Bobby Brown Fcc Complaint 2012
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Received &Inspected SEP -42012 JEAN ROSS, ESQ 32 Markham Road Princeton, New Jersey 08540 609-924-6508 phone and fax FCC Mail Room August 232012 Julie Veach, Chief Federal Communications Commission Wireless Competition Bureau Office of the Secretary 445 12th Street SW Room TW-B204 Washington, DC 20554 Re~18jRt of Bnbbl' ~ ef. Docket # 96-128 Dear Chief Veach,I Per your suggestion. Please see the enclosed Fax. Thank you again for your attention to this matter. C dially,) - c'~ f~ ean Ross, Esq. Encl. Email Communication Complaint IRequest for Investigation and Exhibits ., . FAX TRANSMISSION JEAN ROSS, Esq. 32 Markham Road Princeton, New Jersey 08540 office phone = 609-924-6508 cell phone = 609-802-4777 fax = 609-924-6508 To: Julie Veach, Chief Wireline Competition Bureau Fax#: 202-418-2825 From: Jean Ross, Esq. Subject: Request for Investigation of Unreasonable and Discriminatory Phone Rates (in New Jersey) by Bobby Brown Docket No. 96-128 OR. f fI \ Date: August 23,2012 Pages: 22 pages I Dear Chief Veach, Please find "enclosed" the Complaint submitted by Bobby Brown at NJ State Prison on January 10,2012. I will send you 2 hard copies of the Complaint and exhibits tomorrow, so you can send me a stamped copy, as Mr. Brown requested. It's safer to send to me, so I can copy it before sending it in to the prison, whose mail system is not always reliable. Mr. Brown tells me that he sent a check for $25 with his original application and has a copy of the check. I hope that there is no filing fee, but if there is, please let me know and I will take care of it. If you do not have a record of Mr. Brown's $25 check, I will ask him to send me a copy to forward to you. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Finally, I know that there are many people in New Jersey who are very concerned about the prison phone system. We will be following up the State's negotiations with GTL about the contract that must be renegotiated by March 3, 2013. Weare also very interested in the status of proceeding #96-128. Can you give me any information about that proceeding? YOUagai Je h _ L7'1 oss, Esq. (/ Ie's Organization for Progress. " TRANSMISSION VERIFICATION REPORT TIME NAME FAX TEL SER.# DATE,TIME FAX NO./NAME DURATION PAGE{S) RESULT MODE 138/23 19:33 121324182825 1313:133:136 22 OK STANDARD ECM 138/23/21312 19:36 JROSS 613992465138 613992465138 HaN446899 Page 1 of2 Subj: Date: From: To: CC: RE: Request for Investigatioin of Global Tel Link 7/19/20129:42:38 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time Thank you. If you can also email it to me or fax it to my attention at (202) 418-2825, I'll have it in hand while the official copy comes up from the mail room. Regards, Julie Veach ---_._---,_._----From: [] Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2012 8:26 AM To: Julie Veach Cc: Subject: Re: Request for Investigatioin of Global Tel Link Dear Secretary Veach, Thank you for responding to my inquiry. I am away from my office this week, but will send you Mr. Brown's complaint when I return. Jean Ross, Esq. In a message dated 7/18/201210:15:41 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, JulieVeach@fcc.govwrites: Dear Ms. Ross, Thank you for your email. After conducting a search within the Wireline Competition Bureau and also in the Enforcement Bureau, we have been unable to locate any record of Mr. Brown's complaint. If you or Mr. Brown have a copy of Mr. Brown's complaint and would like to forward it to my attention, it would be greatly appreciated. In any event, for future reference, I am attaching a copy of the Commission's guide on filing formal or informal complaints with the FCC. As you may also know, the FCC has an open proceeding in connection with inmate payphone rates. Any member of the public may participate in that proceeding. If Mr. Brown would like to participate, he can send his comments in a letter to the FCC. The letter should reference docket number 96-128 on the first page and be addressed to: Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary Federal Communications Commission Office of the Secretary 445 12th Street, SW Room TW-B204 Washington, DC 20554. Alternatively, comments in the inmate payphone proceeding can be filed electronically by selecting docket number 96-128 "Pay Telephone Compensation Issues including Inmate Pay Telephones" at the following web address: I hope this information is helpful. Regards, Julie Veach Sunday, July 22, 2012 AOL: JeanRoss55 Received &Inspected SEP -42012 Bobby Brown #249446/#722093b New Jersey State Prison P.O. Box 861 Trenton, New Jersey 08625 Requestor Confined FCC Mail Room Date: January 10, 2012 BEFOR~ THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION WASHINGTON, DC 20554 In re: Application of Pobby Brown As An Infor11lal R.equest For An Investigation of Unreasonable and Discriminatory Rates And Practices File No. _________________ Docket No. -------------- To: Federal Communication Commission Wireline Competition Bureau Chief, Ms. Sharon Gillett 445,12th St., S.W. 5th Floor Washington, DC 20554 To: Global Tel* Lipk 2609 Cameron Street Mobile, Alabama 36607 Dear Sir or Madam: Please fir:Ld here enclosed for filing, an informal I complaint with the necessary' supporting documents. I request that a stamped UFILED" copy be returned to me at the above address of complainant. As this matter is "informal" I only request that whatever amendments needed or made by the appropriate agency be made according to the filing. --'-" ,_., - -" -,---- ----------- - - - - ._- in this matter! Pro Se 1 - - - - . - . - _.,'-------- SUMMARY OF THE FIIJNG The herein Complainant Bobby Brown moves before the Federal Communication Commission via, Presiding Officer, Ms. Sharon Gillett pursuant to 47 C.F.R. 1.209 and submit this summary pursuant to 47 C.F.R. 1.49(c). This complaint unreasonable, Tel Link. have is informal, and based on unjust, and discriminatory rates and usage by Global This includes limitation on calls for those who families exception, of outside a few of the neighboring United States with the cell phone ban islands, connection from family usage. The complainant request an investigation if necessary concerning the company, and whether there is a need for comparison with other states including those who have banned GTL for the same purpose. As. the complainant, I submit that there is legitimate alternative means by which this company is able to operate and the state without gauging prices from families. Therefore, there is a request to investigate the matters if the request is legitimate by complainant. 2 Bobby Brown #249446/#722093b New Jersey State Prison P.o. Box 861 Trenton, New Jersey 08625 Requestor Confined Date: January 10, 2012 BEFORE THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION WASHINGTON, DC 20554 In re: Application of Bobby Brown As An Informal Request For An Investigation of Unreasonable and Discriminatory Rates And Practices File No. ------- Docket No. - - - - - - To: Federal Communication Commission Wireline Competition Bureau Chief, Ms. Sharon Gillett 445 12th St., S.W. 5th Floor Washington, DC 20554 To: Global Tel* Link 2609 Cameron Street Mobile, Alabama 36607 INFORMAL REQUEST FOR AN INVESTIGATION OF UNREASONABLE AND DISCRIMINATORY RATES AND PRACTICES Pursuant to 47 USCA §1.1410(a), and 47 CFR §§ 1.41 the Requestor Bobby Brown in the above captioned matter, pro se, informally services, request an investigation for discriminatory unjust and unreasonable rates by Global Tel* Link based on the following facts: 1. I am an inmate confined here in New Jersey State Prison, P.o. Box 861, Trenton, New Jersey 08625. 3 FACTS AND INTEREST .2. Tel * Global Department of Link has Corrections a contract to provide with New telephone Jersey service inmates in its correctional facilities at the rate of to .33 cents a minute and .33 cents for each additional minute for local (intrastate and interstate) telephone calls. 3. Inmates are allowed to make collect calls, and the pre-paid calls which are charged against the inmates trust account are the same rate of .33 cents per minutes. 