Wright v Securus, DC, Pet Opp to Securus Petition, inmate calling services, 2014
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Before The FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Washington, D.C. 20554 In the Matter of: Rates For Interstate Inmate Calling Services ) ) ) ) ) WC Docket No. 12-375 CONSOLIDATED COMMENTS Martha Wright, Dorothy Wade, Annette Wade, Ethel Peoples, Mattie Lucas, Laurie Nelson, Winston Bliss, Sheila Taylor, Gaffney & Schember, M. Elizabeth Kent, Katharine Goray, Ulandis Forte, Charles Wade, Earl Peoples, Darrell Nelson, Melvin Taylor, Jackie Lucas, Peter Bliss, David Hernandez, Lisa Hernandez, Vendella F. Oura, along with The D.C. Prisoners’ Legal Services Project, Inc., Citizens United for Rehabilitation of Errants, the Prison Policy Initiative, and The Campaign for Prison Phone Justice (jointly, the “Petitioners”) hereby submit these Consolidated Comments in response to the Public Notice, released March 4, 2014, regarding two petitions filed by Securus Technologies, Inc. (the “Petitions”). 1 In essence, the Petitions seek to apply the highly individualized relief provided to Pay Tel Communications to all other ICS providers. 2 Securus claims that all ICS providers serving the states covered by the Pay Tel Waiver should obtain similar relief, along with being able to charge an additional $0.02 fee for providing Voice Biometric services. The Petitioners submitted an Opposition to the Voice Biometric Waiver Request on February 28, 2014, noting that Securus utterly failed to provide any factual basis for its “Me Too” waiver request for an additional $0.02 Voice Biometric fee. The Petitioners also noted that 1 Comment Sought On Securus Technologies, Inc. Inmate Calling Services Petition, Public Notice, DA 14-296, rel. March 4, 2014 (the “Public Notice”). 2 Wavier Order, DA 14-187 (rel. Feb. 11 2014). Securus often included the Voice Biometric service for “no charge” when submitting responses to requests for proposals, and also noted that the Chief Executive Officer and President of Securus said that Securus “could live” with providing interstate ICS within the price caps, i.e., without an additional $0.02 voice biometric fee tacked on. Moreover, as shown in Exhibit A, Securus may be recovering all of its voice biometric costs through a $0.40 per call ancillary fee. As shown in the attached interstate tariffs that became effective in February 2014, Securus lists an ancillary fee of $0.40 per call under the following circumstance: “[w]here installation of Voice Biometrics is requested by confinement facilities, this charge applies in addition to all applicable message charges and operator assistance service charges.” 3 It should be obvious that a $0.40 per call charge would satisfy, and render moot, the cost-recovery mechanism proposed by Securus in the Me Too petition. Securus failed to provide any explanation why a $0.02 per minute increase, in addition to the current $0.40 per call ancillary fee is necessary, and therefore, the Petition must be denied. The second petition – “Us Too” – fails for the same reasons. First, the application of the Waiver Order broadly to the entire ICS industry in 13 states simply has not been justified. Securus cannot rely on the Siwek study to argue that “all of those carriers are subject to the same ‘below-average-cost intrastate rate constraints’ as Pay Tel” for the simple reason that the Siwek study did not address that issue at all. 4 Instead, Mr. Siwek’s study made several assertions regarding Securus’ costs, without (as noted the Petitioners) providing any foundational cost data, or even addressing the fundamental basis for Pay Tel’s waiver request, i.e., the below-cost intrastate price caps imposed by several states. 5 3 Exhibit A, pg. 4 (emphasis added). 4 Petition to Expand Pay Tel Waiver, pg. 2. 5 Petitioners’ Reply Comments, WC Dkt. 13-275, pgs. 9-10, Exhibit A (filed April 22, 2013). 2 Moreover, Mr. Siwek’s statement bears no similarity to the cost study and audited financial statements provided by Pay Tel in connection with its waiver request, and Securus has steadfastly refused to provide any actual cost data to the FCC. In fact, as noted in the Us Too Petition, Securus and several other ICS providers have gone to the extreme step of obtaining an order staying the FCC’s data collection rules so that they will not have to provide cost studies. Thus, the Siwek “study”, which did not address intrastate price caps, and failed to provide detailed cost information, simply cannot serve as the sole basis for granting the broad relief requested in the Petition. Finally, in a remarkable moment of candor, Securus confirms that “this is really about revenue, not costs.” 