Il Prison Phone Contracts Consolidated Ultratec Tdd 2002
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TOO Phones f '= Ultratec The convenience of memory in a printing ITY Designed for acoustic use only. the new Superprint 4225" gives you the convenience of memory features in a basic printing ITY. ULTRATEC PRINTING '"'Superprint 4225 TTY 1M AprintingTIY with memory capabilities! BUllT·IN PRINTER WITH 3 TYPE SIZES KEYBOARD • 4-row keyboard UNIVERSAL • 50 easy·touch keys ACOUsnCcups / .. ~. ~ • 15 special function keys • Convenient "GA" and "SK" keys • ArrOw keys for easy reView of conversations in memory • Locawr keys on the "home" row • Computer·style design • Sticky key for single-handed typing SPECIAL FUNCTION KEVS - - , • • • ,.... • • protocol) for "reaJ.tirne" conversations Baudot code 45/50 (traditional TIYcode) Interrupt capability in Turbo Code & Baudot code Auto IO" automatically alens emergency services (and everyone you call) that you are calling by TrY E.A.R.S.'" sensitivity control fCC/IC approved / I • BRIGHT 2O-CHARACTEA DISPLAY - '-'''.- ...... _._.- J-~~W~~"""':'++-.J.:-.-I-J TE L E COM M U N IC ATIO NS • Turbo Code'" (enhanced Tn' . GAISK KEYS - - _ . ,~_;_liii;;-:;;;1r---CONVENIENT ~ ARROW KEYS RELAY VOICE ANNOUNCER ADVANCED COMPUTER ,STYLE KEYBOARD FEATURES TTY ANNOUNCER'" DISPLAV • User'programmable Reb}' Voice Announcer teUs callers to use a TTY or dial relay, and gives the relay number you enter • TTY Announcer asks hearing party to use a TTY (or incoming call • Built-in help menu MEMORY • Bright, 20<haracter display • Character height 0.25" (6mm) POWER • NiCad rechargeable batteries (6 size AA) • AC adapter (charger); 9VDC, 6;Oma • UUCSA listed PRINTER • 32k memof')' to save memos and conversations • Named memos for easy sending • Easy-touch programmable greeting message • Built·in 24-character printer • ; different print sizes (normal, bold, or wide) • Word wrap and hyphenation • Upper and lower case printing • 2 1/4" (58mm) wide thermal paper PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS • Size: 9.9" x 10" x 2';• Weight: 3.6 lb. with banencs • Universal square-shaped cups for traditional and modem telephone handsets WARRANTV • One'rcar limited warrJnry • Optional extended warr.mty available SpeCifications subject to change Superprint 4225" is dislribulCd by: ~Ultratecm·S TIle world's le:tding manllfucntrer of 450 Science Drive MadiSOn, WI 53711 ToD Free: 1-8OO-l82-2424 (V(l1Y) ,.,. ••••• - I ...•... (608) 23&5400 (VITIT) lTV, TDD, and Ten Telqlhonc: all refer 10 lbe YIn. t!cvlce FA:< (608) 23&3008