4. phones, Inmates are prohibited from making calls to cell and no service is provided for inmates who need to make international phone calls with the exception of Jamaica, Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico. 5. The contract does not provide international calling service to other inmates. The New Jersey Department Corrections provides an alternate method for of international calling services through the Social Workers Department and costing approximately averaging at $4.40 $13.04 for the first minute, and for each additional minute for Germany f and the rates will vary depending on the country. 6. Under the contract, an inmate may not make more than $200.00 worth of collect calls during ariy month. inmate has accumulated collect calls totaling Once the $200.00, a block is placed on the collect calls without the inmate or person(s) accepting the calls consent or any number the inmate wish to call has exceeded $200.00. The result of the 4 block in turns gives a recording authorized for collect calls." "this There number is not is no notice to the general population inmates in New Jersey State Prison. 7. To remove the block, the person receiving the collect calls must immediately go to his/her Phone Company, and request that the block be removed, and then, place money on the account practically paying for time by the minute plus, applicable taxes and fees. 8. fami: There is a common practice by phone companies of members after an IPIN number has been updated with new phone numbers to place a block on the telephone approved for ~alling without consent of the family . .itionally, calls made to families and friends who have operator providers like AT&T et als., can not always get through because there is an un-approved block on th2: phone which does not recognize the other carrier's specific access code. This in turns gives a recording that "this number is not authorized for collect calls" as stated in (paragraph 6) . 10. The rate of .33 cents per minute under the_ mtract far exceeds the actual cost reasonable profit for GTL. of telephone services and a (See also, II below.) 11. The rate of paying for international calls at the _.r.a_t~ _QC $J,3 .. 0.1 __ to~ _the._ firsL_Tl}in~t:._~_ and aver'" '"T aL$4..49 _. __. for each additional minute is unconscionable. THE DeD.C.'S AI,TERNATIVE TO INTERNATIONAl, PHONE CAI,J.S 12. The herein writer of this complaint submit that the 5 alternative to Global Tel* Link not having international phone call service provided has lead to the following; 13. On December 12, filed a request to 2009, via, make a inmate remedy system, phone call to my I biological children in Germany, stating that I would pay for the call(s) made and the time to call. (Ex. 1). 14. The form was dated December 1, 2009, as wrong form, and Form IRSF (Inmate Remedy System Form 103) was sent back stating to see Unit Social Worker. (Ex. 2). 15. I spoke to the Unit Social Worker Ms. Crystal Raupp, and she submitted the form on my behalf on January 5, 2010. (Ex. 3). 16. On January 14, 2010, the Prison Classification Committee denied the international telephone call request by Ms. Raupp submitted on my behalf. 17. Based resubmitted a on the request (Ex. 4). denial on on January January 17, 5, 2011, 2010, asking I for reconsideration of the denial, and to show cause why I should not be able to call my children to the Prison Classification Committee. 18. (Ex. 5). Stamped filed January 20, 2010, as "wrong form" someone unknown in the Administration Department sent a IRSF ... Form. 1.0J_._stat_ing i number on .. DebLt IPIN co 1.1e.ct ._.cg11s _.c<;l,u be__ made ,,-. __Pla~.e._ List, Institutional/Department "Tel 005." 19. Prior to January 20, 6 and use approved (Ex. 6). 2010, I filled out a Discrepancy Form requesting to add my daughter, son, and children's mother on the phone IPIN list. 20. On January 21, 2010, I received response stating, "No international calls through phone system." 21. asking On January permission to 22, 2010, add my I sent enough boxes on the another daughter, mother's number to my IPIN list. IPIN form son Also, for came back on January request and daughter's the digits 26, of 2010 Again, I resubmitted on February 8, 2011. I'm requesting that both my In response, stating, International calls. Only North American dialing." 22. out that there was not daughter and her mother's phone numbers. request (Ex. 7). the "No (Ex. 8). (Ex. 9). Global Tel* Link provide services to me on the "Inmate Pin Request Form" to call from the institution pre-payment to of an overseas inmates through account collect and/or or direct international (See, Ex. 10). collect calls. 23. The number of slots on the IPIN Form should reflect enough digits includes needed country information is for codes international and already number covered specifically for the numbers approved. ___ca_l-_I_G_ermc:l,ny,__ J~u_sSi_a_,__ phone dialing calls, unless, electronically this the and If an inmate wish to ~_r_C\.nc~_, _~opeDhag§I:L ~_t_ g:L$-,__ , __ th~ _QQ1.lptTI'_ codes can be electronically imputed into Global Tel* Link's computer where the inmate is allowed to call directly to that one number approved for dialing. 7 (Ex. 10). 24. Global Tel * Link does not have anything in place for inmates who have family overseas, contact them. I must use the and wish to call and Social Worker's Department within the Department of Corrections to place an overseas call as an alternative at discriminatory rates. (See scheduled calls vial For G-14 as Exhibits 11-15) 25. The overseas call is $57.00 to $60.00 for 15 minutes at $13.04 for the first minute and at $4.00 for each additional minute. 26. I request that Global Tel* Link, contract companies overseas to assist clients (inmates) families I . who wish to call their overseas without having to pay a large disparity compared to those made intra & interstate calls here in the United States as unjust and unreasonable. pIIRT,Ie INTEREST 27. The competitive price gouging from the families of inmates does not promote rehabilitation nor does it promote a stable atmosphere within the prison come Rates for prisoner phone calls families if the rates for prisoner telephone calls should SOl should not system. from the pockets of be equal to a comparable call in the free world including the prevention of any special surcharges or tariffs I on . -prisoner--calls ;---- -- --28. The rates considered are unacceptable to families where current rates for local and inter-lata calls provide lower costs to inmate I s families 8 when calls are made at night, on weekends and holiday, however, the families are not getting the benefit of these discount rates. 29. A request is reasonable, and in the public interest since, when the process can be used on the pre-paid debit account at a lower rate than paid by the public savings "tax payers" and at the same time lower the complaint level in New Jersey Department of Corrections. 30. When an inmate cannot afford to pay for the high rate calling through the alternate source (Social Worker), he or she will receive a G-14 stating, the call can be made when there is enough money in the account. (Referring to Ex. 11-15) . 31. Under the request for proposal, Inmate/Resident Telephone Control Service was made to be most advantageous to the State, price and other factors considered however, neither the inmate nor the families. 32. Under the dialing plan provided by the Contractor no international calls is authorized. 33. No calls are permitted unless approved by the DOC and/or JJC POCo DISCRIMINATORY RATES 34. In support of this claim, complainant ask the FCC --to -consider- --(Ex-;--16)- anart-icle---from--April --2011 -issue -of-Prison Legal News (IIPLNII) Vol. 22 No.4, ISSN 1075-7678 which, did a national survey of telephone serVice providers, GTL provides telephone service to correctional facilities in 9 20 states and as a major operator provider in the telecommunications market. The complainant submit the Prison Legal News (PLN) dated April 2011, shows Global Tel* Link as a major operator provider in the United States. 35. reduce As of June 24, the cost Corrections (DOC) of 2010, Inmate and (Ex. 16.) Global Tel Link agreed to calls Juvenile at State Justice Department Commission of (JJC) facilities by providing a flat rate for all calls of $0.33 per minute which equating at an overall 15% reduction and providing 40% modified the the State's commission from commission percentages fro to some 41%, and the rate of options available to county correctional facilities. 