This text is machine-read, and may contain errors. Check the original document to verify accuracy.
·Pa. p.D.e.-No. 500
Section 39A
1st Revised Sheet 1
Canceling Original Sheet 1
The following regulations and rates apply to local message calls placed through
an Operator or Customer Dialed Calling Card, Operator Station-to-Station and
Mechanized Station-to-Station calls between points in Metro Call Bands 1
through 4.
Th~ fbllowing rate schedules apply to calls placed through a Business Dial
Tone Line and Pay Telephone Line~
All other applicable rates, charges and regulations can be found in other
tariffs of the Telephone Company.
The local calling areas of each Exchange Area are those which appear in the
Pa. P.U.C.-No. 185B Tariff under ~Exchange Ateas or Zones".
Local Calling Areas and Exchange Area Maps are contained in the Pa. P.U.C.No. 185B Tariff.
Pa; P.D.C.-No. 500
Section 39A
2nd Revised Sheet 2
Canceling 1st Revised Sheet 2
Operator Services
The rates for originating messages are listed below.
To points to which the Local General Tariffs for each Exchange Area indicate
service is furnished on a.Local Area Unlimited Usage Package basis, rates
per message are:
Callin.g Card Customer Dialed, Initial 3 Minutes
Operator Station-to-Stationt, Initial 3 Minutes
Mechanized Station-to-Station, Initial 3 Minutes
Mechanized Station-to-Station Corrections Collect Call,
Initial 3 Minutes
Operator All Types Operator Person-To-Person, Initial 3 Minutes
All Classes of Service Overtime, Each 3 Minutes
1. 7 5(I)
. 4.50
To points to which the Local General Tariffs for each Exchange Area indicate
that local service is o~fered on a measured local use basis; the following
rates' apply for Coin. Calls in addition to the Dialed Station-to-Station
Measured Local Use rate~ in C.4 following:
.Coin Paid Customer Dialed
Calling Card Customer Dialed
Operator Station-to-Stationt
. Mechanized Station-to-Station
Mechanized Station-to-Station Corrections Collect Call
$ .75
$ .25
2.50 .
placed through the operator between, pOints in the local calling· area
are charged the following Operator Service
Calling Card Custo~er Dialed .
Operator Station-to-Station #
. Mechanized Sta'tion-to-Station
Mechanized Station-to-Station Corrections Collect Call
Includes Collect, Special Billing Number, Bill To A Third NuIDber calls and
Hotel/Motel Guest originated operator completed calls. The live operator
surcharge will be waived for victims of domestic violence, the'staffs of domestic
violence program agencies (when involved in domestic violence counselin.g) and
emergency services personnel (while in the performance of their jobs) .
Pa. P.U.C.-No. 500
Section 39A
2nd Revised Sheet 3
Canceling 1st Revised Sheet 3
Operator Services
RATES (Cont'd)
For Me'tro Call Bands, 2-5' the following rates apply in addition to the
Dialed Station-to-Station rates
Calling Card Customer Dialed
Operator Stat~on-to-Station #
Mechanized Station-to-Station
Mechanized Station-to-Station Corrections Collect Call
$ .75
Dial Station-To-Station Calls - Metro Call Band 1
Weekday Rate:
applies to directly dialed local messages
placed, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m .. to
10:00 p.m ..
The rate is $.07 per message.
Night and Weekend Rate:
applies to directly dialed local messages
placed Monday through Friday, 10:00 p.m. to
8:00 a.m. and all day Saturday and Sunday.
The rate is $.028 per message
Metro Call Bands '2-4 Rates
Metro Call Bands 2-4 Rates
Initial Additional
Additional. Initial Additional
.. 15
Includes Special Billing Number, operator dialed and completed calls and all
Time and Charge request calls . (except, Hotel/Motel Guest originated as provided
in Pa. P.U.C.-No. 1). The live operator surcharge will be waived for victi~s
of domestic violence; the staffs of domestic violence program agencies (when
involved in domestic violence counseling) and emergeqcy services personnel
(while in the performance of their jobs) .
Fa. P.U.C.-No. 500
Section 39A
Original Sheet 4
Operator Services
RATES (Cont'd)
'Rate Application Pe;?iods
applies to directly dialed station-to-station
calls placed Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m.*
to 5:00 p.m.*.
appliest"o directly dialed station-to-station
calls placed Monday through Friday, 5:00 p.m.*
to 10:00 p.m.*.
applies to directly dialed station-to-station'
calls placed Monday through Friday, 10:00
p.m;* t~ 8!00 a.m.*, and all day Saturday and
The time sh9wn indicates the terminatio~ of one. rate application period and
the beginning of the "next" .. Calls connected at exactly the time shown are
considered in the "next" period.
Pa. P.U.C.-No. ~OO
Section 37A
1st Revised Sheet 1
Canceling Original Sheet 1
The following regulations and rates appiy to local message ·calls placed through
an Operator or Customer Dialed Calling Card, Operator Station-to~Station and
Mechanized Station-to-Station calls between points in Metro .Call Bands 1
through 5.
The following rate schedules apply to calls placed through a Business Dial
Tone Line and Pay Telephone Line.
2 .. All other applicable rates, charges and regulations can be f9und in other
Tariffs of the Telephone Company.
The local calling areas of each Exchange Area are those which appear in the
Pa. P.U.C.-No. 182 Tariff under "Exchange Areas or Zones".
Local. Calling Areas and Exchange Area Maps are contained·in Pa. P.U.C.-No;
Pa. P.U.C.-No. 500
Section 37A
2nd Revised Sheet 2,
Canceling 1st Revised Sheet 2
Operator Services
The rates for originating messages are listed below.
To' points to which the Local, General Tariffs for each Exchange Area indicate
service is furnished on a Local Area Unlimited Usage Package basis, rates
per message are:
Calling Card Customer Dialed, Initial 3 Minutes
Operator Station-to-Station'l", Initial 3 Minutes
Mechanized Station-to-Station, Initial 3 Minutes
Mechanized Station-to-Station Corrections ~ollect Call,
Initial 3 Minutes
:Opera~or All Types Operator Person-To-Person, Initial 3 Minutes
All Classes of Service Overtime, Each 3 Minutes
1. 75 (I)
To points to which the Local General Tariffs for each Exchange Area
indicate that local service is offered on a measured local use basis, the
following rates apply for Coin Calls in addition to the Dialed Station-toStation Measured Local Use rates in C.4 following:
Coin Paid-Customer Di.aled
Calling Card Customer Dialed
Operator Station-to-Stationt
Mechanized Station-to-Station
Mechanized Station-to-Station Corrections Collect Call
Calls placed through the operator between points in the local calling, area
are charged the following Operator Service Charges:
Calling Card custome~ Dialed
Operator Station-to-Station #
Mechanized Station-to-Station
Mechanized Station-~o-Station Corrections Collect Call
Includes Collect/ Special Billing Number, Bill To A Third Number calls and
Hotel/Motel Guest originated operator 'completed ~alls. The live operator
surcharge will be waived for victi~s of domestic violence, the staffs of
domestic violence program agencies (when involved in domestic violence
counseling) 'and emergency services pers~nnel (while in the performance of
their jobs) .
..... ----- .. -----~---.--..--.-.-.. --~- ..-. _.__._---_._.... _--._-._.. _._-_ ... --_.-----._. __... _- ..----_. __....•-... __._----------._-_.._._--_._---
Pa. P .. U.C. -No. 500
Section 37A
2nd Revised Sheet 3
Canceling 1st Revised Sheet 3
RATES (Cont'd)
. For Metro Call.Bands 2-5 the following rates apply in addition to the Dialed
Station-to-Station rate.
Calling Card Customer Dialed
Operator Station-to-Station' #
Mechanized Station-to-Station
Mechanized Station-to-Station Corrections Collect Call
$ .• 75
Dial Station-To-Station Calls - Metro Call Band 1
Weekday Rate :.
applies to directly dialed local messages.
placed, Monday through ]friday, 8:00 a.m. to
10:00 p.m. The tate is $.07 per message.
Night and'Weekend Rate:
applies to directly dialed locai messages
placed Monday through Friday, 10:00 p.m. to
8:00 a.m. and all day Saturday and S.unday.
The rate is $.028 per message.
Metro Call Bands 2-5 Rates
Metro Call ·Bands 2-5 Rates
Initial Additionai Initial
.. 09
Minute _
$ .01
Includes special billing number, operator dialed and completed calls and all'
Time and Charge request calls (except hoteJ)motel guest originated as provided
in Pa. P.U.C.-No. 1). The·live operator surcharge will be waived for .victims
of domestic violence, the staffs of domestic violence program agencies (when
i'nvolved in domestic violence counseling) and emergency services personnel
(while in the performance of their jobs) .
- - . _ - - - - - - - - - - - .. _----_._.._-----------
Pa. P.U.C.-No. 500
. Section 37A
Original Sheet 4
Operator Services
RATES (Cont'd)
Rate Application 'Periods
applies ~o directly dialed station calls placed
Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m.* to 5:00 p.m.*.
applies to directly dialed station-to-station
calls placed Monday through Friday, 5:00 p.m.*
to 10:00 p.m.*.
applies to directly dialed station-to-station
calls placed Monday through Friday, 10:00 p.m.*
.to 8:00 a.m.*, and all day saturday and Sunday.
The time shown indicates the termination of one rate application period and
the beginning of the "next". Calls conne'cted at exactly the time shown are
considered in the next period.
.--.-.-----~--.--------.~ ...:...---------.--.--".-.--------.-.----~.--.-.-.------------
Attachment 7 - Section 2
Pennsylvania Department of Corrections Inmate Collect Calling Rates
The inmate collect calling rates is provided as a separate Microsoft Excel file consisting of two (2) pages
attached to this page and,is a quick reference guide to the current charge~ applied to inmate collect calls.
The long distance carrier is y.. erizon Select Services, Inc. (VSSI).
, Detailed explanations of the charges are explained in the Verizon tariffs referenced Attachment 6.
The Commonwealth is providing one (1) example of a collect call charged and the components making
up the charge that the Commonwealth receives, commission on grossed billed revenues:
Verizon 500 Tariff35B with an explanation of the $2.00 nonrecurring charge.
From Page 9
8. TABLE OF RATES (Cont'd) , ,
a. Toll Rate Schedule (Cont'd) ,
Rate Schedule
. Charge Plus:
Mechanized Station-to-Station Corrections Collect Call .. : $ 1.75(1)
. From Page 11
11. Public Payphone Usage Surcharge
In addition to any applicable Operator Handled Service Charge, this fee applies to all
. completed Local 'and IntraLATA long distance calls that are made from a payphone and are
not paid by coins being placed in the payphone box. This fee does not apply to calls made to
emergency numbers (911), calls to a telecommunications rehiy servIce, or local calls for
which the caller has made the required coin deposit. Rates and Charges; per access line Per
Call Public Payphone Usage ........................... $.25.
The Commonwealth's present contract with Verizon the Commonwealth receives
commissions on the "grossed billed revenue". In add.ition, as stated in the RFP 'section 5-Il:J
Financial the Commonwealth would receive commissions on the "grossed billed revenue". _
Therefore, if the $0.25 or Public Payphone Surcharge is included in rate quotes (which it
should be) and charged to the end user, the customer, in this case the Commonwealth, should
be paid commissions on that revenue. If the Commonwealth were not paid on that piece of
revenue, which we are, we would not be receiving commissions on "Gross Revenue.", '
InrrateCollectRates. )(
Page 245 of297
.- - - - - . - - - - - - - - - -
, - - _ . _ - - - - - _... _------_.... _. __..--... -
Attachment 7
Inmate Collect Calling Rates
. None
IntraLata Toll
LD -.lntraState
Per .
Based ($.065
$0.15 .
- $.16)
Based ($.06;
LD - InterState
(including Puerto
Rico & Virgin Isl<!-nds)
Inte'rnational (1)
Minute Surcharge
. BA
Pine Grove
Camp Hill
$2..00 initial 3
$2.00 initial 3
$2.00 initial 3
$2.00 initial 3
minutes .
$2.00 initial 3
$2.00 initial 3
$2.00 initial 3
$2.00 initial 3
$2.71 .
- $.16)
. $3.76
Based ($.065
- $.16)
$.05 addtn'l 3
$.05 addtn'l <
$.05 addtn'l
$.05 addtn'l ~
$.05 addtn'l ~
$.05 addtn'l 3
$.05 addtn'l 2
$.05 .addtn'l .:
Attachment 7
Inmate Collect Calling Rates
. $2.50
. $3.76
$2.00 initial 3
calls to Bahamas, Barbados, Bermuda, Canada and Dominican Republic
Attachment 8 - Section 2
Pennsylvania Department of Corrections Inmate .Prepaid Calling Rates
The hun·ate prepaid calling rates is provided as a separate Microsoft Excel file consisting of two (2)
pages attached to this page and is a quick reference guide tQ the current charges applied to an imnate
prepaid calls.. The long distanc~ carrier is Verizon Select Services, Inc. (VSSI).
Detailed explanations of the charges are explained in the Verizon tariffs referenced Attaclunent 6.
The Commonwealth1s present contract with Verizon the Commonwealth receives
c9mmissions on the "grossed billed revenue". In adQition, as stated in the RFP section 5-H
Financial the Commonwealth would receive commissions on the "grossed billed revenue".
Therefore, if the $0.25 or Public Payphone Surcharge is included in rate quotes (which it
should be) and charged to the end user, the customer, in this case the Commonwealth, should
be paid commissions on that revenue. If the Cornn:lOnwealth were not paid on that piece of
revenue, which We are, we would not be·receiving ~omrnissions on "Gross Revenue". ..
Page 246 of 297
__ ._..-------_ ..._._------_._--------.._-_.-._--_..------_....._._._--._....._---------------_.__......_-_._-
Attachment 8
Inmate Prepaid Calling Rates
LD - Interstate
, $2.25
' $0.22
$0.22 ,
,. $0.45
Mileage Based
($.065 - $.16)
Mileage Based
($.065 - $.16)
Mileage Based
($.065 - $.16)
. $3.50
. $3.00
$0.20 .
Pine Grove
$2.00 initial 3
$2.00 initial 3
$2.00 initial 3
$2.00 initial 3
$2.00 initial 3
$2.00 initial 3
$2.00 initial 3
$2.00 initial 3
$2.00 initial 3
$2.00 initial 3
$2.00 initial 3
$.05 addtn'l 3 ,
$.05 addtn'l ~
$.05 addtn'l 3
$.05 addtn'l :J
$.05 addtn'l ~
$.05 addtn'l ~
$.05 addtn'l ;:
$.05 addtn'l 3
$.05 addtn'l ~
$.05 addtn'l 2
$.05 addtri'l ~
Camp Hill
Boot Camp
International (1)
Surcharge ' Per Minute
LD - IntraState
Intralata Toll
' Minute
(including Puerto Rico
'& Virgin Islands)
. -,
Attachment 8 .
Inmate Prepaid Calling Rates
(1) calls to Bahamas, Barbados, Bermuda,
Attachment 9-A - Section 2 \
Department of <;orrections Inmate Policy
After this current policy number DC-ADM 818 dated Degember 3, 200 1 is other Department of
Corrections Bulletin to Policy Number DC-ADM 818-1.
Policy Number:
Policy Su~ject:'
Automated Inmate Telephone, System
Date of Issue:
November 5, 2001
"" .. .
DC-ADM 818
Effective Date:
December 3, 2001
The Authority of the Secretary of Corrections to direct the operation of the Department
of corrections is established by Sections 201, 206,506, and 901-B of the Administrative
Code of 1929,. 71 P.S. §§61, 66,186 and 310-1, Act of April 9, 1929, P.L. 177, No.
175, as amended.
It is the purpose of this document to establish policy and procedures governing inmate
telephone privileges and the electronic su:rveillance of inmate telephone calls.
This policy applies to all State Correctional Facilities, Regional Correctional Facilities,
and the Motivational Boot Camp.
Page 247 of297
A. Attorney
For the purpose, ofthis policy, any person licensed to pr.actice law in any state or
federal court and who represents an inmate.
B. Automated Inmate Telephone System (AITS)
A computer based telephone system, which enables the Department to monitor
and control the use of inmate telephones.
C. Call Block
Placing a restriction on a specific number or series of numbers which prohibits
calling those numbers.
A calling block is a 15 minute period of time with which an inmate may make
phone calls. .
E. Called Number Frequency
The ability to place' a limit on the number oftimes an individual number may be
. called in any given period.
F. Call Records
The data storage and retrieval of all calling infonnation. .
G. Department
The Pennsylvania Department of Correctio,ns.
H. Electronic Surveillance
The interception, recording, monitoring, andlor divulging of inmate telephone
I. Facility Authorized Telephone Call
Telephone calls placed for inmates by staff on the facility's regular telephone
Page 248 of 297
J. Facility Manager
The Superintendent of a State Correctional Facility or State Regional
Correctional.Facility, Commander of a Motivational Boot Camp, Director of a
Community Corrections Center or Director of the Training Academy.
K. Immediate Family Member
Immediate family members are defined as spouse (includes common law),
children, parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters, and guardian, aunt or. uncle or
step relatives in the aforementioned categories with whom the inmate has made
hislher home. Such relationships must be verifiable in the inmate's facility
records by the counselor. This inforrriation can be obtained in the inmate's DC15, Classification Sectio?, on the Personal Data Questionnaire (PDQ).
L. Inmate Personal Identification Number (IPIN)
The unique set of six digits assigned to individ:ual inmates, which enables them
to access the AITS.
M. Inmate Telephone Authorization
A Department form DC-8A completed by inmates listing the name, relationship,
telephone number)and address of individuals with whom the inmate is requesting
to maintain telephonic communications.
N. Inmate Telephone Authorization Supplement
. A Department form DC-8B completed by inmates requesting changes to their
approved telephone list DC-8A.
O. Investigative or Law Enforcement Officer
Any officer ofthe United States or of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania or
political subdivision thereof, who is empowered by law to conduct investigations
of or to make arrests for offenses enumerated in the Wiretapping and
Electronic Surveillance Act, 18 Pa. C.S. §S701 et. seq., and any attorney
authorized by law to prosecute or participate in the prosecution of such offense.
P. Minor
Any person under 18 years of age.
Q. Multiple Long Distance Carriers
Page 249 of297
Companies which offer long distance calling requiring a five digit code for access.
R. North American Calling Plan
The area includes alISO states, Canada and palis ofthe Caribbean Islands composed of
the following with area codes: Bahamas (242), Bermuda (441), Barbados (246), British
Virgin Islands (284), Puerto Rico (787) and the U.S. Virgin Islands (340):
S. Pennsylvania-Relay Service
The Pennsylvania Relay Service is a telephone service that allows persons to use
TDDs to communicate with hearing and speech-impaired-persons and, vice versa,
through the assistance of specially trained operators.
T. Recording Media
A digital audiotape or other electronic recording medium which stores the human
U. Recording/Monitorhig (RIM)
The recording/monitoring ofinmate telephone conversations.
V. Station-to-Station Calling
Enables the caller to speak to any answering party at the number you have asked the _
Operator to dial.
W. Text Telephones (TTY/TDDs)
Telecommunications Devices for the Deaf (TDD) are typewriter-like machines that
permit hearing or speech-impaired persons to communicate by typing messages back
and forth over telephone lines.
X, Three Way Calling
A telephone company service which adds a third party with a different telephone
number to ari. existing conversation.
It is the policy ofthe Department to grant inmates the privilege oflegitimate telephone
communications with individuals in the community, while at the same time protecting
Page 250 of297
society from harm, including but not limited to criminal activity, harassment; threats, and
intimidation using the.inmatete1ephone system. 1
The inmate telephones may only be used to place collect calls to a telephone number in
the North American Calling Plan. All procedures relative to staff are contained in the
confidential procedures manual for this policy.
A. Inmate Access
1. Telephone system call frequency and duration are based on the custody level
for general population inmates. Custody Level 4 inmates are pennitted a
maximum of three 15 minute calling blocks of time per week. Custody Level
3 inmates are permitted a maximum of Qne 15 minute calling block every
day. Custody Leve13Y, 2, and 1 inmates are authorized more frequent use of
the telephone system consistent with the individual facility's custody level
incentive procedures.
2. Multiple calls per time block are permitted·. Facilities may limit calHn·g
frequency below the maximum if the number ofinmate telephones available
does not allow for suffi~ient calling blocks of time, and for other operational
or security reasons.
3. Calling schedules will be determined by the facility.
4. Telephone privileges for inmates in Restricted Housing Units (RHU), Special
Management Units (SMU), Long Term Segregation Units (LTSU), and any
other specialized housing unit will be governed by Department policy DCADM 801, "Inmate Discipline," DC-ADM 802, "Administrative Custody
Procedures," and 6.5.1, "Administration of Security LevelS Housing
6. Inmate telephone calls are a privilege, which can be curtailed. or rescinded by
.. the Unit Manager through the informal resolution of a misconduct in
accordance with Department policy DC-ADM 801. Inmate telephone calls
may also be curtailed or rescinded for administrative or disciplinary reasons
by the Hearing Examiner, Facility Manager or designee.
B. Telecommunication Devices for the Hearing Impaired·
3-4439, 1-ABC-50-11, 2-CO-50-0 1
3-4259,3-4260, 3-4263
Page 251
of 297
__ _ - - - - - - - ..
1. Facilities housing hearing impaired imnates shall provide Telecommunication Devices
for the Deaf (TTY/TDDs) to provide communication to or from hearing or speechimpaired persons.
2. The Pennsylvania Relay Service allows persons to use TTY/TDDs to communicate with
hearing 'impaired and speech-capable persons and vice-versa, through the assistance of .
specially trained operators.
a. The toll free number for operator assistance for placing TTY/TDD calls is 800-8551155.'
3. A remote printer will produce a copy of the conversation for monitoring purposes.
C. Restrictions
1. All calls on the AITS will be initially announced to the called party as originating from a
correctional facility and subject to monitoring and/or recording; Announcements may be
ma~e periodically during telephone ·conversations. '.
2. Inmates are prohibited from initiating calls to the following:
a. inmates, fonner imrtates, parolees, probationers, or co-defendants without the written
approval ofthe Facility Manager;
b. an employee or former employee of the Department unless requested in writing by
the employee/former employee and approved in writing by the Facility Man~ger(s);'
c. judge, criminal justice official, prosecutor or court administrator without hislher
prior written approval;
d. a minor unless approved in writing by a parent or legal guardian;
e. a victim of the crime for which the imnate i~ incarcerated unless requested in writing
by the victim, and app'roved by the Facility Manager;
. f. a member ofthe public who requests in writing to have their telephone number call
' "
g. all toll-free and emergency numbers, e.g., 800, 888, 911; with the exception of tollfree numbers for ~he Pennsylvania Relay Service for TTY/TDD equipment for the
hearing impaired;
h. three-way calling, call forwarding, and calls through a call forwarding service using a
local phone :qumber;
Page 252 of297
_.----_. __._._......... _ - - ------
....... _---_._.._------_._----
placing calls through multiple long-distance carriers; and
placing calls to local, county, state, or federal correctional facilities, and to
Community Corrections Centers or to an inmate housed there without the prior
written approval of officials at both facilities.
3. Ifwritten approval is granted, for '~tny ofthe calls listed above, the call shall be
4. Use of any office telephone or other telephone not specifically designated for imnates is
prohibited except as otherwise provided for under this policy.
6. Telephone ,numbers that the facility has reason to believe are being used to violate
Department policy or regulations will be call blocked.
6. Use ofthe same telephone numbers on multiple IPIN lists at Individual facilities is
prohibited unless an irITmediate family relationship can be established. The Facility
Manager/d~signee must approve suc~ exceptions in writing.,
D. Procedure for 'Obtaining Telephone Privileges
1. Inmates shall be permitted to place a call on the AITS within 72 hours of initial reception
or recommitment as a parole violator. The inmate shall be required to have an !PIN to
access the system. The length of the caJ1 will be automatically limited to 15 minutes.
, Each facility will develop procedures to ensure compliance with the time frame
2. A list of approved telephone numbers shall be established during the initial classification
period and 'recorded on the,DC-SA, Inmate Telephone Authorization Form
(Attachment A). ' A copy of all DC-SAs shall be kept in the inmate's record. The
Diagnostic and Classification Center (DCC) will dev~lop detailed procedures to be
3. Inmates must sign the DC-S,A, verifying that they have read, or had read to them, the
provisions of this policy. Failure to sign the form will result in denial ofimnate
, telephone privileges.
4. Individual inmate telephone lists are limited to 20 telephone numbers.
6. Attorney telephone numbers are to be listed separately on the DC-SA, and are 'not
counted against the total of20. Attomeys must be representing the inmate ~nd such
relationships must be verifiable thro).lgh the inmate's counselor. Attorney t~lephone
numbers must be verifiable and wi.l1 not be subject to recording or monitoring. 3
3-4260,3-4263, 1-ABC-30-02
Page 253 of 297
6. The complete names, relationships, telephone numbers, and street addresses of all
persons whom the inmate wishes to call must be listed. P.O. Boxes may be considered a
valid address. Incomplete forms shall be returned to the inmate without action.
7. Inmates may request to add or to delete from their approved list of telephone numbers
monthly using the DC-SB, Supplementary Authorized Inmate Telephone Numbers
Form (Attachment B). A copy of all DC-SBs shall be kept in the inmate's record.
Each facility will develop local written procedures detailing implementation of this
process. Inmates must sign the DC-SB, verifying that they have ~ead or had read to them
the provisions ofthis policy. Failure to sign the form will result in denial ofinmate
telephone privileges.
8: Inmates may place calls when they receive a computer listing of the telephone numbers
which have been entered into the AITS under their IPIN.
9. The IPIN ;number issued to an inmate is considered confidential. The loaning, borrowing,
or theft of that number is prohibited and will result with involved inmates receiving a
-10. In the event an inmate experiences difficulty in using the AITS after their phone numbers
have been entered into the AITS computer, a DC-SC, Telephone System Discrepancy
Form (Attachment C) shall be completed to resolve the problem. The form shall be
forwarded to the Telephone System Administrator for resolution.
,11 . Inmates shall be notified in the event the system ,experiences any malfunctions or
becomes inoperable.
1. All telephone calls using the AITS must be coHect in accordance with 66 Pa. C.S.
§2907. The cost of the telephone call must be borne by the called party.
2. Calls placed under exceptional ci~cumstances as stated in Section F of~his policy must
be collect or paid for by the inmate. Regular facility telephones }nay be used only when
such calls cannot be made on the AITS. Prior to placing a non-collect call, the il19late ,
must sign a cash slip authorizing the deduction from hislher account prior to placing the
call. If the inmate is indigent, has no funds currently available and coliect calls are not
feasible, the cost shall be charged to the inmate's account and the debt will be satisfied
,as funds are deposited to the inrn.ate's account.
F. Facility Authorized Telephone Calls
1. The Facility Manager/designee may authorize the use of the facility owned telephone
system for the following reasons:
Page 254'of297
a. serious illness, hospitaliz£j.tion or death of an immediate family member;
b. contact with an attorney ~egarding legal matters when the attorney won't accept'
collec.t calls;
c. contact with an attorney regarding legal matters which, because of an immediate
deadline, cannot be handled in person or via correspondence; andlor
d. extraordinary or unusual circumstances.
2. The inmate placing the call must establish that an actual emergency exists. The staff
member a,uthorizing the inmate telephone call must v~rify the emergency exists prior to
placing the cali and document the call on a DC-121 Part 3, Employee Report of
Extraordinary Occurrence, and forward the report to the Security Office, Facility
Manager or desigriee. In addition, all facility-authorized calls are to be monitored by the,
staff member providing this privilege. Inmates not agreeing to have these phone calls
monitored will not be granted the privilege of placing a phone call on the regular
telephone system. Attorney phone calls shall not be monitored, however, staff wiH first
verify that the call is received by the a t t o r n e y . ' ·
, ' ./
3. All calls placed under this section will be recorded by the counselor on the inmateTs DC14, Cuinulative Adjustment Record.,
4. Department staff authorizing aninmate phone call to arrange for a ride upon the inmate's
release or parolti do not need to fill out a DC-121 Part 3.
G. Electronic Surveillance
Pursllant to the Wiretapping and Electronic Surveillance Act, 18 Pa.C.S. §5701, et
seq~,'all inmate telephone calls are'subject to interception, recording, monitoring, and
disclosure except those placed to or from an attorney representing the inmate.
In an emergency or extended disruption of normal facility operation, the Secretary,' or
designee may suspend any provision or section of this policy, for a specific period.
This policy does not create rights in any person nor should it be interpreted or applied in
such a manher as to abridge the rights of any individual.. This policy should be
interpreted to have sufficient flexibility to be consistent with law and to pennit the
accomplishment of the purpose(s) of the policies ofthe Department of Corrections.
Page 255 of297
A. Release of Information
.1. Policy
This policy document is public information and may be released to members of the
public, staff, legislative, judicial, law enforcement and correctional agencies and/or
inmates upon request.
2. Procedure Manual (if applicable) .
The procedure manual for this· policy is not public information and shall not be
released in its entirety or in part, withqut the prior approval of the Se~retary of
Corrections or designee. This manual or parts thereof, may be released to any
Departm~nt of Corrections employee on. an as needed basis.
B. Distribution of Policy
1. General Distribution
The Department of Corrections' policy and procedure manuals (when applicable) shall
be distribut{(d to the members of the Central Office Executive Staff, all Facility
Managers, and Community Corrections Regional Directors on a routine basis ..
Distribution to. other individuals and/o~ agencies is subject to the approval of the·
Secretary of Corrections 9r designee.
2. Distribution to Staff
It is the responsibility of those individuals receiving policies and procedures, as indicated
in the "General Distribution" section above, to ensure that each employee expected or
.required to perform the necessary procedures/duties is issued a copy of the policy and
A. Superseded Policy
1. Department Policy
a. DC-ADM 818, Automated Inmate Telephone System issued July 9, 1998 by former
Secretary Martin F. Hom.
b. DC-ADM 818-1 bulletin, Automated Inmate Telephone System issued June 8, 1999
by former Secretary ¥artin F. Hom.
Page 256 of297
.... -----_._------------_._------_... _..-._----.------~-
c. 6.3.27, Automated Imnat"e Telephone System Procedures Manual issued July 9,1997
by former Secretary Martin F. Horn.
d. 6.3.27-1 bulletin, Automated Inmate Telephone System Procedures Manual issued
October 30, 1997 by former Secretary Martin F. Horn.
2. Facility Policy and Procedures
. This document' supersedes all facility policy and procedures' on this subject.
B. Cross Reference(s)
1. Administrative Manuals
DC-ADM 801, Inmate Discipline
DC-ADM 802, Administrative Custody Procedures
6.S.1, Administration ofthe'Restricted Housing Unit
6.3.1, Facility Security
2. ACA Standards
a. Administration of Correctional Agencies: 2-CO-SD-Ol
b. Adult Correctional Institutions: 3-4137, 3-42S9, 3-4260, 3-426~, 3-4437, 3-4439
c. Adult Community Residential Services: None
d. Adult Correctional Boot Camp Programs: l-ABC-3D-02, l-ABC-SD-11
e. Correctional Training Academies: None
3. Other
a. Wiretapping and Electronic Surveillance Act, 18 Pa.C.S. §S701, et seq.
h. Public Utility Code, 66 Pa. C.s. §2907
Page 257 of297
Attachment 9-A - Section 2
Department of Corrections Policy Number DC-ADM 818-1, Automated Inmate Telephone
System Dated of Issue August 19, 2004
TO: Executive Staff
Boot Camp Commander
Regional DireCtors
Policy Subject:
Automated Inmate Telephone System
Policy Number:
DC-ADM 818-1
Policy Issue Date:
November 5,2001
Date of Issue:
Effective ~ate:
August 19, 2004
September 19, 2004
. ..
The purpose of this bulletin is to amend Section VI.B., Telecommunications Devices for the Hearing
Impaired. The following shall be added:
4. An inmate using the TTY/TTD shall be,pennitted 30 minute calling blocks' of time.
In addition, Section VI.E., Payment is being revised to read:
1. Telephone calls using the AITS must either be collect in accordance with 66 Pa. C.S. §2907,
where the cost ofthe telephone call must be borne by the called party, or through pre-paid calls
purchased by the inmate.
a. Pre-paid calls may be purchased in the commissary in $15, $25, or $50 amounts, not to
exceed a $100 limit per week.
b. At the time of release, any balance in excess of $1.00 will be refunded by the telephone
system vendor in the form of a pre-paid telephone card. Any balance ofless than $1.00 will
be placed in the Inmate General Welfare Fund.
Page 258 of297
There will be no refund for pre-paid accounts unless the inmate is released.
d. If the imnate is deceased, a refund will be sent to his/her next-of-kin, consistent with
Sectio.n VI. 1. E. h. of this policy.
Page 259 of297·
. Attachment 9-B - Section 2
Department of Corrections Policy Number Re-issue DC-ADM 818, "Automated Inmate
. , Telephone System" Policy, Dated March 10,2005
Depa~ment of Corrections
Secretary's Office
(717) 975·4860
March 10, 2005
Re-issue DC·ADM 818, "Automated I,nmate Telephone System" policy
All 'Inmates
.. ," . '.
Jeffrey A. Beard, Ph.D.
, Secretary
This notice is to inform you that the Department has re-issued the DC·ADM 818,
"Automated Inmate Telephone System" policy. Changes are listed below.
G. Compact Disk (CO) this defiryition has been added and shall read:
A device used to digitally record a telephone conversation from the hard
drive of the AITS.
The lead-in paragraph shall now read:
The inmate telephones may only be used to place collect calls to a telephone
number in the North American calling Plan, or through pre-paid calls purchased
by the inmate. All procedures relative to staff are contained in the confidential
procedures manual for this policy.
Section A. Inmate Acce~s, Sub·Section 1. shall now read:
Page 260 of297 .
1. Telephone system call frequency and duration are based on the custody level
for a general population inmate. A custody level 4 inmate is permitted a
maximum oHhree 15 minute calling blocks of time per week. A custody level 3
inmate is permitted a maximum of one 15 minute calling block every day. A
custody level3Y, 2, and 1 inmate is aythorized two 15 minute ca/J;ng blocks
of telephone time every day.
Section D. Procedure for Obtaining Telephone Privileges, Sub-Section 4. shall
now read:
. 4. An individual inmate telephone list is limited to 20 active telephone numbers.
This revi.?ed policy will go into effect on April 11, 2005 and is available on your housing
unit and in the library for you to review. You may also "check-out" a copy of the policy
from the library as you would a library book. If you want a personal copy, you may
purchase one using the copying procedures at the facility. The cost of the copy will be
$.10 per page·;
Any questions you mqy have about this policy should be directed to your Unit Manager
or Officer-in-Charge of your housing unit.
cc: file
Page 261 of297
- - - - - - - - _ . _ - - - - - - - - - - - - .-
Attachment 10 - Section 2
Department of Corrections Policy Number DC-ADM 818-1
(Part 6 Prepaid Phone Card Refuiids included only)
6. Pre-Paid Phone Card Refunds
a. Cards are issued to the Department from the phone card vendor. Cards are issued
to facilities fro~ the Bureau of Administration, Support Services Section. Support
Services is responsible for keeping an inventory and distributing cards to facilities.
b. A log shall be kept showing all cards received to .include batch numbers, name of
inmate the card was issued to, and the date of issue. The log shall be submitted
weekly by the Support Services Section to the phone card vendor with all activity
from previous weeks recorded.
c. F.acilities can request additional cards bye-mail or memo.
d. To deactivate pre-paid accounts and issue cards to inmates, facilities shall follow
the procedures listed below:
The Records Office will inform the Business .office, Inmate' Accounts,
that an inmate is being released.
The Business Office, Inmate Accounts, shall receive the release list the
day-before the inmate is to be released. Inmate Accounts shall contact the
Site Administrator to determine if the inmate has a pre-paid account and
obtain the inmate's PIN number. Once it is detennined that the inmate has
a pre-paid account, Inmate Accounts shall contact the vendor to obtain the
account balance and terminate the pre-paid account.
After obtaining the account balance and terminating the account,
complete Section I of the DC-159A, Receipt of Pre-Paid Calling
Account (Attachment B). The inmate will still be able to make collect
calls . .lfthe inmate cannot make collect calls, helshe may use a facility
:phone to arrang~ for transportation upon release.
Inmate Accounts shall determine how many pre-paid phone cards will be
issued to the inmate. If the account balance is less than $1. 00, no refund
shall be issued. Ifbalance is $1.00 or more, catds will be issued in
increments of$5.00.
Balance of:
0.00 - .99 - no refund issued
1.00 - 5.00 - 1 pre-paid card issued
5.01 - 10.00 - 2 pre-pai<;l cards issued
10.01 - 15.00 - 3 pre-paid cards issued
. Page 262 of297
15.01 - 20.00 - 4 pre-paid cards issued
20.01 - 25.00 - 5 pre-paid cards issued
After detenninin~ how many pre-paid cards will be issued, Inmate
Accounts shall complete Section II ofthe ~C-159A to include the
(a) number of cards assigned;
(b) batch number of all cards
(c) inmate signature is required when picking up cards.
The completed DC-159A are to be faxed to the Support Services Section
at the end of each day.
(6) - In the event of an inmate's -death, pre-paid cards issued for the balance
shall be forwarded to the next of kin. A DC-159A shall be completed and
forwarded to Support Services for this action. If the inmate has nOi-next of
kin, the pre-paid balance shall be deposited in the Inmate General Welfare
Fund (IGWF).
Page 263 of 297
------ --------------
Attachment 11 - Section 2
Installed Equipment Form *
(1) A minimum list of five customers located in the United States with a system having
all ofthe operational characteristics as the system being proposed in response to this'
RFP. Names, addresses, points of contact and telephone numbers are required.
System B Inmate Telephone Service and System C Monitoring and Recording
Date Installed Customer
Name, Address & Telephone #
Number Inmate Stations
* This form may be reproduced in a many copies as necessary to present the requested
Page 264 of297
- - - - - - - - - - -.. _-------_._.
_._-------_ .. _-
Attachment 12 - Section 2
Environmental Requirements.
1. .
.Control system type and niodel: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Size:H._ _ _W_ _ _L_ __
Weight:. _ __
Power Requirements: ..,.,-__ Volts _ _ _ _%
___ Amps
- - - Hz
Power Consumption: _ _ _Watts
. Specify UPS dimensjons:
Specify long term and short tenn source voltage regulation limits:
Specify emergency power provisions:
. Special considerations: (i.e. HAVAC Requirements:
Specify space required for storage of spare parts: _ _ cu.ft.
Maximum cable distance allowable between system controller and most distant inmate
13. .
Are isolation transformers required?
Are constant voltage supplies recommended? If so, please describe:
Is gas tub protection ·recommended?
What is the recommended size for the foom, which will house t~e equipment?
Page 265 of 297
__ _-_._---_.-.
Attachment 13'- Section 2
Travel Expenses for Demonstration, Training End User Forum Meetings and Traveling
for Reviewing New Technologies' .
Commonwealth expenses incurred are in the below three (3) areas: (1) lodging, (2) subsistence
aud (3) transportation. Under the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Governor's Office
Management Directive 230.10 amended November 1, 2000 Travel and Subsistence Allowances:
1. Lodging.
(1). Nonnally, expenses for lodging will not be allowed at the place of an .
employee's official headquarters or residence nor at sites located within 50 miles
of the employee's official headquarters or residence. Agencies are authorized,
when provided with adequate written justification, to approval exceptions when
employees required lodging with 50 miles of their official headquarters or
residence. Written justification must include details concerning itinerary,
weather, time constraints, or other valid reasons to support the using agency's
decision. To ensure timely reimbursement of submitted Travel Expense
Vouchers (TEV), a 'copy of the written justification si~ed by a using ag~ncy
head or designed deputy MUST be attached to the employee's TEV.
Note: Approval authority may not be delegated below the deputy level. In this
instance, no other publication is applicable.
(2) Government rates must be requested by all travelers and confinned at the
time reservations are made and at time of check-in.
(7) Hotel charges will not be reimbursed if the employee is negligent in
canceling reservations in accordance with the hotel's policy.
(8) Claims for lodging that include meals will be allowed ~hen contracted for at
the minimum rate, and when incun:ed by employees residing at a host
establishment" while attending a conference or convention on official'
business. Hotel orders or credit cards may be. used to obtain accommodations
under the hotel meal plan; however, the meals provided camot be claimed for
(9) With Bureau of Commonwealth Payroll Operations (BCPO) concurrence,
hotel orders may be issued to persons who are not Commonwealth.
employees, who render a service to the Commonwealth.· This doesn't include
persons who are being reimbursed for their services under contract with the
. CommonweMth.
Page 266 of 297
-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(l0) The Commonwealth's authorized travel agent will arrange reservations at
the government rate or special conference rate, -whichever is
Employees will be responsible for providing the corporate card or hotel order
to the hotel at the time of check-in.
- - ------- Note: Management Directive23 0.13 , Commonwealth Corporate Card
Program, Revision No.1, contains a copy of the Pennsylvania Exemption
Certificate to be used with the corporate card to exempt employees traveling
on official business from local occupancy taxes.
b. Lodging Rate Allowances.
'(1) The per night lodging rate allowances listed below are to be used by
employees authorized to incur, overnight lodging expenses:
City L?cation
" County
Beaver Falls '
King ofPnissiaJFort Washington
Valley Forge/Malvern
All Other Locations
Allegheny ,
$75 plus tax'
$75 plus tix
$1 00 plus tax
$75 plus tax
$65 plus tax
$100 plus tax
$75 plus tax
$75 plus tax
$75 plus tax
$1 00 plus tax
$100 plus tax
$75 plus tax
$75 plus tax
$75 plustax
$1 00 plus tax
$50 plus tax
Note: The above lodging rate allow~ces are not flat allowances. Employees will
only be reimbursed for actual expenses incurred. Copies of the employee's hotel
receipt, hotel order, charge card receipt, etc., are to 'be ,attached to the STD-191
form when requesting reimbursement. Employees obtaining lodging within the
above allowances will not be required to provide written justification on their
STD-191 form for the selection of the lodging facility.
(2) In those instances when lodging cannot be secured within the established
lodging rate allowance, employees-may exceed the allowance if written justification is
provided on the STD-191 form. Bmployees are required to provide, on the STD-191
form, the reason for selecting the lodging facility (e. g., closest lodging facility to
worksite - next hotel 25 miles away; no rooms available at hotel with lowest rate;
lodging facility booked by Commonwealth Travel Center; inclement weather; lateness of
the hour; etc.). Although employees are not required to list lodging establishments
contacted, they are, however, still expected to secure lodging at the available facility
offering the best lodging rate within the immediate area of the travel assigmnent.
(3) Lodging rate allowances may be exceeded when an employee must stay at a
specific lodging facility where rooms within the allowance are not available and where
the employee's presence is required by the nature ofthe official business (e.g., location
of conference, training course, convention). A written explanation must b~ provided on
the STD~ 191 fonn.
(4) Lodging accommodatio~s obtained by Commonwealth employees traveling
on official business can be subj ect to several different taxes. The most frequently
encountered taxes are listed below with guidelines for travelers regarding the
Commonwealth's obligation to pay:
(a) The Commonwealth is subject to the following tax which mustbe
. paid and will be reimbursed: *Hotel Occupancy Tax (72 P. S. § 7209 et seq.) A
six percent room rental excise tax applicable to every room occupancy.
.(b) The Commonwealth is not subject to the following taxes and
employees should make every effort to have them eliminated. However, .ifthe tax
must be paid, the Commonwealth will reimburse the employee for actual
expenses incurred. Comptrollers should delete th~setaxes from the hotel/motel
invoice when aHotel Order is used.
*Hotel Room Rental Tax (53 P. S. § 16223) Pennsylvania Convention Center
Authority Act. A local hotel room -rental tax imposed by first class cities or. first
class counties to fund construction of· convention centers (Allegheny, Bucks,
Delaware, Montgomery, and Philadelphia). The amount of the tax can range from
one to six percent.
.*Local Sales, Use, and Hotel Occupancy Tax authorized by the Pem)sylvania
. Intergovernmental Cooperation Authority Act for Cities of the First Class (53 P.
S. § 12720.501 etseq.) andtheSeco71d Class County Code (16P. S. § 6152-B) .
. The one percent tax is imposed in a taxable county on the occupancy of
hotel/motel rooms (philadelphia, Allegheny).
Note: ManagementDirective 230.13, Commonwealth Corporate Card
Program, Revision No.1, contains a copy of the Pennsylvania Exemption
Certificate to be used with the Corporate Card to exempt employees
traveling on official business from local occupancy taxes.
Page 268 of 297
-- -
a. General.
(1) The allowances for subsistence do not require receipts unless specifically
stated. However, they are not flat allowances and only amounts actually expended may
be claimed.
(2) Employees who resid~ at a place other than official headquarters will not be
eligible forreimbursement of subsistence expenses while at a residence or headquarters,
unless specifically provided for in this directive.
-(3) Reimbursement for the cost .ofnoonday meals is not permissible for
employees not engaged in overnight travel except as specifically provided for in this
_directive, in collective bargaining agreements or memoranda of understanding. .
(4) Nonpaid membeJ;s of boards, co:riimissions, and councils innonovernight
travel status will be eligible for reimburs,ement of the actual cost of meals up to the '.
following maximums: breakfast, $6.00; lunch,$6.00; dinner, $16.00.
(5) Increased subsistence allowances are available in out-of-state locations
designated as high cost areas by the Bureau ofFinancial Management, Office of the
(6) No subsistence will be allowed for employees who have been granted shorttenn lodging agreements.
b. Overtime.
An employee who works more than two hours pa~rhisscheduled quittingtime.while at
headquarters will be reimbursed for the cost ofameal1+p tq a maximum of$8.00 only if the
employee has-not been given notice of the overtime requirement at least two hours before
. commencement of the regular shift. An employee must state their normal work hours on the
STD-19l and certify that the required notice had not been given.
c. Nonovemight Travel Status.
(1) An employee in anonovemight travel assignment that takes the employee 50
miles ormore from both residence and headquarters who works more than two hours
past scheduled quitting time with or without priornotice will be reimbursed forthe cost
of a meal up to a maximum of $ 8.00. The employee must state his normal work hours on
-the STD-191.
(2) An employee in a nonovemight travel assignment that is 'less than 50 miles
from residence and headquarters who works more than twol}ours past scheduled quitting
Page 269 of 297
time and was not given notice at least two hours prior to the commencement of the
regular shift will be reimbursed for a meal up to a maximum of$8.00. An employee
must state his nonnal work hours on the STD-191 and certify that the required notice·
had not been given.
(3) An allowance of $7.00 is granted for half or more of each six-hour period
spent in arequirednonovernight travel assignment on a day not part of an employee's
regular work schedule, that is, a holiday or scheduled day off. The six-hourp'eriod need
not have been immediately preceded by and in connection with a 24-hour travel period.
Such allowances cannot exceed the full-day rate of $28.00. Reimbursement is calculated
as follows:
oto less than 3 hours -
3 to less than 9 hours - $ 7.00
9to less than 15 hours - $14.00·
15 to less than 21 hours - $21.00
·21 to 24 hours - $28.00
d. OV,ernight Travel Status.
(1) While in overnight travel status, reimbursement for meals and other'
subsistence expenses is allowedto a maximum of$28.00, which includes tips and sales
tax, for each 24-hour period spent in.a continuous overnight travel status. The 24-hour
period begins at any ti!lle of day or night that the employee leaves headquarters or
residence to embark upon overnight travel on official business. This·a110wance covers all
meals and subsistence expenses ·not specifically provided for elsewhere.
(7) Overnight travel not part of a fu1124-hour period will be divided into six-hour
periods. The six-hourperiods need not have been immediately preceded by and in
connection with a 24-hour travel period. An employee on overnight travel status under
these conditions eligible for an allowance of$7.00for half or more of each sixhour period. Reimbursement is calculated as follows:
Oto less thanJ hours- $ 0.00
3 to less than 9 hours - $ 7.00
9to less than .15 hours - $14.00
15 to less than 21 hours...;.$21.00
.21 to 24 hours- $28.00
(a) Example!. An employee leaves headquarters on Monday at 8:00 a.m.
and Teturns on Tuesday at 2: 00 p.m. The employee is entitled to a $28.00
subsistence allowance for the.24-hour period from 8:00a.~. Mondayuntil 8:00
a.m. Tuesday. The employee is also entitled to an additiomil $ 7.00 ·<:jllowance for
a six-hour time period from 8:00 a.m. Tuesday to 2:00 p.m. Tuesday. The total
subsistence for the entire period will then be $35.00.
.Page 270 of 297
(b) Example 2, An employee leaves headquarters at 8:00 a.m. on Monday
and returns at 5;00 p;m. on Tuesday. The employee is entitled to a $28.00
subsistence allowance for the time period from 8:00 a.m. Monday to 8:00 a.m.
Tuesday. The employee is entitled to an additional $14.00 for the nine-hour time
period between 8:00 a:m. Tuesday and 5:00 p.m. Tuesday. The total allowance
for the entire time period would then be $42.00.
(c) Example 3. An employee leaves headquarters at 10:00 p.m. Monday
and returns at 11 :00 a:m. Tuesday. The employee is entitled to $14.00 for the 13hour' time period.
(3) The subsistence allowance of employees in. overnight travel status attending
. iuncheon-meetings, dinner meetings, seminars, or conventions at which meals are
provided shall have their total subsistence allowance reduced by the following amounts
for meals provided at s:uch J?eetings: breakfast, $6.00; lunc~, $6.90; dinner, $16.00.
(4) Subsistence will not be Teimbursed· if the employee is registered in a hotel
which pro'vides all meals which are included in lodging costs.
e. Luncheon or Dinner Meetings.
(1) Luncheon or dinner meetings sponsored by the Commonwealth will be paid
'under contract; therefore, no claims for such expenses may be presented on Travel
Expense Vouchers.
(2) Employees on official business attending luncheon or qinnermeetings not
sponsored by the Commonwealth are entitled to receive reimbursement for actual1costs
incurred. This applies whether the engagement is held at residence or official
headquarters. Luncheon or dinner meetings must meet the following criteria:
(a) The luncheon or dinner meeting must be planned in advance, must
include persons who are not employed by the Commonwealth, and must be
approved by a using agency.head or designated deputy using agency head ..
(b) Themeal must be an integral part ~fthemeeting.
(c) The meal must be served at the same establishment that hosts the
(d) The purpose of the meeting must be to discuss business and the nature
of the business must be stated onthe STD"':191.
(3) Employees in ovemighttravel status while attending a luncheon or dinner
meeting, seminar, or convention, at which meals are provided, shall have their total
J>age271 of297
subsistence claims reduced by the following amounts for meals provided at such
meetings: breakfast> $6.00; lunch, $6.00; dinner, $16.00 .
. Example: An emplqyee leaves headquarters on Monday at 7:00 p.m. to attend a
. meeting on Tuesday at which lunch is provided. The employee returns home Tuesday at
10:00 p.m. and is entitled to a $28.00 subsistence al1owancefoithe 24-hour period from
7:00 p.m. Monday until 7:00 p.m. Tuesday> and $7.00 for the three hours from 7:00 p.m.
to 10:00p.m., for a total of $35.00. The $35.00 must be reduced by $6.00 for the lunch
that was provided. The total subsistence allowed, therefore> is $29.00.
(4) Employees and members of boards, commissions, and councils who are .
required to attend a non-Commonwealth sponsored luncheon or dinner meeting will
. have ac~~l costs reimbursed. A receipt is required.
f. Reimbursement of Expenses Incurred on Behalf of Others.
(1) Using agency heads are 'authorized to incur reasonable expenses on behalf of
others who are not Commonwealth employees·in the course of their official duties. .
Using agency heads are further authorized to approve reasoD;able expensesincurrecl by
their deputies on behalf of others in the course of their official duties.
(2) Using agency heads are authorized to incur reasonable subsistence expenses,
and to approve reasonable expenses incurred by their deputies, on behalf of other
Commonwealth ~m,ployees when the expenses are incurred as part of a business meeting
under the following circumstances:
(a)'Jhe purpose of the meeting is to discuss official business ..
(b) The meeting includes either persons who are not employed by the
Commonwealth. or employees of other Commonwealth
agencies whose
attendance is relative to the official business being conducted.
(c) The meal is an integral part of the .meeting.
(3) Other classes of employees covered by this section, such as employees
-required totransfer-patients or prisoners, are at times required to spend money in the
course oftheir official duties to satisfy expenses incurred on behalf of others. Using:
agency heads are responsible for SUbmitting to their using agency comptroller a list of
employees eligible to incur expenses on behalf of others under this section.
(4) Complete justification for incurring expenses must be included on Travel
Expense Vouchers . Justification should include but not be limited to:
(a) A list of names, positions, and agencies ofthe individuals for whom
the expenses were incurred.
Page 272 of297
(b) An explanation of the nature and circumstances requiring the
, incurring of expenses on behalf of others,
(c) Itemized receipts for the expenses incurred.
(5) Using agency heads may request approval for additional using agency
personnel to incur expenses on behalf of others by submitting to the using agency
comptroller a request containing full justification for the exception.
Management Directive 230.10 Revision Number 4 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Governor's Office Travel and Subsistence Allowances. dated January 17,2002:
a. Personal Automobile. Paragraph (1), change th~ second sentence to read:
Effective January 2003, the mileage reimbursement allowance -for personal automobiles shall ~be
36 cents per mile.
The Commonwealth's mileage reimbursement allowance for personal automobiles has
increased to 40.5 cents .per mile, effective February4, 2005.
SAP has been configured to reflect the increased rate. Mileage claims -for-travel that
occurred before February 4 will be reim~ursed at 37.5 cents per mile: Mileage claims
-for travel that occurred Fe~ruary 4 or later will be reimburse,d at 40.5 cents per mi!e.
By .Direction Of: Date:
Robert A. Bittenbender, Secretary of the Budget
Martin F. Horn, Secretary of Administration
Travefand Subsistence Allowances
Revision 'No.3
(Financial Management, OB,7171783-3073 or 783-7886) Page 1 of 1
The'following pen and ink changes
should beannotatedcto Management
.Directive230.10, dated November1,~2000.
These changes become effective the date
of this revision.
06 CASH ADVANCEMENTS. Page·4, paragraph
b, 5th line, change $500.00 to $1,000.
The amount is increased from '$500.00 to $1,000
for those instances which require the approval of
the agency head or designee and the agency comp"troller.
07 RECEIPTS. Page 4, para.grapha.(1), change
$15.00 to $35.00.
Increases the dollar amount from $15.00 to $35.00
for those instances where a receipt is required.
h. Local Transportation. (Page 10). Paragraph'
(2), second line, change $15.00 to $35.00 ..
Increases the dollar amount from $15.00 to $35.00
for those instances where a receipt is required.
Novem.ber 27, 2001
By Direction Of: Date:
Distribution: B
Travel and Subsistence Allowances
Revision No.6
Effective.January 1, 2004, the mileage
reimbursement allowance for personal
automobiles increased to 37.S·cents per
Revision No.5 dated February-18, .2003, is
Michael J. Masch, Secretary of the Budget
Robert S.Barnett, Secretary of Administration
Please make the following pen and ink change
to page 6 of subject directive dated November 1,
2000, to reflect the new personal a'utomobile reimbursement
allowance which became effective January
·1 r 2004 .
.* * *.* ,*
'* .*.* *.*
c. Personal Automobile. Paragraph (1), fourth
line, change the second sentencelo read:
... Effective January 1, 2004, the mileage reimbursement
allowance for personal automobiles shall
be 37.5 cents per mile ....
.*.*.* *.*
January 27,.2004
'Page 274 of297
Attachment 14 - Section 2
- Act 181 of 2002
Official Advance Copy
Act 2002-181
No. 2002-181
Amending the act of July 6,1995 (P.L.255, No.34), entitled "An act providing fordual party relay services and. for
telecommunication device distribution," further defining "persons with a disability" or "people with disabilities."
:The,General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania hereby enacts as follows:
Section 1. The definition of IIpersons with a disability" or "people with disabilities" in section 2
of the act of July 6, 1995 (P.t.255, No.34), known as the Dual Party Relay Service and
Telecommunication Device Distribution Program Act, is amended to read:
Section 2. Definitions.
The following words and phrases when used in this act shall have the meanings:gLy.en to
-them in this section unless the context clearly indicates
"Persons with a disability" or "people with disabilities." Aperson certified [as being
deaf, deaf-blind, hard-of-hearing, having a hearing "- J...., or speech impaired] by a licensed
physician, audiologist, speech pathologist or a qualified State using agency[.]:
(1) As being deaf, deaf-blind, hard of hearing, having a hearing loss or being speech
(2) As having a disability and who requires technology to independently access
telecommunications services.
* *-*
Section 2. This act shall take effect in 60 days.
APPROVED-The 9th day of December, A.D. 2002.,'
'Page 275 of297
Attachment 15 - Section 2
Inmate Population 2003
. Albion
Cambridge Springs
Coal Township
'. Dallas
Laurel Highlands
Pine Grove
925. .
- - - . - - . - - - - - - ..
- --- •..
,- .. ----~------ ..
Attachment16- Section 2
Inmate Admissions - 2003
Cambridge Springs
Camp Hill
Coal Township
Laurel Highlands
Pine Grove
Page277 of297 .
Attachment 17- Section 2
Inmate-Releases - 2003
Cambridge Springs
Camp Hill
Coal Township
Dallas _
Laurel Highlands
Mahanoy _
"Pine Grove
- 386
Page 278 of 297
Attachment 18 - Section 2 Inmate Transfers....;. 2003
. Population.
Cambridge Springs
Camp Hill
Coal Township
Laurel :fIighlands
Pine'Grov~ .
. 497
. 926
Page 279 of297
Attachment 19 - Section 2
Inmate Population Projections 2004 - 2010
Page 280 of297
Attachment 20 - Section 2
Maintenance Center Information
(System B· System C)
Maintenance office location:
Telephone Number: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Hours of Operation: ___________________~________________
Pyrson in Charge: ________________________
Number of Maintenance Personnel at this location:
Number trained on maintenance of inmate stations: ----------Number traIned on inmate telephone control" system: _________
Number trained on monitoring and recoding equipment: _ _ _ _ __
Number of inmate stations maintained from this locations:
Number of inmate telephone control systems maintained: _--'-_ _ __
Number ofmonitoring and recording systems maintained from this location:
Distance from maintenance center to the 10cations,where.systemB, or System C is to
be maintained: ,
r.Employee's titles and experience: (list all personnel by system who shall service,;the
proposed systems:
* This form may be reproduced in as 'many copies as necessary to 'present the requested
Page 281 of 297
Attachment 21,- Section2
Office of Administration Office for Information Technology Information Technology
Bulletin aTB)
I-series 'ITBs: Security, Privacy, & Business Continuity Planning
1.1.6. Minimum Contractor /Vendo'rBackground Checks Policy
Information Technology Bulletin
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Governor's Office of Administration/Office for Information Technology
Charles F. Gerhards, Deputy Secretary for Information Technology
Issued by:
Date Issued:
November 25, 2002
bate Revised: December 27, 2002
The purpose of this policy is to !:stablish requirements and provide a procedure for all agencies
under the Governor's jurisdiction to require, as a condition for award of a contract or order,'that
IT (Information Technology) Contractors and other certain Contractors/vendors agree to conduct
criminal record checks for all employees who will perform services on site at Commonwealth
facilities, or who will have access to Commonwealth facilities throughonsite,or remote computer
access. Currently, 'a background check is conducted for all Commonwealth employees. However,
background checks are not conductecj for Contractor employees working on Commonwealth IT
projects, facilities, systems, or operations. This policy is necessary for the protection, security and
privacy of Commonwealth employees, customers,and Commonwealth information systems.
This Information Technology Bulletin, (ITB) establishes enterprise-wide policy for minimum
Contractor/Vendor background checks that 'applies to all Commonwealth Departments, Boards and
Com missions under the Governor's jurisdiction.
This policy will apply to all "IT systems and services contracts, including purchase orders and/or FLs
. issued from the OA IT.ITQ services contract and any other cO'ntract delegated to, OA qranother
agency by DGS. 'The level of investigation may vary depending,on the sensitivity of the area in
which the Contractor's employees will work (e.g., more detailed background checks may be require,
fora Contractor involved with Homeland Security). This policy establishes that agencies must
require, as a condition of award ofa contract or purchase order, that Contractors/Vendors who will
perform IT work as a part of the contract/purchase order must agree to conduct pre-employment
background checks onany personnel who will perform services on site at Commonwealth facilities,
or who will have access to Commonwealth facilities through onsite, or remote computer access.
Page 282 of 297
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ . _ '-(
-----.- -_._.--------------_..
.. ---.--.
Criminal records are to be checked for the previous five (5) years. The agency shall require the
Contractor to conduct criminal record checks annually for any employee assigned to do workfor the
When a Contractor/vendor discovers that a Contractor or sl,lbcontractor employee has a criminal
background that includes a felony or misdemeanor involving terrorist behavior, violence, use ota
lethal weapon, or breach of trust/fiduciary responsibility or which raises concerns about building,
system or personal security or is otherwise job-related, the Contractor shall not assign that
employee to any Commonwealth facilities, shall remove any access privileges already given to the
employee and shall not permit that employee remote access. At the request of the Contractor, the
Commonwealth agency may, in its sole discretion, dete~mine whether the employee may have
access, or continue to have access to Commonwealth facilities/resources/systems.
!'dote: Obtaining a DGS.:..issued photo ID card will ensure that background checks are obtained
annually by the Contractor, since a criminal background check is required to obtain the photo ID
card. There will be an expiration date on the ID card of one (1) year from the issuance date. In
addition, theID card will expire at the end of a project or upon removal of-an employee, even if a
year has not passed.
Contractors must agree to the contract provision as a condition for award of a contract or purchase
order. Contractors must comply with this procedure before they permit access to the site by their
employees or their subcontractors' employees. Agencies must receive written confirmation from the
Contractor that all requirements have been met' before allowing the Contractor access to the site.
This policy applies to, but is not limited to, services provided for the following types of projects:
4. IT Initiatives involving the development of programs and systems
5. Application hosting
6. IT infrastructure work
Criminal background checks are to be conducted by the Pennsylvania State Police via the Request
For Criminal Record Check form and procedure . .Information provided by the prospective Contractor
employee will be screened against state,and lotal systems containing information on criminal
arrests, convictions, warrants,and incarcerations. The database search will include the PA
Commonwealth Law Enforcement Assistance Network (CLEAN).
Contractors will be responsible forthe payment of all fees 'associated with background checks for
their employees and/or subcontractors.
The above procedure must be included in 'any procurement instrument, including Request For
Proposal (RFP), Invitation For Bid (IFB), Invitation To Qualify (ITQ), Request for Quote (RFQ), Sole
Source Contracts, Renewals, Amendments, and agency Statements of Work, etc. The following
language must be included in RFPs, IFBs, ITQs, RFQs, Sole Source Contracts, Renewals,
Amendments and agency Statements W·ork for IT services to be performed on site at
Commonwealth facilities or through onsite, or remote compLiteraccess:
liThe Contractor must, at its expense, arrange for a background check for each of its employees, as
well as the employees of any of its subcontractors[ who will have access to Commonwealth IT
facilities, either through on-site access or through remote access. Background checks are to be
- - - - - - - - . - - . - - ....
conducted via the Request for Criminal·Record Check form and procedur~ found at The background check must be conducted
prior to initial access and on an annual basis thereafter.
Before the Commonwealth will permit access tothe Contractor, the Contractor must provide written
confirmation that the background checks have been conducted. If, at any time, it is discovered that
a Contractor employee has a criminal record that includes a 'felony or misdemeanor involving
terroristic behavior, violence, use of a lethal weapon, or breach of trust/fiduciary responsibility or
which raises concerns about building, system or personal security or is otherwise job-related, the
Contractor shall not assign .that employee to any Commonwealth facilities, shall remove any access
. privileges already given to the employee and shall not permit that employee remote access unless
the agency consents to the access, in writing, prior to the access. The agency may withhold its
con$ent in its complete discretion. Failure of the Contractor to comply with the terms of this
paragraph may result in default of the Contractor under .its contract. II
Agencies may exceed this policy at their discretion, and may enter into an amendment solely for thE
purpose of implementing this policy.
Should an a-gency desire to obtain a waiver. for this ITS, they must submit a written request to CTC
Dir:ector for approval. In the request, please state the reasons for making the request.