6 Securus argues that it “will not have the excess revenue” earned by Pay Tel as a result of the waiver. However, despite such candor, Securus fails to mention that it has apparently stopped paying commissions on interstate revenue to correctional facilities. Attached as Exhibit B is a letter from Securus, addressed to its “Valued Customers”, stating that “[d]ue to the FCC’s Order, Securus no longer will pay site commissions on interstate calls.” GTL has taken a similar approach, stating that “[c]ommissioning on Interstate calling has been removed.” 7 Because the ICS providers are not required to provide their cost information at this time, it is not clear how many correctional institutions are no longer receiving commission payments on interstate calls. However, any prior analysis of providing ICS service at “below cost” must be recast to take into account that the two largest ICS providers are no longer making commission payments for interstate ICS telephone calls. 6 Petition to Expand Pay Tel Waiver, pg. 6. 7 GTL kindly offers its assistance in finding alternative ways to raise rates or fees so that correctional institutions may maintain their revenue stream. This helpful assistance provides further justification for the Petitioners’ request that the FCC apply a uniform rate to all ICS calls, and to eliminate ancillary fees. If the ICS providers are willing to find other costs to impose on ICS customers, then the intended relief provided by merely addressing interstate rates will fail. 3 Thus, Securus has failed to provide any reasonable basis to increase its per-minute rates to $0.23 per minute for debit and prepaid interstate calls, and $0.27 per minute for collect interstate calls. It has also failed to provide any substantive basis for granting a blanket waiver for all ICS providers in the 13 states served by Pay Tel Communications. In light of the termination of commission payments for interstate ICS telephone calls, any prior analysis of ICS providers’ costs are no longer relevant. Thus, until such time that Securus and the other ICS providers are willing to submit the same financial information as provided by Pay Tel Communications in connection with its Petition for Waiver, i.e., audited Financial Statements, substantive cost studies, the FCC must deny any attempt to extend similar relief. Respectfully submitted, By:/s/ Deborah M. Golden, Esquire Deborah M. Golden, Esquire D.C. PRISONERS' PROJECT WASHINGTON LAWYERS' COMMITTEE FOR CIVIL RIGHTS AND URBAN AFFAIRS 11 Dupont Circle, NW, Suite 400 Washington, DC 20036 Telephone 202-319-1000 Fax 202-319-1010 Counsel to the Petitioners March 11, 2014 4 EXHIBIT A Securus Technologies, Inc. 14651 Dallas Parkway, Suite 600 Dallas, Texas 75254 Interstate Rates Updated: February 14, 2014 SERVICES AND RATES Interstate Institutional Operator Assisted Calls Automated operator assisted collect calling services for use by inmates of confinement facilities are charged individually for each call placed through the company’s network. Consumers are billed based on their use of the company’s service. A. Interstate Collect Rate The rate listed below is charged for interstate collect calls from most confinement facilities. The rate is as specified by Federal Communications Commission 47 CFR Part 64 [WC Docket No. 12-375; FCC 13-113] – Rates for Interstate Calling Services – effective February 11, 2014. However, rates may vary if service is offered on an individual contract basis to meet specialized requirements of the confinement facility. These exceptions are listed herein under section E but will still comply with FCC rate requirements. Usage Rate Per Minute: $0.25 1 Securus Technologies, Inc. 14651 Dallas Parkway, Suite 600 Dallas, Texas 75254 Interstate Rates Updated: February 14, 2014 SERVICES AND RATES (Continued) Interstate Institutional Operator Assisted Calls (Continued) B. Prepaid Institutional Calling Services Prepaid Calling Rate The rate listed below is charged for interstate prepaid calling card, prepaid debit, inmate debit, and AdvanceConnect calls from most confinement facilities. The rate is as specified by Federal Communications Commission 47 CFR Part 64 [WC Docket No. 12-375; FCC 13113] – Rates for Interstate Calling Services – effective February 11, 2014. Usage Rate Per Minute: $0.21 Prepaid Expiration and Refund Policy: The End User may request a refund of the available balance in an AdvanceConnect Account either by written request to the Company or by contacting the Company at its toll free telephone number once the End User verifies certain account information. Any such unused balances will expire in one hundred eighty (180) days following the last call made, unless the balance is either fully depleted or a refund has been requested. No refunds of unused balances will be issued after the expiration date. 2 Securus Technologies, Inc. 14651 Dallas Parkway, Suite 600 Dallas, Texas 75254 Interstate Rates Updated: February 14, 2014 SERVICES AND RATES (Continued) Interstate