36. The lowest interstate rate is Massachusetts at + .10 for each additional minute. The highest .86 is Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Georgia, Minnesota, North Carolina, at 3.95 + .89 for each additional minute this does not include the applicable taxes and fees. 37. There should be no ban from calling services to family members who are in possession of cell phones due to the overwhelming use and ownership in society today. 38. The failure to provide international call service under the contract is also unreasonable . . 39.__ fj.n~lly, _. tj:le .. pla_c~!TIept __ <?f._ .?.Il. autorn~t:;J_c block as described earlier in (paragraphs 6-9) is also unreasonable. DISCRIMINATORY PRACTICES 40. The FCC should determine 10 if the ban on inmates calling cell phones is discriminatory. 41. Whether the failure to provide international calling to inmates under the contract is discriminatory. lIN.TIISI AND IINREASQNABI,E RATES 42. New Jersey rates show a compared to the 20 states which, disparity as II excessive II also has Global Tel* Link for contracts. 43. The Requestor as a client seek the Wireline Competition Bureau to investigate whether the rates show a disparity, and should be equally across the board for all states contracted with Global Tel* Link. 44. The Requestor, by way of informal request files this to determine if the rates are unjust and unreasonable violation of the Communications Act of 1934, in and urged the FCC to investigate the services to New Jersey State Prisoners and to regulate their rates. This includes whether there is a disparity in the phone rates in New Jersey compared to other states and lack of cell phone use. 45. Global Tel * Link, therefore has a market. is a provider to 20 states and dominant position in the operator service However, the phone rates vary from state to state in the market power. (Ex. 16). --- . - - 46.--- Global- Tel * --·-Link,·· is-- -a--maj or--onthe - market should treat all states equally on a and non-discriminatory basis. 47. As Global Tel* Link 11 has a contract with the Department of Corrections here in New Jersey, they (D.O.C.) are equally liable for not providing their rates to inmates in writing upon request. 48. Due to the contract, I am compelled to use only the debit phone system when I need to speak with my family placing $15 to $20.00 for calls in the United States due to phone blockage. 12 CONCI,JISION (a.) The FCC should investigate whether Global Tel* Link rates as a major on the market competitively, show disparity from state to state as unjust and unreasonable; (b. ) Whether the rates should be equally across the board as Global Tel* Link is a major contender amongst other carrier providers as unjust and unreasonable; (c.) Whether the rates are unjust and unreasonable given the prices of other states who are lower and by the same carrier; (d.) Whether or not, providing service for inmates who have families outside the United States is prejudicial, and a request is reasonable for Global Tel * Link to provide the necessary service to those inmates, and if not, whether such refusal would amount to a violation of 47 U.S.C. Section 201; (e) That the Wireline Competition Bureau determine that the maximum rate from Global Tel* Link of $.33¢ a minute in New Jersey compared to other states under contract is in excess of a just and reasonable rate pursuant to 47 C.F.R. §1.1410(a) as a major on the market; (f.) That Global Tel* Link, the above named carrier be ordered to immediately provide telephone service to Inmates in New Jersey Department of Corrections for foreign calls; (g.) The FCC Investigate the disparity in the phone rates, as the rates should be equally across the board to avoid discriminatory acts; (h.) The Service Provider Global Tel* Link should engage in foreign communication in the publics interest. Such interest where complainant now pay $57.00 - $60.00 for 15 minutes would be cheaper if paid and established through the Inmate pre-paid account establish through Global Tel * Link even at .33 a minute and for each additional minute; (i.) Whether failure to provide the actual amount of applicable taxes and fees under the contract is unreasonable; (j .) Whether the Department of Corrections and Global Tel*--- Link's agreement_to .33¢- a __ minute_ plus applicable_ taxes and fees could be implemented without consent of the clients (inmates). This is especially considering, the Department of Corrections is profiting, and not paying any fees for the purpose of this deal/contract. This is especially so, where there are Inmate representatives who speak on behalf of the inmate population, who could relate the agreement of contracts between inmates and the prison officials. 13 Accordingly, named carrier services, are the be undersigned investigated to request that' the determine discriminatory against, and whether for above their unjust and that the unreasonable rates. Date: January 10, 2012 I I declare under of perjury foregoing is true and correct. Signed this lOth day of Jan ~"-------"-- - ----------- - ------- --- -- ._------------ -- .. _-- - 14 - .. ----- .. - Bobby Brown #249446/#722093b New Jersey State Prison P.o. Box 861 Trenton, New Jersey 08625 Requestor Confined Date: January 10, 2012 BEFORE THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION WASHINGTON, DC 20554 In re: Application of Bobby Brown As An Informal Request For An Investigation of Unreasonable and Discriminatory Rates And Practices File No. Docket No. AFFIDAVIT TO PROCEED IN FORMA PAUPERIS To: Federal Communication Commission Wireline Competition Bureau Chief, Ms. Sharon Gillett 445 12th St., S.W. 5th Floor Washington, DC 20554 To: Global Tel* Link 2609 Cameron Street Mobile, Alabama 36607 , Pursuant to 47' C.F.R. §1.224, Bobby Brown moves the Presiding Officer Ms. Sharon Gillet for permission to proceed in forma pauperis in the above captioned proceeding relating to this informal complaint and in support of this motion shows: 1. Movant is in a position to submit material relating States to request an investigation as to whether the rates by Global Tel * Link are unj ust and unreasonable as a maj or on the market ,in the United States; 15 and whether prison phone calls and contracts, are prejudicial to inmates who have families which live internationally abroad where there is no slots for approve numbers on the inmate IPIN Form nor can cell phones be approved for the purpose of calling where society land lines are clearly outdated. 2. Upon information and belief, the evidence that movants seeks to introduce is of substantial public interest and importance, and though, submitted for public view, the FCC nor courts have made the conclusion as to whether the rates are unreasonable, unjust and prejudicial. 3. Movant is not seeking and will not realize any personal financial gain from this proceeding and simply moves for an investigation, and final conclusion based on the moving papers submitted herein as exhibits. 4. Movant has dedicated personal financial resources in the amount of $25.00 monthly from his monthly institutional pay but inadequate for effective participation. 5. Movant shall rely further on the attached affidavit in support of this informal request. 