NOW SHE IS SHY & TIMID WHEN SPEAKING 'IO ME BECAUSE I CANN'T AFFORD 'IO CALL FREQUENTLY ANY IDRE.MY SISTER LIVES IN VA. & I CALL COLLECT, SO SHE ENDS UP PAYING A SMALL FORTUNE IN COLLECT CALLS FROM ME. ALSO MY YOUNGEST DAUGHTERGOT SO USED 'IO HEARING MY VOICE WHEN I USED 'IO CALL FROM MICHIGAN THAT WHEN I CAME BACK 'IO PA. IT DEVASTED HER WHEN I COULDN'T AFFORD 'IO CALL HER. SHE WRor ME A LEITER & 'IOLD ME SHE MISSED SPEAKING 'IO ME & KEPT ASKING WHY I DIDN I T CALL ANYMORE. SHE EVEN WENT AS FAR AS TELLING ME SHE WOULD SAVE HER OWN ALLOWANCE IDNEY & SEND IT 'IO ME SO THAT I COULD CALL HER.IT ALSO BREAKS MY MOI'HERS HEART THAT I CAN NO WNGER CALL HER ON A REGULAR BASIS. CHAIRMAN GENACHOWSKI I UNDERSTAND THAT WE MUST PAY FOR OUR CRIMES, WHEATHER WE DID THEM OR Nor,BUT I WAS SENTENCED 'IO LIFE WITHOUT PAROLE Nor MY FAMILY.I'VE WST MY FREEDOM,WHY SHOULD I HAVE 'IO WSS MY FAMILY?I SHOULD BE ABLE 'IO SPEAK 'IO THEM ON REGULAR BASIS,BUT CANN'T DUE 'IO THE HIGH COST OF THE CALLS. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME & PATIENCE IN THIS MATTER. I HOPE THAT YOU CAN HELP, Nor ONLY ME & MINE,BUT ALL OF US WHO ARE IN CARCERATED WHO HAVE FAMILY & FRIENDS WHO STILL WVE US. Received &Inspected OCT g 1 Z01Z Ronald Williams, GB-7178 175 Progress Drive Waynesburg, Pa 15370 FCC Mal\ Room Chairman Julius Genachowski Federal Communications Commission Public comments 445 12th street, SW Washington, DC 20554 Dear Chairman Genachowski, This is a public comment for the 'Wright Petition' Docket#96-128) (CC The high cost of the prison phone call are extremely expensive here at SCI-Greene. It is over $5 per 15 minute phone call within the state limits and up to $15 to call to any neighboring states. I personally Have experienced hardships when trying to reach my family and friends during vital times. I feel as if it is almost impossible to stay in contact with my wife on a weekly basis and still purchase food and cosmetics. My family are already experiencing troubles with income, so staying in touch with me has become a huge burden. I do not wish to take toomuch of your time Mr. Chairman, I just sincerly ask of you to help me and others as well with this gruesome phone situation. Respectfully Yours, Ronald Williams Received & Inspected Boymah Traub CJ-0593 175 Progress Drive Waynesburg, PA 15370 OCT 3 1 2012 FCC Mail Room 10/22/12 Chairman Julius Genachowski Federal Communications Commission 445 12th Street, SW Washington, DC 20554 RE: This is a public comment for the Wright Pettion (CC Docket #96-128) Dear Mr. Chairman Julius Genachowski: I am writing you this letter in hopes that change can be made with regards to these overly expensive phone prices. I am from Philadelphia and I am currently incarcerated at S.C.I. Greene which is located in the Western part of Pennsylvania. I've been at this jail since August of 1999, and these expensive phone prices has taken its due toll upon me and my loved ones. It has been and still is difficult to maintain communications with them. I am 5~ hrs. away from Phildelphia and I pay around $5.55 per phone call, this price is for the pre-paid phone cards that we can purchase from the Commissary. My family pays $6.25 for collect calls. The average paying job here pays .35¢ an hour, 6 hrs a day, which totals $2.10 a day making total pay per month $42.00. For some of us there is a 20% deduction for Court fines (Act 84) bringing the monthly income to $33.60. After this 20% deduction there1s the monthly toiletries and food. The cheapest phone card available for us to purchase is $10.60 (sales tax included), this is if our family members phones don't accept collect calls. A $10.00 phone card gets you almost two whole phone calls. This only enables one to call home twice during that month. If we take into consideration we'll be calling our parent(s), sibling(s), children etc. it is impossible to maintain any healthy relationship with anyone on the outside because of these overly expensive phone rates. The purposes for incarceration is firstly protection for the community then punishment of the perpetrator of the crime then comes rehabilitation. Part of rehabilitation is having healthy communications with the outside world. Instead of our incarceration being a punishment with steps toward rehabilitation incarceration has turned into a business slogan - "Inmates: Products that make us money". As for my personal experience. As stated above, it has been hard. I still have my mother and also two younger siblings, a brother and sister, who try to maintain the ties. I speak with my mother as much as I am able, it has not been the same with my siblings and others. Over the last three years I've held five conversations with my brother and I haven't seen him since I've been at S.C.I. Greene, he has three children that I've never met and I've spoken to his oldest twice, the other two I don't even know, the situation with my sister is similar. I speak with her and her children more because of her location. However, its still a hardship. Once we are incarcerated our loved ones also become incarcerated in a sense, they have to endure the emotional and physical absence of the loved one who's incarcerated. They are already suffering emotionally they should not have to suffer financially as well. The Economy is in "The Toilet" as they say, who has the finances to pick up an extra bill? If I were to call my mother, brother, and sister two times each every week I would be paying a total of $133.20 a month, this is my purchase of phone cards from the commissary, but when it's from my family's end the bill is $150.00. Either way this is looked at my family is still paying the bill. And now our phone system has changed. Global Tel-Link has kidnapped the phone system, and we are literally forced to set up an independent account for collect calls. This means that on top of our family paying their regular phone bill that has a long distance carrier they have to set up an account to receive collect calls from the prisons. If this is a crime, then what is!? Something has to change. How are we to be productive people within our communities upon our release when it is so difficult to maintain healthy communications with the outside world. How can one function in a society he or she is disconnected from and unfamiliar with? In closing, I ask you to take into consideration all of the above mentioned and reign in the out of control monster called GIL (Global Tel-Link). Enclosed is a Notice from GTL and also a memo from our in house phone operator. Thank you for listening to an individual who's frustrated with these exuberant phone prices. Sincerly, The cullect issue is still being addressed by GTL, and until we are formally informed of the cause an,j solution I will not have any further information. I will update everyone as I am updated. I believe this has been caused by the switch over to the new GTL Advance Auto-Pay system, and thus resulting in called parties not being able to receive collect calls due to their previous billing arrangements. So in turn, I believe the end result will be these phone numbers inmates are having collect issues with, will just simply need to set up a GTL account. Again, I am just speculating as this is not 100% confirmed and when I have more information I will provide. Until then please tell your inmates, that we are aware of the issue and there is no need to send multiple requests for this issue. They can try calling their people using their debit funds if have any, and can pass along the GTL 1-888-385-9366 # in case they want to try and get it resolved potentially sooner. Thanks, Ron Nopwasky I Site Administrator Inmate Phones I ShawnTech Communications,Inc. Memo put out by Phone Operator E FCC Mail Room Enhanced Service for Family and Friends for Inmate Telephone Calling t ; ;~, " r. t'} / ; ! '/ :~- : : 1 ;; .. ,' '/ (' i ; ; ( )~ r; During the week of July 26th, 2012, families and friends who receive phone calls from inmates in any Pennsylvania Department of Corrections facility will be automatically converted from their GTL Direct Billed accounts to a Global Tel-Link AdvancePay Account. Families' and friends' new GTL AdvancePay account will be identified by a new number, which will be their ten digit phone number. GTL is pleased to provide this enhanced service to the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections customers. Changes associated with this conversion are as follows: AdvancePay will be at lower rates than traditional collect calling. Mailed monthly statements will be eliminated. AdvancePay accounts can be managed and money can be deposited into an account in several ways. Payments to an AdvancePay account can be made by: ~ Using a MasterCard or Visa branded credit or debit card online at www.offenderconnect.com • Calling GTL's automated number 1-800 483-8314 • Mailing a check or money order payable to Global Tel-Link at PO BOX 911722, Denver, CO 80291-1722 Regardless of the method: Families and friends can manage phone numbers on their GTL AdvancePay Account, make payments, view balances online at the offenderconnect website and more! Hours of operation: Monday-friday, 8am to Midnight, EST Saturday and Sunday, 9am to 8pm, EST Mailing Address: AdvancePay ServIce Oept. Department 911 i 722 Denver, Colorado 80291· 172 Website:www,~onnedcom Mr. Davit; Lee :f.!AS3041 1100 PD~e Street Huntingdon,PA lG654-H12 October 19,2012 Chairman Jul ius Genachmvski federal Communications Comdssion Public C0fl11l1ents 455 12th Street,S~~ \'lashio~~ton, 20554 nc Pleasant Cn"2tin:~s: Si r, I c1[:i Fetting you at this timp to pxpress the urgent need to h:=>ve the outrAgEous telephone prices rpcluceC. T ~1ave heen i.n prison for over 24 y(,acs ,and the telep'l.onc> t"Cltes m:-e drai.ning my lovf~l~ ()nes. t understand the business asppcts of the phom' system,but at sor.le point,the human siile nlust he considf"red RS 1.:011. The current system not only explojts 118 [lS prisonE't"s,l)l't our families :1n0 oti.1ert~ \,'})o love ,me; care ahout us. l'J fe,,; years .8go PA rY::'isoner~ " 'prt~ sent to Nichig:m clue to an out of ::;tatp. contrklCt. The r:~pn vJhom ,,:ere sent to tlichigan m::.tually :c-.aid less to nal~e a Ll~le~;~lonE: call than those of us in P.A. They \Veee pByin7, under: $? .00 pE'f' call. UhUe \ve pay OVAr $5.00 per call.(They we're C::-lIHng from ~~ic.hi2l:m to FA.) Something is drastlci::.]J y \':f~on;:; \vi t:1 soc;, A systE'ITI,and I am ~;t'.qyin::~ til[-lt something is done to correct f"ds injt~st-i.'::(~. The' enor:'lous phone hills ::1y f<:lmil Y 'lAS had to (~nc1ur(; over ti1e years is nothing less ti18n E'XTx>Joit8tive of thm.'e vhem love lJs,anc: \lJis1, to ~~peak hith LIS. Please help us in the very ~erious fil!:1ttr:>r. Th;:mk You! Daviil Lee,~' P,s30t.J.l Reee\'Jed & \nspeeted Jose M. Feliciano CA-5085 175 Progress Drive Waynesburg, PA. 15370 OC1 '3 '\ 20'2 fCC Me\\ RoOm Chairman Julius Genechowski Federal Communications Commission Public Comments 445 12th street, SW Washington, DC 20554 October 23, 2012 RE: This is a Public Comment for the Wright Petition (CC Docket #96-128) Dear Chairman Genechoski, I have been incarcerated in the since May with 15, the 1992, Prison and I Commonwealth of would like Telephone Rates and to tell the Pennsylvania you my effects it experience has had on me and my family. Since 1992 my family has done everything they could to assure that I only had sufficient funds once (1) a week. to be able to make a They would always say that allow the system to disconnect me with them, love ones. My mother and father would do able to speak with my children, you now, more than ever." phone call, my I should their best the years not children and to keep because in his words, Throughout if my me "they need times got harder and the cost of paying for my calls became a burden on everyone. When my dad lost his job, due to the economy, he was so depressed that he had let me down, that my mom told me he took out a loan, just so that he could continue sending me money so that I could continue to talk with him and my children. Unfortunately, he became "delinquent" and the loan he took became just him. He lost weight because he fell into a this, my was in own. caused me to Communication transferred punished all turn, to further. communication with the My with fall my "other family a of became children. I on deeper depression and state only side" visitation my into another burden of depression became the state, nonexistent would write worst when I to be only and as of I lost often as I could, help but there bring ease Nevertheless, away, and I was nothing and the like the feeling of sound of being the children got older, ones voice loved to a to child. my sister and brother past wasn't even able to talk with them before they left Us. Sir, cents the for cost of only talking to my fifteen minutes. mother Of those and father fifteen is $9.25 minutes, a recording interrupts the call at a minimum of four times, to remind of that the call comes from and correctional institution, is being recorded and will terminate if three way or call waiting devices are used. Never mind that a big red sign on every wall where the phones are located state the same as the recording. Just recently I found out, when she from my cousin, received her or paying the rent, only once a call home week. she failed hang up the that question, and not not truly understood, she cried when we would always talk, of check, worrying about herself as long as she was able to hear from me, would me, S.S.I She couldn't do that anymore and when I to tell her that I had that my mother was sending me money since a except calls. I would wanted but she was so sad that she everyday. Especially and we couldn't. trip my if on Fridays, Visiting me was all the way from New York, out where my entire family reside, is over eight (8) hours away. I plead with you Sir Chairman, to intervene and help put a cap on Prison Phone Rates so that the phone companies are banned from charging us the exorbitant prices that they charge us and our families. Jose M. Feliciano, CA-5085 175 Progress Drive Waynesburg, PA. 15370 Received & Inspected OCT 3 1 l012 FCC Mail Room 7h/~ 1.5 a /!..ubl'L ~rrw7.1- -~ #e LJrF1J-rf !kl-/l-tYI. CCL Ocx:J;eJ:#=9t, -- / ~iJ ~Cha/rr7an ~!Sk/; ./t~ an Jn~ ;r, Me Pa, lo/~l/~ D¥Er~/- ot Cor-red-b-z.5 WD,/<t'n] foy ru-re ~/lLf5 Py hcvr /1;.s ~jl ,i-rJpo!>$/bk br r7e -10 LcrtIcr.J- ~ dz//dren and oI/-zu ~/kr ~&r5 CJrJ a r8jUlif ba~/~. One- {;~ L/~)I"'VZ/~nuk p~ u11 cod5 ()Ue/ r;Ve-(5)dclw~.T -I-rtf -h coDr,d,'nak r7L( c::al15 .fa be abie -h 5p):, +D ~C;CY'7e a!- </Jt~ 5~ -h'rv7e t..Jhldt ;6 a/so yt'}/~Iq I~po~~/bk St~ /Y"lLf ch//dren 4/~ a/I In ci~ed p&ce 5.. .~ If.;~ on d vuq t~11ed INo~ uJ/lh i/ljL/ I~ CV+~/Ck- help zvd /Y}i i'0r'7JI'I :aL6D //I/~ CY7 Cl {;xd I/~ ard ..Jhyer;re Lan rJDI- alrcRCi -I-D ~ r76/~ ~ one. 0r ~ CDIk:c.f CLi/& f£/ P7cvt1h.. i k phY-te CbP7pan'l /<r2c:x...J.6 Ih /~ I ~ bL-J/ 0/-)1( Iorrt d' a:.rtl-ddo1her -Jh.a.n it!-U-e0 arcl ~ eMlb;'l-anf ~ fur'" pho/7C!- c.alb ard I..UL a.s l/rrlak~l ~ ~I a.~ our -far7,1L) l art'- /Lt+ LJ;/-h /70 albnaJ/ue. X, drl0rt7 +hoLJ~ancls J afh~ //7~k6 ard Ccvn~' -r;;~ ard +~/jlj /""?~.5 CkfbSS #-z~ ~C:r7 ~u/d bL ~ra!e£i'+Dr c?inLjlh'i-r:j !tbU cb b J skp phone- LorTlpv71 +'orvt ~/h1 iA~/- fod:e& Received &Inspected OCT 3 1 2012 FCC Mail Room Q.h()JfO\Cl.n J~ \IU~ c...1en~hUJ.:)O\I-)·\ on \edefill Q.o l'(\fOili) \ c.cJ1on~ ~mm, ~ \ b\\'c... tDmOW1\-~ L\4S )~fu J:>t-~e.-\-I Sy{ ~nlf\~ton \ne.. L U)55Y GJn c....~lna.\e,40~rOklltfn1QJe.. HI ~ffDn~6~ pn·~. ~4her, 5\!>te.r.s, a.nd (lu.n-r,s I who are m4 emottonr;J Clnd {1 noru a-J :6Up poeJ-) "Ye. iN :S, (1._ ) f\C(] .) ()J1 d ft1a..r-8 Jan d , 10 (lOJ I +hem 15 a.. Ptntlnci al 6fra,/n L/ef- IS VerLj nes::led M.4 In Drder -to qe-f Ihro'-{9h mt./ --hme- ~UCL!..eS5 ltJ/y~ Tj- woUld ~~/6fs.oF' be- 0- qreof help 10 IYU/ lamllY) wh/~ rehred &5(J,hooj feach~, Ie -hred kder&/ a.... 6rnaJ I bu.slness DwneJj and (J..., ban~ empJfJljee) +0 Pi?- able +0 pa y ra-/es C,omparob Ie -10 what- they p3 Y fo call people who aren:+_ III prl s~n. efl1e,rnbe,- -I--haJ- 01:.1'- PZJinl/f QJready p r oV7cks In~~ W Jth --}he, rnol7ey fo pur~e deocllJron ~ :snac.Jl6, and fher needs !rom P-i-60r} c.omrnl.:S5ftn/. fhqh phone. rQ.-k..s ,OJe c- burden ll..rJd per)o.Jh.t +0 fhase vvho OJen'f Worher', InCQ.rc.ero.:kd) Pu% Ynif-e-JY JOVe cj- .j;upporf an Jnc.cu-aero:kd per.sDn I lease mMe. pn~on phone r~ t!J)mpeft-hue {!omporo.,b Je. +0 fh~ {JUbJJC- {Jhone. r-a:ks, O:.nd . , ; .r· " , ~feefFwly .::s~/IIed, lJJtncfa., ~ tJlllrda., 'Xn-Y,rVerrnaN Jtfi.1a.k- #' /51z12 LDweJ/ (!,/Jrrecn orW .:.ri-rsbr.ku-bof") 11120 }/W9aLnef:..ViJIe.-!?oad lJeaJUj rL -8,,~g2 4'r1h~ t',) "- ~"~\~L C.Cf'I\ ~~d·~~ ~\';~~ p~-\;~", l (t. t)(!~d- -tt9CA -lJ-l ") Recolved &inspected " OCT 31 l012 d-d. -~L.\ -;ttl e.. 6/"" , \J~' ~b,rnCl...t\~\.;..\~v..~ (;tl'\u.c..~o~~'FCC Man Room G~e.e..-\-~~~ 'T'""o."", if' 1Y\~t.. CL-t rnt. i 0 l\\J~c.<:. ;" r '\ \ !\ wv. ~'l"')'7';) s ~\; rnt ()o..M~ ~ ~ 1(it.~~ f)('u.c\.~ 5. 1', 1't\.~1~~\ -k y~u... \~ I'~ fe.~a..\N~3Y\u.."t\.ve.. 'I' ,cp('\~", p'''o''\Q.. $\)si-t~ G-tL. 5 i(") Gil (~ h;~~\~ ave, c-\-o.~~ fY\~~~m~~ ,~Y\ rc....~~ c..f 4tJ, I~ ~t. '\ is' I"f\;'y.. ..Sir :r-+r~~ d.~ 'be..\~~\)~ +hi~ IJ W ~t~ ~ ho f\e ~\ 6..~ ~~ o.'~ ~ ~ -\-\e. ~c..~ c;;;~ • l\~ k~~h\~ ~"fu.~r -b rY\~ --k~~{~ ~h.o a-'4'-t.. r-t.\~f'~(l ~~ ~,;.. :~i Si~~~ ~o..""'M* o...f~t~ 4-\e.5\?.. u~\..~'fl~ d ~(';L~~. "S; r ,j'Y' "I,.'Y't\ 1'\~1' +~~ e~\~ +\'QI.o..\t~\ ~ t'\ ,~~\~ I ~ t\-,,·~ rn~\\--t('t <j,'(" +IM.. Y\"\Y'\'<:,-ti'~ ~h;c.,,,,, ',I'M s\.J..t'JL·H~a..+- y~v...aSf- ~~~\ ,·.,.....(Or""'eJ.. o-f... S/r J~""''' ~t.lP l')~EJ..d ~~ -\-'hL':> +\'\Wl. Th(}.",," ye . . ~(,"\C<Af {~~ ... <:...H ~(E-,-t is ~f'~dJ~ Received & Inspected OCT 31 2012 /1IJtZIJ btlm !t~ tlYl 12 ZOlz FCC Mall Room trJ 3271/ /7J/rfjtRjJ Dr/vf WultJtJf:p'f A/5370 iktil/ t~r/YIt;J J'Vl;"fJ tlJ1/-clw,-us!:/ ::r Wok 7b /pIA rf;t:r:1"1J ~ /.kf1f' J';,kj/}/1 Ji/I ~!1/?sj/J/d/l/l ~It jtl/i Ji)1tf 2v-l ,kIn 7J1tttrt~rtl(jII'l/I"/J/JJ/Nkl/d shit /r/j"?),1J,.~(Y'I}IJ1!1j /tv! Jt?l1flt/~/C; ~/~;1t? i;fd ~ yjp iii ItJ)vII;//; foil cJ;-tJt!~cltt?/JtlM# J7! I/tJ Jtllz/ J/clt. til -In Mtf:)tj~ktlltjJ II/If! d!1f(itPt) Jt tlym/I' JP? 14 !t1J11 0/ r-Rc,/f 0/:1'11#,hf J/J AIr 7h141/~lhf' ;r /i II; Jo'i1Ib/llf(S z~tf t!t;jltr/;Yk In Y4 J'h/lt/ J~.J: ~dl -fo carl t1 !til II ttdlft!j()) J(}~JJ iiI jurI /r; Or .7h Nt?/J~fivj/~a fY tf;j!(}'Ir. kJ/M/!/tf;f; ~tfl(/-T ffr#titlt t~/Jf;t! !1J1//tllf ~{}"dI1/zd2JJ7 dry! dy, ~F t4J .:In ~ /nj~1? Jj>flm- dl1ijttl /II"~/r /'I1t.IIA//J/1/,1'/7l /fat j/3ifSSIJy:J rtryl. hif f ReceNed &\nspected OC1 31 20\2 FCC Ma\\ Room /h,,5 ,j a. +or p!:bl/c CC:f17rw+ ./heLee Dcdef$9&--ldV tJr'F fbl-l-h{Y) IJea;- {},a;rP7a/7 ~D4J5)c>l: JDlpCJII~ T &r7 an //7j'Y/aJe //7 ..;hI!- &. D¥,ar/r?enf DC Co,rec/-;D/I-S an:::i rr;ak /~$..J-han 5/'Kfy ODI!.;u.3 pe/ rnon-Jh, h~ r7e -fD J'7?ak one -IdepJ-{tYlt!.- ull fur -{;(/eer7 rrztnuk5 Cc615 /Y2L /7ecvlc.; -5/k dolh8, CJf )0 fe/ad of' /V)~ ~orr/h/<! /n~_<J the.- phone- COr?p~ he;r~t b/~l 7e! L/rd<J no /on9if allo~ rtLl (;r,0-d.5 Clnd ~JI~ ~C!r-1~5 I'D a~ Ldla:/- LdlI5 b.c&.J.5~ ~ Cill Sukli>e -10 VU;ZaJ~ ~pu-5c>na/ltf h2iL>&t¥ ~ aile 16 call dY/i'-l~- /n ~ a /Y/o//</-h. ..L L&-1-=f afb-d -b ~rc.ha:5e_ phe:ne -/-/r'/t: -Ih;rou:;h LDn?r'?/~5aFi" - f7,-/ /;;CYKi5 &-cI ~lltj ~+ Add h se/- cp d P!t:.--,PacL adC:vrrl- tJ,:;)' (;!obal - Ie) L/nK ardp3c.; -rw h n SdP7e ~ call ';~/t::L.. no! on /c:; vrrra;, -ID LJ-S a5 /rll'~"lCi_k-.S ard. CxJr /)/~- ~ +ar7Ik; /,,7~M buf /+ /~ a/0 ~blch:zl kJ Ln~ ~D/;'Zirxr -Jk ~e L)z/~ l<Jh/0 ,:S ;J/er;al 2+-5 -!/nL /;, a Lhan7~ drr::i //- .swl-s LJ}lh L/CJt.J I 0 cntl~ lS A- f>v.tbL>~ C- <!..O~~ 'Fp~ ~ ~l~r1E?fLT1vv) Cc- 'O(9~~ ~ qis2.-t2.fj Received &IIISpectecJ OCT 31 2012 .,CA~i~ ~v:£-iVfJ Ge)'vAClfQl{f.lN-{ · 'FE£!)~f,-- FCC Mail Room C»N'y~V'}\I'{ e tr7i ON~ Cbfv\-fflA,$-1Yi trl · ,Po l3L~ t.. t$ i'I\ ~J(Pil5 ·,tt if:; 12. 'd\ Sf-" $; /vv .IN'-~f\-( N6-vTC?/J I D;C ZC 5:Jy .!)e.~ C:.~ l\"YV\-frN r;.,~rv-f\ Ov\OW~ reA ~ T L2- 30 MV'. A , pA.\ ~()-1'l £"1~"t1:$1V\; .,F'()~ ~~.rq, I.e> "vN~Bj..e P/~.\.s cV'\oV-V lAI\ TH-e-' 0/+1-0 ~~e ~/~ )N~e.e..~D 1Jv~JN~ ~(eM- d:- #-~V5 1OlSL'--ILJ p~,~6)l'vaLV') TO .. M~6~. J r 1/\.- s: -It1Y\ ..rPet9t:Jt, WmJ- fY\"1 ~JLJf 7/? ~ A fofts~~J D~ ,./IV CO}f\IYWMUrril//W) , IrN\ ~ ~ or gej,-~ LW-rtHofve ~vlre") ~~!/ ~ G~·--.. F.frn1~ OF 2..3 e IN~'6k4-e fhgrv'~ co~~ ~ . ~\U:> f\.tXV .(t> /:e,0) (}I~~ ece~t--y f:l-l~;r IN PH-IO ; fC--/ GoN-4 . A-iVIJ Q:: ,f¥.J\/\ A v'YC-T{1Y') l3y ~ 'P~oP1T~I~ tJ'F .flLl:>9f'1 'lv\fT/\,}/J,ezeM~l ~p' P~frV~'~ C..{Ort\P!1-N leG -- A ·DO fVyJ)'I bflW'e;::r~ A ·J51.:e:::~ e::::. v P tf .MA-[..c~ (J P PN;JBLG:m FeGtZ. aIr) 2-5-A..)'~ ~Sv'L-~ ~ r-~ 6A~Z-- rn1J /VC ,lJoLy-' m e. ~ 1!::Jr-t~ b -6 'i sr?blr) T1ts:z efiEu. e v IetL?./1/""JL '--I oP CtJ~'05 J:tN J>rV'tlfW.'1e PJloNG ClrL-L 1V mll ·.~-r.fJ1l!3' P r Nt? ~ Y1'1" CPr ~ 4 flLLoWe:p yt? }"4ElEf" ONC--'1 l..,t;-lMC?7 ~I£ Pts~6G:1 'lJA-;' f )Sf!- ,r0fr)1!3- S 1 ~ x: Q- !Y7,OI'L/7Y It rvl rRIC-. /ILL- ltV tIW -seA} "5 vUI -IJ'? "'StRrJr; ~Gb,. Y1TIt/YIi-1lS ) ft.1( ~ fib ) pC7l-l?J}-STe /111../[/ .. T-l\-e UK6,1 ~~ .. ft;:k7Y)t( J~ N.o tIJ-A-",\1"V M~ ~,tJCO'/ fSYeN t~ r' Ceo-CD C_t.tl~ L'c,oll-ee:r J/ a&d{i1~& ~/5~fu. (~ ?rw,*i~i~Ve .f2ifrL{\ f'~ IV''1 'Ff\Yyy)"-l/ C;o VLX) A-~~~ IT- .. t:N :r: Y (/ LI CfO \J ~C~t;:3: G; '11}}f;1 ~JGF- 1P U-S ,.WHo fr~ iMFkJ60AfC5b ~'1 -rfr~r) . 1~41/<P1A~ ~(CJ..MPr~17 W~, GI 17FOo 530- 08 7 L~O~c,.r ~. 0, 1"5l?'X laq WAJODf) I o~-\ Lf 311f D OiA-1DI ) / '-- Received & Inspected ~----- ocr -:1-12012 -FGC MailRoom , l' - '.OF CO~PM'ES ANO PlUs.o~/J"\I..o- ADMINI"lRA11~,-".A.c.. W,",ltt' \~ l_\\~PRoIllL , "ft1'V.\ • .Ai'll:) \~ &UAAO\)~t)\,\) B'l F:~'\...'f AS \ WRIT£., jHI~ _ vlt.L.b.. .NOT HE.A.R.. FRO.~t\E.~ •. t"'~\)SO~ H;~I~ &.~ ffi~ ~'E~ !?>£.tA.US1.t _Q!= T}\E ~2.() +-c."'-'R("[' f':o~ ~ SIMP\...£, _. ..t.-'&1.S .t"OJL.M'l "JWmMO'lM,Jl WO\,l\...C.'}\L~ \-:\~'tI.'Ioct\OQ.sE. WH.£'1"aE.8,.. To_ PA'L _ ~. -rt\£, PM.oNt.. ~\..\., 0"-. P,,-'1 FoR. HE.R. M.S. ~t)~t"1'.O~'laUT \ C.AN~OTt)O T~~" • i . Received &inspected OCT 31 201l FCC Mail Room Chairman Julius Genachowski FCC 445 12th St. SW Washington, DC 20554 Todd Tarselli BY-8025 175 Progress Drive Waynesburg, PA 15370 October 24, 2012 RE:lnquiry into filing a complaint Dear Chairman Julius Genachowski, I wish to inquire into how I may file a complaint against T-Netix Telecommunictions regarding unfair phone rates and/or monopoly on prison phone rates. Please forward me any information/forms you may have. Thank you for your time and consideration. Your quick response will be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, ~~~ Todd Tarselli Rece'\fed &. \nspected OC1 31 2011 FCC Ma\\ Room Mr. Chris Briggman Inmate I BM-7l09 1100 Pike Street Huntingdon, PA 16654-1112 October 24, 2012 Federal Communications Commission Public Comments c/o: Julius Genochowski, Chairman 455 12th Street SW Washington, nc 20554 Dear, Chairman Genachowski: I am writing you about the concerns I have with the high cost of a phone call here in Pennsylvania's State Correctional Institutions throughout this State. We're currently paying $5.15 for a 15 minute phone call that's if we have the funds to pay for a pre-paid colling cord. If on inmate calls collect then it's $6.20 on our families phone bill for a 15 minute call, furthermore, that cost doubles for those inmates who are colling out of State. This inmate phone system has been a heavy burden not only for me and my family and friends but for the entire population of inmates in the Pennsylvania State Prison S¥stem. My Grandfmother is 97-yeors old and on a fixed income, with my prison pay being .42¢ on hour, six hours a day I con barely offord to call her once Q month. Sir, I'm trying to find a solution to the high cost of these inmate calls. I'm trying to understand how inmates shipped from Pennsylvania to the State of Michigan where able to call anywhere in the U.S.A. at a rate of $1.80 a call for 15 minutes and we are in State and it cost us $5.15 for the some time spent on the phone. I'm not asking Just for me but for everyone that this problem effects. Is there a solution to the high cost of the phones calls that we've been dealing with for years and they are only getting higher and higher? Thank you for your time and consideration given to this matter. If there is anything I need to do to help you assist us here please let me know. I loo~ forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely. C,.h_ ~l.) 5;0cY3)Ld JL Chris Briggmon cc:cb Rece\ved & \nspected OCl 31 2012 October 22,2012 FCC Mail Room TO: Chairman Julius Genachowski Federal Communications Commission Public Comments 455 12TH street, SW Washington,DC 20554 From: Eric Brooks 80-2766 1100 Pike street Huntingdon,PA 16654-1112 Sir, I'm writing to find out if you have a solution to the high cost of a call here in Pennsylvania that we must endure in the institutions throughout this state. This syst~ has been a heavy burden not only for me and my family but for the entire population of inmates here in PA. We're currently paying $5.15 for a 15 minute call that's if we have the funds to pay for a Pre-Paid calling card if we call collect then it's $6.20 on our families bill for 15 minutes, and that cost gets even higher for those inmates who are calling out of state. Sir, I'm trying to understand how inmates were shipped out to Michigan, to help with the increase of the population that all calls were only $1.80 and that's to call anywhere in the USA. So, I'm asking not just for me but for everyone that this problem effects is there a solution to the high cost of the calls that we been dealing with for years and they're only getting higher and higher. I don't need help we all need help with this problem the inmate population as well as our love ones. Thank you for taking the time to read my issue I hope that you can help me in this matter. Thank You Eric Brooks (Z!;/:,2766 This is a public comment for the Matthew Clarke # 478025 TDCJ Ramsey Unit 1100 FM Road 655 Rosharon, TX 77583-8817 Wri~ht Petition (CC Docket #96-128). Received & Inspected OCT 31 Z012 FCC Mail Room October 21, 2012 Chairman Julius Genachowski Federal Communications Commission Public Comments 445 12th Street, $W Washinciton, DC 20554 Dear Chairman Genachowski, I am writing to support the Wri6ht Petition. I have been a Texas state prisoner for 25 years. Texas state prisoners are not Vaid for their labor. Thus, money is always ti 6 ht. Therefore, the hioh costs of usin6 the prisoner phone system in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ)--29~ per minute for in-state calls and 41¢ a minute for out-of-state calls--is a difficult burden for me and my family to bear. My wife is a biology professor at a small Christian private collebe in Tennessee. Because of the distance, the fact that professors at small private colle6es are not ~aid larbe salaries and the fact that she is the primary care6iver for a frail elderly parent, we are unable to visit in person as much as we would like. This leaves the telephone as an important way for us to maintain our relationship. As I said, the tele~hone is important and it is much better to have a telephone, even an expensive one, than not to have one at all. However, even limitin6 myself to two 20-minute phone calls a weeks with my wife, our phone bill for those nine calls alone exceed $70 per month. Because of this large expense, I am only rarely able to call my father and stepmother, who live in Arkansas, or my other relatives. This is especially sad as my father and step mother have medical conditions which prevent them visitinb in person. Chairman Genachowski, I am not adverse to a private company makinb money from services rendered. However, to charge rates which exceed those charbed customers in the free world by a thousand percent while offering "commissions" to ~ublic entities such as TDCJ as an incentive to allow the exorbitant rates is unconscionable. In a situation such as Texas, where inmates are not paid, it merely serves to drain the already stresses financial resources of the prisoners' families. Please give the wri6ht Petition due consideration. Thank you. Sincerely, '4;/a~tdul Matthew Clarke To: ChOtI"rwu>l.I-i FroVV\: Josep£.. Ge.n~c-low.