Institutional Operator Assisted Calls (Continued) C. Inmate Debit – Inmate Debit is a prepaid telephone account offering made available to Inmates by the Company when permitted by the Confinement Facility. Inmates fund and replenish their Inmate Debit account through electing to transfer funds from either their facility’s inmate trust fund or commissary account to their Inmate Debit account. Inmate Debit accounts may also be funded by inmate friends and family members via the Company’s points-of-sale. Funds placed in this account become the property of the inmate. Refunds of unused Inmate Debit account balances are issued by the entity controlling the actual cash deposits, which is either the Company, the commissary, the Confinement Facility or its agent, depending on the specific arrangements, unless otherwise directed by state law. Depending on the entity issuing the refund, refund fees and/or minimum refund amounts may apply. The prepaid balance expires ninety (90) days from the date of the last call placed on the Inmate Debit account unless alternative arrangements are expressly requested by the Confinement Facility. No refunds of unused balances will be issued after the expiration date. 3 Securus Technologies, Inc. 14651 Dallas Parkway, Suite 600 Dallas, Texas 75254 Interstate Rates Updated: February 14, 2014 SERVICES AND RATES (Continued) D. Other Charges 1. Voice Biometrics (f/k/a SECUREvoice™): This charge may apply to automated calls placed by inmates of confinement facilities when such calls are provided through Securus Technologies, Inc. own processing equipment. Voice Biometrics provides validation of inmate personal identification numbers (PINs) through voice verification technology for purposes of improved securityy and reduced p p p ppotential of fraud and consumer harassment by y inmates. Where installation of Voice Biometrics is by requested q y confinement facilities,, this charge aapplies in addition to all applicable message charges and operator assistance service charges. Voice Biometrics Rates and Charges Per Call Charge (where available, at the request of a confinement facility): $ 0.40 2. Federal Universal Service Fund Fee: The federal government requires that all telephone companies providing interstate service contribute to a fund to make phone service affordable and available to all Americans, including consumers with low incomes, those living in areas where the cost of providing telephone service is high as well as to schools, libraries, and rural health care providers. The law permits companies to pass this charge on to its consumers. This fee, which is known as the federal Universal Service Fund fee (USF), is based on a specific percentage of the cost of interstate calls that is set by the federal government. Companies are also permitted to charge the consumer an administrative fee to cover their costs for administering the government’s USF fees. Federal USF Fee Percentage Rate Varies Quarterly 3. Federal Regulatory Recovery Fee: The Federal Regulatory Recovery Fee helps recover costs associated with the provision of state-tostate and international long distance services including the administration of the federal universal service fund (USF), other federal regulatory fees, proceedings and compliance items. The Federal Regulatory Recovery Fee of $3.49 applies each month in which an end-user accepts state-to-state and/or international calls. 4. Location Validation Fee - At facilities where applicable, a four percent (4%) per-call surcharge will be applied to the base rate of all call types. The base rate of a call is set forth in Sections A, B , E and F and does not include any applicable taxes that may apply to the call. The Location Validation Fee is applied to calls originating from facilities that have elected to utilize Securus’ Location Based Services technology and recovers the cost of verifying the geographic location of the called party for security purposes pursuant to Correctional Institution contracts. The Location Validation Fee will not be assessed on End Users who are billed for services through their LECs. 4 Securus Technologies, Inc. 14651 Dallas Parkway, Suite 600 Dallas, Texas 75254 Interstate Rates Updated: February 14, 2014 SERVICES AND RATES (Continued) D. Other Charges 5. Bill Statement Fee: In order to partially offset increased expenses associated with billing calls through local telephone companies, a billing fee may apply each billing period in which local or long distance collect calls are billed to a consumer’s local telephone company. This fee will be charged only once per billing period regardless of the number of calls. The fee will not apply in any billing period in which no collect calls are billed via the consumer’s local telephone company. This fee does not apply to prepaid services or for services billed directly to the consumer