6. The Movant has submitted in support of his informal request a copy of his inmate account statement supporting his financial transactions for the last six months. _7. Movant has submitted facts showing under all the. circumstances that it would not be reasonable to expect added resources of his individual assets to meet the expenses of participating in the proceeding; and an estimate of the cost 16 of participation. WHEREFORE, the undersigned moves the Presiding Officer to issue an order: a. granting this Informal Requesti b. Directing that a copy rules of of the decision be made available tb movant; and c. Relaxing the filing of Informal Request, to ease Dated: procedure with respect and supporting copies, burden. ~~~~~~~~~ 17 to in order ,. " Bobby Brown #249446/#722093b New Jersey State Prison P.O. Box 861 Trenton, New Jersey 08625 Requestor Confined Date: January 10, 2012 BEFORE THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION WASHINGTON, DC 20554 In re: Application of Bobby Brown As An Informal Request For An Investigation of Unreasonable and Discriminatory Rates And Practices File No. Docket No. MOTION TO PROCEED IN FORMA PAUPERIS To: Federal Communication Commission Wireline Competition Bureau Chief, Ms. Sharon Gillett 445 12th St., S.W. 5th Floor Washington, DC 20554 To: Global '1el* Link 2609 Cameron Street Mobile, Alabama 36607 MOTION TO PROCEED IN FORMA PAUPERIS Pursuant to 47 C.F.R. §1.224, I Bobby Brown, moves the Federal Communication Commissioner for permission to proceed in forma pauperis in the above captioned proceeding relating to the herein informal request for action by the F.C. C. investigate Global Tel* Link for discriminatory, to unjust and of Corrections. As contract complainant between is Global considered Tel* 18 Link a II client II and the under New the Jersey ·. Department collect of Corrections having his calls accepted as a call and paying pre-paid calls due to unnecessary blocks mentioned in the attached informal request complainant has interest as a direct party and public interest for family who are tax payers in and outside the United States. Wherefore, in support of this request shows: 1. Movant has submitted via, attached complaint evidence of probable decisional significance on the issue of requesting an investigation for discriminatory services, unjust and unreasonable rates by Global Tel* Link. 2. The evidence that complainant seeks to introduce is of substantial public interest and importance. 3. Requestor is not seeking monetary or personal financial gain from this informal request. 4. Requestor has dedicated personal financial resources in the amount of $25.00 to finance proceeding which is reasonable, the funds in his the request in -this as it is equal to a 3rd of prison account, and equal to any legal matter within the court system as an indigent inmate however, inadequate for effective participation. 5. the Requestor request personal financial that the Presiding information submitted Officer hold herewith in confidence. 6. As a prisoner I am subject to V.C.C.B. court imposed fines and penalties; 7. I must pay $5.00 for 19 any and all doctor visits, including $2.00 for all medications prescribed as a result of my illness. 8. I must pay 10% on all commissary orders here in New, Jersey State Prison; 9. I m~st pay $57.00 - $60.00 for all phone calls to my son and daughter which is the heart of this complaint; 10. I must pay 10¢ on all copies made through this institution. WHEREFORE, the undersigned moves the Presiding Officer to issue an order: a. Granting this motion; b. Directing that a free copy of the transcript of testimony be made available to complainant; and c. Rel~xing the rules of procedures with respect to my indigence status as a prisoner in order to ease my financial 20 Received & Inspected SEP -42012 FCC Mail Room Bobby Brown #249446/#722093b New Jersey state Prison P.O. Box 861 Trenton, New Jersey 08625 August 3, 2012 Ms. Jean Ross, Esq. 32 Markham Road Princeton, New Jersey 08540 Re: F.C.C. Complaint Dear Ms. Ross: Please find enclosed, a copy of the "exhibits" to the F.C.C. Complaint. on my Please attached (population's) behal f • when I no one is send the complaint out have also, enclosed a copy of the check in the amount of $25.00. but, you The complaint was misplaced saying where the money went either which, was for the purpose of indigence. I hope that by presenting the complaint itself, this will be enough to speak for myself and the entire inmate population ~he since, we're all under Anything that me know for I same contract obviously. can be of assistance to you, there is so much work to be done but, time to complete the tasks. Thank you for your time! Submitted, C: BB File, Inmate Legal Ass'n, Inc •• please let so little PLEASE SUBMIT THIS FORM INTO THE INMATE REMEDY BOX ONLY TO BE PROCESSED (SfRVASE PRESENTAR ESTE FORMULARIO EN LA CAJA DE REMEDID DEL CONFINADO SDLAMENTE PARA SER TRAMITADO Revised 112008 Form: IRSF 101 N.J.A.C.10A:1-4 '. NEW JeRSEY DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS [DEPARTMENTO DE CORRECCIONES DE NUEVA JERSEYl INMATE REMEDY SYSTEM FORM [FORMULAlUO DEL SISTEMA DE REMEDIO DEL CONFINADO) • • • • • n •• p' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • n •• n • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • INMATE'S REMEDY OR COMPLAINT AREA: IPART [PARTE] ,1 I [AREA DE REMEDIO 0 QUEJA DEL CONFINADO] TYPE OF REQUEST [TIPO DE PETJCION] b?1ROUTINE INMATE REQUEST (Only Chackone box) (Lien. sol.ment. una c.aJUa) lNMATE'S NAME< INOMBRE DEL CONFINADO] ~TICI6'. RUTINARIA DEL CONFINADOI ~ 4;w",,,, INSTITUTION: /IJ . .':; .t;, . HOUSING UNIT: (INSTITUCION]_ [UNIVAD DE VIVIENDA] o INTERVIEW REQUEST SBI NUMBER: IQ~()q 3 fa DATE: /.2- i/).- D9 [PETICION PARA UNA ENTREVISTA) (NUMERO DESDI] ~& (FECHAJ CI'a$~/tdc>--t'b.N 7~c.t'oj LJ()ft~R JJ-e,pf,t ( . form. DOC Corrective Action form issued with paragraph(s) # [No se tom611inguna medida en este for (PART [PARTE] 2 ~HE ABOVE INMATE [EL COORDINADOR DETE indicado(s).] OIt:vtATION WAS DETERlVITNED BY THE COORDINATOR AS ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: N6 QUE LA INFORMACl6N ANTERIOR DEL CONFtNADO ES UNO DE LOS SIGUillNTES] DROUTINE INMATE REQUE~ DINTERVI5W REQUEST [PETICION RUTINARIA DEL CONFINADO) [PETICION PARA UNA ENTREVISTA) SUBJECTOFREQUEST:,_______________________ RECEIVED BY: [REcmrooPOR] marked. -io. Se proveyo el formulario de Action Correctiva del DOC con el (los) parrafo(s) # ---------------- [TEMA DE LA PETIcx6N] DATE FORWARDED TO DEPARTMENT: [FECHA EN QUE SE ENVI6 AL DEPARTAMENTO] DA RESPONSE RETURNED TO IIM: [FECHA EN QUESE DEVOLVI6 AL CONFINADO] - - - - - - - - - - - ------- DEPARTMENT RESPONSmLE: CASE NUMBER: [DEPARTAMENTO RESPONSABLE] [NUMERO DEL CASO;-]--;;YE=AR7';;"'----,M=ONT=H:;------;;E;;;X:;::;C;;;EL;-L;-;INE=-- • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • u •• [~~~ • • • • • • IPART [PARTE] 31 ~~J.~ ••••• ~~:~~~~~ •• STAFF RESPONSE AREA [AREA DE RESPUESTA DEL PERSONAL]: Attachments: From Inmate: ______ STAFF SIGNATURE DATE [fECHAJ (fiRMA DEL PERSONAL] [Documentos adJunlos: Del CouDnado] From Staff: _ _ _ _ _ __ [Del Personal} SIGNATURE OF ASST SUPT OR APPROPRIATE ADMINSTRATIVE DESIGNEE [mAlA DEL 5UBSUPT n LA PERSONA ADMINISTRATIV A CORRESPONDIENTE DIlSIGNADA POR EL] •• " " " " " •••••••••••••• D ••••••••••••••• IPART [PARTE] 4 DATE • [FECHA] DOC Staff Response forms:=c.--_ __ (Formulnrio. de Respuesta del Personal del DOC] a •••••••• D ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~NMATE'S ADMINISTRATIVE APPEAL INFORMATION [INFORMACI6NDE APELACI6N ADMINISTRATIVA DEL CONFINADOJ: Form: IRSF 103 N.l.A.C.10A:1-4 INMATE'S NAME: NEW JERSEY DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS INMATE REMEDY SYSTEM CORRECTIVE ACTION FORM 6ND-\LO SBI#: . Revised ](2008 "J a-21PQ3 b Location/Housing Unit: _____L!-4-L-A->--_______ The below corrective information should be used and followed when submitting for information to Institutional staff on a first time basis. Please take the action noted next to the letter X. 1. 0 You must complete the following form marked below and place it into the correct box or send by Truck MaiL o EducationlLaw Library Form and Box. OOffice of the Ombudsman, Request Form and Box. ODOC Government Records Request Form (OPRA) DDOC, Health Services Request Form and Box (MR-007) DIIM Claim for Lost, Damage Prop (Form 943-1) DRequest for copies of MedicallDental Records (MR 022, 301-Xll) 2.0 You must submit a NJDOC Job Change Form. Once you have completed the form, it must be handed in to your debl superyi~or. Only the detail supervisor can turn our request into Classification; QB A Staff member must submit a staff referraL The staff member must deIiver7referr appropriate e ent. ONLY staff members can follow-u on com 3. ~leas see your Unit Social Worker to omplete the appropriate forms for programs, er related services, d information to include but not be limite , irth Certificate, ISP, ASIITC, CRP process, Cage our age, V and Thinking for a Change. 4. 0 The form you submitted did not contain SPECIFIC information. Please add additional information and resubmit. 5.0 Your Inmate Remedy System form contained more than one (1) question, which cannot be handled on the same form. Please familiarize yourself with information on the Remedy System that is listed in the Inmate Handbook and resubmit another Inmate Remedy System form. 6. 