Questions regarding this policy should be directed to Steven T. Fink, Commonwealth Technology
Center, OA/OIT, at 717-705-9041, or
Refere nc:edDocu ments
.•. Request For Criminal Record Check (Pennsylvania State 'Police website)
__ .._-
Attachment 22- Section 2
Revenue Commissions Prepaid 2004 Summarv Report, Site codes 'for Prepaid and
Financial Monthly Report on Inmate Prepaid December, 2004 Section i
DOC-SCIs Prepaid Monthly Report December, 4 2004:
PA DOC Results
12-04. xis
Page 285 of297
Attachment 23 .
Inmate Monthly Usages and Commissions CollecfReport for March 2004 (26 DOCSCls plus two (2) SCI Green Accounts, which SCI Green account 116003315 was
transferred back to SCI Green main account #116003384) (one month example)
~.' .~
• '
• .• • •
March116D03382,xls March116003380,xls March1160D3377:xls March116003376,xls March116DD3375.xls March1160D3226.xls
March11600316D.xls March116002998.xls March1160D2986~xls March116002900.xls Marchl16D02897.xls March116002896.xls
Marchl16002895,xls March116002894.xls March116002893.xls March116D02892.xls March116003444.xis March116003439.~1s
Ma rch116003385,x
Is Ma rch116D033437 .xl March116003384, xis Ma rch1160D3381. xis March116003379.xls March 11.6003378. xis
. !:1H
Ma rch116003374.xls March116003315.xls
Page 286 of 297
- - ----_.
__. _ - - - - -
. Attachment 24~A - Section 2
Collect Messages and Minutes Billed Summary 2001
Monthly Statistic Messages and Minutes
~I)!\'i· ~'II_Jii~I!II:.'Ilim
of Corrections (DOC}
Page 287 of297
Attachment 24MB - Section 2
Collect Messages and Minutes Billed Summary 2002
Monthly Statistic Messages and Minutes
,Del2artment of Corrections {DOC)
- ,799,707
:', L,§J ' S1i!ijQ; ;~:
~ ; ,~" :j'1,;J '';;_~'
Attachment 24-C - Section 2
Messages and Minutes Billed Summary 2003
Monthly Statistic Messages and Minutes
Page 289 of297
(The below spreadsheet has the same information as listed above)
J mins-messSectl ...
Page 290 of297
Attachment 24-D - Section 2
Messages and Minutes Billed Summary 2004
Monthly Statistic Messages and Minutes
56798 . ,
553709 .
56520 '
.Page 291 of297
46388 .
(The 1:?elow spreadsheet has the same information as listed above)
mins-mess Section ;
Page 292 of297
Attachment 25-A- Section 2
Commission Data .* '
5-A. 2. p. (1) (a) Option 1
Baving carefully read this Request for Proposal and associated instructions and addend, the undersigning
representing the Contractor, hereby agrees to provide non-coi:nlcollect and prepaid inmate telephone service to the'
Conunonwealth in accori:iance with its response and to pay commissions to the Commonwealth as specified below. A
Decentralized staff of system administrators servicing each SCI, the Quehanna Boot Camp, and the terminals at tl),e DOC
Headquarters Security Office and Office of Professional Responsibility Offices.
Contractor's should complete the following form by inserting a commission percentage and calculating the annual
dollar commission in column one (1) and in column two (2) Contractor's estimated of gross revenue for comparison
purposes only;
Collect Local and IntraLata calls from inmate telephones:
2004 Annual Gross Billed Revenue
Column 1:
Commission Percentage:
Annual Dollar Commission:
'Collect InterLata & International calls from inmate telephones:
2004 Annual Gross BiIJed Revenue
Commission Percentage:
Annual Dollar Commission:
Prepaid Local and IntniLata calls from inmate telephones:
2004 Annual Gross Billed Revenue
Commission Percentage:
Annual Dollar Commissio~:
Prepaid InterLata & International calls from inmate telephones:
2004 Annual Gross Billed Revenue
Commission -Percentage:
Annul;ll Dollar Commission:
Signature: _____________
* To be submitted in a separately sealed envelope.
Refer to Part 2, paragraph 2-2.
Page 293 of297
Attachment 25-A ....: Section 2
Commission Data *
5-A. 2. p. (1) (a) Option 1
The Contractor shall submit the projected annual gross billed revenue, the commission
percentage, the projected annual dollar commission payment, and the minimum annual
dollar guarantee for each service to the Commonwealth on Attachment 25-A. _
Each Contractor shall explain in detail, on Attachment 25-A, how all commissions are
determined or calculated. Specify all factors that the Contr§:ctor shall use and include
them in the response to the RFP. .'
Page 294 of297
_._ .. _-----_.-
.-- ..
Attachment 25-B - Section 2
Commission Data *
5-A. 2. p. (1) (b) Option 2
Having carefully read this Request for Proposal and associated instructions and addend, the undersigning
representing the Contractor, hereby agrees to provide non-coin/collect and prepaid inmate telephone service to the
Commonwealth in accordance with its response and to pay commissions to the Commonwealth as specified below, A
central processor in coordination with location processors or system control devices at all SCls, the Quehanna Boot Camp,
supported by a centrally located system administrator(s) controlling the inmate telephone service, and the terminals at the
DOC Headquarters Security Office, and Office of Professional Responsibility.
Contractor's should complete the following form by inserting a commission percentage and calculating the annual
dollar commission in column one (1) and in column two (2) Contractor's estimated of gross revenue for comparison
purposes only.
Column 1:
Collect Local ahd IntraLata calls from inmate telephones:
2004 Annual Gross Billed Revenue
Commission Percentage:
Annual Dollar Commission:
Collect InterLata & International calls from inmate telephones:
.2004 Annual Gross Billed Revenue
Commission Percentage:
Annual Dollar Commission:
Prepaid Local and IntraLata calls from inmate telephones:
2004 Annual Gross Billed Revenue
Commission Percentage:
Annual Dollar Commission:
Prepaid InterLata & International calls from inmate telephones:
2004 Annual Gross Billed Revenue
$2,932,927.00 '
CommissiQn ,:percent,age:
Annual Dollar Conimission:
$.:-,- - -
Signature: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
* To be submitted in a separately sealed envelope.
Refer to Part 2, paragraph 2-2.
Page 295 of297
, I
Attachment 25-B - Section 2
Commission Data *
5-A. 2. p. (1) (b) Option 2
The Contractor shall submit the projected annual gross billed revenue, the commission
- percentage, the projected annual dollar commission payment, and the minimum annllal
dollar guarantee for each service to the Commo,nwealth on Attachment 25-B.
Each Contractor shall explain in detail, on Attachment 25-B, how all commissions are _
determined or calculated. Specify all factors that t1;le Contractor shall use and-include them
. ...
in the response to t~e RFP.
Page 296 of 297
Attachment 25-C·- Section 2
Cost Data *
S-D. 1. a., b. & c.
Having carefully read this Request for Proposal and associated instructions and addend~ the
undersigning representing the Contractor~ herby agrees to provide· nOri-coin!collect and prepaid
inmate telephone service to the Commonwealth as specified below. Telephone rates will not be
increased for the life of the contract. In addition, yearly negotiations will take place with the
awarded Contractor in reviewing all pricing,
Attachment 2S-D Inmate Collect Calling Rates
. Contractor guaranteed rates for inmate collect calling rates by completing its collect calling rates
on the attached blank Attachment.25-D.
Inmate Telephone
Services Sect.•.
Attachment 25-E Inmate Prepaid Calling Rates
Contractor guaranteed rates for inmate. prepaid calling rates by completing its prepaid calling
rates on the attached blaille Attachment 25-E.
Inmate Telephone
Services RFP .. ,
* To be submitted in a separately sealed envelope.
Refer to Part 2, paragraph 2-2.
Page 297 of 297
_._._-----_._ .._--_.._._-- - - - -
._--_. _._. __ ._. __ .._---_......_----__._._1
.- .
-- _. --
_.. _- ---.------ - - - - - -
Attachment 26-0
Contractor Inmate Collect Calling Rates
IntraLata Toli
LD - IntraStatePer
LD - InterState
(including Puerto
Rico & Virgin Isla'1ds)
international (1)
Surcharge Minute
Pine Grove
Camp Hill
Boot Camp
Fayette _
L_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Attachment 26-0
Contractor Inmate Collect Calling Rates
(1) caBs to Bahamas, Barbados, Bermuda, Canada and Dominican Republic
As stated in the RFP sect~on 5-H Financial the Commonwealth would receive commissions on the "grossed billed revenue".
Therefore; an example if the $0.25 or PUblic Payphone Surcharge is included in rate quotes (which it should be) and
charges to the ender User, the customer, in this case the Commonwealth, should be paid commissions on that revenue ..
Contractor wili complete this attachment and sUbmit it with its commission data submission .
. \
Attachment 25-E
.Contractor Inmate Prepaid Calling Rates
LD - InterState
IntraLata Toil ..
Per Minute
LD. - IntraState
Surcharge. Minute
(including Puerto Rico
& Virgin. Islands)
International (1)
Pine Grove
Camp. Hill
Boot Camp
(1) calls to Bahamas, Barbados, Bermuda, Canada and Dominic:an Republic
Attachment -25-E
Contractor Inmate Prepaid Calling Rates
As stated in the RFP 5-H Financial the Commonwealth would receive commissions on the "grossed billed revnue".
Therefore, an- example if the $0.25 or Public Payphone Surcharge is included in rate quotes (which it should be) and
charges to the end user, the customer, in this case the Commonwealth, should be. paid com~issions on that revenue.
Contractor Will complete this attachment and submit it with its commission data submission.
,---- --.----------------
. '.~
Page 1 of2
- I
, 'f
, t
, '
------------------------------~--~~----------~--~--~~--~~-----, ~o,
Menke, Teresa
,Wednesday, July 20, 2005 8:48 AM
Baer, Georgia
Subj~ct: RFP 2005-081-011 Coin/Card Public Payphone ,Services and Inmate Telephone Services
To Whom It May Concern:
The Commonwealth has issued a flyer and posted under Request for Proposal (RFP) 2005-081-011
Coin/Card Public Payphone Services,and Inmate Telephone Services. Th~ document previously posted on
June'30, 2005 was blocking acce~s to the attachment$. The RFP and the attachments listed as a flyer are at
, the bel()w websites. Because of the delay in posting the attachments additional time was given to submit
• questions. Please submit questions in writing to the Office of Administration by close of business '5:00 pm
Wed[1esday. July 27, 2005.
The D~partment of General Services website with the RFP. Flyer number 1 (addendum) and the location'
where future addendum(s) will be posted:
The Office of Administration websIte with,the Attachments:
There are no changes to,the material other than arranging access to the attachments. Please contact
Teresa Menke at 717-705-4355 should you have technical difficulty with oqtainir)g the'document.. All other
questions must follow the instructions as provided below.
Tha'nk you for your interest and suppqrt:
You are invited ~o submit a proposal to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Office of Budget and
Administration, Bure~u of Infrastructure and Operations, for furnishing" instali!ng, and maintaining related
_,_" telecommunications systems that will provide payphoneservice-for_the Comm.onwealth,_otPennsylvania,
control inmate calling with monitoring and recording from the state correctional institutions. This invitation
. letter and the ~equ'est:for proposaI"(RFP)-are-posted to the-Department of General Services website.
Forme'r RFP number 200~-081-011 was issued and not awarded and is now beil1g re-issued. The
Commonwealth is using the. same RFP nur:nber 2005-081-011, with an updated year, changes made in
specifications, and dividing the RFP into two,'(~) ~ection.s: Section 1, Coin/card Public Payphones and Section
2 Inmate Telephone System. Contractors may bid'or.1 either Section 1 or Section 2 or, both Sections.
Section~ 1 and 2 may be evaluated ang.,aWarded separately or evalliated and awarded together depending
on what is determined to be in the best interest of the COl"Dmonwealth.
A pre-proposal conference will be conducted on Tuesday: August 2, 2005 @ 9:00 am. The location is
,Commonwealth Technology Center, Harrisburg State Hospital Grounds, 1 Technology Park. Conference
Rooms 1 and 2. Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 1711,0-2913. Following the pre-proposal conference will be a-site
visit to view the present inmate control system (section 2 of the RFP) that will be held at the Department of
Corrections Central Office Building, 2520 Lisbur.n Road, Camp Hill, Pennsyjvania 17001-0598.
Page 2 of2 .
It is also important that each Contractor who expects to respond prepare questions after reading and'
analyzing the RFP. Please submit questions in writing to the Office of Administration identified below by
close of business 5:00 pm Wednesdav, Julv 27. 2005. An Addendum containing the official responses to
the questions addressed at the pre-proposal conference will be posted to the Department of General Services
(DGS) website{ not later than five (5) worki"ng
days after the pre-proposal conference. If additional addendums are issued they also will be posted to the
DGS wel;lslte.
Proposals must be received at the Department of Correcti~ns Central Office Building, Support Services
Section, 2520 Lisburn Road, Camp Hill, Pennsylvania 17001-0598 on or before 1:OOPM, Wednesday,
September 28; 2005.!.
Georgia Baer .
OIT/Bureau of Infrastructure and Operations
Governor's Office, of the Budget & Administration
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
1 Techl"Jology Park
Harrisburg, PA 17110-2913
Telephone number: (717) 772-8124
Fax number: (717) 772-80!18
XFe.·resa L. Menke
ii"G\&vernor's Office of Administration
H"!ff;;'" astruCture & Operations
twork Administration
echnology Park
~'rrisburg, Pa 17110-2913
one: 717-705-4355
- - - - - ' - - ....._-_._---
gil 1I?OOfi
, Governor's Office of Administration
l3~reau of Infrastructure and Operations
, ,Network Administration
-' 1 Technology Park
Harrisburg, PA 17110-2913
Dear Contractor:
Augu'st 9, 2005
The following is '~Qd~:B:a:U:m'1~'KUiii'8~~/2}to the Request For Pr,oposal (RFP), docl.!m,~nt number
2005-081-011, for Paypho!1e and Inmate Telephone Services. The addendum becomes part of
the original RFP.
The contents of this addendum resulted from changes made by the Issuing Office, and questions
raised'in writing prior to and at the pre-proposal conference on Tuesday, August 2, 2005, in
conferenceJoom at 1 Technical Park, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
1. RFP Change: Throughout the RFP 2005-081-011 Sections 1 and 2: Change "Office of Budget
and Administration" to "Office of Administration".
2. Question: Part 1 General Information For The Contractors 1.1-1 Purpose Section 1 on page
The RFP allows vendors to respond to either the public, inmate or both sections. In the '
event a vendor responds to both, does the Commonwealth reserve the right to separate the
proposal and award on one ~ection?
Answer:, Part 1 General. Information For The Contractors 1,1-1 Purpose Section 1 on page 11:
"The Commonwealth is seeking payphone and inmate phone servi~es. This RFP is structured in
,such,a way to allow a proposer to propose on both systems' or on either. The preference is to
aware one con~ract to a single 'proposer, but the Commonwealth reserves the right to award
separate contracts for the services, if it determines that it is in its best interest to do so. Section 1
relates to payphones. Section 2 relates to inmates phones. The Commonwealth is seeking an
innovative solution for the' provision of these services. The RFP sets out the minimum
, requirements related to both systems.
3. Question: Part 1 General Information For The Contractors. 1.1 ~4b. Summary of Scope of
Work on page 12: Mean thatthe Comnion~ealth desires to retain ownership of the payphone'
eqUipment not just enclosures? Does the DOC currently own the booths and enclosures referred
to in Attachment 1 and Attachment 2?
Answer: No; the·CommoRwealth does not want to retain. ownership of the payphone ,eqUipment.
The Commonwealth only owns a few enclosures that are listed on "Attachment 1 Payphone and
Enclosure.lnventory", which include 44 shelves and 12 booths.
RFP 2005-081-011
Page 1 of9
4. Question: Part 1 General Information For The Contractors 1.1-11 on page 14: By 'Must the
MBEIWBE be certified by the BMWBO before submission or prior to award of the contract?
Answer: Yes, the vendor must already have MBE and/or WBE certification through the Bureau of
Minority & Women Business Opportunities (BMWBO) when the proposal is s~bmitted. A minority
or women-owned company who has a project or RFP pending, and who submits a certification
application to BMWBO, may include a letter requesting an expedited review. The letter
must state that the company has a project or RFP pending, and ifmust include the project or RFP .
number and due date. Further, BMWBO must receive the application at least three weeks before
the due date (RFP submittal date).
BMWBO cannot guarantee that the company will have certification by th'e due date. If the
company does not have its certification, and it does not qualify as a Disadvantaged ,Business in
any other way, it will receive no Disadvantaged Business points.
~. Question: Part 1 General Information For The Contractors 1.1-33 Definitions on page 21:
Section.1.1-33 defines gross revenue, but does not provide an exemption for taxes, will the.
Commonwealth allow an exemption for taxes cojlected on these calls?
Answer: Reference Part 5 System 1.5-E. Financial, 3. Rev,enue Generation on page 66. "The
Commonwealth requires the Contractor to provide commission payments based upon a
percentage of the gross billed revenue, less applicable state or federal taxes,generated at
each public coin/card station. Gross revenue is defined as revenue for all billed calls without
exception." .
6. Question: Part 2 Information Required From Contractors 1.2-1. Format for Required
Information 3. Commission Section on page 25: Ther.e are several references in the RFP to this
.. being a "No Case arrangement for the public phones. However, this requirement does not
appear in the Mandatory Requirements. Will a submission with cost be automaticall~ rejected?
Answer: Refer to Part 2 Information 'Required From Contractors 1.2-1. Format for Required
Information 3. Commission Section on page 25, Commission SeCtion. "Commission data must
not be included in the Technical/Administrative Section. It m.!Jst be in a separate, sealed
envelope and so identified as commission cost daJa Attachment 13 A-C. If commission
data is jncluded with the technical supmission, the proposal will be rejected." . No a
submission with cost will not be rejected as long there are no cost/percent/commission
information listed in the, Technical/Administrative Section, and the cost data Attachment 13 A-C is
in a separately sealed envelope and Identified as commission cost data.
7. Question: Part 2 Information Required From Contractors; 1.2-4. Disadvantaqed Business
Information, c. on page 26: What does the CommonWealth require as proof of US citizenship?
Answer: Proof of U.S. citizenship includes a certificate of U.S. citizenship, certificate of
naturalization, birth certificate, passport, or. tribal card.
8. Question: Part 2 Information Reguired From Contractors Tab 4. Corporate Background and
Experience c. Financial Information on page 33: The.DOC requests financial information. For
privately held companies willthe Commonwealth accept financial data as a separate
nondisclosure document?
Answer: Section 106(b)(1) of the Commonwealth Procurement Code provides that financial
information of a bidder/offeror which was requested in the IFB/RFP to demonstrate the
bidder's!offeror's economic capability to fully perform the contract requirements and which is
contained in a bid/proposal is confidential. If the bidder/offeror. separates this financial
information from the remainder of its technical proposal, the bidder/offeror is merely assisting the
purchasing agency in identifying those portion of th~ proposal/bid that the bidder/offeror feels is
RFP 2005-081-011
. Page 2 of9
financial information that is confidentiaL" To keep the financial information confidential
Contractors will put the information under an Attachment 14 for the Commonwealth to detach it
from the proposal and not include it with the contract file.
9. Change RFP: Part2'Information Required Tab 6. Technical Requirements on page 34. ,
Change the first paragraph Part 1.5-A through 1.S-E to Part 1.5-A through12.5.B.
10. Question: Part 3 Mandatory Requirements, 1.3-1,' number 1'0 on page 39:
Change: delete "that it will be immediately disqualified?" Replace with "if not it will be immediately
, ,disqualified?"
11 Question: Is the state willing to reduce the amount of payphones to Increase revenue on 'the
existing phones, if so how many?
Answer: Yes, with the contractor's assistance the Commonwealth will reduce the amount of
public payphones, but the contractor must work with the agencies to development a strategy that
would be submitted to the Office of A9ministration for approval. T,he amount of public payphones
, to be reduced cannot be determined at this time without the plan.
12. Question:', Will there be an extension for the due date ,for the RFP?
Answer: No extension will be given when tbe contractor's proposals,are due.
13. Question: Is Veriz~n willing to sell their enclosures and equipment in-place,' if so what is the
cost? '
Answer:', Yes, Verizon is willing to sell public phones enclosures and associated equipment.
Questions as to Verizon selling existing equipment should be addressed to Verizon. Such a
transaction would not be within the,scope of this RFP. Verizon may be contacted at: Doug
Mutton (717) 832-2194,
'14. Question: Part 5 System ,1.5-A. System A: coin/Card Public Telephone Service on page
47: In the event that additional TTYs are required during the newGontract term, who will pay for
those TTYs?
, ,
Answer: Refer to RFP Part 5 System 1.5-A. System A: coin/Card Public Telephone Service on
page 47. "Refer to Attachment 7 for the TTYs that the Department of Transportation (DOT)
, owns. Two (2) TTYs are owned by Verizon and would be replaced by DOT with a new
Contractor, but the Contractor would install them for the DOT at no charge.' When the'installed
DOT TTYs need to be replaced or they are required new facilities, the Contractor will recommend
what type of TTY'that DOT shquld purchase and the Contractor will install them at no charge."
15. Question: Part 5 System 1.5-A. System A: coin/Card Public Telephone Service on page 47:
In the event that a TTY that is owned by the Commonwealth or participating agency requires
repair, who will be responsible for the cost of those repairs?
Answer: Since the agency owns some of the TTYs they are responsible for· the charges unless
the vendor would'include' them in its' cost as indicated in its' proposa/. If the 'contractor does
include the, repair cost it should be included in the assoCiated charge under Attachment 13-A
Section 1 Cost Data - 5·E Financial Contractor's Coin/Card Public Telephone Charges.
RFP 2005-081-011
Page 3 of9
- - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
16. Question: Part 5 Systems1.5-A System A: coin/Card Public Telephone 3. Operational
Standards q on page 49: This request that contractors provide both whit!3 and yellow pages for
each coin station will result in significant cost. Will th,e Commonwealth accept alternative '
.for providing directory information services?
Answer: The intent of the Commonwealth is to provide the public with directory services for locaL
calls. The Commonwealth will accept alternative methods for providing directory information
17. 'Question: Part 5 Svstems1.5-A System A: coin/Card Public Telephone, 5 Unprofitable
Coin/Card Telephones, fourth paragraph on page 50: Can the Commonwealth of PA provide
,Attachment 13-A as stated on Page 50, last paragraph?
'Answer: Reference Attachment 13~A is stated on page 105.
18. Question: Does this rfp hold cdntractors to current public pay phone rates or may bidders
submit a different rate structure?
Answer: Contractors may submit a different rates but folloW the structure as provided in 1.5-E
Financial, 3. Revenue Generation, b. on page 67, "The Contractor shall submit the charges that
the ,public will be charged when using the ,coin/card payphones under'contract to the
Commonwealth for each service. on Attachment 1'3-A only."
19. Question: Who currently provided Jail
Services for the Commonwealth?
Answer: DSI, software is only used to transmit prepaid cost information including all other DOC
commissary transactions at close out time, which sends the transactions to DOC Bureau of
Management Information Services (MIS) in Camp Hill. DOC-MIS extracts the prepaid
transactions and electronically sends them to Securus who updates all Inmates' prepaid
, 20 'Question: Part 1 General'lnformatlon For Tl:Je Contractors 2.1-1 Purpose Section 1 on page
116: The RFP allows vendors to respond to either the public, inmate or both sections. In the
event a vendor responds to both, does the Commonwealth reserve the right t9 separate the
proposal and award on one section?
Answer: Part 1 General Information For The Contractors 2.1-1 Purpose Section 1 on page 116:
, "The Commonwealth is seeking payphone and 'inmate phone services. This RFP is structured in
~uch a way to allow a proposer to propose on both systems or on either. The pr~ference is to
award one contract to a single proposer, but the Commonwealth reserves the right to award
separate contracts for the s'ervlces, If It determines that it is in its best Interest to do so. Section 1
relates to payphones. Section 2 relates to inmates phones.' The Commonwealth is seeking an
innovative solution for the prOVision of these services. The RFP sets out the minimum
,requirements related to both systems.
21., Part 1 General,lnformation Forthe Contractors Item 1 System B: Paragraph 1 of
this section states that Vendor will be responsible for conduit. Pleas'e clarify if the ,
Commonwealth will provide conduit for any New Construction facilities that may be added during
the contract term.
RFP 2005-081-011
Page 4 of9
Answer: Part 5 Systems 1.5-A System B: Inmate'Telephone Service 1. General conditions-,
Inmate' Telephone Service a. No Charge -to the Commonwealth, on page 157: Yes, the
Commonwealth will provide conduit for any new construction facilities that may be added during
the contract term.
22. Question: Part 1 General Information For The Contractors 2.1-12 Disadvantage Business
Information on 122): Does the current Inmate Service Provider utillz,e any Disadvantaged
Answer: Yes.
23. Chang~: Section 2 Part 2 Information Required From Contractors Tab 6. Technical
Requirements on page 144. Change in the first paragraph Part 2.5~A through 2.5-F to Part 2.5-A
through 2 . 5 . 0 . '
24. Question: Part 2 -Information Required from Contractors, TAB 4 Item 2 on page 142: This
item requires that Vendors provide Signed copies of subcontractor agreements for each of the
proposed subcontractors. Generally, these agreements are not finalized (signed) until an award
of the RFP is made. Given that the Commonwealth will receive significant information .regarding
the subcontractors used by any vendor via compliance with Item b. of this same section" would
the Comm'onwealth considering waiving the requirement to provide actual;~ubcontract
agreements. This information could be ,made' available to the Commonwealth following contract
Answer: ,Change to: The selected contractor will provide a copy of a subcontract agreement with "
each subcontractor at the request 9f the Commonwealth following the execution of the contract.
25. Question: Part 2 Information Required From Colitr'actors Tab 4." Corporate Background and
Experience c. Financial Information on page 143: The DOC requests financial information. For
privately held companies will,the Commonwealth accept'financial data as a separate
~ nondisclosure document?
Answer: :Section 106(b)(1), of the Commonwealth Procurement Code provides that financial
information of <;I bidder/offeror which was requested in the IFB/RFP to demonstrate the
bidder's/offeror's economic capability to fully perform the contract requirements and which is
contained in a bid/proposal is, confidel}tial. If the bidder/offeror separates this financial
information from the remainder of its technical proposal, the bidder/offeror is merely aSSisting the
purchasing agency in'ldentifying those portion of the proposal/bid that the bidderlofferor feels is
financial information that is confidentiaJ." To keep the financial information confidential
Contractors will put the Ihformation under Attachment 26 for the Commonwealth to detach it 'from
the proposal and not include'it with the contract file.
26. Question: Part 3. Mandatory Requirements, 1.3-1, number 10 on page 150.
Change: delete "that it will be imm~diately disqualified?" Replace with: "if not it will be
immediately disqualified?",
27. Question: Part 4 Criteria For Selection 2.4-2 Alternate Proposals on page 153: Will a vendor
be permitted to summit a proposal as a prime contractor and also be allowed as a subcontractor
on another vendor's Prime proposal?
Answer: A contractor may not be a prime ,an'd a sUbcontracto'r unless contractor is a
Disadvantage Business.
RFP 2005-081-011
Page 5 of9
28. Question: Part 4 - Criteria for SeleCtion, 2.4-3 Criteria 'on page 153: Can the Commonwealth
provide the amount of points or percentages that will be assigned to each category? Would the
Commonwealth be willing to share. the specific weighting of each of the criteria listed in Section
2.4 - 3? Though you have placed these criteria in order of relative importance, vendors would
more eff~ctively address the Commonwealth's' needs if they had the specific weighting of each
Answer: No, the Comrryonwealth cannot provide the amouJ:1t of points or percentages that are.
assigned to each category.
29. Question: Part 5 - Systems, Section 2.2-A 1. Item I on page 161: Will the currer:tt equipment
. provider be required to replace all existing call processing equipment, telephone instruments, PC.
worKstations, UPS Systems and any other equipment necessary for the provision of the system?
Answer: Refer to page 116, "All Control and Recording Systems and all associated components
will be new."· See que'stion number 31 regarding the purchase of inmate phones. In addition, as
stated on page 116 inmate phones may be new or refurbished.
30. Question: Part' 5 Systems 2.5-A System B: Inmate Telephone Service 1 General Conditions
- Inmate Telephone.Service 1·.d Equipment may be same as Installed or Equal on page .158: Is
Verizon willing to sell their inmate telephones, if so what is the .cost? .
Answer:' Yes, Verizon is ~illing to sell inm~te telephones, Questions as to Verizon selling
existing eqUipment should' be addressed to Verizon. Such a'transaction would not be within'the
scope of this RFP. Verizon may be contacted at: Doug Mutton (717) 832-2194,
31. Question: Part 5 Systems. 2.5-A, 1. General conditibns - Inmate Telephone Service, f. Text
Telephones on pages 158-161: Does .the current inmate telephone system allow Inmate collect·
calling thru the relay service? If yes, does the Commonwealth receive commisskm on that calling
today? On page 159 number 2, references the TTY printer, may the Contractors use the paper '
tape that comes with a TTY?
Answer: Yes, the current inmate telephone system allows inmate collect calling through the relay
services. Yes, the Commonwealth receives commission on TTY calls make by the inmate .
through thE? relay service .. No, Contractors may not use the paper tape that comes with ~ TTY.
On page 1q9 number 2, reference "2. The Contractor shall consistent with Automated Inmate
Telephone System Relegations DC-ADM 818 process the TIYITDD's' calls through the
Contractors providedprinter(s). The Contractor shall provide at no post to the Commonwealth all
printers, parts, paper, ink and servicing for the printers: Contractors ,will explain their repair plan
when 'TTYITDD, printers and other solutions are not working." 'In addition, the Contractor's
provided printer(s) will be remotely placed for access by each DOC-SCI Security Officers that will
restrict an inmate from removing the printed messages.
32. Question: Part 5 Systems 2.5-A System B: Inmate Telephone Service 1. General Conditions
- Inmate Telephone Service I on page 162: Would the Commonwealth please clarify what this
t~sting is and how it would be accomplished?
Answer: At this time the Commonwealth doesn't know what security testing would be required or
how it would be accomplished at this time with the Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology
Center' Nbrtfieast (LECTC-NE).
33. Question: Who currently provides Commissary services at each facility?
RFP 2005-081-011
Page 6of9
Answer: Refer to Part 5 System 2.5-A, 2 Operational Standards, o. Prepaid Service (5), on page
165. All Department of Corrections State Correctional Institution (DqC-SCI) commissary systems
are unqer the DOC'personnel using DSI's interface. With the exc~ption of SCI Pine Grove which
Is currently contracted with Keefe Communications Networks. Also, see question number 20.
34. Question: Part 5 Systems, 2.5-A. System B: Inmate Telephone Service, 2. Operational
Standards Section (6) & ('7) on page 166: Please consider reducing this requirement to 1 hour of
back~up. Could you explain the need for a 4 hour b~ckup? Also all backup power supplies use a
battery system. Could you explain the system you had in mind? Do you want to provide for a
system shut down or operation for 4 h~urs?
Answer; No chang~ will be issued reducing the 4 hour system operational back-up to. 1 hour. All
current DOC-SCls have 4 hour l)niversal Power Supply (UPS) power back-up to the Inmate
Telephone Systems. The UPS powers the system so inmate data i~ not lost. Remove sentence
in RFP (6) aryd (7) Battery back-up. is not an accepta.ble solution.
35. Question: Part 5 Systems, 2.5-A. System' B: Inmate Telephone Service, 2. Operational
Standards. Item t on page 170: Are the required '~ciata Retrieval Stations" listed PC Work
Stations? Additionally, are these units to be used by DOC personnel 'only?
Answer: Yes, the data retrieval st9tions are PC Work Stations used by DOC-SCI Secyrity
Officers. Refer also to que~tion 1!umber ~2.
36. Question: Part 5 Systems. 2.5-A. System B. Inmate Telephone Service. Pg 177 par ss: Will
the Commonwealth consider removing this requirement? If the location processor fails there
would be no way for .calls to be validated or recorded. This would be considered a major Qutage
. and respon.ded to accordingly.
Answer: Remove this requirement.
37. Question: Part 5 Systems, 2. Operational Standards par2.a. (5) on page 185: Must call
records be deleted after 12 months? Or can they be maintail)ed for up to 7 years?
Answer: "each SCI shall only need ·to set the initial parameters of the number of months to
archive (up to 12)". Ye~, the contractor;lintain for up to 7 years.
38. Question: Part 5 Systems, 2.5-B System C.: Monitoring and Recording Equipment/system .
on page 184: 8During term of contract are there any current plans for the construction
facilities, institutions being mothballed or for .expansion of existing facilities?
Answer: There are no immediate plans for a new facility or for the closing or mothballing of more
facilities. The DOC does have 'plans on adding some new housing units to existing institutions.
This may result in the need for additional phones.
39. Question: Part 5 Systems, 2. Operational Standards par 2.a2 on page 185: Must call
records be stored on site or is a remote central database that is accessible by the DOC personnel
Answer: As' stated, "all call records shall be stored on site and, available to the SCion demand."
The Commonwealth doesn't desire a remote central database.
40. Question: Part 5 Systems, 2. Operational Standards par 22 on page 189: Are you asking for
2 laptop computers in addition to the work stations or can these playback units be the
workstations themselves?
B8FP 2005-081-011
Page 7 of9
, Answer: No, one (2) additional laptop computers are'not required. The requirement is at each
SCI to have a device that will duplicate recorded inmate conversations for the purpose of court
appearances, etc.
41. Question: Part 5 Systems how many work stations at each facility are requ"ired and how
many at the DOC Headquarters?
Part 5 Systems, 2. Operation Standards p. System Administration on page 166 under Optiori 1"'
decentralized one (1) PC Work Station is required for System Administrators at each SCI.
Part 5 Systems, 2. Operational Standards t. on page 170: Change up to three (3) data retrieval
stations (PC Work Stations) to one (1) PC Work Station at each SCI for DOC Security Officers.
Part 5 System, 2.5-8. System C: Monitoring and Recording EqUipment/System, 2.5-C.
Investigation Staff Operations, 2,. Information By Location (3) Terminals and Equipment on page
;191: Change up to 3 terminals to 1 PC Work Station for the Security Office location at 2520 '
, Lisburn Road, Camp Hill, PA 17011.
Part 5 Systems, 2.5-B~ System C: Monitoring and, Recording Equipment/System, 2.5-b. Office of
Professional Responsibility (page 191): Requires one (1) PC Work Statioo.'
42. Question:' Part 5 Systems 2.5-0 Common Requirements: Systems 8 & C. 3. Conversion of
Inmate Call Records on pag8194: Does the Commonwealth's current contract require the current
provider to provide this data over to the winning bidder In a usable format at no costtin a timely ,
Answer: Verizon will work with the new vendor to provide CDRs, delivered in an industry
standard usable format, at no charge.,
43. Question: Part 5 Systems 2.15-G. Financial: 4. Service Revenues and Co'mmissions on page
208: Could State provide 2004 collect call and minute data to incluoe breakdown by local,
IntraLATA, InterLATA, Interstate and International? '
Answer: Due to Verizon system changes in 2003, Verizon could not recapture actual figures after
the system change 'out. Please disregard 2003 figures as many were estimates and not actual.
Verizon is working to establish 2003 records. $ince the 2003 records are not correct"Contractors
are to use 2004 and 2005 (1/04 -7/05) data with the revised Attachment 24-D - 2 Messages and
Minutes Billed Summary 20040 2005 Monthly Statistic Messages and Minutes and including
p'repaid. The data was added to the following Office of Adm./nistration website where all attached
were located.
44. Question: Is the DOC currently blocking CLEC calls: If yes, has that blocking been reflected
in the call d~ta provided to bidders. If no, how and when will that data be given to bidders?
Answer: Yes, the CLEC calls are being blocked today. Yes, the CLEC blocking is reflected in the
data, with the exception of local and IntraLata calls at \he following twenty (20) SCls where CLEC
blocking began July 11, 2005. Verizon has projected that it affects only 6 % of the local call~.
Blocking was a'ffected at the following DOC-SCls July 11.2005: SCI Cambridge Springs, SCI
Camp Hill, SCI Chester, SCI Coal, SCI Cresson, SCI Forest, 'sCI Fayette, sci F"rackville, SCI
Graterford, SCl'Greensburg, SCI Houtzdale, SCI Huntingdon, SCI Laurel Highlands, SCI
Mahanoy, SCI Pine Grove, SCI Retreat, SCI Rockville, SCI Quehanna B.C., SCI Smithfield, and,
SCI Somerset.
RFP 2005-081-011
Page 8 of9
45. Question: Contract - Part 6 Standard Contract Terms and conditions for Services on oaoe
216: Will the Commonwealth consider the following change to page 216 paragraph 127
The Commonwealth shall have (during the term of this Agreement Eihd any applicable renewal
terms), unrestricted authority to reproduce, distribute; and use any(non-proprletary) submitted
report, data, or 'material, and any software or modifications and any associated documentation
that is designed or developed and delivered to the Commonwealth as part of the performance of
the Contract.
Answer: The Commonwealth will not, make any changes to Part 6 prior t6 the'submission of
proposal.s. As set out in, Part II, Tab ',1 0, the vendor must submit its proposal on the basis of the
terms and conditions set out in Part 6. It may list in Tab 10, the terms and conditions set out in
Part 6 that it would like to negotiate. It should, however, pay close atlention to the language of
Tab 10 in submitting its proposaL
46. Question: Contract -Part 6 Standard Contract Terms and conditions ,for Services on page
Paragraph 13 since the Commonwealth will 'not bear the costs of any aspect of the inmate
, telephone system. Will the'Commonwealth con,sider deleting this paragraph?
Answer: The Commonwealth will not make any changes to Part 6 prior to the sl,.lbmission of
proposals. As set out in, Part fI, Tab 10, the vendor,must submit its proposal on the basis of the
terms and conditions set out in Part 6., It may list in Tab 10, the terms and conditions set out in
Part 6 that it would like to negotiate. It should, however, pay close attention to the language of
Tab 10 In submitting Its proposal.
47. Questibr.l: Contract - Part 6 Standard Coritract Terms and conditions 'for Services on page
218 par 16c: Since all vendors are providing all equipment and services at no cost to the
, Commonwealth, would the Commonwealth consider removing this paragraph?
Answer: The Commonw~alth will not make any changes to Part 6 prior to the submission of
proposals.' As set out In, Part II, Tab 10, the vendor must submit its proposal on the basIs of the
terms and conditions set out in Part 6. It maillst In Tab 10, the terms and conditions set out In
Part 6 that It. would like to negotiate. It should, however, pay close attention to the language of
Tab 10 in submitting its proposal.
Georgia A. Baer
Governor's Office of Administration
Bureau of 'Infrastructure & Operations
RFP 2005-081-011
Page 9 of9
Governor's Office of Administration
Bureau of Infrastructure and Operations
Network Administration
1 Techncilogy Park
Harrisburg, PA 17110-2913 '
September, 9,2005
Dear Contractor:
The following 1$\;1a,a'W~~'~'0ni!'hp:ifj}j:~!f}~\ho the Request For Proposal (RFP), document number
2005~081-011, for"'Pa'yph6ne and'iliiTI'afe Telephone Services. The addendum becomes part of
the original RFP.
The contents of this addendum resulted from changes made by the Issuing Office.
1. RFP Change: RFP Cover Letter: Make a date change in the Cover Letter of RFP 2005,081-011. Change: "Proposal must be received at the Department of Corrections Central
Office Building, Support Service Section, 2520 Lisburn Road, Camp Hill, Pennsylvania
17001-0598 on or before 1:00 PM, Wednesday, September 28,2005", change RFP to ,
"proposals are due on or before 1:00 PM, Thursday, October 13, 2905."
RFP Change: Part 5 Systems, 2.5-G. Financial, 1. Best Offer Commission Percentages
a. and'3. Revenue Generation on page 206:
' '
• Change' under 1. Best Offer Commission Percentages, paragraph a.', second
sentence: For inmate collect and prepaid telephone service, all accepted calls'
would be con,sldered "billable, therefore, "billed" and commissionable," which
Includes all surcharges, remove "and taxes. "
• Change under 3. Revenue Generation s'econd sentence: The Commonwealth'
requires the Contrc;Gtor to provide commission payment based upon'a
percentage of the gross billed revenue, which includes all surcharges on noncoin inmate station, remove "and taxes" on non-:coin inmate station.
Georgia A. Baer
Governor's Office of Administration
Bureau of Infrastructure & Operations'
RFP 2005-081-011
Page 1 ofl
Governor1s Office of Administration
Bureau of Infrastructure and Operations
Network Admini,stration
1 Technology Park
Harrisburg r PA 17110-2913
October 9, 20'05
Dear Contractor:
The following
2005-081-011, fo
the original RFP.
the Request For Propo'sal (RFP), document number
Telephone Services. The' ad,dendum becomes part of
The contents of this addendum resulted from changes made by the Issuing Office.
The Office of Administration website has two (2) updated attachments:
Updated coin telephone inventory from 90? to 917 coin telephones. January, 2005 - August
2005 local and I~"ng distance coin revenues without dial around.
Georgia A. Baer
Governor's Office of Administration
Bureau of Infrastructure,& Operations,
----'----_._...... --...._-.----------. "--'-'---
RFP 2005-081-011
Page 1 ofl
Long Distance Revenues:
(loci:!1 & long distance, no dial· around)
PA Payphone Revenue
Pa Turnpike
Shippensburg Univ
Community Corr Center
Ga,me Commission
Labor & Industry
Fish Commission
DOC- Lobby
Pa ~tate Police·
Dept.of Military & Vet Affairs
Dept of Transportation
General Services
Liquor Board
'1111 \
-j-, nil
Pennsylvania Department of Corrections
Commission Cost Data 13A-CRFP# 2005-081'-011
13 October 2005
Submitted By:
Mer Telecommunications Corp.
Govenirnent Markets _Division
1945 Old GaliowsRoad
Vienna, Virgini8: 22182
Conunonwealth ofPennsylvania
GoveJ;l10r's Office of Budget at+d Administration
Bureau of Infrastructure and Operations _
-Network Administration
1 Technology P~k Harrisburg,.PA 17110~2913
Attachment 13-A- Section 1
Cost Data *. 5-E Financial
Type: Independent Local and Intralata Toll Calling - Public Telephones Rates submitted:
MCI Response: The following rates are the standard LocallIntraLATA rates that Network 1'rS,. MCr's Subcontractor
providing the requested Coin/Card Public Telephone service, charges in Pennsylvania for O+/O~/OO~ calls. Network PTS can
charge up to these rates and is willing to match LEC tariffed rates or anything in-between. The Commonwealth may choose
the rates that Network PTS will charge in the Independent LEC areas. These rates are not connected in any way to the
. Discounted Operator Services that the Contractoris offering (see section 1.5~A.2. Other Features).
Rate Per Minute
Collect - Auto~ated
Billed to Third Party - Automated
Calling Card Automated
Credit Card Automated .
. Collect Operator Assist
Billed to Third~Party - Operator Assist .
Person~to-Person Operator Assist
Calling'Card - Operator Assist
Credit Card - Operator Assist
Operator Dialed
$ __
Directory Assistance
Per Gall COI?pensation
This is the same as Operator Assis~ed
Operator Assisted CoHect
Operator Assisted Calling Card'
Operator Assisted Bank Card
Operator Assisted Third Party
$0.60 for the Pay Station Service Charge .
Type: Interstate Calling - Public Telephones
MCl Response: Listed below are the'proposed Network PTS Interstate Calling-Public Telephone Rates. With regard to
the requested Percent Value of the gross value of a call, MCI submits that the Per Call Compensation is amed $.6~ per cal..
Rate Per Minute
Collect - Automated
B:i11ed to Third Party- Automated
Calling Card Automated
Credit Card Automated
Collect Operator Assist
Billed to Third-Party- Operator Assist
Person-to-Person Operator Assist
Calling Card·- Operator Assist
Credit Card - Operator Assist
Operator Dialed
$ __'_ This is the same as Operator Assisted·
Operator Assisted Collect
Operator Assisted Calling Card
Operator Assisted Bank Care
Operator Assisted Third Party
Directory Assistance
Per· Call Compensation
$0.60 for the Pay Station Service Charge
% of gross value of call (for example: $ _ call would be and additional $ _ charge) (pass through to the federal government"': no
commission paid on USF fee)
:FageZ of9
Type: Interlata Calling Public Telephones
Rate Per Minute .
Collect - Automated
.Billed to Third Party - Automated
Calling Card Automated
Credit Card Automated
Gollect OpeFater Assist
Billed to Third-Party - Operator Assist
Person-to-Persori Operator Assist
Calling Card - Operator Assist
Credit Card- Operator Assist
Operator Dialed
Directory Assistance
Per Call Compensation
The local coin.rate to make a call
$0.60 for the Pay Station Service Charge
$0.50 unlimited time
This is :the same as Operator Assisted'
Operator Assisted Collect
Operator Assisted Calling Card
Operator Assisted Bank Card
Operator Assisted Third Party
Contactor will complete above charg~s proposed and add other charges pelow only if other charges apply. If additional costs
apply over the two (2) blanks supplied please list them.
Att~chm~nt 13-A,,- S.~ctio:Q.
Cost Data *- 5-E Financial
Contractor's Coin/Card Public Telephone Charges
Charges for coin/card public payphone if Contractor 'Will not install a commission based coin/card payphone because
either, the existing or potential low revenues. If an agency still requires coin/card public payphone services the
Contractor would charge the agency for providing the services as indicated below:
Mel Response: MClhas proposed the following one-time installation and monthly recurring charges.
The following listed installation charges will apply to all new payphone installations andwilI be billed directly to '
each applicable using Agency. Installation charges by payphone type and enclosure have been provided below',
with description of each. These charges will apply to any and all Me! installed payphones, including any existing "
Agency payphones as'listed in the RFP as amended, that will be required to be installed by MC! to allow MCI to'
continue to provide payphone services to the existing using Agencies, The only payphones that will be exex, :
from the below listed installation charges will be the existing 289 PI'S installed payph~nes, provided by PTS:
, under its subcontract agreement with Verizon under the existing Commonwealth payphone contract today, that,
may remain installed following contract award.
inclusive of any and all',
The monthly recurring per payphone charges listed below will
existing Agency'installed payphones, ,and new payphone installations.
will bill each ,using Agency directly on " ,
a monthly basis for the applicable monthly recurring per payphone charges.
Installation cost to install a coin/card public payphone
(Ifno chimgeput$O.OO)
\ ,$ See chart below
Phone pedestal installation
Wall-mount pedestal
Floor-to-wall-mount pedestal
Drive-up pedestal
Back-to-back pedestal
Phone enclosure installation
L31A enclosure
Fortec 2000 enclosure
PC-1 enclosure
Sierra 9000 enclosure
MC-] 01 enclosure
, 90L enclosure
. Outdoor
Phone instrument installation '
Protei 310
Protei 7000
" '$165.00
Other models may be available
Monthly recurring cost for a coinlcardpubllcpayphone
Including dial tone and maintenance
$116.00 per p!tone per lIiOJitlt
* To be submitted in a separately sealed envelope. Refer to paragraph 2-1, F.3.
Page 4 of9
RFP #2005-081-011
Attachment 13-B - Section 1
Commission Data *
5-E Financial
Having carefully read this Request for Prop~s'al and associated instructions and addend, the undersigning
representing the Contractor, hereby !lgrees provide public. coin/card telephone service to the Corrunonwealth in
accordance with its'response and to pay commissions to the Commonwealth as specified below.
Contractor's should complete the following fonn by inserting a commission percentage and calculating the
annual dollar· commission in column one (1) and in column two (2) Contractor's estimated of gross revenue for
. comparison purposes only.
Mel Response; MCI has read, understands andwiIlprovide the public coin/card telephone service to the
Commonwealth in accordance with its response to RFP requirements and per payphone one-time instalhi.tion
charges and monthly recurring charges as listed in Attachment 13-A of this Cost Section.
With regard to MCI's .calculation of c~mm.1ssions paid to the Commonwealth on collected Public CoiniCard revenue,
Mer submits that the direct cost to provide the requested Public Coin/Card Telephone Service outweighs the Agency
paid per phone charge and end user revenue that will be collected by MCI. As a result, no commissions have been
offered for payment by MCI to the Commonwealth or any using Agency.
Finally, with regard to the requested MCI provided calculated revenue to be provided in Column 2 below, MCI
utilized the Commonwealth provided revenues and as such has restated these revenues,
System A
Column 2:
$ 72,584.14
Ldcal and IntraLata calls from coin/card telephones:
2004 Annual Loqal Gross Billed Revenue
2004 Annual lntraLata Gross Billed Revenue
Commission Percentage:
Annual'Dollar Commission:
InterLata calls from coin/card telephones:
2004 Annual Gross Billed Revenue
Commission Percentage:
Annual Dollar Commission:
*To be subinitted in a separately sealed envelope. Refer ~o paragraph 2-1, F.~.
Page 5 of9
RFP #2005 081 Oll
Attachment 13-C Section 1
Cost Data *
5-E Financial
Having carefully read this Request for Proposal and associated instructions and addend, the undersigning representing the
Contractor, herby agrees to provide public coin/card telephone service to the Commonwealth as specified below.
Guaranteed rates with submission of Contractor's proposal for public coin/card telephone rates. In l;lddition, yearly
negotiations will take place with the awarded Contractor reviewing market pricing. If any rate change is granted the
Contractor is required to supply written notice 30 day prior notification.
Guaranteed ~ates th~t Contractor submitted in Attachment 13 A.
Each Contractor shall explain in detail, on Attachment 13 C only, how all commissions are determined or calculated.
Specify all factors that the Co~tractor shall use and include them in the cost data response to the RFP. .
* To be submitted in a separately sealed e;o.velope. Refer to paragraph 2wl, F.3 Comssion Section.
. Mel Respom;e: Mcr h~s read, understands an.d agrees to provide public coin/card telephone service as specified in
the Commonwealth's RFP #2005w081-011 and. at the onewtime installation and monthly recurring charges as
provided by MCI on Attachment 13-A of this Cost Proposal.
MCI will guarantee the per minute rates and per call charges as provided by MCI in response to this Cost section.
MCI understands .and accepts that 'yearly nego~ations will take place to review market pricing and that any
resulting per minute or per call rate change granted to MCr will require a 30 day written notice.
( ) With regard to Mel's calculation of commissions paid to the Commonwealth on coilected Public Coin/Card revenue~
MCI submits that the direct cost to provide the requested Public CoinlCaril Telephone Service outweighs the Agency
paid per phone charge and eJid user revenue that will be collected by MCr•. As a result, no commissions have been
offered for payment by MCr to the Commonwealth or any using Agencr.
J?age 6 of9
Attachment 13A-- Exhibit 1
Payphone Hardware Descriptions
/-',')" This section describes various payphone equipment that Mel may utilize to meet the RFP requirements.
Additional options may be available.
Payphone Instruments
ProteI 310
• Pre";Programm,ed for Your Area and to Your Request
• Line-:Powered; No Electricity Required
• Voice and Printed Instructions for All C'alls
'. Takes Quarters, Dimes, and Nickels
• Works with Credit and Calling Cards
• Quality Handset with Reinforced Armored Cord
'. High Security, Vandal"Proof Locks
• Anti-Jam Coin Acceptor / Valldator
• Coin Box Holds' Approx. $175.00'
• FCC Registered
.,UL Listed
• VOIP Compatible (Different systems' may produce different results. Please inquire about your specific
system.) ,
ProteI 7000
• Voice Prompts can be set in English or Spanish
• Most programming changes can be done through the keypad
• Programming and software updates, are fully downloadable ' ,
'. Crisp, clean voice prompts
• Protective Circuit Board Cover surrounds electronic circuitry to protect against
• Large,' easily accessible program~button
'. Xm it level toggle switch '
'. UL-recognized on-board self resettable surge protector
'. Built-in electronic ringer
'. Supports the fo'llowing optional equipment: ECSII Electronic Coin Scanner, 52" Handset,
Volume Control button
• Pre-Programmed for Your Area and to Your Request
' . Line,-Powered, NO Electricity Required
• Voice and Printed Instru,ctions for All Calls
'. Takes Quarters, Dimes, and Nickels
• Works with Credit and Calling Cards
.• High-Quality Handset with Reinforced 32"Armored Cord
'. High Security, Vandal-Proof Locks
'. Anti-Jam Coin Acceptor / Validator
,'. Coin Box Holds Approx. $175.00
... FCC Registered
'. UL Listed
Page 7of9
Attachment 13A -:- Exhibit 1 (continued)
Payphone Hardw~re Descriptions
0" ')
The Drive-Up Pedestal °ls Ideal if the payphone is intended to
be used from an automobile or wheelchair. It will work in
conjunction with most enclosures. Weight = 79.00 Ibs
Floor-mount Pedestal
The Floor Mount Pedestal Is the regular,
standard mounting pedestal that works
with all Bell Style Payphones. It will also
work In conjunction with most enclosures.
Weight 75.00 Ibs
Back-to-back Pedestal
°The back to back pedestal is basically a
regular floor mount pedestal with a wall
mount pedestal welded to the back. This
pedestal provides the abIlity to mount
two pay phones, back to back, on one
pedestal. Will work in conjunction with
any of our enclosures. Weight = 100.00
Wall-mount Pedestal
The Wall Mount Pedestal is used for
mounting an enclosure to a wall rather
than the traditional method of mounting
to the floor. It works with most payphones
and with most enclosures;
Weight 25.00 Ibs
Floor-to-wall-mount Pedestal
The Flush-to-Wall Floor Mount Pedestal is
just like the regularr standard mounting
pedestal, except that It offers the additional
Clbility to also be secured to the wall. It
works with most payphones and works In
conjunction with most enclosures.
Weight = 75.00 Ibs
Drive-up Pedestal
Attachment 13A -~ Exhibit 1 (continued)
Payphone Hardware Descriptions
L31A Enclosure
Sierra 9000 Enclosure
• The L31 Is a versatlle r cost-effective
outdoor enclosure
• Works with all Bell Style Payphones
• Necessary for Outdoor Installations
• Protects Payphone Against Weather '
• Familiar Appearance Attracts
• Weight := 3a'ibs
• The Sierra 90.00. Is a plastiC and steel
universal enclosure
• Graffiti resistant
• Distinctive in appearance
• Very large unit relative to the price
• Weight = 70 Ibs
Fortec 2000 Enclosure
MC-101 Enclosure
• Has large handsets as the side
panelsr offering a highly vlsable
option for any location
• Works with all Payphones '
• 'Protects Payphone Against Weather
'. Familiar Appearance Att'racts
• Weight =321bs
• Acrylic sides r stainless backr and
a stainless shelf
• Simpler modern'looking enclosure
comes in 19" and 24"
• Available with bronze or clear
acrylic sides,
• Shelves are designed to accept a .
• Can also be made with a single
side for,2-station or 3-station
• Works with all Bell Style
• For Ind.oor Installations Only'
• Weight := 551bs
PC..:! Enclosure '
• Shell Is made of aluminum and
• Shelf made' of stainless and
, aluminum
.The top and shelf are sloped to
prevent the accumulation of garbage
• The unit can be' powder-coated to
the color of your preference
'. Lighted on three sides for added "
'·.-The unit, Is universal r ensuring
compatibllity'wlth most pedestals
.• Wei~ht-:= 44 Ibs
90L Enclosure
• ADCO 90l features the most
acoustical qualities of any wall or
pedestal mounted enclosure
-. Unique shape
'. Perforated stainless interior
'. Large size for greatly reduced
backg round noise,
, • Options Include wall mounting,
single pedestal r
pedestal r side .. by-side ped,?stal r 4way pedestalr,and 5.. way pedestal
-. Weight 138 Ibs
Page 9 of9
, - - T I IIII - fi
Pennsylvania Department of Corrections
Commission Cost Data
Attachment 25
RFP # 2005-081-001-
Submitted .By:
. MCr Telecommunications Corp.
r ,- ..
.. ..
. '"
• ,"
.,-- .':
• ...... ".
• •. - .."':"'"-..••.-- .• -.-.~...
Attachment 25-A - Section 2
Commission Data *
5-A. 2. p .. (1) (a) Option 1
. '-~
The Contractor shall submit the projected annual gross billed revenue, the commission percentage, the
projected annual dollar commission payment, and the minimum annual dollar guarantee for each service to
the Commonwealth on Attachment 25-A.
MCI. Response: MCr has provided within the attached 25A Commission Data fonn, .
MCl's projected annual gross biJled revenue, proposed commission percentage and
projected annual dollar commission payment.. No minimum aml.ual dollar guarantee has
been offered.
Each Contractor shall explain in detail, on Attachment 25-A, how all commissions are determined or
calculated. Specify all factors that the Contractor shall use and include them in the response to the RFP.
MCI Response: Mcr agrees that, as stated by the Commonwealth in 2.5-6 la, that"
accepted calls would be considered billable and therefore Billed and Commissionable.
.MCr further offers" that "Co:rrnnissionable Revenue" is the revenue derived from the
"billed and commissionable" cBIls; as defined by the Commonwealth, billed at the rates
and per call surcharges as proposed by MCr a:t;l.d listed within attachments 25D and 25E
of this Commission Data section.
MCr defines "Commissionable Revenue," as the "gross billed revenue (with no
deduction for"fraudulent, uncollectible or unbi11rible. calls) from DOC collect calls
generated by the telephones covered Under any Contract resulting from this RFP .
response, handled by MCl Operator Services and carried on the Mcr netvlork,. but
excluding: (i) Taxes (as defineciin the Guide) and agreed to by the Commonwealth; (ii)
credits issued to DOC called parties and (iii) Governmental. Charges (as" defined in the
Guide)," including but not limited to Federal Universal Service charges and Cairier
Access charges.
With· regard to "MCl's proposed Commission Offer, MCl submits that should the
Commonwealth chooseto award Mcr the Public Payphone portion ofthis RFP, Mcr will
deduct that charges to the"· Commonwealth, as listed by Mcr ill the Section 1 Cost
Proposal,for the provision ofthePublic Payphone Service.
Attachment 25A- Section 2
Commission Data *
5-A. 2. p. (1) Ca) Option 1
Having carefully read flns Request for Proposal and associated instructions and addend, the
undersigning representing the Contract9r, hereby agrees to provide non-coin/collect and prepaid inmate
telephone service to the Commonwealth in accordance with its response and to pay commissions to the
Commonwealth as specified' below. A Decentralized staff of system administrators servicing each SCI, th~·
Quehanna Boot Camp, and the terininals at the DOC Headquarters Security Office and Office of
Professional Responsibility Offices.
Contractor's should complete the following form by illserting a commission percentage and
c.alcula~g the annual dollar commission ill column one (1) and ill column two (2) Contractor's estimated of
gross revenue for comparison purposes only..
Collect Local and IntraLata calls from inmate telephones:
2004 Annual Gross Billed Revenue
Column 1:
Collllim 2:
$1,966,029.30 .
Commission Percentage: :
Annual Dollar Commission:
Collect InterLata & International calls 'from :imllate telephones:
2004 Annual Gross Billed Revenue
$7,961,566.00 .
Commission Percentage:
Annual Dollar Commission:
Prepaid Local and IntraLilta calls from inmate telephones:
2004 Annual Gross Billed Revenue
$ '597,999.00 .
Commission Percentage:
Annual Dollar Commission:
Prepaid InterLata & International calls from inmate telephones:
2004 Annual Gross Billed Revenue
Commission Percentage:
. Annual Dollar Commission:
*To be submitted in a separately sealed envelope. Refer to' Part 2, paragraph2-2.
-'Section 2
Commission Data *
5-A. 2. p. (1) (b) Option 2
The Contractor shall submit the projected annual gross billed revenue, the commission percentage, the
projected annual dollar commissio~ payment, and the minimum annual dollar guarantee for each
service to the Commonwealth
on Attachment 25-B..
Mel Response: MCr has provided within the attached 25A Commission Data form,
MCl's projected annual' gross billed revenue,' proposed commission percentage and
projected annual dollar. commission payment. No minimum annual dollar guarantee has
been offered.
Bach Contractor shall explain in detail, on Attachment 25-B, how all commissions are detennined or
calculated. Specify all factors that the Contractor shall use and include them in the response to the RFP.
Mel Response: Mcr agrees that, as stated by the Commonwealth in 2.5-G la, that
accepted calls would be considered billable and fuC(refore Billed and Comm1ssionable.
MCl :furtller offers that "Commissionable Revenue" is the revenue, derived from the·
"billed and commissionable". calls, as defiried by the Commonwealth, billed at tb,e rates
and per call surcharges as propost;ld by MCr and listed within attachn;lents ,25D and 25B
ofthls CoD:nni.ssionData section.
, MCr defines "Commissionable Revenue," as the gross billed revenue (with no
deduction for fraudulent, uncollectible or unbillable calls) from DOC collect. cans
generated by the telephones covered under any Contract resulting from this RFP
response, handled"byMCl Operator Services and carried on the MCr network, but
exclucling: (i) Taxes (as defined in the Guide) and agreed to by the Commonwealth; (ii)
credits issued to·DOC caned parties and (iii) Governmental Charges (as defined in the
Guide), including but not limited. to Federal Universal Service charges arid Carrier
Access' charges.
With regard to MCl's proposed Commission Offer, MCl submits that should the
Commonwealth choose to award MCl the Public Payphone portion oft:his RFP, Mcr will
deduct that charges to the Commonwealth, as listed by Mcr in the Section 1 Cost
Proposal, for the provision of the "PublicPayphone Service.
Attachment 25-B- SeCtion 2
Commission Data· *
5-A. 2. p. (1) (b) Option 2
Having carefully read this Request for Proposal and associated instructions and addend, the
undersigning representing the. Contractor, hereby agrees to provide non-coin/collect and prepaid inmate
telephone service to the Commonwealth in accordance with its response and to pay commissions to the
Commonwealth as specified below. A central processor in coordination with location processors or system.
control devices at all SCls, the Quehanna Boot Camp, supported by a centrally located :System
administrator(s) controlling the inmate telephone service, and the terminals at the DOC Headquarters
Security Office, and Office of Professional Responsibility..
Contractor's should complete the following fonn by inserting a commission percentage apd calculating the'
annual dollar commission in column one (1) and :in column two (2) Contractor's estimated of gross
revenue for comparison purposes only.
Collect Local and IntraLata calls from inmate telephones:
2004 Annual Gross Billed Revenue
Column 1:
Column 2:
. Commission Percentage:
Annual Dollar Commission:
Collect InterLata & Intematioruil calls from inmate telephones:
2004 Annual Gross Billed Revenue
Commission Percentage:
Annual Dollar Commission:
Prepaid Local and IntraLata calls from inmate telephones:
2004 Annual Gross Billed Revenue
$ 597.999.00
Commission Percentage:
Annual Dollar Commission:
Prepaid InterLata & International calls from inmate telephones:
2004 Annual Gross Billed Revenue
Commission Percentage:
Annual Dollar Commission: .
* To be submitted in a separfl.tely sealed e~velope. Refer to :Pap: 2, paragraph2-2.
Attachment 25-C - Section 2
Cost Data *
5-D. 1. a., b. & c.
Having carefully read this Request for Proposal and associated instructions an~ addend, the undersigning
representing the Contractor, herby agrees to provide non-coin/collect and prepaid inmate telephone service
to the Commonwealth as specified below. Telephone rates' will not be increased for the life of the contract. .
In. addition, yearly negotiations will take place with the awarded Contractor in review:ing all pricing.
. Mel Response: MClhas read understands and agrees .to provide non-coin/collect and
prepaid inmate telephone service to the Commonwealth .as' specified in the
Commonwealth's ~p #2005-081-011. MCr will guarantee the rates as provided by
MClin responSe to this Cost section.
MCI understands and accepts that yearly
negotiations will take place to review
* To be submitted in a separately sealed envelope. Refer to Part 2, paragraph 2-2.-.
. Note: signature block added by Mel
. . ~.'"
Steve Vi~fhaus
Sr. Director, Verizon nusiness
Government Markets
500 Technology Drive
Weldon Spring! MO 63602
August 1, 2006
Geo.t:giaA. Baer
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Governo.t's Office of Budget and Administration
Bmea)) ofInfrastructure and Operations -Network Aclministtation
1 Technology Patk
Hatrisburg, PA 117110-2913
Updat~d Pricing fot Paypho11e and Inmate Telepho:lle Services ~ # 2005-081-001) ,
Ms. Baer,
The following rate and commission effers are avail.ab~e to. the Commonwealth.