by the company. Bill Statement Fee Bill Statement Fee, per month where applicable: $3.49 6. Wireless Administration Fee – a monthly fee of up to $3.99 is applicable to any AdvanceConnect account with a wireless telephone number included as a number authorized to receive calls. This fee applies once per month, per account regardless of the number of wireless telephone numbers authorized. The fee amount will be deducted from the AdvanceConnect account balance on a monthly basis as long as a wireless number remains on the AdvanceConnect account. As of the initial effective date of this fee, existing AdvanceConnect accounts with existing authorized wireless numbers will be Grandfathered and the Wireless Administration Fee will not apply. If an existing AdvanceConnect account adds or changes a wireless number on the account, the Wireless Administration Fee will apply going forward. 5 Securus Technologies, Inc. 14651 Dallas Parkway, Suite 600 Dallas, Texas 75254 Interstate Rates Updated: February 14, 2014 SERVICES AND RATES (Continued) E. Contract Rates At the option of the company, service may be offered on an individual contract basis to meet specialized requirements of the confinement facility. In some instances, the interstate rates may differ to meet the specialized requirements, which are determined by contract. The following contract rates are currently effective at certain Securus facilities and are available to similarly situated facilities. Calls are billed in one (1) minute increments following an initial period of one (1) minute. Contract includes a facility-specific mix of services and non-regulated screening and blocking equipment. Rates are not mileage sensitive or time-of-day sensitive. All contract rates offered shall comply with Federal Communications Commission 47 CFR Part 64 [WC Docket No. 12-375; FCC 13-113] – Rates for Interstate Calling Services – effective February 11, 2014. Contract 1 The following flat rate is applicable to all call types regardless of time of day or mileage. including collect, prepaid calling card, prepaid debit, inmate debit and AdvanceConnect. Collect Rates: Per call: $3.75 Prepaid Calling Cards, Prepaid Debit, AdvanceConnect: Per call: $3.15 Contract 2 The following rates apply regardless of time of day or mileage. Collect Rates: Per call: $1.20 Per minute: $0.06 Prepaid Calling Cards, Prepaid Debit, Inmate Debit, AdvanceConnect: Per call: $1.02 Per minute: $0.06 Contract 3 The following flat rates apply regardless of time of day or mileage. Collect, Prepaid Calling Cards, Prepaid Debit, Inmate Debit: Per Call: $0.65 AdvanceConnect: Per Call: $0.59 6 Securus Technologies, Inc. 14651 Dallas Parkway, Suite 600 Dallas, Texas 75254 Interstate Rates Updated: February 14, 2014 SERVICES AND RATES (Continued) E. Contract Rates (Continued) Contract 4 The following rates apply regardless of time of day or mileage. Collect Rates: Per call: $1.25 Per minute: $0.15 Prepaid Debit and Inmate Debit: Per call: $0.50 Per minute: $0.10 AdvanceConnect: Per call: $1.00 Per minute: $0.10 Contract 5 The following rate applies regardless of time of day or mileage. Collect, Prepaid Calling Cards, AdvanceConnect: Per Minute: $0.09 (No per call rate applies.) Contract 6 The following rates apply regardless of time of day or mileage. Collect Rates: Per call: $1.00 Per minute: $0.05 Prepaid Calling Cards, Prepaid Debit, Inmate Debit, AdvanceConnect: Per minute: $0.05 (No per call rate applies.) Contract 7 The following rate applies regardless of time of day or mileage. Collect, Prepaid Debit, Inmate Debit, Prepaid Calling Cards, AdvanceConnect: Per Minute: $0.1183 (No per call rate applies.) 7 Securus Technologies, Inc. 14651 Dallas Parkway, Suite 600 Dallas, Texas 75254 Interstate Rates Updated: February 14, 2014 F. International Rates and Charges The rates listed below are those charged for international calls from most confinement facilities. International calling is offered on a prepaid basis only via debit or calling card services. The following domestic international locations receive the standard interstate rates applicable to the facility where the call originates and shall comply with Federal Communications Commission 47 CFR Part 64 [WC Docket No. 12-375; FCC 13-113] – Rates for Interstate Calling Services – effective February 11, 2014. 