0 Your Inmate Remedy System form was deposited into the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.Box. Please place your Inmate Remedy System form into the Box Marked "Inmate Remedy System Box". e the NJDOC Tele hone IPIN s stem ou need to follow the below rocess: (Up to 30 days to process forms) O. NJDOC IPIN Assignments UPDATES will be completed on a quarterly basis within your current facility. O. Telephone System Discrepancy form can be completed at any time. please retlLTf'}ceposit into the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ I 8. 0 The information that you submitted must be placed on the Inmate Remedy System form and placed into the Inmate Remedy System Box. This will ensure proper tracking of your request. If the form is a similar question or a possible duplicate, please do not resubmit a 9. 0 You submitted the attached letter, form or application into the Inmate Remedy System Box. That box is for the Inmate Remedy System forms only. Please place the letter, form or application into the US Mailbox or _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 10.0 You cannot use the Inmate Remedy System form for DOC disciplinary charges or DOC disciplinary charge appeals. 11. 0 You submitted your request to the person or department not authorized to handle the Inmate Request System form. The form must be placed into the Inmate Remedy System Box in order to be processed correctly. 12.0 yOur request for Face Sheets, Progress Notes, and Psychological or Medical evaluations cannot be processed. That information is provided or conducted during specific times during your incarceration. 13.0 Your request for an updated adjusted Max Date and/or Parole Eligibility Date (PED) is being returned because that information is now provided on a monthly basis on your Inmate Trust Account Statement for informational purpuses only. If you feel your max and/or parole information is in error, justify the error and submit :l.'lother L"lInatl! Remedy Sysrem form. Ir should al~u DI! n0ted thaI your work & minimum credits DO NOT get updated al the same time as your Inmate Pay. 14. 0 You cannot write or mark in the shaded area of the Inmate Remedy System form. 15. 0 Your form is a follow-up question or Appeal to a previous submitted form. You must re-submit your answered form, within 10 days of receipt, with additional information, within Part 4 and place it into the Inmate Remedy System Box for further processing. 16. 0 This is a duplicate request that is not permitted. Staff is granted up-to a 30-day response time on all requests. 17. 0 The facility uses an approved Institutiona1JDepartment form to handle this matter. The form is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and the form can be recei,:ed fromyour _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __________________________________________________________________________ 18.[JOth~ !II ~. NEW JERSEY STATE PRISON SOCIAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Ms. C. DeCristi, Classification SupeNisor FROM: Crystal Raupp, Social Worker 1 DATE: January 5, 2010 SUBJECT: Brown, Bobby #249446/722093B x:;;) e:;: Please be advised that 11M Brown, Bobby #249446/722093B (4A) has requested approval for an International Telephone Call with his daughter, Giulia Wolf who currently resides in Germany. I have verified the relationship through 11M Brown's Pre-Sentence Investigation Report. Please submit 11M Brown's request to the Prison Classification Committee at your earliest cC!nvenience. Thank you. cc: 11M Brown, Bobby #249446/722093B (4A) file /15/2010 15:3J. IIFLET )0722093B Page NEW JERSEY STATE PRISON Meeting Results - Inmate Notification INSTIT CLASS COMM From 01/14/2010 To 01/14/2010 Last Name BROWN First Name BOBBY 2 of OIRNIICC MI SFX L )cation JSP-NORTH-4 A-CELL 40; : he results are as follows: =quest Type iON For (Reason) Result Date REV DENIED 01/14/2010 Reasons/ Comments: Referral Action Of Committee REVIEW DENIED INTERNATIONAL TELEPHONE CriliL(S)W1TH DAUGHTER GIULIA WOLF WHO CURRENTLY RESIDES IN GERMANY _ /MF 27 Form: IRSF 103 N.J.A.c. lOA:l-4 INMATE'S NAME: NEW JERSEY DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS INMATE RE:MEDY SYSTEM . CORRECTIVE ACTION FORM 5/l:'-{i V1 t1"1 Revised 112008 I2-OV q~ SBI#: y--'-_A_____ -5 LocationIHousing Unit: _______ The below corrective information should be used and followed when submitting for information to Institutional staff on a first time basis. Please take the action noted next to the letter X. 1. 0 You must complete the following form. marked below and place it into the correct box or send by Truck Mail. o EducationlLaw Library Form. and Box. OOffice of the Ombudsman, Request Form. and Box. ODOC Government Records Request Form. (OPRA) ODOC, Health Services Request Form. and Box (MR-007) OIfM Claim for Lost, Damage Prop (Form 943-1) DRequest for copies of MedicallDental Records (MR 022, 301-Xm 2. 0 You must submit a NJDOC Job Change Form. Once you have completed the form., it must be handed in to your detail supervisor. Only the detail supervisor can turn your request into Classification; OR A Staff member must submit a staff referral. The staff member must deliver the referral to the appropriate department ONLY staff members can follow-up on completed forms. 3. 0 Please see your Unit Social Worker to complete the appropriate forms for programs, other related services, and information to include but not be limited to: Social Security Card, Birth Certificate, ISP, ASIITC, CRP process, Cage Your Rage, FOV and Thinking for a Change. 4. 0 The form you submitted did not contain SPECIFIC information. Please add additional information and resubmit. S. 0 Your Inmate Remedy System form. contained more than one (1) question, which cannot be handled on the same form.. Please familiarize yourself with information on the Remedy System that is listed in the Inmate Handbook and resubmit another Inmate Remedy System form.. -lr-~Lt'YlJllrimnalu~led,~S~sgte~m~fo~rm. was deposited into the IDa~ Box. Please place your Inmate Remedy "Innia.tete::::~~:~"~::::::~~~;;;t~;jprocesi:(Wt03UQliYS1tlTp:~!!iS-fOmtSL_ __ System into the Box Marked 7. process, correct or update the NJDOC Telephone !PIN system you need to follow the below process: (Up to a D. NJDOC!PIN Assignments UPDATES will be completed on a quarterly basis within your current facility. ). I . Te1ep,hone System Disc~1;'~cy form. can be 90mpleted at ao.¥ time, J'l.,q:tse retumldeposit into the U"rr: c/ol t~ Cc0lJL..D ~ \O..L- m0:-&J2..· l--'C o,U... n tJrtJioJ.-1 t'Vl A" l Fh.J t -. ! IS7, 8. Tne information that you submitted must be placed on the h"lIl'late R~medy System form and placed into t.~e Inmate Remedy System Box. This will ensure proper tracking of your request. If the form is a similar question or a possible duplicate, please do not resubmit a new form. 9. 0 You submitted the attached letter, form or application into the Inmate Remedy System Box. That box is for the Inmate Remedy System forms only. Please place the letter, form. or application into the US Mailbox or _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 10.0 You cannot use the Inmate Remedy System form for DOC disciplinary charges or DOC disciplinary charge appeals. 11.0 You submitted your request to the person or department not authorized to handle the Inmate Request System form. The form. must be placed into the Inmate Remedy System Box in order to be processed c~rrectly. 12.0 Your request for Face Sheets, Progress Notes, and Psychological or Medical evaluations cannot be processed. That information is provided or conducted during specific times during your incarceration. 13.0 Your request for an updated adjusted Max Date and/or Parole Eligibility Date (PED) is being returned because that information is now provided on a monthly basis on your Inmate Trust Account Statement for informational purposes only. If you feel your max and/or parole information is in error, justify the error and submit another Inmate Remedy System form. It should also be noted that your work & minimum credits DO NOT get updated at the same time as your Inmate Pay. 14. 0 You cannot write or mark in the shaded area of the Inmate Remedy System form.. 15. 