$kl: F. C. L. ;s OI.V\d /,'})e .f-o C~'\.l-1 s:..e. .{~ rf4e r +ht2..i',- f' 7-"'- i +he;' r 0 a.. 1A..)e>/J../d jl.Asf c>tnol nof OCT 3 1 2012 2.0 - 20t 2- Re,' The$. rtlo.. fe 5. 2'16 f 1'5«;>;\ Iren+O~1 AJT ( ~b2S"' - O~b ( FCC Mail Room Te+~!YV\&1\1'1. S+.".+e Pr Dct+e : 10 - 2." Received &Inspected J wVlO ;vt""J:..e .flvz b.e .f-wee'1 Ot /, 'en 0.. +i'C;>r\ .{.,.,vvt///es.', ,',j- f he I rs +~A..+ -J-he.s~ e Kfress /l '- 01.,." ht..A.ris. +hlZ.. /"Vlo.""y ? r/ So "'e r S ctll'ldreYl l'VIore +i enc-ov...-~,e S'-"tWl.e pr)SOYl phol'le. I To h~rv'I Wl.I's-!",,/::"es we. I, 'v c::.- eI,'d. +t...o..Vl. r IJ'a h f- fV/Otny Df oVlr 4ble. rlAre.!y Of.c"cepf- needs he.o..r U Y\ 10 h-1.o..k~ eXf?€-fl5.IVe Sor'1..tZ. -lite. c.o/(ec.! cOr/Is., COrvlYVI.V1.YlI'c... O rl1t c../,,'!dren's ,:-/,'on VOices '/0 +he. pr/Son 0'+eR! ev',zry t,I.AWlo..Yl loYlj elr/ve r lA.JI'·+J.,. IAel'r !ove:d othd -r~r jJ,el'Vl 1-0 0/1<25, heo,.r i'V1 forllAYla...felJ +/'~I'rr Wlo/her /s UJ1a..1,/e,. -/-0 o...f.{~rd ,'I. +0 /""le. ReCeived & Inspected -_Grn\Vlr)(lJ\ Julius ~ru\S1ci Fecleml Comm.mI(£ltiOls Comm I$Si01 OCT 3 1 2012. FcCMaU Room :_Public Conments t¥tS' 1~1b Siree1; SUJ --~'n9ton DC 2()S54 '1h16 is a public. <:ommen+ fDr 'Ute wright Pe'htior) Lee I:x)('~et ~ qb-l28 'Du"'09 'rrt'J '3'/2. 1ears of lrr0rc2mtion) "ve wiWes.ted ~ jmmed.ia.t~ ani _\ch9 --\Qrm ~,,€-f,ts for prisooers l,Oho c.ue r''';I~yxl eht)l{gh il, be ttble +0 ~cre -fn(u\Os ®d .fa.tnlly on a ~uJa.r htsis. I llse ~e worrl "p-'v.le.ged _bll5e- k>.:bwen ~ .s\o:te- ot o\tr CCWl'lrys eoonoroy and ~e .exorbfunt rates ~ed -to ~ ~ ca\ls) 'Iou iruly Must toe p"iv;~ed +0 caJi ofM. Rt :-toM\\IES ~ \<»!Je S1C.r~ltes -b spertk. w',th a.o Inca.rceI'Clit:d lO'V~d ONG. But -the achta.l <l&\Jru1htges 1'0 i4?e prlSOrJelS W~10 can call oPi01.9o -ror beyc:od ~ ~ ere mght La\Slder. II Perhaps the.- most- overlool.ed bene.:f,t ~f ~u.la.r phone CQlls fi'om _~\sOO0'S+O ..f.rlen&s a~d forn'aly \s \nope. 'For i110Se who have strong ~ncls _lY\a,,\)tatoed #iroo.gh r.e9ular phone. caUs.)"'»tey h(tVe ho~. Prison IS a Cesspoo\ of ne9Cltiv,fy 10 tdJicn h~ IS nearly imF,bJe -to +~l1d! And ~or) as it tuf'nS ou~ IS c.rHie'll to ClvoldJ~ v;ole~ in prlsofl.1l1e. s1b~~ of SQ,l.f - r.espect and pride #,at () ~ ~;nds in -fQm~ly a¥d COlY)IYlUJIiiy ~ ward D-U' the s~ and hu.m; Il'ation that t.ead pr;so~rs to Vlo/ence \k)hile, "'1c.arcerated. '"The, by-~ud of hope: tn~ sn+ei-v and SeLu.f"I'fy ~ a' most ?nJ, coo c.or ~cticrtal ~icef.S) JiJ1e o#;c~ and o1her . SttW \ n ~ c.ou.nir~ ~ JaIts and prl sons) as \.eel' QS -t!1e saf-e.-ty of ; . :;~tne. calls (bft2, 11 luxury Mcst cahoot ~rd£tla. ~RBulo.r basiS. ~ ~ lts bene+ris in -pr\soO€f r.eW:iIita.tion 0J'l2, net full), ,tf'.0ll\2€d. lbtt-\' 5~ o.f- l1!j01cles) SUch as ,/ours/ e.¥)QcT stNct ;'Bul~\'tnes rlmrHng '"the 30lLS""9 of' -prices -tor i-hese c~ll~ .:LOO 00\& cut ~Hes an? <lttk Wlertl) of Cl vYn1~ly CI.e . .. ~\o~1 TeJ ~Ul\t.). My ..fGtnily Ct11& I hope you lolli help us ,,'\t\ itt,s \Y\ct+\-er 1 lh(lJ)k \fW -for ~()Uf' time rod (ons;ckrrttlofl.' ,.S 1ncerel'b 1'\ I ~II\C-m~ \C:Tvv, ;l~o~~ c. fY\l!sse\ VYlClh I I i. j j :1 H I: , I J I 11 ; j ,I , : :j , I , I ,-,1 .j , OJ , . Jchn c. Ynusselman ~14388~ AS Pc lJu.o IS Ear~y 'Po Box 32-00 Bl-ldie'le Az <gS3~"- 03oz.. Rvcelved & Inspected OCT :11 2012 ~be.r\,~~ ~4CVb-6~ ~ o\~ ~Ov- \,CV\\,.. ~D'>' AOo() FCC Mail Room \J oAA,~\t \). e. C/~ Ov'5 60\ G ~'f>~CNl ~u,\~ ~W~~ ~~ c.oVv\Wu..~~~ Co~VSs.leW "'~~V~ U:>lM-~~ 44S \-~t\A ~\-~. ~W \}JCl-~~ ~\0 'y'\. PQ.dIr Thv t:)c. '210 '0 5 ~ Ch-~o.c\Aows'ri,,·. ~'v~e. ~ -.oAJQ.,~ ~o~ ~o ~ ~~. \-e\Q.~'vw~Q ~ ~'r ~h~O~ ~\OYlOJ'v~~ W\\JQ. ec0r~~~~ ~ \f~\\~ W~c;~s ~£rluc~ tNt,\:~ ~e. \)o\--~ ~-K:>Yv\ ~ m \,s,oo ~o ~'1 ,rot ~\ull \~ ~~U ~) \A-W/v~~~~ ~~~.U?~ ~ ~t-v~ ~ ov), ~~ \tY'a-w\'~~ ~c:J)t/V\\~. \ ~~~\,~ ~\U o~ ~~s w"'-~ \N\,~t (~Q)M<~\#"~ \~~ ,,~ ~+ '~M~ &\''SlA>~~ _s ?U-Q. <\0. ~ ~~V\Un 'I:l~\\$ ~ UJ~ ~Q •• l~~t ~\a.~~ votv/),~ve,ss Q/~~~ -~dt\~l, ~~~ ~~\\Q.b~ 'f)~ ~~l;~\ S:.OtUYves cf{ ~lW~ 1--u m~\r ~~y~' o,,~~~ 0'~ .~~~ ~Q Q)~\~>v\ ~ 'fo.uA '\/0 \J\"C>;\-\M-V~~ ~~S a\l\b\ ~~ ~~\, ~~ . ~'{\~ ~Ou.- c20","" ~~~ CU\e,)\,\~t)V\. t:;\~\ WMrJe-"th S'1<P1'-~ .~NOi.iiV!" .' : :~V;:;'jf~!-~ . '3 ISM' \\ '()r\ .Pl(JPJe J.\l~O 5fXmd time if') J a" or prt'son 0 v~r 'lhe CD~ .. of (). ~ea.r .. ' __ .'-:, _" . . ~ ~Ji . {}\aonec.a.\\s mMe. a.\sc Smro~l i'he process of ~ehtry and MO.te .. More \a!lel\} ih«t- prisoners llilH SUOCC2€d af1.er re\€ClSe. lOhi J~ q S- ~rt9tt With of ~m«2, \nc.&rt~r<rl-.ed \fftU €-\l0rlu otly r.e.iurn -to -H1e .str.eet) and~ DVer- . CXtwd,~ of 'iosh~J yell ux>uld -+hint: prison ac!mll)isirt11ors wf)uld WtII1t,' 10 ef\~ ~ la>hdf>. \ns+-Md prlse,n d'reciu-s:; use. +el~phore Cfmit'(lCt-s ., ,t- to 5e2k lOCOf))€. for .s1b1e ~eJ')6U' .funds U' ~ctlo1s bu.cJg~) ra.lt,Qr than ensu.rt f9 family unif,'c.a.tfon. Il'lQ,ntainl1l9 b>nds with ihe c.cmmMi"y \s ~(.dJ for ikse are, ~ In&,ividudts who will ~e.lf prlsonel's 1 5~sfully f..eenta- socleiy cwd \~d ',h turzll areas af~ ph~ Clllls p~vej')t ~,'d;Vlsm. Most prisons are In whk.h ~u1ar viSits aYe ¥lot }?oss,b/e) are yifal. . So .'t:'U\(t\ly ) ~ert. IS t\.,e, lrkentl'v.e .facio.-. Many pr-ISOOS and jctils reltl&... pne LllUing (00& vis;'ti~) priv; 1€9es -for ;nmQtt's ~ho cclUSe. d,'sdpllnttry .. pn~ems# ~Ver; l.f one c.annc; afforcJ these .pri~)I~ -the 10$ IS , 1nLCl'\£equ.errtiaJ. I've ott:erved &eds,ons Made blsed Of') '#Ie ps~b;J;ty ~ +taB \V\centive.s )h ~ht k2 r.evoll at. \f lvIOYe coulet aAmJ 'to ~~ ~ rolls) itJe lhcenl1ves tm.tH Q(>PIy -to more #iIh 1he rnlnD,,/fy uJho~ .. ~,H€~ can afford ~ ~'j fer fh<r:e CetUs! As 'It \5, I""hcz A~''Z()J\Cl ~t of Com:ctions ~ceivtS mcney .. vls'rtor~ oppliC4"b'cn f~ canmissions o~. p~ ctrJ1ra~ ~y uti Iilles .. ~J rtt>M awl ~ ..f.tes (for the m'h1()r~iy -ea.r#'}j~ DVer .$ 2,00 ~; t,our)j .. 1ntra\e trust Qccou.nt .fees) CCIm1issctry c..ommission>j ... rees ~r cerbio .. 1tr ~mm5 oFf.ered;.o ~ li ta.te ~J cud m«1,' cal rop:t~mud:s~ ., Received & Inspected OCT 3 1 2012 FCC Mail Room Nelson Birdwell DA9633 SCI-Greene 175 Progress Drive Waynesburg, PA 15370 October 23,2012 Chairman Julius Genachowski Federal Communications Commission Public Comments 445 12th Street, SW Washington, DC 20554 THIS IS A PUBLIC COMMENT FOR THE WRIGHT PETITION CC DOCKET #96-128 Dear Chairman Genachowski: I'm writing in response to your fight to lower the high cost of phone calls from prisoners. I'm incarcerated at SCI-Greene, Greene County, Pennsylvania. For me to call home (in-state) is $5.41 through a pre-paid calling card sold in the prison commissary and $6.00 to call collect (15 minute call). My mother is disabled--can't work, can't drive--so the only contact I have with her is phone calls. The very little money she has from disability, she has to budget and go without so that I can call once per week. I was one of the 1,000 inmates shipped to Michigan due to Pennsylvania's overcrowding. Phone calls from Michigan to my mother's home in Pennsylvania were only $1.80 for the same 15 minute call. I don't understand why we don't have the same rates here, IN-STATE, when the out-of-state calls from Michigan to Pennsylvania were so much cheaper. There are people that I can't call because they can't afford the cost. My father, who lives in Florida, is ill with liver problems and can't work. We have almost no contact because a call to Florida from PA prisons cost $10.00. I hope something can be done because all they do is take advantage of our situation and call us criminals. Thank you for your time and assistance. N Ison Birdwell DA9633 175 Progress Drive Waynesburg, PA 15370 OCT. Zi.{; 201 c.. GD w~tL() ~cJkdf-1Z j\Jo (t-t h r:.., 10 eJ'I.1JR f..)., un i T o ?R /'So I'J ---.-~:::::_. __________ t-Al {co o. Rc: ti }4(J9'3r (:.J A (2.,1 L Rock ~(l 7?SJC'( ?Llbltc.. eOf{l.me.tJT. ?'o(L ~~ u..) ~ t lJ~-t fJe'f,'/t'CJN I ~ ,c.., rwoeKcSt. tt q{;; - 1Z r Tnt'S TS fJ 7 x IJm fl-tJ .:rNmftTc ,-,::;; "00 NO·f Uf\1)cR.-$STf\N't .. C-o (Y\J'(\ l' 3 S rON) Al ~t9u.)3 .?Kj~oNS/ ·7Jf'.~ks • .J. (oJ ThE /l-1CKfttJS'A-$ .0.E/?P-rdrtlEIVT u.]"y --rn£ ~ 0~~ My of ) frJ~a/df j::::'E.'De.Rr:h c...ort7YY1vf)iett7/otvS Hd"GrL T"t$Ie?h,oQ'-Jc 'Kft--I-€SPotZ Ff','('Y\{\y J,....~ VB--.$ ON A Ft'tc:~ .:::rtJcom€. ,fhrb ThE 8;.frf~NS~3 Th~-+ c)Cf2-UK' WY\e..~;::J: e{l.1( H£!)yY\s, CO//FC'/ p .;:;:-8 Ar,x?f(o,!, 27,95 ¥OR IfJm/f/U'-t-es; ;r,c . ihEy Gc>wt-l-~-J'nf. 4~2'/~OltU CVpy-ftoN +h c ?-/fl-'S-f rt7 /N. v-f£ CC!Js/. 4. '{51 (ThJ\TIs "Tvsf 70 Ae-eE-rv7' The:'. (? f'..ll, ~Ivs, $'1 t.j5~ ?e.1C t.~ ~~~t-HC)I\J'(\L · ,n'\ 1N· ? Jv cS iA 'J,.. T~ f C £\/\ 'Kv ns, $;S. ~" -I77y £I'rNfZ[ ..PI\'f{\lly ;:rQ NO!::J:N GOd\:) J-h:_~\~~r my GuLt'~bf{\C}4,,",81(J 910 yt .. OJ i\.)p .'J=S ~J"\;)~iIQ) At-J'"D 'Dr IN'U, ~ ~~eR f . -::rS No v.j~y ~hf t(!..~ ry'AY(L ·it C:f.l\r .~~c)ff"...VY\e • rncJ-{-hEfL;:reS 7<, l::>-_?I-+~ ~ Df'-<cL ·.1J cc~f{f ~. A'N'D 1j&i'r-- '((\y Sls+~R.s- lin[ Wl+~ h \'rf 'h~tt\-,t-efl.7(V~· ..:l Kt-J C'>S.f5 r n~ Y A I( ~f c{>,0 L ~s SSI. . · . ;:J! {t-'rIL ('o~ e~ to )J tJ -f Hp. \J t Co ,,)'"f Pre -f be ell-v S~ c;t- 7J1 L .;f.::rs ~ Tol[ 0"'; C~f/3, m.r t/ :; J , ~ i rps'lZ. J....o rJ8 ~ ., p·~o NB ci\l Is. 7T~ /I- ktc..k 73f'C-k I Th /+-1 The 'I GeT FfZtHrt· .; GI ob0,.~ T£.j 1.. f' 10k; f1". i\~ A ~~-f\m) /0 8 7 cfJ,}., rf&Jrn. · : ;:::[).J nL frl eS Its A tJ A'R k ~NS;~ dNn7{t--fc .,;;r VZc e..€ ll.J f NC!J :l?ftY ft;R my SC'~ re~ TA ft--f .:;L ~cfOV2rfL FafL ---JhE jJfZ!scp;V_ ofJ Thtt-f I11Elt-fJS l71y FflmfJ.y ;lAs, 70 ~1J't:JtJrzc. T~ whol ( : j €l(?c;JS-e I oJ. 1/<75 ~ Cosf r?ACJIJE r!A/!SI 'PIllS ~c~('~L. . : qcjJC'~es' J ItS, w~t M But=+Nj i'f)Y N~£'be7.) .:ITcl715' ,7i;tJ? fC/f l9" : 1 bfs'Y t. tv! fJ0 · 2/J ST~ c tN ls Cr;;s+ #'3.1'2_ 8fL -t"'E (t'Rsf mt'fJcJ1e . ;j 12-(J., E.~c-" \\-~~~-HodJ mtrJ J){!J~ f~Y.. X )7 Yfi-IN ":::=..45t~O ---rIc f :I ~ tSo N3 , GeT fI tJ AW'ilf\ta-l' r:JrS- ~ -00 s ·i , ,i ( V2EJ'i41'L> Pb..Of\J~ c-f'ILs shoJ(b /JrJi BE tfNV rf!of(t TfzffN. I : jW\\'M- :+T Cod' .' h7rL ThE Gc5fJ'~, Jv~~~c RtJ'b ~~J{ YouR Aolff-b ? U b 1\~ To C>f-.JC'S, 1>;riLk U? Th~ ThEfl f1.f!Z{ (?JftfJ3 j:;nA--f Cos! Ils J,.l-P+if AS. 5'{ ?f1Z ~{'<'\E-. 1I~v·e.J(3~ ?eGLm~tJ. ~ERL (&. y.L,) A-jlov-)e.\::) To 1-\-0 I'D ThE i rY'ICl'Ni9yy 0t- ?rJ?fSOIJ yM/Vt · CJ\\(S, ~~-f ~e. K\cJ~ rflONeY ~~'K To --+~f ~t~ONS. "'Thef2~ ;r-~ \fe~Y h.(--tfte I CO"j(~f'iC.jJ ~~\.rt TI1e Ff\YY'\~\y rtlE~fR.S W~tJ : Some C'lt-.Je d~ ~O(2R~~ \j~ . .:r~ 9t[L(so~-:Sq~\S_1 77S :(K6~~N~ ~~ ~dI1llZ .. 1 ~ ! \ 1 1 \ i 1 I :i .1 , , , , , II ,' I I · ,ii , r Ill! Abvf~ Rece\Ved &Inspected OCT 311.011. FC~ M~\\ ~(')(')m October 22,2012 To: Chairman Julius Genachowski Federal Communications Commission Public Comments 455 12TH Street,SW Washington,DC 20554 from~ 1100 PIKE Street Huntingdon,PA. 16654-1112 Gir, I'm writing to find out if you have a solution to the high cost of Ct call here in pennsylvania that we mut endure in the institutione:. throughout this £'tate. this system has been a heavy burden not only for mE and m~ family but for thE entire population of inmates her~ in PA. We1re currently paying $5.15 for a 15 minute call that's if we have the funds to pay for a pre-paid calling card if we call collect. then it's $6.20 on our families bill for 15 minutes, and that cost 9pts even higher for those inmates who are calling out of state. Sir, the cost for calls threw out the state of pennsylvania are not the same at all. when the inmates from pennsylvania were shipped out of state to Michigan, to help with the increase of the population in this state of PA. ALL THERE CALLS WERE only $1.80 and that was to call anywhere in the USA. SO I WOULD LIKE SOME TYPE OF HELP WITH THIS MATTER AT HAND. THANK YOU for taking some time out to read this letter. I HOPE you can help us out with this issue! THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME! JERMAINE SMITH DN-0886 Rece\ved &lnspected DCI 31 2012 FCC Mai\ Room Tu r-)'J' O~r CJ,\t~s+Ofk~ W-cl~ "'"J:,.; tv\c:.,~ St: t< C111lo(o ( f~C - \30 I- (JoO Cct~~ \-\~l\, fA \700 \ G~IA\{'yY\.(s?J lj \J \~\J5 Ge"'>cl.c16w~\c RGk~J\ CCJW\yY\u,..nu,,'~'C'N.s to- K-- St., 4L\S P\.b\\c- (~~rrvN+ (Ol'Y\\l'\ISSIO,v" S _w' l ~5 5 Lt Wv..st,\\ t09\orJ, DC \<<:: Wt-~j~\ V-e-h-\-i'o,J l-e~tu ~ s pvb\ \L- \.0. H-tc ~ C;JY-1"lN·H~ d'1h..l'j \~~ '~ls~~ I GI'1J ~tL-r\5 V~-;~t c.bcve Ci"", \N c.v ~C-l'-'\ (jt'fN 5 ,he·1'#' M~ ~-\tt\ M'l ~+GUI J} vrJ L~rc-~Lt (j;Ve.. \5 \VUL. L4'N k CA\;\\N -m\.rJV\-e. k, ~:; t{;-)J+ s~- Th-cN"t L"'{ klt~ lelv<' - I-k-'s tv $'i'c{(,- fT.. k wr~ k ~HerS_ U'" \t\~ M'1~lf; I\I\~ a.p ~ l<.\".J '('(\(;.,.J w~ ~~~~l ~ Str-,\-es M~r~~ Cn~S'" " M'1 f;v~r k\~-s IVl>L~s -Rr ~.~ .~ \tJ rN'~~ . ~ W'-O~'f ~ k C.l b·A-, M'1 ftAA-{,\i.r Lcll('.,v ~,vu'-l ~~ ~s i~ ~ +c v~ C'f'it;ls tL ~titi'o~." W~\~,-J1 to e:i-'t'l~ tJ ~ hft~~ ~~\V'€... Cc-Sh. -::r.. ~'\"Ri 'fov n1ve.- ON t-e\t \ (1 w ~ t5 '1: '~(' ~ (0 m l'1\.O,vt L w(.-'1 Pc<.\~~#ql9-\)-g)~'·Th\S G~rJ~t1(1u.:!SK\: De.ctr Cklr-rA-e·,J ~fV\~~.(,t\ tee tktcvAr ~ wUs:el-J'Cls l~ f)L",",,!S '1 ~""', M't ·~tkr w-c-J\.t\ t~\k- h- 6fe~l~ w~~ IVL2. mere (~ k~ ~r ~\5 ~, ~,S ~U ~> ,~ W0-0'\,tl t~l4... tc:- s p-tML te. ~'~, &rd ~ fk~ \C~ ~~~k,J'+ul hi 6lv~tGA lfll L~\\JlL a~ -P\uk M'~l':v''lvv~s ~ .i, c,:--N~~(,\. Glt'b-eJ ~l L~t,£. J\'sctJtrA -\-c. \JJc:kr~ s 6'1 ~. . . \ '\ ~ {>~ ~ ~ f'I\- r-S'i-\i'C1'-' T f~ ~~ & -e~ ~~ i~~ w~ ~t ~tF w'di Yi~ f,-ub/-e-ffl?" at> I.v't,t1 Lv'-,f-h trk- im::s-J- S"..; ~ I <11VGl mv; 0 :J 1 -e7VJ-;~ kl'fl,' t'{. tk-tJf/h . ]'Vt'I be~j;,.sj to If +Lu.t otltr- Cr\lls~~rst ;",-, 0-- ~\'1'S C'~'.s ~ ~ """-i k:mn~-e~) ~ '1,'1.,-( probLeM ~s Jf)j}- rtlJ'f w~H, my ~r Ev4- Tk pa-rf "'/I)/,I tc \N'-Ttk 'ft.,j4.- (YJ'i ~r lS /'Ji ~ \. ~ c~ S /,\.r W elk~+S cc_dJ~/J ON'rf,,~S I~>(je."':i= IN"t;\Iltlt~\~ -h; '~"M- 'lilv -Q;'1 'ttv"{'- ~,~\1ejV~l Q;vet ,\1r'L- l..o..t\.tr. M""'1 'i illil v~ U (}f~1~.l ~-ct... It t\)~rt ~A- ":L Qr'L ~ ''-'ll+ ~b1'1J ~s "IV bf- l:Xe 5 ~ - t\lMJ-L- c'- J C L"' cl ci,,-~, '. S~/Vure.l'1 , ?n;)~ ~~~'- uti This is a public coament for the WRIGHT PE11:rION (CC Docket 196-128) Chairman Julius Genachow~ki Received &Inspected Federal Communications Commission Public Comment OCT 3 1 2012 445 12th Street, SW FCC Mail Room Washington, DC, 20554 Dear Chairman Genachowski: I have a family member who is currently incarcerated in a Michigan prison. For many years I have been subjected to excessive telephone rates when he calls home. I'm told the extra charges go towards supporting the state's prison budget. If the state needs additional funding for it's prison budget then it should collect those funds from the entire tax base in Michigan as part of raising general revenue; not select a certain group of taxpayers to pay more than everyone else. That's unfair and discriminatory. Keeping in contact with those who are incarcerated has proven 'to be one of the most effective tools for a prisoner's rehabilitation and success upon release. The politicians and prison officials publicly trumpet the benefits of keeping prisoners and their families connected. but behind closed doors they collude with predatory telephone companies to exploit this critical service. In Michigan, the state and telephone company are generating $10 million annually over and above the necessary cost of providing the actual inmate telephone service. The FCC should protect consumers from just this type of predatory behavior. Please put a cap on inmate telephone rates and stop this abuse on those who can least afford it. Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter. GIY'~1i 'b,(\~b.'{\~ tA~ tf\l2 ~ct\~ <-~. "~3 0aJdJu VI u..-e HE- L(q l{ ( 9 /6 {vo II ;}---' This is a public COIBeIlt for the WRIGHT PE'l'ITION (CC Docket 196-128) Chairman Julius Genachowski Federal Communications Commission Public Comment 445 12th Street, SW Washington, DC, 20554 Dear Chairman Genachowski: I have a family member who is currently incarcerated in a Michigan prison. For many years I have been subjected to excessive telephone rates when he calls home. I'm told the extra charges go towards supporting the state's prison budget. If the state needs additional funding for it's prison budget then it should collect those funds from the entire tax base in Michigan as part of raising general revenue; not select a certain group of taxpayers to pay more than everyone else. That's unfair and discriminatory. Keeping in contact with those who are incarcerated has proven 'to be one of the most effective tools for a prisoner's rehabilitation and success upon release. The politicians and prison officials publicly t;umpet the benefits of keeping prisoners and their families connected, but behind closed doors they collude with predatory telephone companies to exploit this critical service. In Michigan, the state and telephone company are generating $10 million annually over and above the necessary cost of providing the actual inmate telephone service. The FCC should protect consumers from just this type of predatory behavior. Please put a cap on inmate telephone rates and stop this abuse on those who can least afford it. Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter. Sincerely, 1~ ~uS-ht-L (. b L{o5t tvJtN~ y--er 61t-A+iD UtiLE / fvI.~ lfq~ l B r .. This is a public coaaent for the WRIGJrr PE'ITnON (CC Docket #96-128) • Chairman Julius Genachowski Federal Communications Commission Public Comment 445 12th Street, SW Washington, DC, 20554 Dear Chairman Genachowski: I have a family member who is currently incarcerated in a Michigan prison. For many years I have been subjected to excessive telephone rates when he calls home. I'm told the extra charges go towards supporting the state's prison budget. If the state needs additional funding for it's prison budget then it should collect those funds from the entire tax base in Michigan as part of raising general revenue; not select a certain group of taxpayers to pay more than everyone else. That's unfair and discriminatory. Keeping in contact with those who are incarcerated has proven to be one of the most effective tools for a prisoner's rehabilitation and success upon release. The politicians and prison officials publicly trumpet the benefits of keeping prisoners and their families connected, but behind closed doors they collude with predatory telephone companies to exploit this critical service. In Michigan, the state and telephone company are generatin~ $10 million annually over and above the necessary cost of providing the actual inmate telephone service. The FCC should protect consumers from just this type of predatory behavior. Please put a cap on inmate telephone rates and stop this abuse on those who can least afford it. Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter. Sincerely, r Received & Inspected OCT 3 1 2012 FCC Mail Room Raymond J. Smolsky SCI @ Mahanoy BM-2892 301 Morea Road Frackville, Pennsylvania 17932 Chairman Julius Genachowski Federal Communications Commission Public Comments 445 12th Street, S W Washington, District of Columbia 20554 October 21, 2012 RE: "THIS IS A PUBLIC CX)MMEN'I' FOR WRIGHT-PEI'ITION (CC Docket #96-128)." Dear Chairman, Here, since taking over the telephone services in Pennsylvania, by Global Tel * Link, Corporation in 2007, they, for one, contracted for "one price" then charge another price altogther. Example the "local" phone call was contracted at $1.60 and when I was charged $3.80 and questioned them about it, they wrote (which writing I have) that it was due to local, state and federal taxes. Which does not add up. This remains true with all call service fees. Secondly, they contracted to "reimburse" everyone for cut-off calls but refuse to do so. Third, we purchase "pre-paid" calling cards at corrmissary with the taxes already included in the prices, yet when we make the calls, we are again charged again the taxes we just paid. Double-taxing us. The fact that the prices are astronomical and price-gouging to start with is egregious enough, let alone the shannagans of these unlawful, unfair and corrupt operations of their phone services without concern for anyone stepping up to confront them about it in fear to stop any of it. I have been to both of Pennsylvania's Commonweal th Court and appeals to no avail. Public utility Corrmission and Because the Governor's Office of Administration contracted with GTL the DOC says they have no say so to stop any of this. Which I have in writing too. The kick-back scheme carmitted by the State's politicians is illegal. The government is not a business nor should be using tax payers money to fund or operate one. They wouldn't charge free-citizens extra phone or utility fees so why kick-backs from the poor, helpless prisoners and their familes? I can only pray your Commission intervenes for right and justice equally 1-of-2 for all consumers of utility services in the entire United states of America and stops these horrid abuses once and for all. Thank you for your divided attention to this new single letter piece of evidence in support of Wright's Peti tion in hopes of it enabling you to act justly and God Bless America. I remain sincerly. Very Truly Yours, RJS/File 2-of-2 tJJ~ A.4 t::~ (Jl-0L~'v /"f1riwr- {;v7- zilk!, ~,~itt:f' Ih;:tZi-C~' iI bock..~T .::rIC;(p -/Jv8 Receivedl~ In~ U~41l4NH:L~, OCT cc. UJ/11 .... I';y~/~ ~ 1 2012 11 _~C~_~~il_H~ c~m -0!P;'li~1J ;t;b,0 NJ~~-:- -WI?<.IJ... LlJ)jJ C.}~ J11t~~ fod:'i'L . -'-;,..«\~~ .t><£.¥jL<t:- _;{Ii.!. ~'t...~j~p U!tJrof-; -- -p-mi - r.fv J L f.~", f~ U~U-: r 14./VlcvLy_kyt:v/ ~~J ' . \ {/ ~ tJ/..tA ~eL- t~~~~~ -~ ~!dc;Iti-._ A.s/~;t~t~-&.;;~ . . I: t ! ------ .-- ---ii . (.L-/fYI/1I,vr..A-C1!0.-.. 1 ---_.---- - -------- 1,1 i __ l.~ -. -- --- - - ---- _._- - - -- -- -.------ -- - - .Jl~nJ~ ~r'k--yc/W~ . -~~U41:-- Ii .. ----11- . ______________ .__ - __ i - -- _ ____________ ____ . _____________ _____ . ___ . ~ -- ---- ~r-- ----- -- ------------ .I ' --------------.11.- ------ ------- - --- ..- ______ . __________ ~ - . -. _ _ __ -----. -... ----~ - - ~~~--. - --- _0_ L.!j ___L~"4L ___C4/QarJp_ )JQ_c,-=tt-.J l{8.;)'~1 _ f ------ -- _ _ _ __ _ _ ._____ __ _ ____ .. Iii : .~a' . ...- ---- ---.".-- -1T--·----_·-------.----.--------.. ------------------; .--- ,.:<)-t~tt:_".. "-- -----..- - - - .-- - ........- .-.-"---.. --- ----------.i! --- -- --- --- Ii ~--11-- ,, I, , I ___ ~_~ , ' ____ _ _________ ...1-+ I' ii , ; -",,-,,-.. -- ----... +t- - .. -1~ -------.-....-... ---..+4-..-- .. .- ------.---------- -.. -.. ---- .--- ----.... --.... ------.