1. American Samoa Anguilla Antigua Bahamas Barbados Bermuda British Virgin Islands Canada Cayman Islands Dominica Dominican Republic Grenada Guam Jamaica Montserrat Puerto Rico Saipan St. Kitts/Nevis St. Lucia St. Vincent Trinidad Turks and Caicos U S Virgin Islands 8 Securus Technologies, Inc. 14651 Dallas Parkway, Suite 600 Dallas, Texas 75254 Interstate Rates Updated: February 14, 2014 F. International Rates and Charges (Continued) 2. The following list details the Company’s standard available international calling destinations and rates. Country Afghanistan Albania Algeria Andorra Angola Antarctica Argentina Armenia Aruba Ascension Island ATLANTIC WEST Australia Austria AZERBAIJAN Bahrain Bangladesh Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia Botswana Brazil Brunei Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Cape Verde Central African Chad Connection Fee (if applicable) (NEW) $ 4.00 (NEW) $ 4.00 9 Per Minute Rate $ 3.28 $ 1.20 $ 2.16 $ 1.52 $ 4.63 $ 1.40 $ 1.97 $ 2.27 $ 1.39 $ 2.49 $ 1.00 $ 1.71 $ 1.20 $ 1.00 $ 1.95 $ 3.19 $ 2.27 $ 1.65 $ 1.85 $ 1.95 $ 4.98 $ 1.99 $ 1.70 $ 1.83 $ 1.78 $ 1.89 $ 1.95 $ 3.23 $ 4.74 $ 3.98 $ 2.19 $ 2.63 $ 4.56 $ 5.28 Securus Technologies, Inc. 14651 Dallas Parkway, Suite 600 Dallas, Texas 75254 Interstate Rates Updated: February 14, 2014 Country Chile China Colombia Cook Island Costa Rica Cote D'ivoire Croatia Cuba Cyprus Czechoslovakia Dem People Rep Korea Dem Rep Congo Denmark Diego Garcia Djibouti Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guine Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Falkland Islands Faroe Islands FEDERATED MICRONESIA Fiji Islands Finland France French Antilles French Guiana French Polynesia Gabon Gambia GEORGIA (NEW) Germany Ghana Gibraltar Greece Greenland Connection Fee (if applicable) $ 4.00 10 Per Minute Rate $ 1.70 $ 2.44 $ 1.84 $ 4.99 $ 1.60 $ 2.58 $ 1.70 $ 1.62 $ 1.73 $ 1.84 $ 3.47 $ 2.60 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1.50 3.29 3.05 1.71 2.44 1.56 4.41 3.52 2.92 2.59 3.78 1.54 2.18 2.62 1.56 1.39 1.54 1.67 2.31 2.15 2.07 1.00 1.36 2.04 1.71 2.03 1.90 Securus Technologies, Inc. 14651 Dallas Parkway, Suite 600 Dallas, Texas 75254 Interstate Rates Updated: February 14, 2014 Country Guadeloupe Guatemala Guinea Guinea Bissau Guyana Haiti Honduras Hong Kong Hungary Iceland India Indonesia IRAN Iraq Ireland Israel Italy Japan Jordan Kenya Kiribati Kuwait KYRGYZSTAN Laos Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macao Macedonia Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Connection Fee (if applicable) (NEW) $ 4.00 (NEW) $ 4.00 11 Per Minute Rate $ 1.47 $ 1.70 $ 4.41 $ 4.95 $ 2.28 $ 1.67 $ 1.87 $ 1.79 $ 1.80 $ 1.70 $ 2.39 $ 2.16 $ 1.00 $ 2.94 $ 1.45 $ 1.96 $ 1.50 $ 1.70 $ 1.81 $ 2.11 $ 3.29 $ 1.94 $ 1.00 $ 5.58 $ 3.00 $ 2.76 $ 1.81 $ 1.84 $ 1.46 $ 1.50 $ 2.79 $ 1.51 $ 2.41 $ 1.75 $ 5.08 $ 1.99 $ 2.10 $ 3.24 $ 3.28 Securus Technologies, Inc. 14651 Dallas Parkway, Suite 600 Dallas, Texas 75254 Interstate Rates Updated: February 14, 2014 Country Malta MARISAT ATLANTIC SHI (NEW) MARISAT INDIAN (NEW) MARISAT PACIFIC (NEW) Marshall Islands Mauritania Mauritius MAYOTTE Mexico Moldova Monaco Mongolia Morocco Mozambique Myanmar/Burma Namibia Nauru Nepal Netherlands Netherlands Antilles New Caledonia New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Niue Norway Oman Pakistan Palau Palestine Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Connection Fee (if applicable) $ $ $ 4.00 4.00 4.00 (NEW) $ 4.00 (NEW) $ 4.00 12 Per Minute Rate $ 2.26 $ 1.00 $ 1.00 $ 1.00 $ 2.31 $ 3.10 $ 3.34 $ 1.00 $ 1.20 $ 2.66 $ 1.39 $ 5.36 $ 2.62 $ 3.55 $ 3.67 $ 1.97 $ 3.63 $ 1.00 $ 1.33 $ 1.50 $ 2.13 $ 1.91 $ 1.98 $ 2.60 $ 1.86 $ 5.15 $ 1.38 $ 1.99 $ 3.81 $ 3.54 $ 1.96 $ 1.63 $ 1.60 $ 2.16 $ 1.94 $ 2.10 $ 1.57 $ 1.72 Securus Technologies, Inc. 14651 Dallas Parkway, Suite 600 Dallas, Texas 75254 Interstate Rates Updated: February 14, 2014 Country Qatar Reunion Island Romania Russia Rwanda Samoa San Marino Sao Tome Saudi Arabia Senegal Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Island Somalia South Africa South Korea Spain Sri Lanka St Pierre/Miquel St Helena Sudan Suriname Swaziland Sweden Switzerland Syria Taiwan TAJIKISTAN Tanzania Thailand Togo Tokelau Tonga Tunisia Turkey Connection Fee (if applicable) (NEW) $ 4.00 13 Per Minute Rate $ 2.02 $ 3.18 $ 2.16 $ 2.27 $ 3.57 $ 3.23 $ 1.39 $ 4.89 $ 2.00 $ 2.70 $ 3.45 $ 2.84 $ 1.56 $ 1.25 $ 1.76 $ 3.55 $ 3.18 $ 1.60 $ 1.91 $ 1.70 $ 2.40 $ 1.32 $ 3.40 $ 1.57 $ 2.69 $ 1.91 $ 1.35 $ 1.50 $ 3.23 $ 1.94 $ 1.00 $ 2.11 $ 2.06 $ 2.21 $ 2.21 $ 2.95 $ 1.97 $ 1.91 Securus Technologies, Inc. 14651 Dallas Parkway, Suite 600 Dallas, Texas 75254 Interstate Rates Updated: February 14, 2014 Connection Fee (if applicable) Country TURKMENISTAN Tuvalu Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom Uruguay UZBEKISTAN Vanuatu Vatican City Venezuela Vietnam Wallis/Futuna Yemen Yugoslavia Zambia Zimbabwe (NEW) (NEW) $ 4.00 $ 4.00 14 Per Minute Rate $ 1.