Revision 3 Option 1: The proposed rates nili:ror the existing :rates as found in the original
RFP with the exception ef Interstate and International Cellect. For these two. call types, the
rates have been reduced to a $3.50 surcharge and $0.55 per minute. COm1l'l1ssions will be
paid' at a rate of 48%.
Revision 3 'option 2A: Lower .rates ,with commissiens to. be paid at a :tate o.f 44.4%.
Revision 3 Option 3A: Even lewer .tates with cemmissiens to be )?aid 'at a rate of 40%.
Please ,call with any guestions.
Sr. Director, Vei:izenBusiness
Government Markets
Revised Attachment 25-D Inmate Calling Rates (Revision 3 Option 1)
Revised Attachment 25~E Inmate Prepaid Calling Rates (Revision 3 Option 1)
Revised Attachment 25-D Inmate Calling Rates (Revision 3 Option2A)
Revised Attachment 2S-E Inmate Prepaid Calling Rates (Revision 3 Option 2A)
Revised Attachment 25-D Inmate Calling Rates (Revision 3 Option 3A)
Revised Attachment 25-E Inmate P.tepaid Calling Rates (Revision 3 Option 3A)
Attachment 2S-D Inmate Collect Calling Rates
(Revision 3 Option 1- Dated 8-1-06)
Contractor guaranteed rates for inmate collect calling rates by completing its collect
calling ra~es on the attached blank Attachment 25-D. .
.Mel Response: MCr has· provided on the attached page a listing of its proposed Collect
Calling Rates. The proposed rates for Intrastate collect calling (Local, Intralata Toll and
InterLata Long Distance) are equal to the current rates as listed within the original RFP.
MCl's proposed rates for futerstate and International collect calling are at rate schedules
lower than what was list~d in the original RFP.
For international collect calls to Bahamas, Barbados, Bermuda, Canada arid Dominican
Republic, MCr has proposed rates equal to the Interstate collect calling rate structure. For
security purposes, MeT recommends that all international calling be completed using
Offender Prepaid Service. Offender Prepaid ~ervice is the most secure and reliable
method for international calling. International collect calls are completed with thff use of
live operators from foreign telephone companies and is less secure than the prep8id
system which is completely automated.
Page 1 of25
PA-Inmate Collect Attachment 26-0 (Revision 3 Option 1)
LO -.InterState
International (1)
' $2.50
Mile Based
($.065 - $.16)
Mile Based
(S.065 - $.16)
Mile Based
J$.065 - $.1~
. $0.20
. Rockview
Pine Grove
Camp Hili
Boot Camp
$2.00 initial 3
$2.00 initial 3
$2.00 initial 3
$2.00 initial 3
$2.00 initial 3
$2.00 initial 3
$2,00 initial 3
$2.00 initial 3
$2.00 lnrtial :;
$2,00 initialS
$,05 addtn'j
3 minutes
S.05 addtn'l
3 minutes
$.05 addtn']
3 minutes
$;05 addtn']
3 minutes
$.05 addtn'l
3 minutes
$.05 addtn'l
3 minutes
$.05 addtn'l
3 minutes
$.05 addtn']
'3 minutes
$.05 addt,n'1
3 minutes
$.05 addtn')
3 minutes
$2.00 initial 3
$2.00 initial 3
$2.00 inlllal :;
$2.00 initial 3 .
$2.00 initial 3
S2,OO initialS
$2.00 initial 3
$2.00 initial 3
3 minutes
$.05 add!n'l
3 minutes
$,05 addtn'l
3 minutes
$.05 addtn'l
3 minutes
$.05 addtn'l
3 minutes
$.05 addtn'l
3 minutes
$,05 addtn'l
3 minutes
$.05 addtn'l
3 minutes
Per Min
. $0,15
(In clueing PUerto ~ICO &
Vlrgln Islands
Waymart .
LO - Intrastate
Calls to Bahamas,'Barbados,.Bermuda, Canada and Dominican Republic
MCI Response: MCI'wlil allow Intemational Collect Calling to only the Countries listed above (Bahamas, Barbados, Bermuda, Canada,
Dominican Republic) at the commission able rates listed above. All other Internatipnal calling will be completed via Offender Prepaid
As stated in the RFP section 5-H Financial the Commonwealth would receive commissions on the "grossed billed revenue". Therefore, an
example if the $0.25 or Public Payphone Surcharge is included in rate quotes (which it should be) and charges to end user, the customer, in
this case the Commonwealth, should be paid commissions on that revenue.
MGI Response: Mel has read, understands and agrees. Public Payphone Surcharges have been included in the above rates and the
Commonwealth will be paid on that revenue.
Attachment 25~E Inmate Prepaid Calling Rates
(Revision 3 Option 1- Dated 8-1-06)
Contractor guaranteed rates for inmate prepaid calling rates by completing its prepaid '
calling rates on the attaohed blank Attachment 25-E.
* To be submitted in a separately sealed envelope. Refer to Part 2, paragraph 2-2.
Mel Response: MCl has provided on the attached pages a listing of lts proposed
Prepaid Calling Rates. The proposed rates for Intrastate prepaid calling (Local, Intralata
. Toll and InterLata Long Distance) are equal to the' eun'ent rates as listed within the
original RFP. Mel's proposed rates for Interstate and Inte~llational'prepaid calling are at
rate schedules lower than what was listed in the original RFP
Page 3 of25.
PMnmate PrePaId Attachment 26-E (Revision 3 Option 1)
LD • InterState
lincludlng Puerto Rico &
LD • Intrastate
Virgin Islands)
Intra Lata Toll
. Mercer
$1.75 .
Mileage Based
($.065 - $.16)
InternatIonal (1)
See MCI Response Below
See MCI Response Below
See MCI Response Below
See MCI Response Below
See MCI Response Below
See MCI Response Below
See MCI Response Below
.See MGI Response Below
$.05 adotn'l
3 minutes
$.05 addtn'l
3 minutes
$.05 addtn'l
3 minutes
$.05 add!n'l
3 minutes
$.05 addtn'l
3 minutes
$.05 add!n'l
3 minutes
$.05 addtn'l
3 minutes
$.05 addtn'l
3 minutes
$.05 addtn'l
3 minutes
$2.00 .
See MCI Response Below
See MCI Response Below
See MCI Response'Below
See MCI Response Below
See MGI Response Below
See MCI Response Below
See MCI Response Below
See MCI Response Below
$2.00 initial 3
$2.00 initial. 3
$2.00 initial 3
$2.00 initial 3
$2.00 initial ~
$2.00 initial. 3
$2.00 Initial 3
$2.00 initial 3
$2.00 initial 3
Mileage Based
($.065. $.16)
Mileage Based
($.065 • $.16)
See MCI Response' Below
Boot Camp
$2.00 initial 3
$.05 add!n'l
3 minutes
$0~22 .
See MGI Response Be/ow
$2.00 initial 3
$2.00 Initial 3
$2.00 initial 3
$2.00 initialS
$2.00 initial 3
$2.00 initial 3
$2.00 initial 3
$.05 add!n'l
3 minutes
$.05 addln'l
3 minutes
$.05 addtn'l
3 minutes
$.05 addtn'l
3 minutes
$.05 addtn'l
3 minutes
$.05 addtn'l
3 minutes
$.05 addtn'l
3 minutes
See MCI Response Below
See MGI Response Below
See MCI Response Below
See MCI Response Below
See MGI Response Below
See MGI Resp_onse Below
See MCI Response Below
Pine Grove
Camp Hill
. Forest
See MCI Response Below
See MCI Response Below
(1) Galis to Elahamas, .Barbados. Bermuda,' Canada and Dominican Repub)ic
MCI Response: MCI will allow 'Internatlonal Prepaid calling to Countries listed below. Prepaid rates are shown next to each Country.
As stated in the RFP section 5-H Financial the Commonwealth would receive commissions on the "grossed billed revenue".
Therefore, an example if the $0.25 or Public Payphone Surcharge is included in rate quotes (Which It should be) and cliarges to end.
user, the customer, In this case the Commonwealth, should be paid commissions ~n that revenue.
MCI Response: MCI has read, understands and agrees. Public Payphone Surcharges have tieen included in the above rates and the
Commonwealth will be paid on that revenue.
Page 4 of25
International Inmate PrePaid Rates (Revision 3 Option 1)
Terminating Country
Per-Minute Rate
American Samoa
Antarctica (Casey. Davis, Mawson and MacQuarie Island)
Antarctica (Scott Base)
Antigua (Barbuda)
Ascension Island
Australia (including Tasmania)
British Virgin Islands
. $1.40
Burkina Faso
Cape Verde Islands
C~man Islands
CentraiAfrican Republic
Christmas Island
Cocos Island
International Inmate PrePaid Rates (Revision 3 Option 1)
Terminating Country
Cook Islands
Costa Rica
Czech Republic
Dieao Garcia
Dominican Repub.lic
East Timor
Easter Island
EI Salvador
Equatorial Guinea
Faeroe Islands
Falkland Islands
.Fill Islands
French Antilles (including Martinique St. Barthelemy and st. Martin)
French Guiana
French Polynesia
. Georgia
Grenada (includina CarriacDu)
Guantanamo Bay
Guinea Bissau
Hong Kong
Page 6 of25
Per-Minute Rate
$0.90 .
International Inmate PrePaid Rates (Revision 3 Option 1)
Per-Minute Rate
. Iran
Ivory Coast
Kiribati .
Korea, Democratic People's Re~ublic of
Korea, Republic of
Marshall Islands
Mayotte Island
Mexico Rate Steps 1 - 3
$0.70 .
Mexico Rate Steps 4 - 6
Terminating Country
Page 7 of2S
International Inmate PrePaid Rates (Revision 3 Option 1)
Per-Minute Rate
Terminating Country
Netherlands Antilles
New Caledonia
New Zealand
Niue Island,
Norfolk Island
Papua New Guinea
Philip Rines
PortuQal (including Azores and Madeira Islands)
Reunion Island
San Marino
Sao Tome
Saudi Arabia
Sierra Leone
Solomon Islands
South Africa
Spain (includina Balearic Islands, Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla}
Sri Lanka
St Helena
, St. Kitts
St. Lucia
St. Pierre/Miquelon
st. Vincent/Grenadines '
Page 8 of25
International Inmate PrePaid Rates (Revision 3 Option 1}
Per-Minute Rate
Terminating Country
Tonga Islands
Turks and Caicos Islands
United Arab Emirates
United KinQdom
Vatican City
Wallis and Futuna
Western Samoa
Yemen, Republic of
Page 9 of25
• T
Optional Offer For Inmate Collect and Prepaid Calling
(Revision 3 Option 2A - Dated 8-1-06)
Mer has provided on the attached pages below a listing of an optional collect and prepaid
calling rate structure ·and commission offer. The rates are postalized for all calling types,
do NOT vary by originating facility and include any ~pplicable payphone surcharges.
Mer s proposed rate structure will allow for a much easier to 1ll1derstand rate structure
than what exists today in the Commonwealth
With regard to International Calling? Mel proposes thai all mteinational calls be placed
using the Offender Prepaid Service at the rates also :provided within this section.
This optional pricillg (Revision 3 - Option 2A) can be implemented with a commission
rate of forty-four and four;.tenths (44.4%) percent.
Page 10 of25
..- . - - - - - - - - - - - -
PA·Jnmate Collect Calling (RevIsIon
LD • InterState
(including PUerto
Rico'& VirgIn
Pine Grove
Camp Hill
, $1.65
Boot Camp
LD ~ IntraStafe
IntraLata Toll
3 Option 2A)
International (1)
' $0.50
Calls to Bahamas, Barbados, Bermuda, Canada and Dominican Republic
MCI Response: Calls to Bahamas, Barbados, Bermuda, Canada, Dominican Republic and all other International calling
will be completed via Offender Prepaid Service only. Commissionable rates for International destinations are listed below
on PA·lnmate Prepaid Attachments.
As stated In the RFP secilon 5·H,Flnancial the Commonwealth would receive commissIons on the "grossed billed
revenue". Therefore, an example If !he $0.25 or Public Payphone Surcharge is included in rate quotes (which it should
'be) and charges to end user, the customer, in this case the Commonwealth, should be paid commissiOnS on that revenue.
Mel Response: MCI has read, understands and agrees. PublicPayphone Surcharges have been Included in the above
rates and the Common~ealth will be paid on that revenue.
Page 11 of25
PA·lnmate PrePaid Calling (RevIsIon 3 OptIon 2A)
IntraLata Toll
LD . InterState
(including Puerto
Rico & Virgin
LD • IntraState
. $0.14
International (1)
Surcharge Min . Surcharge
Per Min
·$0.45 See MCI Response Below
$0.45 See MCI Response Below
$0.45 See MCI Response Below
$0.45 See MCI Response Below
$0.45 See MCI Response Below
$0.45 See MCI Response Below
See MCI Response Below
See MCI Response Below
Pine Grove
Camp Hill
. $0.20
'See MCI Response Below
See MCI Response Below
See MCI Response Below
See MCI Response Below
See Mel Response Below
See MCI Response Below
See MCI Response Below
See MCI Response Below
·See Mel Response Below
See MCI Response Below
See MCI Response Below
Boot Camp
See MCI Response Below
See MCI Response Below
See MCI Response Below
. $0.00
See MCI Response Below
See MCI Response Below
See Mel Response Below
See MCI Response Below
See MCI Response Below
(1) Calls to Bahamas, Barbados, Bermuda, Canada and DominIcan Republio
MCI Response: Mel will allow Intemational Prepaid calling to Countries listed below. Prepaid rates are shown next to each Country
As stated in the RFP section 5·H Financial the Commonwealth would receive commissions on the "grossed billed revenue".
Therefore, an example if the $0.25 or Public Payphone Surcharge is included in rate quotes (which it should be) and charges to end
user, the oustomer, In this case the Commonwealth, should be paid commissions on that revenue.
MCI Response: MCI has read, understands and agrees. Publio Payphone Surcharges have been included In the above rates and the
Commonwealth will be paid on that revenue.
Page 12 of25
- - _.._ .... _ .._
_._ ..
International Inmate PrePaid Rates ( Revision 3 Option 2A)
Per·Minute Rate
Terminating Country .
American Samoa
Antarctica (Casey, Davis, Mawson and Macquarie Island)
Antarctica (Scott Base)
Antigua (Barbuda)
Ascension Island
Australia (including Tasmania)
British Virgin Islands
Burkina Faso
Cape Verde Islands
Cayman Islands
Central African R~ublic
Christmas Island
Cocos Island
Page 13 of25 '
$1.48 .
$1.24 '
International Inmate PrePaid Rates JRevision 3 Option 2A)
Per-Minute Rate
Terminating Country
$5.16 .
Cook Islands
Costa Rica
Czech Republic
Diego Garcia
Dominican Republic
East Timor
Easter Island
. Ecuador
EI Salvador
Equatorial Guinea
Faeroe Islands
Falkland Islands
FDi Islands
French Antilles (includinQ Martinique, St. Barthelemy and st. Martin)
French Guiana
French Polynesia
$0.45 .
. $1.96
Grenada (including_ Carrfacou)
Guantanamo Bav
GUinea Bissau
Hong Kong
. Page 14 of25
International Inmate PrePaid Rates (Revision 3 Option 2A)
Per-Minute Rate
Terminating Country
Ivory Coast
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of
Korea, Republic of
Marshall Islands
Mavotte Island
Mexico Rate Steps 1 - 3
Mexico Rate Steps 4" 6
Page 15 of25
·._ ..
._----------_.- - - - - - ,
International Inmate PrePaid Rates (Revision 3 Option 2A)
Per-Minute Rate
Terminating Country
Netherlands Antllles
New Caledonia
New Zealand
Niue Island
Norfolk Island
Papua New Guinea
Portugal (including Azores and Madeira Islands)
Reunion Island
San Marino
Sao Tome
Saudi Arabia
Sierra Leone
Solomon Islands
South Africa
Spain(including Balearic Islands, Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla)
Sri Lanka
St. Helena
st. Kitts
St. Lucia
st. Pierre/Miquelon
st. VincentlGrenadines
Page 16 of25 '
International Inmate PrePaid Rates (Revision 3 Option 2A)
Per·Minute Rate
Terminating Country
Tonga Islands
Turks and Caicos Islands
. $1.92
United Arab Emirates
United Kit}9dom
Vatican City
Wallis and Futuna
Western Sanioa
Yemen, Republic of
Page 17 of25
Additional Optional Offer For Inmate Collect and Prepaid Calling
(Revision 3 Option 3A - Dated 8~1~06) .
MCI has provided on the attached pages below a listing of an additional optional collect
and prepaid calling rate strUcture and commission offer. The rates are postalized for all
calling types, do NOT vary by originating facility and include any applicable payphone
MCI'sproposedrate structure will anow for a much easer to understand rate structure
than what exists to~ay in the Commonwealth
With regard to International Calling, MeT proposes that all futernational calls be placed
using the Offender PrePaid Servicfl at the rates also provided within this section~
This additional optional pricing (Revision 3 - Option 3A) can be implemented with a
commission rate offorty (40.0%) percent.
Page 18 of25
PA-Inmate Collect Calling (Revision 3 Option 3A)
IntraLata Toll
LD -Intrastate
. $1,25
Pine Grove
Camp Hill
Boot Camp
LD -InterState
(including Puerto
Rico & Virgin
International (1)
Calls to Bahamas, Barbados, Bermuda, Canada and Dominican Republic
MCI Response: Calls to Bahamas, Barbados, Bermuda, Canada, Dominican Republic and ali other International calling
will be completed via Offender Prepaid Service only. Commission able rates for International destinations are listed below
on PA-Inmate Prepaid Attachments
As stated in the RFP sectiDn 5·H Financial the Commonwealth would receive commisslofls on the "grossed billed
revenue". Therefore, an example if the $0.25 or Public Payphone Surcharge is included in rate quotes (which it should
be) and charges to end user, the customer, in this case the Commonwealth, should be paid commissions on that revenue.
MOl Response: MCI has read, understands and agrees. Public Payphone Surcharges have been included in the above
rates and the Commonwealth will be paid on that revenue,
Page 19 of25
- - - - ---,
- - - - - - _ . "...."._---
PA-Inmate PrePaid Calling (Revision 3 Option 3A)
LD· InterState
(Including Puerto
Rico & Virgin
LD - IntraState
IntraLata Toll
See Mer Response Selow
See. MCI Res~onse Selow
. $0.40
See Mel Response Below
See MCI Response Below
See MCI Response Below
See MCI Response Below
See Mel Res~onse Below
See Mel Response Below
See MCI Response Below
See MCI Response Below
See MCI Response BeloW
See MCI Response Below
See MCI Response Below
Pine Grove
Camp Hill
InternatIonal (1) .
Boot Camp
. Coal
See Mel.Response Below
See Me! Response Below
See MCI Response Below
See MCI Response Below
See MCI Response Below
See MCI Response Below
See Mel Response Selow
See MCI Response Below
Per Min
See Mel Response Below
See Mel Response Below
See MCI Response Below
See MCI Response Below
See MCr Response Below
See Mer Response Below
(1) Calls to Bahamas, Barbados, Bermuda, Canada and Dominican Republic
Mel Response: MOl
will allow International Prepaid calling to Countries listed below. Prepaid rates are shown next to each countrY
As stated in the RFP section 5·H FinanCial the Commonwealth would receive commIssions on the "grossed billed revenue".
Therefore, an.example if the $0.25 or.Public Payphone Surcharge is included In rate quotes (which it should be) and oharges to end
user, the customer, In this case the Commonwealth, should be paid commissions on that revenue.
MOl Response: MOl has read, understands and agrees. Public Payphone Surcharges have been included in the above rates and the
Commonwealth will be paid on that revenue.
Page 20 of25
_._--_.- ..._---_._---..__...................._.
__.- ..._..--------
.....' ... . ..
International Inmate PrePaid Rates (Revision 3 Option 3A)
Per-Minute Rate
Terminating Country
American Samoa
Antarctica (Casey, Davis, Mawson and MacCluarie Island)
Antarctica (Scott Base)
Antioua (Barbuda)
Ascension Island
Australia (including Tasmania)
British Virgin Islands
Burkina Faso
Cape Verde Islands
Cayman Islands
Central African Republic
Christmas Island
Cocos Island
Page 21 of25
-_ .....-._----._._-------'--
International Inmate PrePaid Rates (Revision 3 Option SA)
Per-Minute Rate
Terminating Country
Cook Islands
Costa Rica
Czech Republic
Diego Garcia
Dominican Republic
East Timor
Easter Island
EI Salvador
Equatorial Guinea
Faeroe Islands
Falkland Islands
Fiji Islands
French Antilles (including Martinique. st. Barthelemy and St. MartiI'lL
French Guiana
French PolYnesia ,
Grenada (including Carriacou)
Guantanamo Bay
' $2.52
Guinea Bissau
' $2.00
Hong Kong_
Page 22 of.25
International Inmate PrePaid Rates (Revision 3 Option 3A)
Per-Minute Rate
Terminating Country
Ivory Coast
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of
Korea, Republic of
Mavotte Island
Mexico Rate St9QS 1 " 3
Mexico Rate Steps 4"6
Page 23 of25
Intemationallnmate PrePaid Rates (Revision 3 Option 3A)
Per-Minute Rate
Terminating Country
Netherlands Antilles
New Caledonia
New Zealand
Niue Island
Norfolk Island
Papua New Guinea
Portugal (including Azores and Madeira Islands)
Reunion Island
San Marino
Sao Tome
Saudi Arabia
$4.20 .
Sierra Leone
Solomon Islands
South Africa
Spain (Including Balearic Islands, Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla)
Sri Lanka
st. Helena
st. Kitts
St. Lucia
st. Pierre/Mlguelon
St. Vincent/Grenadines
Page 24 of25
Internationallnmate,PrePald Rates (Revision 3 Option SA)
Per·Minute Rate
Terminating Country
Tonaa Islands
Turks and Caicos Islands
United Arab Emirates
United Kingdom
Vatican City
Wallis and'Futuna
Western Samoa
Yemen, Republic of
Page 25 of25
- - - - - - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - ----_ ..._ - - -
----_._--_.__. ---------
""' I
Mel. I
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Office of Administration and
Department of Corrections
Section 1 - Coin/Card Public Payphone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
13 October 2005, 1:00 p.m. ET
Technical Proposal.
.j '---.../} !
Submitted to:
Bureau of Infrastructure and Operations
Network Administration
1 Technology Park
Harrisburg, PA17110-2913
Attn: Georgia A. Baer, Contract Administrator
Submitted by:
MGI Government Markets
1945 Old Gallows Rd.
Vienna, VA22182
*" .- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
' ......
RFP No. 2005-081-011
Table of Contents
'Tab 1 - ,Letter of Transmittal .•••..•.•.•.....•.•.....••......•.••..•.•••.....
11 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Tab .2·- Mandato~ Requirements .........•................................................•......•..• 4
'Tab -3-- Management Summary .......................................................................... 8
Tab 4 - Corporate Background and Experience ............................................ 16
Tab 5- Project Staffing and Key Personnel ....... ~ ...................... ' ................... 39
'Tab 6 --Technical
Requirem~nts ..•....•.•............ ,.................................... ~ ...........42
Attachment 3 - Section 1 Coin/Card Public Telephon~ Installation and
Cutover Schedule ............................................................................................... 66
Attachment 5- Section 1 Installed Equipment Form .................................... 68
Tab 1 - Training Requirements ........................................................................ 69
Tab 8··- Maintenance Requirments .............•......•. ~ ............................................ 72
Attachment 11 ,- Section 1 Maintenance Center Information- System A ... 86
Tab 9·- Financial
Req~irements ........................................................................ 91
Tab 10 ~Objections and Additions to Standard Terms and Conditions for
Services ........................................................."..•.•..••..•••••...•.••.•....•. I!I" •••••••••••••••••• 108
Technical Proposal
Table of Contents
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
Tab 1.- Letter of Transmittal
The Letter of Transmittal must state that the proposClI will remain valid until the contract is fully
executed by the Commonwealth. The c'ontents of the proposal of the selected Contractor will
become a contractual obligation 'if a contract is executed. An official,authorized to bind the
Contractortoits provisions musfsign proposals.
MCI Response:
Mer has read, understands and has complied on the following page with'the requested
Letter of Transmittal. This letter is signed by Jerry A. Edgerton Sr.. Vice President of
Mel's Government Division. :Mr. Edgerton is' an official with Meland is authorized to
bind the company.
Section 1
Tab 1 - Letter ofTransmittal
__ .------.:.-
-_. -----..--.--_._----..,------_._--_.... __ .
Jerry A. Edgerton
Senior Vice President
Government Markets
1945' Old Gallows Road
Suite 400
Vienna, VA 22182 .
, Telephone 703 343 6900
Fax 703 343 6902
October 13~ 2005
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Governors Office 'ofBudget and Administration
Bureau of Infrastruci:ure and Operations - Network Administration
Ms. Georgia A. Baer
1 Technology Park
Harrisburg, PA 17110-2913
Ref:MCI Response to Section '1 RFP #2005~081-011 for Coin/Card Public Payphone
Dear Mrs. Baer:
MCl Communications Services, Inc. ("MCr'),' on behalf of itself and its affiliates and successors,
is pleased to 'submit the attached proposal'response to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania'S'
Section 1 ofRFP #2005-081-011 for Coin/Card Public Payphone Serivces. .
MCI' sproposal is v.aIid uhtil a cqntract has been fully executed by the Commonwealth. MCI also
understands that the. contents of the MCl's pr.oposal will become a contractual obligation if a
contract is executed. '
We believe the character of MCr can be seen in the three fundamental attributes that a6count for
our success: hard work, perseverance, and m0st of ali, listening to our customers. This dedication
is 'reflected in the company's drive to offer innovative solutions in partnership with our
customers. By submitting this proposal, we declare our capability and commitment to performing
the very highest quality work on the PA DOC Coin/Card Public Payphone Service.
III selecting the Mel Team, the Commonwealth of PennSylvania will. gain a proven workforce of
highly qualified, M<;:!l led professionals who understand the Commonwealth's mission and who
'possess demonstrated capabilities in cre!\-ting and maintaining superior Public Payphone. Services.
'If you have any questiolls'regarding the enclosed proposal, please feeifree to contact:Mr. Keith
Eismann, Sr. Manager, Departmel1,t of Corrections Line of Business. His contact infonnation
Email Address:
(210) 484-3171
20855 Stone Oak Parkway
,San Antonio, TX 78258
Senior-Vice President, overnment.Markets
- - - - - - _..---
- - - - - _.. _...... .
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011 .
. I
Tab 2- Mandatory Requirements
To be eligible for evaluation, the mandatory requirements in Part 3 of this RFP MUST be
addressed in this seation by Indicating ACCEPTANCE of each. NONACCEPTANCE OF ANY
If there are any conflicts between the answers to the mandatories and any answers in any other
section of the proposal, the answers in the mandatories section will take precedence in any
contract that may be entered into 8q; a result of this RFP.
Mel Response: Mer has read understands arid has complied..
In the attached form Mer has noted"its compliance with each of the mandatory
. requirements of the REP. . .
Tab 2 - Mandatory Requirements
. ·1
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services .
Part 3
Mandatory Requirements
1.3-1. Mandatory Requirements:
To be eligible for evaluation, each of the following mandatory requirements' MUST be
addressed in this section by indicating AOCEPTANCE of each. NONACCEPTANCE OF ANY
If there are any conflicts between the answers to the mandatories in this section, and any
answers in any other section of your proposal, the answers in this section wilf take precedence
in any contract that may be entered Into as a result of this RFP.
1~ The Contractor has' read and understands the' terms and conditions of
this RFP and the proposal is made in accordance with the requirements .
contained herein.
2. The Contractor understands an<;l aclmowledges that all infonnation
. provided by, and representations made by, the Contractor in its proposal
are material and important and 'Will be relied upon by Office of
Administration in the evaluation of the proposals and award of the
contract. Any misstatement shall be treated as fraudulent concealment
. from Commonwealth of~ennsylvania of the true facts relating to the'
submission. of the proposaL A misrepresentation shall be punishable under
Section 4904 of Title 18 P.C.S.A.
.3. The commissions in the Commission Section oftl:iis proposal have been
arrived at independently and without consultation, communication, or .
agreement with any other competing Contractor.
4. The commissions in the proposal have not been disclosed to any other
firm or person who is a proposer. or a potential proposer and they shall not
.be disclosed before the proposal receipt date and time.
5. No attempt has .been made or shall be made to induce any fum or .
person to refrain from submitting a proposal or to submit a proposal with' .
lower commissions, or to submit any intentionally low or noncompetitive
:proposal or any other form of complementary proposal.
Section 1
Tab 2 - Mandatory Requirements
. j
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
6. The proposal is made in good faith and not pursuant to any agreement
or discussion with, or inducement from any fll'm 01' person to submit a
complementary or other noncompetitive proposal.
7. The Contractor) its affiliates, subsidiaries, officers, directors, and
employees are not currently under investigation by any governmental
agency and have not in the last; four years been found in conflict with or
found liable for any act prohibited by State or Federal law in any
jurisdiction, involving conspiracy or collusion with respect to bidding on
any public contract, except as .disclosed by the Contractol; in its proposal.
8. The Contractor acknowledges that ifit·is currently under suspension or
debarment, its proposal may not be considered. In addition, if the
Contractor enters into any subcontracts under the contract with
subcontractor who are currently suspended or debap:ed by the
Commonwealth or federal government or who become suspended or
debarred 'by the Commonwealth or federal government during the term of .
the contract or any extensions or renewals thereof, the Commonwealth
may, in its sale discretion, require the Contractor to terminate such
subcontracts ..
9. The Contractor agrees that no costs for preparing any contract will be
charged to the Commonwealth-for the response to thisRFP. (Part 1.1"6) .
RFP No. 2005-081-011
10. Do you agree that your signed propo~alarrives at t4e Department of
. Correction's Central office Building, by the time, 'date, andaHhe location
specified in the RFP cover letter, that it -will be immediately disqualified?
(part 1.1 "9) .
11. Do' you agree that your proposal will remain valid until a contract is
fully executed by the C011!IDonwealth? (part 1.1-10)
12. Do you agree not to sell or use lists of pay telephone numbers, names,
addresses, qr other privileged information for any-purpose, except as .
outlined in the REP? .
13. Has the Commission Data been bound, SEALED, identified as
"ConumssionData" and kept separate from the Technical Pornon and'
Disadvantaged Business Submittal.Portion of your proposal? (part 1-23)
Tab 2 -.Mandatory Requirements
--_._-------------- - - - . - - - _..... ------_.. _-- ...
.. Payphoneand Inmate Telephone
RFP No. 2005·081·011
14. Has the Disadvantaged Business Submittal data been bound, sealed,
identified as "Disadvantaged Business Submittal" and kept separate from
the Technical,Po~ion and Co1ll.171ission Portion of your proposal?
15. Do you c,ertify that you do not owe any tax liability or other amount to
the Commonwealth?
. 16. Do you agree that you will authorrze the Commonwealth to offset any
state and local tax liabilities of the Contractor o+' of any of its subsidiaries, .
as well as, any other amount due to the, Commonwealth from the
Contractor, against any payment due'to the Contractor under this or any
other contract with the Commonwealth?
Section 1
Tab 2. - Mandatory Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005·081·011
Tab 3 - Management Summary
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is seeking a Contractor to perform the tasks and services
outlined in Part 5 ofthis RFP. Through their proposal, Contractors· must demonstrate their
expertise in providing these services. In this Tab, the Contractor must:
Provide a description of the Contractors understanding of the purpose of this RFP.
Mel Response: MCr has read, understands and complies by providing the following
description ofMCI's understanding of the purpose of this RFP.
Mcr understands that the Commonwealth is seeking both payphone and inmate phone
services, and that it is the preference of the Commonwealth to award one contract to a
single proposer. Therefore, MCl's proposal includes providing all RFP required services
for both the public payphone and inmate phone service.
Mcr understands that the Commonwealth is seeking an innovative solution for the
. provision of these services and the RFP sets out the minimum requirements related to
both systems. Mcr s proposal includes innovative solutions in the area of both public
payphones and inmate phones, including value added services that are not available from
any other contractor that will provide the Commonwealth a proposal under this RFP.
Mcr believes that based on its experience and the experience of its support
subcontractors, its proposal to the Commonwealth for inmate telephone services either
meets, exceed, or expands upon all of the Commonwealths objectives listed above
Public Payphone Services
MCI understands and provides a solution to the Commonwealth to ensure that highlyreliable, extensively available, public telephone service is provided to its citizens,
taxpayers, tourists, visitors, and others who want to place a call from a Commonwealthowned or leased property. That such public payphone services are for all coin/card
telephones located on Commonwealth-owned or leased property for agencies under the
Governor's jurisdiction as well as other governmental agencies not under the Governor's
jurisdiction, if they so elect to use this contract.
In addition, MCl's proposal for payphone telephone services was created taking into
account the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania's three (3) major public payphone service
1. To ensure the provision of high-quality service for the users of public
telephone service at Commonwealth locations.
Section 1
Tab 3 - Management Summary
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081·011
2. To maximize the economic return to the Commonwealth and its agencies from
the coin/card pay telephones while recognizing the Contractor costs of providing
the services.
3. To provide dependable, well-maintained public coin/card telephone service to
Commonwealth clients, consumers, and general telephone users at
Commonwealth locations.
MCr believes that based on its experience and the experience of its support
subcontractors, its proposal to the Commonwealth for public payphone services either
meets, exceed, or expands upon all of the Commonwealths objectives listed above.
Present a summary of its proposal that includes an overview of the approach to
completing the ta$ks identified in Part 5.
Mel Response: MCl has read, understands and provides the following summary of its
Mcr has read the RFP, understands the requirements of the Commonwealth and provides
a fully compliant proposal. The following is an overview of MCl's approach to
. completing the tasks required by the Commonwealth for the public payphone services.
MCr will serve as the prime contractor and direct the activities of our team to provide the
services and products required for the Commonwealth's Public Telephone Service
Program. The primary MCr point of contact for all aspects of the program will the
MCl's dedicated full time Program Manager. The Mcr Program Manager will provide
day-to-day communications with the Commonwealth's public payphone entities. In
addition, he/she will provide direction and oversight of our subcontractor and its
resources in order to assure that all program requirements are met or exceeded.
MCr and PTS together will perfonn all aspects of installation, removal, polljng, coin
collection, billing, etc. PTS public payphone technicians will perform all preventative
and remedial maintenance. Furthennore, the fact that Mcr and PTS enjoy a successful
history working together ensures the Commonwealth will have program continuity while '
we apply the individual strengths of each corporation to fulfill contract requirements and
provide superior customer service.
Section 1
Tab 3 - Management Summary
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
Present a description of how the staff resources required by this RFP will be provided.
Include timeframes for providing these resources.
MCI Response: MCI has read, understands, and provides the following information in·
response to this requirement.
All required staff resources for MCI and its subcontractor, PTS, to support MCl's
proposal to the Conunonwealth are in place today, except for MCl's public payphone
Program Manager. '
PTS, MCl's subcontractor providing all aspects of the public payphone service
requirement for the Commonwealth, currently provides necessary payphone support
services to some of the Commonwealth's phones today. Resources used by PTS in
. support of the Commonwealth, as well as other public payphone customers of PTS, will
be used to support all of today' s the Commonwealths payphones contained in the RFP as
they are transitioned to MCL
The MCI Program Manager will be dedicated to the Commonwealths and will be your
single point of contact for all aspects of the public payphone services. In addition, the
MCI Program Manager will provided oversight of all aspects of PTS resource
performance. The Mer Program Manager will be hired upon award of the public
payphone portion of this RFP and is expected to be in place withln 60-120 days.
Explain how the project will be administered from a corporate level.
MCI Response: MCI has read, understands, and provides the following inforrp.ation in
response to this requirement.
All· aspects of MCl performance relating to the Commonwealth's public payphone
program will be lead by Mr. Steve Viefhaus, Department of Corrections Line of Business
Director. Mr. Viefhaus has overall administration and management authority for the
successful implementation and on going performance of the Commonwealths project
covered by this RFP. The Department of Correction Line of Business is part of MCl's
Government Markets, State and Locale Enterprise Solutions organization.
The following is a list of MCl's management-level positions providing oversight and
corporate level administration of the proposed services. Each of these management-
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Tab 3 - Management Summary
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RFP No. 2005-081-011
level positions has direct responsibility for the administration of performance of the
resulting contract:
Mr. Steve Viefhaus
Department of Corrections Line of Business
Phone: (636) 793~3457 '
Mr. Viefhaus provides overall organizational strategic management and directives to
meet Line of Business and company goals and objectives. For the Commonwealth
contract, Mr. Viefhaus will provide executive level support, oversight and guidance of all
MCl operational, account, and field services resources supporting the Commonwealth. In
addition Mr. Viefhaus will be the Commonwealths point of contact for any necessary
executive level escalations. Mr. Viefhaus has been with MCl for approximately 25 years
and has been supporting the MCl Department of Corrections line of business since its
inception in 1989.
Mr. Keith Eismann
Sr. Manager
D.epartment of Corrections Line of Business
Phone: (210)484~3177
Mr. Eismann is the Senior Manager for MCl's Department of Corrections Line of
Business with national responsible for sales and contract management. Mr. Eismann will
provide oversight and direction to the Commonwealth's MCl assigned Account Team to
insure positive customer relations, contract compliance, and day~to-day account
management. In addition, Mr. Eismann will be respons~ble for meeting the business
requirements of the contract and interacting with Commonwealth operations staff. Mr.
Eismann's experience in and knowledge of the market is highly regarded as he has
supported this Line of Business for the past 11 years. His understanding of the industry
and management skills allows him the ability to effectively manage MCl's Department
of Corrections Customer base, including public payphones.
Mr. Patrick Pline
Sr. Operations Manager, Eastern Region
Department of Corrections Line of Busi,ness
Phone: (518) 433-4019 .
E-Mail: patrickpline@mcLcom
Mr. Pline is the Senior Regional Operations Manager for MCl's Department of
Corrections Line of Business, responsible for the Commonwealth of PelU1sylvania. For
the Commonwealth Mr. Pline responsibilities will include management oversight of the
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Tab 3 - Management Summary
.....J.Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
day-to-day activities of MCl's Program Manager dedicated to supporting the
Commonwealth. In addition Mr. Pline is responsible for overall project ~d program
. management, and Commonwealth's contact for escalations. For over 10 years Mr. Pline
has supported MCl's offender calling services programs field operations activities for
Eastern US regional customers, including related public payphones.
Explain how the prime Contractor plans to monitor and evaluate the performance of
subcontractors (if used) and Contractor personnel.
MCI Response: MCl has read, understands, and provides the following information in
response to this requirement.
During the implementation period of this contract, MCl will be monitoring, evaluating,
and providing feedback to PTS on their performance practically daily. This feedback is
part of MCl' s standard implementation process and procedures.
After implementation and for the first year, Mcr will meet with the Commonwealth
every six months, or any other period of time deemed necessary, to obtain feedback on
the perfonnance of MCl and PTS. Each meeting with the Commonwealth will be
followed by a meeting with PTS to review the Commonwealths feedback and MCr
comments and feedback to assure that PTS's performance meets or exceeds the Mcr and
Commonwealth 'contractual requirements as well as any other subcontract requirements
between MCl and the applicable subcontractor.
Explain the prime Contractor's experience and ability to assemble th,e best qualified
consortium of service providers/subcontractors that can provide innovative and cost effective
solutions'which meet or exceed the requirements of this RFP.
MCI Response: MCl has read, understands, and provides the following information in
response to this requirement.
MCl has a long term relationship with PTS; over ten (12) years. PTS has been providing
various aspects supporting between 2,500 and 5,000 public payphones for MCl in
support of its public payphone contract with the State of California. We have established
a long tenn relationship with PTS to assure MCl's commitment to service and customer
satisfaction. MCr has brought into the MCl team the most qualified and knowledgeable
contractor available to support the Commonwealth. MCr knows how to provide public
telephone services to a state - we have done it for over twelve (12) years for the State of
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Tab 3 - Management Summary
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RFP No. 2005-081-011
California, as well as providing various aspects of public payphone under MCl's
numerous other departments of corrections contracts. Based on MCl's experience with
PTS and its team, we will not using the Commonwealth as a testing board to see if we
can provide quality service to state-wide located public telephones. In short, MCI has
chosen a long time team member and highly qualified subcontractor in PTS to meet the
Commonwealth's requirements.
Explain the Contractor's ability to effectively control and manage the strategic and
operational aspects of a consortium of service providers/subcontractors which will allow the
prime contractor to commit to liquidate damages.
Mel Response: MCl has read, understands, and provides the following information in
response to this requirement.
MCl has a long term relationship with PTS; over ten (12) years. PTS has been providing
various aspects supporting between 2,500 and 5,000 public payphones for MCI in
support of its public payphone contract with the State of California. We have established
a long term relationship with PTS to assure MCl's commitment to service and customer
satisfaction. MCI has brought into the MCl team the most qualified and knowledgeable
contractor available to'support the Commonwealth. MCl knows how to provide public
telephone services to a state - we have done it for over twelve (12) years for the State of
California, as well as providing various aspects of public payphone under Mel's
numerous other departments of corrections contracts. Based on MCl's'experience with
PTS and its team, we will not using the Commonwealth as a testing board to see if we
can provide quality service to state-wide located public telephones. In short, MCl has
chosen a long time teani member and highly qualified subcontractor in PTS to meet the
Commonwealth's requirements.
First and foremost, MCl as the prime contractor and as part of its standard pubic
payphone is the Commonwealth's single point of contact for any aspect of the pay
telephone service solution. The Commonwealth will not be required to contact any other
entity directly for any aspect of pay telephone services.
, Second, . M8l's dedicated full time public payphone Program Manager and MCl's
Regional Operations Manager will have contact and escalation information for every
level of PTS. MCl and PTS has worked successfully with each other in the past, and
MCl will escalate quickly and with resolve if contractually committed to timeframes are
injeopardy of being exceeded.
Finally, MCl's and PTS's upper management provide active oversight of any potential
problem that cannot be readily resolved at lower levels.
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Tab 3 - Management Summary
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
Explain how the prime Contractor will work as a team with their subcontractor on this
Mel Response: MCI has read, understands, and provides the following infonnation in
response to this requirement. "
MCI has a long term relationship with PTS; over ten (12) years. PTS has been providing
various aspects supporting between 2,500 and 5,000 public payphones for MCI in
support of its public payphone contract with the State of California. We have established
a long tenn '1'elationship with PTS to assure MCl's commitment to service and customer
satisfaction. Mcr has brought into the MCr team the most qualified and knowledgeable
contractor available to support the, Commonwealth. MCI knows how to provide public
telephone services to a state - we have done it for over twelve (12) years for the State of
California, as well as providing various aspects of public payphone under MCI's
numerous other departments of corrections contracts. Based on MCl's experience with
PTS and its team, we will not using the Commonwealth as a testing board to see if we
can provide quality service to state-wide located public telephones. In short, MCI has
chosen a long time team member and highly qualified subcontractor in PTS to meet the
Commonwealth's requirements.
First and foremost, Mer as the prime contractor and as part of its standard pubic
payphone is the Commonwealth's single point of contact for any aspect of the pay
telephone service solution. The Commonwealth will not be required to contact any other
entity directly for any aspect of pay telephone services.
Second, MCI's dedicated full time public payphone Program Manager and MCl's
Regional Operations Manager will have' contact and escalation infonnation for every
level of PTS. MCr and PTS has worked successfully with each other in the past, and
MCr will escalate quickly and with resolve if contractually committed to timeframes are
injeopardy of being exceeded.
Finally, MCl's and PTS's upper management provide active oversight of any potential
problem that cannot be readily resolved at lower levels.
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RFP No. 2005-081-011
Does the prime Contractor typically manage a consortium of contractors to compete for
services pertaining to thi:;; RFP? Provide examples.
MCI Response: MCl has read, understands, and provides the. following information in
response to this requirement.
MCl has a long term relationship with PTS; over ten (12) years. PTS has been providing
various aspects supporting between 2,500 and 5,000 public payphones for MCl in
support of its public payphone contract with the State of California. We have established
a long term relationship with PTS to assure MCl's commitment to service and customer
satisfaction. MCl has brought into the MCl team the most qualified and knowledgeable
contractor available to support the Commonwealth. MCr knows how to provide public
telephone services to a state - we have done it for over twelve (12) years for the State of
California, as well as providing various aspects of public payphone under MCl's
numerous other departments of corrections contracts. Based on MCl's experience with
PTS .and its team, we will not using the Commonwealth as a testing board to see if we
can provide qu,ality service to state-wide located public telephones. In short, Mcr has
chosen a long time team member and highly qualified subcontractor in PTS to meet the
Commonwealth's requirements.
10. Provide the name, title, telephone number, FAX number, mailing address, e-mail
address, and work hours of a person who will be available to answer any questions concerning
its proposal.
MCI Response: MCl has read, Understands, and provides the following information in
response to this requirement.
The following individual will be able to answer any questions concerning MCl's
proposal to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania:
Mr. Keith Eismann
Phone: 210-484-3177
Fax: 210-484-5208
Attn: Mr. Keith Eismann
20855 Stone Oak Parkway
San Antonio, TX 78258
Mr. Eismann is available to be contacted anytime from 8am to 6pm, Central Standard
Time. Mr. Eismann is also available anytime via is cell number (210) 385-2350.
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Tab 3 - Management Summary
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Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
Tab 4- Corporate Background and Experience
It is critical to the Commonw~alth that the Contractor has a considerable amount of experience
in providing telephone services. This TAB allows the Contractor to present the qualifications of
the corporation, and its staff and those of the proposed subcontractors, (if any), relative to the
services requested in this RFP. In this TAB, the Contractor must:
Describe the proposed Contractor structure, if any, and describe the responsibilities and
Tole of each subcontractor.
Mel Response: . MCl has read, understands and provides the following information as
required by this RFP requirement.
MCl is proposing as the prime contractor for any contract resulting from this RFP, and
will be the Corrunonwealths single point of contact for all coin/card Public Payphone
program equipment and services, and for meeting all RFP reqUirements. As the prime
contract, MCl will be using two (1) subcontractor in a support role: Jaroth Incorporated
D/B/A pacific Telemanagement Services ("PTS"). MCl will manage all aspects of
equipment and services to be provided by PTS in meeting the RFP requirements.
Jaroth Incorporated dlb/aPacific Telemanagement Services ("PTS")
For this RFP, PTS will be subcontracted to provide turn-key Coin/Card Public PayPhone
Service for all coin/card public payphones to include full time technical staff, installing,
moving, removing, collecting, counting coins from and repairIng the phones. The'service
provided will involve a number of people on a part-time basis at both PTS andPTS'
The following is the organizational reporting structure and subcontractor reporting
relationship ofMCl and PTS that will support the contract.
Sr. Executive
Sr. Sales and Contract
Sr. Implementation
and Operational
Section 1
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-, .
Mr. Steve Viefhaus
Mr. Michael Rossi
Executive Director of
Business Management
Mr. Keith Eismann
Mr. Stuart Seiler
Sr. Sales Manager
Director of Business
Mr. Patrick P!ine
Mr. TonyZumbo
Sr. Regional Operations
General Manager
Tab 4- Corporate Background & Experience
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
PA Public Payphone
Operational Support
MCI Program Manager
Installation Support
Mr. Michael Keane
Project Manager
Field Support
For each subcontractor, the following data must be provided:
Contract Information:
Provide the following information for the prime Contractor:
Complete company name, address and telepho'ne number.
Federal identification number.
State in which company is incorporated.
Description of company's organization, including organization charts, and indicates company offers
by name, where applicable.
Principal type of business.
Total number of years in the principal business.
Number of years in the telecommunications business.
Total full time work force assigned to contract functions.
Total-full time telephone system and services work force located in where you are proposing to
Mel Response: Mcr has read, understands and has provided in the pages to follow
response to each of the items 1 through 9listed above.
1. Complete company name, address and telephone number
MCl Communication Services, Inc .
.22001 Loudoun Parkway
Ashburn, VA.20 147
Phone: (703) 886-5900
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Tab 4 - Corporate Background & Experience
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RFP No. 2005-081-011
2. Federal identification number.
Mcr Communications Services, Inc. 's Federal Identification Number is 47-0751768.
3. State in which company is incorporated~
MCI Communications Services, Inc. is a corporation incorporated in the State of
4. Description of company's organization, including organization charts, and
indicates company offers by name, where applicable.
MCr is a public traded company with multiple organizational layers and divisions.
MCl's operations are organized into three distinct business units defined by their
respective customer bases: Enterprise Markets, US Sales & Service and International &
Wholesale Markets. Under US Sales & Service is the Government Markets Division
and its State and Local Enterprise Solutions organization. The Commonwealths
program is supporting by State and Local Enterprises Department of Corrections Line
of Business. MCr has provided the Department of Corrections relational reporting
structure supporting the Commonwealth ill our response to Nl'. 1 above. However, the
following information is provided on the Mcr President and CEO, his Executive Team,
and the MCr Board of Directors.
Michael Capellas
President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
22001 Loudoun Parkway
Ashburn, VA 20147
Phone: (703) 886·5900
Michael D. Capellas, a 3D-year veteran of the information technology business, is president and
CEO of MCI, a leading global communications provider, delivering converged communications and
innovative solutions for consumers and customers ranging from small businesses to governments
to the elite members of the Fortune 500.
Prior to joining MCI in December 2002, Capellas, 50, was president of Hewlett-Packard Company.
Previously, he was the chairman and CEO of Compaq, having joined the company in 1998 as chief
information officer and also serving as chief operating officer before being named CEO in July
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RFP No. 2005-081-011
Mel Executive Team
RobertJ. Blakely
Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
22001 l.oudoun Parkway
Ashburn, VA 20147
Robert T. Blakely, Ph.D., is Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of MCI. He is the
former fou·nder and president of the investment firm Performance Enhancement Group Inc.
Previously Blakely has served as CFO of prestigious companies such as Lyo(1dell Chemical
Company, Tenneco Inc., and U.S. Synthetic Fuels Corporation.
Fred M. Briggs
President, MCI Operations and Technology
As president of MCl's Operations and Technology global organization, Fred Briggs oversees one of
the largest facilities based communications networks in the world. Briggs is responsible for the
complete engineering and operation of MCI's seamless global voice, data and IP networks which
span more than 2,600 cities in 140 countries touching six continents.
Daniel Casaccia
Executive Vice President for Human Resources
In this capacity, Casaccia leads MCl's HR operations and defines its HR policies for the company's
employees worldwide. His organization assists employees as they navigate human resources
programs including compensation and benefits, training and development and corporate HR
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Tab 4 - Corporate Background & Experience
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RFP No. 2005-081-011
Johathan Crane
Execu(ive Vice President of Strategy and Corporate Developement
In that role, Crane is responsible for guiding the company's strategic ventures and alliances,
identifying strategic opportunities and technologies to help MCI build its business.
Daniel E. Crawford
Acting President, International and Wholesale
In that capacity, Crawford leads MCI's efforts to leverage its global reach and capabilities to meet
the dynamic and growing opportunities to provide converged data, voice and internet services
around the world.
Elizabeth Hackenson
executive Vice President and Chief Information Officer (CIO)
. In that capacity she provides technology vision and leadership for developing and implementing IT
initiatives to provide MCI a competitive edge in the ever-evolving telecom marketplace.
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Tab 4 - Corporate Background & Experience
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RFP No. 2005-081-011
Nancy Higgins
Executive Vice President of Ethics and Business Conduct
Ms. Higgins reports to the Office of the Chief Executive and the MCI Board of Directors and is
responsible for corporate wide ethics and business conduct.
. Wane Huyard
President, U. S. Sales and Service
Mr. Huyard is responsible for leading MCl's efforts in Enterprise, commercial and consumer
markets. He is also responsible for companywide product development and marketing. Previously·
President of MCI Mass Markets, the 20-year MCI veteran was a force behind Mass Markets' most
compelling product achievements, including The Neighborhood, America's first nationwide alldistance consumer phone service.
Anastasia Kelly
Executive Vice President and General Counsel
In her capacIty as the company's chief legal officer, Kelly leads MCl's domestic and international
legal, regulatory, and legislative efforts. Prior to joining MCI, Kelly was senior vice president and
general counsel of Sears, Roebuck and Co., where she was responsible'for developing and
implementing the corporate legal policy and strategy for that $40 billion retail and financial services
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Tab 4- Corporate Background & Experience
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RFP No. 2005-081-011
Grace Chen Trent
Senior Vice President of Communications and Chief of Staff to the CEO
Ms. Chen Trent is responsible for Corporate Communications, Employee Communications,
Community Relations, the MCI Foundation, and the Office of the CEO. She joined MCI from
Compaq Computer Corporation, which merged with Hewlett-Packard in 2001.
Mel Board of Directors
Nicholas deBelleville Katzenbach
Chairman, Board of Directors
22001 Loudoun Parkway
Ashburn, VA 20147
Katzenbach served as deputy U.S. Attorney General under Pr/?sident John F. Kennedy, as U.S.
Attorney General (1964-66), and as under-Secretary of State under President Lyndon B. Johnson.
From then until retirement, he served as General Counsel to the I.B.M. Corporation.
Katzenbach served in the U.S. Air Force from 1941 to 1945. He received a SA from Princeton in
1945 and an LLB from Yale in 1947, followed by a Rhodes scholarship in Oxford, England. He
received Honorary Degrees from Princeton, Rutgers, Bard, Brandeis, Northeastern, Georgetown,
Seton Hall, Bridgeport, Tufts, Ohio Northern, and Miami Vniversities. He practiced law in New
Jersey and New York, and taught law first at Yale Law School and then at the University of Chicago
Law School.
He has published (with Morton A. Kaplan) The Political Foundations of International Law (1961), as
well as many articles for professional journals. He is active in the American Bar Association and
.other legal organizations.
Among his many honors and distinctions are the Woodrow Wilson Award, Princeton University,
1966; Distinguished Service Award, Yale, Law School, 1969; and Citation of Merit, Yale Law School,
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Tab 4 - Corporate Background & Experience
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RFP No. 2005-081-011
Ernst & Young Executive
Professor of Accounting, The University of Georgia
Beresford is a member of the faculty at the University of Georgia's Terry College of Business and a
two-term chairman of the Financial Accounting Standards Board. Beresford joined the Terry
Coilege of Business as an executive professor in July 1fl97.
Beresford served two five-year terms (1987 to 1997) as chairman of the FASB, the body
responsible for setting the accounting standards U.S. corporations follow when issuing financial
statements to the public. Prior to the FASB, Beresford spent 26 years with Ernst & Young, where he
served as national director for accounting standards.
Bt;resford has served as a consultant to audit committees of public companies and has provided
expert witness services to several corporations and accounting firms. He also is a director of
Kimberly-Clark Corporation and Legg Mason, Inc.
In February 2002, Beresford provided expert testimony before the Senate Banking Committee on:
how accounting practices and federal regulations might be changed to prevent a recurrence of the
questionable accounting practices that contributed to the collapse of Enron and Arthur Andersen ..
Michael Capellas
President and CEO, MCI
Michael D. Capellas, a 30-year veteran of the information technology business, is president and
CEO of MCI, a leading global communications provider, delivering converged communications and
innovative solutions for consumers and customers ranging from small businesses to governments
to the elite members of the Fortune 500.
Prior to jOining MCI in December 2002, Capellas, 50, was president of Hewlett-Packard Company.
Previously, he was the chairman and CEO of Compaq, having joined the company in 1998 as chief
information officer and also serving as chief operating officer before being named CEO in July
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Tab 4 - Corporate Background & Experience
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
W. Grant Gregory, Chairman
Gregory & Hoenemeyer, Merchant Bankers
Gregory, chairman and co-founder of Gregory & Hoenemeyer, Merchant Bankers, has served as
chairman of audit, governance and nominating, Special Independent Directors and compensation
committees for a number of NYSE member companies. He spent 24 years at Touche Ross & Co.,
serving from 1982 to 1986 as chairman. While at Touche Ross, Gregory became an internationally
aoclaimed authority on tax polioy and economio development and participated in a number of M&A
transactions and restructurings. In the mid-1980's, he served as a member of the U.S. Trade "
Representative's advisory committee on international trade in services.
Gregory graduated with distinction from the University of Nebraska in 1964, where he was later
awarded an Honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters, as well as the Builder Award, the University's
"highest non-academio recognition. Gregory completed advanced management studies at New York
University and Harvard University's Graduate School of Business, and attended the Air Foroe War
Judith Haberkorn
retired President, Bell Atlantic, Consumer Sales & Service
As one of the first women recruited in 1968 to partioipate in AT&T's executive management-training
program, Haberkorn's telecommunioations career has been marked by several aocomplishments.
Prior to her retirement in June 2000, Haberkorn was appointed in 1998 president of Bell Atlantic
Consumer Sales & Service, managing a 20,000-employee team, oovering 13 states and the Distriot
of Columbia.
Haberkorn was appointed an offioer of NYNEX Corporation in 1990, where she served as vice
president of Materials Management for the company's Telesector Resources Group. Prior to that,
she became the first female general manager of Special Services in 1988, responsible for providing
telecommunications servioes to New England's largest oorporate customers. Later that same year,
she was named general manager of Access Markets, Marketing and Technology, leading a billiondollar business unit that provided the largest and most profitable oustomers with a range of
regional, national and international telecommunications acoess services.
Haberkorn is a member of several prominent national and international business groups and is a
member of the visiting committee of the Harvard Business School. She is ohair emerita for the
Committee of 200. She holds a baohelor's degree from Briarcliff College in New York and
completed Harvard Business School's Advanced Management Program.
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Tab 4 - Corporate Background & Experience
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RFP No. 2005-081-011
Laurence E. Harris
Counsel, Patton Boggs LLP
Harris joined Patton Boggs in 2001 a,nd concentrates his practice on legislative, regulatory,
international, and business issues. Prior to joining Patton Boggs, Harris was senior vice president
a.nd general ~ounsel ofTeligent, an international telecommunications company. In this position, he
developed and maintained the company's political relationships with the White House, Congress,
and state and federal regulators. He also oversaw international development activities.
From 1992 to 1996, Harris was senior vice president for law and public policy for MCI. In this
capacity, he was responsible for MCl's federal and state regulatory relationships, and was
responsible for MCl's political relationships with the White House, Congress, and state and federal
From 1982 to 1992, Harris served as president and chief executive officer for International Telecom
Systems, Inc. and CRICO Communications, and president and chief operating officer of
Metromedia Telecommunications. Prior to Metromedia, Harris was chief ofthe FCC's Mass Media
From 1972 to 1982, Harris served as a vice president of law and public policy for MCI, managing
corporate relations for the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the office of
Telecommunications Policy at the White House.
Harris was a Lieutenant in the U.S. Navy, serVing in the destroyer fleet. He was admitted to the
Pennsylvania Bar and is a member of the board of the Georgetown University Law School, his alma
mater. His undergraduate degree is from Columbia University.
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Tab 4 - Corporate Background & Experience
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Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
Eric Holder
former Deputy Attorney General of the United States
Eric Holder, currently a partner at Covington & Burling, is the former Deputy Attoniey General of the
United States and U_S. Attorney for the District of Columbia. Confirmed in 1993 as the first AfricanAmerican to serve as the U_S_ Attorney for the District of Columbia, Holder, among other
accomplishments, created a Domestic Violence Unit, implemented a community prosecution project
for safer neighborhoods, and supported a renewed enforcement emphasis on hate ·crimes.
In 1997, President Clinton appointed Holder to serve as Deputy Attorney General, the number-two
position in the United States Department of Justice. In his role, Holder supervised all of the
Department's litigation, enforcement, and administrative components in both civil and criminal
As Deputy Attorney General, Holder was at that time the highest-ranking African-American person
in law enforcement in the history of the United States_ He held the title until the transition to the
Bush Administration and briefly served under President George W. Bush as Acting Attorney
General pending the confirmation of Attorney General John Ashcroft.
A graduate of Columbia College and Columbia Law, Holder began his legal career in 1976 at the
Department of Justice as part of the Attorney General's Honors Program, where he was assigned to
the newly formed Public Integrity Section. He investigated and prosecuted official corruption on
local, state, and federal levels. In 1988, President Ronald Reagan nominated Holder to become an
Associate Judge of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia. The Senate confirmed Holder
later that year and during his five-year term, he presided over hundreds of civil and criminal trials _
Mark Neporent
Chief Operating Officer, General Counsel and
Senior Managing Director, Cerberus Cap/tal Management, LP
Since April 1998, Mr. Neporent has served as chief operating officer, general counsel and senior
managing director of Cerberus Capital Management, LP, a multi-billion dollar investment
management firm. He previously worked as a partner at Schulte Roth & Zabel LLP, in New York, in
the Business Reorganization and Finance Group. Mr. Neporent began his legal career with
Otterbourg, Steindler, Houston & Rosen, PC, as an associate in the Creditors' Rights Department.
Mr. Neporent was admitted to the New York State Bar in 1983 and the Connecticut Bar in 1982_ He
is a trustee of the Association of Bankruptcy Professionals (1990-1996) and the Committee on
Bankruptcy and Corporate Reorganization, for the Association of the Bar of the City of NY (19941997). He is a member of the New York State Bar Association and the American Bar Association_
He received his Bachelors Degree from Lehigh University in 1979, and his law degree from the
Syracuse University College of Law, cum laude, in 1982_
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Tab 4 - Corporate Background & Experience
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Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
C.B. Rogers, Jr.
Former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Equifax
Rogers served as Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of Equifax from October1989
through October 1995. From 1995 to 1999 he served as its Chairman.
Prior to his joining Equifax, Rogers held numerous executive positions over thirty-three years with
IBM. Rogers was the first President of IBM's,General Systems Division, and was subsequently
elected IBM Senior Vice President and head of IBM's U.S. marketing and services operations as
Group Executive of the Information Systems Group, which encompassed its seven domestic
divisions. Prior to his retirement, Rogers was IBM Senior Vice President for Corporate Staff
Operations and a member of IBM's management committee.
Rogers has been active in community affairs in Atlanta, serving as Chairman of the Board of the
Woodruff Arts Center, President-elect of Atlanta Chamber of Commerce, and the Piedmont Hospital
Foundation. In 1998, he served as one of the original members of the organizing committee,which'
raised funds to bring the 1996 Summer Olympics to Atlanta.
Rogers is a graduate of Gettysburg College, Where he was awarded an Honorary Doctor of Laws
Degree and an M.B.A. from George Washington University.
Rogers has served on a number of corporate boards including Sears, Roebuck and Company,
Teleport Communications Group, Morgan Stanley Dean Witter, Oxford Industries, Briggs and
Stratton, Lainer Worldwide, Datagistics and ChoicePoint, where he was its founding Chairman.
Rogers has been active in corporate governance affairs and served as Chairman of the Sullivan
Advisory Group, a non-profit organization dedicated to good corporate governance.
5. Principle type of business.
Mel isthe United States' second largest 10lig distance company for res~dentia1 and
enterprise/business customers. Mel owns, operates, monitors and maintains one of the
largest communications networks in the world. Mel Long Distance delivers calls
worldwide via Mel's intelligent network. Our network facilities are throughout North
America, Latin America, Europe, Africa, and the Asia-Pacific region, in more than 140
countries and over 2,800 cities. Our 98,OOO-mile -fiber optic network is designed to
support the largest array of data communications and voice products in the world. In
addition, Mel Local Service carries calls that begin and end within your local calling
area. Features include operator services, directory assistance, 911 service, and more. Mel
has more than 120 local switches and ~,OOO miles of fiber-optic cable, serving more than
90 metropolitan areas across the U.S.
6. Total numbers of years in the principle business.
Section 1
Tab 4 - Corporate Background & Experience
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
Mcr was founded in 1968. MCr Communications Services, Inc. (f/kJa MCr
WORLDCOM Communications, Inc.) was first incorporated on January 3, 1992, under
the name WorldCom Technologies, Inc. WorldCom Technologies, Inc. became Mcr
WORLD COM Communications, Inc. in 1999. Mcr WORLDCOM Communications,
Inc. became MCr Communications Services, Inc. on June 1,2005.