------ ---- .. -----.. -.. ---- ------ -.---- ..--.. -----........ --11 ; I i" I --------- - ------ -_. -- - --l-t-------- - -- ----- -- - - - --------- - --- -- - -.----- - -- Ii , -- ---- --- - ~------- - - - ---~---------- - - - ----.- - - - - - ---.--- --- - -- - ---.- - ----.~ - ------ _.. - -- .. - -- --- ; ..--- ----H-, ! I ___ • _____________________ ..J.-4.- ~ ______________________________________________________ ~ _________________________ ~_~ __________________ • ____________________________ _ \j I ------ -- ... -..- .- ._. ++, -- ---"-- -.. -- .. -- .. ; , ; i i Ii .... -----.. -- -_....... -1-+----------....- ... _.. - ......._--.. _ .. _. --.. ----- -- :i ,i -- ---4·"-- --,, I, ~ -. - - - -- --- -_ --------- - -- - ,, ----- --- ---- ---------- -t-~,I I, ---.. ------.. ---- -.. -. II ........ -.. - -- -- "--"'-"--\ : , , I ---t 1 ! -". ------------ --____ - ----.-_ --._____________ .-- - ________________________________. ______. ______ ~ __________ . __. __ _ TO: Received & Inspected Chairman Julius Genachowski Federal Communications Commission 445 12th St, SW Washington, DC 20554 OCT 3 1 2012 FCC Mail Room 11 FR :l!J(~(y .-"7 I hOIi~l.4<; SCI-Huntingdon 1100 Pike St. Huntingdon, PA 16654 DATE: 10-00-12 RE: A PUBLIC COMMENT FOR THE WRIGHT PETITION (CC DOCKET #96-128) Dear Chairman Genachowski: I'm writing this letter to implore you to support lower cost of calls made from prison. The high cost of prison calls, collect & prepaid calls have become an imposing burden on myself & family. What's notable is, in Pennsylvania the State Department of Corrections wages for an hour for six hours of work a day; inmate jobs is 19 cents that equals $22.00 dol- lars a month. The cheapest prepaid calling card an inmate can purchase from the minute call to (, jail's commissary is $10.60. To make a DdwA(e.. on a prepaid call cost 15 $'l . 'Jo <L q. per call. To call collect to <-Oe.iAu)A(e it cost $, :lD<? plus taxes per call. Global Tel Link is the service provider that has a monopoly on the Pennsylvania system. A\~O ta\\5 State Prison's phone )\ V DLA(~()(f) \~~5 ( ~~ 1- y~ I~ 7 4> Cjd-O Despite, the primary phone carrier or long distance provider my family already has a binding contract with, I can not call them collect unless, they first set up an prepaid account with Global Tel Link due to G.T.L. placed collect blocks on all their phone lines. Which their prices and hidden fees are so exorbi tant vent me have it equates to extortion! Those high rates pre- from cOirlllunicating with my other pressing family responsibilities being able to afford the high rates do to my family that prevent them from on their fixed incomes. It I S an injustice that my family & other less fortunate families are being punished because of the exploitation of a phone company that is pr.z.y1ng on & t3king advantage of our incarcerated circumstances. Regulating the high cost of prison calls to afforda.ble rates is long overdue. I respectfully request your urgent attention in addressing the exploitation & this injustice so that the practice of our blatantly victimized by families being opportunist who are profi ting off of our vulnerability can be curtailed. Thank you! Sincerely, Received &lnspected Mi(. '?h;II'f Ye.rctue. I . FCC Mail Room .11 Oe:l 'f); ~e. 51 H-ul\h0~O{\)?i\ 1-\ ~ s- \ 2 t-h W0I.6'n'J),C)\\ . OCT 31 l012 ~s:-qI02., OCTober \1o(';'5L/-{ 112- -;;'\-'fee \-, I SW DC. 3.0551.\ d-3; d.O\'d- ]JeC\\ N.~. C"'CA'~f"\c>.r1 Ge(jo.c..~ow~ ¥.,.~ ) :r. u:cu\cl \ I~e.. \-0 0,<M,{e.:5>.5 +0 l.j0 L.{ h\3'" ,, +he. \r)c.\"'d 5h;'~ Cct>t- c* -\-he.. ~'N'£A\-e.s Yhane. CCI.\\.s +t, \0':j \e\«\. o.~&mle.r 'Io.'M 0.. :11\ cle~~e:f\\ S\-o.\e, (). >=.. N\~ \:. Cos\- or. \'\ee.p '0..\ ~~f).~ I ho.ve.. c. COffi~\~'1 Clnd ~c\')E!- :} 5 up. -r. \-0 Ylez:,it- me. ~cn\- Y'('a~e... ~ \Y\cnel ~o ~ n~.ce\\{e... f'(\C)i\~\ ~{'cM. ~O'i"'l'\;\\. ~e... ~c\M;\I" w\-.;~~ ~Y'A.. \!ou.se.d Ql\cl ~'\ ~~~t' \~ ~I\o.b\e., ~c.~~ o\;- "ne.' ~-\~C>."c.\\~\,\. ht>\A\ OlAr d;. ~ r.e.~d b ~ee.p ('It;:,\" 3cb ~1"J <;t 20 -\-0 h I~n. i (\CC>{\\-O\c-\- W: ~ fe,y- m,\ i'f\o~r X\s ~~ \c V\t~~ i0- e.\)'(\\CJ{;.~ Wi~ 'At') \)tCA\A~t o\-- \\~ ~\j"'- \()'b\- ot- ~~ 'llfW'{\Q..\t ~\\O\\t. Se,'(\l;t:€... ~\..~\ t~\t\ oc d,c\\t. \0 b(I ~CWI\ ~t tost~\ ~~\ S~\~~~? ~CNr-\'\ ,-,\ou \, 1- \)o~ .~\Q\- ,,\oU ~'V\Ot\ rep\i· SiMaeJ~j fJJf~ (J~~ \c \1(;((. \rIe\ \JO;ce. ~e.t,~~ fn~ \l~~~~. J TO: ReceiVed & \nspected Chairman Julius Genachowski Federal Communications Commission 445 12th St, SW Washington, DC 20554 Gel 31 L011. FCC Mai\ Room FR: Curtis Manning #BA-1998 SCI-Huntingdon 1100 Pike St. Huntingdon, PA 16654 DATE: 10-22-12 RE: A PUBLIC COMMENT FOR THE WRIGHT PETITION (CC DOCKET #96-128) Dear Chairman Genachowski: I'm compelled to write this letter to support lower cost of calls made from prison. implore Do you to to the high cost of prison calls; collect and prepaid calls have become a great burden on myself and family. What's highly notable is, in Pennsylvania the State Department of Corrections pay wages for inmate jobs is 19¢ an hour for six hours of work a day; that equals $22.00 dollars a month. The cheapest prepaid calling card that a prisoner can purchase via the jail's commissary is $10.60. To make a 15 ~inute call to Philadelphia on a a prepaid call cost $5.15 per call. To call my family collect in Philadelphia it cost $6.25 plus taxes per call. And to add insul t to further inj ury, a phone company titled; Global Link has a monopoly on the system. Pennsylvania Tel State Prison's phone And regardless of what primary phone carrier or long distance provider my family already has a contract with, I can't call them collect unless they first pay Global Tel Link to set up an prepaid account with them due to G.T.L. placed collect blocks on all their lines. Which their prices and hidden fees are so exorbitant (high) it equates to extortion! Which some of my family members are on fixed incomes so those high rates prevent me from communicating with them at all! And my wife, daughter, sisters and mother have other burdensome responsibili ties that prevent them from being able to afford the high rates. Which adds further stress to my family being my family is very passionate about Which, being supportive unfortunately I'm been in for the in my past situation. 26 years communicating with me is something that is very important them and myself. It's an inj ustice that my and to family and other less fortunate families are being punished because of the exploitation of phone companies that are preying on and taking advantage of our incarcerated circumstances. Regulating the high cost of prison calls to affordable rates is long overdue. In conclusion, I respectfully ask that you have some compassion for my family and other families that are being victimized by opportunist who's sole objective is to exploit and profit off of other people's misery. Your urgent attention in addressing this inj ustice is well needed and warranted! appreciated. cc/file Your time & consideration in this matter is Recewed &tnspected OC\ 3 '\ 'lOW. fCC Ma\\ Room f{"Lc.HAEL W., OItJE::-t-iS it \4~344 C-S 13-3\ {>oWi-iATA+-l COlzR.KJ[ONAl Cf1.J rtl<.. SThTt- t:ko ER~L A- \;tN '. CoI'IH-Il v N JTft rro N S f&I<J""\ \i[RG.[NTA 23\ IoD Co \111M. LSS fuN (f. C. C. ) q"H~ [l~1M A\'-l. 445 \ z..It-\- S rh-~ S'. 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I\+[) D\)\.JQ)U) Q--L~Call'-tlJ-t\.h.lLLt~rtn\\lS Uf rs UN F~CR. roi<. r(-t-A-SO~ 'il+A-'\ Il=-- ~ rc-lM..f:(Lc:'('''·N.Cy pt-\'ON(:- CA-lL \.I DO t... \)Olrc..y 1 lN~ l+A~ l- to IH.At<.:-- fo\z...\3 tl)S F(\.I}ONtl'l.') tD U') t- tNSrtlu rtDt-..u£~ L PI'tONt-S TO If-1 A-~t- OuTSI1)E- CA-LLcS. tH--(Ot--!.LY. E:f-~"€-r fTDhlS A-tL~ ~Cli- ~ 'C/\.l IM.tLL1l'\--R'j I'\-Nl) AN. CI\-LL-. n-.ttl1.tr~ Pr5 ~ 0N l) D f-A. ffi ~~S ro n ·H:.- H:I. CtS TW-A-N \<-. (JUf)LJ)t- -y V'lf:v'-1 \3 fi\. 0 F. . rt-hJl"€:-- 1J..l..\(r-srrc.I'4ILDN. n N-\-E"-\)\-1) O~ iH~ m P(L"",<:..tTLtj \) \-s Cll. r.:i3 t1) H-E:1Z UN . 10U fuR r-H TH CS MA-Ith<., ~~ A-I'-( IN FA Mt '--'/ YOu;?'" C.OOf~ITt:>N A~\\) t)~~ rs~<..~ _ _ _ _'~i5"-'--'/I~'>Il"'--""~~L~--J~J/;Je,A·u cksf'rk. # p,ce-s !A~ ~~---------..j!-r-(j..pLtJ"-Lt'I'!:J up' /!Jt.eovet:. I \v~ h85IC/Jh); i Gv,;/y fINd ~d dLJ~ hi cI&/6 I .fr~ •• . _ _ _,-,-,,'~..LO.D'-------'-C:l-I..<b~/hKt1AN 6eN eohclw..s/{;' !}v~ uS -/lzG l..- JU(Jj( fl,e.- )JelMS ,_ ,7' 1.)IJt~Ie.)e./( ~ ..jyOtr JP ,.(~bss- , i ()£ ~ve~yIA/~ /o~f= of t.J/wle. I9l!ev', t±k--- fkese. Yau C4JC. el(C~5SI:ve.. fee-oJ Lt.J~;?"'lf u..Jdv/c! L. at~gfly !If/';(~c-.'8It!~f, Gt~vt:. f,}?e- /t;vd f1/IJ~cprr·U tLJtJft/';f, ~~ ---_._,--,--"'----------- ., ~~__Qd/~s / ~ &S7Y&._________ ________________~/Mo _~~~_6~f_~_______ ___ '_ ,_____ jju N-hNOJdo~T f1:t. It ~s iL_ _, '-J' - '-----'-',,-' --" ,-- ,-,------'-,-'----------,-----~ - - - - - - , - - - ------ - - - - - - - 1 - - - ' -,-------------,-- '--. ' -,-------- ~~~-, ----------, ot'~ ~ ___~f~_7980 Received &Inspected ~~~~~~- //00 ~_.4J).~.,-----_ __ -f~.-~:< ----i---- ._----- OCT 3 1 2012 (60S-'Y-!.!./~:l_ _ FCC Mail Room -------.- --- - - --- ~~~_~ ~ ~ Cd~ ~ [ji)~~~~CC-~-.dJ).t:J _~___"9_""_6 -;1 JJ? _____ ___________ _ ~________ /~ ~ ~_e~A.C"~ ___ ~f -....d /;,.-,.~~~~ ___ ~----[3Z) ~~ ~~4~- ~---~ ~ ~-~ ~--~~-¥-~ ~~--~~ ~ ~_~ .9' ~»~~ ~ y~~~ ~ ~ __ <~ d .-'~ '[;l:V_O'Y,.LJ§' ~~.~~ ~s:/>-;'.u -<P4 ~ ~'YI . J t2-.I - / ~5ZJ~'l'7 ~, Q)~ ~_~ ~ ~'"7 ~_~C{jo~ cJCI u'.~2J_~J'-O 60/__ " S~~ ;2 C', >-0 'r 53 _~qL __ ~ __ c~cd4~ ~. ,~~ ~~_~ .. ___~ty ~, ~~ __ ~ -~ ~_~ ~~____~~ ~ ~ I ~.~ __ c;. ~...sJl). ~u ___ ~5) I_~ ~~0~ -t-S).~ ~ ,...f) SQ~_~ ~_&?;)______ _ _ __ _ /t-A~ u~~¥.--4- ~ ~ ~~,~~-- D ~---~ ~----~--~~~--~~. 4 ~~ -------- --- ~·rfb -<f'=_w -d ~.~~£6~ • • • • • w m n ~ -~-A- ~_ -------------------- ~q;:{~. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -------- --------- - - --- ---- - - - - - - - - - - - - ---------- - - - "'--------- ---"~-------- --------------- - - - - - - --- ----- ---------- - --- - - r d3v;,~~~ Received & Inspected NOV 062012 FCC MailRoom ~~<V'~~~ ~4 ?9~~~~??t? ~/~7bf9'7 ~;' /e?J-J'/-/.2- , Received &inapeeted NOV - 62012 O-€~r FCC Mail Room Gev'lv-- vko vS K.~ cl;, Mo.", T~:s ~S C<.. pU~l;L Foe +~c t~.h·\j~+ pe+i-koV\. (CG CvI14Wle-lt- O~KKe+ '#Q6 -/1'Z)~ Ke.v~fvL"1 ]: tim ;",U:.-rC6c...W.", l~ /. ,.[ M",r)0;~ Th:& p"",f-;c..<-ier 4ks tJ r ;+""1 ~(' Se.Pk,nU2 v<>-<I n-d- ~ o~F;C<d"\S 1k h.~l. ~,;+ /'ef, K'1lP..,vt c/; ~r('ecfeJ. /)1:.,M" (fQ.t;..f..erlA K&ttve-lr or- f'k'( 4 '" hi Kl (.p.llS tiled uhe--t Th4t1,k ya; fd'r !ov. ~vd:,<) Ftff f&-) ''J r S:"'f''''<.''''''- G .... ~~ v .... s Crcoli~ Cep{Kt S-k{a r+ .\0 I out"" .to be.. $.,."....-\\.~"'J pd.c:..~ vel-- ${eo( S;t-l:<2~ ltv. 1:.. (.e.1'I.L~IA wJ'Ct lJp -L kc.w {)t'l d4Alj '" h<M:. Fro"", SeeK.,;] 4.("'."C{~ z: tk '>7 c.:",~1 ~ fi\Y'I\.;\,\ ~ue. Cor('c.c-hv'l(. ( m'-( cr, tIUI. fCWeA+ tne c... \ ~o :')k. cjee.,.::'-( W t.:-k:l.lkvf. .-;: /,)oJe.J c.o.1e5 J k/,;, ' ito",) plG\.CI\e~ (~~ .)<'L~"hj hu.ve-. !cst to ik h\~k C:~.+ cP 4{{ Wc<.t,Lt G..:.LlS frd'""t II<.L,('/'I€J. t..>:~ -l-kes e £.. K CC UI4/,?Ie>c) af~{'pV/. .-ftt~ s. ,")')..:10')..'1 will;u.W\ f'1<U's, ~ICC(, Dc,rI'V'< ~ Du '],.60 (l.O(),~ 1-0 It.{ J..; s-f-,ce we K+ l.b~fI-1 } 1<'-( tilt( 1: Recetved & Inspected Allen Ross AJ-1152 SCI Greene 175 Progress Drive Waynesburg, PA 15370-8082 ~1r. NOV -6Z012 FCC Malt Room october 31, 2012 Chairman Julius Genachowski Federal Communication Commission Public Comments 445 12th Street, SW Washington, DC 20554 Re: Global Tel-link over charging inmates coupled with the pennsylvania Deoartment of Corrections receiving kick backs from Global Tel-link to profit from impoverished inmates and their family members. Dear Chairman Genachowski: I am taking my time to dispatch you this missive in correlation to me being adamantly disgruntled pertaining to the excessive telephone emoluments of Global Tel-l ink over charging me related to my pre-paid calling card in addition to Global Tel-link engaging in the same unethical practices using surrepti tious means to over charge my cousin when I call her collect. Moreover in both aforemention examples Global Tel-link and the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections is engaging in a malfeasance stealing monies from me when I use my pre-pa id call ing card whereas, the same unethical practice is implemented by the Pennsyl van ia Department of Corrections and Global Tel-link when I call my cousin Ms. Celestine Martin collect. These unethical deceptive practices has been and ongoing insurmountable indelihle common practice for the Department of Corrections and Global Tel-link to knowingly on their own volition to extort inmates and their family member's by over charqina inmates and their family member's since the inception when the Pennsylvania Deoartment of Corrections and Global Tel-l ink became the telephone carrier for the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections in Pennsylvania and because of the unethical practices implemented by the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections receiving kick backs from Global Tel-link which is illegal and has been a indelible intense burden. on me and my family members financially. Moreover and because of the unethical practices of Global Tel-link coupled with the Pennsylvania Deoartment of Corrections having in~ates from Philadelphia Pennsylvania housed in the Western oart of Pennsylvan ia forces these inmates to ourchase a ore-oaid calling card or call their family members in Philadelphia collect. Moreover inmates from Pittsburgh housed in the Eastern part of Pennsylvania have 'no other choice but to purchase a pre-paid calling card or call their love ones collect. Because the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections has complete authority to place incarcerated inmates in difference parts of the State of Pennsylvania to houses inmates out of their home region is completely beneficial to the Pennsylvania DeDartment of Corrections to receive kick backs from Global Tel-link because every inmates is force to use Global Tel-link's telephone services with excessive teleohone rates. Moreover as a result of me being manioulated and extorted by the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections coupled with Global Tel-link has spawned an execrable intense hardshio on me and my family members as a result of being over charged for my pre-paid calls in addition to me calling my cousin collect has been a complete hardship financially in addition to me and my family member'S being extorted by Global Tel-link so they can pay the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections kick backs. As I would like to join the prison phone Justice Campaign to have my horrific experience of what I have described in my let ter incoroorated in your Petition related to case docket number-96-l28. As I would like to thank you and staff member's in advance for taking your time to review the contents of my letter concerning this matter of excessive teleohone rates which need to be address. Sincerely Yours ?J:/L~ Mr. Allen Ross Page 2 Receiv'd &Inspected / NOV - 6201Z FCCMaURoom '10 " C/I///(z.rnv1w1 J~tl U{ tfe#/lCk~U51c~ " /J.v14'1.' 57ev.e- !fAlc&'~iJ ~?Lf9 5 tV,l/. !t>. 3 /c>-31-/~ Lac. /P- ?cD c.r /)6)<:. I{I/ C."1~l~:S(7- Irv. 'i? f J ~ /15 ;itptv~ j2Are'S OVe,e- ;Izc:- tAs T c'ov.JJL.e- ()f1 ~c-"l(;/es ~/YI Ihe?, co".v7i:Vve- j() //vc,..ee..4-<)e. ~.L I~~ S-ot<./t!-/!- ~~ ,4.Jd c9cJ ,'2- i~."r), Lv ~ 11 /&,.e. J1 t ( /,.e!1-G/~ c4L. tv/~jlr95ej/ fA e.. f:. c/CjAcPS !/I.'c! 7l> -;-Ac tJ. cJ. C!. ,''5 ,,4 )z/lv'L- d".ecjLe,,4-5-e.d ,;V 5"DC, ~e1fte-.J5'( ~.~ l/l,Y je c A u 5.e /r /v,N/~ 1'4 7'ov-ty!-..c~7 A,j-t'vvc:r". ~/a:{/u¥l.-,tf/tc;/1- e- /r r 5 h.ee/ e-i ttV",) ..1/ r4 ;;eC';Le 5r-"5~JVl e,,/i &-f )~L/~TYw'-D C"'1~ "v6);- AilO,ecf /;. jftefe rhO;v'<'- jf/9IC?5 h-AvL ~.R.eAILf dt'c~e._"f?kt-/ ;-k Ct9;Yl"nv,'V,·C..,..7/0A.,f ie''7/4/f2-e,.v l-"'1y -fr,''''1-,ij 11,v?( rUy)'.4VI-f/ I be. L..4 t(,,~ ..e 5 (jC I T k..y C..4 ,v,/u?(- )f t/;4-J !,-e,) u '1'9~ C-"'l t l) 14/fJ,<.CJ X . c£ l {vtI,-f-5 (!t, c)c?) {d/L. / LJ~..v'/'Z' ~n.-c:Vu /ef £ re:.,ea. . . ~y I~/iy ri-V/ ./- /15K ilt-c. Fe, C', <fZ7 TA/J I~ .. t~ /y Jlt),vo,c./~ i/r.e" 4Jrz/re feT,rl'f),v, {Je,. /u LIy 5vl/c/Z- i 'IL... Vl- 're- !.e?, ~ /~.v I1tVJ IhA~/It- /I LL t?1£:J..- lit!:.. 7 ,,:e 5 t,) oC?;f-1c TD {Vl,.t}/ce. ,T ,.4- 5'Ue e5 J fA 5ft1/ ue- teo i. ~),~tvl1/Lj lCi?/ Ii-€- rC"_L< ()) & ie C' / - ;0 AL5'O f(8S5 rlt e. i~ T;et/J - ~friTe /')../50,v Ct/15e S'r iley r7t~#!;- S-TA-?--e- /15e~-vc-p~? t/tOf'/<'- (Jf..(,5Y /15 ;+) /-ecic-{'c fa b{U-Alt..s-e.- I ~ ,.eA /c5,' h~~ 11 j\J SE)~-<.e /A/rc~-SIv1;--e c.:.~5- .~~ S '-;eve..- );~i Lc9~ )] IJ < () ~ c, r J...L--. O. 0, fJ- t). iJoy / (/1 44,££ v SL~ r,o/, q I] <tJ ~ L, october 30, 2012 Received &Inspected Chainnan Julius Genachowski federal Communicationa Commission Public Comments 445 12th street, SW Washington, DC 20554 NOV - 6 2012 FCC Mall Room Re: Blocking me from calling my children collect as i have done for 17yrs. "This is a public comment for the wright petition(CC Docket# 96-128) Dear Mr Genachowski On saturday 10-27-12 i made an attempt to call my two daughters inwhich is only source of corrmunicating through collect calling i was met with the prison system telling me the call wouldn't be process unless my family buy their phone service/provider. This is nothing IIDre than attempt to break up families and monoponize IIDney from out love ones. Someone family that has been dealing with AT&T etc shouldn't have to drop their phone provider in order for an inmate and family have corrmunication. I have been calling my children collect since 1997 and now i 1m being told i cant call is mind bothering. Having to switch over to the institution servcie would be IIDre burdensome than the already $5.60 my family pay for fifteen minutes a call. It is heavy burden on family paying the high cost the is over charging them compared to Michigan phone fees. I look for your help for those poor families of Philadelphia, PA. Sincere, ~4hW~ ~ P1 Mr • Gary Wenker DJ-1 ~81 175 PrOgress Drive Waynesburgh, Pa 15379 Received &InSpeeted HOV - 62012 FCC Mail Room 'I ~-------------- if ------- ,;'&{6Z .!c,mnt~·Jc-~ : d. iY'YS~ a rl~:'~~ ~--~---l!LLJy-r;;;f ?:> L ,! I' 2U3'f ". t 't~ • '. _ I· I r ' J\oww..'> De Gr)c>o",->:\ :1~-S-'77R SCI-Greene 175 Progress Drive Waynesburg. PA 15370 Received & InsPected NOV 14 2012 FCC Mail Room November 6, 2012 Chairman Julius Genachowski Federal Communications Commission Public Comments 445 12th St., SW Washington, DC 20554 THIS IS A PUBLIC COMMENT FOR THE WRIGHT PETITION CC DOCKET #96-128 Chairman Genachowski: I'm writing in response to your fight to lower the high cost of phone calls from CA.\\ ~VVL~ N'lC..N~Y~('K.. lk~~~ ~~q,~~\-1~~1-~N't. prisoners. I'm incarcerated at SCI-Greene, Greene County, Pennsylvanla~or m~e'1o call home (in-state) is $5.41 through a pre-paid calling card sold in the prison commissary and $6.00 to call collect (both 15 minute calls). This is simply too much money for most of my family, my support network, to afford. I have very limited contact with my family due to the excessive cost of these phone calls. Recently, Pennsylvania transferred more than 1,000 inmates to Michigan due to overcrowding. Phone calls from MI to PA were only $1.80 for the same 15 minute call. these are the same phone calls I try to make from Pennsylvania but can't afford, but in Michigan they were 70% cheaper. I don't understand how rates from MI to PA are 30% of the cost we pay in PA for in-state calls. There are too many people that I can't call because they can't afford the cost. These are the same family members and friends whose support I need to have a successful reentry into society upon my release, but I'm losing my relationships with them due to the lack of interaction and contact. I hope something can be done because it seems like all the phone company (GTL) and Department of Corrections do is take advantage of our situation. :t Sincerely, Received & Inspected nmu. NOV 142012 {JJtt.To£, FCC Mail Room Jl.Przlld SCI-Greene 175 Progress Drive Waynesburg, PA 15370 November 6, 2012 Chairman Julius Genachowski Federal Communications Commission Public Comments 445 12th St., SW Washington, DC 20554 THIS IS A PUBLIC COMMENT FOR THE WRIGHT PETIT10N CC DOCKET #96-128 Chairman Genachowski: I'm writing in response to your fight to 10wer the high cost of phone calls from prisoners. I'm incarcerated at SCI-Greene, Greene County, Pennsylvania. For me to call home (in-state) is $5.41 through a pre-paid calling card sold in the prison commissary and $6.00 to call collect (both 15 minute calls). This is simply too much money for most of my family, my support network, to afford. I have very limited contact with my family due to the excessive cost of these phone calls. Recently, Pennsylvania transferred more than 1,000 inmates to Michigan due to overcrowding. Phone calls from MI to PA were only $1.80 for the same 15 minute call. these are the same phone calls I try to make from Pennsylvania but can't afford, but in Michigan they were 70% cheaper. I don't understand how rates from MI to PA are 30% of the cost we pay in PA for in-state calls. There are too many people that I can't call because they can't afford the cost. These are the same family members and friends whose support I need to have a successful reentry into society upon my release, but I'm losing my relationships with them due to the lack of interaction and contact. I hope something can be done because it seems like all the phone company (GTL) and Department of Corrections do is take advantage of our situation. Sincerely, Received & 'nSfj86ted NOV 14 201Z SCI-Greene 175 Progress Drive Waynesburg, PA 15370 FCC Man Room November 6,2012 Chairman Julius Genachowski Federal Communications Commission Public Comments 445 12th St., SW Washington, DC 20554 THIS IS A PUBLIC COMMENT FOR THE WRIGHT PETITION CC DOCKET #96·128 Chairman Genachowski: I'm writing in response to your fight to lower the high cost of phone calls from prisoners. I'm incarcerated at SCI-Greene, Greene County, Pennsylvania. For me to call home (in-state) is $5.41 through a pre-paid calling card sold in the prison commissary and $6.00 to call collect (both 15 minute calls). This is simply too much money for most of my family, my support network, to afford. I have very limited contact with my family due to the excessive cost of these phone calls. Recently, Pennsylvania transferred more than 1,000 inmates to Michigan due to overcrowding. Phone calls from MI to PA were only $1.80 for the same 15 minute call. these are the same phone calls I try to make from Pennsylvania but can't afford, but in Michigan they were 70% cheaper. I don't understand how rates from MI to PA are 30% of the cost we pay in PA for in-state calls. There are too many people that I can't call because they can't afford the cost. These are the same family members and friends whose support I need to have a successful reentry into SOciety upon my release, but I'm losing my relationships with them due to the lack of interaction and contact. I hope something can be done because it seems like all the phone company (GTL) and Department of Corrections do is take advantage of our situation. Sincerely, Received &Inspected NOV 14 Z012 SCI-Greene 175 Progress Drive Waynesburg, PA 15370 FCC Mal! Room November 6,2012 Chairman Julius Genachowski Federal Communications Commission Public Comments 445 12th St., SW Washington, DC 20554 THIS IS A PUBLIC COMMENT FOR THE WRIGHT PETITION CC DOCKET #96-128 Chairman Genachowski: I'm writing in response to your fight to lower the high cost of phone calls from prisoners. I'm incarcerated at SCI-Greene, Greene County, Pennsylvania. For me to call home (in-state) is $5.41 through a pre-paid calling card sold in the prison commissary and $6.00 to call collect (both 15 minute calls). This is simply too much money for most of my family, my support network, to afford. I have very limited contact with my family due to the excessive cost of these phone calls. Recently, Pennsylvania transferred more than 1,000 inmates to Michigan due to overcrowding. Phone calls from MI to PA were only $1.80 for the same 15 minute call. these are the same phone calls I try to make from Pennsylvania but can't afford, but in Michigan they were 70% cheaper. I don't understand how rates from MI to PA are 30% of the cost we pay in PA for in-state calls. There are too many people that I can't call because they can't afford the cost. These are the same family members and friends whose support I need to have a successful reentry into society upon my release, but I'm losing my relationships with them due to the lack of interaction and contact. I hope something can be done because it seems like all the phone company (GTL) and Department of Corrections do is take advantage of our situation. Sincerely, ,..' THIS IS A PUBLIC COMMENT FOR THE WRIGHT PETITION (CC DOCKET 196-128) Received & Inspected James T. Saye, Jr. f EJ-6573 S.C.I. Huntingdon 1100 Pike Street Huntingdon, PA 16654-1112 NOV 142012 FCC Mail Room Mr. Julius Genachowski, Chairman Federal Communications Commission Public Comments 445 12th Street, SW Washington, DC 20554 Dear Mr. Genachowski, My name is James T. Saye, I am happily writing to congratulate you and all advocate at your office for taking the responsibility to under go this Campaign For Prison Phone Justice, and it is my pleasure to be part of this campaign to fight high cost of prison phone call. Right now 1'm residing har~.h(:(: i :Jr)f\ in the Pennsylvania correctional facility at Huntingdon. I am one of the people who has been affected by the high cost of prison phone call, including my family too. I ~f .M.N.