0 Your form. is a follow-up question or Appeal to a previous submitted fonn. You must re-submit your answered form, within 10 days of receipt, with additional information, within Part 4 it into the Inmate Remedy System Box for further processing. I 16. 0 Thi s a duplicate request that is not permitted. Staff is granted up-to a 30-day response time on all requests. 17.' The facility uses an approved InstitutionalJDepartment form. to handle this matter. The form. is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and the form can be received from your \,f:,Y 07~ 18. [] Other___________________________________________________________________________ .I New Jersey Department otCorrections Telephone System Discrepancy Form 8f'A.ttorney Change Form & Inmate Name: :5 ~ f.p i 3 5 .Ho~g Locat~:_U.. !,f. .:. .,y-,--/_ _ __ 36 SBI#: 15<:'< L.-""'1 .X-l 15,.t.OW..IV J~ /Cf· A.JL. /~--<-e.../',,,,, .!) 0 10 Signature: If you are reporting a problem with your IPIN, please complete the following: Be speciik. IPIN Number: Date: 0 ~ = Telephone number(s) being c?l1ed: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Location of Inmate Telephone being used: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _....:Date: _ _ _ _ _Time of call: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Exact nature of problem and/or concern. What message are you hearing when attempting to call this particular number? ..L fWD ,jAc,u..{; ..- /lave /111,.{Jli·c..... tv/sf) .L. 10 add 10 FlA-LI 'r.;r-: . /JjlD.,(..J~ ~_. ~-f', ";e.../'-r1" IA_H'\.o\Q'f'/.!~ ,.D Mu. . ::::./'l-ttCi o..u -/ I/,{-.;. ~ t1~ ~ . of&U.0.J"c :.Q ({." , .... • . , ) _ _,. . . If you are reporting'api:'oble~ With a telephohe in your unit, please c'omplete the following: ,If, a...vlfHi.IA>~ fc> . V ,...v I OIQt:.. ,\ ·r.;.; .A./W;1..Z..Ik.I'_ / 'e ,.) Location of the Inmate Telephone being used: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - - - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ __ Circle what may need to be repaired: No dial tone; Broken Handset; B'uttons not working; Other._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ NOTE: There are reasons that may cause your call to disconnect. For example: > Accepting call waiting or call waiting tone > Call forwarding > Pushing or tampering with buttons, switch hook or receiver during call , > Picking 'Up or hanging up a second phone on the called party end or attempting to make a 3-way call » CaJUng cordless pbones or cellular pbones -' " Attorney Add: Attorney Name: _..,.-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Phone Number: ( , Street Address: .: ) _',_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ City and State: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Attorney Delete: Attorney Name:.~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Phone Number: (......_____) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ PLEASE DO NOT WRITE BELOW TIDS LINE Telephone Discrepancy & Attorney Change Response Form: Your Attorney has been (circle one) added/deleted from your IPIN as you requested. One of the following answers applies to your complaint: The customer has a collect block from their telephone company and they must contact them for further assistance; ..' The customer must contact Global Tel*Link to establish a pre-paid account at 1-800-483-8314 or 1-866-230-7761 The telephone number you are trying to call has been disconnected or is no longer in service. . . The telephone number you are attempting to call is not on your current IPIN list. You may add this number during the next ...--...,------.." ,f / change period in ____________ \ i The problem has been resolved and calls can now b( made. II ) c/ ! Other: / \ ___ - .........- £.. : ::t ~ , I /,/J. e...•.\. }\(- 1- f (c }1..A.. , \.\ 1(\ (C-LC. '" ~l I Service Administrator: _____\\...-'(""'~'--__ Date: ( I TEL-005 (11-07) Distribution: WhiLe: SAT :t'. '/) ,)(, / I 7 ( / I If) • Yellol Inmate 'I:dt._ . . New Jersey Jlepa.rtment of Corrections Telephone Sy~e~piscrepancy Form & Attorney Change Form '-:;< - ~ ':.:..:2. G/t"3S' -. (. Inmate Name: -,-...:..:>5d-=-,=,~,-,L=-=,L.(-\--~~=.c-:i.....:.;-O=:..--u...:>::......u-=:..-_ SBI#: IPIN Number: '7zz6Q 3h B;ousing Location: Date:'/ . Signature: ----'-=-==----'-'-'='-'----'-"'--- If you are reporting =:t problem with your IPIN, :f:-:.<..!~ ~ ~~. 4! 0 Be specIfic. Yt4- 6A./.Od"-£' . : . Va. 'E. K. Telephone number( s) being called: Location of Inmate Telephone being used: ___'-f--'---'-4....1-_ _ _--..:Date: _ _ _ _ _Tirile of call: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Exact nature of problem and/or concern. What message are you hearing when attempting to call this particular number? <-3, l : (' 12...0 +II E~..e. .A.).ur1A-.b-e_tK.5 to f ~~af' :1'." D..u~C;:" ~ e·k.; ~(L7 "\l-\'Q5~ i-o C~<!~ 141~ '---ri., ?.c, AJ()f• €t!Q '..0..,0 .) \61. c o!2..{:, (? J a...v v'V\..u \ ; "S1- 0 ...D~ ~ i-R.~ ~d{(~~' N f~ ..ui~Jl t Xj~I\/)l IlI'kAjcC;; ')() ,.: <; J", .J . c.a.u.s, -O:R ~1 'P ~ ~.L. '.AAJ.~ Oll....-U.) ,)~"2- '.:O.\d-~..v d-Q...~'-\ ~ If you are reporting a problem wilna telephone in your unit, plea~e complete the foUo~ng: T Cc....v ~-\ ,~('f) bx. ('-\' ){S'3, _J Location of the Inmate Telephone being used: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - ; r - - - . . . - - - - - , Circle what may need to be repaired: No dial tone; Broken Handset; Buttons not working; Other 'T' ..l.rll.!<./I., t )oj.j Q r'\JO 0S1 1 tl.s \ NOTE: There are reasons that may cause your call to disconnect. For example: >- Accepting call waiting or call waiting tope >- Call forwarding " .. >- Pushing or tampering with buttons, switch J;too~ or receiver during call Picking up or haBging up a see6nd pho!,S on the called pal ty end or attempting to make a 3-way can > Calling cordless phones or cellular phones » AttoineyNa~6:'~"" ,. . - ',-:: . ".. ., -, ':-..~ ,;.~' ',': ::.:.: . '," ~ ',':. ..,....' !' .. - 11'. PLEASE DO NOT WRfllE BELOW TIllS LINE Telephone D~~rep~ncy & Attorney Change Response Form: Your Attorney has been (circle one) added/deleted fr?m your IPIN as you requested. One of the following answers applies to your complaint: The customer has a collect block from their telephone company and they must contact them for further as~istance. The customer must contact Global Tel*Link to establish a pre-paid account at 1-800-483-8314 or 1-866-230-7761 The telephone number you are trying to call has been disconnected or is 'DO longer in service. The telephone number you are ll;ttempting to call is not on your current IPIN list. You m~y add this number during the next . " : change period in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ / -- The problem has been resolved and calls can now be made. I (·Oth~~~:~--~/~G~G~0----~-r~i~/~LJ~,-LIL~"v~,4~~~~(~.~~~,~,.~~.,.~~!~(--~(~t~~.~f~i_________________________________~-._ .'~~--~------~----------~~------~--~~--~--,/'.1, ,/' __ I /iA Lt k (; :{;'J-H~ (\;~!t Ser'-0.ceAdministrator: _ _ _-~----==--__ TEL-OOS (11-07) ;~!I'~ ';lil Dls;ributim" Date: ()/l .Ji..7~/3 / ifL.-., White: SAT I I Yellow: Inmate '. 1-1/ - '- ' ' New Jersey J1epa.rtment of Corrections Telephone Sy~em....Discrepancy Form & Attorney Change Form ;I#:.' '7Zz b Gf 3b ' Inmate Name: !PIN Number: 'iibb!j ~ 2olDo-U '5::2 <.c, S 35 Date: I - ;J Q. - ~o / ld ~9using Loc~tion: Yt4-~ciO 6A.f.9-t& Signature: r-. va f-(t:'-»'E: cC If you are reporting a problem with your !PIN, p~cOT:W~§~I~: Be specIfic. Q/7ip - 0~ - q8 : 7t65?' Location of Inmate Telephone being used: 't-4 Date: Telephonenumber(s) being called: 0/7(- - b, 75- -03 - 7/30 Time of call: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.,--_ Exact nature of problem and/or concern. What message are you hearing when attempting to call this particular number? Location of the Inmate Telephone being used: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.--_ _-.,._ _ _.-_--, Circle what may need to be repaired: No dial tone; Broken Handset; Buttons not working; Other 'I..I,rl o.J<./l" l Q "'JC\ Q{\ i:;.1, 1 \ks I NOTE: There are reasons that may cause your call to disconnect. For example: ~ Accepting call waiting or call waiti41g tope ~ Call forwarding ., ~ Pushing or tampering with buttons, switch;ook or receiver during call ~ Picking up or 'hanging up a second ph0ilt on the"called party end or attempting to make a 3-way call ~ Calling cordless phones or cellular phones .'