7. Number of years in the telecommunications business.
MCr was founded in 1968. MCr Communications Services, Inc. (flkJaMCr
WORLDCOM Communications, Inc.) was first incorporated on January 3, 1992, under
the name WorldCom Technologies, Inc. WorldCom Technologies, Inc. became MCr
WORLD COM Communications, Inc. in 1999. MCr WORLDCOM Communications,
Inc. became MCl Communications Services, Inc. on June 1,2005.
8. Total full time workforce assigned to
contra~t functions.
The Department of Corrections Line of Business has over 150 full time employees, all
performing various tasks to meetthe contract functions of all its department of
corrections and public payphone customerS. These same employees will work to
support the Commonwealths :program.
9. Total full time telephone system and service workforce located in where you
are proposing to serve.
MCl's proposal includes dedicated full time in-state Program Manager to support the
Commonwealth's public telephone program. rn addition, MCl's subcontractor, PTS, will
utilized full time non-dedicated personnel as required to meet all program requirem~nts total number of such personnel are to be detenniried based on the actual number Qf public
pay required to be supported at any given time.
Contract Information for Subcontractors: Contractors must submit with their proposals a
list of all subcontractors that are expected to be used under the Contract and the activities to be
accomplished by the subcontractors under the Contract.
If subcontractors are proposed in this bid, answer the following for each:
Complete subcontractor name and address.
Federal identification or social security number. State in which incorporate, if applicable.
Type business.
Section 1
Tab 4 - Corporate Background & Experience
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No.2005-0B1-011
- j :,
Total years in the business for which the Sub is being proposed in this bid.
Number of years in the telecommunications business.
Provide a financial statement or company annual report for each of the latest year.
How many projects similar to the functions proposed in this bid have been worked on in the past
three (3) years.
Provide as many as possible but no less than three (3) references for the project described in
number 7 above'. Include at least the following information:
Company name
Type of business
Description' of the element(s) of the project being assigned.
Identify any subcontractor(s) and its role in these studies or projects.
A brief description ,of the system or hardware to be installed.
Contract person and alternate:
Phone number
Hours available
Total full time work force assigned to projects related to. project on this bid.
Total full time work forQe located in the Commonwealth being proposed by the response to this
Mel Response:
MCr has read, understands and provides the following information as required by this
RFP requirement.
Mcr is proposing as the prime contractor for any contract resulting from this REP, and
will be the Commonwealths single point of contact for all coin/card public payphone
program equipment and services, and for meeting allRFP requirements. As the prime
contract, MCl will be using Jaroth Incorporated d/b/a Pacific Telemanagement Services
("PTS") in a support role. MCl will manage all aspects of equipment and services to be
provided by PTS.
Section 1
Tab 4 - Corporate Background & Experience
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
Jaroth Incorporated d/b/a Pacific Telemanagement Services ("PTS")
;; :f>~,,~~'\ :'\: ~':,=,::,:'~~1~~f:-:r~!'):;~~~;:o~.:j:·=-:]i~3:~-1,~:,~~~>~!:~l~~' ~::~~T.~;.r, j~.(; .~' 'i:r;~~}-' j~~i~:'~"-:'~' /~.;; :1:.;::'
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1. Complete company name and address.
is the company name and the address of.the primary PTS business contact for the
proposed services:
Jaroth Incorporated d/b/a Pacific Telemanagement Services ("PTS")
Attn: Stu Seiler
3207 Northwood Drive
Highland Village, TX 75077
2. Federal identification or social security number. State in which incorporated, if
Jaroth Incorporated's federal identification number is 94-3017874.
3. Type of business
Pacific Telemanagement Services provides all aspects of public payphone services as a
prime and subcontractor to both public and private entities.
4. Total years in the business for which the Sub is being proposed in this bid
Pacific Telemanagement Services has been in the business for which Mer is proposing in
this bid for seventeen (17) years.
5. Number of years in the telecommunications business.
Pacific Telemanagement Services has been in the telecommunications business for
seventeen (17) years.
Provide a financial statement or company annual report for each of the latest
Section 1
Tab 4- Corporate Background & Experience
- - - - - - - -- -
"Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
Jeroth Incorporated's consolidated balance sheet· and income statement for 2004 is
provided at the end of this table.
7. How many projects similar to the functions proposed in this bid have been
worked on in the past (3) years.
In the past three years, Pacific Telemanagement Services has worked on twelve (12)
projects with functions similar to those in this RFP
8. Provide as many as possible but no less than three (3) references for the project
description in number 7 above. Include at least the following information:
a. Company name
b. Address
c. Type of Business
d. Description of the element(s) of the project being assigned.
e. Identify anysubcontractor(s) and its role in these studies or projects.
f. A brief description of the system or hardware to be installed.
g. Contract person and alternate:
i. Name
ii. Title
iii. Phone Number
iv. Address
v. Hours available
h. Total full time work force assigned to projects related to project on
this bid.
i. Total full time work force located in the Commonwealth being
proposed by the response to this bid.
Section 1
Tab 4 - Corporate Background & Experience
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005·081·011
The following Pacific Telemanl:j.gement Services references are provided. Additional
references are available upon request.
Reference 1 - State of California, Public Access Telephone Services Contract
MCl, Inc.
11080 White Rock Road, Suite 100G
Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
PTS provides installation, adds/moves/changes, maintenance services, phone polling,
coin collection, dial around processing, and reporting to MCl in support of its contract
with the State of California. This provides pay telephone support for over 100 state and
local agencies, and other pubic entities and covers over 2500 public payphones located
throughout the state.
Contact Person
Mr. Ken McNeil, Mel Operations Manager
(916) 779-1937
Reference 2 -7-Eleven, Inc.
7-Eleven, Inc. .
2711 North Haskell
Dallas, TX 75204
7-Eleven is the world's largest operator, franchisor and licensor of convenience stores.
they have almost 28,000 stores with almost 6,000 in the US. This account
hasS subcontractors that provide labor for installation, moyes, removals, coin
collection, co~n counting, maintenance and repair; 1) Coin Mach, 2) Coin-Tel'
Services, 3) Interstate Telecommunications Inc., 4) National Telecoin and 5) Paracom
The Contractor currently provides 1,620 Public Payphonesto over 1,000 7-Eleven
stores under a subcontract with Verizon. These public payphones are generally
outdoor, with pedestals and enclosures. The installations have ProteI Coinphones that
are being polled with ExpressNet software.
Contact Person:
John Dyer, Category Manager
(214) 828-7856
Section 1
Tab 4- Corporate Background & Experience
"-Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
Reference. 3 - Cracker Barrel Restaurants
Cracker Barrel Restaurants c/o T&M Management Services
P.D.Box 557
Helmitage, TN 37128
Cracker Barrel owns/operates a chain of 535 restaurants/stores in 41 states throughout
the US. This accoimt has 5 subcontractors that provide labor for installation, moves,
removals, coin collection, coin counting, maintenance and repair; 1) Coin Mach, 2)
Coin-Tel Services, 3) Interstate Telecommunications Inc., 4) National Telecoin and 5)
Paracom Inc. The Contractor currently provides 392 Public Coinphones for Cracker
Barrel Restaurants under a subcontract through Verizon. The installationshaveProtel
Coinphones that are being polled with ExpressNet software.
Contact Person:
M~lissa Cox, President of T&M Management
(615) 847-4721
Section 1
Tab 4 - Corporate Background & Experience
Pages 34-38
as they
contain Financial Information
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
Tab 5 - Project Staffing and Key Personnel
This TAB allows the Contractor to present detailed information regarding personnel that are
being proposed to fulfill the tasks and services requested. The Contractor should include the
number and names, where practicable, of executive and professional personnel, analysts,
auditors, researchers, programmers, consultants, etc., who will be engaged in the work of this
RFP. Minimally, the Contractor must identify a Project Manager. This TAB should be used to
describe relevant experience for all proposed staff. In this TAB the Contractor must:
1. Describe the proposed organization structure, functional and contractual reporting
Mel Response: MCr has read, understands, and provide the following organizational
structure, functional and contractual reporting responsibilities.
The following table provides a summary overview of MCl and its subcontractor
personnel having direct oversight and direct responsibility, as applicable, for the
successful implementation and continued performance of MCl's contract with the
Commonwealth. Reporting structure for each company is from top to bottom, with
Executive Management being the highest. Relational reporting structure between
companies is horizontal, with the Mcr personnel as the Commonwealths primary and
single points of contact for each organizational leveL
Sr. Executive
Mr. Steve Viefhaus
Mr. Michael Rossi
Executive Director of
Business Management
Mr. Keith.Eismann
Mr. Stuart Seiler
Sr. Manager
Director of Business
Mr. Patrick Pline
Mr. Tony Zumbo
Sr. Regional Operations
General. Manager
PA Public Payphone
Operational Support
Mr. Michael Keane
PA Public Payphone
Program Manager
Project Manager
Installation Support
Field Support
Sr. Sales and Contract
. Oversight
Sr. Implementation
and Operational
Section 1
Tab 5 - Project Staffing & Key Personnel
__. _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
. - - -.....- ...............
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
2. Describe the responsibilities for each identified staff member. Provide a brief narrative
describing the relevant experience of each identified staff member. This narrative should
discuss how the particular experience relates to their specific role.
Mer Response: MCr has read, understands, and provides the respol,1sibilities for each of
MCr identified staffmembers, and any subcontractor support staff that will be in direct
support of the Commonwealth.
Mr. Steve Viefuaus, Director
Mr. Viefuaus provides overall organizational strategic management and directives to
meet Line of Business and company goals and objectives. For the Commonwealth
contract, Mr. Viefhaus will provide executive level support, oversight and guidance of all
Mcr operational, account, and field services resources supporting the Commonwealth. In
addition Mr. Viefhaus will be the Commonwealths point of contact for any necessary
executive level escalations. Mr. Viefuaus has been with MCr for approximately 25 years
and has been supporting the MCr Department of Corrections line of business since its
inception in 1989.
Mr. Keith Eismann, Sr. Manager
Mr. Eismann is the Senior Manager for MCl's Department of Corrections Line of
Business with national responsible for sales and contract management. Ivfr. Eismann
provide oversight and direction to the WA DOC MCr assigned Account Manager to
insure positive customer relations, contract compliance, and day-to-day account
management. In addition, Ivfr. Patterson will be responsible for meeting the business
requirements of the contract and interacting with DOCS operations staff. Mr. Eismann's
experience in and knowledge of the Corrections Market is highly regarded as he has
supported this Line of Business for the past 11 years. His understandingof the industry
and management skills allows him the ability to effectively manage MCl's Department of
Corrections Customer base.
Mr. Pat Pline, Sr. Regional Operations Manager
Mr. Pline is the Senior Regional Operations Manager for MCl's Department of
Corrections Line of Business, responsible for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. For
the Commonwealth Mr. Pline responsibilitie& will include management oversight of the
day-to-day activities of MCl's Operations, Technical Support, Field Maintenance Repair
and Inniate Administration personnel dedicated to supporting the Commonwealth. In
addition Mr. Pline is responsible for overall project and program management, and
Commonwealth's contact for 2nd level field operations escalations. For over 10 years Ivfr.
Pline has supported MCl's offender calling services programs field operations activities
for Eastern US regional customers.
Section 1
Tab 5 - Project Staffing & Key Personnel
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
MCI Public Payphone Program Manager
The MeI Program Manager will provide day-to-day communications with the
Commonwealth's public payphone entities that are a part of this contract. In addition,
he/she will provide direction and oversight of PTS and its resources in order to assure
that all program requirements are met or exceeded. In addition, the MCl Program Manger
will work daily with PTS on all aspects of installation, removal, polling, coin collection,
billing, etc. PTS public payphone technicians will perform all preventative and remedial
maintenance with Mel Program Manager oversight.
3. Provide detailed resumes for all identified personnel, including length of service with the
Contractor's company. Three (3) professional references must be provided including
name, client name, telephone number, and hours available.
Mel Response: MeI has read, understands, and has provided at the end of this TAB 5
the required resumes and associated required information for each of Mel above
identified staff members. The Commonwealth should note that the specific references
provided for each individual is for their overall program management capabilities and' are
not directly related to the provision of public payphone services. Subcontractor
references will be provided upon request.
Section 1
Tab 5 - Project Staffing & Key Personnel
Mr. Viefhaus is the Senior Director ofMCl's Department of Corrections Line of Business. Mr. Viefhaus provides
overall organizational strategic management and directives to meet Line of Business and company goals and objectives.
For the PA contract, Mr. Viefhaus will provide executive level support, oversight and guidance of all MCI Service
operational, account, and field services resources supporting the Commonwealth. In addition Mr. Viefhaus will be the
Commonwealth point of contact for any necessary executive level escalations.
Mr. Viefhaus has been withMCI for approximately 25 years and has been supporting the MCI Department of
Corrections line of business since its inception in 1989.
The following executive level references are provided:
!State of New York, Inmate Telephone Services
Mr. Ron Courington, NY DOC, Asst Director
(518) 457-2540
Commonwealth of Virginia, Inmate Telephone Services
Mr. Gene Johnson, VA DOC, Director
(804) 674-3010
State of Arkansas, Inmate Telephone Services
Mr. Larry Norris, AR DOC, Director
(870) 267-6241
State of Missouri, Inmate Telephone Services.
Ms. Theresa Roedel, MO DOC, Inmate Services Program Manager
(573) 522-2783
Mr. Eismann is the Senior Manager for MCl's Department of Corrections Line of Business with national responsible for
sales and contract management. Mr. Eismann will provide oversight ang direction to the Commonwealth MC! assign.ed
Program Manager to insure positive customer relations, contract' compliance, and day-to-day account management.
Mr. Eismann has worked in the telecommunications industry for 23 years focusing in the areas ofprogram/project
management, technical sales and sales support, customer service, and Sr. level management. Since joining Mcr in
1988, Mr. Eismann has gained extensive experience in the executive management of some ofMCI's largest and most
complex government markets customers. Mr. Eismann's experience in and lmowledge of the Corrections Market is
highly regarded as' he has supported this Line of Business for the past 11 years. His understanding of the industry and·
management skills allows him the ability to effectively. manage MCI's Department of Corrections Customer base.
State of Colorado, Inmate Telephone Services
Ms. Sue Grisenti, DOC ITS Manager
(719) 269-4262
Project Role: Mr. Eismann is responsible for oversight of customer relations, contract compliance, and day-to-day
account management, escalations, meeting the business requirements of the contract, and interactions with DOCS
operations staff. Mr. Eismann has provided support to the State of Colorado since 1996.
Project Overview: MCI provides the State of Colorado managed inmate telephone services, including but not
limited to system installation, system and inmate phone maintenance and support, collect and debit inmate calling;
and billing, commissioning reporting, and staff training. MCI provides this support for 23 total adult institutions
and.886 phones.
State of Arkansas, Inmate Telephone Services
Ms. Shelia Sharp, Contract Manager, Arkansas DOC
(870) 247-1800
Project Role: Mr. Eismann is responsible for oversight of customer relations, contract compliance, and day-to-day
account management, escalations, meeting the business requirements of the contract, and interactions with DOCS
operations staff. Mr. Eismann has provi~edsupport to the State of Arkansas since 1998.
Project Description: MCI provides the State of Arkansas with managed inmate telephone services, including but
not limited to system installation, system and inmate phone maintenance and support, collect and inmate calling
and billing, commissioning reporting, and staff training. Mcr provides this support for 21 state institutions and over
800 inmate phones statewide.
Commonwealth of Virginia. Inmate Telephone Services
Mr. John Jabe,
(804) 674-3010
Proj ect Role: Mr. Eismann is responsible for oversight of customer relations, contract compliance, and day-to-day
account management, escalations, meeting the business requirements of the contract, and interactions with DOCS
operations staff. Mr. Eismann has provided support to the Commonwealth of Virginia since 2000.
Project Description: MCI provides the State of Nevada Idaho with managed inmate telephone services, including
but·not limited to system installation, system and inmate phone maintenance and support, collect and debit inmate
calling and billing, commissioning reporting, and staff training. MCI provides this support for 66 state institutions
and over 2,200 inmate phones.
Sul Ross State University, Alpine Texas
University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio Texas
Mr. Pline is the Senior Regional Operations Manager for MCI's Department of Corrections Line of Business,
responsible for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. For the Commonwealth's program Mr. Plines responsibilities will
include management oversight of the day-to-day activities ofMCl's Operations, Teclmical Support,and Program
Management supporting the jrogram. In addition Mr. Pline is responsible for overall project and program management,
and the Commonwealth's 2" level point of contact for field operations escalations..
Mr. Pline has worked in the telecommunications industry for over 35 years. His experience includes technical sales
support, implementation and project management, central office maintenance, and field operations management. Since
joining MCI Sales in 1991, Mr. Pline has managed the field operations group and supported the technical needs of a
sales organization. He presently manages all installation and maintenance activities for MCl's correctional customers
located in the northeast, including the exis~ing MCI contract's with the State's of New York, Virginia and Connecticut.
State of New York, Department of Corrections
Mr. Ed Koberger, Supervisor of Data Processing/Offender Services
(518) 457-4414
Project Role: Mr. Pline provides the same management and oversight as stated above to New York DOC and
has provided this account support since 1996.
Project Overview: MCI provides the State of New York managed inmate telephone services, including but
not limited to system installation, system and inmate phone maintenance and support, collect inmate calling.
and billing, commissioning reporting, and staff training. MCr provides this support for over 70
institutions/facilities and 3500 inmate phones statewide.
Commonwealth of Virginia, Department of Correctfons
Mr. John Jabe, Deputy Director - Operations
(804) 674-3010
Project Role: Mr. Pline provides the same management and oversight as stated above to Virginia POC and
has provided this account support since 1996.
Project Description: Mcr provides the Commonwyalth with managed inmate telephone services, including
but not limited to system installation, system and inmate phone maintenance and support, collect inmate calling
and billing, commissioning reporting, and staff training; MCr provides this'support for 54 state
institutions/facilities and over 2500 inmate phones statewide.
State of Connecticut, Department of Corrections
Ms. Julie Gasiorek, Lieutenant
(860) 692-6967
Project Role: Mr. Pline provides the same management and oversight as stated above to Connecticut DOC and
has provided this account support since 1998.
Project Description: MCI provides the State of Connecticut with managed inmate telephone services,
mcluding but not limited to system installation, system and inmate phone maintenance and support, collect and
subscriber prepaid inmate calling and billmg, commissioning reporting, and staff training. MCI provides this
support for 21 state institutions and bVer 1200 in,mate phones.
MCl Provided & Sponsored Certifications:
Project Management & Managing Multiple Priorities
-* ------'--------------R-F-P-N....;.O.-2-00-5-.0-S1-.0-1-1
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
In addition to the following information, Contractors must include in this tab response to all
information requested in Part 1.5-A through 1.5-E of this RFP and include Attachment 3
Coin/Card Telephone Installation and Cutover Schedule, Attachment 5 Installed Equipment
MCI Response: Mcr has read, lUlderstands and h~s provided response to Part 1.5-A
through 1.5-D below and has provided Attachment 3 Coin/Card Telephone and
Attachment 5 Telephone Installation and Cutover Schedule directly following this TAB 6
Installed Equipment: The Contractor must include with its proposal:
A. System A:
(1) A minimum list offive customers located in the United States with coin/card stations,
enclosures, mounting pedestals etc. of the type proposed in the RFP.
See Attachment 5 for the format for providing the information.
MCI Response: Mer has read, lUlderstands and has provided the requested five
customer references directly following this TAB 6 response.
B. Demonstration:
A. Basic Requirements:
The Commonwealth may require Contractors whose proposals are determined by the
Commonwealth, in its sole discretion, to be reasonably susceptible of being selected for award,
to provide a demonstration of System A as an integrated entity. The demonstration of System A
as proposed in the RFP shall be conducted at a Contractor customer location. A minimum of six
(6) and not more than seven (7) Commonwealth representatives will be a part of the team
reviewing the demonstration. The Contractor shall be responsible for reimbursing the
Commonwealth for the travel expenses of the representatives of the Commonwealth to attend
the demonstration(s). Reference Attachment 6 giving the content of information on the current
expenses under the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Governors Office Management Directive
230.10 for lodging, subsistence and transportation. After the demonstration Commonwealth
personnel will process travel documents through the Comptrollers Office which reviews the
document and supporting documentation. The Comptroller's Office will issue a document to
eachContractor stating the dollar amount that it must reimburse to the Commonwealth.
No Contractor may subsidize charges, nor may it provide gifts, gratuities, upgrades, free meals,
free rooms, free transportation, etc.
Section 1
Tab 6 - Technical ReqUirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
B. Name and Location of Demonstration Site: The name and location of the System A
proposed as the site for the demonstration shall be included in the response to this
paragraph in the proposal.
Mel Response: Mel has read, understands and submits that the required presentation
could take place at the Pennsylvania Turnpike Rest Stop in Elizabethtown. This is an
active existing site with a close proximately to Harrisburg and houses multiple stations.
C. DateslTimes Controlled by Office of Administration: The date and times ofthe
demonstration will be coordinated by the Office of Administration. The Office of
Administration retains the right to reject a demonstration site and date proposed by the
Contractor and to require an alternative(s) from the Contractor.
Mel Response: Mel has read, understands and agrees.
D. Systems to be Demonstrated: The system to be demonstrated must be operational,
completely integrated, in production, and in operation at the site.
Mel Response: Mel has read, understands and submits that the site proposed by Mer
in this section is operational, completely integrated, in production and in operation at the
E. Responsibility for Cost: The Office of Administration will not be responsible for any
costs incurred by the Contractor in conducting the demonstration. The Contractor must
reimburse the Commonwealth for the traveling expenses of the Commonwealth
Mel Response: Mel has read, understands and will comply.
F. Details of Demonstration:
Section 1
The demonstration for System A shall consist of a series of telephone calls placed
from payphone stations; both local and long distance. The setup and details of these
calls are scripted and the operational demonstration is designed to determine the
effectiveness of the proposed systems in meeting the operational standards as
presented in Part 5 - Paragraph 1.5-A. The calls shall be placed and received by
members of the Evaluation Committee and/or individuals deSignated by the
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
-_.._ .. _-_._---
Payphone and Inmate Telephone SelVices
RFP No. 2005-081-011
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The telephones used for the calls must be public
payphones in which multiple stations are installed. The calls shall be received using
a variety of terminating switches/station equipment.
Mel Response: MCl has read, understands and will comply.
Since the requirements of the RItP are to be considered minimum, each Contractor
is encouraged not only to propose, but also to demonstrate, additional features
considered desirable by the Contractor that will be made available to the
Commonwealth as part of the services provided under this RFP.
Mel Response: MCl has read, understands and will comply.
G. Detailed Cutover Schedule: Contractors must submit a detailed cutover schedule with
their proposals, including time frames for the various stages of installation and tests
and acceptance by the Commonwealth for System A - coin/card public telephone
services. See Attachment 3 Installation and Cutover Schedule to provide the
information. See Attachment 1 Payphone & Enclosures in place, Attachment 2 Publfc'
payphone Station Inventory, Attachment 7 Department of Transportation Welcome
Centers and Roadside Rests with TTYs for developing the installation and cutover ,
Mel Response: MCI has read, understands and has complied with a detailed cutover
schedule provided directly following this TAB 6 response.
It is important to note that Mel's proposed Subcontractor PTS currently owns &
operates 289 of the 917 Public Phones currently operational in the Commonwealth.
These 289 phones will not require any type of service cut-over. The other 628 Public
Phones belong to Verizon and will need to be transitioned from Verizon to PTS. The
resource necessary to effect transition of these phones from Verizon to PTS will be
provided by both MCl and PTS. It is estimated that the implementation schedule will
take approximately ten (10) weeks to complete.
Section 1
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
Part 5 System
1.5~A. System A: Coin/Card Public Telephone Service:
1.General Conditions: Coin/Card Public Telephone Service:
No Charge to the Commonwealth: There shall be no charge to the Commonwealth by the
Contractor for the telephone lines, station equipment, cabling, telephone directories, Contractor
work, associated wiring or any other cost to install and maintain the coin/card public telephone
service. For the most part the Commonwealth cabling and conduit is provided, however in
some instances Contractor may have to supply what is required to complete the project. At this
point that amount cannot be determined. Estimation wOlJld be 5% of new coin/card phones
MCI Response: MCl has read, understands and respectfully submits that per this RFP's
requirement all costs to provide the services and charges, if any, to the Commonwealth
andlor agencies of the Commonwealth, have been provided in MCl's separately sealed
Cost Proposal.
Compliance with Regulations and Law: The Contractor shall comply with all applicable
regulations and mandates set forth by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Public Utilities
Commission (PUC) and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and must meet all
applicable requirements of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 and any updates or
replacements of the act. All installations must be in compliance with the Americans With
Disabilities Act to include the i,nstallation of text telephones (TTY) as required by the law. The
Contractor shall not engage in unreasonable practices as specified in FCG regulations.
Attachment 8 is Act 181 of 2002. This bill amends the Dual Party Relay and Telecommunication
Device Distribution Program Act (Act 34 of 1995) to expand the definition of "person with
disability" to provide telecommunication devices to individuals with a certified disability who
requires TTY technology to access telecommunications services.
MCI Response: MCl has read, understands and will comply.
Federal and State Laws, Rules, Regulations. and Codes: The Contractor shall ensure
that all services and equipment proposed during the term of the contract complies with all
Federal and State laws, rules and regulations including but not limited to rate making, branding,
provision of consumer information, access to local, Intra Lata, and InterLata carriers,
accommodations for individuals with disabilities and any applicable construction, electrical and
safety codes.
All parties must also agree to comply with, and hold the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
harmless from, any subsequent rulings or findings of fact by the Federal Communications
Commission (FCC) or the Pennsylvania Public Utilities Commission (PUC) regarding
compliance with the requirements of an aggregator.
Section 1
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
The term "aggregator" as used above is defined in the Telephone Operator Consumer Service
Improvement Act of 1990.
Mel Response: Mer has read, understands and will comply.
Responsibility for Permits, Nomenclature, and Specs: The Contractor is responsible for
all permits applicable to the installation, operation, and maintenance of the telephone
equipment, enclosures, associated wiring, and dial tone services. The Contractor shall provide
the detailed nomenclature of the equipment that shall be used. Technical specifications shall be
provided for all station equipment and enclosures proposed.
Mel Response: Mer has read, understands and will comply,
Equipment may be same as Installed or Equal: Contractors may propose the same type
of station eqUipment and/or enclosures that are currently in place, an approved equal, or an
upgrade. If an equal or an upgrade is proposed, documentation shall be submitted to support
that fact. Refer Attachment 1 Payphones and Enclosures in Place, Attachment 2 Public
Payphone Station Inventory and Attachment 7 Department of Transportation's Roadside Rests
and Welcome Centers (RRWC) with the requirement for one (1) TTY at each RRWC facility as
listed in the attachment. Refer to Attachment 7 for the TTYs that the Department of
Transportation (DOT) owns. Two (2) TTYs are owned by Verizon and would be replaced by
DOT with a new Contractor, but the Contractor would install them for the DOT at no charge.
When the installed DOT TTYs need to be replaced or new facilities, the Contractor will
recommend what type of TTY that DOT should purchase and the Contractor will install them at
no charge. As reflected on Attachment 7 DOT has two (2) new facilities (Carbon County &
Susquehanna) to open as indicated on the attachment and the amounts of payphones required.
DOT does not have plans for other facilities to open, but if they occur during the contract
.period, the Contractor will be required to install the required payphones requested by DOT
depending on the design of the facility.
Mel Response: Mer has read, understands and will provide the requested equipment.
Costs to provide the requested equipment are as detailed in MCl's Cost Proposal
response to Section 1 Coin/Card Public Payphone.
Responsibilitv for Costs: The Contractor shall be responsible for all costs and/or penalties
associated with the replacement of the existing stations, enclosures, and TTYs installations.
Mel Response: Mel has read, understands and respectfully submits thB;t per this RFP's
requirement all costs to provide the services and charges, if any, to the Commonwealth
andlor agencies of the Commonwealth, have been provided in MCl's separately sealed
Cost Proposal.
Section 1
Tab 6 - Technical ReqUirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
System Responsibility: The Contractor shall be responsible for the complete installation
of the complete and tested System A. The Contractor without cost, although not specifically
mentioned in this RFP, must provide any required interface equipment, to the Commonwealth.
It is to be understood that complete operating systems accepted by the Office of Administration
are required in all cases.
MCIResponse: Mel has read, understands and will comply.
Other Features: The Contractor shall include in its proposal a listing of any features that
are considered advantageous to the Commonwealth that are not listed in this RFP which shall
be furnished with the proposed equipment. The listing shall clearly identify that the features are
provided at no cost to the Commonwealth.
MCI Response: Mel has read, understands and submits that in addition to the basic
requirements of this RFP Mel will The Contractor will offer Reduced-Rate coin-paid
International Calling and Reduced-Rate Domestic Operator Service Calling through a
Toll-Free Access Number. Both services can be advertised on the phones. The
discounted rates on these services are offered at approximately 30% under AT&T rates
and are not tied to any LEe tariffs.
Operational Standards: The coin/card telephone stations shall have the following
operational standards:
Coin stations shall provide free calling to emergency service, 911 and O.
MCI Response: MCl has read, understands and will comply.
Sh.all provide free calls to toll free services 800/888/877/etc numbers.
'MCI Response: Mel has read, understands and will comply.
Shall provide free access to live operator assistance for collect local, IntraLata and
InterLata calls, and other user needs 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year.
MCI Response: Mel has read, understands and will comply.
Section 1
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
Shall provide automatic user access to predetermined primary IntraLata and InterLata
carriers. Automatic user acces.s is immediate dial tone to the carrier without dialing any codes.
MCI Response: MCl has read, understands and will comply.
Shall provide access to IntraLata and InterLata carriers through 800/888J877/950/10XXX,
or any other FCC/PUC approved access codes.
Mel Response: MCl has read, understands and will comply.
Contractor shall make available, and shall identify, the cost if any, for calls to Directory
Assistance 411 and/or 555-1212 service.
Mel Response: Mcr has read, understands and will comply.
Although MCl's Subcontract PCS normally charges $0.50 for 411 and $1.50 for Area
Code-555-1212, Mel is willing to provide 411 calls for free in lieu of providing
Directory Binders and Directories (see 3.q. below).
There shall be no charge for busy, no answer, or incomplete calls regardless of how long
the user waits before hanging up. .
Mel Response: Mcr has read, understands and will comply.
Stations shall be continually scanned for malfunction by the Contractor's maintenance
MCI Response: ~CI has read, understands and will comply.
Stations shall be scanned by both technicians and the phones themselves, which will
have on-board scanning capability and will di~ out to the Contractors host-system
(ExpressNet) to report serious malfunctions. All phones will be polled daily and
Phone-Reported Ma1:fu:tJ.ctions will be combined with Caller-Reported Trouble to issue
Service Tickets.
Section 1
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
\. -.--' I
i.. Coin/card telephone installations shall meet the established standards for use by the
physically disabled and hearing impaired as well as the requirements of the Americans With
Disabilities Act, the Telecommunications Act of 1996, and Act 181 of 2002 and any updates or
replacement of the act.
.Mel Response: Mel has read, understands and will comply.
The stations shall display the name of the Contractor(s) providing local, IntraLata and
InterLata service.
Mel Response: Mel has read, understands and will comply.
The stations shall display the telephone number of the station Contractor's repair service.
This number is required to be accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
Mel Response: Mel has read, understands and will comply.
The stations shall have adequate usage instructions and the charge for a local call
displayed on tlie coin/card telephone housing.
Mel Response: Mel has read, understands and will comply.
m. Coin/card stations shall NOT require an external power source to remain operational. The
telephone line should be the only source of power required for the station to function.
Mel Response: Mel has read, understands and will comply.
Coin stations shall accept nickels, dimes, and quarters as payment options.
Mel Response: Mel has read, understands and will comply.
Each Contractor shall specify its approximate set-up time in seconds for directly dialed
and operator handled calls.
Section 1
. Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
MCI Response: Mel has read, understands and submits that upon completion of .
dialing either a direct or operator handled call, the caller will be thanked for making the
call through an automated voice and then ringing will begin 3-6 seconds later.
Coin and/or card stations shall be used, or continue to be used, in locations where they are
presently in place.
MCI Response: MCl has read, understands and submits that MCl will support all
existing coin andlor card stations in place contingent upon the Commonwealth's and/or
the using Agencies acceptance of MCl's Cost Proposal as provided in this RFP response .
Coin stations shall be supplied with current telephone directories; both white and yellow
pages which will be mailed to each location for the Commonwealth's distribution for that area
MCI Response: MCl has read, understands and submits that a more practical approach
would be for MCl to provide 411 services for free. lfthis is unacceptable to the
Commonwealth, then MCl will comply with the above at MCr approved select locations.
Station Equipment: The coin/card telephone shall have physical and design
characteristics that include the following:
Dial tone/touch-dial service.
MCI Response: MCl has read, understands and will comply.
A steel housing that protects the counting, collecting, storing and electronic components
of the telephone.
MCIResponse: MCl has read, understands and will comply.
As stated in this response, MCl's proposed Subcontractor PCS has in installed base of
289 units. These units will be retained. Existing Verizon units will be replaced with
similar industry-standard equipment.
Section 1
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
Operating ease with concise instructions on the faceplate.
MCIResponse: Mel has read, understands and will comply.
A weatherproof housing design that resists the most severe weather conditions.
MCI Response: Mel has read, understands and will comply.
Industry standard design.
MCI Response: Mel has read, understands and will comply.
An armored handset cord that is resistant to stretching and breaking to minimize out-ofservice conditions.
MCI Response: MCI has read, understands and will comply.
Magnetic coin stops to capture non-coin deposits.
MCI Response: MClhas read, understands and will comply.
Automatic locking coin receptacles.
MCI Response: MCl has read, understands and will comply.
Security seals on coin receptacles.
MCI Response: Mel has read, understands and will comply.
Tamper proof locks - upper and lower housings.
Section 1
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
MGI' Response: Mer has read, understands and will comply.
Discrete tones upon coin deposits.
MGI Response: Mer has read, understands and will comply.
Slug rejection chute design.
MGIResponse: Mer has read, understands and will compiy.
Chute string cutter to prevent stuffing of chute.
MGI Response: Mer has read, understands and will comply.
MCI has not experienced any significant problems associated with stuffing. The existing
phone and planned install phones do not have this feature. MCI proposes that if stuffing
becomes an issue, MCI will at its discretion replace the phone.
Floating case hardened metal plate to prevent side drilling entry.
MGI Response: Mer has read, understands and will comply.
Installation reinforced by security studs to prevent theft of telephone.
M<?I Response: Mer has read, understands and will comply.
Meet the requirements of the hearing impaired legislation and the Americans With
Disabilities Act, the Telecommunications Act of 1996, and Act 181 of 2002 and any updates or
replacement of the act.
MGI Response: Mer has read, understands and will comply.
Section 1
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
Unprofitable Coin/Card Telephones:
General: The Commonwealth recognizes that there are coin/card stations installed at
Commonwealth locations that are unprofitable. Commonwealth believes that there are no
agencies being billed amonthly recurring charge for stations (semi-public). In addition, all public
payphones listed on Attachment 2 are all receiving monthly commissions. Under the contract
resulting from this RFP, no coin/card stations shall be disconnected or removed without the
concurrence of the Commonwealth and there shall be no charge for any coin/card station after
the effective date of the contract. All existing payphones fulfill a public policy objective in health,
safety and public welfare.
Contractor shall include a statement in its proposal that it agrees to install up to five (5) percent
additional stations at potentially unprofitable locations during each year of the contract. This
percent growth rate shall be calculated using as a base the number of coin/card stations listed
in the total inventory not per using agency group of stations. In the past contract the Office of
Administration (OA) worked with the agencies to determine the need by asking the using
agency to work with their customer rather then installing a payphone if an existing payphone(s)
could be moved to obtain additional profits, etc. Because of the unprofitable payphones, the
Commonwealth will work with the awarded Contractor and the agencies to reduce public
The Commonwealth is looking for ideas from the Contractors on how to add profitable business
to our statewide contract, for example adding airports, bus stations, etc. to the Commonwealth
contract. Contractor shall include a statement in its proposal that it agrees to find other
business to add to the Commonwealth's contract and shall explain how this can be
accomplished and also other ideas for obtaining profits.
In Attachment 13-A, the Commonwealth has added components for Contractor to charge for
public coin/card payphones. The· chargeable components will be used only when Contractor will
not install a commission based coin/card payphone because of either the existing or potential
low revenues. If an agency still requires coin/card public payphone services and is willing to
pay for the services the Contractor would charge the agency monthly for providing the services
this include the, payphone, dial tone, repair services, maintenance services and all aspects
under the award of Section 1.
Mel Response: MCl has read, understands and submits that all costs associated with
MCl's proposal to provide the coin/card payphone service has been provided in Mel's
Cost Proposal and will impact the above requirements.
Payphone Sign age:
The design and placement of signs indicating the location of coin/card stations shall adhere to
Commonwealth policy and regulation as well as conform to a reasonable interpretation of good
common sense and propriety. Recognizing that two principal purposes for the public
payphones are the convenience of the public and maximization of commission revenue tothe
Section 1
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
Commonwealth, Contractors shall agree to place more location signs than might generally be
considered normal in unusual areas such as state parks. The Contractor shall reach agreement
with the using agency in these situations. The Commonwealth shall make the decision if the
Contractor and the using agency cannot agree on a signage issue.
MCI Response:MCI has read, l.mderstands and will comply.
7. . Revenue and Commission Reports: Revenue and commission reports shall be provided
by the Contractor to the Commonwealth agencies as specified by the Office of Administration
each month. As a minimum, the reports shall include the following:
Telephone Generated Revenues:
Monthly gross revenue generated by each telephone by sent-paid and non-sent-paid
Monthly gross revenue generated by each telephone by sent-paid and non-sent-pald
categories, summarized by location.
Monthly gross revenue generated by each telephone by sent-paid and non-sent-paid
categories, summarized by using agency.
MCI· Response: MCI has read, understands and will provide the Commonwealth with
above reports upon request to the MCr program manager.
Telephone Generated Commissions:
Monthly gross revenue generated by each telephone by revenue category, i.e., local, IntraLata ,
and InterLata, with accompanying commissions calculated by telephone.
Monthly gross revenue generated by each telephone by revenue category, i.e., local, IntraLata,
and InterLata, with accompanying commissions calculated by telephone and summarized by
Monthly gross revenue generated by each telephone by revenue category, Le., local, IntraLata,
and InterLata, with accompanying commissions calculated by telephone and summarized by
using agency.
Mel Response: MCr has read, understands and will provide the Commonwealth with
above reports upon request to the Mcr program manager.
Section 1
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
Custom Reports: The Contractor shall agree to develop additional reports as may be
reasonably required by the Commonwealth and to provide the Commonwealth with such
reports at a frequency to be mutually agreeable to both parties.
Mel Response: MCl has read, understands and will provide the Commonwealth with
above reports upon request to the MCl program manager.
d. . Monthly Inventory and Summary: A monthly report summarizing the statistics for stations
in each using agency shall be supplied to the Office of Administration within 30 calendar days
after the end of the month. The report will be similar to the reports in Attachment 2 Public
Telephone Inventory.
Mel Response: MCl has read, understands and will comply.
Monthly Detailed Financial Reports: A complete set of the detailed reports shall be
supplied to the Office of Administration monthly commencing on a mutually agreeable date
about four (4) months after the effective date of the contract. The reports will be similar to the
report in Attachment 9, which is mailed to the agencies monthly and emailed to the Office of
Administration monthly. In addition, Attachment 10 Summary Revenue and Commissions, this
is only sent to.the Office of Administration.
Mel Response: MCl has read, understands and will comply.
Weekly Conference Calls and Reporting: The project manager and its staff shall be
responsible to schedule weekly conference calls, throughout the life of the contract, to include a
teleconference bridge for all parties to dial into. The bridge may be a non-toll free telephone
number for the Office of Administration to dial into. During the weekly conference calls the
project manager or staff shall be responsible to report all actions/issues, review the weekly
maintenance trouble ticket report and to be followed in an electronic formatted email with
current issues discussed and closed issues on same report.
Mel Response: MCl has read, understands and will comply.
Weekly Maintenance Trouble Ticket Report: The project manager and its staff shall be
responsible to email weekly maintenance trouble ticket report to the Office of Administration.
Section 1
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone arid Inmate Telephone SelVices
RFP No. 2005·081·011
Minimum elements of the trouble ticket report on a spreadsheet with ticket number, facility
name, date and time received trouble, status, statement of the problem, solution, entry detail
text of the problem, closed date and time or status, miscellaneous information, etc.
Mel Response: MCI has read, tmderstands and will comply.
Route Cause Analysis Log: The project manager and its staff shall be responsible to
report through telephone and emails to the Office of Administration when major
incidents/outages occur. The route call analysis spreadsheet will have the following minimum
elements; date, time, service area effective, facility name, service impact (time), root cause
(problem), action items, and status, etc.
Mel Response: MCI has read, understands and will comply.
Bi-Monthly Management Meetings: Bi-monthly executive staff meeting shall be scheduled
and held in the Harrisburg area. The project manager shall provide the agenda prior to the
meeting and have staff and subcontractor(s) at the meeting when appropriate for the current
Mel Response: Mel has read, understands and will comply.
End User Forum Meetings: The project manager and staff shall be responsible for
scheduling the User Group Forum that will be held yearly if required by the Office of
Administration. The forums are held in the Harrisburg, Pennsylvania area. The end user forums
are presentations to ~he agencies Telecommunications Management Officers (TMO) who are
located in the Harrisburg area. The Contractor will provide the forum agenda, lecturer staff,
training materials, demonstration, presentation, etc. The Contractor shall not be responsible for
reimbursing the Commonwealth for the travel expenses of the representatives of the
Commonwealth to attend the end user forum meeting.
Mel Response: MCI has read, understands and will comply.
. 8.
Coin Collection and Related Activities:
Description of Activities: The Contractor shall describe in detail how the following
activities are accomplished:
Mel Response: MCI has read, understands and has provided below detail regarding
each requested activity.
Section 1
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
The collecting, recording and maintaining of records on the amount of coins collected by
Mel Response: MCr will install· smart phone units which generate a call detail record
for every completed coin call. These records are captured through remote polling by the
installed units daily though MCl's subcontractor, PCS's ExpressNet system. The
ExpressNet System will auto track the coins in each phone allowing for a collections to
occur only when necessary. The ExpressNet also helps with management of the funds
and monthly reporting as requested by the Commonwealth.
PTS will use security seals on coin boxes that automatically lock when they are
removed from the phone and a number of other security'measures (detailed below),
but these measures and procedures are used to ensure security of the coins for the local
contractor, who is responsible for coin based on the Call Detail Records.
With regard to collection, within every public coin pay telephone is an individually
serialized coin box that is periodically collected by a trained coin collection agent. The
coin collection agent will remove the sealed coin box from the telephone and replace it
with an empty unit. The serial numbers of both the full and empty coin boxes
recorded on the agent's collection and cleaning log and the full box transported, in a
locked vault, back to the appropriate coin counting facility. Upon collection, the agent
will enter a special code into the keypad of the telephone which "logs" the collection
activity into the instrument's memory. This creates a collection record which will later
be polled by the ExpressNet system.
Every public coin telephone is equipped with an individual coin vault which is
uniquely keyed. The keys are not reproducible to provide assurance of vault security.
The keys may only be released to the scheduled collection agent for use on the
scheduled route. Every coin telephone contains a uniquely numbered coin box
assigned to it that is sealed before being released to the collection agent and will
automatically 'lock, when removed from the payphone itself.
Upon removal from the telephone, coin boxes are automatically locked and sealed to
eliminate intrusion. All collections are returned to the appropriate counting facility and
turned over to a counting agent for seal inspection and coin counting. The counting agent
takes possession of the collection and maintenance log as well as the coin box itself,
verifies the coin box number and seal integrity, removes the seal, counts the enclosed
coins and enters the coin box total in the log. The coin total is also entered into the coin
counting system and later compared and validated with polled collection data recovered
through the ExpressNet system.
Section 1
Tab 6 .... Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
All coin counting facilities are intrusion alanned and equipped with coin jet counters and
coin vaults for temporary storage of bulk coin revenues. Bulk coin is moved daily from
the counting facilities, directly to a bank 'using an armored transport service.
The updating of the database for commission purposes.
Mel Resp~nse: MCl's proposed ExpressNet Syst~m tracks all call detail and coin
review on a monthly basis as described in item 4 below. These reports would be used in
paying any commissions to the Commonwealth.
The establishment of the collection intervals on a station-by-station basis.
Mel Response: Each payphone is initially assigned an estimated collection frequency
. based on available coin calling history and then the actual coin performance of each
individual phone is monitored to fine-tune this collection frequency. fu the event that an
unusual event causes a spike in coin calls, the daily polling of each phone will detect this
and a service ticket will be issued to prevent the coin-box from becoming so :full that coin
calls cannot be made.
The assurance that there is proper accounting of originated revenues generated and that
accurate commissions are paid.
Mel Response: The ExpressNet database that calculates commissions requires four (4)
critical types of information in order to accurately calculate revenue; 1) A record must be
set-up for the proper Line Number, 2) The commission arrangement must .be assigned to
the Line Number, 3) The Line Number must be assigned to the Commonwealth Account
and 4) The revenue must be loaded with the proper Line Number. There are a number of
processes that occur that detect any errors that could occur in these processes. Regarding
the initial keying of the Line Number, if a mistake is made, the database will not show a
completed first test call when the phone is initially installed and the phone will not be
programmed. These failures will prompt the Contractor's Data Management person
detect the error and correct the Line Number in the database. The commission
arrangement assigned to each Line Number and the assignment of each Line Number to
the Commonwealth's account are monitored by the Project Manager and checked with
each commission cycle. Each time that revenue is loaded (Coin data comes from
ExpressNet [see 8.a.I. above], Operator Services data comes from Network PTS [see
8.a.4. below] and Per Call Compensation comes from the Carriers [see 8.a.4 below]), the
Section 1
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
....J.Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
Contractor looks for Line Numbers that had $0 revenue from these various sources and
revenue reported for Line Numbers not in the database. In the case of missing revenues,
the Contractor checks upstream with the particular source where any possible erro~s are
detected. This process also occurs with every commission cycle.
Call Detail Records are generated by Network PTS for all Operator Service Calls
completed from the phones using a 0+/0-/00- dialing pattern. Additionally, Call Detail
Recotds are generated by Network PTS for all completed calls made from the phones
through Network PTS' Discount Operator Service via a unique Toll-Free Number. This
information is summarized by Line Number and loaded into the commissioning system,
monthly. All of these call detail records are available to the Commonwealth, monthly, on
CD-ROM. Credit for these calls is based on Gross Billed Revenues. There are no
deductions for uncollectibles.
Refunds and Complaints: The Contractor shall describe how refunds and customer
complaints are handled.
MCI Response: MCl has read, understands and submits that Refunds and reports. of
Service Trouble or Complaints can be made by dialing 211 from the phone, which is
programmed to forward these calls, without charge, to a service available 24' hours per
day, 365 c;lays per year.
Prior to offering a refund, the caller is first offered a complimentary call. In the event of a
complaint and/or service trouble, this information is electronically recorded and
forwarded to the process generating the Contractor's service tickets.
Trouble Detection and Repairs: The Contractor shall describe in detail the trouble
detection and repair procedures. It is expected that the detail shall include measurement
guidelines such as time objectives for correction of out-service conditions.
MCI Response: MCl has read, understands and submits that virtually all troubles with
Public Payphones will be detected via communication between the phones and the
ExpressNet system. Each phone is programmed to call the ExpressNet system whenever
there is an out-of-service condition such as a broken handset or any other condition that
the phone can detect. Any trouble detected by the phone that does not indicate an out-ofservice condition, will be detected in the regularly scheduled daily polling of each phone
by the ExpressNet system. The failure of the ExpressNet system to communicate with
the phone or the detection by the ExpressNet system of no additional coins since the last
communication will also cause a Service Ticket to be generated.
Section 1
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
- - - - - ..----~ ..... _ ..
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
Callers can report Service Trouble with the phone unit by dialing 211 from any phone.
The phone will route callers to an automated service available 24x7x365. Caller
information is electronically recorded and forwarded to a service technician.
addition to the Automated Trouble reporting, the Commonwealth will be provided
with a Toll Free Service for trouble reporting.
Full Coin-Box Condition: The Contractor shall describe the method to be used to detect
full coin-in-box conditions.
MCI Response: Mer has read, understands and submits that MCr will be able to detect
full coin-in-box conditions through regularly scheduled polling of the phone through the
ExpressNet system. The installed smart phone all have the capability to call the
ExpressNet system outside of the regularly scheduled polling time, when the coin-box is
getting close to full and when it is completely full.
Station Inspection and Cleaning: The Contractor shall describe the plan for periodic coin
station inspection, station/booth cleaning, and calling instruction/directory replacement:
MCI Response: Mcr will perform. the following testing procedures upon each coin
collection or trouble ticket phone visit.
Section 1
Inspect handset for damage, insure that the armored cable is not
pinched and is properly secured to the phone.
Look for bare wires on the handset. While listening to dial tone,
move the cable at the phorie base and at the handset, and check for
dial tone interruptions andlor static. Replace handset if dial tone
interrUptions and!or static are detected.
Ensure that the coin return lever functions and the handset cradle is
Make sure the pedestal, enclosure, phone line and conduit is secure
and not loose. Report any loose equipment to your dispatcher or
Verify that the phone book and directory holder are in good condition.
If not call for replacement.
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
- - - - - - - - - " ' ,...., . , - - " ....
, ' -
Payphone and Inmate Telephone, Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
Go off-hook and verify dial tone.
Dial a long distance IntraLATA 1 plus number. Wait for the
processor voice and verify proper rates.
Insert a nickel, dime and quarter. Make sure the rate decrements 40
Hang up and verify that the coin mechanism returns all coins Dial
"0". Make sure you receive a bong tone from the carrier indicated on
the lower Dial Instruction Card. At this time, verify that the handset
is not muted and you have sidetone. Also, depress all keys,
individually and make sure there is solid DTMF for each key and the
buttons move freely.·
Last, enter the collection code and make sure the modem answers.
Enclosures and Pedestals:
General Requirements: All existing coin operated stations and/or card operated stations
must be replaced on a one-far-one basis. Refer to Paragraph 1.S-A..1, Attachment 1 Payphones
and Enclosures and Attachment 2 Public Payphone Station Inventory. The placement of
coin/card telephone stations, enclosures, booths and associated equipment shall, at a
minimum, meet existing standards and comply with the Americans With Disabilities Act
Mel Response: MCl has read, understands and will comply with ADA requirement~.
Phones will be replaced based upon the Commonwealth's acceptance of MCl's Cost
Proposal provided as part of this RFP response.
Enclosures and Pedestals: The Contractor shall offer a variety of enclosure and pedestal
types to provide the Commonwealth maximum options. In select locations (e.g. highways and
other high traffic areas), enclosures shall provide noise suppression. The following enclosure
types shall be offered as a minimum: drive-up, wall, pedestal, booth, flush mount The
Contractor is encouraged to offer a variety of these types, plus additional types.
Mel Response: Mcr has read, understands and will comply.
Existing 'Enclosures: The selected Contractor must install new enclosures or refurbished
as new those conform to, or are an approved equal to, those listed in Attachment 1 Payphones
and Enclosure in Place.
Mel Response: Mcr has read, understands and will comply.
Section 1
- - -..
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
10. Compliance With Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA): The awarded Contractor shall
ascertain that all coin/card station installations comply with the ADA, e.g., height of coin slot,
accessibility by wheel chair etc. If in-place stations are retained, locations not in compliance
must be brought Into compliance. In addition, in multiple station locations, if a TTY (text
telephone) is required by law, the Contractor shall install an Ultratec Pay Phone TDD M240,
M120, OR APPROVED EQUAL, at no cost to the Commonwealth. Attachment 7 references
which TTYs are owned by the Commonwealth and which are owned by Verizon.
Mel Response: MCI has read, understands and 'Will comply.
Environmental Considerations:
Complete Description: The Contractor shall include in its proposal a complete description
of any special environmental considerations, which may be required to ensure proper operation.
The responsibility for the cost of changes/additiqns required or recommended shall be subject
to contract negotiations.
Mel Response: MCI has read, understands and submits that there are no special
environmental considerations that the Commonwealth will need to be concerned with.
Surge/Lightning Protection: Contractors shall provide and install at no cost to the
Commonwealth adequate surge and lightning protection equipment on all lines used as a result
of this RFP.
Mel Response: MCI has read, understands and 'Will comply.
1.5-B. Common Requirements: System A:
Call Rate Affordability: The public coin/card telephones will be predominantly utilized by the
citizens of, and visitors to, the Commonwealth. Therefore, it is essential that the services be
provided at reasonable and customary rates~nd charges.
Mel Response:
Mel has read, understands and has responded accordingly below to each pricing
requirement. Additionally, rates have been provided in MCl's Cost Proposal for
Section 1 attached to this RFP response.
Section 1
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
Reference Attachment 4-A & 4-8 for the Verizon current rates. Contractor shall guarantee
rates with submission of its proposal for public coin/card telephones on Attachment 13~A will be
the maximum charged during the term of the contract and extensions of it.
Mel Response: MCI has read, understands and will comply.
With regards to the Independep.t Local Exchange Company areas, the Contractor is
willing to honor any effective'LEC tariff's in those areas or use .other rates. The'
Commonwealth may choose. Rates for Discount Calling provided for Operator Services
via a Toll Free Number (not 0+/0-/00-) and International Coin Calls are discounted froin
AT&T rates (see section 1.5-A,2. Other Features above) and are not tied to LEC tariffed
Contractor shall provide information on the long distance carrier it has chosen to prove
the entire public coin/card phones.
Mel Response: Mcr has read, understands and submits that the long distance carrier
for all coin/card phones will be MCl's proposed subcontractor Network PTS. Network
PTS is the current Long Distance Carrier for 150,000+ Public Payphones in the United
The public coin rates in Pennsylvania vary because the State is served by both
Independent Telephone Companies and Verizon. The local coin rate is non-regulated and
presently $0.50 per call. The Intralata toll rates are found in Attachment 4-A & 4-8 for those
areas served by an Independent Telephone Company; and tariffed with the PUC for those
areas in Verizon territory. By responding to this RFP, Contractors agrees to the rates submitted
on Attachment i3·A.
Mel Response: Mcr has read, understands and will comply with the Rates listed in
Attachment 4-A and 4-B. Additionally Mcr will offer rates for Discount Calling for
Operator Services via a Toll Free Number (not 0+/0-/00-) and International Coin Calls
will be discounted from AT&T rates (see section l.S-A,2. Other Features above) and are
not tied to LEC tariffed rates.
The Commonwealth shall verify compliance with the above specifications at the time of
installation and periodically during the term of the contract.
Mel Response: Mel has read, understands and will comply.
Section 1
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---..~---..- - - - '
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
If there are questions relative to matters handled by the Pennsylvania Public Utility
Commission, Mr. Terrence J. Buda, Assistant Counsel, Law Bureau, PUC, may be contacted at
(717) 787-5755. He will answer any questions and provide written rules and regulations as
Mel Response: MCI has read, understands and will comply.
2. Moves, Changes, Additions. and Deletions: Each using agency participating under this
contract may initiate moves, changes, additions, and/or deletions of components of System A.
A move is the relocation of existing equipment and it's associated wiring/cabling. Each using
agency Telecommunications Management Officer (TMO) shall work with the selected
Contractor to establish public telephone locations and the number of stations requrred at each.
These moves, changes, additions and/or deletions shall be accomplished at no cost to the
Commonwealth or the initiating using agency. The Contractor will be given a minimum of ten
(10) working days notice °to complete the service order submitted by the using agency. The
service order will be sent electronically to the Contractor by the using agency.
Mel Response: MCI has read, understands andwill support the requested Adds,
Moves and Changes procedures.
3. Installation. Transition and Implementation: Upon award of a contract, the Commonwealth
and the Contract willrhake any required adjustments to the Contractor's installation, transition
and implementation schedule. The Contractor must be ready and able to fully perform the
required services included in the contract. The Contractor must adhere to time and deadline
requirements. If Contractor foresees any potential timing problem or has knowledge of any
factor which may impact timing or delivery and transition or installation date of items to be
installed, or service staff to be in place, or for other required services, Contractor shall include
such Information in the proposal.
Mel Response: MCI has read, understands and will comply.
MCr has provided in Attachment 3 directly following response to this TAB 6 Mel's
proposed implementation schedule.
Tab 6 - Technical ReqUirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephon~ Services
4. Schedule of Implementation: Contractor shall submit a complete and detailed schedule of
the time required for installation steps, utility coordination, training, cutover, testing and
acceptance. The schedule shall include staff charts, date, and any cutover aspects. Note that
public coin/card payphone has a higher installation priority than others. The system A shall be
installed in a manner and within a time frame designed to minimize disruption of the normal
functions of the Commonwealth agencies:
Mel Response: MCI has read, understands and has provided within Attachment 3
directly following this TAB 6 details regarding MCl's proposed implementation plan and
Section 1
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
Attachment 3 - Section 1
Coin/Card Public Telephone Installation and
Cutover Schedule
The coin/card public telephone service technical requirements are listed in Section 1.5-A of this
RFP. These requirements are to be considered minimum anc;l must be included,in any proposal,
regardless of what other services the Contractor includes in its proposal. All coin/card public
telephone service shall be installed using a procedure such that there shall be no interruption of
the existing coin/card telephone service. The Contractor will use the coin/card inventory from
Attachment 2 to develop its installation schedule, which will be used to evaluate the Contractor's
cutover schedule and plan. Each responding Contractor must submit a detailed cutover
schedule with its proposal, including time frames for the various stages of installation, including
tests, acceptance by the Commonwealth including ending time of the project. .
Mel Response: As stated throughout MCl's response, Mel has proposed to utilize
PTS as' MCl's subcontractor to provider to provide the requested Coin/Card Payphone
Services. PTS is a current provider of the services in the Commonwealth with in
installed base of 289 phone unites. Many of these phones, depending on the using
Agencies acceptance of MCl's Cost Proposal, will remain in place and will require no
cutover over.
With regard to the phones currently provided by Verizon,' as MCI' has stated throughout
its Section 1 Tab 6 response, Mel has proposed a ten (10) week cut over schedule that is
dependent upon on the support of Verizon and completion of Task Schedule listed below.
Task 1:
Upon contract award,Mel will meet with each using agency to .discuss MCl's Cost
Proposal. The Agencies will determine what phones are to remain installed. This
process is expected to take 10 working days.
Task 2:
Upon completion of Agency discussions, MCI will develop a detailed cut over schedule
for each of the phones that had been agreed to remain active. This schedule will be
presented to the Commonwealth for review and approval and is expected to take five (5)
working days.
Upon approval of the implementation schedule by the Commonwealth, MCI will ship all
phone units to the staging areas for implementation and will coordinate line cutovers with
Verizon. This process will take approximately ten (10) working days. Mel will work
with Verizon to schedule simultaneous cutovers ·to insure for mi.nllnum service
Section 1
Installation & Cutover Schedule
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
Task 4:
MCr will begin implementation of the phone units. MCr has proposed that 30 phone
units will be installed on a daily basis Monday through Thmsday until all phones have
been installed. The expected completion time is five (5) weeks. The Commonwealth will
be provided with daily updates as to the completion of phones and successful testing.
MCr is confident that the above schedule will meet each of the requirements of the
Commonwealth and the using Agencies
Section 1
Attachment 3 - Installation & Cutover Schedule
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011 '
. Attachment 5 - Section 1
Installed Equipment Form
System A
(1) A minimum list of five customers located in the United States with coin/cardstations,
enclosures, mounting pedestals etc. of the type proposed in the RFP.
Date Installed Customer
Contact & Telephone #
Number of Coin/Card
1. July - September, 1993
State of California
Attn: Chris Tpm-Albertson
Note - Subcontracted through MCI
2. July - August, 2002
Publix Supermarkets
Attn: Penny Yeager
863-688-7407 X32817
Note - Subcontracted through Verizori
3. Multiple batches installed
starting October, 2002
7-Eleven Convenience Stores
Attn: John Dyer .
Note - Subcontracted through Verizon
4. October, 2003
Winn-Dixie Supermarkets clo DL Marsha
& Associates
Attn: Jo Marshall
Note - Subcontracted through Verizon
5. November, 2003
Cracker Barrel Restaurants
Attn: Melissa Cox'
Note - Subcontracted through Verizon
6. January - March, 2004
Speedway Gasoline & Convenience Stores
Attn: Ed Cornish
Note- Subcontracted through Verizon
Section 1
Attachment 5- Installed Equipment Form
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
Tab 7 - Training Requirements
Contractor must submit a complete and detailed description of the training that it will provide for
system A requested in RFP Section 1.5-C.
Training General: The selected Contractor shall be required to provide sufficil':mt training
to adequately orient selected Commonwealth employees on the proper use of System A as
identified in.the RFP.
System A: For System A, all training shall be accomplished at a location in Harrisburg to be
identified at a later date. The Contractor must be able to provide to all Commonwealth agencies
Telecommunications Management Officers (TMO) information regarding the types of equipment
and service available under the contract. Training shall also encompass methods by which
these TMO's can assess their environments and develop a plan for placement of coin/card
telephones that maximizes usage, services, commissions, and addresses special using agency
needs. Approximately fifty (50) TMO's Would attend the training.
MCI Response: MCr has read, lll1derstands, and will comply with the above
MCl's Program Manager and a representative from MCl's subcontractor, PTS, who is
knowledgeable on all aspects of public payphone service, placement, and usage
maximization, will provide the Commonwealth's TMO's training on these aspects
relating to public payphones. MCl understand that there will be approximately 50
TMO's attending th~ training session.
Training Description:
Complete Detailed Description: The Contractor shall include in its proposal a complete and
detailed description of the training to be provided for System A. The description shall include
such details as who should be trained, the length and frequency of the training sessions,
recommended class size, audio-visual aids to be employed, written material to be provided and
any other information the Contractor deems pertinent to each system.
MCI Response: MCr has read, lll1derstands, and provides the following information
relating to the training that will be provided to the TMO's.
MCI and PTS together will provide the necessary training for the public payphone
services. We believe that the Commonwealth's TMO's are the only group that would
require the training that will be provided, and anticipate the training to last one (1) day.
Mel will work with the Commonwealth prior to the first training session to identify
training aids and handouts that would benefit the TMO's. However, the specific training
Section 1
Tab 7 - Training Requirements
.....J.Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005~081-011
areas for the TMO training include all of the following:
An inventory of current locations
• Types of Public Phone equipment currently deployed
• Types of Public Phone equipment available for new installations
• Different types of calls
• How to place a call
• How coins are handled (collection and counting)
• Repairs
• Smart Phone Technology
• System Data
• Report Availability
• Reporting Trouble
• Requesting Installation, Move and Removal
Follow-Up Training: The Contractor shall also include a description of and, the number of
follow up training sessions, which shall be given.
MCI Response: Mcr has read, understands, and provides the following information.
Follow-up training will be made available to the Commonwealth and partiQipating
agencies every twelve (12) months to train new employees and provide refresher training
to existing employees. If desired by the Commonwealth, MCl will provide train-thetrainer training to Commonwealth employees.
.Trainer: The Contractor shall include the name and title of the person who shall have the
overall responsibility for training. The Contractor shall also include the number of years training
experience the person(s) have who shall do the actual training and the number of sessions
previously held by each in doing training on the proposed System A.
MCI Response: MCI has read, understands, and provides the following information.
Overall organization and coordination will be accomplished by the Mcr Program
Manager. However, PTS will provide the actual trainer. Mr. Tony Zumbo, General
Section 1
Tab 7 - Training Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
Manager of Operations for PTS will provide the actual training. Mr. Zumbo has been
managing public payphone operations fro over eighteen (18) years. During this time
period, Mr. Zumbo has provided individual training and group training on public
payphones and operations - numbers to big to count.
Training Material: Written material/pamphlet, or video utilized in the training programs, all
ongoing and new training programs, Contractor shall allow the Commonwealth to make free
use of any material provided.
MCI Response: MCl has read, understands, and will comply.
End User Forum Meetings: The Contractor's project manager and its staff shall be
responsible for scheduling the User Group Forum that will be held yearly If required. The
forums are held in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. The end user forums are presentati9ns to the
Telecommunication Management Officers (TMO). The Contractor will provide the forum
agenda, lecturer staff, training materials, demonstration, presentation, etc. The Contractor shall
not be responsible for the travel expenses for the TMOs.