~< fifteen~call am petson who have to make oVt Country call and it is costing me more money to make a over-sea. Mean while the family . I get here in Pennsylvania, in Philadelphia when I call them, it cost me ten dollars for one call. And now they have this system that been introduce within the prison that is costing more problem for me and also my family because with the new system even if your family have collect you can not get through to them because the prison want your family to open an account with them, so they block our family phone and forcing them buy into their company before they take the block off my family phone. So I am very happy to be part of this campaign. Sincerely James T. Saye, Jr. Received & Inspected NOV 14201Z SCI-Greene 175 Progress Drive Waynesburg, PA 15370 FCC Mail Room November 6,2012 Chairman Julius Genachowski Federal Communications Commission Public Comments 445 12th St., SW Washington, DC 20554 THIS IS A PUBLIC COMMENT FOR THE WRIGHT PETITION CC DOCKET #96·128 Chairman Genachowski: I'm writing in response to your fight to lower the high cost of phone calls from prisoners. I'm incarcerated at SCI-Greene, Greene County, Pennsylvania. For me to call home (in-state) is $5.41 through a pre-paid calling card sold in the prison commissary and $6.00 to call collect (both 15 minute calls). This is simply too much money for most of my family, my support network, to afford. I have very limited contact with my family due to the excessive cost of these phone calls. Recently, Pennsylvania transferred more than 1,000 inmates to Michigan due to overcrowding. Phone calls from MI to PA were only $1.80 for the same 15 minute call. these are the same phone calls I try to make from Pennsylvania but can't afford, but in Michigan they were 70% cheaper. I don't understand how rates from MI to PA are 30% of the cost we pay in PA for in-state calls. ' There are too many people that I can't call' because they can't afford the cost. These are the same family members and friends whose support I need to have a successful reentry into society upon my release, but I'm losing my relationships with them due to the lack of interaction and contact. I hope something can be done because it seems like all the phone company (GTL) and Department of Corrections do is take advantage of our situation. Sincerely, Received & Inspected SCI-Greene 175 Progress Drive Waynesburg, PA 15370 NOV 1 42012 FCC Mail Room November 6, 2012 Chairman Julius Genachowski Federal Communications Commission Public Comments 445 12th St., SW Washington, DC 20554 THIS IS A PUBLIC COMMENT FOR THE WRIGHT PETITION CC DOCKET #96-128 Chairman Genachowski: I'm writing in response to your fight to lower the high cost of phone calls from prisoners. I'm incarcerated at SCI-Greene, Greene County, Pennsylvania. For me to call home (in-state) is $5.41 through a pre-paid calling card sold in the prison commissary and $6.00 to call collect (both 15 minute calls). This is simply too much money for most of my family, my support network, to afford. I have very limited contact with my family due to the excessive cost of these phone calls. Recently, Pennsylvania transferred more than 1,000 inmates to Michigan due to overcrowding. Phone calls from MI to PA were only $1.80 for the same 15 minute call. these are the same phone calls I try to make from Pennsylvania but can't afford, but in Michigan they were 70% cheaper. I don't understand how rates from MI to PA are 30% of the cost we pay in PA for in-state calls. There are too many people that I can't call because they can't afford the cost. These are the same family members and friends whose support I need to have a successful reentry into society upon my release, but I'm losing my relationships with them due to the lack of interaction and contact. I hope something can be done because it seems like all the phone company (GTL) and Department of Corrections do is take advantage of our situation. Sincerely. Received & In8f'ected ~IOV SCI-Greene 175 Progress Drive Waynesburg, PA 15370 142012 FCC Mail Room November 6, 2012 Chairman Julius Genachowski Federal Communications Commission Public Comments 445 12th St., SW Washington, DC 20554 THIS IS A PUBLIC COMMENT FOR THE WRIGHT PETITION CC DOCKET #96·128 Chairman Genachowski: I'm writing in response to your fight to lower the high cost of phone calls from prisoners. I'm incarcerated at SCI-Greene, Greene County. Pennsylvania. For me to call home (in-state) is $5.41 through a pre-paid calling card sold in the prison commissary and $6.00 to call collect (both 15 minute calls). This is simply too much money for most of my family, my support network, to afford. I have very limited contact with my family due to the excessive cost of these phone calls. Recently, Pennsylvania transferred more than 1,000 inmates to Michigan due to overcrowding. Phone calls from MI to PA were only $1.80 for the same 15 minute call. these are the same phone calls I try to make from Pennsylvania but can't afford, but in Michigan they were 70% cheaper. I don't understand how rates from MI to PA are 30% of the cost we pay in PA for in-state calls. There are too many people that I can't call because they can't afford the cost. These are the same family members and friends whose support I need to have a successful reentry into society upon my release, but I'm losing my relationships with them due to the lack of interaction and contact. I hope something can be done because it seems like all the phone company (GTL) and Department of Corrections do is take advantage of our situation. Sincerely, Leonard McNair CM5B21 SCI-Greene 175 Progress Drive Waynesburg, PA 15370 Received & InsPected NOV 142012 FCC Mail Room November 7, 2012 Chairman Julius Genachowski Federal Communications Commission Public Comments 445 12th St., SW Washington, DC 10554 THIS IS A PUBLIC COMMENT FOR THE WRIGHT PETITION CC DOCKET #96-128 Dear Chairman Genachowski: I'm writing in response to your fight to lower the high cost of phone calls from prisoners. I'm an incarcerated inmate housed at SCI-Greene, Greene County, Pennsylvania. For me to call home (in-state) is $5.41 through a prepaid calling card sold in the prison commissary and $6.00 to call collect (both 15 minutes calls). This is simply too much money for most of my family, mY support network, to afford. Sir, I have very limited contact with my family due to the excessive cost of these phone calls. Recently, Pennsylvania transferred me and more than 1,000 inmates to Michigan due to overcrowding. Phones calls from MI to PA were only $1.80 for the same 15 minute call. These are the same phone calls I try to make from Pennsylvania, but can't afford it. In Michigan these calls were 70% cheaper. I don't understand how rates from Mi to PA are 30% of the cost we pay in PA for in-state calls. There are too many people that I can't call because they can't afford the cost. These are the same family members and friends whose support I need to have a successful reentry into society upon release, but I'm losing all my relationships with them due to lack of interaction and contact. I hope something can be done, because it seems like all the phone company (GTL) and Department of Corrections do is take advantage of our situation. Sincerely CC:L.M. Received &Inspected NOV 142012 SCI-Greene 175 Progress Drive Waynesburg, PA 15370 FCC Mail Room November 6,2012 Chairman Julius Genachowski Federal Communications Commission Public Comments 445 12th St., SW Washington, DC 20554 THIS IS A PUBLIC COMMENT FOR THE WRIGHT PETITION CC DOCKET #96-128 Chairman Genachowski: I'm writing in response to your fight to lower the high cost of phone calls from prisoners. I'm incarcerated at SCI-Greene, Greene County, Pennsylvania. For me to call home (in-state) is $5.41 through a pre-paid calling card sold in the prison commissary and $6.00 to call collect (both 15 minute calls). This is simply too much money for most of my family, my support network, to afford. I have very limited contact with my family due to the excessive cost of these phone calls. Recently, Pennsylvania transferred more than 1,000 inmates to Michigan due to overcrowding. Phone calls from MI to PA were only $1.80 for the same 15 minute call. these are the same phone calls I try to make from Pennsylvania but can't afford, but in Michigan they were 70% cheaper. I don't understand how rates from MI to PA are 30% of the cost we pay in PA for in-state calls. There are too many people that I can't call because they can't afford the cost. These are the same family members and friends whose support I need to have a successful reentry into society upon my release, but I'm losing my relationships with them due to the lack of interaction and contact. I hope something can be done because it seems like all the phone company \ GTL) and Department of Corrections do is take advantage of our situation. Sincerely, ; Received &Inspected NOV 142012 SCI-Greene 175 Progress Drive Waynesburg, PA 15370 FCC Mail Room November 6, 2012 Chairman Julius Genachowski Federal Communications Commission Public Comments 445 12th St., SW Washington, DC 20554 THIS IS A PUBLIC COMMENT FOR THE WRIGHT PETITION CC DOCKET #96-128 Chairman Genachowski: I'm writing in response to your fight to lower the high cost of phone calls from prisoners. I'm incarcerated at SCI-Greene, Greene County, Pennsylvania. For me to call home (in-state) is $5.41 through a pre-paid calling card sold in the prison commissary and $6.00 to call collect (both 15 minute calls). This is simply too much money for most of my family, my support network, to afford. I have very limited contact with my family due to the excessive cost of these phone calls. Recently, Pennsylvania transferred more than 1,000 inmates to Michigan due to overcrowding. Phone calls from MI to PA were only $1.80 for the same 15 minute call. these are the same phone calls I try to make from Pennsylvania but can't afford, but in Michigan they were 70% cheaper. I don't understand how rates from MI to PA are 30% of the cost we pay in PA for in-state calls. There are too many people that I can't call because they can't afford the cost. These are the same family members and friends whose support I need to have a successful reentry into society upon my release, but I'm losing my relationships with them due to the lack of interaction and contact. I hope something can be done because it seems like all the phone company \ GTL) and Department of Corrections do is take advantage of our situation. Sincerely, Received &Inspected NOV 142012 FCC Mail Room SCI-Greene 175 Progress Drive Waynesburg, PA 15370 November 6,2012 Chairman Julius Genachowski Federal Communications Commission Public Comments 445 12th St., SW Washington, DC 20554 THIS IS A PUBLIC COMMENT FOR THE WRIGHT PETITION CC DOCKET #96·128 Chairman Genachowski: I'm writing in response to your fight to lower the high cost of phone calls from prisoners. I'm incarcerated at SCI-Greene, Greene County, Pennsylvania. For me to call home (in-state) is $5.41 through a pre-paid calling card sold in the prison commissary and $6.00 to call collect (both 15 minute calls). This is simply too much money for most of my family, my support network, to afford. I have very limited contact with my family due to the excessive cost of these phone calls. Recently, Pennsylvania transferred more than 1,000 inmates to Michigan due to overcrowding. Phone calls from MI to PA were only $1.80 for the same 15 minute call. these are the same phone calls I try to make from Pennsylvania but can't afford, but in Michigan they were 70% cheaper. I don't understand how rates from MI to PA are 30% of the cost we pay in PA for in-state calls. There are too many people that I can't call because they can't afford the cost. These are the same family members and friends whose support I need-to have a successful reentry into society upon my release, but I'm losing my relationships with them due to- the lack of interaction and contact. I hope something can be done because it seems like all the phone company (GTL) and Department of Corrections do is take advantage of our situation. Sincerely, Reeetved &Ins!'eetea NOV 14201Z SCI-Greene 175 Progress Drive Waynesburg, PA 15370 FCCMaURoom November 6,2012 Chairman Julius Genachowski Federal Communications Commission Public Comments 445 12th St., SW Washington, DC 20554 THIS IS A PUBLIC COMMENT FOR THE WRIGHT PETITION CC DOCKET #96·128 Chairman Genachowski: I'm writing in response to your fight to lower the high cost of phone calls from prisoners. I'm incarcerated at SCI-Greene, Greene County, Pennsylvania. For me to call home (in-state) is $5.41 through a pre-paid calling card sold in the prison commissary and $6.00 to call collect (both 15 minute calls). This is simply too much money for most of my family, my support network, to afford. I have very limited contact with my family due to the excessive cost of these phone calls. Recently, Pennsylvania transferred more than 1,000 inmates to Michigan due to overcrowding. Phone calls from MI to PA were only $1.80 for the same 15 minute call. these are the same phone calls I try to make from Pennsylvania but can't afford, but in Michigan they were 70% cheaper. I don't understand how rates from MI to PA are 30% of the cost we pay in PA for in-state calls. There are too many people that I can't call because they can't afford the cost. These are the same family members and friends whose support I need to have a successful reentry into society upon my release, but I'm losing my relationships with them due to the lack of interaction and contact. I hope something can be done because it seems like all the phone company (GTL) and Department of Corrections do is take advantage of our situation. Sincerely, Michael Thorpe Received &. Inspected BK 4993 SCI-Greene 175 Progress Drive Waynesburg, PA 15370 NOV 142012 FCC Mail Room November 6, 2012 Chairman Julius Genachowski Federal Communications Commission Public Comments 445 12th St., SW Washington, DC 20554 THIS IS A PUBLIC COMMENT FOR THE WRIGHT PETITION CC DOCKET #96-128 Chairman Genachowski: I'm writing in response to your fight to lower the high cost of phone calls from prisoners. I'm incarcerated at SCI-Greene, Greene County, Pennsylvania. For me to call home (in-state) is $5.41 through a pre-paid calling card sold in the prison commissary and $6.00 to call collect (both 15 minute calls). This is simply too much money for most of my family, my support network, to afford. I have very limited contact with my family due to the excessive cost of these phone calls. Recently, Pennsylvania transferred more than 1,000 inmates to Michigan due to overcrowding. Phone calls from MI to PA were only $1.80 for the same 15 minute call. these are the same phone calls I try to make from Pennsylvania but can't afford, but in Michigan they were 70% cheaper. I don't understand how rates from MI to PA are 30% of the cost we pay in PA for in-state calls. There are too many people that I can't call because they can't afford the cost. These are the same family members and friends whose support I need to have a successful reentry into society upon my release, but I'm losing my relationships with them due to the lack of interaction and contact. I hope something can be done because it seems like all the phone company (GTL) and Department of Corrections do is take advantage of our situation. Sincerely, Received & Inspected NOV 1 42012 SCI-Greene 175 Progress Drive Waynesburg, PA 15370 FCC Mail Room November 6,2012 Chairman Julius Genachowski Federal Communications Commission Public Comments 445 12th St., SW Washington, DC 20554 THIS IS A PUBLIC COMMENT FOR THE WRIGHT PETITION CC DOCKET #96·128 Chairman Genachowski: I'm writing in response to your fight to lower the high cost of phone calls from prisoners. I'm incarcerated at SCI-Greene, Greene County, Pennsylvania. For me to call home (in-state) is $5.41 through a pre-paid calling card sold in the prison commissary and $6.00 to call collect (both 15 minute calls). This is simply too much money for most of my family, my support network, to afford. I have very limited contact with my family due to the excessive cost of these phone calls. Recently, Pennsylvania transferred more than 1,000 inmates to Michigan due to overcrowding. Phone calls from MI to PA were only $1.80 for the same 15 minute call. these are the same phone calls I try to make from Pennsylvania but can't afford, but in Michigan they were 70% cheaper. I don't understand how rates from MI to PA are 30% of the cost we pay in PA for in-state calls. There are too many people that I can't call because they can't afford the cost. These are the same family members and friends whose support I need to have a successful reentry into society upon my release, but I'm losing my relationships with them due to the lack of interaction and contact. I hope something can be done because it seems like all the phone company (GTL) and Department of Corrections do is take advantage of our situation. Sincerely, , Reeelved &1nspected NOV ... 7 Z01Z 31 October 2 o1fCC Man Room Dear Chairman Genachowski, This is a public comment for the Wright Petition eCC Docket #96-128). I am an inmate in TDCJ. I have a large family of nine surviving members. I am the only male in the family and I am very close to all my sisters and their families. My incarceration is difficult enough without the added lack of communication with my family. My family struggles to make ends meet due to my incarceration (I was a monthly source of financial assistance to the entire family). The exhorbant fee's to make calls has created additional undue stress to us all. Please help us by making calls more affordable to all incarcerated people. God Bless You! 11-1-/;) - TH(/)Q5, fiT SCI-Hv!tJT/l1/b/)CJ/V :D1/ P&1//V5YLYrJlf/lrl 'T my m!l7H££ ~ Tf'/ tJ S~AlS ,.t.!l/e :rA/ ct/WJ11!6Ji9- ml9,'(.Y!-l1/1/J) J : I f C05TS 1?1£ ALJ11C'ST ($It)) FO~ ft (j5) )71111/~ Pfltl/l/S Cl4LL 9- X OA/L-Y ml4Ke (};d- ¢) !Jill f! CJ f/;e.,1 TN15 /!/lTE :IS I/IIIFfjljL cr --t:7 IS !<ILL//f/-6 my FGW fe/l/II/J~.,.I (oVG/L) ~~ ~ ~'\ ~f~ ~ ~ ~b~ ~ ~ .J Sf/Ol/Lj) /1/flT fjlJI/G IfIIJJL£ If- Cf/(JICG of BlIy/1I/6 §: S()1?16 COSmeTICS FOt:- my ~ ~ ~ HYGlel/E:; ()!2- I)//YTT/I/1/G 6LSG f2~ ~ J mrlY /11££]) p,R.tJm Tfle ~ ~ ~ Cf)IJJJtJJ5511I2.Y Of- TI1~ TV llJ? ~ :i ~ ;1JY n lJS! /??Y Fl/1111L-Y IS l- POtlf!-} SV THG OtflLY I'1?fJ;t/£( ~~'~ ~ @~ --J.- G6I J5 F/lPIn /fJ Y JVB .IJf/ THE JLITCHeN Q- r 5E1!1J) my ~~~ ~ I"'"'" !»rJTf/G/!- ($50) £::/1CH fflC'A/TH ~ /36C1J1/5E H£I!- q- my "TWO 9l~ 'SC. ~ I1/2G ~fiI ff f/fJJ11eL.£65 5f/GDee m ::s::.. \-r--- ;~.~ 1+ CflLL£./) (;1!IJS5IWPTS/ WiI/L£ fit ~. ~ ~"-!E,et: HOII§£P Ifl/ Ur?;;:,):r ftlllS MIJ; ~ ~ ':tj' Cf1L1- BELfJII5G 7f/6'j FfJII6/ff FPf- ff ~. ~ ~ 9.Y5TGm TfllIT GitJ/!.6e5 OAlLY0J$/,ZO) W.e , \ - \j) A aS) fJ1/IVilTG CAlL- rlt1lYWH~ J7Y7fle ~. H/Of!Lj)j :tm fitr- :IN(fIJ.,) £f (!Jfh7 fit-ITt ~ l ~J . ReceIVed &InsJ)eeted NOV -7 ZOll DeJ9t2.. C/;J}/M1IJ;i ~;(l9cku£5*-/ FCC Man Room / tf/ 8L?~~ :8 flUb/Ie COMmtW//:;1Z d?e};tI)!Jjr~ f'e/'/~~,J ( ~cj)cJcKe~#?6-/dA) ~8 ,t) :77 ~/]fj dr/ice.- ::z:N C!cYV"cellrJ oj:" ;& IIyIl Ctr.1!af /h,A~(j -/f I'I/flte, CAli UeA/ dL ,t)/J1f<r~e- .7f, ~ &e- ~~, =zi7 /'~ ~5~ VVYcj(/1 tY -fl C'/III(J)/ ~. cr~'3 C~<S~ ~ "~S;l ytfl//2 It!t ~1Y7 #e. CC.ON()M,/ L,&c~ ~ /A/!?/f #e/pll.J;,C/e, -h €¥ l'~>rw ~G5(fe.s i1e<JR/i. we //J(!e,tf'lu s £(Jw wr/e<5' by ,1.3f1~ f/.e " .:z-/b :Z~tJSS:!J~ ~cJ)2I'Y7e,-ft <2911JJ)' Mm{f -/j8 #t9t!c6d,w~ ~ 41A-/::e -4 LoCA! CAl! C0<5~tA~Y7 7//ese #-ty~- ~cJ'") ~ =z"/J?1!4C//)1e c/'Y/le£·~ #~ 'Zf; #/~#k? ";:;1 C/lJ!d~c/ ~'/ #e fR~ 0:1~-Z /;f/:; ~ Ch~ iJ1Ihtyt !Bur ~es ~/ CYo~- ~~ Lbsl4' dVc/2C)~~ <-/$ ::Z:-N/I1~S o,e (/ufofj e:-)C.~ /3t.1J2de",/ p----Jv~ Am1f'? ::r we /l/eed )( y ~d,# 6A:d ! (f'/6-~//.::z: .ae)eve 11t> A/12 ~ ,,4:s.4 Fcf)2 ::JI;. dO ZI7 Res;7ec#)ftt Sc;lJ/Y/1tfort $Is LeT/e.e. w:z--;f1 !!!tJ&h .z;vh,~o-AKS Gft, See,): #e::p/6-e#'e-;.LtpJ?4lf..7'1(7V/d"/," ';7'%ese ,1if~gres tpl/t1;Je/~(,i2.5 "rI tfU~ M/JI'J/4es ,46 t¥~/I~s US 7,A/#Afi;~ / 7 tf)/.<? , < . ~ , ; l .' " , ~ "I.'. . 1 , :~ : Received &Inspected -.~ ,. ....-- NOV -72012 FCC Mail Room REtQeived &In&peeted NOV ~; 2012 FCC Mall Room " .. • IITll1's ts CL f.",bli~L. C. #:q,-/ZtJ) It ,Jo..sor\ :j, S f.cttL/e-~ O Mfrk2JI,..J- ~I" fhe vJr/j~';" Pef!~/J(;h.&<- P61cJ«i~J- Pk.}IF #. t/o39;3 "3 L6f1'. ~sf,. /f)c!J - Lct~/-t~S Pr,'V-e. to f-C-t/l.Je.} / W S:. D416ff Received &lns"eeted NOV -72012 FCC Mail Room G~-rfVI.CiA Fe.deruL SvJe'ob Ge,ha.GhtJwS~· Go/V'l.nuh/~h"Oh~ C"/Vllvlt~~J'()h Pu b1/(... C.OM/VIetlt-f> Lf L/5*' .. J 2 fA S frere-.j- .I S LV IJ.} ~Jl1'n1 +On / 0 L 2-C!J ~s-LJ G{ De-o..r c~'('/VI£V'l- GeI'\.c;'4...c.-howSJ4,"j ,t1'1 y /laIYLIL 1"~.JC<.f)Oft P~f}- ~ Io.M. C?-ur-fen,t I>, tOGlL.(Ld- v P lit -the.. w/sUJIL5in Oe.fh o~ L.of'f'~ aA- S~je-) Cbl'f'. ]:./11-5+ X wa" 1 • /. . e.r;e,tfly ,]01"7 fhf'CJc:;JI- th€..- ,:July 20/ L.J VDt2.3 .JV(}# t "S60€- (!).f: ~r;jon.. L ~Jo.l AJewfJ ~J,d C~e- ~c.r~s~ an Ar/-IL1~ "t~ pa..-;;~ .s ~, r f Nato abouf- fh~ M,SStJvri ff'if)~ner Phone- Co",-/f'c~.1. ,1.-l'6S'oUf't -Jhf.. £wn,t- fAcne, r;;/£IeP,'l! as W;GUJMIn.- '71)/8 :A('I1"t.,.(e. fa(lc-~ ahwuf- wk.t- ..fA€... 1h.AA.a k.s in.. M,S$Oul';" fU-Y C-l. /I'll"'- .. wJu c.,h. I'~ .OS-/IH-Ih, vVhe.n. hue. if-t wJ\.S~Pl6in.. VG pQ( .. 13im/Ae .56 Ihis If, SJ..cU.hA.. hew 0&'q, bJ3 o~ CL~ i';li'"l.I'~~ +k S:ufe.. ~~_W'~~cD~l~ J ,f.6 reLt'eve/~l; Hc(,kJ c..o6h1L4 CYur f-w",.,Ly CJ)~ f-I''-~dt>. X c.tM ~IJU+- 6hf'S QW<L} frahl ht>/YX2...- SO \/,,"6//-5 OJ"-e..- vet"-y f'ct.r{L ~dr-- me,. W/-Ih. fhe. Wui' fk-e.. ~CD/1{)/Vt.-7 tf> /.1-- mu[c.:e.5 ,'f AqJ't ~r ~/J7 amd, ~V't~~5 +G f4-/ Par Me.. -t-D CO (I J .)0 tvv/ f')QJ/t C~J¥tft.tVjl/f.Pt.1{6Y1.- I'.~ tAM UJh. le+/-er 5 .. Bvr /,f vse.- (iYljvt.D.fe5.; KmI1y:" F,../en.k) cout! /je-f- .54f4e he-If +N)M fhL FCC, Cln-J t~y de 5~tn2-fA''w:! Jouf- the6e-- fUJI, anl ult('~o/1.c.6/~ p/1P'1.RfIrlvLh.. J f ,'b c..on.J..C<...6f- WI tA ou/' love%. c;)/}-€--1) 1: UJJvlJ JI'IAe.. +0 /hultlc:, ytJU +:Of' .Ju~":J -fhe J.lhe--k!:J teaC (YJ.Y Ie- Her, " ~e5 /"1-81'er o}- uS ~ut&. ho..ve IMrc.. I ~JitCerjy) ::r~11 J;i F~ ~~~, Received &Inspected Jl'>.vi s NOV -7 201Z FCC Mail Room Publ i~ C()l"Y'I1e~ts 445 12th street, 9N ~~shington, nco ?0554 I "'!!l requ€stine thet r'ly nl3r.:e be eddpd to the peti tion regarding Wy t~e qitu~tion ~ri8on phone justic p is thRt I ~Rve ~€en ')f ,h~1<""t ~f 96-1?'3 • incgrc8rqted for the IRqt thirty yeqrs, end been trying to 1<eep ti~s "ith My f!'lrni"y. I c 1:rrr.>ntly nl)n't h8ve ""ny'·".or-ey. I vvortc in the prison 'd tchen; "tna live froE1 'Y'.0nth, t.o :':onth fr0m the ''loney the I roeke. I e<=l.rn 42il en honr, ''lhich equal :)73. S2 '-',t the t:;T'1d of the 'l1onth. :~I)nthl: it is 11i3h for "-:e to Qtqy in Cr)TI-r.::1ct i·vith '-"y fp~"0.il~r 1)1rer t::he :Jhone, :-:.rd :)E:t'son. ('lIly buy the comrni8spry items that I tend ~o nee~,.(i''!)rthern1ore, I Cl)n't; ::'E'cpiVI monetAry quuuort from ho~e con~idering all the died during ~y incarceration. I end this letter, ho~ing th~t he~d ~em~er8 the petition help l~th of ~y f?mily low ryhone cost. ~~d II :! Received &Inspected ~-- ~ i ·lJ)£Afl ;: !i .~--+- . .- -- . ~ ~!OV - 7 Z01Z L~bG( C.bai/Unru.L Gl:A)8cJ,Qc..usl;J'~ ____~~_FCC Mall Room 'T+ L ._~___ ___ nf\.S -. Com b 1 tQ ___ _ rolf. .--~ ~-,-"-G&ALf1OAL-.P~JJmC; eqOJJow t.hc phon~ Cot'ttpAf..)~-=-.C:::$J---i that (Nod--E~0.Ld~-.ih~mPalSOJ1) ,S«>!.J-;m (~f1A) chaoq,; ~ ~__ ~_~~m_,+-()V+ l'HJclLs11_-Et::£:S_Ju.sl_k__CBJL--U11~J:htr ~lQJ.~ r Am.-~ ,: Qt2I2a(~A)..J..I(i 0+ JhcGaGf.N FAC~ 1,8{ -S.C.I. r 11(;..sI~ __ _ .;,, IIV , B:I\}I\)(5C1I (ulUl~1l '~r0f1tlinOt:.LAJ fB~~LlJ I c.h h IS \5 ho~ _~_~ I ' , &zorn__rS.ex Gc.Q::U£. T 19m C.hB'9~(l~.oo~omGt1fn£..s :It> 8.1~JD1L A 10 m/1.1U-':~t:n.c.alJ. m 4 rl1mll<t---fuJUlCI\l.~./l( ____, :Lsd ,'tV jJ. FJ~AtJCt'&1.-bmcL Cd (bb my II.JCA£.C£aF +1'010 .... ~. ::AlUct CGt!uJ{!)t-BEfOrui fD_ftr0.:f2l ColirlCA/Ls W.L~ _.u u~_u~ __ ____ ; }:b-({ 111 qh~_.Co~ t-S..-Ubal1iliJ::JLJr}OAl ~ ~~ bbl1 t I' J1 GCj£( 2 (; A,) t_lJ.I::;~~.aL\.S .r.!.I GJ2.t:6AJG .00 [-:S - _~_~.....LFO-\..LtL_m{ ' -J_t:f11410(/'IY)t~-: '(, T 7 . -.---.. lOLJ.){g11C~ ~Q£l£ (2Aa.cL m.~AQ,-~ UAj~~ I . ---. 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Lt)IJi .. _,,1omEJhlA8'--JV(;t:cb lo be dcwc ANd , ~bnp"",,--ci_ yo tJ '(Lc' t nil b\So~aw6 I:M L_CAl.) c.h8t.Xfti: IJw.JC(-S.1o 01ftJ6:: I '=- A Lfr/«; 1SA31~iL_hL fuf'rldui-.s Lo benbJ0 Lo ____ OCCIpt- (0 l/eel: ad &. l~)1 {J.-!\,t (:.u(W'/JlJ1l19m~U /:, b he __ jill] h/q A eCA') £3. ob hf:ilf:;.,/ ~hli £N dr.?LUc /'DON LUO AJOlt"t1", Ju,,-~f ho~ much B 1),. L.. ltr ~ II L<,c.! hee1\. --------------- Jh~ pLs\'lIiJ l~ 9dh~9 ~bb(( C.lt1ilI';<. lP--o-J----l!bo""'---'-rJ""'--'t""---:----CoMj2fhUC( e: IJl2t' fOact-cl lo C A S t 7 , _ _ _____~_n_ ~~ Lt-) JAMt~ , LGbbsw ------'--------'I],~5~ttr:!Kfnc-..!,., $ On _____________ ,< - - - - "'-(A. A. . .~]8~y"-L'oAl£Jo<t.~s- '- "'-h- -"-'\;.)'