Andersen v Becker Co. MN Settlement Transaction of Settlement Attorney Calls Monitored 2010
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CASE 0:08-cv-05687-ADM-RLE Document 82 Filed 05/04/10 Page 1 of 8 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT DISTRICT OF MINNESOTA -----------------------------------------------------------) KENNETH E. ANDERSEN and ) CIVIL ACTION DELL D. HOLM, on behalf of ) NO. 08-5687 (ADM/RLE) themselves and all others ) similarly situated, ) ) and ) ) WILLIAM K. BULMER, II, on ) behalf of himself and all ) others similarly situated, ) ) Plaintiffs, ) ) vs. ) ) THE COUNTY OF BECKER, ) MINNESOTA; TIM GORDON, in his ) capacity as Sheriff of Becker ) County; and JOSEPH H. McARTHUR,) in his capacity as Captain in ) the Becker County Sheriff's ) Department, ) Courtroom 3 ) Monday, January 11, 2010 Defendants. ) St. Paul, Minnesota ) -----------------------------------------------------------AUDIO DISC TRANSCRIPTION OF: S E T T L E M E N T BEFORE THE HONORABLE RAYMOND L. ERICKSON CHIEF UNITED STATES MAGISTRATE JUDGE AUDIO DISC TRANSCRIBED BY: TIMOTHY J. WILLETTE, RDR, CRR, CBC, CCP Official Court Reporter - United States District Court 1005 United States Courthouse - 300 South Fourth Street Minneapolis, Minnesota 55415 612.664.5108 CASE 0:08-cv-05687-ADM-RLE Document 82 Filed 05/04/10 Page 2 of 8 A P P E A R A N C E S: For the Plaintiffs: SPRENGER & LANG, PLLC By: BRYCE M. MILLER, ESQUIRE 1400 Eye Street, N.W. - Suite 500 Washington, D.C. 20005 For the Defendants: IVERSON REUVERS, LLC By: JON K. IVERSON, ESQUIRE SUSAN M. TINDAL, ESQUIRE 9321 Ensign Avenue South Bloomington, Minnesota 55438 * * * * * 2 CASE 0:08-cv-05687-ADM-RLE Document 82 Filed 05/04/10 Page 3 of 8 1 3 (2:50 p.m.) 2 P R O C E E D I N G S 3 IN OPEN COURT 4 THE COURT: The Court has before it this afternoon 5 the matter of Kenneth E. Andersen, Dell D. Holm, on behalf of 6 themselves and all others similarly situated, and William K. 7 Bulmer, II, on behalf of himself and all others similarly 8 situated, versus the County of Becker, Minnesota; Tim Gordon, 9 in his capacity as Sheriff of Becker County; and Joseph H. 10 McArthur, in his capacity as Captain in the Becker County 11 Sheriff's Department. 12 It bears Civil File Number 08-5687. Specifically, the parties advised they reached an 13 amicable resolution of their dispute and are desirous of 14 putting it on the record. 15 16 Would counsel note their appearances, please. start with counsel for the plaintiffs. 17 18 MR. MILLER: Bryce Miller from Sprenger & Lang for the plaintiffs. 19 THE COURT: 20 MR. IVERSON: 21 We'll On behalf of the defendants? John Iverson and Susan Tindal on behalf of the defendants. 22 THE COURT: Okay. I'd ask the attorneys, one or the 23 other, to recite the essential terms of the settlement on the 24 record, recognizing that it will be reduced to paper at some 25 point. I'd ask that everybody else listen in closely so if TIMOTHY J. WILLETTE, RDR, CRR, CBC, CCP (612) 664-5108 CASE 0:08-cv-05687-ADM-RLE Document 82 Filed 05/04/10 Page 4 of 8 1 they don't understand something they can ask a question of 2 their respective attorneys. 3 4 Following those recitations, if everybody is 4 satisfied that's the agreement in principle, then as is 5 usually the case, the plaintiffs' counsel will be making a 6 record with his clients. 7 MR. IVERSON: Thank you, your Honor. 8 The defendants have agreed to resolve all claims in 9 the captioned matter for the total sum of $104,000, which will 10 be inclusive of all costs and attorneys' fees incurred in this 11 matter. 12 counsel's trust account subject to disbursement after all 13 appropriate releases are received. 14 15 It will be paid in a settlement check to Plaintiffs' We will need the Social Security numbers and tax ID numbers of the respective parties to issue the check. 16 The check will be coming from the Minnesota Counties 17 Insurance -- or Intergovernmental Trust on behalf of Becker 18 County. 19 It is inclusive of all of the claims asserted in the 20 lawsuit in this matter. 21 addition to the wiretap claims that have been remaining from 22 the summary judgment motion, but it also includes an agreement 23 that all of the claims initially disposed of are dismissed. 24 25 It is a resolution of all claims in I did mention it includes all attorneys' fees under the wiretap statute, as well as 42 U.S.C., Section 1988, TIMOTHY J. WILLETTE, RDR, CRR, CBC, CCP (612) 664-5108 CASE 0:08-cv-05687-ADM-RLE Document 82 Filed 05/04/10 Page 5 of 8 1 Minnesota Statute 549.21, I believe, and it is a dismissal of 2 all claims. 