MCI Response: MCl has read, understands, and will comply.
Section 1
Tab 7 - Training Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
Tab 8 - Maintenance Requirements
Contractors must submit a complete and detailed description of the maintenance services that it
will provide for system A as requested In RFP Section 1.5-D.
1.5-D. Maintenance Requirements:
General Provisions:
Requirement: The selected Contractor shall provide the necessary labor, parts; materials,
and transportation to maintain all proposed coin/card telephones, enclosures in good working
order and in compliance with the equipment manufacturer's specifications throughout the life of
the contract. This includes responsibility for damages to-coin/card public telephones.
MCI Response: Mer has read, understands, and will comply with the above
No Charge to the Commonwealth: No charge may be made to the Commonwealth or its
using agencies for maintenance on System A.
MCI Response: Mer has read, understands and submits_ that all costs associated with
MCr's proposal to provide the coin/card payphone service has been provided in MCl's
Cost Proposal.
Certification: The Contractor shall certify that all equipment, enclosures and software
included shall be in good working order at test and acceptance, and that the Contractor shall
repair or replace malfunctioning eqUipment, enclosures and software and return them to good
working order in accordance with the requirements of this RFP.
Mel Response:
MCl has read, understands, and will comply with the above
requirement with the understanding that the frequency for preventative maintenance and
remedial maintenance repair times are in accordance with Mer s proposed timeframes.
Section 1
Tab 8 - Maintenance Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
Maintenance Plan, Center Location and Personnel Profile:
Maintenance Centers: Contractors shall submit a listing showing information on the
locations from which maintenance personnel shall be dispatched to s,ervice System A. This
information shall include, but not be limited to, the Contractor's utilization of these locations to
insure that all requirements of this RFP are met. The Contractor shall explain, in detail, how it
shall accomplish this. The Contractor shall submit a detailed plan explaining the geographic
locations of the centers, the system and procedures for the integration of maintenance at these
centers, the types of parts and equipment being maintained at these centers, and the ~ase with
which the using agency can request maintenance service.
MCI Response: Mcr has read, understands, and provides the following information
relating to the requirement above.
Mel's subcontractor, PTS, will be utilizing several contractors to provide coin collection
and maintenance in support of this contract. The location of these facilities is mostly
either within the Commonwealth, or close to the Commonwealth due to travel and
efficiency purposes. Below is a list of all locations providing public payphone services in
accordance with our proposal:
• Philadelphia, PA 19127
• New Castle, PA 16101
• Elkridge, MD 21075
• Cranbury, NJ 08512
• Cleveland, OH 44056
• Coordination of these facilities will be via the MCr Program Manager and the
PTS General Manager overseeing public payphone services for the
Personnel Profile: The proposal shall also list the names of the maintenance personnel at
each location and their experience working with the equipment proposed for System A.
Attachment 11 provides the content and format required. It is expected that the Contractor shall
only provide the names and experience of maintenance personnel who have been fully trained
and qualified on the eqUipment and software proposed and/or certified by the equipment
manufacturer if such certification is required by the manufacturer.
MCI Response: Mcr has read, understands, and provides the required personnel
information in Attachment 11 directly following MCr this TAB 8 response.
Section 1
Tab 8 - Maintenance Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
Standards For Repair: The Contractor(s} for the coin/card telephones shall adhere to the
following minimum standards for repair:
The Contractor shall have sufficient repair personnel to be able to simultaneously
respond to multiple repair events on coin/card telephone stations located throughout
Pennsylvania. Refer to Attachment 2 for locations.
Mel Respo.nse:
MCI has read, understands, and will have adequate personnel
available to meet this requirement.
The. Contractor shall provide a free-of-charge repair service number manned by a live,
trained attendant(s} to receive trouble reports 24-hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a
year. Extended periods of being placed on hold will not be tolerated. Explain in detail the
procedure for services provided.
Mel Response: Mel has read, understands, and provides the following information
relating to this requirement.
MCl's subcontractor, PTS, will provide a free-of-charge calls via 211 from the phones to
an NR service that processes refund request reports of s~rvice,troubles. This 211 service
is available 24-hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year and always answers
innnediately. Caller may also call directly using the Toll Free number which is posted on
each payphones dial instruction card. If callers use this Toll Free number it will be
answered by a service representative within a reasonable number of rings, during normal
business hours.
Out-of-hours and weekend repair service for stations below shall be limited to essential
repairs only, as determined by the Commonwealth. However, the Contractor shall respond to
these repairs when required. The Contractor shall inform the Commonwealth as soon as
possible of any occurrence of an unusual nature that may result in prolonged or serious service
interruption. This notification shall go to the using agency in the case of coin/card stations. The
Contractor shall perform any work requiring prolonged or serious service interruption at a time,
which shall cause minimum disruption to the ,users in agreement with the designated using
agency and at a time mutually agreed upon. Essential repairs are repairs needed to provide
safety and security.
Mer Response:
MCI has read, understands, and will comply with the above
Section 1
Tab 8 - Maintenance Requirements
....iPayphone and Inmate Telephone Services'
RFP No. 2005-081-011
It is expected that Contractors shall address their maintenance/repair objectives or
measurement standards in the responses to this RFP. Contractors shall provide their expected
mean-time-to-respond and meantime-to-repair for each of the major system A. The Contractor
shall be held to maintaining these standards as well as the standards noted in paragraph 5,
Maintenance Liquidated Damages.
Mel Response: Mel has read, understands, and will meet the following repair times.
• Mean-time-to- respond will meet or exceed 14 business hours.
• Mean-time-to repair will meet or exceed 15 business hours.
• Ninety percent (90%) of all Service Tickets will be cleared within 16 business
Mel will negotiate the applicability of any liquidated damages prior to actual contract
The coin telephones shall be scheduled for collection so as to prevent full boxes.
Mel' Response: MCI has read, understands, and will comply with the above
requirement; however full boxes may occ~ during the term of this contract.
Any coin telephone shall be collected within four (4) hours if a full box condition threatens
to place the station out of-service regardless of the day of the week or the time of day.
Mel Response: Mel has read, understands, and will utilize all reasonable efforts to
assure that any coin telephone will be collected within four (4) hours of a full coin box.
All coin box collectors and repair personnel shall be bonded.
Mel Response:
MCI has read, understands, and will comply with the above
Section 1
Tab 8 - Maintenance Requirements
-~- -~-~---.--~----~-----.--
----~--~------------------ .. --------------~----,
Payphone.and Inmate Telephone Services
Each coin/card telephone shall be remotely tested each day to determine if it is
functioning normally.
Mel Response: Mer has read, understands, and will comply with this requirement for
all installed smart phones.
Th.e Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring that all coin/card telephone booths, and
enclosures are cleaned and sanitized periodically. Each Contractor shall include a cleaning
schedule as part of the proposal.
Mel Response: Mel has read, understands, and will clean and sanitize each phone,
enClosure and qooth upon every visit to the location.
The Contractor shall remove as part of the cleaning noted above, all graffiti, stickers,
posters, litter, dust and dirt from within each coin/card station enclosure and/or booth, and from
a three (3) foot radius surrounding the terminal, exclusive of private property.
Mel Response:
Mel has read, understands, and will comply with the above
Maintenance Liquidated Damages:
Minor Emergency.
The Contractor shall respond, between 8 AM and 5 PM, Monday through Friday, to a
minor malfunction of the equipment and cabling within eight (8) working hours after notification
between the hours of 8 AM and 5 PM. However, stations at the PennDot Welcome Centers and
Roadside Rests shall be repaired within eight (8) working hours after notification 24-hours a
day, seven days a week, 365 days a year, reference Attachment 7 for locations. If the
Contractor fails to respond within eight (8) working hours, the Contracto~ agrees to pay to the
Commonwealth $150.00 as an initial liquidated damage, and $15.00 for each and every hour of
delay after the first eight (8) working hours. All repairs or replacements shall be completed
within twenty-four (24) working hours following response to notification of a minor emergency
malfunction, and the Contractor must exhibit a best efforts approach to the completion of the
repairs or replacement during the first twenty-four (24) working hours following response to
notification. If the Contractor fails to exhibit best efforts, as determined by the using agency,
with the concurrence of the Commonwealth, to complete the repairs or replacement within
twenty-four (24) working hours following initial response, the Contractor agrees to pay the
Section 1
Tab 8 - Maintenance Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
Commonwealth as liquidated damages the sum of $150.00 for each and every calendar day of
Mel Response: MCI has read, understands, and respectfully submits that 90% of all
repairs will be completed. within 16 business hours of notification of a Service Trouble.
MCl's current cost proposal to the Commonwealth does not contemplate the payment of
any liquidated damages. However, if the Commonwealth would like to have liquidated
damages for any aspect of work to be performed under the public ·payphone program,
MCI will negotiate such liquidated damages and an associated new cost proposal.
For the purpose of this proposal, a minor emergency shall be defined as, the failure of a
stand-alone coin/card station or the failure of up to 49% of those in a bank of stations.
Mel Response: MCI has read, understands and agrees.
Major Emergency
The Contractor shall respond by arriving at the site on a 24-hour per day basis, 7 days
per week, 365 days of the year, to.a major failure of a stand-alone coin/card station or the
failure of up to 50% of those in a bank of stations within three (3) hours after notification. If the
Contractor fails to respond by arriving at the site within three (3) hours, the Contractor agrees to
pay to the Commonwealth $250.00 as initial liquidated damages and $15.00for each and every
hour of delay after the first three (3) hours. All repairs or replacements shall be started within
the first contiguous twenty-four (24) hours following response to notification of a major system
failure, and the Contractor must exhibit a best efforts approach to completion of the repairs or
replacement during the first contiguous twenty-four (24) hours following response to the
notification. If the Contractor fails to exhibit best efforts, as determined by the using agency,
with the concurrence of the Office of Administration, to complete the repairs or replacement.
within twenty-four (24) hours following initial response, the Contractor agrees to pay the
Commonwealth as liquidated damages the sum of $250.00 for each and every calendar day of
Mel Response: MCI has read, understands, and respectfully submits that 90% of all
repairs will be completed within 16 business hours of notification of a Service Trouble.
MCl's current cost proposal to the COnllnonwealth does not contemplate the payment of
any liquidated damages.' However, if the Commonwealth would like to have liquidated
damages for any aspect of work to be performed under the public payphone program,
MCI will negotiate such liquidated damages and an associated new cost proposal.
Section 1
Tab 8 - Maintenance Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
2.· For the purpose of this RFP, a major emergency shall be defined as the failure of over
50% or the entire bank of coin/card stations such as at a Welcome Center or a Roadside Rest.
Mel Response:
Mcr has read, understands and agrees.
Assessment of liquidated Damages: liquidated damage charges specified in the
preceding paragraphs shall not be assessed where performance of the Contractor's obligations
are prevented or delayed by an act of God, freight embargoes, strikes, fire, or acts of
government, provided the successful Contractor notifies the using agency of such
circumstances and the using agency, with concurrence of the Office of Administration,
reasonably determines that the failure to perform within the specified time was beyond the
control and without the fault or negligenc~ of the Contractor.
Mel Response: MCr has read, understands, and submits that MCl's current cost
proposal to the Commonwealth does not contemplate the payment of any liquidated
damages. However, if the Commonwealth would like to have liquidated damages for any
aspect of work to be perfonned under the public payphone program, MCr will negotiate
such liquidated damages and an associated new cost proposal.
Maintenance Liquidated Damage Maior and Minor Monthly Report: Contractor shall
furnish a cumulative monthly management report, which will be em ailed to the Office of
Administration. The Contractor shall p(ovidereport design in response for System A. The report
shall be associated with its dispatch center(s) logging, tracking, and updating Commonwealth
service calls as proposed in the RFP. The Contractor shall also manage the Commonwealth
maintenance liquidated damages in the same cumulative monthly report.
Mel Response: MCr has read, understands, and submits that MCl's current cost
proposal to the Commonwealth does not contemplate the payment of any liquidated
damages; and therefore this report is not necessary. However, if the Commonwealth
would lik~ to have liquidated damages for any aspect of work to be performed under the
public payphone program, MCr will negotiate such liquidated damages and
new cost proposal; and will submit such a report as stated above.
Section 1
Tab 8 - Maintenance Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
Preventive Maintenance:
Contractor Responsibilities: The Contractor shall be responsible for preventive
maintenance as may be required by the equipment manufacturer and as necessary to maintain
the mean-time-to-fail criteria.
MCI Response:
Mcr has read, understands, and will comply with the above
Develop Maintenance Logs: The Contractor shall develop a log for coin/card station
inspections, and for maintenance work performed on all stations. The log is to be submitted to
the Office of Administration monthly. A sample log must be submitted with the proposal.
MCI Response:
clJ .
., 0 ,·
MCl has read, understands, and will comply with the above
MCl's subcontractor, PTS, .will make available to the Commonwealth all such
information via secure access through the World Wide Web. Any information housed in
the database can be presented to the Commonwealth per the Commonwealth's
specifications (format, filtering, sorting, etc.). These reports can also be printed, exported
to Excel or exported as a .pdf file. If it is the Commonwealths preference that a monthly
report be submitted, the Contractor can arrange to submit a hardcopy andlor have the
Contractor: s system automatically deliver reports to the Commonwealth via e-mail.
Based on the specifications of this section, we have provided one possibility that
addresses just this information. For Service Tickets, Ticket Opened (Date/Time) could
be added, Ticket Closed (Date/Time) could be added and duration (Total Hours andlor
Business Hours) could be provided. The Contractor could also add Address, Location
Name, Report Name, Report Date, Distribution Instructions or anything else that would
be helpful to ~e Commonwealth. Almost anything is possible with reporting, provided
the source data is available.
Section 1
Tab 8 - Maintenance Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
~C:I. --------------------------~--------R-F-P-N-b.-2-00-5--08-1--0-1-1
Based strictly on what was asked for in tills section, here is what the data might look
4/2/064:37 PM
215 221 9760
215-221 9767
4/2/06 4:48 PM
4/2/06 4:41 PM
215 222-8821
215-222 8821
215 357 9646
4/2/06 10:37 AM
Cleared No Communication
Replaced Handset
4/11/0611:01 AM
416/0612:46 PM
4/23/06 11 :27 AM
4/20106 11 :02 AM
4/20/06 1:52 PM
4/1/06 11 :56 AM
,4/1/0612:01 PM ,
4/2/06 9:37 AM
4/13/0611:01 AM
4/3/06 4:46 PM
4/19/06 10:46 AM
4/24/06 1:46 PM
4/18/063:46 PM
The Commonwealth may also specify the headings, font, type size, field fonnatting,
descriptions to be used for Service Perfonned, if they would like any grid elements
and if they would like alternate shading to be able to read specific records more
Maintenance Obligation: Maintenance shall include, but shall not be limited to, the
provision of facilities, personnel, transportation, lodging, labor, parts, software, modifications
and any other items/services relating to routine and preventive maintenance at no additional
charge to the Commonwealth or using agencies. Contractors shall consider these
itemslservices in their proposals.
Mel Response:
MCr has read, understands, and will comply with the above
Section 1
Tab 8 - Maintenance Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone SeIVices
RFP No. 2005-081-011
Maintenance Responsibility:
All Suppliers Responsible Until Problems Identified: Malfunctions which cannot be
immediately or unequivocally diagnosed and pinpointed t6 a certain item of equipment,
software, or service shall require the participation of all service suppliers until responsibility for
the problem has been unequivocally established.
Mel Response:
Mel has read, understands, and will comply with the above
In no instance shall the failure to resolve the issue of responsibility relieve any of the service
suppliers of the mutual obligation to restore system operability with the least impact on the
availability of coin/card telephone service;
Mel Response:
Mel has read, understands, and will comply with the above
Successful Contractor is Point of Contact: As a part of maintenance responsibilities, the
successful Contractor shall represent the using agency in contacts with the telephone service
provider in order to identify and correct problems with telephone service.
Mel .Response:
Mel has read, understands, and will comply with the above
Performance Requirements and Reliability/Availability: The CommOnwealth requires that
the Contractors network meet or exceed all industry standards. On line performance
requirements are at 99.999%. The Contractor must also meet certain performance standards
such as Mean Time To Respond, Mean Time To Repair and Timely Installation as defined in
the Commonwealth Performance Standards. Mean time to respond is located in 1.5-D
Maintenance Requirements. Mean time to repair is located in 1.5-D 5 Maintenance Liquidated
Damages, a Minor Emergency, b. Major Emergency.
Mel Response: Mel has read, understands, and will use all reasonable efforts to meet
performance uptime requirements, subject to LEe network outages. In addition and as
stated above, MCl's current cost proposal to the Commonwealth does not contemplate
the payment of any liquidated damages. However, if the Commonwe;alth would like to
have liquidated damages for any aspect of work to be performed under the public
payphone program, Mel will negotiate such liquidated damages and an associated new
cost proposal.
Section 1
Tab 8 - Maintenance Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
Project Manager and Implementation Plan:
The Contractor shall appoint a project manager to oversee the total installation of service
for the over all project. This project ma'lager shall be responsible for all coordination with the
existing Local and/or Interexchange Telephone Companies concerning installation and
maintenance of all coin/card public telephones. However, the Contractor shall not order or
place in service any type of equipment or facility, which would result in charges to the
Commonwealth, without a written order from the Commonwealth.
Mel Response: Mel has read, understands, and Will comply with the above
requirement with the clarification that all costs associated with Mel's proposal to provide
the coillicard payphone service has been provided in Mel's eost Proposal.
The Contractor shall be solely responsible for the compatibility of the proposed service
and eqUipment with any and all circuits and facilities as provided by the LEC and all other
common carriers to meet the requirements of these specifications.
Mel Response:
Mel has read, understands, and will comply with the above
It is imperative that the existing levels o'f service only be minimally interrupted or
diminished in each facility. The Contractor shall develop a plan that shall ensure all services
provided to this RFP. This plan shall be reviewed and approved by the OA prior to
implementation of service.
Mel Response:
Mel has read, understands, and will comply with the above
The Contractor shall provide a detailed time line schedule for all in service and/or change
of service activity. Critical Patch/GANTT charts to end testing on all telephones.
Mel Response:
Section 1
Mel has read, understands, and will comply with the above
Tab 8 - Maintenance Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
The coin/card public payphone conversion is requiring completion within six (6) months
from the date of the contract award. If Contractor requires additional time include the reasons
why and its time for completing the project.
Mel Response: MCr has read, lUlderstands, and will comply with this requirement
with the clarification that Mcr will not be responsible for delays caused by the
Commonwealth's existing public payphone provider. Such delays will add to the
timeframe above on a day-for-day basis.
New Technology:
After the contract award, additions and/or sUbstitutions shall be allowed provided:
It Is approved in writing by the Director, Bureau of Infrastructure & Operations, Office of
Product/service meets or exceeds performance of the original; and
Product/service is compatible with the original.
Contractors must cooperate with the Commonwealth if the Commonwealth desires to introdl,lce
third party tec~nology.
Mel Response:
MCl has re'ad, lUlderstands, and will comply with the above
If new service, having the same functional purpose of the service under the contract, is
developed and comes into standard production after or during the contract award, that service
shall be considered for addition anti/or replacement for the service under contract. The
Contractor must make a written request to Director; Bureau of Infrastructure and Operations,
. Office ·ofAdministratioii, for new service to be added to the contract. Such written request must
include the specifications for the new service, evidencing that the new service servers the same
functional purpose and in a close association to the service under contract. The Contractor
shall be responsible for reimburSing the Commonwealth for the travel expenses of the
representatives of the Cs>mmonwealth to attend the demonstration(s).
Mel Response:
Section 1
Mcr has read, lUlderstands, and will comply with the above
Tab 8 - Maintenance Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone SelVlces
RFP No. 2005·081-011
All proposed additions or replacements are subject to a review and written acceptance the
Director, Office qf Administration, Bureau of Infrastructure and Operations.
Mel Response:
Mer has read, understands, and will comply with the above
12. Disaster Recovery Plan: The Contractor shall have an alternative detailed plan for
resolution of service during a major outage.
Mel Response:
has read, understands, and will comply with the above
13. Minimum Contractor Background Checks Policy: The Contractor $hall comply with the
Governor's Office of Administration, Office for Information Technology Bulletin (ITB) minimum
Contractor background checks policy; refer to the policy in Attachment 12.
Mel Response:
Mel has read, understands, and will comply with the above
14. Storage and Security: Materials, tools, components, and eqUipment may be stored at the
sites only with the permission of the using agencies and at the Contractor's sale risk. The
Contractor shall, at all times, maintain adequate protection of all its work against damage or
loss and shall protect the Commonwealth's property at the sites against damage or loss arising
in connection with the performance of the contract. The Contractor shall protect adjacent
property as provided by law and shall provide and maintain all passageways, fences, lights,
guards, and other facilities as required by public authority or local conditions. In the event that
portable equipment or supplies are located in any room or space at the time the Contractor '
makes its site visitation, it shall be the Contractor's responsibility to protect all such eqUipment
and supplies while performing under this contract. Should such equipment or supplies interfere
with the performance of this contract, it shall be the Contractor's responsibility to remove, store,
and protect such equipment or supplies until the work is completed and then replace the same
where found or as directed by the using agency.
Mel Response:
Section 1
has read, understands, and will comply with the above
Tab 8 - Maintenance Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
15. Site Clean Up: The Contractor shall clean up and remove all debris and packaging
material resulting from his work as required by the using agency. Upon completion of the
installation, the premises shall be left in order and ready for immediate use.
Mel Response:
Section 1
has read, understands, and will comply with the above
Tab 8 - Maintenance Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
Attachment-11- Section 1
Maintenance Center Information - System A
Maintenance office location:
Cranbury, NJ 08512
Telephone Number: 800-232-9274
Hours of Operation:
8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Person in Charge:
Tony Perez x353
Number of Maintenance Personnel at this location: 32
Number trained on maintenance of coin/card stations: 3
Number of coin/card stations maintained from this locations: 800
Distance from maintenance center to the locations where coin/card
stations is to be maintained (miles):.
Up to 100 miles from Maintenance Center. Remote employees are
much closer to the phones they maintain.
Section 1
Employee's titles and experience: (list all personnel by system who shall
service the phones:
Ivonne Alvarez
Service Tech 1
12 years
Bushkill, PA
Robert Bowie
Service Tech 1
6 years
Sydney, NY
Steven Daniels
Service Tech 1
4 years
Mt Laurel, NJ
Attachment 11- Maintenance Center Information
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
-,~--------~--------~~------~-----RFP No. 2005-081-011
Maintenance office location:
Elkridge, MD .21075
Telephone Number: 800·229·7837
Hours of Operation:
8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Person in Charge:
Jack Cahill x377
Number of Maintenance Personnel at this location: 58
Number trained on maintenance of coin/card stations:
7 - Only 3 service PA
Number of coin/card stations maintained from this locations:
2,000 (for all 7 technicians, not just the 3 that service the PAl
Distance from maintenance center to the locations where coin/card
stations is to be maintained (miles):
Up to 100 miles from Maintenance Center. Remote employees are
much closer to the phones they maintain.
Section 1·
Employee's titles and experience: (list all per~onnel by system who shall
service the phones:
David Chamberlin
Service Tech 1
7 years
York, PA
Kenneth Hite
Service Tech 1
13 years
Carroltown, PA
Dayne Simpson
Service Tech 1
8 years
Owings MiI!s, MD
Attachment 11 - Maintenance Center Information
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
Maintenance office location:
Macedonia, OH 44056
Telephone Number: 888-420-6700
Hours of Operation: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Person in Charge: Rodney Price x23
Number of Maintenance Personnel at this location: 23
Number trained· on maintenance of coin/card stations: 6 - Only
three (3) would service PA
Number of coin/card stations maintained from this locations: 1,700 are
serviced from the center by the 6 technicians, only 700 are serviced by the 3
technicians that work in PA.
Distance from maintenance center to the locations where coin/card
stations is to be maintained (miles): Up to 100 miles from Maintenance Center.
Remote employees are much closer to the phones they maintain.
Employee's titles and experience: (list all personnel by system who shall
service the phones:
Steven Fabry
Service Tech 1
4 years
Donald Packer
Service Tech 1
4 years
Swissvale, PA
Leviticus Patterson
Service Tech 1
Maintenance office location: _New Castle PA,-_ _
Telephone Number: _724-657-1157_ _ _ _ _ _--'-_ _ _ __
Hours of Operation: 6am - 9pm
Person in Charge: Joe Howe
Number of Maintenance Personnel at this location: 4 .
Number trained on maintenance of coin/card stations: 4
Number of coin/card stations maintained from this locations: 671
F.. Distance from maintenance center to the locations where coin/card stations is
tq be maintained: 125 mile radius'
Employee's titles and experience: (list all personnel by system who shall service the
proposed systems:
Eric Chandler
Service Tech 1
12 years
Rochester, PA
Lyndon Wilhoit
Service Tech 2
12 years
New Castle, PA
Joe Satterlee
Service Tech 1
8 years
Volant, PA
Craig Whitehead
Service Tech 1
6 years
McKeesport, PA
Section 1
Attachment 11·- Maintenance Center Information
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
Maintenance office location: _Philadelphia PA_ __
Telephone Number: _215-928-9875 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Hours of Operation: 8am - Bpm
Person in .Charge: Michael Bright
Number of Maintenance Personnel at this location: 11
Number trained on maintenance of coin/card stations: 11
Number of coin/card stations maintained from this locations.: 3,800
F. Distance from maintenance center to the locations where coin/card stations is to
be maintained: 150 mile radius
G. Employee's titles and experience: (list all personnel by system who shall service .
the proposed systems:
.... -~./
Mike Keenan
Service Technician
Aston, PA
Alex Weiss
Service Technician
Harrisburg, PA
Bruce Young
Service Technician flnstaller
Harrisburg, PA
Donald Peirce
Service Technician
Philadelphia, PA
Mike Nazario
Service Technician flnstaller
GIEm Mills, PA
Bill Fritsch
Service Technician
Philadelphia, PA
Nick Batiste
Collector I Technician
Philadelphia, PA
Miguel Torres
Collector f Technician
Philadelphia, PA
Gamalier Cruz
Service Technician
Philadelphia, PA
Vincent Duck
Service Technician
Philadelphia, PA
Eric McCoy
Service Technician
Philadelphia, PA
Section 1
Attachment 11- Maintenance Center Information
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
A. Maintenance office location:
San Leandro, CA 94577
Telephone Number: 888-420~6700
B. Hours of Operation:
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
C. Person in Charge:
D. Number of Maintenance Personnel at this location:
N/Applicable as these technicians will
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Account
not be working
E. Number trained on maintenance of coin/card stations:
N/Applicable as these technicians will
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Account
not be
F. Number of coin/card stations maintained from this locations:
7,000 stations are partially maintained remotely with the ExpressNet
G. Distance from maintenance center to the locations where coin/card stations is to
be maintained (miles):
N/Applicable as these technicians will
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Account
not be
H. Employee's titles and experience: (list all personnel by system who shall serVice
the phones:
Peter Pacheco Data Manager - Operations
Section 1
17 years experience
Attachment 11 - Maintenance Center Information
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
'Tab 9 - Financial Requirements
Contractors must submit a complete and detailed description of the financial requirements that
it will provide for system A as requested in RFP Section 1.5-E Financial.
Mel Response: Mcr has read, understands and has complied-inthe pages to follow.
1.5-E. Financial:
Best Offer Commission Percentages:
A percentage of the grossed billed revenue from the telephone services requested by
this RFP shall be offered in the form of commissions to the Commonwealth as a result of
competitive bidding in response to this RFP.
Mel Response: Mcr has read, understands and respectfully submits that per this RFP's
requirement all costs to provide the services, commission paid and charges, if any, to the
Commonwealth and/or agencies of the Commonwealth, have been provided in MCl's
separately sealed Cost Proposal.
Contractors shall submit proposals based upon their best offer commission percentages.
Mel Response: MClhas read, understruids and respectfully submits that per thisRFP's
requirement all costs tQProvide the services, commissioupaid and charges, if any, to the
Commonwealth and/or agencies of the Commonwealth, have been provided in MCl's
separately sealed Cost Proposal.
' '
,Commission Data Submission: Contractors shall provide the commission data in a
separately sealed sectiol;' of the proposal. Refer to Paragraph,1.2-3 Commission Section.
Mel Response: Mel has read, understands and has complied.
Section 1
Tab 9- Financial Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081~011
Revenue Generation: The commissions will not apply to calls resulting from using BOO to
access live or automated operator services, i.e. 800~COLLECT, 800~CALL ATT, etc., nor to
calls dialed to, and terminating on, toll fre'e 800/88B/877/etc numbers. The Commonwealth
requires the Contractor to provide commission payments based upon a percentage of the gross
billed revenue, less applicable state or federal taxes, generated at each public coin/card
station. Gross revenue is defined as revenue for all billed calls without exception. The following
shall be required of each Contractor:
Mel Response: MClhas read, understands and respectfully submits that per this RFP?s
requirement all costs to provide the services, commission paid and charges, if any, to the
Commonwealth andlor agencies of the Commonwealth, have been provided in MCl's
separately sealed Cost Proposal.
The following payment options and services shall be available to the public when placing
calls from coin/card stations: '.
cash station~to-station (only local calls and intraLata)
Mel Response: MCl has read, understands and will comply.
collect $tation-to-station
Mel Response: MCl has read, understands and will comply.
billed to third number statioi1~to~station (all LEC calling cards, but cannot process
proprietary cards)
Mel Response: MCl has read, understands and will comply.
calling card station-to~station
Mel Response: MCl has read; understands and will comply.
time and charge quotations
Section 1
Tab 9- Financial Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
Mel Response: Mer has read, understands and will comply.
cash person-to-person (local and intra Lata only, no cash calls of any type on interLata or
MCI Response:MCl has read, understands and submits that Cash Person-To-Person
calls are only available on LEC Dumb Phones. Mel will not be installing any LEC dumb
phones and as such this requirement will not apply.
collect person-to-person·
MCI Response:
Mer has read, understands and will comply.··
billed to third number person-to-person
Mel Response: Mer has read, understands and will comply.
9. .
calling card person-to-person
Mel Response: Mer has read, understands and will comply.
calls to toll free 800/8S8/877/etc numbers
Mel Response: Mer has read, understands and will comply.
The Contractor shall submit the charges that the public will be charged when using the
coin/card payphones under contract to the Commonwealth for each service on Attachment 13-A
Mel Response: Mer has read, understands and has complied.
Section 1
Tab 9 - Financial Requirements
Payphone. and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
Revenue Generation: The commissions will not apply to calls .
The Contractor shall submit the projected annual gross billed revenue, the commission
percentage, the projected annual dollar commission payment, and the minimum annual dollar
guarantee for each service to the Commonwealth on Attachment 13-8 only. Refer to paragraph
Mel Response: Mer has read, understands and has complied.
Each Contractor shall explain in detail, on Attachment 13-C QD.!:£.. hawaII commissions
are determined or calculated. Specify all factors that the Contractor shall use and inClude them
in the response to the RFP.
Mel Response: MCr has read, understands and has complied.
In addition to any other audit requirements set out in the contract the Contractor must
maintain complete and accurate call accounting records for the initial five (5) years of the
contract, plus any extension to it, which shall be available for audit at the request of the Office of
Administration or designees.
Mel Response: MCr has read, ~derstands and will comply.
All information should be retrievable in a print format and electronic media. These records
shall be retained by the c<?ntactor for the life of the contract and transferred to the
Commonwealth at the termination of the contract. The.electronic media required to read the
date may not be proprietary.
Mel Response: Mcr has read, understands and will comply.
The Contractor shall explain, and diagram, a call from off-hook to completion normally
used by each Contractor in the operation of its business for a coin call and for a card call.
Mel Response: MCl has read, understands and has provided below the process for
each callprocess.
When the handset is lifted, the circuitry within the phone audibly prompts the caller to
enter the number they are calling. Based on the numbers dialed, the phone can determine
if the call is to be Coin-Paid or Alternately Billed.
Section 1
Tab 9 - Financial Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services .
RFP No. 2005-081-011
If the circuitry in the phone determines the call is a coin-paid call, the circuitry will rate
the call based on the destination number entered and prompt the caller audibly through
the handset to deposit the specific amount required. Once the caller makes the deposit,
the circuitry in the phone will route the call appropriately. Local calls will be routed, as
dialed, to the Local Exchange Company, who will route the call locally. Long Distance
Calls will route to a Network PTS Platform by first dialing a Toll-Free Number. The
toll-free number is sent to ,the LEC's Central Office, which then queries a national
database to determine who's network is currently' handling that Toll Free Number. It
then routes the call to that network, who then queries their own records to determine
where to terminate the call. The network then terminates the Call at the Network PTS
Platform. , After getting an electronic handshake from the platform and the phones'
circuitry releases the destination number dialed by the caller. In both cases (Local and
Long Distance), the callers deposit is held in the escrow until an answer is detected or the
caller hangs up. If an answer is detected, the escrow will drop the funds into the coinbox. If the caller hangs up before an answer is detected, the coins will be retuned. If an
answer is detected, the phone circuitry will continue to monitor the call for time and if
the call is not a flat fee for an unlimited amount of time, it will prompt the caller audibly
, for additional deposits, as ,appropriate. If the additional deposits are not made, the phone
will disconnect the call. Once the call completes a complete Call Detail Record is
recorded in the phones memory, which will be polled at a later time.
Section 1 ,
Tab 9 - Financial Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
Local Exchange
Routing Guide
r Po~O'
Network PTS
1+ Platform
....---------+~ ~
1/ ·
Local Call
Toll FreeDatabase
and responsible
Carrier information
Call originated .
at Payphone
Section 1
Point Of
Tab 9- Financial Requirements
Long Distanca .
.....LPayphone and Inmate Telephone SelVices
RFP No. 2005-081-011
If the circuitry in the phone determines it is an alternately billed call, the circuitry will
route the call to a Network PTS platform via a Toll~Free Number. The toll~free number
is sent to the LEC's Central Office, which then queries a national database to detennine
who's network is currently handling that Toll Free Number. It then routes the call to that
network, who then queries their own records to determine where to terminate the call.
The network then tenninates the Call at the Network PTS Platform. Once the phone
receives an electronic handshake from the platform, it forwards the dialed numbers and
the Network PTS platform takes over from that point. In the case of a Card Call, the
caller will be asked by an automated attendant to enter the card number. If the caller
does not enter a valid number, a Live Operator will come on the line to get the Card
Number. The platform validates the card and then the call will be routed to the LEC
handling the termination number. This routing will take place over network
arrangements made by Network PTS. The LEC will then carry the call to the caller's
telephone. Once the .call is completed, the Network PTS platform records the details
necessary to create a Call Detail Record.
Local Exchange
Routing Guide
1--_ _ _ _ _ _ _-J
Local Call
Point Of
Call originated
at Payphone
National Database of
Toll Free Numbers
and responsible
Carrier Information
Long Dislance
Section 1
Tab 9 - Financial Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
The Contractor, shall explain in detail, and diagram, how intraLata and InterLata calls shall
be handled.
Mel Response: Mcr has read, understands and has provided below how IntraLata and
InterLata calls will be handled.
IntraLATA and InterLATA Coin Calls
IntraLATA and InterLATA Coin-Paid Calls are handled in exactly the same manner.
The phones' circuitry will rate the call based on the destination number entered and
prompt the caller audibly through the handset to deposit the specific amount required.
Once the caller makes the deposit, the circuitry in the phone will route the call
appropriately. Local calls will be routed, as dialed, to the Local Exchange Company,
who will route the call locally. Long Distance Calls will route to a Network PTS
Platform byfust dialing a Toll-Free Number. The toll-free number is sent to the LEe's
Central Office, which then queries a national database to determine who's network is
currently handling that Toll Free Number; It then routes the call to that network, who
then queries their own records to determine where to terminate the call. The network
theJ;l terminates the Call at the Network PTS Platform. After getting an electronic
handshake from the platform and the phones' circuitry releases the destination number
dialed by the caller. In both cases (Local or Long Distance), the callers deposit is held in
·the escrow until an answer is detected or the caller hangs up. If an answer is detected,
the escrow will drop the funds into the coin-box. If the caller hangs up before an answer
is detected, the coins will be retuned. If an answer is detected, the phone circuitry will
continue to monitor the call for time and if the call is not a flat fee for an unlimited
amount of time, it will prompt the caller audibly for additional deposits, as appropriate.
If the additional deposits are not made, the phone will disconnect the call. Once the call
completes a complete Call Detail Record is recorded in the phones memory, which will
be polled at a later time.
Section 1
Tab 9 - Financial Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
Local Exchange
Routing Guide
Note -In some cases, an IntraLATA
call needs to be routed from the
Network PTS Platform to the Point
Of Presence from which the call
. came to the Network PTS Platform
Network PTS
1+ Platform
jI ·
- - - - - - - N a...
Local Call
Toll Free Numbers
and responsible
Carrier Information
j + - C
Gall originated
at Payphone
Point Of
Long Dlstanca
! .
IntraLATA and InterLATA Alternately Billed calls are handled in exactly the same
manner. The phone'S circuitry will route the call to a Network PTS platformvia a TollFree Number. The toll-free number is sent to the LEC's Central Office, which then
queries a national database to determine who's network is currently handling that Toll
Free Number. It then routes the call to that network, who .then queries their own records
to determine where to terminate the call. The network then terminates the Call at the
Network PTS Platform. Once the phone receives an electronic handshake from the
platform, it forwards the. dialed numbers and the Network PTS platform takes over from
that point. The Network PTS platform will complete the appropriate process for the
billing arrangements chosen by the Caller and then the call will be routed using network
arrangements made by Network PTS to the LEC supporting the called number. That
LEC will then carry the call to the called parties telephone. Once the call is completed,
the Network PTS platform records the details necessary to create a Call Detail Record.
Section 1
lab 9 - Financial Requirements
*p~yphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
Local Exchange
Routing Guide
1-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Local Call
Point Of
II] :all originated'
at Payphone
Point Of
; p""",,.
Note -In some cases, an
In~aLATA call needs Ia be
roulecf from the Network PTS .
Pletronm 10 Ihe Point or
="i.. ..
Local Call
Toll Free Numbers
and responsible
Carrier information
Line Information
DataBase (L1DB)
Note -In the event aThl Party BWed Cali,
acceptance of the charges may occur at a Local or Long
Distance telephone. Ir Loesl. the routing ror acceptance
of charges will travellhe same roule from the Networf<
PTS plaUonn as the roule marked Local Calion !hIs
diagram. I!Long Olslanca. the routingforacceplance \\ill
travel the same route rrom !he Nelworl< PTS platform es
the roule marl<ed Long Dlslance Call. The call ror
acceplanca or charges Is different Ihan Ihe lennlnation of
the kllanded call.
Long Distance
The Contractor shall explain the billing process for all billed calls and the collection
process for the bills for all calls including uncollectible caUs.
Mel Response: MCI has read, understands and has provided below the process for
Billed calls are billed to either the Called Party (Collect),a Third P~y or a Card.
Collect and Third Party Billed Calls
In the case of Collect and Third Party Billed calls, the Network PTS platform first
validates that. the billed number accepts charges via a query to the LIDB database.
Collect Calls are routed to the called party, who is asked if they will accept the charges
before the call is completed. On a Third Party Billed call, the Third party is asked to
confirm their acceptance of the charges, before the call is completed to the called party.
Section 1
Tab 9 - Financial ReqUirements
Payphoneand Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
Upon completion of an answered call, a call detail record is created and appropriate
charges are determined for the call. The call detail and the ~ssociated charges, made
each day through Network PTS Operator Services, are sent to a National Billing
. Clearinghouse who routes the charges to the LEC responsible for the billed parties
telephone account. The collected funds are credited back through the Clearinghouse to
Network PTS, on a daily basis, less clearinghouse fees. In the event that the charges are
not collected·or are disputed, they are studied to see if there are alternate ways to collect
the charges that make economic sense. Uncollectibles are not deducted from the
revenues reported to the Commonwealth.
Calls Billed to Cards
In the case of a call· billed to a card, the Network PTS platform fIrst validates the card
through a card validating and clearinghouse service. Upon validation, the platform
allows the call to complete. Upon completion of an answered call, a call detail record is
created and appropriate charges are determined for the call. Call detail and charges
.created each day through Network PTS Operator Services are sent to the same validating
and clearinghouse that validated the card. This Clearinghouse routes the detail and
charges to appropriate card company, who posts the information on the cardholders
statement. The collected funds are credited back through the Clearinghouse to Network
PTS, on a daily basis, less· clearinghouse fees. In the event that the charges are not
collected or are disputed, they are studied to see if there are alternate ways to collect the
charges that make economic sense. Uncollectibles are not deducted from the revenues
reported to the Commonwealth.
The Contractor shall provide commission checks on a monthly basis to each
Commonwealth using agencyor using agency comptroller as required by the Office of
Administration. Checks will be accepted from one Contractor who is the prime Contractor. The
checks shall be sent to the using agency and shall be accompanied by a report that as a
minimum includes:
Total Commission
Total Revenue
Total Messages
Total Minutes
Total Stations
Mel Response·:
MCl has read, understands and will comply with the above
requirement should any commission checks be issued to any using agency.
Section 1
Tab 9 - Financial Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
The selected Contractor will be provided the name and address of each payee location,
the total number of stations, and the telephone numbers after award of the contract.
MCI Response: MCl has read, understands and will comply.
The Contractor shall maintain an accurate recording and tracking system for
substantiating commission payments. A complete explanation of this recording and tracking
system such as where it shall be located, how to access it, etc., shall be provided in the
response to this RFP.
!VICI Response: MCl has read, ,understands and will comply.
The proposed tracking system will be located in San Leandro CA and maintained by,
MCl's subcontractor PTS with oversight by MCl Sr. M~agement.
It is solely the Contractor's responsibility to collect the revenue on the billed calls
generated through the coin/card telephones. Uncollected or uncollectible calls are not to be
subtracted from the gross revenue base for the purpose of determining the commiSSion
payments tq the Commonw~alth. The Contractor shall state what action(s) are taken in the
event that, after a collect call is billed, the billed party refuses to pay the charges.
MCI Response: MCl has read, understands and agrees.
Unpaid bills will be sent to a collection agency for attempted retrieval of funds.
The Commonwealth shall bear no responsibility for fraudulent calls.
MCI Response: Mcr has read, understands and agrees.
The Commonwealth shall bear no responsibility for theft of funds, and furthermore, no
stolen or lost funds shall be deducted from revenue on which commissions are paid to the
MCI Response: Mcr has read, understands and agrees.
The Commonwealth shall bear no responsibility for unbillable or uncollectible calls.
Section 1
Tab 9 - Financial Requirements
"'Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
Mel Response: MCr has read, understands and agrees.
Service Revenues and Commissions:
The total amount of revenue to be generated by this RFP will depend upon the number of
Commonwealth agencies or affiliated organizations that choose to participate in the contract
which results from this RFP.
The agencies under the jurisdiction of the Governor such as the Departments of Corrections and
Department ofTransportation will participate. The State Universities may participate at their
See Attachment 10-A - 10-C for revenues and the monthly number of messages and minutes
billed by the incumbent Intra Lata, local and InterLata carrier. The figures are provided for
calendar years 2003 and 2004.
Mel Response: Mcr has read, understands and acknowledges.
It is intended that existing public payphone locations be continuously analyzed for
profitability and that new locations be surveyed. The Office of Administration expects
recommendations from the Contractor on an ongoing basis.
Mel Response: M~r has read, understands and will comply.
The Commonwealth retains the right to audit the calling data and revenues resulting in
commissions for System A. The Contractor shall commit to this in its response. The
Commonwealth shall furnish the Contractor ten (10) days written notice prior to executing its
right to audit. All information necessary for the. Commonwealth to complete such an audit shall
be maintained within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. If travel is required within the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the Commonwealth will be responsible for the travel expenses
of Commonwealth personnel. All other expenses of the audit will be the responsibility of the
, ,
Mel Response: Mer has read, understands and agrees.
Commission Data: Attachment 13-A - 13-C establishes the content and format of the
commission data required to be included in the cost proposal only.
Section 1
Tab 9 - Financial Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
Mel Response: Mcr has read, understands and has complied.
Commission Payments: Each Contractor shalf make commission payments to the
Commonwealth or to the designated agencies, or organizational elements thereof, which
participate in the contract as designated by the Office of Administration. The Office of
Administration shall be responsible for providing the "make payable to" information, names of
authorized personnel, and the department number(s) in each using agency for the purpose of
receiving commission funds.
Checks from the prime Contractor for payments representing commissions from coin/card
public payphones shalf be paid monthly by the 30tti calendar day (or last day of the month if the
has less than 30 days) of the following month to each designed Commonwealth using agency.
These payments shall be accompanied by the management report as noted in paragraph 1.5E, 3.a. above
Mel Response: Mer has read, understands and submits that any commission checks
would be submitted 45 days following the end of any billing period.
7. . Collection and Security: The Contractor shall explain in detail in the proposal its plan to
provide complete revenue collection service capabilities detailing the methods of col/ection for
each type of revenue source (coin and non-coin local, IntraLata and InterLata, etc.). The
Contractor shall also explain in detail the security measures that shall be taken to insure the
safety of, and verify the accuracy of, all revenues collected. The contents of this description
shall also include information regarding the number and location of collection facilities, a
description of the method used to collect and count coins from Contractor terminals, the ratio of
coin telephones to route collectors, the frequency of collection and the method used to
determine coin-in-box level.
Mel Response:
infonnation below.
Mcr has read, understands and has provided the requested
Revenue from the'payphones should be looked at as Coin-Paid, Operator Services and
Federally Mandated per Call Compensation.
Coin-Paid Revenue
All MCl proposed coin/card phones proposed will be smart ProteI phones. The phones
will generate a call detail record for every completed coin call. The safety of coin
revenue, while a major concern for MCl, is not a concern for the Commonwealth
because revenue credit for ~he Commonwealth is based upon the call detail records
which are collected daily from each phone. These records are captured through remote
polling by the proposed PTS ExpressNet system. MCr will recognize coin revenue, by
these records for the purpose of detennining revenue that may be reported to the
Commonwealth. The use of the call detail records, ra~er than the physical count of the
coins, allows for a more accurate and timely process. Mcr will uses security seals on
Section 1
Tab 9 - Financial Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
coin boxes that automatically lock when they are removed from the phone and a number
of other security measures (detailed below), but these measures and procedures are used
to ensure security of the coins for the local contractor, who is responsible for coin based
on the Call Detail Records.
Collection Procedures - Within every public coin pay telephone is an individually
serialized coin box that is periodically collected by a trained coin collection agent. The
coin collection agent will remove the sealed coin box from the telephone and replace it
with an empty unit. The serial numbers of both the full and empty coin boxes will be
recorded on the agent's collection and cleaning log and the full box transported, in a
locked vault, back to the appropriate coin counting facility. The agent will also enter a
special code into the keypad of the telephone which "logs" the collection activity into the
instrument's memory. This creates a collection record which will later be polled by.the
ExpressNet system. Collection agents are also trained and equipped to perform routine
cleanings and minor repairs that may be required. Pay telephone vault keys (Abloy and
Medeco) are not reproducible and minimize the possibility that vault security and
integrity will be compromised.
Counting and depositing procedures - Upon removal from the telephone, coin boxes are
automatically locked and sealed to eliminate intrusion. All collections are returned to the
appropriate counting facility and turned over to a counting agent for seal inspection and
coin counting. The counting agent takes possession of the collection and maintenance
log as well as the coin box itself, verifies the coin box number and seal integrity,
removes the seal, counts the enclosed coins and enters the coin box total in the log. The
coin total is also entered into the coin counting system and later compared and validated
with polled collection data recovered through the ExpressNe~ system.
Coin collected from phones belonging to the Commonwealth's account may be counted
in any of five (5) different coin counting facilities:
1 Philadelphia, PA 19127
2 New Castle, PA 16101
3 Elkridge, MD 21075
4 Cranbury, NJ 08512
5 Cleveland, OB 44056
Additional details about these facilities and the various service personnel that report to
them can be found on Attachments 11 directly following this TAB 9.
The overall ratio of service personnel to phones is approximately 1:300. Please note that
this ratio includes both collectors and technicians. It is not possible to give a meaningful
ratio of Phones to Collectors-only, as Collectors perform Service and Service
Technicians perform Collections. Separating the tWo functions leads to cost
S(i)ction 1
Tab 9 - Financial Requirements
-..JPayphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
inefficiencies and service delays. Please also note that the phone courits indicated on
Attachments 11 in some cases are not all handled by the specific personnel assigned to
that facility that would be working in PA on the Commonwealth's account.
Full coin boxes are always a high~priority concern because they can lead to an out-ofservice condition. The best way to prevent a full coin box is to make sUre they are
collected before they are full. The best way to do this is to both monitor the coin
velocity of each phone and set the collection appropriately and use a smart phone, which
will notify the service personnel if coin velocity becomes unusually high or if the coin
box becomes full. Unusually high coin velocity will be detected from the daily polling.
A full box will cause the phone to initiate an unscheduled polling communication to the
ExpressNet system to report the condition. The detection method of last resort is Caller~
reported trouble, which will be made to 211.
Security Procedures - All coin counting· facilities are intrusion alarmed and equipped
with coin jet counters and coin vaults for temporary storage of bulk coin revenues. Bulk
coin is moved daily from the counting facilities, directly to a bank using an annored
transport service.
Every public coin telephone is equipped with an individual coin vault which is uniquely .
keyed. The keys are not reproducible to provide assurance of vault security. Every coin
telephone contains a uniquely numbered coin box assigned to it that is sealed before
being released to the collection agent and will automatically lock, when removed from
the payphone itself.
Operator Services
Call Detail Records are generated by Network PTS for all Operator Service Calls
completed from the phones using a 0.+/0.-/0.0.- dialing pattern. Additionally, Call Detail
Records are generated by Network PTS for all completed calls made from the phones
through Network PTS' Discount Operator Service via a unique Toll-Free Number. This
information is summarized byLme Number and loaded into the commissioning system,
monthly. All of these call detail records are available to the Commonwealth, monthly,
on CD-ROM.
Federally Mandated Per Call Compensation
Federally Mandated Per Call Compensation of $0..494 per call is collected quarterly from
Carriers who receive and complete calls from the phones without any other negotiated
compensation arrangement. MCl aggressively collects this revenue. The majority of
these collections occur the first week of every calendar quarter. These revenues are
recognized as they are collected. The Collections are accompanied by files that
summarize the number of completed calls by Line Number, Carrier and Month.
Section 1
Tab 9 - Financial Requirements
"Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
. RFP No. 2005-081-011
Contract Requirements - Disadvantaged Business Participation and Enterprise Zone Small
Business Participation:
All contracts containing Disadvantaged Business participation and/or Enterprise Zone Small
Business participation must also include a provision requiring the Contractor to meet and·
maintain those commitments made to Disadvantaged Businesses and/or Enterprise Zone Small
Businesses at the time of proposal submittal or contract negotiation, unless a change in the
commitment is approved by the BMWBO. All contracts containing Disadvantaged BUsinesses
participation and/or Enterprise Zone Small Business participation must include a provision
requiring Small Disadvantaged Business subcontractors, Enterprise Zone Small Business
subcontractors and Small Disadvantaged Businesses or Enterprise Zone Small Businesses in a
. joint venture to perform at least 50 percent of the subcontract or Small Disadvantaged
Businesses/Enterprise Zone Small Business participation portion of the joint venture.
Commitments to Disadvantaged Businesses and/or Enterprise Zone Small Businesses made at
the time of proposal submittal or contract negotiation must be maintained throughout the term
of the contract. Any proposed change must be submitted to BMWBO which will make a
recommendation as to a course of action to the contracting officer.
If a contract 'is assigned to another Contractor, the new Contractor must maintain the
Disadvantaged Businesses participation and/or Enterprise Zone Small Business participation of
the original contract.
The Contractor shall complete the Prime Contractor's Quarterly Utilization Report (or similar type
document containing the same information) and submit it to the contracting officer of the
agency that awarded the contract and BMWBO within 10 workdays at the end of each quarter
the contract is in force. If there was no activity, the form must also be completed, stating "No
activity in this quarter." This information will be used to determine the actual dollar amount paid
to Small Disadvantaged BUsiness and/or Enterprise Zone Small Business subcontractors and
suppliers, and Small Disadvantaged Businesses and/or Enterprise Zone Small Business
participation involved in jOint ventures. Also, it is a record of fulfillment of the commitment your
firm made and for which it received Disadvantaged Businesses and Enterprise Zo'ne Small
Business points.
Mel Response:
Mer has read, underst~ds and has complied with a separately sealed
MBE participation document.
Section 1
Tab 9 - Financial Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-0.11
Tab 10 - Objections and Additions to Standard
Terms and Conditions
Contractor will identify which, if any, of the terms and conditions contained in Part 6 it would like
to negotiate, and what additional terms and conditions Contractor would like to have included in
the terms and conditions. Contractor's failure to make a submission under this paragraph will
result in its waiving its right to do so later, but the Commonwealth may consider late objections
and addition requests if it is in the best interest of the Commonwealth to do so. The
Commonwealth may, in its sole discretion, reject any changes requested by the Contractor.
Requested changes must be to the terms and conditions set out in Part 6. Requests to change
other provisions of the RFP will not be considered. A request that Contractor's terms and
conditions be substituted for Part 6 will not be considered. All terms and conditions must
appear in one integrated contract. References to online guides or online terms and conditions
will not be accepted. The proposal and the commission must be submitted on the basis of Part
Mer Response:
Paragraph 10, Warranty. Upon expiration or termination of the Contract, Mel will no
longer be providing these services, so a one-year warranty is inapplicable to the Contract
scope of services. MCI respectfully requests this provision be replaced with the
following: MCI warrants it will provide Inmate Phone Services and equipment as
described in MCl's proposal response to RFP #2005-081-011.
Paragraph 12, Ownership Rights. MCI respectfully proposes this provision be deleted.
It does· not apply to the Contract scope of services.
Paragraph 14, Hold Harmless Provision.
MCl accepts this term with the
understanding . that neither party shall be liable to the other for any indirect,
consequential, exemplary, special, incidental or punitive damages, including without
limitation loss of use or lost business, revenue, profits, or goodwill, arising in connection
with this Contract, under any theory of tort,contract, indemnity, warranty, strict liability
or negligence, even if the party knew or should have known of the possibility of such
Paragraph 15, Audit Provisions. Due to the highly sensitive and proprietary nature of
MCl's records, MCI accepts this provision with the understanding that (1) the documents
and records subject to' audit are limited to Contract documents and reports specifically
created for the Contract; and (2) any third party acting on behalf of the Customer under
this provision must execute MCI's standard Non-Disclosure Agreement prior to·
eXa:rluning, inspecting, copying or auditing MCl's records.
Section 1
Tab 10 - Objection and Additions
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
Paragraph 16, Default. Mel proposes the following clause to replace Paragraph 16:
Either party may terminate this Agreement for default. Default shall mean a failure of the
other party to perform a material obligation under this Agreement which failure is not
remedied by the defaulting party within thirty (30) calendar days after receipt of written
notice thereof. In the event of default, the non-defaulting party may pursue all legal and
equitable remedies for breach.
Paragraph 20, Assignability and Subcontracting. Mel requires the freedom to assign
contracts in the event of a merger, acquisition or reorganization without seeking consent
from its thousands of customers. Therefore, MCI reserves the right to assign or otherwise
transfer this contract, in whole or in part, to its parent or any other controlled subsidiary
or affiliate thereof, or to any purchaser of all or substantially all ofits assets.
Paragraph 28, Integration. Mel's offer is predicated upon acceptance of its
clarifications offered with its proposal. However, MCl is willing to negotiate in good
faith with the Commonwealth to determine mutually agreeable terms and conditions for
any of the provisions to which MCl has requested modification.
Paragraph 31, Liquidated Damages. As desc;:ribed elsewhere in MCl's proposal, this
offer is predicated upon removal of the Liquidated Damages clause related to payphone
service. MCl respectfully notes that the Commonwealth would retain all other remedies
under the Contract, including recovery of actual damages. Notwithstanding the
foregoing, MCl is willing to negotiate in good faith to determine a mutually agreeable
liquidated damages schedule for payphone service that reasonably reflects the actual
damages to the Commonwealth if MCI were not to perform in accordance with the
payphone portion of the Contract. . Acceptance of such provision will require MCl to
change its proposed rates for payphone service.
Section 1
Tab 10 - Objection and Additions
------------ -----
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...•.. ---
__._._------_ _ - - - - - - - ..
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Office of Administration and
Department of Corrections
.Section 2 -Inmate Telephone Services .
RFP No. 20.05-081-011
13 October.2005, 1:00 p.m. ET
Technical Proposal' .
Submitted to:
Bureau of Infrastructure and Operations
Network Administration
1 Technology Park .. ' .
Harrisburg;PA 17110-2913
Attn: Georgia A. 'Saer, Contract Administrator
Submitted by:
Mel Government Markets
1945 Old Gallows Rd.
Vienna, VA 22182
--...-- ---_.-
.. - .. - ...........
__ ._-_._-.._ _ - - - - _ . _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _-------- .. ...
RFP No. 2005·D81-D11
Table of Contents
'Tab 1 - Letter of Transmittal .................
Tab 2 - Mandatory Requirements ......................
............... .........
u . . II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IllfUiIf
11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 • • • • •
Tab 3·- Management Summary................................:......................................... 8
Tab4 - Corporate Background.and Experience ........................................... 22
Tab 5 - Project Staffing and Key Personnel ......................:........................... 45
Tali 6 _. Technical R.equirem9nts ......................... ~ ....... ~ ....................... ~ ••••........ 50
Attachment 5 - Section .2 Department of Corrections Inmate Telephone
Cutover Schedule ..
III.II • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • II • • • • • • • -:rIlIl • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 11 • • • • • • • • • ••. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Attachment 11 - Section 2 Installed equipment Form.~ .............................. 306
Attachment 12·- Section 2 Environmental Requirements .... ;, .................... 325
"Tab '7 .... Training Requirements ........... ~ ................................'!,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -: . . . . . . . . 327
.Tab 8·- Maintenance Requirements ......................... ;.................................... 339
Tab 9·:...·Financial Requirements ....................~ ................~ ............................. 371
"Tab 10·- Objections and Additions fo Standard Terms and Conditions ... 385·
Table ofCor1tents
- -
Payphone' and Inmate Telephone SeNlces
------------------~------~---RFP No. 2005-081-011
Tab 1 .- Letter ofTransmittal
The Letter ofTransmittal must state that the proposal will remain valid until the contract is fully
executed by the Commonwealth. The contents of the proposal of the selected Contractor will
b'ecome a contractual obligation if a contract is executed. An official authorized to bind the
Contractor to its provisions must sign proposals.
Mel Response:
MCl has read, understands and has complied on the following page with the requested
.Letter or Transmittal. This letter is signed by Jerry A. Edgerton Sr. Vice President of
Mel's Government Division., Mr. Edgerton is an official with MCl and is 'authorized to
b:ind the company.
Section 2
Tab 1 - Letter of Transmittal
... _._-
Jerry A. Edgerton
Senior Vice President
Government Marlcets
1945 Old Gallows Road
Suite 400
Vienna, VA 22182
Telephone 703 343 6900
Fax 703 343 6902.
October 13,.2005
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Govemors Office of Budget and Administration
Bureau of Infrastructure and Operations - Network Administration
Ms. GeorgiaA. Baer
1 Technology Park
Harrisburg, PA 17110~~913
Ref: MCIResponse to Sectiop.2 R.FP # 2005-08l-011 for Inmate Telephone Service
Dear Mrs. Baer:
Mcr Communications Services, Inc. ("MC!"), on. behalf ofitself and its affuiates and successors,
is pleased to submit the attached proposal response to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania's
Section 2 ofRFP #2005~081-011-for Inmate Telephone Service.
MCT's proposal is valid until a contract has been fully executed qythe Commonwealth. MCI also
understands that the contents' of the MCT' s proposalwi~l become a contractual obligation if a
contract is executed.
/'' ,
We believe the character of-MCr can be seen in the three fundamental attributes that account for
our succe~s: har.d work, perseverance, and m~st of all, listening to our customers. This dediqatio;n .
is reflected in the company's drive to offer innovative solutions in partnership with our
customer~ .. By sttbmittingthis proposal, we declare our capability and commitment to perfonning
.theve'ry quality work on the PA DOC ITS.
In selecting the MCI Team for the ITS solution, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania will gain a
proven workforce of highly qualified, Mer led professionals who understand the DOC mission
and whoiJossess demonstrated capabilities in creating and maintaining superior inmate calling
If yo~ have any questions regarding the enclosed proposal, please feel free to contact Mr. Keith
Eismann, Sr. :Manager, Department of Corrections 'Line ..of Business. His contact information
. Phone#:
Email Address:
(210) 484·3177
.20855 Stone Oak Parkway
San Antonio~ TX 78258
Senior Vice Presid t, Government Markets
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
Tab 2 - Mandatory Requirements
To be eligible for evaluation, the mandatory requirements in Part 3 of this RFP MUST be
addressed in this section by indicating ACCEPTANCE of each. NONACCEPTANCE OF ANY
If there are any conflicts between the answers to the mandatories and any answers in any other
section of the proposal, the answers in the mandatories will take precedence in any contract
that may be entered into as a result of this RFP.
Mel Response:
MCl has read understands and has complied.
ill the attached form MCr has noted its compliance with each of the mandatory
requirements of the RFP.
Section 2
Tab 2 - MandatoryRequirements .
---------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
Part 3
- Mandato,!, Requirements
2.3·1. Mandatory Requirements:
To be eligible for evaluation, each of the fol/owing mandatory requirements MUST be
addressed in this section by indicating ACCEPTANCE of each. NONACCEPTANCE OF ANY
If there are any conflicts between the answers to the mandatories in this section, and any
answers in any other section of yoUl~ proposal, the answers in this section will take precedence
in any contract that may be entered into as a result of this RFP.
Mel Response:
1. The Contractor has read and understands the terms and conditions of
this RFP and the proposal is made in accordance with the requirements _
contained herein.
2. The Contractor understands and aclmowledges that all information
provided by, and representations made by, the Contractor in its proposal
are material and important and will be relied upon by Office of
Administration in the evaluation of the proposals and award of the
contract. Any misstatement shall be treated as fraudulent concealment
from Commonwealth of Pennsylvania of the true facts relating to the
submission ofthe-proposal. A misrepresentation shall be punishable under
Section 4904 of Title 18 P.C.S.A. "
3. The commissions in the Commission Section of this proposal have been
arrived at independently and without consultation, communication, or
agreement with any,other competing Contractor.
4. The commissions in the proposal have not been disclosed to any other
finn or person who is a proposer or a potential proposer and they shall not
be disclosed before the proposal receipt date and time.
5. No attempt has been made or shall be made to induce any firm or
person to refrain from submitting a proposal or to submit a proposal with
lower colnrn.issions, or to submit any intentionally low or noncompetitive
proposal_or any other fonn of complementary proposal.
Section 2
Tab 2 - Mandatory Requirements
- ----------------------
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
6. The proposal is made in good faith and not pursuant to any agreement
or discussion.with, or inducement from any finn or person to submit a
.. complementary or other noncompetitive proposal. '
7. The Contractor, its affiliates, subsidiaries, officers, directors, and
employees are not currently under investigation by any govennnental
. agency and have not in the last four years been found in conflict with or
found liable for any act prohibited by State or Federal law in any
jurisdiction, involving conspiracy or collusion with respectto bidding on
any public contract, except as disclosed by the Contractor in its proposal.
·8. The Contractor acknowledges that if it is currently under suspension or
debarment, its proposal may not be considered. In addition, if the
Contractor enters into any subcontracts under the contract with
subcontractor who are currently suspended or debarred by the
Commonwealth or federal government or who become suspended or
debarred by the Commonwealth or federal government during the tenn· Of,l
the contract or any extensions or renewals thereof, the Commonwealth
may, in its sole discretion, require the Contractor to terminate such
9. The Contractor agrees that no costs for preparing any contract will be
charged to the Commonwealth for the response to this RFP. (Part 2.1, 1-7)
10. Do you agree that your signed proposal arrives at the Department of
Correction's Central- office Building, by the time, date, and at the location
specified in the RFP cover letter, that it will be immediately disqualified?
(part 2.1,1-10)
11. Do you agree that your proposal will remain valid until a contract is
fully executed by the Commonwealth? (part 2.1, 1-11)
12. Do you agree not to sell or use lists of pay telephone numbers, names,
addresses, or other privileged infonnation for any purpose, except as
outlined in the RFP?