-¥----'lU1.&.f--------.........P'-----J{J<--=--------~ ---~---------- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-LJ'-"'--5'!...L3'ZLlo.O~ _ _ _ _ _____ J --~~~ ------------~--------~--- -~~~- - - - - - - - - - --- -~------~~~ -------- ------------~~ . ... /1- Pu b L: c.. i.s A CO(Y'\{Y'\<2:.Nt WA\3H+ PE.T,-r; ON ( c..C- Dock/E t- #= 9 c:, - JC;( ~) (-/~ For. thE Received &Inspected . NOV -72012 FCC Mail Room ·, The.. cosT 0+ t-he- phoAeS cka.r3Q.£" ,,'cast- all cz:.XSpe-NSt'V£ She do W otJ rY"Iy fOfl)/'/'1" · /V(y d£qr- mothe.r- /s s£v£N-(.I-rwo(7c2) ycorS .. old and Nud..r EvE.ry pE/vNyfo CovEr mONH.,y br'//s lor of 6E/NJ (Jqr-chouscd //J(£ Ilvt''':J .zomb/c:s wdi,vt'r--TUQ(ly NO Educqf!'OAJC!1 pr-o- .o,.} fY'Qrns -fa SPEQI! 0 fj ;f /s 0 f :;;r-CQ f- mEN fa I .. Com{.o/,T f.o SP£qJ( w,-t-h Q /ovtxl ONC osmuc.A .. as' pO~S'/~/£. 7"h~ sTqf£ c5,E£m..s 011 10 lJapPj .. fo loct:' a liumo;u 61ft'':!) away forEvEr " ff,c ONly / t 'rrY'Q m€.Q,vs of CommUNI'cq 7r'otJ /t't£ //tJ£.. LJE or£. / .. · navE oNly I {81 I 6ef'tV3 Q ,'"rh'N,'h bEiN3s b", I . (o"Jl~: ') shorr- /, 'fl:::. fo /,' vE. _ . Q£S"'pE.cf/~///). &m,c.a:Jlt?(? clfay- /-0'lJ Padd ocJ,(, RoOtd Sm'lr-NC( , 0,.1£ /Vot UJlfh DeLe; wa r-e. jqq"l'7 Recewed & inspected NO~ - 22012 , ) I . i~~-\2~. , I j I II . treetillgs: My name is Wen-Dell. institution. Presently, I am incarcerated I spend $75 per month on the phone. for 15 minutes. in a correctional One local ca11 cost me $5.30 The crazy thing is I only make $25 dollars per month. recei ve any raises because prisoners do not have any rights. I do not My wife sends me $50 each rnonth and I spend each and every dime on the phone. Occasiona11y my mother or brother sends me money and I spend that on everything else I need. My confinement is really hard on my mother. and two strokes worrying about me. I have to keep in contact with my sons because I am the only person that they listen to. for a crime I did not commit. She has had two heart attacks I have been in prison for 25 years I am 15 years over my minimum. My incarceration is hard enough upon me, to place my wife in dire straits to pay my phone bill so that I can talk to my mother and children is an overbearing burden. the primary bread winner. My wife had to get a imprisoned. She now is living on a fixed income. job when I I was was wrongfully Please have some compassion upon me and the 51K other prisoners in Pennsylvania. Most people believe that prisoners deserve what we get until they find themselves on this side of the bars. There are many who deserve to be here, but none of us or our family members deserve to be exploited. in America. PA prisoners pay hire phone rates than any prisoners A few greedy people are getting rich off of many poor people. pray that you hear our cries. Received & Inspected NOV - 2 2012 FCC Mail Room You have heard my sighs and grant us succor! We Attachment C DC-ADA8,1Wf1fwrated Inmate Telephone System Policy f1 Retated Telephone System Discrepancy Form NOV - 2 20\2 dwe II Inmate Housing Unit/Cell Number: J B Inmate Name: VY d ~\ \ C (lV\ a) Inmate Number: 5 A..s - 13 L( Lf 2 All information must be completely filled in. Please be specific. Telephone Number Called: "( 0 - q 31- ~ 't Time and Date of Call: 7: 15 PM. .£ 0" Inmate Telephone Used: 8: l O P M 2.. <> r -3 10 - 12 - 12 State exact nature of problem and/or concern: (Please print) 0-10-12- I.. or PI 8. b. c. d. e. Signature: DC-8C Date: /0-/9-1.2.. , 0,,'" ., 0", - Received & Inspected" COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS NOV - 22012 Rev 9/2010 P.O. BOX 598 FCC Mail Room CAMP HILL, PA 17001-0598 OFFICIAL INMATE GRIEVANCE TO: FACILITY GRIEVANCE COORDINATOR DC-804 Part 1 "'fs. "'1 FOR OFFICIAL USE , I I-I ""J ') l I ": ", '~,.2 ',,) GRIEVANCE NUMBER <;roka FROM: (INMATE NAME & NUMBER) IJen-neI1 r). Caldwell "~-1344 HOUSING ASSIGN WORK ASSIGNMENT: .1'8-'52 ~ct. De t. INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Refer to the DC-ADM 804 for procedures on the inmate grievance system. 2. State your grievance in Block A in a brief.and uQderstandable manner. 3. List in Block B any action you may have taken to resolve this matter. Be sure to include the identity of staff members you have contacted. ' "A. Provide a brief, clear statement of your grievance. Additional paper may be used, maximum two pages (one DC-804 form and one one-sided 8%" x 11" page). State all relief that you are seeking. This is ~y proble.: T ~ad '.1 ~ol18r8 an~ so~ c~an~e in ~y ,hon~ ~ccount on 10-10-11 0n 10-12-12 after a fail~ attem?t to place a calt T checke4 ~, ~ccount and I was .18sing tIS. t then ~oe ~n ~ttemDt to olace another call with t;e r~mainin~ ~n I placed anot"er call. Tt went t"rou~h hut as 3007'\ RS T sai'i ;el1t'). i.t hun~ IIll. r checked ~y account aqain and I only had ~3 left ~htch wasn't enonqh to o1ace a call • ., I have had problems in t~e ~lert when ~ wife noes not ~ovever. I ~ever eo~nlained ~cause up ~qular11 sayinq three lola, call '~ay call capability. ~nywa,. T \oIoul~ like ?sst with the ?"one i t was only for 8 fev rlol1ars. '!he ohone ;BT. three "l.an~3 to be reimbursed ";113. A,t 1)111'1 PM on 1,)-1?-1'l T ~oticed t;at Twas ;nissinq tl"l after I tried to ,lace a call. ';:):1.1') 1')\4 T nlacerf Ii can !\nd it ~1Jn~ 'l~ after 14,. wife 58i!! hello. T '1ho <;ai,tf ~el 10 'mt t"te pt,one ;unq UP. 't SPElTl I I haye sent' 4\640.!1t) "'ls\Ci'1q ,hontl cans in tl-te h~t six ;1Jonths. '40oe, alvlIl'fs ~ems to be missing from ~y phone ~c~t I ~ccount !et T never o~ce cornnlained. This tt~e it is just too mucb to over 100lc~ T ',fant "11 ,qq h~ck:. ')F"P"'('T~ll.l.Y <:!,TR~T~T)t B. List actions taken and staff you have contacted, before submitting this grievance. 1. filed a telephone discrepanc.,li.nt; ,",owever, r vish i t placed into the record that this is ~ft on-qotng ?rObl"; ~e phones were ~ein~ wor~~ on Thursd4Y 1~11-1~ The phones were oIf all 181 ~~8' ''inti '"tRtf of the hy I)~ ?rHav 1:\-12-12 r saw two other tndtvtfiua,ls fiHttfC ':'iscreD"InCV f"ot""IlS ()n r.'dr!l't1 AS' ·dell. Your grievance has been received and will be processed in accordance with DC-ADM 804. Signature of Facility Grievance Coordinator WHITE Facility Grievance Coordinator Copy GOLDEN ROD Inmate Copy Date CANARY File Copy ~' < ,.- , DC-ADM 804, Inmate Grievance System Procedures MiUJlR,liSection 1 - Grievances & Initial Review ' Issued: 1211/2010 Effective: 1218/2010 , " .- ...... ~-,< -- P1NK ActioA Return Copy , A~hment "' ' 1-A Received & Inspected Michael June, #76496 Erie County Holding Center 40 Delaware Avenue Buffalo, New York 14202 NOV - 2 2012 FCC Mail Room October 25, 2012 Julius Genachowski, Chairman Federal Communications Commission (FCC) 445 12th Street, S.W. Washington, DC 20554 RE: Complaint about phone charges Dear Mr. Genachowski: I am making this formal complaint, under the Federal Communications Act (FCA) 47 USC § 151, that the phone company's phone rates are exhorbitant and unreasonably high. The Erie County Holding Center and phone company ICS, d/b/a ICSolutions (ICS) has entered into a telephone service contract that I believe is illegal, as I contend that these entities conspired to enter into a monopolistic contract, in violation of the Federal Sherman Antitrust Act (15 USCA § 1); in violation of this State's Business Law §§ 340 & 349, and of the Civil Right of Institutional Persons Act (42 USCA § 1997). The phone service contract between the Holding Center and ICS forces me and my family to put money into a pre-paid account for phone services and charges a $9 fee every time money is added to such account regardless of how much is added. If a pre-paid account isn't set up, no calls can be made or received by inmates and their families. In addition to the $9 fee, there is a $1.50 connection fee and a 10¢ per minute charge for a 15-minute call. So regardless of what phone company my family has, I am forced to open a pre-paid account with ICS or I cannot make any calls to my family. Thus, the $9 account fee that the jail and phone company's contract imposes is an unlawful tax and/or regulatory fee, in violation of Business Law §§ 340 and 349, and tortiously interferes with my contractual rights to use alternative phone service carriers offering call options at lower rates, which violates the federal Sherman Antitrust Act by charging exhorbitant phone charges that are higher than required to cover the costs involved with providing phone service to me and other inmates. Further, because I cannot seek an alternative carrier and am only limited and restricted to the ICS phone service, the contract is an monopolistic conspiracy, as the Holding Center grants ICS the exclusive right for telephone service in exchange for an unreasonably high portion of the revenue generated (kickbacks). Thus, the restriction to only deal with phone service through ICS charges anticompetitive rates, based on such exclusive contract. Daleure, 119 F.Supp.2d 683; Arsberry 244 F.3d 558. Finally, I ask that you please send me a copy of the contract that the phone company, Inmate Calling Solutions, LLC, d/b/a ICSolutions, has filed with your agency, which involves the contractual agreement it has with the Erie County Holding Center, located in Buffalo, New York, at 40 Delaware Avenue, 14203. Also, I request that you file this complaint and investigate my assertions. file/mj Kevin J Barrett Inst.1 DY-6599 P.o. Box 244 Graterford, PA. 19426-0244 FCC 445 12th Street SW Washington, DC. 20554 OCT 222012 Oct. 10, 2012 Dear Sir/Madam: This letter is to advise your Agency about "Acts of Extortion" being perpetrated by phone service provider, Global Tel Link, and the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections. As you can tell by the address on the envelope that this letter was sent in I am a resident of the Pa. Dept. of Corrections, which I hope has no bearing on your review and consideration of my complaint outlined herein. My complaint is that phone service provider, Global Tel Link, and the Pa. Dept. of Corrections are "Extorting" my family members, and friends, by placing what they describe as "Collect Call High Usage Blocks" on my family and friend's phones making it impossible for me to call them collect. I may call a specific number once or twice a month collect and don't understand how this can be considered "collect call high usage" warranting a block. They are doing this to all inmates who make collect calls. They are telling my family and-rriends thar-they have to set up a "Advance Pay Account" with Global Tel Link in order for them to receive a collect call from me, in other words they have to pay before they will remove the "phone block-. I have been making collect calls to my family and friends for more than ten (10) years and have never had a problem, everyone I call has paid their bills. Now, Global Tel Link, and the fa. Dept. of Corrections, have begun "EXTORTING" my family and friends. When my family called their phone company they were told that they did not place a block on their phone, and in fact told them they were in good standing with the phone company, and even offered them a discount on long distance service. When they (family) called Global Tel Link, they were told that they (GTL) did not place a block on their phone, but they could set up a "Advance Pay Account", by giving them a debit card or credit card number, and then they would be able to receive collect calls from me. If Global Tel Link, or my family's phone company, didn't place a block on the phone, who did? One specific instance of how Global Tel Link tried to "Extort" money from a family member is this. My Aunt in West Virginia, who I call about once a month, (is this "Collect Call High Usage") received a call from a representative of Global Tel Link asking for a Debit Card or Credit Card number so that they could set her up with an "Advance Pay Account", needless to say, ... my Aunt refused to give them a debit or credit card number, several weeks later when I tried calling her my call would not go through. A message came on the phone saying that "we had exceeded our account balance". I don't know how we could have exceeded our account balance when we did not have their so-called Advance Pay Account. The actions of Global Tel Link, and the Pa. Dept. of Corrections, amount to "Extortion", "Racketeering", and "Monopoly", which I ask your Agency to look into and take the appropriate action against. Keep in mind that this is not an isolated incident, as it is happening to all inmates who make collect calls. Should your agency need any further information please feel free to contact me at the address listed at the top of this letter. I have attached herewith a memo, from Global Tel Link, that is posted inside the institution where I am housed, and a telephone discrepancy/request form that I filed with the institution, and their response, which shows the actions of Global Tel Link and the PA. Dept. of Corrections. I wish to thank you for looking into this matter and I hope that your agency will take the necessary actions to stop this illegal activity. Should your agency not be the correct one to handle this matter I would ask that you advise me of what agency I may contact concerning this issue. Respectfully, Kevin J Barrett NOTICE Enhanced Service for Family and Friends for Inmate Telephone Calling integrity innovation responsiveness accountability During the week of July 26th, 2012, families and friends who receive phone calls from inmates in any Pennsylvania Department of Corrections facility will be automatically converted from their GTL Direct Billed accounts to a Global Tel-Link AdvancePay Account. Families' and friends' new GTL AdvancePay account will be identified by a new number, which will be their ten digit phone number. GTL is pleased to provide this enhanced service to the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections customers. /' Changes associated wjth this conversion are as follows: AdvancePay will be a/lower rates than traditional collect calling. Mailed monthly statenlents will be eliminated. AdvancePay accounts can be managed and money can be deposited into an account in several ways. Payments to an AdvancePay account can be made by: • Using a MasterCard or Visa branded credit or debit card online at www.offenderconnect.com • Calling GTL's automated number 1-800 483-8314 • Mailing a check or money order payable to Global Tel-Link at PO BOX 911722, Denver, CO 80291-1722 Regardless of the method: Families and friends can manage phone numbers on their GTL AdvancePay Account, make payments, view balances online at the offenderconnect website and morel Toll Free Number: 1-888-385-9366· Fax Number: 251-473-2802 Hours of operation: Monday-Friday, 80m to Midnight, EST Saturday and Sunday, 9am to 8pm, EST Mailing Address: AdvancePay Service .Dept. Department 9111722 Denver, Colorado 80291-172 Website: www.offenderconnect.com • '. · , P.allott, Sylvia From: Roberts, Donna (GRA) Sent: Friday, September 21,201211 :39 AM To: CR-CHS Counselors; CR-CHS Unit Managers; CR-CHS; CR-GRA Good Morning: If you have inmates complaining about collect calls not going through please have the inmate let their families and friends know that they will have to contact GTL at 1-888-385-9366 in regarding to the latest billing change. This could explain why the complaints are rising with collect calls not going through. (The complaints are that the calls are being disconnected as soon as the person answers the phone). Apparently Global Tel Link has been advising users that their numbers are permanently blocked from receiving collect calls. There is a new procedure called Collect Call High Usage Block and each person receiving collect calls needs to call them to unblock their phone number and adjust their payment plan. If this doesn't rectify the problem please have them fill out a discrepancy form. Thank youl ---~~ ...... -~ --~.-- "''''- -"'--..- - - "Providing over 25 years of legendary service" 912112012 •• A-BLOCK TELEPHONE DISCREPANCY/ REQUEST FORM q- 3 0 -12.. Date: To: Institutional Telephone Coordinator From: k~V) fl :r. BClV'Y'e-tt" Name PIN#: '~f)y~5Yr DC# G7S59~ RE: Telephone Trouble Inmate's Signature UnitManager j 0lkiV1 ~ 15<L~ ~ J4 -- t3~2o~3 Cell Location INMATES.REGARDING THIS COLLECT CALL PROBLEM YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS NEED TO CALL GLOBAL TEL LINK (1888-385-9366) REGARDING THE LA TEST BILLING CHANGE GLOBAL TEL LINK WILL BE ABLE TO EXPLAIN TO THEM THE PROBLEM AND HOPEFULLY THIS WILL RESOL VE THIS ISSUE THANK YOU PHONE ROOM Received & InSpecteo (::, 222012 FCC Mail Room :T 1£:« J /5' fG-t'Cd ;' '1' r~:l/je-... Apr/' 7 CjV .M/L~C"r hl"~J r frJI4f • Jd"1}!pZ / r~6 AtYP.1 0/ wbd'~ L'lJl?(9/o 4,J we: D"lb,!p/Jt a:r'J:~;;~ 4?tf/V k w/;el7 /r2/2"It./1 Yz?:J .:1'1711 ,Otici' /? :/1./0 h}yc /r. A' '/;-'7.1 4V . It" /PI/? .tZq/~ 4-.n1 7 ~;; -"';". .c> Jt7. ~~:"q ----_._----- ---- ----- - - - - _ . - - - - Received (~ insr;ecteu OCT 222012 FCC Mail f-'!com RE: 30"1 n', 03 -.fue 1>r-\sorJ.. ....T",.""V6t\ c..e c.f't""'?~V;)rJ ..... ~" ---,- Q,-\o'oo-\ \e\-~'N~ CJu:jCX;\n6t. --"" dD\\n~ D~ ~\c...~ \:rAcK -To i:Y\e \,€'v'\f\S'lI\(IAv\I~ \)e\>o..'~'\-\- o~ c..crre.c-biol\b .. I 'OeD.( M\o C:re~owS~\ ICvM d"\5?C~~'\f\<1 ~o.J. J thIS \~ \N \eCbc. .("~ -b:> t ~ -.JOI"'·\'(\~ ~e 7~Q6~ 7~Ne 3~'>~"\(,.e. c..o.M~o:.\~f\ ~~~e ali t1-e 'hon-'\r;c.. e.'fA:;~e., 'bu\"d.€.(\ o.nd. ~O-~\\~ '0\::) (b.\t>))C\\ \e.>.-\\~,<~tA.~\~ Co...\'6 €..y(\.,-\~ 'D~ ~~'<'I\ G-b~\ C C'\. 'be..e..t/\ y\a,c..~ D\J Me. \'\'Q...\"(\\e.,5 D-Je, 0I\~\)'\:\'5 .'\~ y \""e..-\'O;:\~ b\An~.€X\ ~-t. ~o.S 0 ..5 C~~S\('\:> \€.~~,~s \~51.A \~ 0- \i\e.... ct: CV\d. M.~ -to c.o\\-e.cb c..clL\\s ~d ex... \e::.~t\\- orr ~ ,?tMrGV /VtlQ',CL 0.-.<':> c:...o\\-ec...·\\DrG \eA..e..\\.I'\~ ~\(.~ ~ \' ~\- \\~\, .(Il\-e. ~(\ l \")OS l\o...c.ed OL .lr~v1I\-eJ)~D ...~ ~ ~ ~ \\~ ~Q.ltJ\~ei S f'j\ ~ \ «\(A 0 c.:, o...\\~. \ ~,e..~~e... ~ ~C)\A.\~ \\~~ ~C>, \Y\~ c..o('f)yY\-Q.'\-\$.' \,•..,J \@Q)Q\."~ -\-0 M~ \e....~\ ~.e.. ~\O"Le.~ '\ ~ ~ \'IL-V\.\-\o~ \€,\(,\~ ~ (J.:~e ~ D~e...~ \\~~~ - ~b- \ ""l-B.. f\S I. ~Of\ QS\\~ ~e;e..\ ~o..\ SA<:>" S C)\~\\\\~j S\\c'""\~ ~e. d.o\.ye... -\t) Q{\~\\ u..f\~\<"C\\~r-c...c..~\Ci(:.S o~ ..\:e\~~~~ Co,.\~\'~\S y\C\1\~'\'I\Cj ~\~ ~c~ -\0 ~ ~-eJ\\- '\)r;. c...c"e~\~~'\::..,. i\6 I wC)v-.\~ \,\.~ -\-0 ~'CA.I/\\~ ~u.. \C)c- -\c.\..\::,{\9 ~o...\.~ .~\ Me... \-u \~()\Q.W \\r-'€... co(\\~s. tJr ~ \~~. 5'\ ~'\c...eJ~~ ~DJfS~ MQ.. 'f\.'\~~ Ge;.~l\'V\ Received & Inspected UCT 222012 Mr. Calvin walker FCC Mail Room ET-F.197 SCI-Gre's-ne 175 Proqrzss Drive Waynesbu~q, PA 15370 October 17, 21012 Chairman Julius Genacnowski Federal Communications Commission Public Comments 445 12th St~eet, SW Washinaton, DC 20554 Re: Excessive's teleohone rates Global Tel-link charges of Corrections related to kick hac:c:~ the DepartlT'el"t rec:2!ives. Dear Mr. I nhol'1e am Genachows~i: di.8oatchtnq \'OU this lett,~r tC' lOln the orison j 11slice camnai:m' in re'JRrds to case doci<i:?t ml~r-96- 129. I am complately disgruntled 1:::leccll,l.se I nm being charged ey:essive telcnhone rates by Global Tel-link when I use my r,:n:-'2-0aid calling cRrC:. I also would lik(~ to brinq to your attention when I call my family member's collect they i~cur the astronomical cost of my collect call whicll crs3t.,·co a adverse situation of ~y fam~lv memb0r's ~einq victimized oy Gl~bal Tel-link in a surreptitious manner based on the crucial facts of the Pennsylvania Department of Cor~ections receivina kicks backs fro~ Global Tel-link which is a devastating horrific b'lrden on me and my family member's financially. Therefore I would li~e the contents of my correscondence ~~rled to your Petit10n related to case docket number9\i-12°. letter Moreover I WOuld li~e to th3nk V~U for takinq your time to review the contents of my letter concerninq this mat~er because someth i nq has to be done about unethi cal telephone carriers dolin~ out kick backs to the Denartment of Corrections which is comoletely ludicrous. Sincerely Ycurs Mr. Calvin Walker cc: file Hec€ivef.l &. inspectcCi Gel 222012 Mr. Michael Jones KK-9867 SCI-Greene Waynesburg, PA 15370 FCC M2~H Room October 17, 2012 Chairman Julius GenaChOf(lSki Federal Communications Commission Public Comments 445 12th Street, SW Washington, DC 20554 Re: Joining the p,rj§gn Justice Campaign against Global Tellink doling out kick back to the Pennsylvania Department of corrections. D~ar Mr. Genachowski~ I am dispatching you this letter in regards to joi.ni.ng the Prison phone Justice campaian because of t!1e horrific extreme burden that has been placed on me and my family member's as a result of Global Tel-link over charging me and my family member's in regards to collect calls and pre-paid calls as a result of the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections receiving kick backs from Global Tel-l ink has placed a tremendous burden on me and my famil y member's financially. Therefore I would like for my comments in regards to my letter be placed in the Petition related to case docket number-96-l28. As I honestly feel that something should be done to stop unfair unethical practices of telephone carriers providing kick backs to the Department of Corrections. As I would I ike to thank you for taking your time to review the conts~ts of my letter. Sincerely Yours Mr* Michael Jones cc: file Received &inspected Mr. John Cataquet JL-5320 .sCT-Greene 175 Procress Dive Waynesburg, PA 15370 OCT 22 ZOlZ FCC !Vl::'~! Room October 17, 2012 Chairman Julius Genachowski Federal Communications Commi.ssion Public Comments 445 12th Str~et, SW WaRhington, DC 20554 Re: Global Tel-1in~ doling out of Corr'<::ctions. kic~ backs to the Deoartment Dear Mr. Genachowski: am dispatchinq you this letter in reference to jOinina Prison nhone Justice Cam;:;aiqn base"J on the horrific intense burden in re~ards to the excessive outrageous teleohone rat';;'.3 C'lcb:::l Tel-link cl-tar-gps me and my family member's which is 2 complete financial hardship creating a hocrific burden on me and my family memher's as a result of Global Tel-link disse~inatinq kick backs to the Pennsylvania Deoar.tment of Cor.rections. I tne As Cl resu 1 t of my ,(n'r i. fic ex pE:1ri enca of me and my family members heing over charged is causing me to limit my calls to familv members severino family ties which is very de0ressinq for mv family members. As I would like you to add my unfortunate devastating situation that I have described in my correspondence letter to you, for you to incorporate ;ny facts in your Peti.tion related to cage docket number-96-12O,. Moreover I would like to thank you for taking your tlMe to r~view the contents of my letter concerning this matter. Sincerely Yours Mr. John Cataquet cc: f i 10 Heceived & Inspected OCT 222012 i=CC"~:':~:Z I\h " Rleom L Fteceivetl &Inspected OCT 222012 -:It" i5.Jede pen; r-erdiCIi""i washilul-/(J17 13/3 ChCtirrnan FetRer~1 -;Ju//tlS AJ.e.- /3 rl... N. Received & Inspected £.Ly"u: 8c.oz,3(i J)t.lCtIlR. tU!MC';'OwS)::.; CCllYltYlt/1? lea HoI") 5 ct:lll1lYli ssltJ/J publiC COlYlmR-nfS L/'1S- IZ-H- .sfr~d) sw. kio.Shifl1kJt1 ( Dc. ZOS-S~ R..E '. j>UbllC. c.~IYJIY1~l>t wl'rAI pd/I-ltin r;:~ l/(X~~.h q~ - /Z'8) For fie cMirman 67el7at;t.ows~/·; j).ear :r of iu/h jJ~l'1.L :ILL h.oi,<! /l1volV'/'met11 t::ti'2d #£o.( wrl ;'-1/17' 'j0w Cem Jz~(/~ ;:;rlces /!?fRftU!l-ic/Js) e/-/,lZcl-~~::/J /Y7~ as t,AJe// lJ?e #'30.00 my r.5Mre ,.t) IA// -r-A mi /e/~kc;/?sJlI;../S as SHri my vV//4 ft:lrYI,li· If- dau'1h.fr~r coil .501fla.hir7~:S Ik .faull''! p/iO/le' m1 ~al1?tl/.;1 /I'? f/la(1 fY}t:tI/ eU~/'i 3 CJI!?d 01' 3 6( t/ wi-Ii" my limes In CI 'I 1 a/? c.f' ? ;J/lCl/?e ?//ces my e::?/l# /le:9a~/r/e' dC2t/C;l1r;§'/ 11a(/~ .E. /llc:?//-S . ...:z:;:: a/l? /)'JO/llhSj l/;tl1e'55 wil'hOU!- WA~ CO/Ylmu'/JI·L?t~/c.ar /so/C/-/e'd ALI' I/...f is // due dl1d 7M PI.A::ty. J cia Llflll-e'/ fit'" 'db d/SCC1/?/)~C.f-S hU/I~' )Yltl/lrI1S; sel)se /7 9'11 -//1Ctr /Yl.e I/~r'f r~/olt~/?shi? OYNy IS c:1 S//uJ1e CI /C/r /~a.5ol'7 /7t) tI? et//c"c. ~e'~/ relolivl?sh0 ?4J/l'h my ~Aa/ J'Isl-e't1'7 'r1O/lei adds lOr (es /cf'~.5 II'? {,VAO Phol7.e ::L //1 cosf-S Ac7I./e' c:t/l?( ?ht:J/?.e' e'/"/ee./ed me and /S //....e C/VC/I/&i:Jle /6 /7?e. / CJ~/U:;!/ ~h/e /0 Ca// C)/lce Cl/7t'y -I'/..L /Y1tJ/~ ye'Cl'/s kJ my c:6:ScC)/J/1t!'crS • jJM/?£ p6!/so/7a/ t7/d /tIff., 7J..L /J/>e-0e 7/l 0 1- //7rt!"'/C;-C/'-/(:;'r?J /o?se o~ pr/ces /?ClJ' CCll'J'1mU/1/Cc;.~/C,;/) , • ~bOull !-tault1Cj kr /VIE no!' alole Clt.c fA.}.f 7/a&S; -SeALYeil 'e'tt:/j'UI /lU to .sfa¥ /-.fr ///e'r>&S, or folk ;:JC'rsonu./ //,cc; /o#..e/ //;'#'IIC( q t..J1:::>dal---e~;; I'ACfn /-.L/ f'Af~{. A4y caY) bU+- I blArtiel) lt1 be JI fof .C"II- /J tt.J/-I-~ Sal1U .q II ~c.OG 4 ?/u//le ;nt:l;1~i 5ccJ~ 1-</1 f/J ~a'n1/I'I lou ( ):5/>/' /I'c:h / Iky ,//,hclle ca/~ ~r.Je'1c(ai ClJ1d /:J/I/S/ 1°.5/ /1- G?I-c~ s/-C!/y /~s /'r ;;/-~ j 0'// 4 heccJrY7e'-5 C?J.s-l--5 7M k/ /J1t!Jl1y. ;O//'~o/)cO/5,/ do Or //.ce. 5et?ms s~d T(; he,// /e!C1/... 4T I~t/#/Jt" Iy/??~ y?~?3~ ./' ..u. ~o fp. / /l1/c.,;/? I 3> ) '5 vJa//e:; /0. S'h';~ It;; 13 rh v-Ja/I~ "::?fiF'l/';:.//lI-,;'c;r;/ /_. / A <./ e' vt-/./ 77,SZo- - ____ -+____ ___ ________. ______ ._" _ ____ .._________ .~~ --+-_~~4,~~~---- ) ._.._ -- nCT 222012 ~ - -.. FCC Mall Room {iJt . Received & Inspected r'~T 22 Z012 FCC l\1!E.