.-". . ; , ,'~, ~ * " •• .~.>-' ~!~~<:'"~',,-.~!~ .. "~'. .... ... .~ '~-: ~.l-h:·'~-':£:.:~~·''':::*/.... ~\, '''", . '~~ . ; PLEASE DO NOT-WRIN: BELOW TIllS LINE . ~ Telephone Di§.Crep~ncy & Attorney Change Response Form: Your Attorney has been (circle one) added/deleted fr?m your !PIN as you requested. One of the following answers applies to your complaint: The customer has a collect block from their telephone company and they must contact them for further assistance. The customer must contact Global Tel*Link to establish a pre-paid account at 1-800-483-8314 or 1-866-230-7761 The telephone number you are trying to call has been disconnected or is 110 longer in service. The telephone number you are ~ttempting to call is not on your current IPIN list. You may add this number during the next ... ~ change period in /--- ------------- The proble~ has been res~lved and c~ls c~n now be made. ~ I (Oili~;~!--~I~/[~·G~~----~~~,'~/~t/~'wlc~,"-,~~~f.~~~(~"~;.~/~(--~(-c6~r~i-------------------------------I { fl I ________ seMce Administrator: - TEL-OOS (11-07) D1SJibutiol" r; . . I f I~" Date: l ' j I ( " ) -( II White: SAT /1 / /', '- Yellow: Inmate,' - WLJ INMATE CONTACT FORM G-14 4. INMATE NAME: 1. INSTITUTIONAL I.D.: 2.STAFFI.D.: UU : 3. DATE OF: CONTACT: 11 ,12 13 14 15 16 17 J8 19 20 21 22 99 ( /~ t'iLAAJIl ') 7,~ ;)U'Jj) 1.( 5. S.B.I. # _ _ _ _ _ _ _---'=U~ _ _ _ __ W 4A -3/. Intake/Orientation Administrative Referral Classification Preparation Formalized Counseling Session (Individual) Routine Meeting Inmate Request Other Inmate Correction Officer Referral Community Agency Referral Family Referral Other Institutional Staff Referral Crisis Intervention Other _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 45 -- Classification Counselor 46 -- Classification Committee 47 -- Business Office 48 -- Psychologist/Psychiatrist 49 -- Work Release 50 -- EducationalNocational Program 51 -- Medical/Dental . 52 -- Custody 53 -- Furlough Coordinator 54 -- Institutional Parole Officer 55 -- Parole Board Counselor 56 -- Outside Agency . 57 -- Community Treatment Services 8. PROBLEM IDENTIFICATION (Check those Applicable) 58 -- Inmate Association 58 -- Other _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 19 -- Drug. 20 -- Alcohol (~' Referral Not Necessary r 21 Homosexual Assault Behavior 22 -. Mental/Emotional 23 -- Administration 24 -- Cust.ody 25 -- Community Release 26 -- Parole 27·-- Furlough 26 -- Death Bed/Funeial .29 -- Work Release 30 -- Medical 31 -- Family '32 -- Adjustment Committee 33 -- Legal/Court 34 -- Business Office .- 35 -- Claims 36 -- Mailroom 37 -- Institutional Behavior Attitude 38 -~ Programming Opportunities .. 39 -- Institutional Job Assignment 40 -- Institutional Housing Assignment 41 -- Institutional Time Discrepancy 42 -- Custody Status If -- None \ J. i; r ";'--. 1-"'" -:--) f\ ":""'1 Other ':~_.; U : \,l A_: /t;~-- COMMENTS:, i /1 JI: ,r~'4 ( "A,I ,J\\ '--./ ' I. , .. . .• ,__;/ • "'::..J' , , \ 'I: I U', . '/' " ' 1'--6H'__ Counseled Inmate 64 -- Informal Communication 65--0ther ___________________ 11. INDICATE FUTURE SERVICE PLANS: 66 -- Follow-up with the inmate 67 -- Follow-up of the Referral 68--0ther _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ (.. I , ,J //);' ~_ d}' , hI',I ' I; ~ \ (! ..../ .' '.j ./' /. " 61 -- Report Written ,::£32 ~- Information provided ", /.,,; . -' ........ '"" r.. I, 10. INDICATE WHICH SERVICE WAS PROVIDED: (Check those Applicable) /./ I 'i -' ''''-./. /- ~" ni,/~j .j\ i ,: /.. ,. ' / U ( .J i,,: ! { ," , I /~.t i(!, I )' /' .(' ! A :, ' , i' I: ., ' \',,!-,... ~,'.. ! I • -- j ........ !/,! )'L..:'1'- -Ii'I , . ' : ,• . , .' " , 1'" ~.' /f J l1. ! ~ '. \ ......... .,' 1 / '1, 1,1. '.; .. 1\ , 1:"\ ;,.1 \ .v·~·. I I' [I , I, ' , ~ L .. to;:.,i·· : \ I i'. . ! Ex./1 1"- !/ ) j { \ PLEASE SUBMIT THIS FORM INTO THE INMATE REMEDY BOX ONLY TO BE PROCESSED \ " [SfRVASE PRESENTAR ESTE FORMULARIO EN LA CAJA Dc REMEDIO DEL CONFINADO SOLAMENTE PARA SER TRAMITAOO] Revised 112008 Forrrz: JRSF lOJ N.J.A.C. lOA: 1-4 NEW JERSEY DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS [DEPARTMENTO DE CORRECCIONES DE NUEVA JERSEY] \ •• ~ •• IN~!~!I!!~~!~~R~M!~!~C~FI~A?o~M ' •••• ' •••••••••••••••••••••••• a ••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• IPART [PARTE] 1 I INMATE'S REMEDY OR COMPLAINT AREA: [AREA DE REMEDIO 0 QUEJA DEL CONFINADO] TYPE OF REQUEST [rIPO DE PETICION] D INTERVIEW REQUEST fi(f ROUTINE INMATE REQUEST (Only Check one box) ~TICI6N (Llene .olem.,,'. una collta) RUTINARIA DEL CONFINADO] [PETICI6N PARA UNA ENTREVISTA] INMATE'S NAME: -L..,..L.:a...~~::l).-~~.!::=:~\..C::alo.....I~bc......l ~lPtl.) _ _ __ INSTITUTION: N.J .:'\, ?_ \) [NUMERO DE S8I) DATE: ,;2 19; HOUSING UNIT:_Y"",H...L.-_ _ [IN~nTUCI6N1 , I (I) r, [FECHA] [UNIDAD DE VIVIENDA) :' /2!2cR3b s~n NUMBER: [NOMBRE DEL CONFlNAD01 c. -',I. • • -. ,.'I! • • • • • (.~• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~ St;I \-' i\-.t.... N'o action taken on this form. DOC Corrective Action form issued with paragraph(s) # marked. [No se tom6 ninguna medida en este formulario. Se proveyo el formulario de Accion Correctiva del DOC con el (los) parrafo(s) # indicado(s).J (PART [PARTE] 2 ~HE ABOVE INMATE INFORMATION WAS DETERMINED BY THE COORDINATOR AS ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: - / [EL COORDINADOR DETERMINO QUE LA INFORMACI6N ANTERIOR DEL CONFINADO ES UNO DE LOS SIGUIENTES] 0 UROUTINE INMATE REQUEST [PETICI6N RUTINARIA DEL CONFINADO] INTERVIEW REQUEST [PETICI6N PARA UNA ENTREVISTA] .. ROUTINE OR URGENT (RUTINARIO 0 URGENTE] ,17 (.,. RECEIVED BY: SUBJECT OF REQUEST: 1. [RECIBIDO PORI DATE FORWARDED TO DEPARTMENT: ::::;:;::::;:::~:~IENTO~:,; G [DEPARTAMENTO RESPONSABLE] .-- r. .i C " '-.,) ,. (TEMA DE LA PETK10N) 11.1 !J ." .[,,7 W" '{,1 I 1>, . .... , . DATE RESPONSE RETURNED TO 11M: ('/J -'- ,1 i. ( (( /'..) ! ~"f. ,.J." I ()/) " ~!_ IC\~ G'L... __\ :::=:::EVOLVI/C,~ONmNADZC1 Ela Ll [NUMERO DEL CASO] EXCEL LINE YEAR MONTH [AFio] [MES] I [LiNEA DE EXCEL1 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• IPART [PARTE] STAFF RESPONSE AREA [AREA DE RESPUESTA DEL PERSONAL]: 31 Attachments: From Inmate: _ _ _ __ STAFF SIGNATURE DAT'E [FECj] [FIRMA "\ \ .,;;) f:::t. SIGNATURE OF ASST S ROPRIATE ADMINSTRATIYE DESIGNEE [fiRMA DEL SUBSUPT 0 LA PERSONA ADMINI •••• , •••• ! TIV A CORRESPONDIENTE DESIGNADA POR ELJ [Documentos adjuntos, Del Confinado] From Staff: _ _ _ _ __ \'''' DAT~ [FEcaAJ [Del Personal] DOC Stafr Response forms: _ _ _ __ [Formularios de: Respuesta del Personal del DOC] • • • • • • • • • ~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • IPART [PARTE] 4 ~NMATE'S ADMINISTRATIVE APPEAL INFORMAnON [INFORMACION DE APELACION ADMINlSTRATIVA DEL CONFINADO]: i INMATE CONTACT FORM G-14 WW ~ \-~J j \J .1. INSTITUTIONAL I.D.: .J ...J\ 4. INMATE NAME:.' UU 2. STAFF 1.0.: . 1/;1 tfOll.);) 17:);) i ) -} '; ,-:' /. -- \,../ / 0 0 5. S.B.1. # ~ 3. DATE OF CONTACT: ~ .--..... /--:-\ to !.')JV ! 6. INMATE LOCATION: •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 7. REASON FOR CONTACT: 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 99 llJ ·ILV I ., 9. REFERRAL. COMPLETED TO: (Check those Applicable) Intake/Orientation Administrative Referral Classification Preparation Formalized Counseling Session (Individual) Routine Meeting Inmate Request Other Inmate Correction Officer Referral Community Agency Referral Family Referral Of her Institutional Staff Referral Crisis Intervention Other _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 45 -- Classification Counselor 46 -- Classification Committee 47 -- Business Office 48 -- Psychologist/Psychiatrist 49 -- Work Release 50 -- EducationalNocational Program 51 -- Medical/Dental ' 52 -- Custody 53 -- Furlough Coordinator 54 -- Institutional Parole Officer 55 -- Parole Board Counselor 56 -- Outside Agency 57 -- Community Treatment Services 8. PROBLEM IDENTIFICATION (Check those Applicable) 58 -- Inmate Association 58--0ther ______________________________ 19 -- Drug ~' 60 -- Referral Not Necessary 20 -- Alcohol 21 -- Homosexual Assault BehavIOr 22 -- Mental/Emotional 23 -- Administration 10. INDICATE WHICH SERVICE WAS PROVIDED: 24 -- Custody (Check those Applicable) 25 -- Community Release 26 -- Parole 27,-- Furlough 6t -- Report Written 28 -- Death Bed/Funeral ( 621-- Information Provided --63 -- Counseled Inmate 29 -- Work Reiease 64 -- Informal Communication 30 -- Medical 65 -- Other ______________________________ 31 -- Family '32 -- Adjustment Committee 33 -- Legal/Court 34 -- Business Office 11. INDICATE FUTURE SERVICE PLANS: 35 -- Claims 36 -- Mailroom 66 -- Follow-up with the inmate 37 -- Institutional Behavior Attitude 67 -- Follow-up of the Referral 38 -- Programming Opportunities 68--0ther ____________________ .. 