13. Has the Commission Data been bound, SEALED, identified as
"Commission Data" and kept separate from the Technical Portion arid
Disadvantaged Business Submittal Portion ofyourproposa1? (part 2.1, 124)
Section 2
Tab 2 - Mandatory Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
14. Has the Disadvantaged Business Submittal data been bound, sealed,
identified as "Disadvantaged Business Submittal" and kept separate from
the TechnicalPortion and Commission Portion of your proposal?
15. Do. you certify that-you do not owe any tax liability or other amount to
the Commonwealth?
16. Do you agree that you will authorize the Commonwealth to offset anystate and local tax liabilities of the Contractor or of any of its subsidiaries,
as well as, any other amount due to the Commonwealth from the
Contractor, against any payment due to the Contractor under this or any,
other contract with the Commonwealth?
Section 2
Tab 2.;.. Mandatory Requirem.ents
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Serv,ices
RFP No. 2005-081-011
Tab 3 - Management Summary
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvaflia is seeking, a Contractor to perform the tasks and services
outlined in Part 5 of this RFP. Through their proposal, Contractors must demonstrate their
expertise in providing these services. In this Tab, the Contractor must:
Provide a description of the Contractors l,lnderstanding of the purpose of this RFP.
Mel Response:
MCl has read, understands/and complies by providing the following description ofMCl's
understanding ofthe purpose of this RFP.
MCl understands that the Commonwealth is seeking both payphone and inmate phone'
services, and that it is the preference of the Commonwealth to award on~ contract to a
single vendor. Therefore, MCl's proposal includes providing all RFP required services
for both the public payphone and inmate phone service.
MCl understands that the Commonwealth is seeking an innovative solution for the
provision of these services and the RFP sets out the minimum requirements related to'
, both systems. MCl's proposal includes innovative solutions in the area of both public
payphonesand inmate phones, iilcluding value added services that are not available from
any other contractor that will provide the Commonwealth a proposal under this RFP.
MCl believes that based on its experience and the experience of its support
subcontractors, its proposal to the Commonwealth for inmate telephone services either
meets, exceed, or expands upon all of the Commonwealths objectives listed above
Inmate Telephone Services
MCl understands and provides' a solution to the Commonwealth for the :furnishing,
installing, and maintaining related telecommunications systems to provide inmate
payphone services and to control inmate calling and recording systems from the
Department of Corrections (DOC) State Correctional InstitUtions (SCI).
MCl understands and provides a solution to the Commonwealth to ensure highly reliable,
high quality service on a collect calling and prepaid -basis for use by the inmates of the
SCls and provides a state-of-the-art call control system and astate-of-the-art call
monitoring arid recording system be integrated into the inmate service.
In addition, MCl's proposal for inmate telephone services was created taking into
account the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania's four (4) major inmate telephone service,
1. To ensure the provision of high-quality service for the inmates at SCls.
2. To set up a control system for inmate telephone calling services that provide '
detailed stationed message infonnation and that reduce as much as practical
illegal activity by inmates using the inmate telephone system.
Section 2
Tab 3 - Management Summary
- - - - - - - - - - - - ------------
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
3. To setup a system, integrated with the call control system, for,monitoring and
recording calls from the inmate telephones to ascertain illegal activity and to
support the legal prosecution of perpetrating parties.
4. .To receive a competitive market-driven commission from inmate telephone calls
while recognizing the Contractor costs of providing the inmate call control and
monitoring/rec_ording systems.
Present a summary of its proposal that includes an overview of the approach to '
completing the tasks identified in Part 5.
Section 2
_Tab 3- Management Summary
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
Mel Response:
MCr has read, understands and has provided below an overview ofMCl's approach to
completing the tasks as required by the C~mmonwealth for both public payphone and
inmate telephone services.
MCr has more experience as a Prime Contractor providing rTS services to state
department of corrections then any other company. Throughout MCl's sixteen plus years
of experience in the inmate phone services business, we have established a reputation for,
our ability to combine call control and recording capabilities into a seamless solution for
Mcr currently provides services to 16 state correctional programs. In aggregate, the total
inmate popUlation within these states exceeds 600,000. The spectrum of inmate
popUlations ranges from our largest state customer, California, with more than 200,000
inmates, to the State of Wyoming with 900 inmates. Regardless of size, the common
denominator among our customers is the fact that they can count on Mcr to provide.
reliable inmate calling services. MCr has drawn on our experience to design the
technical and management solution for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
MCl Pennsylvania Team
MCr will serve as the prime contractor and direct the activities of our team to provide the
services and products required for the DOC Program. MCr, VAC and ShawnTech
Communications, Inc. will install the call control, call processing, and call recording
systems. ShawnTech along with dedicated MCr technicians will install and maintain the
inmate phones, in addition to maintaining the call control, call'processing, and call
recording system. Furthennore, the fact that our team members enjoy a successful
history working to gether ensures the Commonwealth will have pro gram continuity while,
we apply the individual strengths of each corporation to fulfill contract requirements and·
provide superior customer service.
VAC will provide the Focus 100 Call processing technology along with the required
investigative and call control features specified by the RFP. VAC's team of seasoned
professionals will install and test the systems and will provide training to appropriate
facility personnel. In addition, V AC will provide both remote and local technical support
to MCl as needed throughout the project duration.
ShawnTech is orie of the premiere state department of corrections ICS support companies
today and is utilized by MCr in the majority of its state contracts. ShawnTech is the
, current provider of PIN administration in the Commonwealth's existing contract for rTS.
MCr chose to employee ShawnTech for this very reason and expects that ShawnTech's
experience as the existing provider will provide for a smooth transition to the new system
and will ensure that the PA DOC wi-lJ-experience minimal changes in process and
Focus 100 Inmate Call Control and Investigative Features.
Section 2
Tab 3 - Management Summary
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
The VAC Focus 100 call processing platfonn is a digital premise based centralized
platform. This means that the rcs system equipment will be located at each facility
processing offender calls. SpecIfically, each facility will have a VAc "Focus 100 call
processing system, administrative workstations to perform all Focus 100 system
.functions (e.g. investigative fimctions, reports,. offender identification and PlN and
allowed call list administration, etc.), along with a minimal amount of network
MCr feels that an on-premise solution like the Focus 100 vs. a centralized solution
(whereby centralized off-premise equipment provides call control and stores calls
recordings) is the most reliable and is less risky for Pennsylvania DOCS. With having a
premised based solution there is·no risk of a single failure point - that ifproblems exist
with either the centralized system or the network feeding the centralized system location
- the problem will affect1he call processing capabilities of all the facilities under the
centralized solution. Under a premise based solution, a problem that may exist with the
cali processing system or network at any given facility will affect only that facility and
not all facilities.
Because ofMCl's large customer base, MCr has significant network and back office \
infrastructure in place today. MCr is also the only vendor that utilizes its own private":,,.' ..
owned and operated Network so support its ITS customers. This means that MCr can
control all calling systems fromthe Imnate to the called party.
Private Secure Network
MCr will establish and maintain a closed, secure, wide area network (W.PJ'f) to connect
all of the DOC facility-based systems, user workstations, and the DOC Headquarters with
.' a central database server located. at VAC's headquarters in Plano, TX. The installation of
the 'facilitY-based Focus 100 platform connected to a central database server viaWAN
offers significant improvements 'over the platfoIm in use today.
Call Recording and Cal! Detail Re~ord StoragelRedundancy
As calls are processed, a duplicate copy will be made and sent to the central database
server. This process will :bereplicated at each DOC facility, effectively creating a
redundant copy of all call detail·records (CDRs) generated by DOC facilities. Each
Focus 100 system will have hard drive arrays for the storage of the PA DOCS stated one
(1) year of call recordings. The .central database server also will store a redundant copy of
an inmate's PIN and allowed list of call recipients.
Because all ofthe relevant information from each facility will be stored redundantly at
the central database server and updated on a call-by-call basis as each call is attempted,
system-wide reporting will be available fi'om any location on the WAN. This means that,
. for example, the chief investigator for all prisons will be able to query all DOC facilities .
for a CDR from any workstation connected to the WAN without logging into each
facility and running the report request. Furthermore, our proposed solution will '
safeguard the Commonwealth's mission-critical data from a single point of failure.
Should a catastropbic event, such as a tornado or a direct lightening strike, disable the
Section 2
Tab 3 - Management Summary
........ _-
_-_ .. - .-._---------._---_._-------;--------
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services,
RFP No. 2005-081-011
system, we will install a repla:ceme~t platfonn and populate it with the affected facility's .
data that is stored at the central server, and the recordings from either the onsite backup
device or by downloading all reoordings. froJl1 the Mer offsite baokup data warehouse.
Support Resources
MCr is offering the CorrmlOnwealth a fully. staffed field support engineering team.
Through MCl's subcontractor, Sha'VVllTech, Mcr will support the rcs remedial and
preventative maintenance with five (5) field engineers located throughout the
Commonwealth. In addition, Mer is offering ·the Commonwealth with the optio~ of
having six (6) administrative support staffifthey are centralized within a single locationq,
or sixteen (16) administrative support staff for a'decentralized(on:"site at the facilities)
Value Added Services
In addition' to the above, MCr will offer the Commonwealth the following, Value Added :
Services. These services will be provided at no cost to the Commonwealth.
-8 .
Investigative Management System
,-Site Monitor
e . Snitch .Line
Automated I:nmate Data Exchange Program {Nee)
Investigative Management System
MCr developed the nv.r:s investigative tool specifioally forits Inmate Calling System
(rCS) customers. 1MS wa.s designed to facilitate safe, secure, and orderly operations for
·staff, visitors, and inmates/wards by.helping to identify gang members and monitoring ....: ,.....
their phone activities.
Section 2
Tab 3 - Management Summary
-..J.Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
Mel Customer WEB Site
MCI is offering to the Conimonwealth, access to our secure Web Tools. Access to this
site will be restricted to only those individuals that the Commonwealth grants pennission.
Additional toolsavail,able at this site, allows those users to loole up Billing Name and
Address (BNA) informatio.n on a phone number.
BNA Look-Up utilizes all the databases that MCI utilizes to verify BNA when
completing all types of calls. The BNA Look-Up feature allows investigators to do BNA
look-up for phone numbers regardless if the number has been dialed as part ofthe ITS
services~ This feature can aid investigations. This BNA Look-Up is separate from the
BNA infonnation provided within the ICS system as part of the Call Detail Record data
In addition, BNA Look-Up can assist DOC staff in detennining who the local exchange
carrier is for the phone number, and ifthe number is blocked or prevented from receiving
inmate calls, and if blocked, why the block is in place (e.g. non-payment, cell phone, .
etc.). The figure below sh~ws all the infonnation that wi11be provided when the BNA
Look-Up is utilized.
Site Monitor Tool
.... ;.
The Site Monitor tool is a revolutionary method for monitoring the health of the entire
ICS solution from a frame relay wide area netwo.rk (WAN) connection to the ICS
pllitfonn. It communicates with each system every 15 minutes to verify that the platfo.rm
and network are fully operational. Thus, it will notify MCI on a near-real-time basis of
any suspected service-impacting event, enabling MCI to begin problem resolution
facility staffbecome awareofthe probl,em.
MCrs Site Monitor tool is an ~tel1igent device that can mo.nitor multipl~, geo.graphically··. '
diverse locations, each with unique features, resolution time frames and calling
parameters. The functions.o.fMCl's Site Mo.nitorare performed from MCl's
development facilities in Sacramento, CA. By maintaimng a physically diverse lo.catio.n
for monitoring, MCI c~ iq.itiate tro.uble tickets even ifthe entire Commo.nwealth is
without service. Another benefit 'of placing the Site Mo.nitor functions in Sacramento. is
that MCl's DOC Account Team can leverage its internal on-site develo.pment resources
and implement programming enhancements to the system.
Identifying potential service-impacting events is the first step of proactive monitoring,
and alerting key staffto these events is seco.nd. Once an event is identified, key MCl
Acco.unt Team personal, field operations personnel, and the Service Center staff are sent
a text page as well as a prio~ty email alerting them of the event. If requested, MCI can
also ensure that DOC perso.nal are:notifi~d.
Snitch Line
The Snitch Line allows an inmate to express concerns o.r to. report or criminal
activities to correction officials via an anonymous message. To enable this feature, the
leS system installed at each location will be programmed to recognize a number that an .
Section 2
Tab 3 - Management Summary
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No, 2005-081-011.
inmate can dial to report a crime tip. The rcs will identify the call as a Snitch Line
message and record it on the system hard drive, just as a call recording is stored. Snitch
Line recordings can be easy identified by facility staff. Because the Snitch Line
recordings are maintained on the rcs system in the same manner as recorded calls, each
Snitch Line recording can be searched easily from an administrative workstation using
the same search features that are available for recorded calls.
Each Snitch Line recording will be enclosed in a proprietary security envelope, which
ensures the chain of custody by protecting the recordings from tampering or alteration.
Automated Inmate Data Exchange Program (Nee)
rn ordeJ: to streamline the PIN" assignment process, MCr is also willing to offer the
Commonwealth an automated process by which the Commonwealth can send a PIN
infonnation file electronically (XML File Format) to Mcr in the appropriate data
exchange format. The Focus 100 system in conjunction with our NCC (Network Control
Center) system will provide PIN account creation, updating, and random automatic PIN
numbering if DOC so desires. All PIN assignments will comply with DOC policies and
Present a description of how the staff resources required by this RFP will be provided.
InclUde timeframes for providing these resources.
Mel Response:
MCr has read, understands, and provides the following infonnation
, in response to this
" . All required staff resources for MCr and its subcontractors are in support ofMCI's
proposal to the Commonwealth are in place today, .except for the ShawnTech provided "
field service engineer~, who
be hired by the date ofthe :6.rst installation ofICS
services at a Common~ealth ,facility.
Mcr currently supports sixteen (16) other state departments of corrections with back
office and support staffthat are already in place. No additional back office and support
staff will be required to support the Commonwealth. Mr. Mike Spadoni, the MCr
Technical Consultant, is currently supporting Mcr and therefore is ready to begin
supporting the Commonwealth upon contract award.
The Program admiDistrator required by tins RFP is already hired, as stated elsewhere in
this proposal. As are the sixteen (16) administrative support staff provided by
ShawnTech in support of the Commonwealth today. So regardless of the administrative
suppOli solution chosen by the Commonwealth, the administrative staffwill be in place at
contract signature,
Section 2
Tab 3 - Management Summary
0 ••
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
MCI Response:
MCl has read, understands and has provided below an overview ofMCI's approach to
completing the tasks as required by the Commonwealth for both public payphone and
inmate telephone services.
Mcr has more experience as a prune Contractor providing rTS services to state
department of corrections then any other company. Throughout MCl's sixteen plus years
of experience in the ilUllate phone services business, we have established a reputation for
our ability to combine call control and recording capabilities into a seamless solution for
Mcr currently provides services to 16 state correctional programs. In aggregate, the total
inmate popUlation within these states exceeds 600,000. The spectrum of inmate
popula:tions ranges from our largest state customer, California, with more than 200,000
inmates, to the State of Wyoming with 900 inmates. Regardless of size, the common
denominator among our customers is the fact that they can count on MCr to provide.
reliable inmate calling services. Mcr has drawn on our experience to design the
technical and management solution for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania:.
MCI Pennsylvania Team
MCl will serve as the prime contractor ~d direct the activities of our team to provide the
services and products required for the DOC Program. MCr, VAC and ShawnTech
Communications, Inc. will install the call control, call processing, and call recording
systems. ShawnTech along with dedicated Mcr technicians will install and maintain the
inmate phones, in addition to maintaining the call control, call processing, and call
recording system. Furthermore, the fact that our team members enj oy a successful
history working together ensures the Commonwealth, will have program continuity while,
we apply the individual strengths of each corporation to fulfill contract requirements and,
provide superior customer service.
VAC will provide the Focus 100 Call processing technology along with the required
, investigative and call control features specified by the RFP. VAC's team of seasoned
professionals will install and test the systems and will provide training to appropriate
facility personnel. In addition, VAC will provide both remote and local technical support
to MCl as needed tlrroughout the project duration.
ShawnTech is oneofthe premiere state department of corrections rcs support companies
today and IS utilized byMCr in the majority of its state contracts. ShawnTech is the
current provider of PIN administration in the COrnn1onwealth's existing contract for ITS.
MCI chose to employee ShawnTech for this very reason and expects that ShawnTech's
experience as the existing provider will provide for a smooth transition to the new system
and will ensure that the PA DOC will experience minimal changes in process and
Focus 100 Inmate Call Control and Investigative Features'
SeCtion 2
Tab 3 - Management Summary
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
The VAC Focus 100 call processing platfonn is a digital premise based centralized
platfonn. This means that the ICS system equipment will be located at each facility
processing offender calls. SpecIfically, each facility will have a VAc Focus 100 call
processing system, administrative workstations to perfonn all Focus 100 system
. functions (e. g. investigative functiops, reports,. offender identification and PIN' and
allowed call list administration, etc.), along with a minimal amount of network
MCI feels that an on~premise solution like the Focus 100 vs. a centralized solution
(whereby centralized off-premise equipment provides call control and stores calls
recordings) is the most reliaDle and is less risky for Pennsylvania DOCS. With having a
premised based solution there is·no risk of a sil;lgle failure point - that ifproblems exist
with either the centralized system or the network feeding the centralized system location
- the problem will affect the call processing capabilities of all the facilities under the
centralized solution. Under a premise based solution, a problem that may exist with the
call processing system or: network at any given facility will affect only that faqility and
not all facilities.
Because ofMCl's large customer base, MCI has significant network and back office
infrastructure in place today. MCI is also the only vendor that utilizes its own private,,:", .
owned and operated Network so support its ITS customers. This means that MCI can
control all calling systems from.the Inmate to the called party.
Private Secure Network
MCI will establish and maintain a closed, secure, wide area network (WAN) to connect
. all of the DOC facility-based systems, user workstations, and the DOC Headquarters with
a central database server located. at VAC's headquarters in Plano, TX. The installation of
.' the 'facilitY-based Focus 100 platfonn connected to a central database server via WAN
offers significant improyements 'over the platfoTIn in use today.
Call Recording and Call Detail Re~ord StoragelRedundancy -
As calls are processed, a duplicate copy will be made and sent to the central database
server. This process will :be replicated at each DOC facility,effectively creating a
redundant copy of all call detail·records (CDRs) generated by DOC facilities. Each_
Focus lOO system will have hard drive arrays for the storage of the PA DOCS Eltated one
(1) year of call recordings. The .central database server also will store a redundant copy of
an iinnate's PIN and allowed list of call recipients.·
Because all of the relevant infonnation from each facility will be stored redundantly at
the central database server and updated on a call-by-call basis~s each call is attempted,
system-wide reporting wiil be available from any location on the WAN. This means that,
• for example, the chief investigator for all prisons will be able to query all DOC facilities
for a CDR from any workstation connected to the WAN without logging into each
facility and running the report request. Furthennore, our proposed solution
safeguard the Commonwealth's mission-critical data from a single point of failure.
Should a catastrophic event, such as a tornado or a direct lightening strike, disable the
Section 2
Tab 3 - Management Summary
. i
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
system, we will install a replacement platfonn and populate it with the affected facility's
data -that is stored at the central server, and the recordings from either the onsite backup
device or by downloading all recordings from the MCl offsite backup data warehouse.
Support Resources
MCl is offering the Commonwealth a fully staffed field support engineering team.
Through MCl's subcontractor, ShawnTech, Mcr will support the rcs remedial and
preventative maintenance with five (5) field engineers located tlrroughout the
"Commonwealth. In addition, Mer is offering the Commonwealth with the option of
having six (6) administrative support staffifthey are centralized within a single locations,
or sixteen (16) administrative support staff for a decentralized (on-site at the facilities)
Value Added Services
In addition to the above, MCl will offer the Commonwealth the following. Value Added
Services. These services will be provided at no cost to the Commonwealth.
" Investigative Management System
" ,Bite Monitor
e .
Snitch Line
Automated Inmate Data Exchange Program (NCC)
Investigative Management System
Mer developed the Ilv.[S investigative tool specifically for its Inmate Calling System
(ICS) customers. 1MS was designed to facilitate safe, secure, and orderly operations for
staff, visitors, and inmates/wards by.helping to identify gang members and monitoring
their phone activities.
IMS is astand-alone sofuvare application that comprises a Gang Reporting module and
an Employee Reporting module. The modules run outside ofthe rcs, and eaph can run
independently or concurrently with the :other..
The purpose of the Gang Reportingmodule is to track the calling patterns of inmates who
have known gang affiliations in order to identify other, previously unlmown, gang •.
members. The Commonwealth can use this module to compare the called patiy numbers
(_OOs) of those inmates who have been previously identified as members of a gang with
all other inmate c~l1s. The results of this comparison will help. the Commonwealth
identify additional gang members and their gang affiliations.
The pmpose of the Employee Rep Oliing module is to track cal1splaceo. by inmates to .
numbers that are related to the Commonwealth employees working in the institutions.
The system compares the inmate-dialed number to a list of Commonwealth-provided
employee personal phone numbers (e.g., home, cell) to detennine ifinmates are spea1::ing
. to institution Commonwealth employees outside of the institution's walls. .
Seciion 2
Tab 3 - Management Summary
12 .
-----_._-_._- .-.
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
MCI Customer WEB Site
MCI is offering to the Conimonwea1th, access to our secure Web Tools. Access to this
site will be restricted to only those individuals that the Commonwealth grants permission.
Additional tools available at this site, allows those users to look up Billing Name and
Address (BNA) on a phone number.
BNA Look-Up utilizes all the databases that MCI utilizes to verify BNA when
completing all types of calls. The BNA Look~Up feature allows investigators to do BNA
look-up for phone numbers regardless ifthe number has been dialed as part of the ITS
services. This feature can aid investigations. This BNA Look-Up is separate from the
BNA information provided within the ICS system as part of the Call Detail Record data
In addition, BNA Look-Up can assist DOC staffin determining who the local exchange'
carrier is for the phone number, and if the number is blocked or prevented from receiving
inmate calls, and if blocked, why the block is in place (e.g. non-payment, cell phone, .
etc.). The figure below shows all the information that will be provided when the BNA
Look-Up is utilized.
Site Monitor Tool
The Site Monitor tool is a revolutionary method for monitoring the health of the entire
ICS solution from a frame relay wide area network (WAN) connection to the ICS
platform. It communicates with each system every 15minq.tes to verify that the platform
and network are fully operational. Thus, it will notify MCI on a near-real-time basis of
any suspected service-impacting event, enabling MCI to begin problem resolution before
facility. staffbecome aware.ofthe problem.
MCl's Site Monitor tool is an intelligent device that can monitor mUltiple, geographically'"
diverse locations, each with unique features, resolution time frames and calling
parameters. The functions.ofMC~'s Site Monitor are performed from MCl's
development facilities in Sacramento, CA. By maintainIng a physically diverse location
for monitoring, MCI can initiate trouble tickets. even ifthe entire Commonwealth is '
without service. Another benefit 'of placing the Site Monitor functions in Sacramento is
that MCI'sDOe Account Team can leverage its internal on-site development resources
and implement programming enhancements to the system.
Identifying potential service-impacting events is the first step of proactive monitoring,
and alerting key staffto these events is second. Once an event is identified, key MCI
Account Team personal, field operations personnel, and the Service Center staff are sent
a text page as well as a priority email alerting them of the event. lfrequested, MCI can '
also ensure that DOC personal are:notified.
Snitch Line
The Snitch Line allows an inmate to express concerns or to report suspicious or criminal
activities to correction officials via an anonymous·message. To enable this feature, the
leS sy.stem installed at each location will be programmed to recognize a number that an
Section 2
Tab 3- Management Summary
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
inmate can dial to report a crime tip. The rcs will identify the call as a Snitch Line
message and record it on the system hard drive, just as a call recording is stored. Snitch
Line recordings can be easy identified by facility staff. Because the Snitch Line
recordings are maintained on the rcs system in the same manner as recorded calls, each
Snitch Line recording can be searched easily from an administrative workstation using
the same search features that are avaIlable for recorded calls.
Each Snitch Line recording will be enclosed in a proprietary security envelope, which
ensures the chain of custody by protecting the recordings from tampering or alteration.
Automated Inmate Data Exchange Program (NCC)
In order to streamline the PIN assignment process, MCr is also willing to offer the
Commonwealth an automated process by which the Commonwealth can send a PIN
information file electronically (XML File Format) to Mcr in the appropriate data
exchange fonnat. The Focus 100 system in conjunction with our NCC (Network Contro,l
Center) system-will provide PIN a~count creation, updating, and random automatic PIN
numbering if DOC so desires. All PIN assignments will comply with DOC policies and
Present a description of how the staff resources required by this RFP will be provided.
Include timeframes for providing these resources.
MCr has read, understands, and provides the following infonnation in response to this
,'; ,All required staff resources for Mcr and its subcontractors are in support ofMCl's
'proposal to the Commonwealth are in place today, ,except for the ShawnTech provided "
field service engineers, who
be hired by the date of the first installation ofICS
services at a Commo~wea1th facility.'
Mcr currently supports sixteen (16) other state departments of corrections with back
office and support staff that are already in place. No additional back office and support
staffwill be required to support the Commonwealth. 1'1.&< ¥ike Spadoni, the MCI
Technic~l Consultant, is currently, supporting MCI and therefore is ready to begin
supporting the Commonwealth upon contract award.
Thfl Program administrator required by this RFP is already hITed, as stated elsewhere in
this proposal. As are the sixteen (16) administrative support staff provided by
ShawnTech in support of the Commonwealth today. So regardless, of the administrative
support solution chosen by the Commonwealth, the administrative staffwill be in place at
,contract signature.
Section 2
Tab 3 - Management Summary
- - - - - - - - - . - - - - - ..
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
Explain how the project will be administered from a corporate level.
Mel Response:
MCl has read, understands, and provides the following infonnation in response to this
MCl's Department of Correction Line of Business, lead by Mr. Steve Viefhaus, Director,
has overall administration and management authority for the successful implementation
and on going performance of the Commonwealths proj ect covere~ by this RFP. The
Department of Correction Line of Business is part of MCl' s Government Markets, State
and Locale Enterprise Solutions' organization.
The follo~ing is a list of MCl's management-level positions providing oversight and
corporate level administration of the proposed services. Each of these management-level
positions have direct responsibility for the administrati,On of perfonnance of the reSUlting
.Mr. Steve Viefhaus
Department of Corrections Line of Business
Phone: (636) 793-3457
Mr. Viefhaus provides overall organizational strategic management and directives to
meet Line of Business and company goals and objectives., For the Commonwe~lth
contract, Mr. Viefhaus will provide executive level support, oversight and guidance of all
MCl operational, account, and field services resources supporting the Commonwealth. In
addition Mr. Viefhaus will be the Commonwealths point of contact for any necessary
executive level escalations. Mr~ Viefhaus has been with MCl for approximately 25 years· .
and has'b~ensupporting the MCl Department of Corrections line of business since its
inception in 1989.
Mr. Keith Eismann
Sr. Sales Manager
Department of Corrections Line of Business
Phone: (210) 484-3177
Mr. Eismann is the Senior Manager for MCl's Department of Corrections Line of
Business with national responsible for sales and contract management. Mr. Eismann will
provide oversight and direction to the WA DOC MCl assigned Account Manager to .
insure positive customer relations, contract compliance, and day-to-day account
management. In addition, Mr. Eismann will be responsible for meeting the business
requirements of the contract and interacting with DOCS operations staff., Mr. Eismaim's
experience in and knowledge of the Corrections Market is highly regarded as he has
supported this Line of Business for the past 11 years. His understanding of the industry
. Section 2
Tab 3 - Management Summary
RFP No. 2005-081-011
and management skills allows him the ability, to effectively manage MCl's Department of
Corrections Customer base.
Mr. PatrickPIine
.sr. Operations Manager, Eastern Region
Department of Corrections Line of Business
Phone: (518) 433-4019 .
Mr. Pline is the Senior Regional Operations Manager for MCl's Department of
Corrections Line of Business, responstble for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. For
the Pline responsibilities will include management oversight of the
day-to-day activities of MCl's Operations, Technical Support, Field Maintenance Repair
and Inmate Administration personnel dedicated to supporting the Commonwealth. In
addition MY: Pline is responsible for overall projecfand program management, and
Commonwealth's contact for 2nd level field operations escalations. For over 10 years Mr.
Pline has supported MCl's offender calling services programs field operations activities
for Eastern US regional customers.
Explain how the prime Contractor plans to monitor and evaluate the performance of
subcontractors (if used) and Contractor personnel.
Mel Response:
MCr has read, understands, and provi'des the' following information in ~esponse to this
During the implementation period of this contract, MCr will be monitoring, evaluating~
"and providing feedback to each subcontractor on their performance practically daily.-,
, This. is feedback is part of MCl's standard implementation process and procedures. '
..... ;
After implementation and for the first year, Mcr will meet with the Commonwealth
every six months, or other period of time' deemed necessary, to obtain feedback on the
performance ofMCl and its subcontractors. Each meeting with the Commonwealth will'
be followed by a meeting with each of MCl's subcontractors to review the
Commonwealths feedback and MCr comments and feedback to assure that subcontractor
performance meets or exceeds the MCl and Commonwealth contractual requirements as
well as any other subcontract requirements between MCl and the applicable
Explain the prime Contractor's experience and ability to assemble the best qualified
consortium of service providers/subcontractors that can provide innovative and cost effective
solutions which meet or exceed the requirements of this RFP.
Section 2'
Tab 3 - Management Summary
, ... ·.11
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
MCI Response:
.MCl has read, understands, and provides the following inf9rmation in response ·to this
MCr has a long term relationship with each of the subcontractors it is proposing to utilize
to meet the Commonwealths requirements. MCl and its inmate call processing equipment
provider Value Add,ed Communications, Inc. have a relationship in the inmate calling ,
industry for over eight (8) years. MCl and its preventative and remedial maintenance,
and PINlDebit/System administrative support provider ShawnTech Communications, Inc.
have a relationship in the inmate calling industry for over eleven (11) years. And MCl ,
and its public payphone provider have a relationship in the public payphone support
; .,
industry spanning more than twelve (12) years.
MCr'hasworked withmost ofthe available subcontractors over the more than twentyfive (25)inmate telephone services contracts over MCl's sixteen (16) years in the
industry. We have established a long term relationship with those that have MCl's .
comilritment to service and customer satisfaction. MCr has gathered the best ofthese
subcontractors to assemble MCl's service team that will support the Commonwealth.. :
MCl knows how to provide inmate telephone services to a state - that is what we
on arid that is what w~ do best. We bring to the table in support of the Commonwealth .,:, ·:.L:;·
those subcontractors that also know what it takes to nieet state department of corrections
requirements. Again, MCr is not using the Commonwealth as a testing board to see if we "
can provide quality. service to mUltiple facilities over a long distance, tens ofthousands of, ..
inmate, and hundreds of thousands called parties - we do this every day. So is the case:
also for Value Added Communications, Inc. (VAC), ShawnTech Communications, Jnc.,'
and Pacific Telemangenient Serv:ices (PTS) for our payphone service offering. We .have
chosen these subcontractors to meet the Commonwealth's r~quirements for this reason..
Mcr has read, understands, and provides the following information in response to this
MCl has a long term relationship with each of the subcontractors it is proposing to utilize .
to meet the Commonwealths requirements. MCr and its inmate call processing equipment
provider Value Added Communications, Inc. have a relationship in the inmate calling
industry for over eight (8) years. MCl and its preventative and remedial' maintenance,
and PINlDebit/System administrative support provider ShawnTech Communications, Inc. .
have a relationship in the inmate calling industry for over eleven (11) years. And MCl
and its public payphone prOVIder have a relationship in the public payphone support
industry spanning more than twelve (12) years.
Section 2
Tab 3 - Management Summary
Explain the Contractor's ability to effectively control and manage the strategic and
operational aspects of,a con'sortium of service providers/subcontractors which will alloW the
prime contractor to commit to liqUidate damages.
MCI Response:
. Payphone and Inma~e Telephone Services
First and foremost, MCr as the prime contractor and as part of its standard fully managed
inmate telephone solution is the customer's single point of contact for any aspect of the
inmate telephone service solution. The Commonwealth will not be required to contact
any of our subcontractors directly.
:There will be a single toll free number for the Commonwealth's trouble reporting to the
MCl. This trouble/help desk is not subcontracted out 8:!1d is staffed by Mcr employeflS.
The MCr DOC Help Desk has worked with these subcontractors to support other
department of corrections MCr customers; they know our subcontractors escalations and
process. As stated throughout tIlls section, there is no learning curve between MCI:and it
subcontractors. Processes and procedures are in place and have been tested over time,
Second,MCr MCl's Technical Consultant and Regional Manager have contact and .
escalation infonnation for each subcontractor.MCr and its subcontractors have worked
successfully. with each other in the past, and MCr will escalate quickly and with resolye.if
contractually committed to timeframes are in jeopardy of being exceeded.
Finally, MCl's and its subcontractor's upper management provide active oversight of any
potential problem that cannot be readily resolved at lower levels.
. 8.
Explain how the prime Contractor will work as a team with their subcontractor on this
Section 2
Tab 3 - Management Summary
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
Mel Response:
MCl has read, understands, and provides the following information in response to this
MCl has a long term relationship with each of the subcontractors it is proposing to utilize
meet the Commonwealths requirements.
. to
MCl and its inmate call processing equipment provider Value Added Communications,
Inc. have a relationship in the inmate calling industry for over eight (8) years. MCl and
its preventative and remedial maintenance, and PINlDebit/System administrative support
. provider ShawnTech Communications, Inc. have a relationship in the inmate calling,
industry for over eleven (11) years. And MCl and its public payphone provider have a
. relationship in the public payphone support industry spanning more than twelve (12)
I years.
In short, MCl and the subconn;actors proposed have worked as a team supporting
customer~ for an extensive period of time. There is no learning curve as to how each of
. olii subcontractors work and their knowledge ofMCr workings. The MCr fully managed
service will not be a test bed for a new subcontractor, but the cQntinuation of existing
teamwork arid relationships between staff and management that has resulted in
successfully customer service and satisfaction for many previous years and for years, in
the future.
Does the prime Contractor typically manage a consortium of contractors to compete for
services pertaining to this RFP? Provide examples.
Section 2
Tab 3 - Management Summary
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
lYlCI Response:
MCr has-read, understands, and provides the following information in response to this
MCl's Department of Corrections Line of Business currently supports sixteen (16) state
departments of corrections, providing a fully. managed inmate telephone system and
service. All of the sixteen (16) contracts in support of the fully managed inmate
telephone services include the management of at least one (1) and up to four (4) ~
subcontractors. Under MCl's fully managed inmate telephone service standard offering!
these subcontractors usually provide Mcr:
• Inmate call processing equipment, workstations, associated inmate telephone
services and investigative software and upgrades, and 2nd level call processing
equipment support;
• Preventative and remedial maintenance of call processing equipment,
workstations, inmate telephones, arid other inmate telephone system components; ~ ,(
• ~ PINlDebitl and sy.stem administration support staff; and
•~ ,~
• Preventative and remedial maintenance, coin collection, and polling of public
, pay,phones, as may be necessary to meet the RFP requirements.
As always, Mcr as the prime contractor and as part of its standard fully managed inmate~
telephone solution is the customer's single point of contact for any. aspect of the inmate
telephone service solution.
~ ., ~
The Commonwealth'should note~ thatMCr is one of the only inmate telephone services:
contractors that carries all calling traffic over it's own network. In addition and unlike :';' ~
most inmate services contractors, MCr does not subcontract its trouble ticket help desk
nor its called party. customer service center.
, ,'~ ':.
10. Provide the name, title, telephone number, FAX number, mailing address, e-mail
address, and work hours ofa person who will be available to answer any questions concerning
its proposal.
Section 2
Tab 3 - Management SummaI)'
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
Mel Response:
Mcr has read, understands, and provides the following infonnation in response to this
The following individual will be able to answer any questions concerning Mel's proposal
to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania:
Mr. Keith Eismann
Phone: 210-484-3177
Fax: 210-484-5208
Attn: Mr. Keith Eismann
20855 Stone Oak Parkway
San. Antonio, TX 78258
Mr. Eismann is available·to be contacted anytime from 8am to 6pm, Central Standard·
Time. Mr. Eismann is also available anytime via is cell number (210) 385-2350.
Section 2
Tab 3 - Management Summary
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
Tab 6 - Technical_Requirements
In addition to the following information, Contractors must include in this tab response to all
information requested in Part 2.5-A through ~ 2.5 D (change per addendum #28.9.05) of
this RFP, include Attachment 5 Department of Corrections (DOC) Inmate Telephone Cutover
Schedule, Attachment 11 Installed Equipment Form, Attachment 12, Environmental
Mel Response:
Mer has read understands and has complied in the pages that follow with detailed
responses to RFP Section 2.5-A through 2.5 D. Mel has also completed the requested
Attachment section 11, 12 and Envir~nmental section and included these responses in
this proposal.
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical ReqUirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
Installed Equipment: The Contractor must include with its proposal:
A. System B and System C: Inmate Telephone Service, Prepaid Inmate Telephone Service and
Monitoring and Recording Equipment/System.
A minimum list of five customers located in the United States with a system having all of
the operational characteristics as the system being proposed in response to this RFP. Names,
addresses, points of contact and telephone numbers are required.
See Attachment 11 for the format for providing the information.
It is the intention of the Evaluation Committee to call one or more of the listed contacts to
di,sGUSS the installed system(s).
Mel Response:
Mer has' read, understands and has complied.
The requested Customer Listing has been provided within PA Attachment 11 ofthis
proposal using the fonnat requested in Attachment 11 of the original RFP.
D. Demonstration:
Basic Requirements:
The Commonwealth may require Contractors whose proposals are determined by the
. Commonwealth, in its sole discretion, to be reasonably susceptible of being selected for aWard,_
to.provide a demonstration of System Band C as an integrated entity. The demonstration of
Systems Band C as proposed in the RFP shall be conducted at a Contractor customer
location. No demonstration that is required by this RFP may take place at a Pennsylvania DOC
facility. A minimum of six (6) and not more than seven (7), Commonwealth representatives will
be a part of the team reviewing th~ demonstration: The Contractor shall be responsible for ',:
reimbqrsing the Commonwealth for the travel expenses of the representatives of the
Commonwealth to attend the demonstration(s).
Reference Attachment 13 giving the content of information on the current expenses under the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Governor's Office Management Directive 230.1 0 for lodging·,
SUbsistence and transportation. After the·demonstration .Commonwealth personnel will process
travel documents through the Comptrollers Office which reviews the document and supporting
documentation. The Comptroller's Office will issue a document to each Contractor stating the
dollar amount that it must reimburse to the Commonwealth.
No Contractor may subsidize charges, nor may it provide gifts, gratuities, upgrades, free meals,
free rooms, free transportation, etc.
Mel Response:
MCr has read, understands and will comply.
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
Name and Location of Demonstration Site:
The name and location of the System Band C institution proposed as the site for the
demonstration shall be included in the response to this paragraph in the proposal.
Mel Response:
Mel has read, understands and has complied with the proposed demonstration site below.
This facility was recently installed, under separate agreement, as an extension of Mel's
contract with the Colorado Department ofCorrections. The equipment installed is ,
equivalent to MCl's proposed VACl System 100.
Cheyenne Mountain Pre-Release Center
2945 East Las Vegas
Colorado Springs, CO 80906
DateslTimes Controlled by Office of Administration:
The date and times of the demonstration will be coordinated by the Office of Administration.
The Office of Administration retains the right to reject a demonstration site and date proposed
by the Contractor andto reqqire an alternative(s) from the Contractor.
Mel Response:
MCl has read, understands and agrees.
System(s) to be Demonstrated:
The system(s) to be demonstrated must be operational, completely integrated, in production, and
in operation at the site.
Mel Response:
MCl has read, understands and submits that the proposed site listed within this section
is operational, completely integrated, in production and in operation site.
• ;"'M'
Responsibility for Cost: '
The Office of Administration will not be responsible for any costs incurred by the Contractor in
conducting the demonstrations. The Contractor must reimburse the Commonwealth for the
traveling expenses of the Commonwealth representatives.
Mel Response:
MCl has read, und~rstands and will comply.
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
...... .
" :
Payphone and Inmate Telephone SelVices
RFP No. 2005-081-011
Details of Demonstration:
1. . The demonstration for System B shall consist of a series of telephone calis placed from
inmE:)te stations; both collect and prepaid. The setup and details of these calls are scripted and
the operational demonstration is designed to determine the effectiveness of the proposed
systems in meeting the operational standards as presented in Part 5 - 2.5-A. The calls shall be
placed and received by members of the Evaluation Committee and/or individuals designated by
the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The telephones used for the calls must be inmate stations
associated with the institution inmate call control system and located in a cellblock or yard in
which multiple stations are· instalred. The calls shall be received using a variety of terminating.
switches/station equipment.
Mel Response:
MCr has read, understands and will comply.
The demonstration of System B shall consist of a series of telephone calls placed from
and to text telephones (TTY) that would be used by an inmate. If a demonstration cannot be
provided then a detailed written explanation must be given as part of the demonstration of the...
integrated system.
Mel Response:
Mer has read, understands and will comply.
The demonstration of System B shall consist of a demonstration and/or explanation of
mechanical cut-off control switches proposed. If a demonstration cannot be provided then a
detailed written explanation shall be given.
Mel Response:
Mer has read, understands and will comply.
The Contractor shall· demonstrate System C (monitoring and recording
equipment/system) qy operationally demonstrating that it meets the requirements of the RFP as
presented in Part 5 - 2.5-C. It is desired that the Evaluators get "hands on" experience with the :
system. If a demonstration can't be provided then a detailed written explanation shall. be given.
Mel Response:
Mer has read, understands and will comply.
Since the requirements of the RFP are to be considered minimum, each Contractor is
encouraged not only to propose, but also to demonstrate, additional features considered
desirable by the Contractor tnat will be made available to the Commonwealth as part of the
services provided under this RFP.
Mel Response:
MCr has read, understands and has complied with additional features offered at not
additional cost the Commonwealth noted throughout this RFP response.
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
.' i
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
Detailed Cutover Schedule: Contractors must submit a detailed cutover schedule with
their proposals, including time frames for the various stages of installation and tests and
acceptance by the Commonwealth for system B - Inmate Telephone Service and Prepaid and
for System C - Monitoring and Recording Equipment/Systems. Reference 2.5-D Common
Requirements - 4 Installation, Transition and Implementation and Attachment 5 Inmate
Telephone Cutover Schedule for providing the schedule.
Mel Response:
MCr has read, understands and has 'provided a detailed implementation schedule in
response to 2.SD item 5 of this Section. MCr has also provided a completed P A
Attachment S - Inmate_ Telephone Cutover Schedule in this proposal response.
Part 5 Systems
2.5-A. System B: Inmate Telephone Service:
General Conditions - Inmate Telephone Service:
No Charge to the Commonwealth: There shall be no charge to the Commonwealth by the
Contractor for the telephone lilies, station equipment, cabling, Contractor work, associated
wiring or any other cost to install and maintain the inmate telephone service. The Contractor is:..
responsible for all costs associated with software or hardware upgrades and licenses. For the,,'
most part the Commonwealth cabling and conduit is provided at all Department of Corrections
locations; however in some instances Contractor may have to supply what is required to
complete the project. At this point, that amount cannot be determined. Estimation would be 1. %
of inmate phones.
The non-coin collect-only inmate stations may be replaced on a one-for-one basis. The
placement of inmate stations, at a minimum. shall meet existing standards and comply with all
Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements. The current Verizon placement of inmate
stations complies with ADA requirem,ents.
Mel Response:
MCr has read, understands and will comply.
. ..
MCr confirms that there will be no charge to the Commonwealth by the Contractor fOT:' '. "
the telephone lines, station equipment, cabling, Contractor work, associated wiring or· any. : " .
other cost to install and maintain the inmate telephone service. MCr also ac1mowledges .' .
that MCr is responsible for all costs associated with software or hardware upgrades and
licenses. In support of this section, Mcr will also comply with all rules and regulations
as they pertain to ADA requirements.
Compliance with Regulations and Law: The Contractor shall comply with all applicable
regulations and mandates set forth by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Public Utilities
Commission (PUC) and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and must meet all
applicable reqUirements of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 and any updates or
replacements of the act. All installations must be in compliance with the Americans With
Disabilities Act to include the installation of text telephones (TTY) as required by the law. The '
Contractor shall not engage in unreasonable practices as specified in FCC regulations.
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
Attachment 14 is Act 181 of2002. This bill amend the Dual Part Relay and Telecommunication
Device Distribution Program Act (Act 34 of 1995) to expand the definition of "person with
disability" to provide telecommunication devices to individuals with a certified disability who
requires TTY technology to access telecommunications services.
MCI Response:
MCl has read, understands and will comply.
. MCl will comply with all applicable. regulations and mandates set forth by the
,Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Pu1?lic Utilities Commission (PUC) and the Federal
Communications Commission (FCC) and will meet all applicable requirements of the
Telecommunications Act of 1996 and any updates or replacements ofthe act. MCr will
also comply with the ADA regulati.ons by installing TTY phones as required by law.
Responsibilityfor Permits. Nom·enciature. and Specs: The Contractor is responsible for
all permits applicable to the installation, operation, and maintenance of the telephone
equipment and systems, associated wiring, and dial tone services. The Contractor shall provide
the detailed nomenclature of the equipment that shall be used. Technical specifications shall be
. proviged for all station eqUipment and telephone systems proposed.
'MCI R e s p o n s e : . ;.,MCr has read, ~derstands and will comply.
As the prime contractor, MCr its accepts its responsibility for all pennits applicable-to
the installation, operation, and maintenance of the telephone equipment and systems, all·.associated wiring, and dial tone services. MCl will supply a detailed nomenclature.of
the equipment that shall be used, and technical specifications for all station equipment
and telephone systems.
Billing Name and Address
. CPU:.
Central Processing Unit
Focus 100:
The main controlling unit or server of the ITS
Gigabyte (1,000 MB or Megabytes of memory)
Graphical User Interface
HSS Disk Arrays:
Section 2
Hot Swappable Spare, meaning that the Hard Disk Drive
may be replaced while the system is still up and running.
Investigative Management System I Gang Manager
Inmate Telephone System
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
- ;
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
. RAID 0
Originally RAID stood for "Redundant Array of
Inexpensive Disks". The word Inexpensive has since
been replaced with "Independent". RAID is a system of
using multiple hard drives for sharing or replicating data
among the drives. Depending on the version chosen, the
benefit of RAID is one or more of increased data
integrity, fault-tolerance, throughput or capacity
compared to single drives. RAID is broken out into the
follow standard types:
"Disk Striping" High IIOPerformance / Speed
"Disk Mirroring" High Data Reliability / Fault Tolerance
Bits (rather than bytes or groups of bytes) are interleaved across
multiple disks. (not very widely used)
"Parallel Transfer Disks with Parity" High Data Reliability &
Highest Transfer Capacity
"Independent Transfer Disks with Parity" Similar to Level 3, but:
-. manages disks independently rather than in unison. Not often
. used.
:. RAID 5
"Independent Access Array with Rotating Parity" High Data
Reliability & Transfer Capacity
Interface consisting of a standard port between a
computer and its peripherals that is used in some
computers [syri: small computer system interface, SCSI]
Wintel ITC7042:
Inmate Phone which is Powder Coated cold rolled steel.
The Focus 100 system is designed for m~"{imum uptime and reliability by using the.
highest quality components and latest technology available today. The principle
hardware building blocks of the Focus system are the Intel Dialogic telephony cards, the
Intel SC5300 server, and the SCSI RAID5 HSS disk arrays.
The carrier grade Intel Dialogic computer telephony hardware cards are recognized in the
industry for their high availability and cutting edge technology. VAC specifically chose
the Intel Dialogic hardware for the Focus 100 system for the reliability.
The Intel SC5300 Server provides up to 730 watts of power with redundant supplies,
contains seven fans that provide excellent thermal perfomlance, supports up to 10 hotswappable disk drives, and is one of the most reliable computer telephony chassis
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
available today. Using dual Xeon CPUs with hyper threading technology, the SC5300
chassis is unbeatable in performance and reliability.
The Focus 100 SCSI RAIDS Disk arrays are configured with hot swapp able spares to
~sure ~he optimum availability and will be backed up on site to another external disk
Temperature: 35-90°F; Humidity: 2-98% non-condensing
Power Requirements
115VAC, 20 amps (up to 2 required in Full-height Rack)
Focus1QO Digital Trunk
Up to 1,536 stations x 1,536 trunks in 4 Racks
Focus100 Analog Trunk
Up to 1,536 stations x 1,104 trunks in 4 Racks
24" x 37" x 48" Max: Analog: 96 stations x 72 trunks
Digital: 96 x 96
Stand-alone System
Full-he~ght Stru.d-ai~ne Sy.stem
'24" x 37" x 76" Max: Analog: 288 stations x 216.trunks!.
Digital: 288 x 288
* For comparison purposes only.
There is no theo,retical system capacity limitation.
Following are the known capacities of the Focus 100 System:
Individual Inmate Accounts - There is no capacity limit to the number of inmate
accounts that can be supported on the Focus 100 system.
Call Records - There is no capacity limit to the number of Call Records that can be
·maintained.on the Focus 100 system.
Simultaneous Administrative Users -- There is no limit to the number of
simultaneous administrative users on the Focus 100 system.
W orkstations/PCs - There is no capacity limit to the number of workstationslPCs
.that can be supported on the Focus 100 system.
Simultaneous Live Call Monitors - There is no capacity limit to the number of
simultaneous live call monitors on the Focus 100 system.
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
Inmate Telephones - There is no capacity limit to the number of inmate telephones
that can be supported on a Focus 100 system;
Simultaneous Telephone Calls - There is no capacity limit to the number of
simultaneous inmate ~elephone calls supported by the Focus 100 system.
Call recordings are stored on a state-of-the-art RAID 5 Disk Array that consists of several·
separate and inter-linked hard drives. This redundant design helps prevent data loss. A .'
recorded call could continue to be played back in its entirety even in the event one of the
drives fails and has to be replaced. Recorded calls are stored in a non-volatile, power
independenfmemory that ensures data integrity, even under severe conditions. The
Focus 100 hard drive system features expandable memory capabilities and simple call
archiving m~thods. The system features 100% real~time call recording capability, and
will be able to record all inmate calls placed from any inmate phone located within the
facility, simultaneously.
.:The hardware components of the ITS are:
1. ·Server
Intel SC5200 series 5U Server NEBS compliant chassis
SE7500 series motherboard
2 2.4 GHz Xeon CPUs
10 SCSI ~lots per chassis (- 2.S TeraBytes of available disk storage using
292GB SCSI drives w/ raidS HSS)
2. Djsk Arrays
\. ".~.
RaidS HSS SCSI w/ dual channel U320 ROMB disk controller .
, ,~
".Cheetah 292GB, 146GB, or 73GB SCSIU320 3.5LP 10KRPM SCA driv~s
3. Telephony boards
Intel Dialogic lIDSI (High Density Station Interface) Cards to Inmate phones
Intel Dialogic DMV 600B and 1200B - 48 and 96 port CO trunk interface cards
The Shadow digital Call recording technology is an integrated component of the inmate
call processing system andwi11 record each and every conversation initiated through the
system (except identified attorney/privileged calls) twenty-four (24) hours a day 365 days
a year and at any time a call is placed, even all calls simultaneously, which includes both
the inmate and the called party. Even call attempts that were not connected are
maintained and recorded which allows for investigators to research such call attempts.
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Mel. '
RFP No. 2005-081-011
MCl is proposing to provide and utilize Wintel lTC7042 inmate
telephone station instruments. Wintel formerly known as Phillips and
Brooks/Gladwin (PBG) is the leading manufacturer ofinmate
telephone station equipment utilized through the State and County
Correctional markets. ,The Wintel ITC7042 inmate telephone set is a
proven product providing security, reliability and durability despite
the harsh correctional and j ail inmate facility environments. The
telepho'ne instrument utilizes pin in head security screws that can only
'" be removed with a special screwdriver to protect access to the inner
workings of the phone. This phone instrument utilizes line power, is
UL approved, and complies with the applicable NEC requirements.
Please refer to the specifications allocated in the following
" , illustration.
The overwhelming choice for State Prison Systems, The
Federal Bureau of Prisons and County Facilities
• ,Proven reliability~ durability, and flexibility.
" DuraClear® Technology ITC7042 Full Size Blue All-in-one electronic dial
features modular incoming line wN01. Control and handset connecti~:ms
for quick maintenance. Carbon (HS) and DuraClear® (DURA) Handsets
have separate 4-pin connections.
• Built-in user controlled volume "LOUD" button for ADA mandated volume
control (user-controlled volume amplification AND volume must reset to
normal with on-hook to meet ADA requirements)
• Powder Coated cold rolled steel provides rugged vandal resistant telephone
housing designed and built. for inmate use
Confidencer technology, built into every dial, filters out background noise
at the user's location, allowing better sound to the called party
• Heavy chrome metal keypad bezel, buttons, and hookswitch lever withstand
abuse and vandalism
• All telephone, stations are equipped with a compact tamper resistant
window card holder.
• All telephone station features, including size, mounting hardware, meet
telephone industry standards.
• All telephone stations are equipped with armored handset cord is equipped
with a steel lanyard (1000# pull strength) and secured with a 14 gauge
retainer bracket for maximum vandal resistance. Handset has a sealed
transmitter and receiver caps, suitable to withstand heavy use and abuse.
Section 2
Tab 6- Technical Requirements
:-, .
.. ~._ .-~~-~~~~~~~~~~;
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
Handset has sealed transmitter and receiver caps, suitable for heavy use and
abuse locations
Pin-in-head security screws minimize tampering
• ,Hearing aid compatible and FCC register~d (DF4USA-75652-CC-E)
The dimensions of this phone are 2 %" depth x 20 7/8" tall x 7 7/8" width. Through
MCI's experience in the industry, we believe this model best meets the needs of the
requirements set forth in this" RFP; however other
more compact models are available.' If DOC would
like a more compact model of phone than proposed,
MCI will present all choices. to DOC and come to
agreement as to which model 'DOC believes best
meets its needs. These other models are available at
no additional cost to DOC.
MCI will supply Ultratec' Supercom 4400 or
compatible TTY phones. MCI will maintain these
phones. at no cost to DOC.
d. '. . Equipment may be same as Installed or Equal: Contractors may propose the same type
of station equipment (inmate pho,nes) that are currently in place, an approved equal, or an ,
upgrade. If an equal or an upgrade is proposed, documentation shall be submitted to support .
thatJact. Refer Attachment 1 Payphones in P l a c e . . " ;";'.
Mel Response:
.' .- 'MOr has read, understands and will comply-.
As noted in the above section, 2.5-A.l.e, MCr is offering to replace each phone with a
higher quality phone that will produce crisp, rich sounding quality that is further
amplified in the recordings to offer the highest possible quality.
i; .
Other Features: The Contractor shall include in its proposal a listing of any features that
are considered advantageous to the Commonwealth that are not listed in this RFP which shall
be furnished with the proposed eqUipment. This listing shall clearly identify that the features are
provided at no cost to the Commonwealth.
Mel Response:
MCr has read, understands and will comply.
MCI has read, understands and is offering value added services at no charge to the
Commonwealth. Mel has listed below the following Value Added Services:
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
'1,\: .
, ---:-~
Payphone and Inmate'Telephone Services
Investigative Management System
• 'Site Monitor
Snitch Line
A~ttomated Inmate Data' Exchange Program (NCO)
':These advanced services, will provide the PA ~()C withthe ~bi1ity aid their .
.investi~ators in valuable record gathering.
. 'j.
MCI Valne Added Service Offerings
Investigative Management Sy.stem
MC! offers its Inve~tigative Management System (nv.rS~ value~added the!
Commonwealth at no additional cost. Upon request for this feature; MCr will work .
with DOC representatives and site perso:imeHo implement the feature and'provide the
. necessary training to DOC staff.
. MCl developed. the .MS :investigative tool specifically for its Inmate Calling System::
(reS) customers..nv.rS was
:for~' ,
Y~"'J.L,U.LO" and' mates/wards
JJ~"''''~~IU that Qom:pris~s. a
,UI.I'"''''''"''' The modules run outside
,with t4e other.
nm· ,'.
. the aPPlication co~bines tlrre~ sets of data that. can be searched by user-initiated :'
querie~. ,The fust'datasource, proVided by.MOr, is a database 'created :from call-detail
• •••
.DbC perso~el who h~~e an.J1Y.[S ~ser name andpass~ord will be: able to access the
Web-based application. and..peiiorm queriesfro:ni an
easy-to-learn, ~sei~frienc1ly, intuitive
application. "
is an·
Section 2'
-Tab:6 -lebhni~al R~quirelDents
- 61
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " ' - - - - - - - : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , , - ,----....-:...........
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
·~i. ';
':' !
. ..
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
MCf""Customer Web Site
I ..
MCIis offering to the Commonwealth, access to MCl's secure Web Tools. Access to·
this site will be restricted to only those individuals that the Commonwealth grants.
. pennission. Additional tools available at this site, allows those users to look up Billing
. Name and Address (BNA) information· on a phone number...
BNA information can be obtained via MCl's web tools - see information below.
BNA Look-Up value-added feature can be provided by MCl to the Commonwealth at
no additional cost. Upon request for this feature, MCl will work with DOC
representatives to implement the feature and provide the necessary training to
Commonwealth staff
BNA Look-Up utilizes all the databases that MCl utilizes to verify BNA when
completing all types of calls. The BNA Look-Up feature allows investigators·to do
BNA look-up for phone numbers regardless if the num~er has been dialed as part of the
ITS services. This feature can aid investigations. This BNALook-Up is separate from
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
: .:
:: .
: : ,~ ::
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
Mel. ----------------------------------
the BNA infonnation provided within the lCS system as part of the Call Detail Record
data requirements.
In addition, BNA Look-Up can assist DOC staff in determining who the local exchange
carrier is for the phone number, and if ~e number is blocked or prevented from
receiving inmate calls, and if blocked, why the b~ock is in place (e.g. non-payment, cell
phone, etc.). The figure below shows all the information that will be provided when the
BNA Look-Up is utilized.
OJG Status: UNBLOCKED - Code
from SACCVG01
LIDS Status: UNBLOCKED.; Code 711 from SACCVG01
BNA Lookup
...... .
.::.: .
Mel Site Monitor
The site monitoring application is a value-added feature that MCl can offer to the
Commonwealth at no additional cost.MGl will provide access to this tool and data to ,a
limited number of DOC and Headquarters staff Upon request for t4J,s feature, MCl will
work with DOC representatives and site personnel to implement the feature and provi<;1e
the necessary training to DOC staff.
The Site Monitor tool is a revolutionary method, for monitoring the health of the entire
lCS ~olution from a frame relay wide area network (WAN) comlection to the lCS
platfonn. It commUnicates with each system every IS'minutes to verify that the platform
and network are fully operational. Thus, it will notify MCl on a near-real-time basis of
any suspected service-impacting event, enabling MCl to begin problem resolution before
facility staff become aware ofthe problem.
In addition to checking the health of the system every 15 minutes, the Site Monitor
appliCation perfonns the following tests and checks:
• !Ping. Site Monitor will proactively "ping" the Cisco IP router and ICS server
located at each DOC site to verify network connectivity to the facility systems
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
and that they are active. MCl will immediately take steps to resolve the
problem before it is evident to facility personnel.
• Call Failures. Once per hour the Site Monitor will calculate the number of
failed call attempts against the total number of attempts-unbillable andlor
failed vs. completed billable calls. When a high failure rate is detected, the
system will' automatically generate an alarm, prompting the MCl Service
Center and Network Operations Center to troubleshoot the problem and begin
appropriate resolution activities.
• Call Blocks. Once per hour the Site Monitor will calculate the number of
blocked calls against the number of completed or billable attempts. If a high
block rate is detected, the system will automatically generate an alarm that
prompts Mel's investigation and resolution activities.
• Billable Calls. Once per hour the Site Monitor will compare each facility's
number of billable calls against historical volume for the same day and time
period (e.g., the past three Tuesdays for the one-hour time period of 5 :00 PM
to 6:06 PM CDT) to identify aberrations in call volume. This process helps
identify possible service-impacting events. For example, a site that shows a
zero usage traffic volume could indicate the occurrence of a major outage or
simply that the site is in lockdown or delayed inmate count status ..
MCl's Site Monitor tool is an intelligent device that can monitor multiple, geographically
diverse locations, each with unique features, resolution time frames and calling
parameters. The functions ofMCl's Site Monitor are performed from MeI's
development facilities in Sacramento, CA. By-maintaining a physically diverse location
for monitoring, MCl can initiate trouble tickets even if the entire Commonwealth is
without service. Another benefit of placing the Site Monitor functions in Sacramento is
thatMCl'sDOC Account Team can leverage its internal on-site development resources
and implement programming enhancements to the system.
Identifying potential service:-impactingevents is the first step of pro active monitoring,
and alerting key staf~to th~s,e even,ts is second. Once an event is identified, key Mel
Account Team personal, fie~d opera,tionspersonnel, and the Service Center staff are sent
a text page as well as a priority. email alerting them oftlie event. If requested, MClcan
also ensure that DOC personal are notified.
The figures below depict the MCl Site Monitor tool's screen shots. Red indicates a
potential service-affecting issue worthy of investigation. Yellow indicates that a red
issue has occurred and is in the problem resolution process. Blue indicates all is well and
nonnal. Black indicates the absence of site traffic.
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
. . ,.•..
. :""
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
Site Monitor Report I State View
Site Monitor Report I Site View
As an added diagnostic reporting feature, Mel's MaxPrm Daily Performance reporting
application willpoll all Focus 100 system installations on a daily basis. This application
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
measures and reports daily performance levels, such as the number of
completed/accepted calls, the total nuinber of call attempts, call validation performance,
the number of failed call attempts, and the number of blocked calls. The MaxPrm
application then compares this data against a sophisticated measurement model that it
builds from historical data to identify any irregularities or sudden changes. If established
thresholds are exceeded or fall short of expectations, they will be flagged and reported
daily to MCl's Technical Support and Field Operations Team.
This measurement model can be adjusted on an installation-by-installation basis to ensure
accurate comparisons. The DOC can request these customized reports on a daily basic.,
The figure below is an example of a MaxPrm daily report showing attempted calls and
completed calls by site.
[Unit Details]
Files Billable UnBill Sus
MCl-Vendor lD
------------------- ----- - - - - - - - - --------
Ctr .
VADC :BSOl-910'8
VADC:BT01 9158
VADC: CDO.1-911S
Section 2
Unit Name
3 AUG-Augusta Corr Ctr"
3 BON-Bon Air Juvenile .;.
1 BCK-Buckingham Corr.
4 BLN-Bland Corr Ctr
4 BEA-Beaumont Juvenile,
2 BTT':'Botetourt Corr.
3 BRS-Brunswick Corr.
, 1
2 BSK-Baskerville Corr
3 BAR-Barrett Juvenile
7 CWD-Coffeewood Corr.
0 CHF-Chesterfield Men
0 CHM-Chatham Diversion
0 CLF-Culpepper Juve Just
0 CRL-Caroline Corr. Ctr
2 CSP-ColdSprings Corr
1 DNW':'Dinwiddie Corr. Ctr
10 DPM-Deep Meadoow Corr
1 DRF-Deerfield Corr. Ctr
3 DYL-Dillwyn Corr Ctr
Tab 6- Technical Requirements
, unit,
, VADC :JMOl-9129
, VAD<;! :LUOl-9.133
Ctr ,
VADC :PCOl-9138
VADC: PTO 1-9.140
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
17 FLU-Fluvanna Corr Ctr
18 GNV -Gre'ensvil1e Corr
3 HVN-Haynesvil1e Corr
1 HLF-Halifax Corr Ctr
2 HRR-Harrisonburg Dent
2 HAN-Hanover Juvenile
0 HYV-Haynesville Corr
14 ICC-Indian Creek Corr
2 JMR-James River Corr
1 JWC-James River Work
11 LRV-Lawrenceville Cor
22 LUN - Lunenburg Corr. ':
9 MCK-Mecklenburg Corr
2 NAT-Natural Bridges' JCC,
2 NTT-Nottoway Corr. Ctr,
3 PCH-Pocahontas Corr
2 PLS-Pulaski Corr Unit
RDO-Red Onion st Prison
RSB-Rustburg Corr Unit
SBR-St Bride's Corr Ctr
SCX-Sussex I St Prison
11 SHN-Southampton Corr
1 STF-Stafford Det Ctr
22 SUX-Sussex II St.
0 TZW-Tazewell Corr Unit
2 VRG-Virginia Corr Unit
2 WHP-White pOst Corr
13 WRD-Wallens Ridge Corr
Mountain Cor
0 MRN-Marion Corr&Treat
0 PTH-Patrick Henry'Corr
7 PWH-Powhatan Corr Ctr
1 RDC-Reception & Diag
RHH-Richmond Women's
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
1 wSE-Wise Corr unit
MaxPrm Daily Performance Report
MCI Snitch Line
The Snitch Line value-added feature can be provided by MCr to the DOC at no additional
cost. Upon request for this feature, Mcr will work-with DOC representatives and site
personnel to implement the feature arid provide the necessary training to DOC staff:
The Snitch Line allows an inmate to express concerns or to report suspicious or criminal
activities to correction officials via an anonymous message. To enable this feature,;the
rcs system installed at each location will be programmed to recognize a number that an
inmate can dial to report a crime tip. The rcs will identify the call as a Snitch Line:
message and record it on the system hard drive, just as a call recording is stored. Snitch.