~! Room /IJ-IF-,j01) ~his • is a public comment for the WRIGHT PETITION * (ee DOCKET 196-128) . Chairman Julius Genachowski, Federal Communications Commission Public Comments 445 12th Street, SW Washington, DC 20554 Received & Inspecteci GeT 222012 Dear Chairman Genachowski, I am writing to express my concern over the outrageous cost of telephone calls made from the prisons in the state of Wisconsin system and from the Federal Bureau of Prisons. ,~---,---, - Our family includes three children who are now teenagers and have had limited verbal contact with their father for the past 6 years because of the high cost of collect calls and of calls that are pre-paid at alarming rates which include surcharges beyond a price per minute structure. This system must change. Our family is made to suffer with the loss of a to criminality, but it should not be made to further the financial benefit of corporations whose industry usion with the prison systems to take advantage of a tive market and of vulnerable families. parent due suffer for is in colltruly cap- Our family as a whole is forced to go without personal need items on a monthly basis for the ability to maintain verbal contact, which is already a poor substitute for contact visits in person, which are entireJy too cost prohibitive given th~ vast distances the prisons are from our home. Please recognize that some regulation must be enacted to stop these companies and prison systems from taking advantage of inmates and their families for t~e sake of profits and benefits. Thank you for your time ynd consider / / CUeO\{1 CVt6\-JlVY\~Cn{), CJ~~~\nOWcSJ(i' , • To whom it may concem, (yJ"'~t- ~~£uJ)~~) My name is Jarmain Merritt. I am an inmate at Jacksonville Correction Center; I am writing you with the request that you take an in-depth look into my case. I was wrongfully convicted of a crime that I did not commit and therefore sentenced to serve thirty five years in pnson. (S f) f· It is my hope that you will comb through my trial transcripts so that you are fully aware :'1 of the facts surrounding this case. In doing so, you will find that not only was my trial council ~.~. ineffective, but the trial itself was unjust. You can review my trial transcripts, police reports and :3 affidavits online by visiting wwvr.freejarmainmerritt.blogspot.com & www.facebook.com/free ia rmainmerritt. There has never been any evidence linking me to the crime for which I have been convicted. After being placed in several suspect lineups, neither victim nor witnesses were able to positively identify me as the perpetrator in this crime yet I was still convicted. Due to my vigorous campaign efforts, my case has caught the attention of Professor Jane Raley at Northwestern University School of Law (Center on Wrongful Convictions) in Chicago. Professor Raley and her students are avid supporters of my case. I strongly encourage you to contact Professor Raley at 312-503-8576, she will be happy to discuss my case with you. My case is currently being heard in federal court. My next court date is on October 26, 2012 at 9:00am, at the Dirksen Federal Building in downtown Chicago. The Honorable Judge Sharon Johnson-Coleman is the presiding judge (Case # 06-c-6296). I extend an invitation to this and all future hearing, as my fate rests in not only in the hands of Governor Pat Quinn, but also the hands of Judge Sharon Johnson-Coleman. In closing I would like to say that this entire wrongful conviction has been a complete miscarriage of justice! It has not only affected me, but my entire family. I have been deprived the right to be an intricate part of my children's lives. My parents have been mental and spiritual supporters of mine. Unfortunately, I have had to suffer the hurt oflosing a parent while in prison. In December 2011 I lost my DAD. Waking up each day in prison for a crime that I did not commit is a feeling that I would not bestow upon anyone; however, waking up to find that I had lost a person so near and dear to me as my DAD, triggered a feeling in me I have yet to find words to describe! My petition for Executive Clemency was submitted to Governor Pat Quinn's office in 2010 (Executive Clemency # 28980). I ask that you please review my petition and recommend my immediate release. Attorney Jeffery Levine is my new court appointed attorney. He is willing to substantiate the circumstances surrounding my case and wrongful conviction. Mr. Levine can be reached at (312) 372-4600. I appreciate your time! I look forward to your response, and know that you will do your best in seeing that this injustice is rectified. Sincerely, J armain Merritt :'iJ Cl: c.:;, r-> .~ ,....;'1 r~ 'Ni) C) --. l'JJ r. CI! ~. (r c. 'K' :J fJ'.' <:: cu, c-:, \t C. • JARMAIN MERRITT Sentenced To 35 Years For a Crime That He Did Not Commit. On September 6, 1997, Jarmain Merritt, a tire repair specialist, was organizing a block party for his son, Jockess' sixth birthday. Detectives drove up to his home with guns drawn. Moments later, Merritt found himself -" in a squad car heading to Forest Park where he was told he was wanted for a carjacking and other crimes, even though he claimed that he had never been there. In Forest Park, Merritt was placed in several lineups, approximately 4-5 in each district. No one could identify him. Frustrated, the police told Merritt that he would be released if he signed some papers. Merritt realized it was a confession and he refused to sign. He was held by false drug charges while the police attempted to ID him with a different carjacking in Oak Park. Merritt was held without bond. After six weeks, Oak Park Police took Merritt from Forest Park to Oak Park where he was again placed in severa) lineups. Eight hours later, he was charged with aggravated kidnapping and vehicular hijacking and was taken back to Cook County Jail. The Kidnapping and Carjacking of Ida Vanessa Dorantes On Saturday, August 30, 1997, Ida Vanessa Dorantes was the victim of an attempted carjacking. Dorantes told the police and the court that at about 1:15pm, she went to the St. Paul bank branch at 6020 W. Roosevelt Rd. to make a deposit for her mother. When she got back into her car, a man who had been hiding on the floor behind the seat grabbed Dorantes around the neck and ordered her to drive, threatening to kill her. Dorantes caught only a glimpse of his face. After driving two blocks, she pulled up in front of her house. Dorantes honked the horn, parked the car and turned off the ignition, leaving the key in place. The man began hitting her in the head with his left fist while holding her in place with his right arm. Dorantes escaped and the perpetrator turned on the car again. Raul Martinez, a bystander, saw the incident take place and tried to detain the attacker. Martinez was able to hit him a few times and turn off the car. The perpetrator started the ignition again and drove off. The police found Dorantes' car three blocks away. The car was immediately searched for evidence and fingerprints. Merritt's Trial Counsel Was Ineffective Julie Harmon, Merritt's public defender, had Investigator Paul Rossi interview Martinez in person. Martinez said that the incident lasted twenty-five seconds, he was not sure about the ID and that he could not be sure if the man was African American or Puerto Rican. Dorantes said that the whole thing lasted five minutes or less, that the offender was sitting behind her, and that she had not gotten a good enough glimpse of her attacker's face to make a positive ID. When asked if she could be wrong about Merritt, she said she did not get a look at him. Public Defender Harmon submitted at least two motions to get the case against Merritt dismissed. His family pooled enough funds to retain Attorney Anderson J. Ward to represent him. P.D. Harmon told Ward that if she were called to testify, she would say that she had never felt so compelled to prove someone's innocence as she has been in Merritt's case. She highlighted the fact that she spoke to the victim who was unable to identify the perpetrator as Mr. Merritt. • Ward did not conduct a thorough investigation and never interviewed anyone involved. He also did not interview any of the five people who were with Merritt at his home at the time the crime was being committed. Ward pointed out that Merritt is right handed (the perpetrator was left handed) and that the fingerprints found in Dorantes' car did not belong to Merritt. Ward never examined the video tapes of the bank that police used as evidence. They were blank. Dorantes testified that the perpetrator was about 5// 10' and 150 pounds, wore a blue long sleeve button shirt and tan dress pants. She gave a description that could have been any African American man. It is believed that she was told by the police to give this description. She could not describe the offender to detectives and previously said that she doubted it was Merritt. At trial, she said that she was positive on the ID. Ward did not use this evidence effectively. He also missed five court dates and was late for trial. Judge William Prendergast found Merritt guilty of aggravated kidnapping and vehicular hijacking and sentenced him to thirty-five years in prison. Prior to trial the prosecution had offered Merritt a plea bargain of seven years which he had refused. He was punished for maintaining his innocence in a crime that he did not commit. Where Was Jarmain Merritt on August 30, 1997? Jarmain Merritt was at his family residence at 1408 East 6ih St. in Chicago, Illinois. He was with his son Jockess and his two month old daughter Jermani the entire weekend planning a party for his son. Merritt was home that day until late in the evening when he went to the corner store for some diapers. Also at Merritt's hOUSE that entire afternoon were his mother, Dorothy Burnett, his step-father, Frank Burnett, and his brother, Howard Burnett. Horace Hardy also spoke with Merritt by telephone that afternoon. He is a Cook County Sheriff's Correctional Officer and a family friend. Lashauna Pinkston stopped at Merritt's home at 1:25 that afternoon and spoke with him in person. Anderson 1. Ward, Merritt's attorney, never called any of these individuals to testify. Why did the police frame Jarmain Merritt for this crime? According to police reports there were two perpetrators of the carjacking in Forest Park. During the carjacking that Merritt was first accused of, the victim heard one of the offenders call the other by a nickname, "Juice.// Jarmain Merritt was known to the police by the same nickname. The victim of the Forest Park carjacking did not ID Merritt because he wasn't the suspect. However, he vaguely fit Ida Vanessa Dorantes' description in a different carjacking in Oak Park. Police Investigation Tactics Chicago Police falsely charged Merritt with drug possession while trying to pin the crime on him. Charges were dropped. The day before Merritt's arrest, the Forest Park Police visited the home of Merritt's mother. She was not home. They removed the window air conditioner, entered, and searched her house without a warrant. A neighbor called the CPD to report the incident. Police took Lashauna Pinkston to the police station where she was held and questioned for over 24 hours regarding his whereabouts, which she did not know. She was threatened with the seizure of her children and her own arrest if she did not tell them where Mr. Merritt was. She was not released until Merritt himself was arrested the following day. Protest the Wrongful Conviction of Jarmain Merritt! For more information go t? http:Ufreejarmainmerritt.blogspot.com/' Letters supporting Merritt's Petition for Executive Clemency can be sent to Governor Pat Quinn at the Office of the Governor, 207 State House, Springfield, IL 62706, Phone: 217-782-0244. Write to Cook County State's Attorney Anita Alvarez and demand that she grant a new trial to Jarmain Merritt! Email her at: statesattorney@cookcountyil.gov Anyone with knowledge of the actual carjacking against' Ida Van-2ssa Dorantes on August 3D, 1997, please contact Mr. Merritt's attorney or the Chicago Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression. Mr. Jeffrey Levine, Attorney at Law Chicago Alliance Against Racial and Political Repression 20 N Clark Street # 800 1325 S. Wabash Ave., Suite 105 Chicago, IL 60602-4119 Chicago, IL 60605 312-939-2750 312-372-4600 You may also write a letter of support to Mr. Merritt during this difficult time. Mr. Jarmain Merritt, B39606 Logan Correctional Center P.O. Box 1000 Lincoln, " 62656 "This is a fublic Cammt For the Wrig}:1t Petiticn ( CC Docket #96-128)." Re~{jiv8d Chairman Julius Genachowski Federal Communications Commission 445 12th. Street. S.W. Washington D,C. 20554 Dear Chairman Genachowski, & inspected nCT 222012 CX:.tober 4, 2012 I am presently an inmate housed at the Roxbury Correctional Institution in Hagerstown, Maryland. This is just one of the many~ this State and this area that is in the business of robbing the poor through the phone system. I have been incarcerated for 28 years and I have family members and friends who phone numbers have not change in three decades, and never had a block put on there phone or ask to have one placed on there phone. T-Netix or Securus or whatever the company is calling it's self, is placing blocks on my family members and friends phone and are refusing to remove them when they are call and ask to. I have been experiencing number by number being block by this company, and when I large my complaint to the Institution there answer is always the same; Have your family call Securus ! Well my family did just that and Securus was trying to convince my family member to change phone carrier to there'. company or prepaiC;l $50.00 to use there ··services. My mother change her phone number to get around that problem just to see would that help, and it did for a little while. But once they pick up on a phone number that is being use regular. They throw a block on that number in hope that they can convince your family member or friends to change phone company carrier. This practice need to be stop .. I Mr. Theo L~y, Jr. TO ND.: 177-433 1 A701 RoxfJury Roa.d HFlgerst.otJJ"1, ~'arvl~nd 2174f, ReceiverJ &Inspecteu " . OCT 222012 Deaf J Chdfjjf1,M/ JUL 1·//6 GeJlqc;Aow~/, (J1/c!JqeL Vauyhr7 ~//9t63.5 K-ee/ /fJoLt;t/;J,4 :c 4rJ1 qrl tll.4f/;I1e I::5 :tA1I1Qk :I:A/ Tile .- ~l).~c co{J/ecffpYJ Ce/t-/.f-e,.(J.;:: Iqtl~ 5o~e PkbJL.e/115 [qlt't;Y Re/::,? q~Le +-~ fJ1q~e t~ne Cq//s fo~/ ~/y/,y (jecCltl5e Of Ij.,.e CoS+s- a': Ihone 'f§'/11,'I'7I't!l-es fRo~ hClM-e Cfrld:Cf- C4//5 I :c L//< q/;~t1r / h04'.t?44/ q~ttrJ()~ol/.(KJ"5 leR Pho/)e Cq// 10/l1/, fl1ofhe~} Cln/ WH~J1 r c~1/111/ ()~/Jj;?!(.?f}tekJ ::Cf L4Sr ~bou r~J.6 /Jo/IARs (0 cql/h€"~ rA/ re/J/le~5ee Wht'ch I.5,4/A Y't1f- 4hvri- )/:,ow,{Js Fk&rw Wh.e4-e j;Apt Qr- '" Ij,-e /JhprJe 5e~J0-C!e Thqf- the VAf9/d'c? lJe:So/J 5j5f€;1J /R~~/'~e5 Co.5r- 111-e' :c5 Cq/I-ec:l G, T,L, G(oB,4L TeL ltAik WA/ct-, Bcrse£ ow..f- of p..eJltlee C%R)cb , ~≪ I/1qK'~5' ~1It'4/S /),'Fr,<:'l(/f- I<ZI COJ4.1t(f-qc+e W/ft-, fQj11/f/, ;::4~ 5ejJl/,~ W L/Fe.- 5e/1.feA/ce qne! ;J:",4/U O/1L/, 5c>ye~ ; : hdte Ih(/+ 5c7P'Vl-€ W4j'--c>;f- ClJloft,e~ rAt~ w,ll ChatYe' w//( iiJ.e fJAorJe., 5y5-fe~ TtJafTs Wo/ hov-e ~~c,c/~cI 1-0 w,e+e Y0/..(· rhq/f/i( fou Fo~ J'0w~he~ r5 >f7cei?LI" !:.o~ ~s f?U;~~ nr.T 22 2012 FCC M2} f~oom "This is a public comment for the Wright Petition (CC Docket #96-128)" Dear Chairman Genachowski, I am an inmate at Montana State prison and would like to comment on the Wright Petition to lower costs of interstate prison phone calls. Rates are exhorbitant and cost inmates and families more money than they are able to afford. In this institution we are only paid at the rate of $1.25 for each day that we work. Our Phone rates are $4.75 for a 30 min. call. I have to work 4 days in order to pay for a call to my spouse or family. This would amount to nearly a $400 call if I were payed an average wage on the streets. In perspective, of course. My wife is out there trying to make ends meet as well as my family members. I hereby urge you to pass the Wright Petition! Sincerely, Danny Sartain Danny Sartain A.O. # 2009296 Montana State Prison 700 Conley Lake Rd. Deer Lodge, MT 59722 I ·1• , :1 I t . I .. I i I I I n (.> I i RecelveJ & In ' Ilspecta(J Ocr 18 2012 FCC M~Jil 0 "-"'. ,:oom A ME..\l-I:.C.A;t-.l n-tE. Ji,;lt>rc.M,. S'f s rEM. AI.-Low~b- C.CMP~I.t..f. DF PRISotJ£.R..S I l:>(),s. A-~ tlA'1~E:,L,F (AT ~ i.,l./'~rA:r.\l. ~ E.tJC£ oF T1-l £ Ir-J €.U £..R."( l'"b p«.cF-tr OFF- oF- THe. r-AM:t..L'1'S ASIL W 0 KDa\ • ASK. I "B.u.T L DC;>A,-/OV LL #d. 130Cj '1 <6 c.Rc>SSI<-DADS .::5lif..LB'-{ , Nt-, v#J~vsT RA-TL) Is wlZc,..;b- 'Iov.. '1b Ft.'lL SOl<~'i FoR PR\$ov--:>£R.. =- ~c..1-t R't AN M r:c..H.1\-<i.. L J-l t 50 A,;J'j) DR. . SCI tf7lf - C, 2. L{ ?s' TO PUi.AS~ 1>0 i.jHl\-T IS. MOlZ- ,-, . Received & Inspected 'This is a public cament for the Wright Petition (ex:; IOCket#96-128) 1:> OJainmn Julius GenacOOwski ~ Federal Camunications Cannission Public Caments 445 12th Street, 9N Washington, OC 20554 n8T 1 82012 FCC Mail Room l'U:!ar Olainmn Genachowsk:i., II My nane is Stanley Washington and II m writing you to share my story of how the telephone systan (Global Tel*link) used by the state of Pa nearly destroyed my relationship with my m::m. My IIDther retired fran her job two years ago due to clinical depression. And for awhile after her retirarent I was able to talk to her every Sunday which her Dr. said reJ.ped her depression :inJrensely. What I didn It know was my IlUll was spending her life savings to accept my calls. When the n:vney ran out I was unable to get in touch with my IIOI1 for IIDIlths and I didn It know why. I wrote her letters that W'mt ~red, I sent my wife to her house and she wouldn't ans-Jer the door and again I didn't know why. Only after my 81 year old grandfather found a letter that I had written to my lIOIl and got in contact with my wife did I find out what was going on. My lIOIl was so emhrrrassed to tell Ire that she couldn't afford to a.tlS\'.eI" my calls that she l:arricaded herself in her house falling deeper into depression because she felt like she failed Ire as a IIDther for being unable to answer my calls. My wife who lives a half hour away and who also works 3 to 11 llinday through Friday had to pick up my grandfather and drive to my 1IOI1' S house every Sunday IIDrning for several IIDIlths before they \ere finally able to convince her that I wasn't upset and that I didn't think it was her fault that I wasn't able to call. They also were able to convince her to cane with my wife to visit Ire where I was able to tell her face to face that I wasn It upset and that I was sorry that she spent her life savings ans-Jering my calls. Mr. ClJairrmn what hurts Ire the nnst is that I have been doing everything htmmly possible to get hare so that I can help my 1OOther, but now I live everyday with the burden of having possibly trurt her IIDre than I can ever help her because she spent her life savings on those calls. Sincerely depressed in Pennsylvania, Stanley Washington State Correctional Institution at Greene County A Publication of The Pennsylvania Prison Society Promoting a humane, just and constructive correctional system and a rational approach to criminal juStice since 1787 www.pn.ousociety.org • www.facebook.com/PeDDSflvaaiaPrisonSociety The Prisoner lJ! the Year A ward is presented to individuals in recognition of their constant efforts to improve themselves and the Wortd aroUnd them, the hope they ignite in others, , mul the positive and effective leadership they provide. ·F. im ond foremost. I , would like ,;, thank God fu, guiding me in the direction of seeking peace, qeing remorSeful.,and for meeting Debra Germany. P;rlson Society Official Visitor CcOnvener at SCI Laurel ' Highlands/Somerset I read a newspaper article about her in which she held a violence prevention forum in 2005 at Columbus Middle School on Pittsburgh's northside. Reading the article pull~d at my heart because I had committed a violent crime ~d I understood the effect of committing .. ,that crime. Because Mrs. Germany is a mother who had lost her only child to yiolence. I could imagine how tough it must ., have been for',her to do what she ,wasdoing. And I thought I should (as welL as others in my shoes) be paying attention to , ther Debra Germany's of the world. Before reading the artid~,I had thoughfof myself as being remorseful. But after reading it, I said to myself: "Who other than me knows it?" . So I leaped out on faith, wrote Mrs. Germany a letter. and told her that I commended her for being brave enough to g6 forward and to do what she was doing. I also told her that her n;markable work was not gomg unnoticed. And Mrs. Germany responded to that letter. She wrote'('"When illy son was killed:! asked God to give me the opportunity to help' a: young man who had i. ,1." ' . ' ", committed a homicide. )Yho was truly remorseful; someone who truly wanted to give back. Someone who had a ~estimony that would touch the heart of another young man not to travel down that same road." i\nd, she stated. she believed that young man could be me. I had already been whispering to young men and . telling them that we could do better. But she inspired me to speak out loud to anybody and everybody who would' . listen. She iIispired me to' shout that we were more 'and we owed more be~use of the crimes we had committed. :Mediocre.is something I've never wanted tobe.so I' accepted her challenge to make a difference. And. I am , diligent ifl'doing so. I never thought about awards or recognition. I only thought that it was a duty to myself. Mrs. Germany. my motl:ier. and mothers of young men who had sucCumbed to violence to touch as many lives as I possibly could. SO,today, I aID humbled to be the recipient of an. award of such distinction and prestige. Because of Mrs. Germany. I am a product of her belief in me, due diligence, and faith . . I w~uld like 'to thank the Prison Society. its board. ,staff, and supporters because you beli~e in prisoner . rehabilitation and in second chances. And. I would like to thank Mrs. Germany; the staff of Divine Intervention Ministries; my mother, Joanne Washington; and)ackie McCrommon for their unwavering support. By no means is my work done, nor is my debt to society :or my community fully'paid. I Will work at this for the rest of my life; this is just the beginning. And, .. being the recipient of this aw.ard has reenergized me.and. reaffirmed that I am indeed on the right path. • Receive.d &. lnspectea OCT 1 e2012 FCC Mail Room /I...( 7 V\.-<,.L- . ' . ' , "-- j'? r;- v ,"--,{,~ (?-r;' '::> j--<. , vlA ..< -c ~ '5 : h-- ~ ,"""- '.A. / H~',<, ,5 . ._>.v·~ .s~' ,-r, 7'<;' '-' ~ ~/ "-, ,"'- :) - ; ;,) r"-"- '~, r-","-: ~ '2-..( trJ.;:- K..-:v--? i .: "''' k-- ,--A 'X::, \-:-r- (lr;) r ~ $.-.;,.( e.. c _LSJ,LC"",f-; 1,./ ,.L 1 'tc'--<- P",(",L. i3~"~,..)L cf &\.. i-;f::.,- LV/)'--"-j-"-.A(.€, • •:JL t.v &-"'; ., k; ('r~;;-J.. '-' {' ~ t;> 1;- li'",~-, ,c_,; oro ,,'- ~ r rP ,- .;;> ~: t ~'7 (" : v <-,--t <-- (~).f ,So '\."- l f3 .:- -,S 'J JZ v<) Gt { .J ~\ , . ", " .!.....,. Ij (,1.,,- 0 :.L{_, I q c{ . , ~ 'S.- ""'.L-..<... I"{:: r..J I q'-I:r ~ S"-..... t.z.fI'4.l..:.;' C C. A , '-;T;'-'L{ <- "'"' ..-.J '3,;.1<.,) ,-' f . . . . '> SI....~oC:..-i. L'~'-'t-- vV'- V.Lc-.j'i'/.," 7 0"';;'( .~-~ ' 1 / ) ' ,~,z_ G~f-<" oS.,J ...--t- I-;'-<,;~ +.:; 115'0.:.1 I/o • FI i- ., ......,.l... ,~ Le.'.' IL- <---t- VI-<-- ....... _~,"] ) '" ) .'\.A".........' S ""--.- i)(1,1'1~.>.:. <;;, v -f' .::.>1c- ':>' +- ~I---'k~ , V "'F; (5 +- (; F .' 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(J< ,-:' S ""-~ e.) vv ," . ~ '1'~ Ie .V'--; - ,,\. i.L "'- t -,,·'f/,,';·, 1-, .1 L-"--') ~) v-- ~ 1- (' ;- .:- "S; ........1J'1 L7 I /l /'~'j iL i-t A G 'i '2-, A-KJ:c.:'A ftD 7, ( t ' vX.;JA + ; (~ O'..,_.t-- 5" ,S <..' "A {' ")..( '-<-- ---'.-' 't L, t, 'z -~----------------------------------------------------------~ Received & Inspected This is a public comment for the Wright Petition ocr 1 62012 (CC Docket #96-128) FCC Mai: Room Robert Dallis Payne #101123 Unit #6 A-105 / RMSI 7475 Cockrill Bend Blvd. Nashville, TN. 37209-1048 Monday, October 08,2012 Chainnan Julius Genachowski Federal Communications Commission Public Comments 445 12th Street, SW Washington, DC. 20554 Dear Chainnan Genachowski; My name is Robert Dallis Payne and I'm currently serving time at the above address. I have been locked up since March 1, 1982. I was given a flyer about the up coming bill on prison phones and the high cost. This is my experience with Global Tel Link here in Tennessee. 1.) Some times when you call, the phone will cut off and then you have to re-dial and then you and your family are charged for another call. This may happen several times during the day. The prison here has looked into it and stated that it is Global Tel's system thatis doing this not the prison. 2.) When an inmate calls from his own account, the recording states that local calls are just .81 cents but they are taken .89 out of our account. We reported this to the prison administer and was infonned that Global Tel Link told them that this was taxes for using their system. -. 