3 Counsel and I have discussed an appropriate release 4 will be prepared. Obviously, it's going to be an admission 5 without liability, and it's -- and I think that's it. 6 THE COURT: 7 MR. MILLER: 8 9 10 Mr. Miller. You want me to put the plaintiffs on the record as agreeing to this, I assume. THE COURT: Yeah, if you want to come up to the speakerphone. 11 MR. MILLER: Mr. Andersen? 12 MR. ANDERSEN: 13 MR. MILLER: 14 articulated by defense counsel? Yes. Did you hear the agreement as it was 15 MR. ANDERSEN: 16 MR. MILLER: I couldn't hear a word he said. Okay. The essential terms of the 17 agreement are that we are going to have a full and final 18 release of all the claims that are brought in the complaint, 19 both those that were dismissed at summary judgment and those 20 that did not, those wiretap statute claims, and that would be 21 inclusive of all forms of relief, both monetary for the 22 plaintiffs and also attorneys' fees and costs. 23 $104,000 that we settled this case for and they'll be making 24 that payment to your counsel, Sprenger & Lang, and then we'll 25 be disbursing that amount out as we discussed. And it was TIMOTHY J. WILLETTE, RDR, CRR, CBC, CCP (612) 664-5108 5 CASE 0:08-cv-05687-ADM-RLE Document 82 Filed 05/04/10 Page 6 of 8 1 Do you agree to that settlement? 2 MR. ANDERSEN: 3 MR. MILLER: 4 Yes, sir. Mr. Holm, did you hear what I just said? 5 MR. HOLM: 6 MR. MILLER: 7 MR. HOLM: 8 THE COURT: 9 MR. MILLER: 10 THE COURT: 11 be fine, Mr. Bulmer. 12 13 Yes, I did. And do you agree to that settlement? I do agree. MR. BULMER: Okay. And then we have Mr. Bulmer. Oh, Mr. Bulmer. Up to the lectern would I've heard the agreement, your Honor. I do agree. 14 THE COURT: Okay. The Court concludes that the 15 parties have reached an amicable resolution of the dispute. 16 The Court will send an e-mail to Judge Montgomery 17 advising her of that fact. 18 order of dismissal with prejudice, but reserve jurisdiction 19 for a period of 45 days in which you folks can submit your 20 closing documents. 21 In all likelihood she'll issue an Looking in from the outside, it is the Court's 22 judgment that the settlement that was reached is an exercise 23 of good business judgment by all concerned. 24 25 6 I ask that you all travel safely to where you're going. We stand adjourned. TIMOTHY J. WILLETTE, RDR, CRR, CBC, CCP (612) 664-5108 CASE 0:08-cv-05687-ADM-RLE Document 82 Filed 05/04/10 Page 7 of 8 1 MR. IVERSON: 2 MS. TINDAL: Thank you, your Honor. 3 MR. MILLER: Thank you, your Honor. 4 MR. ANDERSEN: 5 THE COURT: Do we get Ordinarily we don't make -- we have a MR. ANDERSEN: And can I get a recording of -- how do I go about just getting a recording of it? 10 11 I have one question. recording of it, but we don't make a transcript of it. 8 9 Thank you, your Honor. copies of what happened here today? 6 7 7 THE COURT: You'll have to talk to my calendar clerk. 12 MR. IVERSON: We will be issuing a release document 13 for signature and I've advised Counsel that the settlement 14 check will be forthcoming, within two weeks at the latest from 15 the date that we get the signed release documents, which will 16 recite the terms of this settlement agreement. 17 MR. MILLER: Kenny, we'll be sending a release to 18 you that will have everything we just talked about in it, 19 okay? 20 MR. ANDERSEN: 21 MR. MILLER: All right. And so after you receive that, if you 22 feel like there's something else you need, we can talk about 23 how you might go about getting that information. 24 MR. ANDERSEN: 25 MR. MILLER: All right. Great. TIMOTHY J. WILLETTE, RDR, CRR, CBC, CCP (612) 664-5108 CASE 0:08-cv-05687-ADM-RLE Document 82 Filed 05/04/10 Page 8 of 8 1 THE COURT: 2 MR. ANDERSEN: 3 THE COURT: 4 Have a good one, guys. So we're done with this conversation? We're done. (Proceedings concluded at 3:00 p.m.) 5 * * * * * 6 7 8 9 10 C E R T I F I C A T E 11 12 I, TIMOTHY J. WILLETTE, Official Court Reporter 13 for the United States District Court, do hereby 14 certify that the foregoing pages are a true and 15 accurate transcription of an audio disc of 16 proceedings taken in the aforementioned matter, 17 to the best of my skill and ability. 18 19 20 /s/ Timothy J. Willette 21 22 23 24 8 TIMOTHY J. WILLETTE, RDR, CRR, CBC, CCP Official Court Reporter - U.S. District Court 1005 United States Courthouse 300 South Fourth Street Minneapolis, Minnesota 55415-2247 612.664.5108 25 TIMOTHY J. WILLETTE, RDR, CRR, CBC, CCP (612) 664-5108