Line recordings can be easy identified by facility staff. Because the Snitch Line
recordings are maintained on the rcs system in the same manner as recorded calls, each·, .
Snitch Line recording can be searched easily from an administrative workstation using. '
the same search features that are available for recorded calls.
:t· J,
, .....
Each Snitch Line recording will be enclosed in MCl's proprietary security envelope, :
which ensures the chain of custody by protectmg the recordings from tampering or» ;
Automated Inmate Data Exchange Program ( N e C ) :
NCe would provide a mechanism for the Commonwealth to submit an agreeable source
of data for processing by MCr. MCr would provide feedback on any problems to DOC
regarding any issues with the creation or updating of inmate PINS. The data exchange
would be handled by NCC through the use of an FTP server as the transport mechanism
to accept a full-dump of PIN data reporting from DOC on a daily bases, or at other·
predetermined intervals.
The MCr NCC system comprises ofthree main players, namely DOC, Mer MAXSEC,
and VAC. The role of each player is explained below:
DOC uploads PIN data files to the FTP server.
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
.:.. !
..i ..
In order to streamline the PIN assignment process, MCr is also willing to offer the .
Commonwealth an automated process by which the Commonwealth can send a PIN, . ".
information file electronically (XML File Format) to MCr in the appropriate data :.;'. :..
. exchange format. Depending on the method selected by the Commonwealth,
implementing the NeC automated function of PINs could be completed within 30 to 60 .
days if the Commonwealth deSIres. The Focus 100 system in conjunction with our NGe
(Network Control Center) system will provide PIN account creation, updating, and •.
random automatic PIN numbering if DOC so desires. All PIN assignments will comply
with DOC policies and procedures.
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
MAXSEC is MCl's PIN support organization and systems.
downloads PIN data files from the FTP server, detennines PIN changes, and
sends PIN changes to VAC.
VAC updates ITS databases and configures inmate call privileges.
Depending on DOC requirements, MAXSEC will send to VAC a batch of PIN changes,
at a frequency of once a day. VAC will check for PIN changes every 5 minutes. PIN
changes sent by MAXSEC will be updated on the ITS immediately. Additional detail
relating to the NCC process is below:
, ,t
DOC uploads PIN data to FTP server (at an agreed upon frequency).
MAXSEC downloads
MAXSEC sends PIN changes to the NCC gateway server by inserting PIN update
records into a table in the update database located on the NCC gateway server.
VAC scans the update database every 5 minutes for new update records. For
each new update record, VAC updates the site data using the update record and
flags the update record.
Section 2
data and creates PIN changes (adds, edits, and
. ....
VAC does real time replication of site data to the NCC gateway server. Inmate
database is replicated at both the Plano, TX cluster servers and on the VAC
Richardson, TX cluster servers to ensure for a fault tolerant PIN administration
MAXSEC runs queries against the NCC gateway server. Because V AC does real
time replication of the site data to the NCC gateway server, the data accessed by
MAXSEC is·the same as the site: data.
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
Network Control Center Architecture
PIN Update Database:
The PIN update database (pinUp dates) contains two tables that hold changes in pin data;
They are the tblPinChanges and tblAllowListChanges. They are shown below with their .
sizes and MS SQL data tyPes.
Section 2
Tab 6- Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
PIN Database Table
There are three kinds of updates, Add, Edit, and Delete. For each add or edit record, the,'
fields to be updated "Will cont,ain non-null values. All fields that contain null values. in: an ;.'
add or edit record must. be ignored. Delete records will typically contain fields InmateIP ;.
and ContractID only..
PIN Updates
The pin update record specifies the data to be modified and the o.peration field indicates ~; ::
what typ.e o.fupdate toperfo.rm. If the o.peration field value is U (update or edit) o.r D " ';':'
, (delete), the Co.ntractID and InmateID field co.mbinatio.n serve as a unique key to. identify,.
: which reco.rd is to. updated o.r deleted. When an update ispro.cessed, the updatereco.rd ' .
must be time stamped in the TimeUpdated field. ' I .
Text Telephones: Automated Inmate Telephone System Relegations DC-ADM 818:
Contactors will refer to Attachment 9 Department of Corrections Automated Inmate Telephone
System policy number DC-ADM 818, VI Procedures B. Telecommunication Devices for the
Hearing Impaired, as follows.
Facilities housing hearing impaired inmates shall provide Telecommunication Devices for
the Deaf (TIyrrDDs) to provide communication to or from hearing or speech-impaired persons.
Mel Response:
MCr has read, understands and will comply.
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
The Pennsylvania Relay Service allows persons to use TTY/TDDs to communicate with
hearing impaired and speechcapable persons and vice-versa, through the assistance of
specially trained operators.
The toll free numberfor operator assistance for placing TTYITDD calls is 800-855-'1155.
MCI Response:
Mer has read, understands and will comply.
Mer will provide TTY/TDD 800 service connecting to 800-855-1155 for hearing or
speech-impaired persons;'
No toll-free and emergency numbers, e;g., 8,00, 888,,911; with the exception of toll-free'
numbers for the Pennsylvania Relay Service for TTYITDD equipment for the hearing impaired,
, are permitted to be used by the Contractors in the design of the proposed system.
The Contractor shall be notified by the DOC of need for a text telephone (TTY) and the
designated SCI. Within ten (10) working days of notification, the Contractor will have the TTY,':
installed. The facility manager or designee will determine the installation location(s) at the
designated SCI. The text telephone shall be provided at no cost to the Commonwealth. The ':
unit shall be an Ultratec Supercomm 44001 OR APPROVED EQUAL. It shall be equipped with a
, :, RJ-11 with a 25 foot mounting cord and include the standard keybpard, battery pack, LED;,,'
,:, ' ':, ',' display and print capability. '
, '
, :,:
,',' " "M~I Response:
:, '
'Mer has read, understands and will comply.
Mer will provide a TTY at no costto the DOC within 10 working days of notification. :
The unit shall be an Ultratec Supercomm 4400 or equivalent. Additionally, the Focus "
100 ITS will prevent calls to toll-free numbers other than those requested for connectivity "
to the Pennsylvania Relay Service for TTY/TDD equipment.
The Contractor shall consistent with Automated Inmate Telephone System Relegations
DC-ADM 818 process the TTY/TDD's calls through the Contractors provided printer(s). The
Contractor shall provide at no cost to the Commonwealth all printers, parts, paper, ink and
servicing for the printers. Contractors will explain their repair plan when TTY/TDD, printers and
other solutions are not working.
MCI Response:
Mer has read, understands and will comply.
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
MCr will
a TTY/TDD Printer and Supplies at no cost to the DOC. Repairs will
be attempted on each unit when notified of such problems. If the TTY/TDD or remote
printer can not be repaired in the field, at the facility, the reporting field technician will
replace such unit.
The Ultratec Supercomm 4400, or approved equal equipment shall be re-programmed to
remove the functionality on the TTYITDD device that gives the ability for an inmate to turn off
the printer and any other feature that the DOC wants removed. Also, install a lock on the nvs
in the area of the batteries so the inmates can't remove the batteries.
Mel Response:
MCr has read, understands and will comply.
MCr will reprogram the Ultratec Supercomm 4400 TTY at no cost to the DOC to prevent
the inmates from turnillg off the printer and any other feature that the DOC wants
removed. Also, MCr shall install a lock on the unit to prevent the removal of the
batteries by the inmates.
4. The TIVITDD shall be programmed for making a 30 minute ca)l
.: .
Mel Response: '
MCr has read, understands and will comply.
.MCr will program each TTY at no cost to the DOC to allow for 30 minute call durations.
5. The Commonwealth is looking for additional services rather then using remote printer(s)to .
record the inmate conversations. The Commonwealth would like the inmate conversation to be
recorded through the inmate system ..
, a.
TTYITDD calls to go through the inmate control system would include the standard pre·
programmed message, that the call is from a Correctional Institution and will be recorded and
monitored, including notice of 1 minute of time remains.
Include the interlata rate quote as part of the script, therefore meeting the FCC
requirements for the called party and originator of the call to obtain the cost of the call.
Mel Response:
MCr has read, understands and will comply.
MCr will include the InterLata rate quote as part of the script meeting the FCC
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
. ,.
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
6. The Contractor shall contact the AT&T Relay Service to have the TTY line PIC to the
Contractor's same long distance carrier that would provide the inmate collect rates and
establish the TTY rates the same rates that the inmates would be charg,ed when making collect
Mel Response:
Mer has read, understands and will comply.
Mer will contact the AT&T Relay center to have each TTY line prc to Mer to ensure
the same inmate collect rates.
7. Information on Telecommunications Relay Service: Telecommunications Relay Services
(TRS) commonly known as TSR provides a relay service for deaf, hard of hearing and/or
p~rson.with speech and language disorders enabling them to communicate via telephone with
the assistance of a trained Communications Assistant (CA). Mandated by the FCC, all of the
states provide Telecommunications Relay Service. The Pennsylvania Telephone Associated
(PTA) presented a Request for Proposal (RFP) to the Public Utility Commission (PUC) in
February 1990, which was reviewed and accepted. Formal offers to provide four prospective
service providers, which were reviewed by a Bid Committee who identified AT&T as presenting.·
the best bid, submitted the contemplated TRS. On May 29, 1990, the Commission issued ar"L,
Opinion and Order at Docket No. M-Q0900239, granting the Petition of the PTA for the purpose
of establishing a Pennsylvania Relay Service for the Deaf, and Hearing and/or Speech
Impaired Community. The May 29, 1990 Order granted the application of AT&T (Docket No. A-·:
310125) for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to provide the relay service
necessary for delivering TRS in Pennsylvania. AT&T has remained the TSR provider in
Mel Response:
,. Mer has read, understands and will comply.
. Install Text Telephones: The Contractor shall include in its proposal the commitment that
Ultratec"Supercomm 4400 or approved equal text telephones (TTY) shall be procured and
installed at the following SCls. Inmates using TTYs are given thirty (30) minutes per session
rather then the inmate's normal using inmate phones having fifteen (15) minutes per session;
Current TTY distribution:
8 TIY SCI Albion (5 Ultratec Miniprint 225 (portable), 1 Ultratec 425
(portable) and 2 Ultratec Supercom 4400 (1 hardwired to a dedicated line)
1 TIY SCI Camp Hill (hardwired to a dedicated line) 1 TTY SCI Coal
1 TIY SCI Graterford
1 TIY SCI Huntingdon 12 Total TTYs
Changing operations to four (4) locations where the DOC-SCI deaf inmates are clustered:
1 TIY SCI Camp Hill 1 TTY SCI Graterford 1 TTY SCI Muncy 1 TTY SCI Albion
If the DOC finds deaf inmates at other facilities, they will try to get them moved to one of the four
(4) sites mentioned above. The only exception will be if the DOC has a hearing inmate at one of
the other SCls requires a TTY so they she/he could communicate with a deaf parent.
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical ReqUirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
MCI Response:
MCr has read, tmderstands and will comply.
MCl acknowledges that the Ultratec Supercomm 4400 or equivalent text phones will be
installed at the facilities identified above in section 2.5-A.1.g.
h. Concurrence for Disconnection/Removal: No inmate stations shall be disconnected/removed
without the concurrence of the Commonwealth.
Mel Response:
MCl has read, understands and will comply.
Upgrades or Replacements - Hardware: The Contractor shall regularly upgrade or
replace equipment with the latest upgrades of technological equipment and software, as
. upgrades are available. The proposal shall state Contractor's plans to make hardware
upgrades and replacements showing both any pre-planned upgrades by the Contractor and all
methods to bE) used to implement upgrades and convert to new versions of items from all other ..
Contractors whose software or hardware may be utilized by this Contractor for the inmate and, i.
monitoring telephone system they propose. Contractor shall promptly within 60 days institute
any upgrades that may become available as requested by the DOC.
Mel Response:
MCl has read, understands and will comply.
. .',"
MCI takes great pride in offering its correctional customers the most up-to-date
inmate/ward calling products and services available ill the marketplace. In addition to
identifying, testing, and marketing new and emerging technologies in the correctional
' ..
marketplace, MCl's internal development organization works with on"-site project teams':;.'. '."
to driv.e product development to meet emerging customer require~ents.
. :... "
All hardware will be kept at a level that is supportable by the manufacturer and any..!··: .'
technology refresh of such hardware will be provided as no cost to the Commonwealth. .'
Any additions, improvements, or enhancements that are developed, tested, and
incorporated as permanent features ofthe ITS System, during the contract period will be
provided to the Commonwealth at no cost and are generally accomplished by automatic
upload to each contracted SCI based system. A system shut down will not be required by
the Commonwealth facilities to benefit from such updates.
Equipment deployed at each SCI site will be maintainec:l, by MCI to meet the
requirements of the RFP and the P A DOC. If at any time, this equipment becomes
obsolete or unsupportable, MCI will review potential alternative solutions and equipment
and present such alternatives/equipment to the Commonwealth for consideration. Upon
agreement by MCr and the Commonwealth for implementation of an alternative solution
or replacement of such equ~pment, Mcr will implement the agreed upon changes at no
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
.;1· !.
... ,....
. ';:.
, ~
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
cost to the Commonwealth. The implementation timeline will be coordinated and agreed
to between the parties.
Federal and State Laws, Rules, Regulations, and Codes:
a. The Contractor shall ensure that all services and equipment proposed· during the term of the
contract complies with all Federal and State laws, rules and regulations including but not limited
to rate making, branding, provision of consumer information, access to local, IntraLata, and
InterLata carriers, accommodations for individuals with disabilities and any applicable
construction, electrical and safety codes.
Mel Response:
MCr has read, understands and will comply.
All services and equipment proposed during the term of the contract complies with ail
Federal and State laws as described above in section 2.5-A.l.j.a.
b. The Contractor must also agree to comply with, and hold the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania harmless from, any subsequent rulings or findings of fact by the Federal
. Communications Commission (FCC) or the Pennsylvania Public Utilities Commission (PUC)"
. regarding cpmpliance with the requirements of an aggregator. The term "aggregator" as used: .. '
above is defined in the Telephone Operator Consumer Service Improvement Act of 1990.
Mel Response:
MCr has read, understands and will comply.
k. Amplified Handsets: The Contractor shall provide amplified handsets for hard-of-hearing
. inmat!3s upon.request..
'Mel Response:
MCr has read, understands and will comply.:
I. Security Testing: The Contractor shall permit the testing.of call detection security
enhancements with the Law Enforcement and C9rrections Technology Center Northeast
(LECTC-NE) as requested.
Mel Response:
MCl has read, understands and will compl:v.
MCl agrees that testing of call detection security enhancements with LECTC-NE shall be ,
permitted as requested. Acceptance will not be Unreasonably denied for implementation
of any new call detection enhancements, but any such testing would be granted for a
predetermined time frame as not to tie any individuals for an extended amount of time
beyond what would be considered reasonable and customary.
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmat~ Telephone Services
Operational Standards: The system for inmate calling service shall have the
following operational standards:
a. One-way, out-going only service.
Mel Response:
MCr has read, understands and will comply.
MCr will allow out-going only service. This is accomplished two-fold: first, the Focus
100 ITS will only provide outbound service, secondly, when MCr orders the outbound
trunks for the Focus 100 rTS, the lines are ordered ONLY with outbound traffic routing,:
eliminating the abip.ty for inbound calls to inmates.
b. No pulse dialing.
Mel Response:
MCr has read, understands and will comply.
The Focus 100 ITS will not allow pulse dialing. Every time an inmate makes or attempts
to make a call, he must initiate the call from an on-hook or hung-up situation.
c. Collect calling, station-to-station calling and prepaid calling.
Mel Response:
MCI has read, understands and will comply.
d. Direct dialed call~ of any type shall be prohibited. By law the inmates are only permitted to
make collect calls or prepaid calls. The system may not permit any direct. dialed calls of any
Mel Response:
MCr has read, understands and will comply'.
Any direct dialed cans will be prohibited, unless the Commonwealth wishes to process
, prepaid calls via direct dial services that would be checked against a allow list for that
individual inmate pm. This feature is programmable and will not. be turned on unless
directed by the DOC.
e. Access to "411" and/or "555-1212" information service shall be prohibited .
. Mel Response:
MCr has read, understands and will. comply.
The VAC Focus 100 computerized call control system prevents calls 'to any unauthorized
numbers and provides the ability to block calls to individual telephone numbers as well as
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
......-._._- .. -
.. -.---
_ ...._-_..- - - - - - - - - -
:::JtPayphone and Inmate Telephone Services
'Mel. -------------------R-F-P-N-o-.2-0-05--0-8-1--01-1
groups of numbers such as 800, 888 and specifically numbers that incur charges
including 900, 972, 976, and 550. This blocking will be configured as part ofthe VAC
manufacturing process prior to installation. Additional blocking can be managed on-site
using the administrative workstation or via remote communications.
The system is pre-programmed to automatically block all incoming calls and inmate
outgoing calls to certain numbers, including the following:
Specific NPA's, such as 411,800,888,877,866,855,550,555,700,900,972,
976, etc.
911 and other emergency service numbers
Telephone numbers for other correctional institutions and inmate telephones at
the same or other LazerPhone sites
Any number requested by the facility
Alternate long distance carriers, via 950, toll free, 10XXX, or other means
International calls (unless allowed by the facility)
In addition, a listing of blocked numbers can be generated and viewed or printed at any
time. Entry of a Blocked number and removal of a block are both accomplished using
the same screen shown below. To remove, the "Block" button is unselected. All block.
maintenance entered in this fashion using the site workstation is implemented within 15
minutes of entry. In addition, the site may phone or email block requests to V AC
customer service for processing. VAC will implement standard requests within 24 hours
or emergency requests within. an hour of receipt.
' ..~
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
f., Access to toll free services 800/888/877/etc, numbers ;;hall be prohibited.
Mel Response:
, MCl has read, understands and will comply.
, The system is pre-programmed to automatically block all incoming calls and inmate
outgoing calls to certain nurribers, including the following:
,'! ,:'
,Specific NPA's, such as 411, 800, 888, 877, 866, 855, 550, 555, 700, 900, 972,
976, etc.
911 and other emergency service numbers
Telephone numbers for other, correctional institutions and inmate telephones at
the same or other LazerPhon,e sites
Any number requested ,9Y the facility
Alternate long distance carri~rs, via 950, toll free, 10XXX, or other means
(unless allowed by the facility)
g. Access to multiple IntraLatallnterLata carriers via toll free/800+, 900+, 950+, 976+, or 10XXX
qpd pthe~ calls as defined from time to time I;>y thfi) Commonwealth shall be prohibited.
,,' , ,
,!':,MCI Response:
,Mer has read, understands and will comply:
The system is pre-programmed to automatically block all incoming calls and inmate
.. ,
outgoing calls to certain numbers, including the following: '
Specific NPA's, such as411, 800, 888, 877, 866, 855, 550,555,700,900,972,
976, etc.
911 and other emergency service numbers
Telephone numbers for other' correctional institutions and inmate telephones at
the same or other LazerPhone sites
Any number requested by the facility
Alternate long distance carriers, via 950, toll free, 10XXX, or other means
International calls (unless allowed by the facility)
h. Access to the "911" emergency system shall be prohibited.
Mel Response:
MCr has read, understands and will comply.
The VAC Focus 100 computerized call control system prevents calls to any emergency
system numbers such as 911 and unauthorized numbers and also provides the ability to
block calls to individual telephone numbers as well as groups of numbers such as 800,
888 and ~pecificallynumbers that incur charges including 900,972,976, and 550. This
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Section 2
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
blocking will be configured as part of the VAC manufacturing process prior to
installation. Additional blocking can be managed on-site using the administrative
workstation or via remote communications.
The system is pre-programmed to automatically block all incoming-calls and inmate
outgoing calls to certain numbers, including the following':
Specific NPA's, such as 411, 800, 888, 877, 866, 855,550,555, 700, 900,
972, 976, etc.
911 and other emergency service numbers
Telephone numbers for other correctional institutions and inmate
, telephones at the same or other LazerPhone sites
Any. number requested by. the facility
Alternate long distance carriers, via 950, toll free, 10XXX, or other means
International calls (unless allowed by the facility.)
All inmate lines shall be blocked from sending "Caller ID" information.
Mel Response:
MCr has read, understands and will comply.
. :.!.
Caller ID will be suppressed on all lines that service the inmate telephones. When Mer
orders the phone lines, the caller ID will be suppressed and'prevented from being
displayed to the Called parties, thus they will not have the capability to identify the
number from which the inmate's call originated.
j. Mechanical cut-off control switches shall be provided to facility officials to control telephone
service availability. Each' facility superintendent shall specify the location of the switches. At the
option of the Commonwealth, the switches shall be located both in the block control facility and
, at the central control security office. The use of the cut-off switches shall not adversely impact
station performance; i.e., no loss of restrictions or programming capabilities upon return to
service. All DOC-SCls have cut off keys and the locations are within the institution, may vary at
locations, and are all the property of Verizon. About 50% of the DOC-SCls have cut off switches
in the central control area and the balance of 50% has switches located in other areas. All the
sites that currently have cut off keys the Contractor may use the installed cabling if a pair is
available, but without disturbing the existing Verizon service. The cut-off control switches are
used in emergencies for quick disconnect of service. When the cut-off control switches are
activated they terminate the call as if it was a hang up and both sides of the call are
Mel Response:
MCl has read, understands and will comply.
Section 2
Tab-6 -Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
The Focus 100 rcs provides several different methods to shutdown individual
telephones, a group of phones, or the total inmate telephone system. Each method is
described below.
MCl will install manual cut off switches for each of the facility's logical groups of
phones. Manual switches are placed at locations specified by facility administrators
allowing correctional officers or authorized administrative staff the ability to selectively
disable a single phone, bank of phones or all phones within the institution.
Single phones, groups of phones, or all inmate telephones can be turned off using menu
options at the system workstation. PIN access within an entire facility and / or within a
particular housing unit may be locally disabled, or may be remotely disabled with the
proper password access.
Also using the provided Workstation, the Commonwealth will have complete flexibility
to establish inmate calling parameters by day of week and hour as seen below. In
addition, general operating hours can be established for the entire DOC, by facility., or by
PIN at the DOC's discretion. The DOC may also choose to control a group of phones'
calling hours, such as the infirmary. Holiday schedules may also be established in order
to offer alternate calling on these defined days. Once these schedules are established,
access to calling by the inmates is automatically controlled by the· system, with no
adnllnistrative intervention required.
Access Control
Section 2
Tab 6- Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
k. Telephone station equipment shall be powered by the telephone line and require no
additional power source.
MCI Response:
Mel has read, understands and will comply.
The phone instruments utilize line power and require no additional power source. All
telephone stations are UL approved, and complies with the applicable NEC requirements.
I. The system shall, by function, be completely integrated with the call monitoring and recording
equipment designed to monitor and record individual inmate calls. The system shall alert the
monitoring station operator that a 'preprogrammed Personal Identification Number (PIN) is
placing a call or that a PIN has dialed a preprogrammed terminating telephone number in the
system. In addition, certain preprogrammed PIN calls shall alert one or more of the
Headquarters Security and Professional Responsibility Offices. It is the responsibility of the
Contractor to ascertain that Systems Band C are appropriately integrated and that the clocking
between Systems Band C is synchronized.
MCI Response:
Mel has read, understands and will comply.
Integrated Audio Recording and Monitoring: The Focus 100 system provides digital, :;.
real-time monitoring and call recording as its standard with the integration of both digital.
audio recording and live monitoring capabilities. On-line call recording storage capacity
can be configured for any number of years as required by the RFP. Additionally,
additionally hard drive space can be added at'anytime to accommodate the necessity to
add additional years of online storage or recordings. Audio monitoring oflive
conversations or recordings can be accomplished by local or remote (VV
or LAN)
access ..
The VPN / WAN network and Frame Relay capabi1itie~ that Mel is offering, will allow
remote or local users to access the entire network and any facility within that network as
though they werephy~ically attached to that ITS serve~ at the facility.
Remote monitoring isperfonnedjust like any other monitoring at a facility whether in
progress live calls or playing back a recorded call. Simply select the call to listen to, and
with the click of a button, you are monitoring that call with the highest digital quality
Section 2
Tab 6- Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Servo ices
RFP No. 2005-081-011
Remote Monitoring via VPN
Monitoring occurs via the investigative workstation using built-in speakers or an optional
headphone set. The investigator can view calls in progress, select the one to monitor and
begin listening in a matter of seconds. Monitoring is undetectable by the calling or the
called parties. If deemed necessary (following discovery of harassment or other
, "ihreatemng conversation) the investigator may disconnect the call in progress.
'. .A great feature which many other vendors. do not currently provide is the ability for an
.investigator to scan all active conversations in a rotating $equence, with the option of
stopping on any call that requires further attention. This feature of AutoScan can be :set '
at a desirable scannip.g interval of seconds ,as shown in the screen snapshot below. In
other words, the investigator can have the system play the first conversation listed on the
screen below over the speakers for set time period (e.g. 15 seconds). After that period of
time is over, the system will automatically move to the next call listed and play that
conversation for the same period of time. This will contmue Until scanning is shut off.
The advantage of this feature is that an investigator can'perfo:i:m other tasks while
listening to portions of calls. If during this,scanning the investigator determines based on
the conversationthaHhey would like to continue to listen to a specific call the scanning
feature can be disabled with a click.
Section 2
. Tab 6 -Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
. Call Monitor in Progress
The Focus 100 has two methods of alerting DOC personnel to calls from ~'hot numbers".
Authorized users of different access levels may establish alert call settings based on
inmate PIN, inmate phone, or called number, as depicted below.
The Focus 100 system allows the setting of alerts on an inmate's phone activity either
based on the inmate PIN, or on the called number, Or on a combination of both the inmate
specific PIN and the called nu.p1ber. When an alerted. call occurs, the call is displayed on
the workstation of the facility staff member that is monitoring such calls.
The SNITCH feature also has the option to call an Investigator's phone number to
announce an alert. This feature can be activated at the Commonwealth's discretion. The
alert notification system annOlmces to the Investigator that all alert event has occurred
and requires him to enter a Personal Identification Number (PIN) as security to ensure the
correct person has answered the phone. Once the PIN is entered and verified, the system
provides instructions to the Investigator that allows him to identify the inmate(s) ofthe
triggered alert and procedures to retrieve and play the recorded conversation of the
alerted call. Once the user has listened to the recording, an option is given to
acknowledge the recording. If the recording is acknowledged, the system will no longer
attempt to contact the user for that specific alert event. The system only attempts to
delivernotifications during specified time of day ranges as defined for each individuaL
Section 2
Tab 6 -Technical Requirements
......- . _ - - - - - - -
.::~ \' !
Payphone and Inmate Telep,hone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
The alert is logged on the CDR record for the call of interest for subsequent playback,
appending of notes and to a CD, if desired.
In addition, the system contains the Alert Notification Report, which provides details for
all calls made by i1ll11ates placed on alert and calls made to telephone numbers that have
been placed on alert status during the designated report period.
SNITCH will allow each "hot number" to be associated with a notification telephone
number and altematenumber. When the "hot number" is called, the system then prompts
a call to the telephone or pager number pre.viously designated by the investigator. This,
number can be any designated telephone (cell or any other number) or pager number. In
the event that the initial call is not answered, a second number can be designated as a
back-up number to alert investigators of the targeted call. As mentioned, the primary and
secondary numbers can be to any telephone number, be it office, residence, cellular, or
m. The system shall be restricted to use in association with authorized PersonalldentificatiQn
Numbers (PIN) assigned to each inmate. Individual PIN lists shall have up to 25 telephone
numbers for outbound purposes, I.e.: 20 inmate selected non-attorney numbers, three (3) for
attorney numbers and two (2) common numbers for administrative purposes. Calls to attorney
telephone numbers shall not be monitored or recorded. The Contractor shall be responsible for
PIN administration.
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
Mel Response:
MCI has read, understands and will comply.
As required, the Mcr solution, Focus 100 will utilize an authorization code (PIN) to
identify each irunate utilizing the inmate telephones. Each inmate account will have a
defined list of allowed numbers ("calling list") which they are permitted to call. The size
ofthis list can be defined by the Commonwealth. In addition, the Focus 100 ITS, unlike
other vendors allows the customer to .specify a "global" list of allowed numbers which
are accessible by all inmates. These numbers do not impact the inmate-specific calling
list. Inmates are strictly. prohibited from calling any number that is not either a) present
on their personal allowed calling list or b) present on the globally allowed calling list.
As the screen below demonstrates, each number listed on the inmate's calling list can
have a variety ofparameters associated. Each entry can have a description of the
number, the preferred language of the called party, a RecordIDo Not Record indicator, a
restriction to allow Debit andlor Collect calls and the ability. to Alert calls by that inmate
to that called number.
Another great feature is the Inmate Phone List Self-Learn Feature which allows the
inmate to place calls until his phone list contains the maximum allowed telephone
numbers. This is a great way to reduce the number of hours a PIN Administrator would
be required to enter numbers on an inmate ' s allow list.
'Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
-....4Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
Telephone numbers that are not routed, such as blocked or misdialed numbers, will not be
added to the inmate's list. When the inmate phone list reaches the maximum allowed
telephone numbers then the inmate will only be able to call the numbers on his list. For a
new number to be added one of the existing numbers will have to be deleted.
Inmate Phone List Self-Learn mode is activated when the "Self Learn" option is selected
in the Inmate Account window and the phone is also selected as "Self Learn" in the
Telephone Location Maintenance window. If either the inmate or the phone does not
have SelfLeam selected then the phone list will not be updated when the inmate places
MCI will be responsible for all PIN administration and can work with the facilities or
DOC to ensure that the proper method of ADDS / CHANGES / DELETIONS to the
allowed list are taken care of in the timeframe requested.
The Shadow Digital full channel recording which is integrated into the Focus 100 ICS,
provides for digital full-time recording; Shadow is an advanced surveillance teclmology
that records each and every call to meet the most demanding investigative requirements.
• Attorney Privilege feature prevents recording and monitoring ofprotected
Section 2
_----_._-_... _ - - -
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
Call Control System: The system shall have a central processor, one or more
terminals/PC at the DOC Headquarters Security Office, the DOC Headquarters Office of
Professional Responsibility, and location processors or system control devices at the SCI's.
(Refer to Part 1, Paragraph 1.1-34, Definitions, for explanation of "central" and "location"
processors). The terminals at Security, Professional Responsibility shall have on-line, real time
access to the database in each SCI location. The DOC staff investigate matters at all DOCSCls.
Mel Response:
MCI has read, understands and will comply.
To meet and exceed Pennsylvania DOC standards, MCI and
VAC will install a state-of-the-art fully automated Focus 100
imnate call management system at no cost to DOC. The Focus
100 is housed in a space-efficient cabinet that contains all
system components and provides easy access to system.
The Focus 100 is a site-based, self-contained centralized
processor, inmate call processing and data management switch
which will be deployed at each of DOC project sites as part of
a WAN-based client-server architecture. The Focus 100
system features digital voice network interface, digital audio
recording, digital call monitoring, and fully scalable CDR and
audio storage capacity. The Focus 100 system is engineered
with the highest level of call processing accuracy and
incorporated an extensive array of call management features
and robust investigative tools which are presented in this
Call Processing Software: VAC will install a state-of-the-art
fully automated inmate call management system to meet the
specific needs of the Commonwealth. This CPU based system
is based on proven telephony technology, designed specifically
to operate with the highest degree of reliability in the
challenging environment of a correctional setting. VAC
developed the proposed system on a foundation of accurate,
reliable call processing - followed by the integration of an
extensive array of call management features and investigative
tools unparalleled in this industry. The Focus 100 system
incorporates both PIN and non-PIN imnate access capability
together with afull range of payment options including collect
and prepaid/debit. User interaction is through a Windowsbased Graphic User Interface and is easy for DOC staff to
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
lmderstand, learn and use.
Processing Capability: The Focus 100 system has self-contained integrated processing
capability in the form of premium quality industry-standard scalable servers.
Operating System: The Focus 100 system operating system is Windows 2000.
Integrated Audio Recording and Monitoring: The Focus 100 system provides digital,
real-time monitoring and call recording as its standard. On-line call recording storage
capacity is for one (1) year as required by this RFP. Audio monitoring of live
conversations or recordings can be accomplished by local or remote (WAN or LAN)
Diagnostics: The Focus 100 system provides full support for both remote WAN-based
and local diagnostics covering all on-board hardware and software applications.
'The Focus 100 system contains only the most-current industry-standard, premium
hardware and software compo:p.ents. , The software components that are used are the most ,;
current versions available from Microsoft including MS SQL 2000, 2003 Server,
Windows 2000 and XP workstation. The system also incorporates the latest hardware
products offered by Dell, Intel, and Hewlett Packard, Minuteman, Cisco, and telephony, '
processing pro4uct~ by Global Call Technology (fonnerly Dialogic Corp.).
, , ' : :': :";"
The Focus 100'system and associated administrative workstation will be installed ona
Local Area Network and will permit access to,administrative and investigative
capabilities (query, display or print) based on the user's security level. The workstation:
consists of a Windows 2000 PC platform, key.board, and mouse; along with a 17" color
monitor and printer. The system and its components operate utilizing proprietary
software, which has been specifically designed for use in the corrections marketplace.
Remote access for system monitoring of recordings; review of call detail, Remote
printing, and all Feature / Fimctiomility ofthe'Focus '100 web application can be easily
. accomplished through the Comm~nwealth"s WAN, an MCI provided VPN (Virtual
Private Network) network, at the remote loca~on as shown in the diagram below.
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
------- . _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ .
",' ;
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
.: . .
____....._ .... r" ,
Mel's Virtual Private Network (VPN) Statewide
'A}l inves'tigative capabiliti~s including searches (known as Ad Hoc queries) for Call
J?etail Records and their corresponding recordings will be accessible to authorized
,, :persc>I:mel with the proper security levels. Searches may. be Initiated by PIN, called '
number, and/or date and time. The process, is quick and simple and the call recordings
are available for playback immediately upon completion of the inmate's call through a
simple click. While listening, the investigator may add notes to thecaU recording file. '
The investigator may even select a specific portion of the recorded conversation to save ,
as a separate file and add notes related to his/her findings. Provided there' is a CD burner '
at the remote location, this designated section can be archived on a CD for evidentiary
use. .3-DES encryption may be used for exported calls to provide the highest level of
security. These capabilities are accomplished with just a few clicks of a mouse.
Monitoring of live inmate calls in pro gress may also be accomplished through the
Commonwealth's WAN, an MCr provided VPN network at the remote location. Calls in
progress can be displayed and the investigator can select the conversation that he chooses
to monitor.
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
.. i
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
Redundant Validation I VPN Network
MCr provides all necessary hardware and sofuvare to provide the remote processing
capa.bilities. The individual security levels built into the application prevent those
,j' .'
Unwffilted users in accessing information from all of the DOC facilities without the proper
With the proper security level, the workstation user has the: ability to query every site
within the DOC that rides on theMCr VPN. Searches and queries may be selected for
single, multiple, or all facilities.
o. Prepaid Service: The current prepaid interface specifications for the DOC commissary
system is the commissary "posts" sales. The commissary system at time of "Close out"
electronically transmits individual s(3les data to the Department of Corrections central Microsoft
SQL server. The transaction is formatted in specific manner. The central server validates basic
criteria and accepts or rejects the transaction. Duplicate transactions are detected and logged
into a separate storage area. On a nightly basis the DOC central server consolidates and FTPs .
daily sales to the prepaid providers systems. At time of close out-processing commissary client
application establishes a connection to the DOC's central Microsoft SQL server using Microsoft
ODBC connectivity. Commissary client executes a store procedure (spPostDSITrans) with
appropriate parameters.
Inmate number- Sale date Receipt number, sale amount, institution code, ano commissary
system transaction id of the sales.
Section 2
Tab 6- Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
SpPostDSIT rans 'AB1234', "20030822', 012342', 0000002500, 'CAM', 123454678990.
1. At this time the DOC doesn't desire a prepaid debit system, but desires a commissary
account. The Commonwealth understands that a prepaid debit system would have no
administration thought the commissary and the inmate's family and friends would have the
ability to add funds at any time and designate funds for the calling of their specific number.
Contractors may describe a prepaid debit system for the Commonwealth's future consideration.
MCI Response:
MCl has read, understands and will comply.
For Inmate Paid PrePaid via the Commissary such that exists today in the
Commonwealth, MCl will provide a system whereby the fumate may deposit funds into a
separate account for telephone use. The Focus 100 Sy,stem will prompt the Inmate during
the call set-up process asking ifhe/she would like to make a Collect or Prepaid call. If
Prepaid is selected, MCl will ping the Inmates PrePaid account to ensure that enough
funds are available to complete a one (1) minute call.
For management of the PrePaid account balances, MCl will utilize MCl's Automated'
Inmate Data Exchange Program NCC as described below. This program will process the
Commonwealth's daily feed and update Inmate,balances automatically:
Automated Inmate Data Exchange Program (NeC)
In order to streamline the PIN assignment process, MCl is also willing to offer the
Commonwealth an automated process by which the Commonwealth can send a PIN '
inform,ation file electronically (xrv.rL File Format) to MCl in the appropriate data
exchange format. Depending on the method selected by the Commonwealth,
implementing the NeC automated function of PINs could be completed within 30 to 60
days if the Commonwealth desires. The Focus 100 system in conjunction with ourNCC ' ,
, .' {Network Control Center} sy,stem will provide PIN account creation, updating, and, ;
random automatic PIN numbering if DOC so desires. All PIN assigrnllents will comply
with DOC policies and procedures.
NGC would provide a mechanism for the Commonwealth to submit an agreeable source
of data for processing by MCl. MCl would provide feedback on any problems' to DOC
regarding any issues with the creation or updating of inmate PINS. The data exchange
would be handled by NCC through the use of an FTP server. as the transport mechanism
to accept a full-dump of PIN data reporting from DOC on a daily bases, or at other
predetern1ined intervals.
The MCl NCe system comprises of three main players, namely DOC, MCl MAXSEC,
and VAC. The role of each player is explained below:
DOC uploads PIN data files to the FTP server.
MAXSEC is MCl's PIN support organization and systems.
downloads :PIN data files from the FTP server, determines PIN changes, and
sends PIN changes to VAC.
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
VAC updates ITS databases and configures inmate call privileges.
Depending on DOC requirements, MAXSEC will send to V AC a batch of PIN changes,
at a frequency of once a day. VAC will check for PIN" changes every 5 minutes. PIN, '
changes sent by MAXSEC will be updated on the ITS immediately. Additional detail
relating to the NCC process is below:
DOC uploads PIN data to FTP server (at an agreed upon frequency).
MAXSEC downloads PIN data and creates PIN changes (adds, edits, and
d e l e t e s ) . !
MAXSEC sends PIN changes, to the NCC gateway server by. inserting PIN update
records into a table in the update database located on the NCC gateway server.
VAC scans the update database every 5 minutes for new update records. For
each new update record, VAC updates the site 'data using the update record and
flags the update record.
VAC does real time replication of site data to the NCC gateway server. Inmate
database is r~plicated at both the Plano, TX cluster servers and on the V AC .
Richardson, TX cluster'servers to ensure for a fault tolerant PIN administration
MAXSEC runs queries against the NCC gateway server. Because VAC does real
time replication of the site data:to the NCC gateway server, the data accessed by
MAXSEC is the same as the site data .
. ':',
Section 2
.......:: .
..:'..:............. .
Tab 6 -Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
Network Control Center Architecture
PIN Update Database
The PIN update database (PinUp dates) contains two tables that hold changes in pin data.
They are the tblPinChanges and tbIAllowListChanges. They are shown below with their
sizes and MS $QL data types,.
PIN Database Table
There are three kinds of updates, Add, Edit, and Delete. For each add or edit Tecord~ the
fields to be updated will contain non-null values. All fields that contain null values in an
add or edit record must be ignored. Delete records will typically contain fields ImnateID
and ContractID only.
PIN Updates
The pin update record specifies the data to be modified and the operation field indicates
what type of update toperfonn. If the operation field value isU (update or edit) or D
(delete), the ContractID and InmateID field combination serve as a unique key to identify
which record is to be updated or deleted. When an update is processed, the update record
-must be time stamped in the TimeUpdated field.
2. Restrictednumber:The Contractor maintains restricted numbers in the inmate phone
system. , '
Mel Response:
MCr has read, tmderstands and will comply.
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
As required, the MCl solution, Focus 100 will utilize an authorization code to identify
each inmate utilizing the inmate telephones. Each inmate account will have a defined or
restricted list of allowed munbers ("calling list") which they are permitted to call. The
size ofthis list can be defined by the Commonwealth.- In addition, the Focus 100 ITS,
unlike other vendors allows the customer to specify a "global" list of allowed numbers
which are accessible by all inmates. These numbers do not impact the inmate-specific
calling list. Inmates are strictly prohibited from calling any number that is not either a)
present on their personal allowed calling list or b) present on the globally allowed calling
In addition to an Allowed List, there can also be a BLOCK LIST ofnumbers that they are
prevented from calling. This Block List can either be by inmate or Facility wide.
As the screen below demonstrates; each number listed on the inmate's calling list can .,
have a variety of parameters associated. Each entry can have a description of the
number, the preferred language ofthe called party, a RecordlDo Not Record indicator, a
restriction to all allow Debit and/or Collect calls and the ability to Alert calls by that
inmate to that called number.
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
3. Prepaid inmate services shall be supplied at all present and all future DOC-SCI locations.
The Contractor shall explain how the prepaid requirement shall function.
Mel Response:
MCl has read, understands and has provided below a complete description ofits proposed
PrePaid service program.
MCl's proposed Inmate PrePaid system is an integrated function of the proposed Focus
ro'O ITS. The only requirement of the Inmate PrePaid system is that users of the system
have an assigned PlN number in order to purchase PrePaid system call time, and use the
purchased time to place Inmate PrePaid calls.
The Inmate PrePaid system' allows Inmates to purchase PrePaid phone time through the
commissary/canteen system at each facility in increments as determined by the PA DOC.
MCI will work with either the commissary/canteen system vendor or the PA DOC to.
receive 'an accurate and complete nightly feed of all Inmate PrePaid system purchases
made via the commiss¥y/canteen system. MCI recoinmends the use of Mel's NCC .:
program as described throughout this RFP response to facilitate this task.
Upon receipt of the nightly Inmate PrePaid system fe~d, MCr will format accordingly ana. '," ,', ,:
send the feed to VAC for processing into the FOCUS 100 system and apply the
purchased Inmate PrePaid amounts to the applicable Inmate PrePaid account. Processing
ofthe InmatePrePaid system feed and application ofthe amount purchased to each
applicable Inniate PrePaid account usually will occur within 24 hours o£the.receipt of an;
accurate and complete feed.
, :'
Upon applying the funds to the Inmate PrePaid accounts, the Commonwealth can run'a"
report that will provide the details of all accounts that were funded and, although rare"
:,, ,1:,~' ',i :';
any transactions that erred out, such as duplicate transactions orfunding of an inactive
.1,."":'': '''" .
inmate account.
Once funds purchased are correctly applied to each offenders Inmate PrePaid account,
offenders can use the Imnate PrePaid systym to call any number that the ,offender is .
allowed to by the facility and/or the PA DOC up to the amount within their FOCUS .
100 Inmate PrePaid system account. Note that offenders can purchase additional time
through the commissary/canteen at any time they are able, however the purchase amo,unt
will not be applied to the offenders Inmate PrePaid accol1llt until the nightly feed is
processed through the FOCUS 100 system.
MCI uses applicable set-up charges and per minute charges. The total cost ofthe call
wili be decremented from the offender's account at the conclusion of each call (Le. the
offender Inmate PrePaid account balance will be accurate after each call). This assures
that the offender does not complete calls that will result in charges exceeding their Inmate
PrePaid account balance, and assures that funds necessary for payment of the calls has
been collected from each offender by PA DOC. The offender has the option to confirm
his/herInmate PrePaid account balance prior to each call.
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
,MCr requires that all Inmate PrePaid system funds used by, offenders to purchase Inmate
PrePaid system phone time be collected from each offender trust accounts by the PA
DOC and placed in an offender Inmate PrePaid purchase account managed by the PA
DOC. This is usually a result of an automated process between the customer's
.commissary/canteen system and the system that manages the offenders trust account.
MCr is willing to share the process of its existirig customers with the PA DOC - to assure,
the transfer of the funds from the individual offender trust account into the Inmate
:PrePaid purchase account is accurate.
At the end of each usage month, MCr will provide the PA DOC with an invoice for setup fee and per minute fee on the completed calls placed by offenders during the month
.. and the necessary call detail support the invoice.
·MCr provides the following process document to assist the PA DOC in understanding the '
processes required for the MCr Inmate PrePaid calling system to be a success.
MCr recommends to use of its NCC process as described within this RFP response to
" ,
facilitate the process of setting up inmate accounts and transferring funds to PrePaid
:. accounts into the FOCUS 100 System. MCr wiU work with the Commonwealth to f;'" ,:,i:,' ,
confinn this linkage and make the Inmate PrePaid system available and to accept such::";,: ,',' ,
";'canteen data feeds on, a daily basis to ensure offender's accounts are immediately" ,
available for calling use. If additioJ.1al development is required, to finalize the canteen ",,"
:;feed, MCr will work with the Commonwealth' at no charge.
Funds to the Telephone Account
.• Inmate goes to commissary/c~teen system to,asle to purchase phone time.
. . . Phone Time usage can be purchased in increments determined by the PA DOC
The Inmate is informed that the total ofthe call cost will be decremented from
his/her Inmate PrePaid account balance after each call is completed.
• The PADOC decre~knts 'the fumate's Commonwealth fund account by the $10,
$20; or $50 amount depending on the amount purchased by the Inmate and
increments the PA DOC manage4 offender Inmate PrePaid purchase account.
Once the commissary/canteen Inmate PrePaid purchase feed is formatted by MCr
and loaded into the FOCUS 100 System. The feed will be processed on a nightly
basis and therefore, reports will be available to the.PA DOC the following
morning and the funds available for offender use from his InniatePrePaid
Placing a Inmate PrePaid Call:
The offender picks up the phone.
• The system instructs the offender to "Press 1 for rnmate PrePaid, or 2 for collect."
• Offender presses '1'.
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
,", "', '
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
• Offender dials his destination number and his/her pin number.
• The FOCUS 100 validates the call against MCl's Call Validation Gateway.
(CVG). The CVG will give the FOCUS 100 system the 15t minute rate and the
additional minute rate for this Inmate PrePaid call. The 151 minute rate will
include the set-up fee and the 151 minute. Each additional minute of the Inmate
PrePaid call will incur the applicable additional minute rate.
• Continue with the rest ofthe call.
• . After each Inmate PrePaid call is completed, the FOCUS 100 system calculates
. the total cost of the Inmate PrePaid call and places the cost on the call detail
record. This cost will include any set:"up fee plus per minute charges. This total
cost of the call is decremented from the offender's balance in the FOCUS 100
., system.
Mel's Monthly Invoicing to the PA DOC for Inmate PrePaid Calls Completed
At the end ofthe usage month, the following will occur in order to produce the invoice to
the PA DOC for Inmate PrePaid calls completed by the offenders.
As each Inmate PrePaid call is completed, the FOCUS 100 system calculates tl1e
. cost ofthe call and places the cost on the call. detail record. This cost was any set-=: .
.:~p fee plus per minute charges.
•. '.At the end of each month, MCr will produce..anel send to.the PA DOC an Inmate
PrePaid Call report and an. invoice based on the Inmate PrePaid Call report. The'
invoice and report will be for the hnnate PrePaid calls completed. PA DOC will
then generate payment of the full invoice to MCr from the PA DOC managed
Inmate PrePaid purchase account.
" Refunds and Credits
Refunds. will only be given to offenders wheJ.? they are being released or upon
determination by the PA DOC. R~f'unds paid upon release will be provide via the
PrePaid Card Process as required by' the Commonwealth via DOC Policy number DCADM 818-1, date ofissue August 19,2004 with effective date September 19,2004.
Credits will only be given to offenders when the FOCUS 100 system has been verified as
the cause for an interruption in the call or the fault ofMCI. MCr recommends the
following process for offenders to apply for an Inmate PrePaid system credit:
The offender will fill out a kite that has the offender's name, the PA DOC ID
number and PIN, Date of Disconnect, Time of Disconnect, and a short description
of what happened.
• The Offender will send the kite to theP A DOC using the normal PA
DOC processes.
• PA DOC will review the kite and if appropriate will send it to the PIN
Administrator who will listen to the call to verify the offender's claim and to try
to determiny a cause of disconnect.
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
.:.1 . :';
-.......LPayphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
IfMCr determines that the cause of disconnect was the offender or the called
party, then a credit will be denied.
IfMcr determines that the FOCUS 100 system caused the disconnect foJ." any
reason then the call set-up surcharge for that call will be credited back to the
offender only if the call was re-established immediately.
If the offender did not have sufficient funds to re-establish the call then the call
set-up surcharge will be credited. MCr will not process credits for minutes used
during the completed Inmate PrePaid call.'
The PIN Administrator will tape kite to an MCr response>forrn that will indicate
the amount of credit that was posted to the offender's account or the reason why
no credit was given. The response will be forwarded to the P A DOC for
dissemination to the offender.
The PIN Administrator will keep track ofthe credits using Microsoft Excel and
report them to the P A DOC and the applicable Mcr invoicing and report
generation group each month.
Mcr will show the credits on the monthly invoice to the PA DOC and deduct
such credits them from the total Inmate PrePaid usage charge on the following
., months Inmate PrePaid invoice.
'. i . .
C Inmate Name
Inmate 10
POlIO' 1 of I
Inmate Name
Section 2
- - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - .__ .._-_..
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
To accomplish the above tasks, the FOCUS 100 workstation will be able to use the user
friendly web application to make manual adjustments to the Inmate PrePaid account. An
audit trail is maintained t6 allow for easy reconciliation of accounts.
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
.......LPayphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005·081·011
4. Attachment 10 is the DOC Policy number DC-ADM 818-1, date of issue August 19, 2004 with
effective date September 19, 2004 for prepaid phone card refunds. The Contractor shall explain
hqw the prepaid phone card refund requirement shall function. The Contractor shall explain .
prior experience with inmate prepaid services including locations, length of experience, and
scope of services all to be included in the proposal. The system will be required to calculate the
cost of each phone call based on the rates. The contactor shall describe how the system
proposed rates phone calls and charges them to inmate accounts. The Contractor shall
describe how to handle inmate accounts from going into a negative balance. Monthly minimally
prepaid reports will be similar to the current summary prepaid reports in Attachment 22.
MCl Response:
MCl has read, understands and will comply.
MCl will support the DOC Policy number DC-AMD 818-1 with an issue date of August
19,2004 and effective date of September 19, 2004.
With regard to the process to issue a PrePaid Phone Card to an inmate upon release, MCl
will follow the process described in RFP Attachment 10. The MCl Commonwealth
Manager will manage the process and work with the Commonwealth to insure that all
reporting and administrative requirements ofDC-AMD 818-1 are met.
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
*" --------------------------------Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
For the PrePaid Card System, MCI proposes VAC's PrePaid Card service. The service
works in conjunction with VAC' s V-Connect Service as also proposed by MCI to meet
the direct billing requirements of this RFP.
VAC's.PrePaid Card service is an establish service operational today for use by VAC's
existing customer base. The service has been in use and available
The system will calculate costs for the call based upon a charged rate. Because the
PrePaid Cards and non-rechargeable the account can not go into a negative balance.
MCI will support any. and all monthly Prepaid Card reports.
Prepaid Calling Services is an alternative calling method that allows inmates, family and
friends to pay for the inmate's telephone calls by using funds in the DOC-SCI commissary
account to create a telephone debit account. The inmates move money from their commissary
account to a telephone account through the commissary transaction process. The DORMS
offers the inmate the opportunity to make a collect call or a prepaid call through its call control
platform installed at all DOC-SCls. When an inmate chooses to make a prepaid call, the call
accesses the T-Netix '(Securus Technologies) prepaid server to determine the balance in the
account. If there is enough money in the account to make a one (1) minute call to the dialed
number, the call is allowed to proceed. The cost of this call is deducted from the inmate's ".
telephone account. At any time the inmate may check the availability of prepaid funds in his or"
her prepaid account. In general, the inmates go to the commissary once a week and may .
purchase prepaid time in amounts of $15.00, $25.00, $50.00. Effective May 17, 2004, the
amount of prepaid time an inmate is allowed to purchase per week increased from $50.00 to
$100.00. These three (3) prepaid amounts are not likely to change, but may. The Inmate
prepaid account is currently averaging a nine (9) percent discount, which includes appropriate
taxes, but does not include the State six (6) percent tax which is paid by the inmate When he or
she purchases his or her prepaid account from a DOC-SCI commissary. Prepaid calling .
services are used at all ,DOC-SCls and would be used in any new DOC-SCI facilities. All DOCSCI commissary systems are under the DOC Bureau of Correction Industries personnel with .
" .the exception of SCI Pine Grove which is currently contracted with Keefe Communications:
MCl has read, understands and has proposed an equivalent PrePaid Solution in response
to this RFP.
The central processor shall have the following functionality:
Monitors all traffic at SCls
Get real time reports from SCls Backup SCI if SCI goes down. May not apply to a
centralized system, howeve'r Contractors are to describe both centralized and
decentralized in technical requirements and these reports are required in decentralized.
Provide real time status of all SCls
Redundancy (duplicate)
Collect data from each telephone call immediately after completion of call
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
Store data in a relational database or equivalent
Four (4) hour power supply backup.
All information shall be separated by each facility, For example, if a Contractor chooses
to use a centralized computer or controller, all information 'must be partitioned by facility.
Mer Response:
,Mer has read, understands and has complied with. a system that will meet each of the
, above requirements.
Section 2
Tab 6-'Technical Requirements'
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
Live Monitor I Auto Scroll, '
Alerts can be set through' the workstation for either a specific inmate PIN or a specific, ",
'called number which would automatically initiate a visual notification to investigators
that an alerted call is in progress and call monitoring could begin immediately.
;!', ';.
, _;Digital Spy Silent Monitoring Capability
"'-fuvestigators with the appropriate access level may silently monitor calls in progress
" using the Spy function of the Focus 100. Monitoringcanbe specific to anindividual.",t,
facility, or with the appropriate security clearance or access level, they can monitor .ANY
facility within the DOC by means of the secured WAN / VPN (Wide Area Network /' , ,
Virtual Private Network) that is provided by MCr. The investigator can view calls in ,:
progress, select the one to monitor and begin listening in a matter of seconds. Monitoring
remote facilities functions exactly the same ass ifthe workstation was physically attached
to the on-site server.
These advanced monitoring capabilities with digital quality are a standard feature ofthe
Focus 100 ITS. With the years of experience that both MCI and VAC have in the inmate
telephone system business, we have determined that you can not provide enough
investigative features, but the auto scrolling feature is one that goes above and, beyond the
call of duty.
. '.: '!
',;, ,;'
' ;,
Whether remote or locally attached to the ITS, the workstation' user while listening to a
call can disconnectthat call inprogress by simply clicking the mouse on the [CUT
CALL] button as shown below in the example provided.
Section 2
Tab 6 -Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
'Mel, - - - - - - - - - - - - -RFP--No. 2005·081·011 '
Live Monitor I Call in Progress
Real-time reports are always availabkregardless the system type, B arC and regardless ".
if the on-site ITS is online or not, because ofthe uniqueness ofthe Focus 100 platform.
Reports are generated by querying Call Detail Records (CDR). CDRs are stored ';,
redundantly, onsite, at the VAOheadquarters in Plan, TX,VAC's backup redundant .'
location in Richardson, TX. And ifthat isn't enough, MCl additionally stores the CDRs
in our Sacramento, CA system development center. The workstation is not' dedicated to
the uptime of the local server or a centralized server. 'When perfonning a report query or
print request, the system will follow the necessary network path to gather the information
requested, thus always providing for Real-Time reports.
As detailed in earlier sections, the data (CDR) from each telephone call is captured
immediately on the local RAID hard drive in redundant locations, and is also stored in 3
other physical locations for thorough redundancy. This data is stored for 7 years after the
end of the contract. Shown below is a Commonwealth Map depicting the redundancy of
data captured and stored. All information is stored independently and identified by
facility. The use of on-premise equipment allows for the easy identification of specific
facility data.
Each facility will be provided with a 4 hour UPS to allow for the Focus 100 to operate for
4 hours in the event of power failure. Ata considerable expense and a reduction in
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
commissions, the 4 hour UP S will continue to power the Focus 100 system while the
entire facility may be without power. It has been the experience ofMCr that a I hour
UPS is sufficient in the event of power outages, since the facility is usually in a lockdown '
situation with a facility power outage. But as a requirement of this RFP, MCr is willing
to comply and offer large 4 hour UPS / Backup Power sources.
As detail in section 2.S-A.I.e, the site monitoring application is a value-added feature that .
MCr is offering to the Commonwealth at no additional cost which provides real-time 'i,.,·
, . status as required in this section. MCr will provide access to this tool and data to a '. :'.'
limited number of DOC and·Headquarters staff. Upon request for this feature, MCr will .';'
; work with DOC representatives and site personnel to implement the feature and provide.
.,,' the necessary training to DOC staff.
" .
:::':. ',';'
..'~ "
',.' ,.!
: i.'
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
The Site Monitor tool is a revolutionary method for monitoring the health ofthe entire
lCS solution from a frame relay wide area network (WAN). connection to the'rCS
platform. It communicates with each system every 15 minutes to verify that the platform
and network are fully operational. Thus, it will notify Mcr on a near-real-time basis of
any suspected service-impacting event, enabling MCr to begin problem resolution before
facility staffbecome aware oftheproblem.
In addition to checking the health ofthe system every IS minutes, the Site Monitor
application performs the following tests and checks:
.IPing. Site Monitor will proactively "ping" the Cisco IP router and ICS
server located at each DOC site to verify network connectivity to the
facility systems and that they are active. MCl will immediately take
steps to resolve the problem before it is evident to facility personnel.
_Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
I?ayphone and Inmate Telephone Services
• Call Failures. Once per hour the Site Monitor will calculate the number
of failed call attempts against the total number of attempts-unbillable
and/or failed vs. completed billable calls. When a high failure rate is
detected, the system will automatically generate an alann, prompting the
MCl Service Center and Network Operations Center to troubleshoot the
problem and begin appropriate resolution activities.
Call Blocks. Once per hour the Site Monitor will calculate the number of
blocked calls against the number of completed or billable attempts. ~ If a
high block rate is detected, the system will automatically generate an
alarm that prompts Mel's investigation and resolution activities.
-Billable Calls.
Once per hour _the Site Monitor will compare each
facility's number of billable calls against historical volume' for the same
day and time period (e.g., the past three Tuesdays for the one-hour time
period of 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM CDT) to identify aberrations in call
volume. This process helps identify possible service-impacting events.
For example, a site that shows a zero usage traffic volume could
indicate the occurrence of a major outage or simply that the site is in
lockdown or delayed inmate count status.
Mel's Site Monitor tool is an intelligent device that can monitor multiple,geographically
diverse locations, each with unique features, resolution time frames and calling
parameters. The functions of Mel's Site Monitor are performed from Mel's
development facilities in Sacramento, CA. By maintaining a physically diverse location
. ,for monitoring, Mel can initiate trouble tickets even if the entire Commonwealth is .',
:"without service. Another benefit of placing the $ite Monitor functions in Sacramento is.
that MCl's DOC Acco'w:it' Team can leverage 'its internal on-site development resources:
:' ._and implement prograri:lrning enhanc~rrients t6the system~
,: \. ..:Jdentifying potential service-impacting events is thefirsf step of proactive monitoring, ::
and alerting key staff to these events is second. Once an event is identified, key MCr
Account Team personal, field operations personnel, and the Service Center staff are sent
a text page as well as a priority email alerting them of the event. If requested, MCl can:
also ensure that DOC personal are notified.
The image below depicts the Mel Site Monitor tool's screen shot of an entire
.Commonwealth overview. Red would indicate a potential service-affecting issue worthy
of investigation. Yellow indicates that a red issue has occurred and is in the problem '
. resolution process. Blue indicates all is well and normal. Black indicates the absence of
site traffic.
Section 2
Tab 6-Technical Requirements
,Mel. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
Site' Monitor Report I State View
7) The SCI control processor or device shallhave the following functionality:
; ',.;
Provide control for inmate call control system
Collect call data- two (2) calendar days capacity
Produce reports in reai time in coordination with the central processor
Four (4) hour power supply backup.
;'I:MCI Response:
;'(' ~
!,MCI has read, understands and Will ~omply.
,,:;,MCI will install a state-of-the-art fully;automated inmate call management system to'
meet the specific needs ,ofthe Commonwealth., This CPU based system is based Oll:
proven telephony teclniology, designed specifically to operate with the highest degree of
reliability in the challenging envITonment of a correctional setting. V AC developed the
,proposed system on a foundation of accurate, relia'ble callprocessing - followed by the
',I"integratiori of an extensive array of call management features and investigative tools
,', unparalleled in this industry.
As specified, the proposed system will provide inmate specific controls using a Personal
Identification Number for each inmate. Each inmate PIN account can be further managed
"through the use of a limited allowed call list, call duration control, calling hours control,
,and defined phone acc'ess. Each and every call attempted through the system generates a
"call detail record. The collect call data is stored for the life ofthe contract on each onpremise and centralized servers. Redundant copies are also stored on different servers in
different locations. Thus, the 2 day requirement for capacity of the collect call data is
met with the lifespan of the contract plus an additional 7 years commitment.
This record is the comerstoneto the system's investigative capabilities. The Focus 100
ITS offers a variety of means to search call records (CDRs) by inmate, called number,
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
date, time, or inmate phone. Harassing phone calls can be quickly isolated and the
offender identified using CDR data. In addition, each call will be digitally recorded using
VAC's Shadow technology. Through that same CDR, the investigator may quickly
retrieve and play the recorded conversation. All reports from the Focus 100 rTS are in
real-time in coordination with the central processor or on-premise processor.
MCr will provide the Focus' 100 Call processing technology along with the required
investigative and call control features specified by the CUSTOMER. MCl's team of
seasoned professionals will install and test the system and will provide training to
appropJjate. facility personnel. In addition, MCr will provide both remote and local
technical support to the DOC as needed throughout the project duration. And as detailed
in the previous section, Mcr will provide the 4 hour battery backup / UPS system for the
Focus 100 system.
System Administration:
Contractors shall respond to this requirement of the RFP with two options for consideration
and decision by the C.ommonwealth.
Option 1 - A central processor in coordination with location processors supported by a
decentralized staff of system administrators serving each SCI, the Quehanna Booj Camp, and.
the terminals at the Headquarters Security and Profession!,!1 Responsibility Offices. Refer to
2.S-A. .2.p. (1) a. Option 1.
Mel Response:
MCr has read, understands and has complied with the cost options in MCl's financial
response of this RFP. ,
:. .
Option 2 - A central processor in coordination with location processors or system control
devices at all SCls, supported by a centrally located system administrator(s) controlling the
inmate telephone service, and th.e terminals at the DOC. He~adquarters Security Office, the
Headquarters Office of Professional Responsibility. Refe~ to 2.S-A. 2.p. (1). b. Option 2.