39 -- Institutional Job Assignment 40 -- Institutional Housing Assignment 41 -- Institutional Time Discrepancy 42 -- Custody Status ..43\ -- None ('., (', :! ( (\ 44,I -- Other --':-. \ -..,--'-':~----------. \ / .1 COMMENTS: i j,,,, . : ,-.A-I. · J /l (' )' '-~ \,.1' ... ( \ : ' .. ,':'" I ' II iJ ,'(I • I I " t /l-t 'L,A:..,...., \ \, 1 '/'/"1 .....-1/J .' I ~). 1(;/11 I \' I ! 1=){" 17 ) I ./ I I G-14 INMATE CONTACT FORM iV J3\) 1. INSTITUTIONAL I.D.: 2.STAFFI.D.: . WW UU : 3. DATE OF: CONTACT: 1/'\1 LLJ 11 Intake/Orientation 12 Administrative Referral 45 46 47 48 -- Classification Counselor -- Classification Committee -- Business Office -- Psychologist/Psychiatrist 49 -- Work Release 50 -- EducationalNocational Program 51 -- Medical/Dental . 52 -- Custody 53 -- Furlough Coordinator 54 -- Institutional Parole Officer 55 -- Parole Board Counselor 56 -- Outside Agency 57 -- Community Treatment Services 8. PROBLEM IDENTIFICATION (Check those Applicable) 58 -- Inmate Association 58 -- Other _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ 19 -- Drug /66'~- Referral Not Necessary 20 -- Alcohol 21 -- Homosexual Assault 8ellavior 22 -- Mental/Emotional 23 -- Administration 10. INDICATE WHICH SERVICE WAS PROVIDED: 24 -- Custody (Check those Applicable) 25 -- Community Release 26 -- Parole 27·-- Furlough ,6j. -- Report Written ·62;-- Information Provided 28 -- Death Bed/Funeral (6-3 -- Counseled rnmate .29 -- Work Release 30 -- Medical 64 -- Informal Communication 65 -- Other _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 31 -- Family '32 -- Adjustment Committee 33 -- Legal/Court 34 -- Business Office 35 -- Claims 11. INDICATE FUTURE SERVICE PLANS: 36 -- Mailroom 37 -- Institutional Behavior Attitude 66 -- Follow-up with the inmate 67 -- Follow-up of the Referral 38 -~ Programming Opportunities 68 -- Other . .. 39 -- Institutional Job Assignment 40 -- Institutional Housing Assignment 41 -- Institutional Time Discrepancy 42 -- Custody Status 43.-- None \ '. (. : I' (44 ~~ Other ---'\-=-,,""..::::'~:....,'\.=.'}~~...:...:______________________ 13 Classification Preparation 14 Formalized Counseling Session (Individual) 15 Routine Meeting . 16 Inmate Request 17 Other Inmate 18 Correction Officer Referral 19 Community Agency Referral 20 . Family Referral 21 Of her Institutional Staff Referral 22 Crisis Intervention 99 Other ________________________________ Ik"-;... COM~.. / . . ) . ? / -)C M ENTS :,--'i.'""/~i:_!'_,I.~::".;-::'.:_,+.'--;---'-,-~/.::".)~/~.:-!_..:../_,_ . . ..;....!-L-~L...-~-L-~';':"'"..!..c',LJ_',,!..,1..1..1~f_'~{.-'-.,.;:....:. . . ·;c::..::;_I_--.:/~,,-I• .:...)_/_.J----r/L.:'_:;:../-=~~) I I---.:.:.. I:.....,·fl....:· , , i,. : -t .r J. •• ~ .. J' •• " ,i ~ I ,; .' j' \ ,:' 1 ! i) =f--;V. I~ ·-_l!..../. . .j-> ' ::: r if') ...Li...:..i._'_ _ ,i / ',. '~ '( I 'f ,< I" • .i M .f' ' f ;/"; "" /,~ \ l~ 1."l // INMATE CONTACT FORM G-14 4. INMATE NAME: 1. INSTITUTIONAL 1.0.: r-) .l(. Tn. i )(') ~ ''I Wi I ·D\ \ h')/I . .D,A..-'V'" I I UU 101 2. STAFF 1.0.: LJLJ 5. S.B.!. # n;;}J073B _--!-_ _ _...:..-_ _ _ _ _ __ 6. INMATE LOCATION: : 3. DATE OF CONTACT: /\ - ~II Lj M../ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 7. REASON FOR CONTACT: 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 99 LlJ ,I \.y 1 . . 9. REFERRAL COMPLETED TO: (Check those Applicable) Intake/Orientation Administrative Referral Classification Preparation Formalized Counseling Session (Individual) Routine Meeting Inmate Request Other Inmate Correction Officer Referral Community Agency Referral Family Referral Other Institutional Staff Referral Crisis Interv'ention Other ____________________________ 45 -- Classification Counselor 46 -- Classification Committee 47 -- Business Office 48 -- Psychologist/Psychiatrist 49 -- Work Release 50 -- EducationalNocational Program 51 -- Medical/Dental . 52 -- Custody 53 -- Furlough Coordinator 54 -- Institutional Parole Officer 55 -- Parole Board Counselor 56 -- Outside Agency 57 -- Community Treatment Services 8. PROBLEM IDENTIFICATION (Check those Applicable) 58 -- Inmate Association 5 -- Other _____________________ 19--Drug ~60 -- Referral Not Necessary 20 -- Alcohol 21 -- Homosexual Assau t e aVlor 22 -- Mental/Emotional 23 -- Administration 1Q. !ND!GATE WH!GH SERV!GE WAS PROY!DED: 24 -- Custody (Check those Applicable) 25 -- Community Release 26 -- Parole 27,-- Furlough ~ -- Report Written "fg)-- Information Provided 28 -- Death Bed/Funeral 63 -- Counseled Inmate .29 -- Work Release 64 -- Informal Communication 30 -- Medical 65--0ther _________________________________ 31 -- Family '32 -- Adjustment Committee 33 -- Legal/Court 34 -- Business Office 11. INDICATE FUTURE SERVICE PLANS: 35 -- Claims 36 -- Mailroom 66 -- Follow-up with the inmate 37 -- Institutional Behavior Attitude 67 -- Follow-up of the Referral 38 -- Programming Opportunities 68 -- Other _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 39 -- Institutional Job Assignment 40 -- Institutional Housing Assignment 41 -- Institutional Time Discrepancy 42 -- Custody Status (!~f d- None\ Other /, -[ ~'_ I,J./.; /,! "'"--<.! l.\. .~' 7(J(C {. ~ :),1 'to J :r'~ COM. MENTS: f, ,_ Ij(/{f . {'1k . V,',' /" / . J ' l~ll l f, ,,{/ / ,! " I /1_UU})h.J t ;.:, i,. / \i;i? ,- - ...., _.' I /! LV! i.(·{·1 () W LJ INMATE CONTACT FORM G-14 .1. INSTITUTIONAL 1.0.: 2. STAFF 1.0.: f\),}.~() .~ 4. INMATE NAME: , ~'T~ 0," h-)bp\/ jJ) i (););)C'')0] .0\ UU / 5. S.B.1. # __' /<----'-~_J._...J.....:=.~_,o--'lC-.-.._ _ _ __ Lj A-3./ lllJ ................ ..,............................................... . UJ ·Il 0 I . . \ 3. DATE OF CONTACT: llr\\ I 6. INMATE LOCATION: 7. REASON FOR CONTACT: 9. REFERRAL COMPLETED TO: (Check those Applicable) . i. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 99 Intake/Orientation Administrative Referral Classification Preparation Formalized Counseling Session (Individual) Routine Meeting Inmate Request Other Inmate Correction Officer Referral Community Agency Referral Family Referral Other Institutional Staff Referral Crisis InterJention Other ' 45 -- Classification Counselor 46 -- Classification Committee 47 -- Business Office 48 -- Psychologist/Psychiatrist 49 -- Work Release 50 -- EducationalNocational Program 51 -- Medical/Dental . 52 -- Custody 53 -- Furlough Coordinator 54 -- Institutional Parole Officer 55 -- Parole Board Counselor 56 -- Outside Agency 57 -- Community Treatment Services 58 -- Inmate Association 58--0ther _______________________ 8. PROBLEM IDENTIFICATION (Check those Applicable) 19--Drug /'6i):} Referral Not Necessary 20 -- Alcohol 21 -- Homosexual Assault Behavior 22 -- Mental/Emotional 23 -- Administration 10. !NDlCATE WHICH SERVICE WAS PROV!DED: 24 -- Custody . (Check those Applicable) 25 -- Community Release 26 -- Parole .6-:l -- Report Written 27·-- Furlough {6~ -- Informt'ltion Provided 28 -- Death Bed/Funeral '-63 -- Counseled Inmate 29 -- Work Release 64 -- Informal Communication 30 -- Medical 65--0ther _________________________ 31 -- Family '32 -- Adjustment Committee 33 -- Legal/Court 34 -- Business Office '. 35 -- Claims 11. INDICATE FUTURE SERVICE PLANS: 36 -- Mailroom 66 -- Follow-up with the inmate 37 -- Institutional Behavior Attitude 67 -- Follow-up of the Referral 38 -- Programming Opportunities 68--0ther ________________________ 39 -- Institutionai job Assignment 40 -- Institutional Housing Assignment 41 -- Institutional Time Discrepancy 42 -- CustodY"''itatl,!,S ,.A3 -- None :/ : i If"ll (ill} Other -",-I_/;_\_./_u~,_~V--,-l~V::::..L..I _ _ _ _ _ __ ff (j_ eOMMENTS: _ _~~~~----------_,~~---~r__+--------~~----------------- \ '\ \' '<',,- \ .II / v 'i( ::i \'1 I/U:-' U''1\ / I () / '--j( LLL-Ljp I ,