3.) When your family puts money on using the Credit Card, Global Tel Link will charge them $5.00 for every $25.00 they put on. 4.) When I make a call from my prison account the calls are .89 for local calls, but when my people use the credit card and I call that way, they are being charged .99 cents. This is on top of them taken the $5.00 for putting money on the account. My lady has Dementia and MS. I call at least four times a day. Sometimes I call five times depending on how she is doing. This is costing us between $90 to $110 per month for just a local call. I would hate to see what it would cost us if I was on the other side of the state and having to make a long distance call to check on my family. I hope that you or someone can somehow get control of this situation. I feel that the company is taking advantage of our family due to the situation that we are in. Thank you for your time and consideration in this important matter to us. Kindly, Cc: File 1 Received & Inspected OCT 1 6l01Z CORTEZ rnVIS-EL #237818 THUMB CoRRECTIONAL FACILITY 3225 JoHN CooLEY lliIVE lAPEER" MICHIGAN 48446 JULY FCC l\.'l;.,;1 .. ~~~ r-'~r'\m .,,-v io lL 2012 CHAIRMAN JULIUS GENACHOWSKI FEDERAL CavMJNICATIONS CcM-1ISSION PUBLIC Ca1'1ENTS 445 12TH STREET" ~ WAsHINGTON" II 20554 RE: " THIS IS A PUBLIC CO't1ENT FOR lHE WRIGHT PETITION ( CC fu:KET tf1j-128)." DEAR CHAIRMAN GENADnVSKI: I WAS TORN fRO\1 MY FAMILY AND FRIENDS WE TO IOCARCERATION SINCE I WAS 16 YEARS OLD" THAT WAS AGO. THE MAJORITY OF THE PEOPLE THAT I STILL CO"MJNICATE WITH WAS STRUCK HARD BY THE DECLINING ECOl'mY AND TELEPHONE CALLS ARE FOR THE tv'OST PART OUR ONLY LINE OF CXM1JNICATION OUTSIDE OF LmERS. ~1v GRANJ:M)THER IS IN HER 00' S AND SUFFER fRO\1 r-wJY ILLNESSES THAT PREVENTS HER fRO\1 WRITING. SHE OOES NOT GET AROUND THAT EASY" so VISITS ARE RARE. OuR ONLY TRUE SOURCE OF CCMiJNICATION IS THROUGH PI-ONE CALLS. HOrVEVER THIS IS BECC1'1ING A BURDEN BECAUSE THE COST OF A 15 MINUTE CALL IS TO HIGH AND THIS IS PR<H)TING THE SEPARATION OF FAMILY THAT PRISONS HAS STARTED. 18 YEARS I HAVE lWO SONS THAT HAS TO GRCM UP WITHOUT THEIR FATHER IN THE HC1'1E AND PHONE CALLS ARE OUR WAY OF BEING AND STAYING CONNECTED" BUT THE COST IS TAKING ITS TOLL ON THAT BECAUSE WE CAN'T AFFORD THE PRICE. IN ORDER FOR ME TO TALK TO MY CHI ~EN ON A REGULAR BASIS" MY FAMI LY HAS TO GO WITHOUT SOME OF THE THINGS THAT THEY NEED AND ENJOY. I CAN GO ON FOREVER ABOUT THE HIGH COST OF PHONE CALLS AND THE AFFECT THAT IT HAS ON MY FAMILY AND FRIENDS" BUT I Kf'KlW THAT YOU ARE A VERY BUSY PERSON THAT RECEIVE LETTERS ALL DAY EVERY DAY. So I WILL NOT CONTINUE WITH MY PERSONAL STORIES. HOWEVER" ON BEHALF OF MY FAMILY AND FRIENDS I APPEAL TO YOUR i-lJt'W'.l DECENCY AND ASK THAT YOU 00 ALL THAT YOU CAN TO LOWER THE COST OF FAMILIES CQ'vtUIJICATING WITH THEIR LOVED ONES THAT ARE INCARCERATED. I STRONG SUPPORT SYSTEM FOR INCARCERATED PEOPLE GOES A LONG WAY TO HELP THEM BECC1'1E BmER CITIZENS UPON THEIR RELEASE AND PHONE CALLS ARE A VERY IMPORTANT PART OF THAT SUPPORT SYSTEM. PLEASE HELP f>W<E IT AFFORDABLE. THANK YOU IN /lINANCE FOR YOUR TIME AND HELP WITH THIS Mt\lTER. Il~::~~_~ ~~DAvIs-EL Received & Inspected · ~. r ."".,. ! Kevin J Barrett Inst.# DY-6599 P.O. Box 244 Graterford, PA. 19426-0244 FCC 445 12th Street SW Washington, DC. 20554 '--I 16 l012 FCC IVI::.H l::lcom c....... " f'1 Oc t. 1 0 , 2012 Dear Sir/Madam: This letter is to advise your Agency about "Acts of Extortion" being perpetrated by phone service provider, Global Tel Link, and the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections. As you can tell by the address on the envelope that this letter was sent in I am a resident of the Pa. Dept. of Corrections, which I hope has no bearing on your review and consideration of my complaint outlined herein. My complaint is that phone service provider, Global Tel Link, and the Pa. Dept. of Corrections are "Extorting" my family members, and friends, by placing what they describe as "Collect Call High Usage Blocks" on my family and friend's phones making it impossible for me to call them collect. I may call a specific number once or twice a month collect and don't understand how this can be considered "collect call high usage" warranting a block. They are doing this to all inmates who make collect calls. They are telling my family and-rriends tha~hey have to set up a "Advance Pay Account" with Global Tel Link in order for them to receive a collect call from me, in other words they have to pay before they will remove the "phone block". I have been making collect calls to my family and friends for more than ten (10) years and have never had a problem, everyone I call has paid their bills. Now, Global Tel Link, and the Pa. Dept. of Corrections, have begun "EXTORTING" my family and friends. When my family called their phone company they were told that they did not place a block on their phone, and in fact told them they were in good standing with the phone company, and even offered them a discount on long distance service. When they (family) called Global Tel Link, they were told that they (GTL) did not place a block on their phone, but they could set up a "Advance Pay Account", by giving them a debit card or credit card number, and then they would be able to receive collect calls from me. If Global Tel Link, or my family's phone company, didn't place a block on the phone, who did? One specific instance of how Global Tel Link tried to "Extort" money from a family member is this. My Aunt in West Virginia, who I call about once a month, (is this "Collect Call High Usage") received a call from a representative of Global Tel Link asking for a Debit Card or Credit Card number so that they could set her up with an "Advance Pay Account", needless to say, my Aunt refused to give them a debit or credit card number, several weeks later when I tried calling her my call would not go through. A message came on the phone saying that "we had exceeded our account balance". I don't know how we could have exceeded our account balance when we did not have their so-called Advance Pay Account. The actions of Global Tel Link, and the Pa. Dept. of Corrections, amount to "Extortion", "Racketeering", and "Monopoly", which I ask your Agency to look into and take the appropriate action against. Keep in mind that this is not an isolated incident, as it is happening to all inmates who make collect calls. Should your agency need any further information please feel free to contact me at the address listed at the top of this letter. I have attached herewith a memo, from Global Tel Link, that is posted inside the institution where I am housed, and a telephone discrepancy/request form that I filed with the institution, and their response, which shows the actions of Global Tel Link and the PA. Dept. of Corrections. I wish to thank you for looking into this matter and I hope that your agency will take the necessary actions to stop this illegal activity. Should your agency not be the correct one to handle this matter I would ask that you advise me of what agency I may contact concerning this issue. Respectfully, Kevin J Barrett NOTICE Enhanced SerVice for Family and Friends for Inmate Telephone Calling During the week of July 26th, 2012, families and friends who receive phone calls from inmates in any Pennsylvania Department of Corrections facility will be automatically converted from their GTL Direct Billed accounts to a Global Tel-Link AdvancePay Account. Families' and friends I new GTL AdvancePay accounf will be identified by a new number, which will be their ten digit phone number. GTL is pleased to provide this enhanced service to the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections customers. integrity innovation responsiveness Changes associated wjth this conversion are as follows: AdvancePay will be af lower rates than traditional collect calling. Mailed monthly state~'ents will be eliminated. AdvancePay accounts can be managed and money can be deposited into an account in several ways. accountability Payments to an AdvancePay account can be made by: • Using a MasterCard or Visa branded credit or debit card online at www.offenderconnect.com • Calling GTL's automated number 1-800483-8314 • Mailing a check or money order payable to Global Tel-Link at PO BOX 911722, Denver, CO 80291-1722 I I l- I ! ! ! I I Regardless of the method: Families and friends can manage phone numbers on their GTL AdvancePay Account, make payments, view balances online at the offenderconnect website and more! Toll Free Number: 1-888-385-9366· Fax Number: 251-473-2802 Hours of operation: Monday-Friday, 8am to Midnight. EST Saturday and Sunday, 9am to 8pm, EST Mailing Address: AdvancePay Service ,Dept. Department 9111722 Denver, Colorado 80291-172 Website: www.offenderconnect.com ',. Pallott, Sylvia From: Roberts, Donna (GRA) Sent: Friday, September 21,201211 :39 AM To: CR-CHS Counselors; CR-CHS Unit Managers; CR-CHS; CR-GRA Good Morning: If you have inmates complaining about collect calls not going through please have the inmate let their families and friends know that they will have to contact GTL at 1-888-385-9366 in regarding to the latest billing change. This could explain why the complaints are rising with collect calls not going through. (The complaints are that the calls are being disconnected as soon as the person answers the phone). Apparently Global Tel Link has been advising users th!Jt their numbers are permanently blocked from receiving collect calls. There is a new procedure called Collect Call High Usage Block and each person receiving collect calls needs to call them to unblock their phone number and adjust their payment plan. If this doesn't rectify the problem please have them fill out a discrepancy form. Thank youl "Providing over 25 years of legendary service" 9/2112012 \ " A-BLOCK TELEPHONE DISCREPANCYI REQUEST FORM q- 30 -12 Date: To: Institutional Telephone Coordinator From: k~\J; Il r, BqV''retr Name PIN#: :'DY~£Yr DC# 67559'6" RE: Telephone Trouble Inmate's Signature q)Jg~t1 ~ l5ulVtQ~ Unit Manager _~ t J4 -- f3-2o~3 Cell Location INMATES: REGARDING THIS COLLECT CALL PROBLEM YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS NEED TO CALL GLOBAL TEL LINK (1888-385-9366) REGARDING THE LA TEST BILLING CHANGE GLOBAL TEL LINK WILL BE ABLE TO EXPLAIN TO THEM THE PROBLEM AND HOPEFULLY THIS WILL RESOLVE THIS ISSUE THANK YOU PHONE ROOM Received &Inspected OCT 1 62012 ~-5(jZ - Cr-~~AJ-=(;;~~_ PG"NNSt (vrfAf,14 ~-~- - ----+'----. _____ ~___~_______________~__~_____________ ~CCM_aHRoofl)______ _ - - - - , ---- ...,L------ --------- ------------1 - - --- --- ------- - - - - - - - - - ----- -"--- ------- - ------ . . --------- --.-,- ---- ---- --------- --- ?::t-_.~ #-~.;fJ,z- . ~-tV-A ----~-LX. - . ~~_+. . ---- --- ------ --- ------- ---- --~-- --~--- ---~- ---- - - - ---- --- ---- ------ ---- -----~-------- - - .~--~------ --- -.'Y<-{ --~·~-·"'d---- - -----. 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Washington DC 20554 Re: Public Comment for CC Docket No. 96-128 Dear Ms. Dortch: I would like to talk with you in person. I am sure you are a caring individual. I am writing regarding the petition limiting phone rates for incarcerated persons. It seems a shame to make calling too expensive for many of the prisoners who desparately need the support of their families. I have never been in prison but I have been overseas where it was not expedient to call family due to cost. I also remember lying by the phone part of the night waiting for a call from my husband who was overseas in the Service. It came through about 5 a.m. and I will never forget the boost it gave me .. .! think to him also. I know people are imprisoned for many reasons, but I do not think they should be denied the privilege of talking with family because of cost. I find it disturbing that they are limited in their calling privileges due to cost and the state profits from this. I hope you will give your concern to this situation. And, thank you so much for caring. Sincerely, Mary Nelson -------~-- The current approach to regulation of prison phone calls is extremely out of touch with real phone costs as well as current technology trends. Many families of prisoners already face heavy economic burdens due to the absence of their loved one. The cost of a dollar a minute or more to talk to a loved one who lives in your same state is outrageous. It is a predatory practice carried out upon a population that has no recourse to complain or abstain from participating in the market. Even without considering a family's financial situation, the practice to price gouge families who have no alternatives is reprehensible. Additionally, many individuals and families no longer have landlines and rely only on cell phones to make phone calls. By restricting prisoners to call only landlines, they are often unable to reach loved ones. Restructuring costs to be more in line with market rates and permitting access to call cell phones should be a major priority of the FCC. The FCC should set caps on rates and the caps should bring costs down to the most reasonable and fair rate possible. For too long companies have price gouged in this nice industry. The impact is not on prisoners but instead this impacts often times low income familes who send money in to pay for phone time. Also the standards of the service provided are much lower than any other phone service offered to consumers. Family relationships are very important especially to people in prison. I believe that the prisons and the courts should encourage interactions between prisoners and family. Charging exorbitant prices for phone calls to loved ones impeded prisoners rehabilitation especially when they get out. I call on you to provide prisoners with reasonably priced phone calls so they can stay in touch with family and have a family to go back to not a bunch of strangers. Thanks, Sandy Received &Inspected November 8, 2012 Ms. Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary Federal Communications Commission 445 12th Street SW Washington, DC 20554 NOV 1 5 2012 FCC Mail Room Re: Public Comment for CC Docket No. 96-128 ("Wright Petition") Dear Secretary Dortch: I have a family member who has been incarcerated since 1989 and I have paid well over $4,000.00 for collect calls to keep in touch with him. The cost for inmates to maintain connection with their families is outrageous and now he cannot call us unless we establish an account and have money in that account at all times so that he can call us. A minimum of $25.00 must be put in that account. As a matter of fact my family member has technical skills, has a place to live and a family that fully supports him and yet he is continually denied parole. He has been a tremendous asset to the prison system where he resides. Has maintained commendable personal development. Another aspect of unfairness to inmates is lowering the amount of income they receive per hour for the work they do in the prison. That small bit of money is sometimes all they have to purchase even the smallest personal items. The prison medical system charges the inmates for prescriptions and doctor visits. If the family sends the inmate any money for snacks shoes, etc. that money is first applied to any of the medical bills left outstanding from the past. The inmate has no chance to improve on his or her situation when that happens. My family member has diabetes and requires close medical monitoring. Keeping in touch with family members is so key to the emotional stability of all inmates everywhere. Our family had to drive over 10 hours to visit him in the past which is another key issue for the inmate. Why is it so difficult to have inmates as close to their family as possible. It is a hardship to even visit at this point. I realize I am in and out of the current issue here but someone needs to do something about the high cost to families for phone services. State prisons often contract with a single phone company, allows that company to charge for services at rates far above the market price, and then they actually receive "commissions" from company revenues. To think that commissions are paid to prison at the expense of families providing for each other outside of the prison is unconscionable. We as family members plead with you to help us with this extreme financial burden that has been forced upon us. Thank you, Karen Deeds Received & Inspected NOV 1 6 2012 November 8, 2012 FCC Mail Room Ms. Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary Federal Communications Commission 445 12th Street SW Washington, DC 20554 Re: Public Comment for CC Docket No. 96-128 ("Wright Petition") Dear Secretary Dortch: I am writing to echo the comments submitted on this matter from Justice Fellowship: Justice Fellowship believes that these unjust prison telephone policies must be eradicated The FCC should uphold the Wright Petition by requiring companies to charge reasonable rates for prison calls that are comparable to rates outside ofprison. Adopting such policy reforms will facilitate more communication between incarcerated offenders and their families, enabling them to draw from the encouragement and accountability that those relationships provide. Keeping these relationships a priority enhances offenders' well-being and protects the well-being oftheir communities. My son has gotten into some trouble a couple of times and talking to him on the phone from jail has been very costly and confusing. My experience with the third party carriers has been one of frustration, aggravation and prohibitive cost. We can do better. Respectfully, 11--'- -' William Weckesser 618 Kensington Rd. E. Lansing, MI 48823 1275 So. Enterprise Road Ponca City, OK 74604 November 9, 2012 Received & Inspected Ms. Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary Federal Communications Commission 445 12th Street SW Washington, D.C. 20554 Re: NOV 1 6 2012 FCC Mail Room Public comment for CC Docket No. 96-128 In support of the "Wright Petition" Dear Ms. Dortch, I'd like to strongly encourage you to do whatever you can to cut the costs of telephone calls to/from inmates in jails and prisons around this nation. It seems that those who can least afford it, have to pay the highest rates! Families who want to keep in touch with their incarcerated loved ones pay a higher rate for jail telephone calls than ordinary citizens pay for overseas calls! Often, inmates are incarcerated so far from their families that face-toface visits are major hardships for those left behind and phone calls are their only option to keep in touch. Given that over 75% of prisoners are eventually released back into their communities, and given that it has been shown that the more contacts and communication that those prisoners can have with family and friends on the outside, the better their chances of succeeding as law-abiding citizens after their release (vs. recidivating back into the prison system again), it would seem that the government should do all that it can to encourage families to keep strong ties with their incarcerated loved ones. Currently, the phone situation is an obstacle to maintaining those ties. I understand that the Bureau of Prisons' experience in charging minimal phone rates has been that they made a whopping $34 million PROFIT in 2010 in spite of even those reasonable rates. That kind of profit made on the poor should be criminal! The high price of prison phone calls are expected to be borne by those LEAST able to pay; minimum-wage families often left without their breadwinner struggle just to make ends meet, and high phone costs make that method of maintaining ties prohibitive. Please support the Wright Petition to put a cap on prison telephone costs. Thank you. Sincerely, ){CUt!lj~ Nancy LeFebvre ------------------ - Received & Inspected NOV 1 6 2012 FCC Mail Room Kayla Marnach 1022 Merlene Drive Austin, Texas 78732 November 8, 2012 Ms. Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary Federal Communications Commission 445 12th Street SW Washington, DC 20554 Re: Public Comment for CC Docket No. 96-128 ("Wright Petition") Dear Ms. Dortch, I whole heartedly support the Wright Petition and beg that you will, too. When prisoners are sentenced, so are their families. Families have to do "time" just like the prisoner. Contact is so limited due to distance; phone calls become the lifeline that holds the families together. I have two friends from two different cities who have sons in prison and on their limited budget they do all they can to provide funds for their sons. Both sons are without fathers. It's the mother's who bear the burden and the exorbitant phone rates are unconscionable. Please bring justice to those outside the prison walls by mandating fair phone rates for all prisoners. Respectfully, Kayla Marnach, Concerned citizen and friend 0 ~o. of Copl4is rsc'd-....---- LIst ABCDE. November 8, 2012 Received & Inspected NOV 1 6 2012 Ms. :Marlene H Dortch, Secretary FCC Mail Room Federal Communications Commission 445 12th Street SW Washington, DC 20~54 Re: Public Comment for CC Docket No. 96-128 (',\Vright Petition") Dear .Ms. Dortch: It has been brought to my attention the excessive phone rates some prisoners' families have to pay to keep in touch with their loved ones who are incarcerated. I understand there are inconsistencies between States on this issue. I am \\'!iting to request your investigation into these issues and provide justice to the families of inmates. Thank you for your time and careful consideration. I would appreciate hearing from you regarding this issue. Sincerely, Judy Roberts 712 S. Kennedy Ave. Sioux Falls, South Dakota 57103 Received & Inspected November 9, 2012 Ms. Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary Federal Communications Commission 445 12th Street SW Washington, DC 20554 Re: Public Comment for CC Docket No. 96-128 ("Wright Petition") NOV 1 6 2012 FCC Mail Room Jacqueline Pena 2932 Behrns Dr. Melrose Park, IL 60164 Dear Ms. Dortch: My husband has been incarcerated for the past 21 years. I have been accepting collect calls and now using Consolidated Communications for all these years. I must say that I have thousands and thousands of dollars trying to keep the communication lines open between my husband and our family. My husband at times has been hundreds of miles away from us. According to my understanding my calls are based on how far he is and the charges of accepting and talking. A typical interstate collect call from a prison has a $3.95 connection fee (regardless of the length ofthe call), and, in addition, the rate per minute can be as high as almost 90 cents per minute. This can result in charges of between $10 and $17 for a IS-minute collect call. Not only do I accept his calls I have to drive long distance to see him, so now I have to include gasoline and motel or hotel stays that honestly I can't afford, but I need to see my husband and spend time with him. This is a very hard life and I know he did the crime, but do I also have to be punished financially? My calls with my husband are necessary. This is the way our family keeps in touch on a daily basis. Yes, he calls daily, we try to keep the family as united as possible, but sometimes it's impossible because of the extremely high phone rates. We as the family on the outside bear these costs. I live paycheck to paycheck and barely am NOT making ends meet. I take from one bill to pay another and this has been going on for years. I don't have a choice to go to another company that has cheaper rates, I am stuck with one company called Consolidated Communications because that is the company that the Illinois Prison System has chosen and we are stuck with their decisions. I can tell you that my calls with my husband help keep my family together. They are extremely important to us and we look forward to that phone call every day. I write this letter in hopes that you will help us with these rates. As a wife and mother, I am begging you to help us. Please help us families lower the cost of inmate calls. Respectfully, 3 "-. Jacqueline Pena, e of an Illinois Inmate ----- MICHAEL R. DAVIS Received & Inspected 1701 RUSSELL DRIVE, GARLAND, TEXAS 75040·8345 TELEPHONE 972.278.4358 FACSIMILE 972.278.4358 NOV 1 6 2012 EMAIL: MICHAEL.R.DAVIs@VERIZON.NET CELL #: 214.668.2771 FCC Mall Room November 8, 2012 Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary Federal Communications Commission 445 12th Street S.W. Washington, DC 20554 Re: Public Comment for CC Docket No. 96-128 ("Wright Petition") Dear Secretary Dortch: As someone who was just released from federal prison on October 17, 2012, I want to strongly encourage the FCC to uphold the Wright Petition by requiring companies to charge reasonable rates for prison calls that are comparable to rates outside of prison. Over 1.6 million people are currently incarcerated in the United States, and approximately 700,000 will be released this year. l Research has shown that maintaining family relationships is a significant factor in the reduction of recidivism. For example, the Jane Addams Center for Social Policy and Research determined that "[family roles and relationships are important in reentry planning .... Family connections and other social networks impact not only families' and children's well-being, but also the achievement of social goals such as the reduction of crime and the building of vibrant communities.,,2 Additionally, the Urban Institute identified that released prisoners who had "closer family