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 5.76 2.10 2.27 1.68 1.12 1.98 1.00 4.59 1.50 1.32 2.60 4.45 1.99 1.83 4.00 2.21 Securus Technologies, Inc. 14651 Dallas Parkway, Suite 600 Dallas, Texas 75254 Interstate Rates Updated: February 14, 2014 F. International Rates and Charges 3. The following are international flat rate optional applicable to all international calling destinations allowed by a subscribing confinement facility. Surcharge 9.95 5.00 4.50 4.45 4.36 4.25 4.19 4.14 4.10 4.10 4.09 4.00 3.95 3.95 3.20 3.00 2.25 1.55 1.50 1.50 1.40 1.20 1.20 1.00 0.50 0.00 First Minute 0.00 0.00 0.89 1.00 0.77 0.89 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.89 1.00 0.69 1.00 0.80 0.65 0.75 0.75 0.25 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.75 Additional Minute 0.00 0.00 0.89 1.00 0.77 0.89 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.89 1.00 0.69 1.00 0.80 0.65 0.75 0.75 0.25 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.75 15 T-NETIX Telecommunications Services, Inc. 14651 Dallas Parkway, Suite 600 Dallas, Texas 75254 Interstate and International Rates Updated February 11, 2014 SERVICES AND RATES Interstate Institutional Operator Assisted Calling Automated operator assisted collect calling services for use by inmates of confinement facilities are charged individually for each call placed through the company’s network. End users are billed based on their use of the company’s service. A. Interstate Collect Rate The rate listed below is charged for interstate collect calls from most confinement facilities. The rate is as specified by Federal Communications Commission 47 CFR Part 64 [WC Docket No. 12-375; FCC 13-113] – Rates for Interstate Calling Services – effective February 11, 2014. However, rates may vary if service is offered on an individual contract basis to meet specialized requirements of the confinement facility. These exceptions are listed herein under section E but will still comply with FCC rate requirements. Usage Rate Per Minute: $0.25 1 T-NETIX Telecommunications Services, Inc. 14651 Dallas Parkway, Suite 600 Dallas, Texas 75254 Interstate and International Rates Updated February 11, 2014 SERVICES AND RATES (Continued) Interstate Institutional Operator Assisted Calling (Continued) B. Prepaid Institutional Calling Services Prepaid Calling Rate The rate listed below is charged for interstate prepaid calling card, prepaid debit, inmate debit, and AdvanceConnect calls from most confinement facilities. The rate is as specified by Federal Communications Commission 47 CFR Part 64 [WC Docket No. 12-375; FCC 13113] – Rates for Interstate Calling Services – effective February 11, 2014. Usage Rate Per Minute: $0.21 Prepaid Expiration and Refund Policy: The End User may request a refund of the available balance in an AdvanceConnect Account either by written request to the Company or by contacting the Company at its toll free telephone number once the End User verifies certain account information. Any such unused balances will expire in one hundred eighty (180) days following the last call made, unless the balance is either fully depleted or a refund has been requested. No refunds of unused balances will be issued after the expiration date. 2 T-NETIX Telecommunications Services, Inc. 14651 Dallas Parkway, Suite 600 Dallas, Texas 75254 Interstate and International Rates Updated February 11, 2014 SERVICES AND RATES (Continued) Interstate Institutional Operator Assisted Calling (Continued) C. Inmate Debit – Inmate Debit is a prepaid telephone account offering made available to Inmates by the Company when permitted by the Confinement Facility. Inmates fund and replenish their Inmate Debit account through electing to transfer funds from either their facility’s inmate trust fund or commissary account to their Inmate Debit account. Inmate Debit accounts may also be funded by inmate friends and family members via the Company’s points-of-sale. Funds placed in this account become the property of the inmate. Refunds of unused Inmate Debit account balances are issued by the entity controlling the actual cash deposits, which is either the Company, the commissary, the Confinement Facility or its agent, depending on the specific arrangements, unless otherwise directed by state law. Depending on the entity issuing the refund, refund fees and/or minimum refund amounts may apply. The prepaid balance expires ninety (90) days from the date of the last call placed on the Inmate Debit account unless alternative arrangements are expressly requested by the Confinement Facility. No refunds of unused balances will be issued after the expiration date. 3 T-NETIX Telecommunications Services, Inc. 14651 Dallas Parkway, Suite 600 Dallas, Texas 75254 Interstate and International Rates Updated February 11, 2014 SERVICES AND RATES (Continued) Interstate Institutional Operator Assisted Calling (Continued) D. Other Charges 1. Voice Biometrics: (f/k/a PIN-LOCK®/Secure Voice): Applies to automated calls placed by inmates of correctional facilities when such calls are provided through T-NETIX’ own processing equipment. Voice Biometrics provides validation of inmate personal identification numbers (PINs) through voice verification technology for purposes of improved securityy and reduced ppotential of