relationships, stronger family support, and fewer negative dynamics in relationships with intimate partners were more likely to have worked after release and were less likely to have used drugs. It is evident that family support, when it exists, is a strong asset that can be brought to the table in the reentry planning process.,,3 These findings have long been recognized by corrections officials. In describing the purpose behind prisoner telephone access, the Federal Bureau of Prisons states, "Telephone privileges are a supplemental means of maintaining community and family ties that will contribute to an inmate's personal development.'''' Consensus is clear that maintaining and building family relationships have a positive impact on recidivism-when released prisoners are in relationship with a supportive family, they are more likely to find ajob, less likely to use drugs, and less likely to be involved in criminal activities. Unfortunately, maintaining contact with family members by telephone is often extremely difficult for offenders due to the exorbitant rate of prison phone charges. State prisons often contract with a single phone company, allow that company to charge for services at rates far above the market price, and then receive substantial "commissions" from company revenues. Some states use a debit system for prisoners to buy phone minutes, but collect call systems are [. ~: ': (,i<~_:'Op;,\{,; I'OC'd--11-_ U.:;! ;.;jeDE: Macintosh HD:Users:michaeldavis:Documents:Michael:Legal:FCC Dortch Nov 8 20l2.doc MICHAEL R. DAVIS Ms. Marlene H. Dortch Page 2 November 8, 2012 the norm. This means that many offenders' families must bear the financial burden of calls, which is often overwhelming for those who come from impoverished communities. Not only do these practices oppress poor families, they are also perverse public policy. The "commission" that State governments receive represents a regressive and highly selective tax that collectively punishes offender families. I believe that these unjust prison telephone policies must be eradicated. The FCC should uphold the Wright Petition by requiring companies to charge reasonable rates for prison calls that are comparable to rates outside of prison. Adopting such policy reforms will facilitate more communication between incarcerated offenders and their families, enabling them to draw from the encouragement and accountability that those relationships provide. Keeping these relationships a priority enhances offenders' well-being and protects the well-being of their communities I PAUL GUERINO, PAIGE M. HARRISON, AND WILLIAM J. SABOL, U.S. DEP'T OF JUST., OFF. OF JUST. PROGRAMS, BUREAU OF JUST. STAT., NCJ 236096, PRISONERS IN 2010 [at] 1,5 (rev. Feb. 9,2012), available at http://bjs.ojp.usdoj.gov/contentipub/pdt7pIO.pdf. 2 Creasie Finney Hairston et aI., Children, Families, and the Criminal Justice System: Family Connections During Imprtsonment and Prisoners' Community Reentry 3 (Jane Addams Ctr. for Soc. Po\'y and Res., Research Brief, Winter 2004), available at http://www.uic.eduljaddams/colJege/researchyublic_service/fileslfamilyconnections.pdf. 3 Christy Visher et aI., Baltimore Prisoners' Experiences Returning Home 6 (Urban Institute March 2004), available at http://www.urban.orglUploadedPDF/310946_BaltimorePrisoners.pdf. 4 28 C.F.R. § 540.IOO(a) (2012). Dear Commissioners, I am in support of the petition limiting excessive prison phone rates. Most inmates are held in prisons hundreds of miles from their homes and it is a hardship to have families drive the long distances to visit, when one considers both the price of gas and even a motel room. Phone calls really are the best way for these families and inmates to stay in touch. However, if prisons and jails charge extremely high, burdensome, and predatory rates for these calls, it will cause greater burden on families who cannot in many cases afford this. It is possible for there to be good security and reasonable rates for these phone calls, as evidenced by different states' rates. It appears that the disparity in these rates is due oftentimes due to phone companies paying a commission to the state for the service, hence why it is predatory to the families those who are forced to use this system. I support ending this type of practice and setting up more reasonable rates for families of inmates who are forced to use this system. Part of the system of reform will come when bonds are strengthened for inmates and their families, not when they are hindered. Thank you for your consideration. Business Law & Litigation Los Angeles: (213) 401-2550 - Lynnwood: (425) 672-3300 - New York: (212) 964-1960 - Portland: (503) 224-4600 San Francisco: (415) 735-3400 - Seattle: (206) 624-5300 November 13, 2012 Ms. Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary Federal Communications Commission ~45 12th Street SW Washington, DC 20554 Re: Public Comment for CC Docket No. 96-128 ("Wright Petition") Dear Secretary Dortch: The Wright Petition should be upheld. As a former CEO of several CLECs with many years' experience with telecom businesses, I am experienced with the process of attempting to bid on the lucrative prison phone business. It is my impression that states have locked up the business with a few favored suppliers and there was little effort to obtain competitive rates. We were not allowed to bid even though our rates would have been substantially lower. As a lawyer with 38 years of experience, I have seen the difficulty prisoners have in maintaining contact with their families. Often travel is difficult or visiting hours inconvenient. The telephone is the lifeline for the family. I have seen the difficulty prisoners have obtaining the money to talk on the telephone to maintain their relationship with their children. These children need their parents or are at risk to follow the same path due to neglect. Most prisoners I have known have no money. There is no moral justification for charging obscene telephone rates. Sincerely, V~~ John J Tollefsen Attorney at Law Mail: 2122164thStSW.Suite 300, LynnwoodWA 98087·7812 www.TollefsenLaw.com To Whom It May Concern: It is of great need that the excessive phone charges to a prison are made unacceptable. I would guess the average person can not afford these excessive rates. The need for anyone in prison to communicate with their loved ones is of extreme importance, both on a daily basis as well as a future basis. Please see that this is changed, because it is very unreasonable and unproductive except for the system that is allowed to do it. Dawn Romine November 9, 2012 I am urging you to approve the petition to place a cap on the amount that prisons can charge for inmate phone calls. As the mother of an inmate, I can vouch that the exorbitant rates currently charged are not affordable. I don’t get to talk to my son very often, and while I realize that he brought this on himself, it’s hurtful to the rest of the family to have so little contact. My son has a 3 year old, and it would be nice if it was more affordable for him to talk to his daddy. We would like to show him love and support, and help keep him positively focused, but it would be a lot easier if we could talk more often. Thank you for your consideration, Candace Spilman . '. Approved by OMB Estimated time per respon~~~ Inspected Form 2000B - Billing, Privacy, or Service Quality Complaint SEP 242012 S.I~EP. MaH Poo,/? Consumer's Information: FirstName:~ ,• K Last Name: ~ #b6539;l3 Company Name: ----~----~~~~--~~_c~~~------------_c~~~-(Complete only if you are filin this complaint on behalf of a company or an organization.) 2605 ~ ~ CT~ Zip Code: fZ3/0 Street Address or Post Office Box Number: City: ~ State: Telephone Number (Residential or Business): L-=:J E-mail Address: -=-- Ext:-=- ---A4~-r-~-4I1'-<I------------------ * * * ANSWER EACH QUESTION THAT APPLIES TO YOUR SPECIFIC COMPLAINT * * * 1. Telephone number(s) involved (including area code): Q!!J)).{)} - 8 rj / Ext: ~ L::::..J ~ -_ _ Ext: ~ 2. What is the ~ame of,~mpany, wireless carrier, or other company that is the subject of yourcomplamt? ~~ 3. What is the account number that is the subject of your complaint? ;J. :;0'(23 ~ 4. lfyou are disputing charges on a telephone bill, complete the following: a. Disputed amount: $_ _ _ _ _ __ b. Have you paid any of the disputed charges? - Yes - No c. Did the billing company adjust or refund the disputed charges? - Yes - No d. lfyes, what was the amount of the adjustment or refund? $____-________ e. Are the disputed charges related to additional services? - Yes - No lfyes, please explain: ___________ - _____________ 5. For billing and non-billing complaints (including privacy and service quality issues) please provide the details of your complaint or any additional information below: ~ =~==.=&I'~ September 2007 .. . " ~ .... . '. ~(~~ht lh\~ i ~ 0... ..p~\o\\c...- Cc''\'\~,nt (0(' tht. LC,...c..· ~c~ ~ 'Ito - I;;l.S)· P1L+~hOI') Received & InsPected q. ,;t. 12- SfP 24 201Z :::c +0 o.W\ ~ ,.; \\ l'lj FCC Mall Room +0 ~. .\\. ~\-\~n h' C! n to +h e.. I.:J 00.. \11"\0 r cl~, .. ou.\·n.~i()I,;.." (JhML Prlli.~ wi,",,;V\ ~f'~Of)~ •.4~ it ..sh't'1J~ ()o(.v J;4- ~D&t-.s. ,.~r ~ 15 : .~a.c.-\-- c.o~\\ tn,'n\..\..\--E- tb.t We.- o-.(~ (k\';)~ ch~<t'"\ " {i~l-en +0 th.L pre- ;.;~ c.v(.. r-e~\t'1 Wle"4)) Mo~t (;.m;''1 who"c:.h litl~ on he,,;.,. t>(,I.J,"1. to .1'\.'1 (e(.or~~YJ.5 tn.f;(~ """1( +~ i-\1""~ ~ \ tG\.~u ~/ aur {qm,'Ji tor (}rI()' ~pt ~"t'1 <j~+ -",,10 ~ th.£ o<J..trc~·lc\..~ne~.s be,tt.\.je o.dd5 I \?::.\/z.. rnl\"H."k~ lr\ jlfl')C,~ Ghc!.e. ~ \~k.-S{'i I..t. +0 for 1l;,.,"J'O. tor wh.'~h +ht.lf 5hoiAlJ b-'2.. '; puni~h~ • Hcc.VN..(11 Mo'>t rC'M'lo1~·II·«:s. {){ pr/s'Cnf1l",$ o..r.e. lG"W oJO\~\l"lj CI-hz..-en.s · ~t PCM.( ~'I(~l. d~\<E...",,., :.0.- bc-J. 6t1l"f TheIr l~~ (.A)},; ... !.-. .; ~p lo;kJ ,1.OI'+h Oll..+<-O-j" Ct.U. .. ()11e~ 16 wrl'n.s . ..i-r m~r'.t.J1 ;. ~1+okLe~ off 01 c. <9c)~(' t.Jh ~J Wl:V151 '1 I ~wilv- ol,t '1t..V/J I~ fO~ ~ ., phci1(. P("~"'!. l'1e~ · ,~e.t on-e .. i~ 0. ·.t.Jf l-c i'1?'/"11'1 A1e. I b,. 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'Pn~o .. to lo~ fr(..e. WOt'Y\)"\i\~ I ,\- )\t('"" jif-e~t~ I~. Add\"'~ -\t> PA.bt 10 0- ~~~ v;c.,\-H'Y)~ of a'\'hc!~ . C(U\.\--t .:r+- (;.X:lL'~ ~"V'e.. 5z:x:..\~*l of pr.-,CI1t>cs. ltnfo(hcn,,,\-\'1 ~\~ FG'"fY\'\' hE'.~ (..Vi" o)')l~ ~~(lJL tv-o.ctu..H cf I b-e\\~, ,,\OQ CQ.n ~-\-Y-~f'~~(.."" ~'·Ii +c o\"\l~ h~'p ph.c~ ~"'h m~;n~ r€()..~,..1,l'i pdLeA,. Th;~ (.,.:)~\\ be.. ~ 6\~O;r-"'-"'YIt 6\o--(t- 0..:\ $1cW~Yl5 . pfib?ner.J. tho..+ +~ ..\tl~ i~ 'jtIlUYlt'h(nt ('C( ~\(en~-\-h~V"\;Vlj 6hc...4d . b(:. on ~ ~(lo;()lltC~\ dc.o.t.. \-e ~t" cheic..-e.-!l (}.(~ not 'o\c~oa.\e.';)~. (,..)4.- ~ (\~e,) \0 J or CCl'tlt'V'.ij-'1(\ ea.lnomic:..5. Wh\\~ -\-k ~02Jc{~~~ .,o.nd ~u etr-PlClr\.(.'-\\C(\~, .o..\on.~ t.,.j:)",\\-. ~ ~V('(rHN..nt to \\- i ·h~.s (G/'of1I'l;\Y WI... n~~~ to re.a~();l.ti:.. *~ tk O1C-:~C(~'"'i ~ cr\vtI~ ',n th,~ c.ol,;-ntr~ o.s-~. d~~ +0 .+h;~ +le~ o~ t~ t~~~ c.c{pc{"c.'-~'c.u +W-n~n.5 0.. ~\(;"1 0... \)(.~+ b\in! e'1~ I,,", c.C{((l-\-\nj fJrc:..Io\"",~) ~\ i~ net -Jv.~t 6,1 p(i~<)ndS •. l"hO'f'\\<.. '-fOu.. "'r ~cL,.,.r +im~, O-t'l.d. CL:n~i~(.(C'o.-\'()t1, f:,if'l\..€r,,-'..., I £'"~"- S. WloJ0l'1<'1 _. 6:RIK 6. fI1o..lol1.~ #-/VcrZ8Y . A.s,p,t:.... Flo(en(<:..I&~T .p.o Ai~ 500 7.) ~or~t?cel At; gS-J32- H'SLD I ,'R vK. \60'-"'; t LC\..s a('. /#~ tl59 oS" :fJrri -v7n.£A- S foJ.e. Pr1>-01'--', Rece\ved Ii t"3peeted i I SEP 24 Z012 · .Co~?{~-- Ffo('ef'\.-C..e ·.~c;+ \ ~j~ .; Fio(e('.-Ge. r I I l../D ~C;-ODO ! ~5"'~Z Az. .. ~: .. TN> is FCCManRo~m 0- p\..-t.J:?~iC ~r- ~ ').2(i~ Oorru-ruen..;# I.::;t.e. -h {, or..... . Vhorue eo.-tLs "r ~ · .+~.A('i €¥-~e.~('-f C/I.-f.e CAln-u)c;t .Q..')(:.f:?..(2l'-:-sive., vJl-u'C"-l~S -u:AO co(l"l.r'\'"V"A-r"-;·icoJ. 1QI'..... vy...j~ O\..r\.ol ~ie.rvet,S - .l's {oo ~?>,en.sl'v--e .~ +00 -~t=?-en..<;I"ve. ~r +h..e ,: FOr 01.-$ b~ cv; I ..CA.-bovJ . ,I~S r rJV.-f -1-0 c.cJ l. c;+~ r?~ e-h£c_ks. ~ .h..~ loeer. . bO""$e~ r7~ '·+~.~"Qs·' .I vVo..rJ- -h.,r- rrue. ~ve b·e.er'-- In.. pc,'c;>'Of\.,- ,~ .. C00--7-eC~-v-e. '1.eLJ-{t; - :I or-ves rY""Aj 01\.. ex- er.ol <#\':7. .:If ..f-~s • /:h" u.r ~~ . 1..7~....A)~. I 0\.. +vvo ~...eKs fo {~ t~ cfvecA<.. ~IS: .(?Ot..('1\.. +#--';'7 . is~ eo;",): · .INs is~.f ~~~h., of'o.-n.., illvCon-ve to oLo i-his ~ .. s'-"1./e or+ rrv...rs-e tfr+'7 rvA ,e.t?Lstlc. ::::c'ft-'501.t;o .. ~eoL$-+ic... .. 1J.5' -" hr ~ -P"et'-'.ot,s ~ ~..rr""('1 +0 P , (.~ (ou:,J,... ec.-,J.l! . . - ; Atk ;! _T Ivol':),e -f+--"i~ {-e,-I-W --€4""Vo..-b(-e f.l..ve V?n:J5l-f pe f,ft·Of'"'~. \AX:>rKS' cV7 ~J7~ r.eo...~,-..., +., __ !-l-I<7-?, ~~K ~10\.A- -~ V\.-O t. ~ve (?'-; -Cr 'i0\.AJ {feoJ ~. ~@d·S' .ft:> ~ li+'e September 17, 2012 Craig .S.'il:nders D.O.C. # FS1684 s. C. 1. Kockvievl Boy. A Ballefonte, Pe~~. 16823-0820 Chairman Julius Genachowski Federal Communicat ions COlGtnission Public Comment~ 445 12th Street, SW Washington, DC 20554 Received & In8~ected SEP 242012 FCC Mail Room Re: Wright Petition (CC Docket #96-128) Dear Chairr.Jan Genachowski: This is a public comment: for the Wright PetiLio;] (CC Docket #96128). I have been personally a~d severally effected by the high cost of prison phone calls. To call family membars uutside of my ~ome state of Pennsylvania, it cost approximately $12.00 for a 15 minute ph0ne call. For 15 minute phone calls wit.hin the ~tate, they are about $5.00. Not only are the cos t extrnord ir:arily high, b;lt the p::ison administration restL"i~ts our famIly's ability to reduce the cost by using services like "Google Voice" numbers, which would allow us to mak~ calls at local rates. In the 10 years that I have been in prison, these calls have cost me and my family thousands of dollars. There is no justification for charging prisoners rates higher than the rest of socIety. Thank you for your time and attention in this matter. Respectfully Submitted, ".~ /~/ ~~~~ Craig Saunders cc: file Received & \nsf)eeted Chairman Julius Genachowski Federal Communications Commission Public Comments 445 12th Street, SW Washington, DC #20554 SEP 24 Z012 FCC Man Room 9-16-12 Dear Chairman Genachowski: This is a public comment for the Wright Petition (CC Docket #96128). The other day I heard the attorney general of Michigan warning gas stations about "gas price gouging". I thought to myself, 'wha t about the phone gouging, the mp3 gouging, and any 0 ther price gouging that can be laid on us, doesn't he care?' Before the thought ended I smiled and said "No Way." I realize tha t prison is a money farm. That's why they don't want to do right by the people that live in here; prisoners & our families. The worst of these examples is the high cost of the phone calls for us and our families. Calls use to cost about $9 each, then something happened a few years back and for a year calls only cost .10\ a minute. But then some one must have figured that was too low, because after that year was over it went up to about .25\ a minute, a 250% increase. I make about $22 a month carrying a yellow bucket. So if I make a 10 minute phone call, I have just spent roughly 10% of my monthly income. My sister and brothers always ask, "why don't you call more, your nieces and nephews want to talk with you." When calls were only .10\ a minute, I was able to tutor my nephew to a GED--that felt really good. Now it is financially impossible for me to maintain close ties with all of my family, so I do what I can. This gap will have to be filled when I am released from here in a short time. So I will be able to get myself a new "calling plan". But what is being done is nothing short of deliberate family separation. The phone company could make their money and give the MDOC their required kick-back by charging less for call and thereby having more calls made. Their profi t would come off of the volume of calls. But to all but destroy communication between sometlfthe poorest people in the country, prisoners and their families, is just a ruthless business practice. You know that old saying about power and how it corrupts, and how absolute power corrupts absolutely? Well you are looking at an example of that here. The intervention of the FCC is implored. Please helps us. ,.J~foefelY, wmrDavid~166300 Kinross Corr. Faciltiy 16770 Water Tower Dr. Kincheloe, MI. 49788 Reee\ved & \ftspeeteti September 11, 2012 SEP 2. 4Z01Z Chairman Julius Genachowski Federal Communications Commission Public Comments 445 12th Street, SW Washington, DC 20554 FCCMaH Room RE: "This is a public comment for the Wright petition (CC Docket #96-128)." Dear Chairman Genachowski: Thank you very much for taking interest in the outragous problems we are experiencing in the prison phone sy~ems. Our current phone system here at CDCr is nothing but unfair and unjust. As you will quickly be able to see from the letters I've included I have, along with many other inmates have been being tramatized and taken advantage of for a long time. This is all being done by a soleprovider Global-tellink. Ever since I've come to prison I have been having an ex~mely hard time maintaining contact with my family, or anyone else I try to call. We cannot contact anyone unless they have previously set up and maintained an account with Global. And they make it hard to initialy set up an account With todays technology almost all people have cell phones that don't except collect calls, therefore we cannot call. Many times inmates need to call parties that don't have an account with Global, and can't. We need to have a prepaid phone card system. This would abolish all the problems were having. It would cause no security risk,every thing else will still be in place. I have tried to contact them on severaloccasions to offer them suggestions and let them know about all the stress their company causes and they have never had the common courtesy to return any of my letters. Any help you can provide in this much deserved campaign will greatly be appreciated. Please let me know what else I can do to help. /(;;j):&2 F-48204 C4 212u P.O. Box 8500 Coalinga, Ca 93210 RANDY D PIERCE F-48204 c2 134u POB 8500 Coalinga, Ca 93210 BUSINESS, PROFESSIONS AND CONSUMER PROTECTION, Capitol bldg. Room 3013 Sacramento Ca 95814 Dear Sir or Madam, As an inmate in the California State Prison system and a citizen of the state, it is my duty to inform you of the problems involving the telephone system and it's current provider, Global Tel-Link. Global institutes policies and procedures which are ineffective and unjust. As we are forced to deal with this company forl.phone service, I believe a sincere attempt should be made to rectify the situation~ Inmates have very little in the way of resources and~ due to Global's policies, it is almost impossible to maintain positive connections with family, friends, employers and the community at large. Such connections are imperative for a successful reintergration into society once our sentences have been completed. We are-currently unable to place collect calls to anyone who has not first established an Account with Global and paid a $100. security deposit. This severely limits an inmates ability to maintain contacts with the outside world. We should be allowed to place collect calis to whomever we wish as long as the recieving party is willing to accept the charges. In the alternative, allowing the use of prepaid calling cards along with direct dial privileges would allow inmates to establish and maintain contacts with the community at large. Another issue that arises frequently when an inmate attempts to remain connected with the community is that calls to cell phones are automatically blocked. Since the cell phone is now a more popular choice than a landline, it is fast becoming impossible to call many friends and relitives. In order to call these people, they must maintain two separate phone systems. This is not a practical solution for many people in today's economy and is extremely counterproductive. Any help or insight you can offer in this matter would greatly be appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to consider the matter put forth in this letter. Sincerely, Randy D Pierce Randy D Pierce F-48204 C2 134 POB 8500 Coalinga, Ca 93210 To CEO Global Tel-link, This is a formal.complaint regarding your company's customer service representatives as well as its policies ana procedures dealin~ with the setting up of accounts. You have caused me much stress and heartache to date and there are many inmates in the California state Prison system that have been treated just as poorly by your company. In 2008, my mother Lorene J. Raddy, went through the process of setting up an account with you so that I could call her collect. This process took several months and my mother was required to place a $100. deposit on her account. This deposit was required even though my mother maintained home and business telephone services for over 50 years and had never received a disconnect notice. After only two collect calls lasting 15 min. each, your company placed a block on the line. She attempted to have the block removed but had nothing but problems when dealing with your customer service. The block was never removed. My mother then became very ill and found it extremely hard to write to me. She needed to be able to talk to me so she attempted once more to have the block removed from her line. She understood that her account was reactivated and that the block had been removed. She sent me a note advising me that I should now be able to make collect calls again, however the block was still in place, this was in early 2011. Due to the ineffectiveness of your customer service department, we were never able to have the block removed. NOW IT" S TOO LATF. r1y mother passed away and your business practices have cost me the opportunity to speak with my mother and comfort her during the last few months of her life. I am extremely sad and heartbroken not to mention angry that I was unable to speak with her while a terminal illness slowly took her away from me. Because of your policies and practices regaroing the establishment of accounts and the payments of deposits, I am still unable to place calls to the rest of my family, and this is very upsetting and is what truly hurts my heart. We as inmates in California state Prisons, shoulo be able to place calls to anyone we wish and have them billed collect. This sort of policy change would enable all of those concerneo to avoid all of the problems that arose in my case. Would you please provide me with a copy of your policies and an explanation as to why it is so difficult for reliable telephone customers to get service. I would also like to know why I am not allowed to place collect calls to whomever I wish. Sincerely, Randy D Pierce Received & InsPected - :3~c.q,ue~ Vdlo;~V\O\ ~H~S'1~t ';...VG[., .lbo1· SEP 241011 . G:l" :;L13 FCC Mail Room PIt1.V\~«>~, ~V.eMuVI\\-e,/ .. vPr, '2-~¥b~ Gh~~'r'~V\JVv\IV~ Gef\~VhOWS~l ,+eA-e..N",\CoVV\MuV\;~Ho~'\s; .?u..\o\(G Co~~~~ · L1L\ S \J..~ S-\-v-(tJ/ ~W. . . . . . . . ,\N~>'n\~tov\bC. COMf--\\5>laN . ').0 t;5t.{ · DeP..>r G~\·V""(\AL;\V\. GeA\~WS k.~ ~e... '("o...K ,iA \);~yil\l~ OvV\cA I 0+ P~i5>LW\ c.~ \~s t\A~ I iil\c.evr(,-e.v-o.~ (.,\ose~t-'IeAo,.-hv-e tlAoJ- 1"" 0Ji..A Ctl.ol-e to u,J.,\'IMS I~ w~ 0.;("(. ~tnJ.rv\~~ h~~, ().VV\ 1\?vk. ~~". .... . .Dvt-~. \oc.kcl.crw3t\s 0vV\J- p1)l\~ ~~V\~e" Wi~ ~i>~~~s. fJtd.~I·S hnt~ \VI ~~~Vj ""11,) ~ of ~O-V\J{~ o~_{,~es c.o~e> Ott- lo!.s • H~V\J ~e.-s 1~ 0. ~VJ< ~~+- -to vIs;rJ..L W(JV\J {~~ ~~ w'("(t~7f~d.(!.N\ve.. C\~~ 1'h-e ,1\tJe.e4~ v!·~ikh~. :Il.v\c.\~ b~ 'b:.J~~ ~~oe..,Dt ~c! ~ G\+ ~ ~ \JvOV~ VVCM li\ \l1SWe.J \-u vlsiL If -t\;\~ yO\ks \J~-e..- ~vIn~) U\ 5cM~ i~l1V\"t-- CAll .~ hQ.\X, Sl7l,v-e~ t\~e, aV\d ·tv-CAv<.,h"'q U~~tS ~ -' ,. W,\\\ V\UAJ ~V\O\OJJ 011\ --Yv\e.. ~\'~~) -\e.w O..\-M J 'f<.AC\~s '\I\aw-e.. \1AV\~ .\\~~S v..V\C\ V\cA.N\'V\j +0 ,p'f\~<fV\ -hAc.k-{.d OV) to 90\J (.\v\ ~t)vb Imv1~ G1~OVvl~ fo.,fegs ~ cuJj.~ +'v\~ ~~l\ v. \w.f UQV\\-.v-CA(';t- j) OV-v-rW~M\~J ~ M-O"M D ;r7 J3/J ,fl.-I 1-1 :cp- /" <-- J.-i p/ n. IN? X)JJ )-J- 5 r £ /V G ~t1 el / ft-e7 N vOlt d cr / V ;)2 /P(/ fo J;::~ d. 37 K;J= c1 J 1-11- /L " '"J .. T/ - <" " (1\( / " ..w r ''p~ r /J ~ f4tr~ 1f-;"f/4. . C6Ml'1e'1 r ((c fJockt #- rt Ge/1Ac4o w fk.'/ {J e 1':<t;Ot1 71u--f C h.tt,Yrt~1t .. ~ / /. (. rv<.p. (~lk /' _ ,-pI f Zj ) ~ ~.~t> .·'r Cr)jT A.. //47"0 SEP 24 2012 t 52 l ;~Ac/'e~c<'7 jY co5/) t:>/17 ~7· ''''<- . FCC Mail Room ,t) .. /VI -TI 7/. O. C. ffee. 5 f'4.~k ;-r.. 1JI"'ff,"cc-o-/ t 10 JT-'Y ~'K CO/l/;<.C( w/{{ 1'1-/ .. A.l1d- Recruyed & Inspected o Ire/" (",<;'ff/-<. fdf ~ !~ 111<~ fr<'&tl}' ~ /e~ /IUfAe. .CcA--II, /row f/-dWR.IIU/ f7...L co5T/f&'-.-flJllht») 7 ,[it 2blet ( ;.1;" (W4''t9 ~ Yov..66!edto J;;;..., 8'fj 14.d~ c4// c(.. .;;: MtJ . .. e(.. {//Jd- )'17.:Jj/!y i.f1CtC4 l-lt~~, ., t;'Jcc'-.-r ~ 1Z~ ~ y~&t.. Cc;ll;'l~{)\'(;Pt) I,',(efy c;')r f'A~'1~ frJr NA~ C>\... f Y'e.-l~ O~r CU11-/le~Je /fe//, uf fr/ 0 $41Gt l'/iGe.. C)f Illr.d~ C~//f.. f;'f41 e :T. CVCJe../rJ- .?LIft! )/OtA-/ (/~ T{/ cJlb~/)e. " fltp-I't {y~ ~ 'ite , .. o'Zc~ Tlt~ T . .Tlt(/~uKC /' rL./ lo..c I1-~"'7 v"'/{ /fdC1J- jJr-k/l~ /ldM<... (0(/ 1(j -ri ..W'?{ .. fe~ c//.,cf;cvJT A.r.:'(r;<( k 1,.'f /, .~hv"f 9 , rve<.. k..,. .;;~/'~> ~'r I for. f/'\7Ico( 9'/"A.Pll'1e/ Jk;l/Ij"" ".~~;~ ;Jill/ICc !lel2c1,,'Ci f ,M.1l0C# 1!5f1b