p p y inmates. Where installation of Voice Biometrics is requested q by y fraud and customer harassment by correctional facilities,, this charge g applies pp in addition to all applicable message charges and operator assistance service charges specified in this tariff. Voice Biometrics Rates and Charges Per Call Charge g ((where available, at the request of a confinement facility) $ 0.40 2. Federal Universal Service Fund Fee: The federal government requires that all telephone companies providing interstate service contribute to a fund to make phone service affordable and available to all Americans, including consumers with low incomes, those living in areas where the cost of providing telephone service is high as well as to schools, libraries, and rural health care providers. The law permits companies to pass this charge on to its consumers. This fee, which is known as the federal Universal Service Fund fee (USF), is based on a specific percentage of the cost of interstate calls that is set by the federal government. Companies are also permitted to charge the consumer an administrative fee to cover their costs for administering the government’s USF fees. Federal USF Fee Percentage Rate Varies Quarterly 3. Federal Regulatory Recovery Fee: The Federal Regulatory Recovery Fee helps recover costs associated with the provision of state-tostate and international long distance services including the administration of the federal universal service fund (USF), other federal regulatory fees, proceedings and compliance items. The Federal Regulatory Recovery Fee of $3.49 applies each month in which an end-user accepts state-to-state and/or international calls. 4. Location Validation Fee - At facilities where applicable, a four percent (4%) per-call surcharge will be applied to the base rate of all call types. The base rate of a call is set forth in Sections A, B and E and does not include any applicable taxes that may apply to the call. The Location Validation Fee is applied to calls originating from facilities that have elected to utilize T-NETIX’s Location Based Services technology and recovers the cost of verifying the geographic location of the called party for security purposes pursuant to Correctional Institution contracts. The Location Validation Fee will not be assessed on End Users who are billed for services through their LECs. 4 T-NETIX Telecommunications Services, Inc. 14651 Dallas Parkway, Suite 600 Dallas, Texas 75254 Interstate and International Rates Updated February 11, 2014 SERVICES AND RATES (Continued) Interstate Institutional Operator Assisted Calling (Continued) D. Other Charges (Continued) 5. Bill Statement Fee: In order to partially offset increased expenses associated with billing calls via local exchange carriers, an undiscountable bill statement fee will apply each billing period in which local or long distance collect calls are billed to a customer’s local exchange carrier. This fee will be charged only once per billing period regardless of the number of calls. The fee will not apply in any billing period in which no collect calls are billed via the customer’s local exchange carrier. This fee does not apply to prepaid services paid for by commercial credit card, check, money order or wire, or for services billed directly to the customer by the company. Bill Statement Fee Bill Statement Fee, per month where applicable $3.49 6. Wireless Administration Fee – a monthly fee of up to $3.99 is applicable to any AdvanceConnect account with a wireless telephone number included as a number authorized to receive calls. This fee applies once per month, per account regardless of the number of wireless telephone numbers authorized. The fee amount will be deducted from the AdvanceConnect account balance on a monthly basis as long as a wireless number remains on the AdvanceConnect account. As of the initial effective date of this fee, existing AdvanceConnect accounts with existing authorized wireless numbers will be Grandfathered and the Wireless Administration Fee will not apply. If an existing AdvanceConnect account adds or changes a wireless number on the account, the Wireless Administration Fee will apply going forward. 5 T-NETIX Telecommunications Services, Inc. 14651 Dallas Parkway, Suite 600 Dallas, Texas 75254 Interstate and International Rates Updated February 11, 2014 SERVICES AND RATES (Continued) Interstate Institutional Operator Assisted Calling (Continued) E. Contract Collect Rates At the option of the company, service may be offered on an individual contract basis to meet specialized requirements of the confinement facility. In some instances, the interstate rates may differ to meet the specialized requirements, which are determined by contract. The following contract rates are currently effective at certain T-NETIX facilities and are available to similarly situated facilities. Calls are billed in one (1) minute increments following an initial period of one (1) minute. Contract includes a facility-specific mix of services and non-regulated screening and blocking equipment. Rates are not mileage sensitive or time-of-day sensitive. All contract rates offered shall comply with Federal Communications Commission 47 CFR Part 64 [WC Docket No. 12-375; FCC 13-113] – Rates for Interstate Calling Services – effective February 11, 2014. Contract 1 The following rates apply regardless of time of day or mileage. Collect Rates: Per call: $1.20 Per minute: $0.06 Prepaid Calling Cards, Prepaid Debit, Inmate Debit, AdvanceConnect: Per call: $1.02 Per minute: $0.06 6 EXHIBIT B 2 SECURUS™ TECHNOLOGIES February 2, 2014 RE: Billing Impacts of FCC Ruling on Interstate Calls To Our Valued Customers, In accordance with Federal Communications Commission 47 CFR Part 64 [WC Docket No. 12-375; FCC 13-113]- Rates for Interstate Calling Services - effective February 1 J, 2014, tbe Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has mandated new rate caps on interstate calls for companies that provide telephone services to prison inmates. The FCC's new caps include interstate calls rated at $0.21 per minute for debit calls and $0.25 per minute for collect calls. Without limitation, these rates will go into effect without anything required on behalf of our customers. Due to the FCC's Order, Securus no longer will pay site commissions on interstate calls. This FCC change will go into effect on February 11, 2014. As such, Securus must modify our billing policies as follows: For Interstate, Traditional Collect and Direct Bill Calling: Interstate call rates will be set at $0.25 per minute For Interstate, AdvanceConnect and Debit Calling: Interstate call rates will be set at $0.21 per minute For customer who use Securus SCP Debit: Interstate call rates will be set at $0.21 per minute Correctional Facilities' SCP Debit usage invoice will be adjusted to eliminate Facility discount on interstate debit calls beginning on February 11, 2014 Prepaid Calling Cards: Beginning February 11, 2014, all Prepaid Calling Card discounts will be reduced by the percent of interstate calling revenue used on prepaid cards over the past 12 months. o Example: • Facility Prepaid Calling Card discount (before) = 30% • Facility percent of interstate calling revenue = S% • Adjusted Facility Prepaid Calling Card discount = 28.5% Due to the FCC ruling, Securus will be changing the way in which prepaid cards are invoiced and commissioned. These new changes may include selling cards at face value (vs. net of discount) and subsequently paying commissions on the actual usage, as is typical with other products. These decisions have not been formalized but will begin with additional notice in 2014. In accordance with Securus' published price list, some fees will continue to apply to interstate calls separate from the new FCC mandated calls rates. Proprietary & Confidential Page 1 of 2 SECURUS Technologies Inc. SECURUS™ TECHNOLOGIES SeculUs appreciates you r selecting us as your communications provider and your understanding and support in our implementation of these changes required by law. Secu lUs remai ns committed to prov iding industry-leading communication and investigati ve products and services to our customers and will continue to communicate openly regarding changes required due to FCC rulings. If you have questions regarding the impact of these changes, please contact your Account Manager who will be happy to discuss them with you. Propr ietary & Confidential Page 2 of 2 SECURUS Technologi es Inc. February 25, 2014 DELIVERED VIA EMAIL Mr. Phil Lisk IT Director Bergen County Sheriff’s Office County of Bergen Bergen County Jail 160 South River Street Hackensack, NJ 07601 Re: FCC Order to Cap Inmate Interstate Rates Dear Phil, Pursuant to GTL’s emails and our telephone conversations, please use this letter as formal notification that Bergen County’s Sheriff Department (BCSD) inmate interstate calling currently conforms to the new FCC Order and Federal Stay actions. th As of February 7 2014 GTL changed all interstate rates to the required $0.25 per minute for traditional collect inmate calls and $0.21 per minute for prepaid collect/debit inmate calling throughout the Country including Bergen County Jail. All other Instate rates remain the same. Commissioning g on Interstate calling g has been removed. GTL would pleased to conduct a studyy to explore be p p rate and fee increases to make your Department and GTL whole and recover any possible revenue lost to the Sheriff’s Department. Please advise and contact me at my office number 732-928–7600 should you have any questions. Thank you. Sincerely, Timothy Miller GTL Regional Sales Manager tmiller@gtl.net Local Sales Office: 255 Butterfly Road, Jackson, New Jersey 08527