Paragraph p. refers to two (2) options. These options are for decentralized and centralized
administration. The decentralized option, as used presently, requires administrators at each
SCI versus administrators only at the centralized site. There will be administrative costs in
people and possibly costs in data processing equipment associated with either approach in
meeting the requirements for central processor functionality and SCI central processor
functionality. The intent is·th~t the central processor in coordination with the SCI processor shall
meet the functionality for either the decentralized administration approach or centralized
administration approach. The details of the coordination effort may vary in that. they may entail
various degrees of manual and/or automated procedures. However, in all case, the user
functionality must remain essentially the same. The procedures and associated processing
requirements on the central and SCI processors may vary but functionality must be maintained.
The Contractor may splitthe coordination function any way it deems right for it, but the user
'function must remain constant. Automation of data entry of inmate PIN numbers into the inmate
calling system by using bubble sheet scanners and other technologies are acceptable to
maximize efficiencies in the process.
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
Mel Response:
MCl has read, understands, aclrnowledges and agrees.
The System Administration does remain the same for both Option 1, Option 2 and
System B as well as System C and any mixture thereof. MCl is furthelmore offering to :
automate a majority of the data entry ofinmate PINS as discussed earlier in section 2.5·A
System B I.e Other Features. A brief recap is provided below showing how MCl's,-NCC
assists in the centralization of PIN administration.
. NCC would provide a mechanism for the Commonwealth to submit an agreeable source .
of data for processing by MCr. MCl would provide feedback on any problems to DOC' :,
regarding any issues with the creation or updating of inmate PINS. The data exchange'
wQuld be handled by NCC through the use of an FTP server as the 'transport mechanism
to accept a full-dump of PIN data reporting from DOC on a daily bases, or at other,
predetermined intervals.
The MClNCC system comprises of three main players, namely DOC, Mel MAXSEC,
and VAC. The Tole of each player is explained below:
DOC uploads PIN data files to the,FTP server.
MAXSEC is MCl's P'IN support organization and systems. MAXSEC downloads
PIN data files from the FTP server, determine,s PIN changes, and sends PIN
changes to VAC.
VAC updates ITS databases and configures inmate call privileges.
Depending on DOC requirements, MAXSEC will send to VAC abatch ofPIN changes,
at a frequency of once a, day. VAC will check for PIN change~ every 5 minutes.PlN
changes sent by MAXSEC will be updated on the ITS immediately. Additional detail
relating to the NCCprocess is below:
DOC uploads PIN data to FTP server (at an agreed upon frequency).
MAXSEC downloads PIN data and creates PIN changes (adds, edits, and deletes).
MAXSEC sends PIN changes to the NCC gateway server by inserting PIN update
records into a table in the update database located on the NCC gateway server.
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
• VAC scans the update database every 5 minutes for new update records. For each
new update record, VAC updates the site data using the update record and flags
the update record.
VAC does real time replication of site data to the NCC gateway server. Inmate
database is replicated at both the Plano, TX cluster servers and on the VAC
Richardson, TX cluster servers to ensure for a fault tolerant PIN administration
• MAXSECruns queries against th~ NCC gateway server. Because VAC does real
time replication of the site data to the NCC gateway server, the data accessed by
MAXSEC is the same as the site data.
. ' .....
.. '::
. ::"': :.' :;. ,'~' " .' '.
., , ' ,
DOCS PIN dot. '--.,.....;.~
Network Control Center Architecture
PIN Update Database
The PIN update datab,ase (PinUp dates) contains two tables that hold changes in pin data.
They are the tblPinChanges and tbIAllowListChanges. They are shown below with their
sizes and MS SQL data types.
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
------- - ---------_.._ - - - -
--_._.--_.. _.. _----_... -....
....... __ ...._.. ----_.- ......._..
_._--_... _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
.: :.,' :.'.;:
.... :.....
.: ::.
; .
. : .....
:.' .. "
,\ ,!
PIN Database Table
There are three kinds of updates, Add, Edit, and Delete. For each add or edit record, the
fields to be updated will contain non-null values. All fields that contain null values in an
add or edit record must be ignored; Delete records will typically contain fields InmateID
and ContractID only.
PIN Updates
The pin updaterecord specifies the data to be modified and the operation field indicates
what type of update to perform.. If the operation field value is U (update or edit) or D
(delete), the ContractID and InmateID field combination serve as a unique key to identify
which record is to be updated or deleted. When an update is processed, the update record
must be time stan;tped in the TimeUpdated field.
25 .
The commission data for each option .1 and 2 shall be entered as required on Attachment
.Mel Response:
MCI has read, understands and has complied in MCI:s financial response to this RFP:
For each option 1and2, the system shall be capable of reporting, and notifying the
monItoring system operator in real time, occasions when inmate calls placed from different or the
same SCI are being dialed to common numbers. The monitoring system operator will be a DOC
employee and, in all cases, will be located within the institution. State law prohibits nonCommonwealth personnel access to the monitoring/recording system or its output.
. Section 2
Tab 6 -: Technical Requirements
' ;,' ....
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
MCI Response:
MCl has read, understands and will comply.
Both option 1 and option 2 will afford the DOC the capability of reporting and
in real time of occurrences when .inmates dial common numbers from the .
same or different numbers. MCl is also offering our hnnate Gang Management system.
which provides additional Gang Threat activity monitoring. The Gang Management
system has proven to be very helpful in assisting DOCs. MCr has provided a detailed
overview of the service in MCl's response to 2.S-A System B I.e Advanced Features of
this RFP response.
For each option 1 and 2, the central processor and system control devices shall have full
redundancy, and the location processors or system control devices shall down load all call data
to the central processor at the time each call is completed.
MCI Response:
MCl has read, understands and ~ilJ comply.
As described though out this RFP response, both option 1 and option 2 have built in
The data (CDR) from each telephone call is captured iInnlediately on either the local or
centralized server RAID hard drive in redundant locations, and is also stored in 3 other
physical locations for thorough redundancy. This data is stored for 7 years after the end
ofthe contract. Shown below is aState Map depicting the redundancy of data captured
and stored. All infonnation is stored independently and identified by facility. The use of
either on-premise or centralized equipment allows for the easy identification of specific
.facility data.
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
For options 1 and 2, the location processor or system control device at each SCI shall
have UPS to maintain system operability for a minimum of four (4) hours. The inmate will not
have full Lise of the telephones during a major power outage. The back-up power is for
maintaining of the data only.
Mel Response:
Mel has read, understands and will comply.
Both option 1 and option 2 will have a minimum of 4 hour battery backup UPS. It is also
understood that the purpose of the 4 hour battery backup is for administrative and data
use only.
For options 1 and 2, the Contractor shall state, for each configuration noted above, how it
plans to network the central processor, the location processors or the system control devices,
and the two (2) or more headquarters terminals together; The Contractor is required to provide
system networking maps as a visual picture of locations, including bandwidth, etc. TelCove
(Adelphia) is the Commonwealth's network service provider. Tel90ve's fiber is available for,
subcontracting transport. For information see TelCove's website or contact
David Stonfer@ (717) 506-7603,
Mel Response:
MCI has read, understands and will comply.
'Botl,1 opti~n 1 and option 2 will function the same through a W.AN riding on a 128KB
Frame Relay Network that is dedicated to The Commonwealth's DOC. The only
phys!ical clffference would be for:
Option 1 with a central processor incoordination with location processors supported by.':a
decentralized staff of system administrators serving each SCI, the Quehanna Boot Camp,
and the terminals at the Headquarters Security and Professional Responsibility Offices,
the workstations are connected to the Network Switch that does NOT connect to an onpremise server at each site. The WAN can be provided to any location from which the
-decentralized system administrators can effectively support any and all facilities._
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
Option 1 Decentralized Staff
Option 2 with a central processor in coordination with location processors or system
control devices at all SeIs, supported by a centrally located system administratoi(s)·
controlling the inmate telephone service, and the tenninals at the DOC Headquarters
Security Office, the Headquarters Office of Professional Responsibility could be housed
locally at.each facility and have the workstations connected to the WAN at each facility
.as displayed in the following graphic.
';. : .
. ..
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
Option 2 On-Site Staff
The Contractor shall state, for options 1 and 2, proposed turnaround time on changes to
inmate lists, information requests, etc.
• ~:"
Mel Response:
Mel has read, ,understands and has provided below the estimated tumaround time on
Mel submits that changes to inmate lists and information requests submitted to the PIN
Administrative staff would be made upon receipt of the change request but no longer than
24 business hours. For example, change requested submitted prior to 3:00p.m would be
made the same day and change requested submitted after 3:00p.m. would be made the
following day.
Additionally, some features could be programmatically changed such as inmate moves,
additions, deactivations via the automated Nee process of a nightly or predetermined
schedule for data feeds from the DOC as detailed in Part 5, Section 2.5-A I.e. For
example, should the DOC want to suspend system use to a specific inmate for a specific
period oftime, the PIN Administrator would program the requested suspension period of
time into the ITS and the ITS will automatically perfonn the requested suspension time
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
117 '
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
Contractors shall state, for options 1 and 2, the exact work items andwork functions that
Contractor's system administrators anticipates must be done.
Mel Response:
MCI has read, understands and has provided below the work functions, that MCl's system
administrators anticipate must be done.
To provide and manage the PIN Administrative Staff, MCI has contracted with
ShawnTebh Communications. ShawnTech operates the existing PIN Administration for
, the P A DOC today.
Under MCl's proposed decentralized Option 1, Mel will provide through ShawnTech
'nineteen (19) PIN Administrators and one (1) State Manager. The existing personnel will
be maintained ,and will perform the same duties as are provided today. The PIN
Administrators will maintain their existing site placement and site responsibility as they
do today.
For centralized Option 2, Mel will also contract with ShawnTech. Under this option Mel
will provide through ShawnTech, six (6) PIN Administrators and one (1) State Manager.
Again, MCI will utilize the existing ShawnTech Staff. The six Administrators will be, '
, assigned specific sites for management as described in MCl's Tab 5 Response. '
Under option 1 and option 2 site administrators will be fully trained on all aspects ofthe~,
ITS. Each site administrator will attend several days of training classes on the ITS and
will be able to address all issues and fulfill all duties set 'forth by the contract. The
existing ShawnTech PIN administrators as well as the State Manager will be trained well
. in advance ofthe ITS installation.
,., .
Both Option 1 and Option 2 Administrators'will fully trained and capable of providing
onsitetraining classes or individual training as required. For ITS administration of all
inmate PINs, MCI will work with PA DOC to establish points of contacts and an
~temate within Mel's in-state staff for each facility to work terms of establishing
inmate PlN accounts and general system configur~tion settings/changes and
programming such as ~stal?lishing recognized "do not record" attorney telephone
numbers, inmate telephone station on/offtimes, maximum allowed call length times,
inmate allowed call1ist~, blocking.of subscriber telephone numbers, re-setting an
inmate's system name recording, suspension/reactivation of an inmate telephone PIN
" account, assistance to facility staff in performing call searches or other DOe facilitY staff
ITS activities, and training of DOC staff on use of the ITS system.
Stated below is a general listing of each PlN Adminis1!ators assigned duties.
The system administrator(s) shall perform training of state personnel, line testing,
equipment testing, database information collection, data screening, data input, standard
and custom report generation etc.
System Administrators work with designated DOC personnel to keep the system(s)
running at maximum ef:9-ciency, meet the telephone needs of the inmate popUlation and
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
eliminate operational problems and/or security hazards as quickly as possible after they
are identified.
• Test the ITS to ensure functionality each day;
• pm data base initial entry (at committing sites);
• pm changes, moves, transfers, discipline sanctions, etc.;
• Production of standard administrative and investigative reports;
• Production ofcustomized reports as required;
• Conducting of quarterly or predetermined inmate pm list updates;
• Conducting of semi-annual scans of inmate pm lists for DOC personnel
telephone numbers, etc.
• Initiate or facilitate maintenance and repair ofthe proposed ITS, as required;
• Class of Service Maintenance
• Living Unit Maintenance
• Telephone Location Maintenance
• Facility Telephone Number Control
• Block List Administration
• EnablelDisable Telephones
• Apcount Overview
• Add a New InmateAccount
• Update hnnate Infonnation
• Update hnnate Phone List
• Primary Bidder point of contact for the DOC faci1jty;
• Resolve all complaints and inquiries regarding the ITS in a timely manner;
• Transfer call recordings to portable media as directed by the DOC;
• Transfer ofinmate pms between DOC facilities when required, and ifnot
• Eliminate operational problems and/or security problems as soon as they are
• Other related duties as determined by the DOC.
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
The comprehensive training curriculum that will be provided to each PIN Administrator
is designed to cover complete system administration and all investigative tools described
below, and will be broken out into several days oflive instructional trai:riing.
Training Course Outline
OvervIew of the Inmate calling System functions and features
User ID Management
Security Level Access Management
User Alerts
Workstation Access
Class of Service Maintenance
Living Unit Maintenance
Telephone Location Maintenance
'Facility Telephone Number Control
Block List Administration
Telephone List Update
EnablelDisable Telephones
Account Overview
Add a New Inmate Account
Update Inmate Information
Up'date Iriniilte Phop.e List
Transfer Inmate Between Facilities
System Administration
View Calls in Progress
SPY - Monitoring
SPY' - Snitch Investigator Notification
General Reporting Capabilities Defining Report Parameters
Save & Reprint Reports
Financial Reports
:Maintenance Reports
Investigative Reports
Monthly Revenue Reports
Shadow Recording
SAM Archive CD
Calling Process
Placing a Call
Dialing Instructions
Direct Dialed Calls
Collect Calls
Local Calls
International Calls
Call Results Announcements
Sample Training Course Outline
Contractors shall supply, for options 1 and 2, answers to the, two (2) questions below on its
application for employment of system administrator(s). The answers to the questions of the
system administrators must be given to the Department of Corrections prior to employment.
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
1.) Do you have any relatives or close friends confined in any Pennsylvania State
Correctional Facility? Answer yes or no.
Mel Response:
MCr has read, understands and will comply.
2). If yes, give their name(s), relationship(s) and the locations(s} of their confinement.
Mel Response:
MCr has read, understands and will comply.
It is anticipated that the functions.of the system administrator(s) and the
process/procedures of PIN administration under the two (2) options above shall be similar.
However, Contractors shall explain in detail any functional or procedural differences in the
responses to each option. As a minimum:
The system administrator(s) shall be fully trained and equipped to perform all functions
related to the normal day-to-day operation and maintenance of the inmate telephone control
system including, but not limited to, the following: training of state personnel, line testing·,
equipment testing, database information collection, data screening, data input, standard and..
custom report generation etc. The Contractor shall submit its system administrator job
. description with the proposal. .
A system administrator is an employee(s) of. the Contractor with an assignment to work with
designated DOC personnel to keep the system(s) running at maximum efficiency, meet the
telephone needs of the inmate population and eliminate operational problems and/or security·
hazards as quickly as possible after they are identified. Systemadministrator(~) shall be
assigned based on the time required to perform the job functions discussed above. The
Contractor shall state what provision shall be made for illness, vacation, etc. These personnel
shall have to pass criminal identification and records checks. They sh!311 also be required to
agree to, and abide by, all policies and applicable rules of the Department of Corrections. The
Contractor shall describe the procedure for selecting the system administrator(s).
Mel Response:
MCr has read, understands and has listed below th~ requested infonnation.
MCr agrees that the process/procedures of PIN administrators will remain effectively the
Under the decentralized Option 2 however, the site administrators would receive and
perfonn many of the system requirements from a centralized location using a Work
Station networked to all facilities. Local site visits will be as required by the
Commonwealth in this RFP.
With regard to Contractor selection of the PIN Administrators, MCr has completed this
task through its agreement with ShawnTech Conununications to utilize the existing PIN"
administrative staff currently supporting the PA DOC.
The job description for each PIN Administrator will be as exists today and will include at,
a minimum the following responsibilities:
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
Both Option 1 and Option 2 Administrators will fully trained and capable of providing
onsite training classes or individual training as required. For ITS administration of all
inmate pms, MCI will work with PA DOC to establish points of contacts and an
alternate within MCl's in-state staff for each facility to work with in terms of establishing
inmate pm accounts and general system configuration settings/changes and
programming such as establishing recognized "do not record" attorney telephone
numbers, inmate telephone station on/off times, maximum allowed call length times,
inmate allowed call lists, blocking of subscriber telephone numbers, re-setting an
inmate's system name recording, suspension/reactivation of an inmate telephone pm
account, assistance to facility staff in perfonning call searches or other DOC facility staff. '
ITS activities, and training of DOC staff on use ofthe ITS system.
Sy.stem Administrators work with designated DOC persqnnel to keep the system(s)
running at maximum efficiency, meet the telephone needs ofthe inmate population and
eliminate operational problems and/or security hazards as quickly as possible after they
are identified..
The system administrator(s) shall perfonn at a minimum:
Test the ITS to ensure functionality each day;
pm data base initial entry (at committing sites);
PIN changes, moves, transfers, discipline sanctions, etc.;
Production of standard administrative and investigative reports;
Production of customized reports as required;
Conducting of quarterly or predetennined inmate PIN list updates;
Conducting of semi-annual scans of inmate PIN lists for DOC personnel
.telephone numbers, etc.
Initiate or facilitate maintenance and repair ofthe proposed ITS, as required; ,
Class of Service Maintenance
Living Unit Maintenance
Telephone Location Maintenance
Facility Telephone Number Control
Block List Administration
EnablelDisable Telephones
Account Overview
Add a New Inmate Account
Update Inmate Information
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
.,. .
Payphone and Inmate TelepQone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
Update Inmate Phone List·
Primary Bidder point of contact for the DOC facility;
Resolve all complaints and inquiries regarding the ITS in a timely manner;
Transfer call recordings to portable media as directed by the DOC;
Transfer ofinmate PINs between DOC facilities when required, and ifnot
Eliminate operational problems and/or security problems as soon as they are
Other related duties as detennined by the DOC.
As detailed in ·response to Section P item 8 above, all administrators will be fully trained
in:all aspects of the ITS and will be capable of providing training to either groups or .
individuals as needed. Each employee will be assigned to work with designated DOC
personnel and to ensure system efficiency. Each application will have to pass criminal
background checks before they will be considered for employment. They will also be
required to agree to and abide by all policies and applicable rules of the DOC.!,.
The Contractor shall explail} in det.ail the entire process of PIN administration. Le.:
Number of digits in PIN
Method and procedures of assigning or changing PIN
Method of inputting PIN and permitted telephone
How Contractor shall handle exceptional, quick turnaround ·situations
Proposed interface with the Department of Corrections
. •
Proposed location of the central processor
Security procedures to be used in the entire PIN process
Mel Response:
Mel has read, understands and has complied with the requested infonnation below..
With regard to number of Digits in a PIN, The Focus 100 ITS will support a PIN
authorization code of any length to identify each inmate using the inmate telephones.
Each time an inmate places a call, the inmate would enter their assigned PIN, thereby.
tying all Call Detail Records and call recordings to their PIN. Furthennore, each
inmate's PIN account will have a defined list of allowed numbers ("calling list") which
they are pennitted to call. This list can be of any size, but is generally around 10 or 20
numbers. Inmates are then strictly prohibited from calling any number that is not either
a) present on their personal allowed calling list or b) present on the Commonwealth
and/or facility's globally allowed calling list.
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
As discussed in several earlier sections of this response, MCr is proposing to automate
the PIN process via our NCC automated PIN administration by using the
Commonwealth's Inmate database as the input into our PIN database.
MCr can supply an automated PIN interface which synchronizes the Focus 100 database
to the Commonwealth's sOllIce system database. The database synchronization will be
programmed to occur multiple times a day on a schedule that can provide the optimum .
benefit for the Commonwealth. This synchronization significantly reduces and virtually
eliminates the administration typically associated with PIN based systems because the
administration is automated and performed on a scheduled basis through the booking
system. This type of synchronization additionally eliminates PJN sharing from inmates at
multiple facilities. Eliminate the administration hassles, and further reduce manpower
needs to increase your maximum'commission rewards with an automated process.
As the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections is well aware, the use of inmate PINs
provides extensive investigative capabilities. Reducing administration and ensuring that
the PIN is secured are essential in the DOC environment. Secured PJNs are an absolute
requirement and in order to ensure that PJNs are random and therefore secure, Mcr
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
recommends utilizing a combination of the inmate's commitment munber (assuming this
is a unique number to each inmate) in .conjunction with a random sequence that would be
generated by. the system to ensure·no duplication. Searches can then be accomplished
simply by using that commitment number with the wild card application for the
remaining digits. For example, using the Commitment Number plus a 4 digit random
Inmate Commitment Number: 1234567890 .
I:rnrtate PIN Number: 1234567897634
Searches would be accomplished by. entering 1234567890xxxx in the PIN field for the
date range required and all corresponding CDRs for that particular Commitment Number
would be retrieved.
In the event the Commonwealth elects not to use the automated NCC process, the PIN
Administrator could manually enter the inmate ID and PIN numbers and any. associated
telephone numbers onto their allow list. MCI could provide fonns for allowing the
inmates to input such changes, or additions.
An additional option would be that of using an auto enrollment feature. The Inmate .'
. Pho:Q..e ListSelf-Leam Feature is also another option that DOC may decide to utilize;·.rt;:,.,
allows the inmate to place calls until hislher phone list contains the maximum allowed
telephone numbers. This is a great way to reduce the number of hours a PIN
Administrator would be required to enter numbers on an inmate's allow list.
Telephone numbers that are not routed, such as blocked or misdialed numbers, will not be '
added to the inmate's list. When the inmate phone list reaches the maximum allowed
telephone numbers then the inmate will only be able to call the numbers on his list. For a
new number to be added one of the existing numbers will have to be deleted.
. .
Inmate Phone List Self-Learn mode is activated when the "Self Learn" option is selected
in the Inmate Account window and the phone is also selected as "Self Learn" in the·
Telephone Location Maintenance window. If either the inmate or the phone does not .
have SelfLeam selected then the phone list will not be updated when the inmate places
Section 2
Tab 6- Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
Mel. ---------------------------------
se,lfoLearn Option Selected
The PIN administrators will have Global system wide access. In the event that a sy.:stem .
change is needed immedIately, the PIN administrators can make the changes real time
from any System Management Terminal. In the event that the feature change needs to
occur after hours, the PA DOC, can call in a trouble ticket. The trouble desk will also
have remote access to the system and make real time changes from the Network
:, Operation Center. The Commonwealth Manager will receive a page and e-mail notice .,' .
of the Trouble Ticket where she can access and review chang~s for accuracy.
Personal Identification Numbers (PIN) shall be issued or changed within forty-eight (48)
normal working hours 8:00 am - 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday. The inmate completes a
DOC administration form that is then approved by the DOC personnel and then given to the
Contractor as an order from the DOC for input and that is when the clock starts for the
Contractor. The Contractor is responsible for verification of attorney telephone numbers. The
inmates provide their attorney telephone numbers and they are verified by the Contractor's
personnel. The Contractor will describe in its r~sponse the process for how attorney telephone
numbers are verified to prove that they are indeed attorney's telephone numbers. Attorney
telephone numbers shall not be monitored nor shall calls to the attorney telephone number be
. recorded. An automatically played intermittent announcement shall be played during the
attorney calls stating that the calls are not monitored or recorded. Changes in regard to added
or issued PINS refer to the requirement that new commitments and recommitments must be
issued or reissued a PIN within 48 normal working hours, Monday through Friday.
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
Mel Response:
MCr has read, understands and will comply.
MCr has proposed that any change orders received prior to 3:OOp.m during normal work
hours will be made the same day.. Change request submitted after 3:00p.m will be
completed the following business day but will not exceed a 24 hour period. Emergency
changes can be made by opening up a trouble ticket through which the Help Desk and
Network Operations chenter will make the change and notify the Commonwealth
Manager via page and e-mail with a copy of the Ticket number.
Administrators will also verify attorney numbers by BNA verification into a national
Attorney Database. These Attorney numbers will be marked so that they can not be
recorded or monitored and such numbers will have prerecorded announcements stating
that the calls are not monitored or recorded.
PIN information shall be cross·referenced to the Department of Corrections Numbers by
Contractor and shall be available on both electronic and hard copy on demand.
Mel Response:
MCr has read, understands and will comply.
As stated in the previous subseCtion 2), the inmate PINS are cross-referenced to the DOC
numbers and they are available on both electronic and hard copy on demand.
Attachments 15-19 provide statistics on inmate population, admissions, releases,
transfers, and projected growth. It is suggested that Contractors use this data in determining'
staffing requirements etc. for PIN a,dministration.
" , Mel Response:
MCr has read, understands and will comply.
To provide and manage the PIN Administrative Staff, MClhas contracted with
ShawnTech Communications. ShawnTech operates the existing PIN Administration for
the PA DOC today.
Under MCl's proposed decentralized Option 1, Mer will provide through ShawnTech
nineteen (19) PIN Administrators and one (1) Commonwealth Manager. The existing
personnel will be maintained and will perform the same duties as are provided today.
The PIN Administrators will maintain their existing site placement and site responsibility
as they do today.
For centralized Option 2, MCr will also contract with ShawnTech. Under this option MCr '
will provide through ShawnTech, six (6) PIN Administrators and one (1) Commonwealth
Manager. Again, Mer will utilize the existing ShawnTech Staff. The six Administrators
will be assigned specific sites for management as described in Mel's response to Tab 5
and will visit each site as required by the Commonwealth in the RFP.
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
;' :
~ .
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
Mel is' confident that this PIN staffmg will be sufficient t9 provide the PA DOe with the
level of support they are receiving today..
Contractor shall be able to transfer inmate PIN numbers and calling lists automatically
when inmates are transferred from one SCI to another SCI.
_MCl Response:
Mel has read, understands and will comply.
Another great feature of the Focus 100 system is the ability to have inmate records, PlN,
and' Allow Lists follow them automatically when they transfer to another facility.
Additionally the Administrators will be well versed in providing transfer capabilities.
The system shall be able to take an individual station out of service, State the procedures
and the length of time in minutes that shall be required to take a station off-line.
MCl Response:
Mel has read, understands and will comply.
Each administrator, field support personnel, the ,call help desk and technical support',. "
personnel are all capable of taking an individual station out of service within seconds. In
the amount of time it would take to call a support person to request such changes, the, ,i'
individual would be able to disable individual or inUltiple stations. It literally takes less
than a minute to do so.
Phone Station Activation I Deactivation
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
The Contractor shall be able to provide the following call detail information:
At the option of the Commonwealth, reports by DOC Number or inmate name for both
completed calls and call attempts.
Mel Response:
MCr has read, understands and will comply..
At the option of the Commonwealth, reports by DOC Number or inmate Name for both
completed calls and call attempts are able to be provided. Listed below is a screen print
ofthe requested iIifonnation.
. :'"
Call Detail Reports Options
Reports on specific DOC Number(s)' or PIN on demand.
Mel Response:
MCr has read, understands and will comply.
At the option of the Commonwealth, reports by DOC Number or inmate PIN are able to
be provided on demand. Listed below is a screen print of the requested information.
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No: 2005-081-011
Queries to the system on demand as to whether a specific telephone number(s) is (are)
in the system.
Mel Response:
Mel has read, understands and will comply.
At the option of the Commonwealth, queries to the system on demand for a specific
telephone number or numbers within the Focus 100 ITS are available on demand as
depicted in the screen print below.
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
Facility Phone List
The Contractor is required to provide all equipment necessary to facilitate up to one (1 )
PC Work Station at each SCI for DOC Security Officers.; locations to be determined by local
SCI management. The DOC-SCI Security Offices use the stations for investigating inmate
cases in all of the SCls.
MCl Response:
MCl has read, understands and has complied.
MCl's financial offer included within the RFP response includes per amendment #2 that
one (1) PC Workstation at each SCI for Doc Security Officers will be provided..
The system shall have t~e ability to have restrictions vary by the combination of inmate
and called party so that special treatment may be afforded for calls to attorneys or other
privileged communications. This feature shall include the ability to block, on an individual PIN called party number basis, calls from being monitored or recorded.
MCl Response:
MCl has read, understands and will comply.
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
Within the inmate's calling list, various call control parameters can be established for
each number, including but not limited to a RecordlDo Not Record indicator. ill addition,
during the implementation phase, Mel will work to secure all attorney lists that are
currently resident in the existing call processing equipment for inclusion prior to
installation. Bar lists can also be uploaded prior to installation. All known attorneys'
lists will be designated with the Do Not Record indicator set in the system.
The Shadow digital Call recording technology is an integrated component ofthe inmate
call processing system and will record each and every conversation initiated through the "
system (except identified attorney/privileged calls) twenty-four (24) hours a day 365 days
a year and at any time a call is placed, even all calls simultaneously, which includes both
the inmate and the called party.
Even call attempts are recorded, the call does not have to be accepted before it is
recorded. The recording begins upon inmate initiating the call. This allows the
investigators to monitor call attempts which is a major breakthrough for the investigators'
that other vendors do not support of offer.
Special Telephone List - Record I Do Not Record Option
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
The system shall have the ability to limit calls to a specified duration by DOC Number or
, PIN, and by specific telephone numbers assigned to a PIN. In addition to limiting calls to a
, specific telephone number to a specified duration and limiting total calling minutes to a
specified duration, the system shall also be capable of cumulating calling time for each PIN up
to specified limits for calls placed during a period of 7 days, I.e.: 0001 hours Sunday through
2359 hours Saturday. Refer to Attachment 9 Department of Corrections Inmate Policy stating
calling limits for all DOC-SCI locations.
In like manner, the system must be capable of being preprogrammed by PIN to allocate 45
minutes of calling during a seven (7) day period (0001 hours Sunday through 2359 hour
Saturday) into three (3) 15 blocks of time segments and only permit one (1) 15 block segment
to be used on anyone (1) day.
A warning tone or announcement shall be given to the caller prior to the call being terminated
due to the expiration of calling-time limitations. The system shall be able to have this limiting
factor disengaged for specific numbers i.e., attorneys' numbers.
Mel Response:
'MCl has read, understands and will comply.
call will be timed based on the parameters designated by the Commonwealth. ';
Using the provided workstation, general class of service specifications may be
established globally for all DOC facilities, by facility, or the Commonwealth may"
establish an iinnate specific call 'duration through the use of PINs, and by specific ;,.
telephone numbers assign to 'a PIN. Finally, VAC's latest software release will allow
specific tarifftypes such as Local andlor Long Distance calls to be set with specificrca11
durations unlike other vendors.
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
... ':.
.Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
Inmate Call Limit Status
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
In all cases, one (1) minute prior to expiration ofthe established maximum call duration
limit, the system will playa warning tone or voice prompt such as "One minute
remaining." At the end of that one (1) minute, the system will terminate the call.
The Inmate Class of Service within the Focus 100 defines the overall level of access
given to an imnate. As shown in the image below, Call Duration may be set as requested.
This includes the flexibility to set the total number of calls or minutes an inmate may
make in any given day, week, or month. It also allows for specific call durations to be :-:
established by PIN. These calls or minutes can be divided between collect and debit
calling, if implemented and desired. This is depicted in the red dotted line circle in the',
example below.
Access Control
The Focus 100 system allows a user with the proper authorization to "suspend" inmate
calling privileges indefinitely or for a fixed number of days. While suspended, the
inmate will not be able to call any numbers except privileged numbers.
Suspension - The facility staff has the ability to suspend an inmate's calling privileges.
During this period, an inmate is not allowed to make calls. Suspensions are set for day
increments. Suspensions in day increments begin immediately and expire at midnight.
Once a suspension has expired, the inmate's account will automatically be accessible
again. All accounts that are suspended are listed on the Currently Suspended Telephone
Accounts report for easy viewing.
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
~;::;••: I'~
Suspended Inmate Reference
Section 2
Tab 6- Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
The Currently Suspended Telepbone Accounts report lists all!nmate telephone accounts whose
calling privileges have been suspended. Records are sorted by Inmate DOC Number. ,and then by'
date of suspension. The Currently Suspended Telephone Accounts report displays "!he following
Facility Name
Facility Code
10 {inmate's ID number}:
Inmate name
Start Date (suspension will began)
End Date (suspension will eml)
Days to be Suspended
Days Already Suspended
Suspended Days Left
Total Number of Suspended Accounts
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Suspended Telephone Accounts Report
Use of the PIN feature does allow the DOC to restrict inmate's calling to specific phones·
or group of phones.
The Telephone Assignment Tab screen below lists the phones an inmate is allowed to use
to m~e calls. Phones are listed by Station ID and the inmate is allowed to use only those
phones within their assigned Living Unit. To allow an inmate to use any pho:t;te from the
facility, remove all phones from the allowed list. The allowed list will then display "<No
restrictions>, indicating that they may use any phone at the facility.
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
Inmate Telephone Assignment
All collect calls shall be processed without the involvement of a live operator.
MCl Response:
MeI has read, understands and will comply.
All calls are processed using the full-featured automated. atten~ant function. At no time
will inmates have access to a live operator. Instructions are clear and easy to understand
in either English or Spanish, based on the preference established at PIN assignment.
When Mel orders the phone circuits for carrying inmate traffic, the circuits are ordered
for'outbound service without the use of live operators.
The Contractor shall state that the Line Identification DataBase (LIDB) shall be dipped
(inquired), at a minimum, one (1) time each calendar day per inmate called telephone numberto
which access is attempted.
MCI Response:
Mel has read, understands and will comply.
It is Mel's policy to perform a LIDB validation on each and every call in real time. Mel
does not support a once per day validation or "cashing" process. Mel can afford this
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
additional level of security due to the fact that it employees its own LIDB validation
As Stated the Focus 100 system validates calls in real time. During call setup, the inmate
is placed on hold while validation ofthe destination number is checked. The Telephone'
number validation takes less than 5 seconds to process.
The telephone number that the inmate dials is first checked against the system or facility
phone database, which includes the Call Block List and Telephone Scheduling. When
using PINs, the telephone number is also checked against the inmate's personal Call
Block, Call Schedule, and Call Allow lists.
Mcr then checks the telephone number against the Line Information Database (LIDB).
The LIDB dip occurs on a daily basis to ensure the latest fraud~ad debt attributes,
operational status, and billable status (e.g. pay.phones are not billable) is obtained. If the
telephone number is determined to be valid, the·call is allowed to process. If the "
telephone number is not validated, the built in Focus 100 automated operator tells the
inmate that the call can not be processed because it is blocked and the call is terminated.
The termination ofthe call requires the inmate to hang up the current call before he I she
can attempt another call.
Single Central Office:
The system shall be able to detect, in real time, the called party's attempt to access 3-way
and/or call forward calling on a call made within the same central office following the connection
of the call between the inmate and the called party, regardless of whether the called party has
first accepted the call. The system shall terminate the connection instantaneously upon
detection of the attempt to access 3-way and/or call ,forward calling. The Contractor shall,
provide a detailed technical description of how the proposed system functions in
controlling the 3-way calling and the best estimate of the percentage of total call
attempts that the system being proposed detects, and the percentage of these total
detected attempts that the system being proposed terminates instantaneously upon
,,' detection.
. ,
" Detection of 3-way and/or call forward calling shall be capable; of being configured by/for each
SCI to either automatically terminate suspected calls, report the suspected calls, monitor and
, record suspected calls or any combination of these options. "
The Contractor shall explain in detail the type of three way calling or call forwarding its
system is capable of detecting and disconnecting. The Contractor shall, at a minimum,
indicate whether its proposed system is capable of detecting and disconnecting each of
the following types of three way or forwarded calls. If it is not possible to detect and
disconnect any or all of these types of cails, so state. The Contractor shall provide a
recommended alternative for detection.
Calls to telephone numbers, which have been automatically forwarded, to another
telephone number by the local telephone company.
Mel Response:
MCl has read, understands and submits that Local Exchange Carrier Central Office
features provided by the local dial tone switches are becoming increasingly difficult to
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
detect because of tremendous advancements in central office switches and networks~
Additionally, the local telephone line is increasingly being used for data connections to
the Internet or Intranets. With the advent ofthis technology and multiple uses for local
telephone lines including different technologies for Voice Over IP 01oIP), the local
service'providers design the networks and purchase switches to make these optional
features as seamless as, possible to enhance the voice conversation and maximize data ,
throughput on data connections. However, these'design advancements make detection of..:
central office features more difficult, and in some cases impossible, to detect.
With ;~spect to Call Forwarding, the feature is designed for the subscriber of record to be;,
able to forward their incoming calls to an alternative telephone number, inchiding cell
phones"; When the originating calling party dials the subscriber destination number, the
Central Office that will carry that call completes a database lookup to that particular
" subscriber ANI. If call forwarding is enabled on that ANI, the call will route to the
alternative number as designated'by the subscriber. The calling party is completely
unaware that their call has been re-routed to an alternative number. Mcr could not
legally stop the subscriber from obtaining this service "and using this service. Mcr can
enforce the DOe policy to mark and also disconnect these types of calls upon discovery
as appropriate. Mel does not currently have statistical analysis to determine and report
the percentage of attempts and successful detection of such call attempts.
, , " l,! '
2. . Calls to telephone numbers, which have been automatically forwarded by called parties
through the use of feature groups provided by the local telephone' company.
MCI Response:
MCr has read, uriderstands and respectfully submits that as identified in the previous,
'subsection 1 on remote call forwarded numbers, Mcr could not legally stop the
subscriber from obtaining this service and using this service. MCr can enforce the DOC
policy. to mark and also disconnect these types of calls upon discovery as appropriate.
MCr does not currently have statistical analysis to determine and report the percentage of,
attempts and successful detection of such call attempts.
Calls to telephone numbers, which "hook flash," dial another number and complete the
three-way call. '
MCl Response:
Mer has read, understands and will comply.
Mel's proposed VAC Systems are designed to isolate three-way call attempts by
detecting multiple call characteristics typically associated with this type of activity. Any
call detected by this feature yvill be 'tagged as a three-way call in the call detail record and
made available for review in a report designed for this specific purpose.
Once the system is up and running for a period oftime, traffic patterns and call activity
will be analyzed to determine the optimum sensitivity setting for three-way call detect.
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical ReqUirements
I····· ..
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
At this time, the disconnect feature will be enabled at the direction of the DOC. From
this point forward, calls that trigger the three-way call detection feature will be
disconnected, or cause the call to be disconnected.
While every effort is made to improve the accuracy ofthree-way call detection, it is·
possible for other events on a call to inadvertently result in call disconnection. These
Non-voice sounds during the call
Extra digits dialed during the call
Dropping or tapping the handset
Use of the call waiting feature by the called party.
Simulation of a hook switch / flash
If the phone system detects a three-way call attempt, the system will end the call
Current technology, in the Public Switched Telephone Network only provides audible
indications on the line when call forwarding or a three-way call is attempted. Since ",
three-way calling requires' ahook':'flash of a specified minimum and maximum duration
and since the three-way calling is usually accompanied by silence from the called party
end of the line, the system detects these signals and responds according to system
:.:. .
programming. rhese-responses can be a voice prompt informing the parties the calbis ."';~.
from an inmate, a flag on the call recording indicating that a three-way call was detected, .
termination of the call, or a combination of these. The system is dependent on the noise .. ,
on the line and other signals that can· sound like three-way call attempts or the lack of~, ..
signaling during a three-way call attempt, e:g., connecting two lines through a dual1ine
phone or a digital PBX. Some of the problems that exist with the current technology are:
(1) call waiting may sound like a three-way call,. which makes differentiation virtually
impossible erroneous disconnects; (2) can· forwarding may not be detected at
all; and (3) noise or conversation on the line may mask the signaling nonnally heard;
during a three-way call attempt.
MCl and VAC continue to develop additional methods to detect three-way and remote
call forwarded calls. Research has identified that on a large number of three-way call
attempts p. secondary ring is heard. A trap for secondary ring can been implemented, and
provides several options as to which type of action is to be taken. MCl does not currently
have statistical analysis to determine and report the percentage of attempts and successful'
detection of such call attempts.
The call can proceed and the call detail record is marked with a special indicator, the call
can proceed and the investigator is notified ofthe three-way call event, or the call can be .
disconnected. In addition, the DOC can request that called parties who abuse three-way
calling l;Il1d call forwarding, have the particular called party number blocked in the facility
database listing.
Section 2
Tab 6 -Technical Requirements
:';'r: '
..} !
.. '.
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
Based on its extensive experience within the industry, MCr has some DOC customers
recommending to their investigative staff that the call be pennitted to continue, and'mark
the call detail record as a fraudulent or three way call attempt for later investigation. This
pennits investigators to collect valuab~e evidence that ordinarily wouldn't be available if
the call was immediately disconnected. MCl's solution includes comprehensive call
recording at each facility permitting archival ofthree way calls for investigative work
long after the call was completed. However, if DOC simply wants all three-way call
events and discovered call forwarded numbers to be disconnected, MCl will comply with
this request. MCr can play an announcement to the called p arty that the call is being
disconnected because of an identified three-way call event.
Conference calls facilitated through customer provided switching equipment.
Mel Response:
MCr has read, understands and submits that as previously 'stated in this response, MCl
and VAC work diligently to improve upon the detection and prevention of fraudulent
activity. Mel could not legally stop the subscriber from obtaining this service and using
. this service. MCr can enforce the DOC policy to :mark. and also disconnect these types of
.' ~alls upon discovery as ~ppropriate. MCr does not currently have statistical analysi$ to
4etermine and report the'.percentage of attempts and successful detection of such call
Multiple Central Offices:
., The system.shall be able t6 detect, in real time, the called party's attempt to access 3-way
"" i3nd/or call forward calling on a call made in multiple central offices following the connection of·
. the call between the inmate and the called party, regardless of whether the called party has first
, accepted the call. The system shall terminate the-conneCtion instantaneously upon detection of
.. the attempt to access 3-way and/or call forward calling~The Contractor shall provide a
,. detC!i1edtechnical description of how the proposed system fun~tions in controlling the 3way calling and the be!!t estimate of the attempts the they system
being proposed detects, and the percentage of these total detected attempts that the
system being proposed terminates instantaneously upon detection.
Detection of 3-way and/or call forward calling shall be capable of being configured by/for each
SCI to either automatically terminate suspected calls, report the suspected calls, monitor and
record suspected calls or any combinations of these options. .
The Contractor shall explain in detail the type of three way calling or call forwarding its
system is capable of detecting and disconnecting. The Contractor shall, at a minimum;
indicate whether its proposed system is capable of detecting and disconnecting each of
the following types of three way or forwarded calls. If it is not possible to detect and
disconnect any or all of these types of calls, so state. The Contractor shall provide a
recommended alternative for detection.
Calls to telephone numbers, which have been automatically forwarded, to another
telephone number by the,local telephone company.
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
MCI Response:
Mcr has read, understands and submits that Local Exchange Carrier Central Office
features provided by the local dial tone switches are becoming increasingly difficult to
detect because of tremendous advancements in central office switches and networks.
Additionally, the local telephone line is increasingly being used for data connections to
the Internet or Intranets. With the advent of this technology and multiple uses for local
telephone lines including different technologies for Voice Over IP (VoIP), the local
servicei~roviders design the networks and purchase switches to make these optional
feature~ as seamless as possible to enhance the voice conversation'and maximize data
throughput on data connections. However, these design advancements make detection of
central office features more difficult, and in some cases imposs~ble, to detect.
With respect to Call Forwarding, the feature is designed for the subscriber of record to be
able to forward their incoming calls to an alternative telephone number, including cell
phones. When the originating calling party dials the subscriber destination number, the
"'CentrafOffice that will carry that call completes a database lookup to that partiCUlar
,subscriber ANI. If call forwarding is enabled on that ANI, the call will route to the
-'alternative number as designated by the subscriber. The calling party is completely
: unaware that their call has been re-routed to an alternative number. MCr could not
',-' legally 'stop the subscriber from obtaining this service and using'this service. Mcr can
i eriforce'ithe DOC policy to mark and also disconnect these types of calls upon discovery , _as appropriate. MCr does not currently have statistical analysis to detennine and report
the percentage of attempts and successful detection of such call attempts.
Cal!s to telephone numbers, which have been automatically forwarded by called parties
through the use of feature groups provided by the local telephone company.
, MCI Response:
MCr has read, understands and submits that As identified in the previous, subsection y.l
and y.2 on remote call forwarded numbers, MCr could not legally stop the subscriber
from obtaining this service and using this service. Mcr can enforce the DOC policy to
mark and also disconnect these types of calls upon discovery as appropriate. MCr does
not currently have statistical analysis to determine and report the percentage of attempts
and successful detection of such call attempts.
Calls to telephone numbers, which "hook flash," dial another number and complete the
three-way call.
, 'MCr has read, understands and will comply.
VAC Systems are designed to isolate three-way call attempts by detecting multiple call
characteristics typically assqciated with this type of activity. Any call 4etected by this
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
-* -------------------R-F-P-N-O;",..2-0-05-.0-a-1.-01-1Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
may be located and the threat of escape or other illegal activity. Additionally, Cellular
telephones can not accept collect calls. Thus as previously stl:!.ted, MCI will continue to
block such calls unless the Commonwealth dictates otherwise. But MCI and VAC have
teamed together to offer those individuals with cellular service an alternative.
cc. If the proposed system has the ability to detect the 3-way call attempt and to terminate
the call on calls that have been automatically call-fOlwarded by the inmates called party to an
additiona!'called party, or again to another called party, by programming the central office
equipment or other intervening switch, the Contractor shall provide a detailed technical
description of how the proposed system detects 'and terminates this type of call. For example,·
the inmate may call a permitted number having made prior arrangements with an accomplice to
have the call automatically transferred to another number. One or more call forwarding
sequences may take place in the attempt to break the system. The Contractor shall 'also state
the average percent success that can be expected.
Mel Response:
MCr has read, understands and will comply.
VAC Systems are designed to isolate three-way call attempts by detecting multiple call .
characteristics typically associated with this type of activity. Any call detected by this;,! :,
. "feature will be tagged as a thte'e-way'call in the call detail record and made available foi'··
. review in a report designed for this specific purpose. '.'
. Once the system is up and running for a period. oftime, tia.ff1c patterns and call activity.
will be analyzed to detennine the optimum sensitivity setting .for three-way call detect.
be enabled at the direction of the DOC. From
At this time, the disconnect feature
this point forward, calls that trigger the. three-way call detection feature will be
disconnected, or cause the call to be disconnected.
While every effort is made to improve the accuracy ofthree-way call detection, it is'
possible for other events on a call to inadvertently result in call disconriection. These.,·
• Non-voice sounds dUring the'call
• Extra digits dialed during the call
• Dropping or tapping the handset
• Use of the call waiting feature by the called party
Simulation of a hook switch / flash
lithe phone system detects a three-way call attempt, the system will end the call
Current technology in the Public Switched Telephone Network only provides audible
indications on the line when call forwarding or a three-way call is attempted. Since
three-way calling requires a hook-flash of a specified minimum and maximum duration
and since the three-way calling is usually accompanied by silence' from the called party
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
.,: ;
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
end of the line, the system detects these signals and responds according to system
programming. These responses can be a voice prompt informing the parties the call is
from an inmate, a flag on the call recording indicating that a three-way call was detected,
termination ofthe call, or a combination of these. The system is dependent on the noise
on the line and other signals that can sound like three-way call attempts or the lack of .
signaling during a three-way call attempt, e.g., connecting two lines through a dual line
phone or a digital PBX. Some of the problems that exist with the current technology are:
(1) call waiting may sound like a three-way call, which makes differentiation virtually
impossible resulting in erroneous disconnects; (2) call forwarding may not be detected at
all; and (3) noise or conversation on the line may mask the ~ignaling normally heard
during a three-way call attempt.
MCr and VAC continue to develop additional me,thods to detect three-way and remote
call forwarded calls. Research has identified that on a large number ofthree-way call
attempts a secondary ring is heard. A trap for secondary ring can been implemented, a n d · , .
provides several options as to which type of action is to be taken. MCr does not currently
have statistical analysis to determine and report the percentage of attempts and successful
d~tec~on of such call attempts.
'. ,
.. , ' f
dd. The 3-way calling prevention feature shall be able to be deactivated on a per number
dialed, per inmate basis. This shall permit call transferor 3-way conferencing of specific inmate
, calls placed to certain telephone numbers such as those at atto~neys' offices.
MCl Response:
Mcr has read, understands and submits that this fe~ture is not available today.
.ee. . Call acceptance by the called. party is to be accomplished through an active process
initi~~ed by the called party. The active proces~ required is the dialing of a digit on the called
. party's telephone.
MCl Response:
Mer has read, understands and will comply.
Upon successful completion of inmate dialing, the Focus 100 system will advise the
inmate as follows, "Your call is being processed". Each call requires the called party to
indicate po~itive acceptance by dialing or depressing "5" on th~ir phone. Until the call is
positively accepted and identified· by DTMF acknowledgement, the inmate is separa,ted
from the outgoing call process and billing is not initiated. Billing does not begin until the
positive acceptance has been acknowledged. Unlike other Inmate Telephone Systems,
the Focus 100 system does start recording the call at the beginning of the recorded
annOlUlcement whether the call is accepted or not. This allows for greater administrative
and investigative advantages.
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
. ff.
The active call acceptance method shall permit the called party to accept the call by
dialing the digit specified not only on a Touch Tone telep~one but also on a rotary dial
telephone or a non-Touch Tone telephone equipped with a central office access line. The
proposed system must allow the person the inmates are ·calling, for example a family member,
to accept the call by dialing the digit specified hot only on a Touch Tone telephone, but also on
a rotary dial telephone or a non-Touch Tone telephone equipped with a central office access
Mel Response:
Mer has read, understands and. will comply..
Unlike several other vendors, the Focus 100 can accept the called party's call acceptance
or rejection via voice response or rotary dialing in addition to positive aq;eptance via
touch tone DTMF.
:.. ,
gg. The system shall be capable of having a collect call and prepaid accepted in the passive
mode, when the called party answers; does nothing and the call is completed. Explain in detail
howthe proposed system does Jhis. State what percentage of inmate calls are handled
passively at existing installations. Explain under what conditions the proposed system is
required to handle the calls passively.
MCI Response:
. Mer has read, understands and will compiy.
The Focus 100 can be configured on a given telephone nunlber or route for passive
acceptance ofthe call. Passive acceptance can be configured to playa specific message
multiple times and timeout before cut-thru or to playa unique message that will not ask, .
for positive acceptance regardless of-collect or prepaid. Usually Attorney calls are set for
passive accept. Less than 1% of inmate calls are set for passive accept. Any condition
can be setup for passive accept. It is simply accomplished by specifying this Passiv.e
Accept feature on the specified telephone number..
hh. During the call set up process, the answering party shall hear a prerecorded
announcement identifying that the collect call or the prepaid is coming from a specific inmate at·
a specific SCI. A pre-recorded statement of the inmate's name shall identify the inmate placing
the call to the called party. It is not permissible to require or permit the inmate to state his name
during the call set up process. No pre acceptance communication by the inmate who is placing
the call is permitted. However, the inmate shall be able to hear the call set up announcements
and acceptance results, which occur after the call has been answered.
MCI Response:
Mer has read, understands and will comply.
For both collect and prepaid calls, the automated operator plays scripts identifying the
calls to the called party and functions as explained here helow..
Every time a call is placed, the inmate would enter their assigned pm, which associates
every call and the resulting call records and recordings with that inmate. The first time
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
l', • .
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
the inmate makes a phone call and enters his / her PIN information, the Focus 100 ITS
will check to see if that inm:ate has a previously recorded' name, if not, the system will
instruct the inmate to state their name which will be recorded and played for all future
calls. MCI can disable the name announcement feature if desired by the PA DOC. MCI
has found that using this method of announcing inmate's calls reduces the attempts of
attempted fraud through system by passing messages to called parties when inmates are
allowed to state their names each time a call is placed. The use of prerecorded names '
however does require the use of PINs. Optionally, the correctional facility or a PIN
administrator could record the inmate's name to be associated with each call placed by
that inmate thereafter.
Upon successful completion of inmate dialing, the system will advise the inmate as
follows, "Your call is being processed". At this time, the inmate is separated from the
outgoing call process. Although they can hear the call progress and system
announcements, they- cannot hear or communicate with the called party until positive
acceptance of call is received. The message will be played to the called party two (2)
times prior to terminating the call. It typically takes approximately 3-4 seconds from the
time the inmate completes dialing until'the called party is accessed. The automated ,
attendant for the Focus 100 system will announce the call to the called PartY. using the'
pre-recorded name and ass follows:
:' ': i
"This is an MCI Collect Call (or prepaid call) from "Inmate Name" (if required) an
inmate at the "Facility Name", a Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Correctional
Institution. All telephone calls will be recorded. excepfa1:tomey'calls and other privileged
party calls. The use of 3-way or call waiting will diSCOnnect tJ+e call. To hear the cost of
this call, dial 8 now. lfyou, wish to block any futUre coliect calis, dial 7-7. To refuse this
call, hang up. If you Wish to accept ru:-d l'ay for~his call;' di~5now."
Each ofthese parameters can be customized and Mel will work with DOC to meet their
Include in the proposal details of called party call acceptance' and all other pertinent
related recording and report information the Contractor may wish to present for consideration.
All variations of called party call acceptance flexibility and all fraud control procedures use by
Contractor shall be included in proposal.
Mel Response:
MCl has read, lmderstands and will comply.
As stated in the previous sections, the Focus 100 ITS can be configured to allow for
positive acceptance by Touch Tone DTMF, Rotary dialing, and voice acceptance.
Additionally, the system can be configured to allow for passive acceptance where by calls
are automatically connected.. This feature should be explained in full to the called party
prior to allowing such as they will be billed for all connected calls, whether to an
answering machine or other individuals receive such call in their absence.
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements '
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
ALL calls, even call attempts are recorded which makes for a great investigative tool
where other vendors only record completed calls. Recording call attempts allows the
investigators to gain valuable infohnation that they would otherwise not hear when a call
is not connected, such as the possibility of called parties trying to pass information.
Reporting features are listed below. Reports are provided in a WYSrwYG (What You
See Is What you Get) fonnat on the provided workstation monitors. Each report may be
viewed and I or printed.
The Focus 100 has a wide variety of reporting options. Using the Administrative
Workstation, system administrators and authorized facility staff with the appropriate level
of security access can generate, view, and print standard reports. Additionally, custom
reports can be created if required.
There are approximately forty standard reports that are available and are easily accessible
using a GUI interface on the system or via the web browser. These reports are indexed
and tabbed by the following categories: Financial Reports, Maintenance Reports, and
Investigative Reports as follows:
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081 -011
Financial Reports
r Description
Call Refund
Generates 'and prints a summary transaction report when a
Call Refund transaction is perfonned.
Daily Call Charges
Provides a,list of collect and debit call activity for a day or
date range.
, Financial Transactions
Provides a record of the total munber of financial
transactions for an individual inmate.
Inmate Deposit'
Provides a record of individual inmate deposits.
Inmate Reconciliation
Offers a detailed reconciliation of an individual inmate's ,:\i;"j. ',':
debit account.
Mamtenanc~ Reports
CityNPA-NXX Search
Provides the city and state for a particular NPA-NXX.
Local Exchanges
Provides area codes and exchanges that are designated for
the local calling area.
Provides r~cord of call attempts to invalid area codes.
:Percentage Grade of
Provid,es hourly call traffic infonnation showing the number
of calls attempted, the number blocked by traffic, and the ,
percentage blocked. The report can be obtained by entering
the desired report period.
State By NPA Search
Provides the state for a particular NPA (area code).
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
;', "
Mel. ---------------------------------Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
Jnvestigative Reports
Account Telephone
.. Number List
I Description
Provides a complete current list of allowed numbers
associated with a specified inmate account.
Alert Notification
Provides calls. made by inmates placed on alert and calls
made to telephone numbers that have been placed on alert
status during the desired report period. The report can be
obtained by entering the desired report period.
Approved Telephone
Numbers Search
Provides a list of the inmates that are allowed to call specific.'
telephone numbers. The report can be obtained by entering _
the telep~one numbers and the desired report period.
Call Detail
Provides the completed calls by. inmate (in the order that ,:
they were plac~d) over a specified time. The report can be
obtained by entering the inmate and a specified time frame ...
Calls From PIN Not at
Provides ail inmates' attempts to place calls with Invalid·PIN'·
numbers. The report can be obtained by entering the desired" ;
report period.
Chronological List of
Pr6vide~ a log of the calls attempts (successful and
.. "', -"
Unsuccessful) in the order that they were placed. The report
can be obtained by entering the type of call'(collect, debit, or .
both) and the desired report period.
Currently Suspended
Telephone Account
Provides a list of inmate telephone accounts where calling
privileges have been suspended during the desired period.
The report can be obtained by entering the desired report
Extra Dialed Digits
Provides a list of all calls where extra dialed digits were
detected during the desired period. The report can be
obtained by entering the desired report period.
Frequently Dialed
Provides a list of the telephone numbers called more than a '
specified number of times within a specified range of dates.
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
Investigative Reports
I Description
The report can be obtained by entering the minimum number
of calls to the telephone number and the desired report
. period.
Inmate Directory
Provides a log of all inmates. The report can be obtained by
entering the desired report period. .
Inmate History
Provides all transactions associated with an inmate telephone
account over a specified time' including commissary account
debit calls, collect calls, deposits, refunds, transfers, and/or
changes to inmate telephone list. The report can be obtained
by entering the inmate and a specified time frame.
Inmate Transfers
Provides a list inmate telephone accounts that have been
received or transferred during a specified time. The report
. can :be. obtained by entering the inmate and a specified time'"
'Locally Blocked
:Telephone Numbers
Provides a list of all phone numbers blocked by the local:
New Inmate(s)
Provides all inmate telephone accounts added during the'
specified,time period. The t:eport can be obtained by.
enterIng the desired report period.
Quantity of Calls
Provides a list of all inmates that have placed calls in excess
of the user-defined number of calls in a specific time period.
The report can be obtained by entering the minimum calls
threshold, type of call (collect, debit, or both), and desired
report period.
Quantity of Minutes
This report provides a list of all inmates that have placed
calls in excess of a user defined total amount of minutes in a
specific time period. Th.e report can be obtained by entering
the minimum amount of minutes threshold, type of call
(collect, debit, or both), and desired report period.
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
Investigative Reports
I Description
Released hunates
Displays inmates released and removed from the inmate
telephone system. The report can be obtained by entering
the desired report period.
Speed Dial Search
Displays inmates who have called the same telephone
number during a specified time. The report can be obtained
by entering 3-digj.t speed dial codes.
System-wide Blocked
Telephone Numbers
Provides a list of all phone numbers globally blocked
throughout the prison system.
Telephone Numbers
Called by More than
Provides a list of telephone numbers that have been called by'
a ,use;r defmed number of inmates within a specific time ,
period. The report can be obtained by.: entering the minimum:number of inmates calling and the desired report period. ..
Tel~phone Numbers
Listed in More than
One Account
f>rovides the telephone nuinbers that are on more that one ,;
inmate's list of numbers allowed to be dialed. The report ,"
can be obtained by entering the minimum number of inmates
calling and the desired report period.
. Telephone Number
. Provides a list of all calls made to a user specified telephone
number(s). The report can be obtained by entering the .,
telephone number, type of call (collect, debit, or both),
completed, uncompleted, or both calls, minimum call
and a specific time :period.
Toll Free Numbers
Called by hunates
Provides a list of toll free numbers (800, 866, 877, 888 etc.)
called by inmates. The report can be obtained by entering
the desired report period.
Three-Way. Call Detect
Provides a list of how many Three-Way Call attempts were
detected. The report can be obtained by entering the desired
report period.
RFP No. 2005-081-011
In addition to a pre-packaged CDR report, a flexible, user friendly CDR Browser ad hoc
query feature will be provided. The presentation format can be customized to:
Section 2
Tab 6- Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
Display or suppress any stored piece of infonnation about a call record,
Sort ascending or descending on any ofthe fields selected,
Select for one or more values in each selection field (e.g. multiple originating
stations, multiple called numbers)
Allow wild card search criteria
Select for a range of dates and times
Search calls of a specified length
Search calls of a particular type
Any call selected can be played by users with appropriate security authority as
well as exported to a CD for evidentiary use
Save frequently used ad hoc queries for future use.
. i'
The user will enter the GUI interface, select their search criteria for a specified report,
click on the preview/print button and view the report results. A screen shot of the system:
interface GUI depicts how the user is allowed to define the parameters to be applied to" .:.
'. '.', . produce
the customized ...",,.,.,..,..-t"
.. ~"
': .<
. :.
. '!.
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
The Data screen allows the user to view call records within a facility,' select parameters,
view call detail records, play!ecordings, selectlhide colunms, and sort data etc.
The system shall be capable of providing an announcement that overlays as background
to the voice conversation stating that the call is from a SCI. The system shall allow this overlay
announcement to be automatically played intermittently during the call for fraud prevention and
maintaining institutional security.
MCI Response:
MCr has read, understands and will comply.
The Voice Overlay feature of the proposed Focus 100 maybe programmed to interject a
voice announcement at random intervals throughout each inmate phone call. The'
announcement content will notify the called party that they are speaking to an inmate at
the {Facility Name}. The announcement volume will be reduced to a level that is not
obtrusive, 'but still' audible and clearly.: heard by both parties, the inmate and the called
party. MCr and VAC can adjust the volume and the frequency ofthe announcement as
required by the Commonwealth.
kk. The Contractor shall explain how the control and administration functions, are performed to
include, but not be limited to, the following:
Time of day and day of week restrictions.
MCI Response:
MCr has read, understands and will comply.
Using the provided Workstation, the Commonwealth will have complete flexibility to
establish inmate calling parameters by day of week and hour as' seen below. In addition,
general operating hours can be established for the entire DOC, by facility, or by PIN at
the DOC's discretion. The DOC may also choose to control a group cifphones.' calling
hours, such as the infirmary. Holiday schedules may also be established in order to offer
alternate calling on these defined days. Once these schedules are established, access to
calling by the inmates is automatically controlled by the system, with no administrative
intervention required.
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
. I
Additional announcements such as "This call is from a Commonwealth of Pennsylvania :
Correctional Facility ap.d may be recorded. and monitored". Other such announcements'
that Mcr has been requested to interject into the conversations is "Three-way or other:
fraudulent call attempts is in violation of correctidnal policies".
As indicated, the customization of overlays is highly advised,and MCr will work with
the DOC to customiie any overlay to their specifications. Generally overlays are played
. every 5 minutes of a conversation, but once again, these intervals are programmable to'
meet your specifications.
. " "':
.... : !
,,; ., y:
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
Access Control
Telephone shut-off and system usage report generation by telephone number or by PIN.
This is a report showing the actions of inmates their usage and restriction level.
Mel Response:
MCl has read, understands and will ~omJlly.
The Focus 100 ITS provides several different methods to shut-off individual telephones;
a group of phones, or the total inmate telephone system. Each method is described
MCl will install manual cut off switches for each of the facility's logical groups of
, phones. Manual switches are placed at locations specified by facility administrators
allowing correctional officers or authorized administrative staff the ability to selectively
disable a single phone, bank of phones or all phones within the institution. '
Single phones, groups 6fphones, or all inmate telephones can be turned offus~g menu
options at the system workstation. PIN access within an entire facility and I or within a
particular housing unit may be locally disabled, or may be remotely disabled with the
proper password access, '
Also using the p~ovided Workstation, the Commonwealth will have complete flexibility
to establish imnate calling parameters by day of week and hour as shown in the previous
subsection. In addition, general operating hours can be established for the entire DOC,
by facility, or by PIN at the DOC's discretion. The DOC may also choose to control a
group of phones' calling hours, such as the infirmary. Holiday schedules may also be
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
established in order to offer alternate calling on these defined days. Once these schedules
are established, access to calling by the inmates is automatically controlled by the system,
with no administrative intervention required.
Some ofthe various reports that can be provided by telephone number or inmate PIN are
provided here below.
. Investigative Reports
Account Telephone Number List
Provides a complete current list of allowed
. numbers associated with a specified inmate
Call Detail
Provides the coinpleted calls by inmate (in the
order that they were placed) over a specified time.
The report can be obtained by entering the inmate
and a specified time frame.
Calls From PIN Not at Facility
Provides all irunates' attempts to place calls willi'
1nvalid PIN numbers. The report can be obtained
by entering the desired report period.
Chronological List of Calls
Provides a log ofthe calls attempts (successful
and unsuccessful) in the order that they were
placed. The report can be obtained by entering
the type of call (collect, debit, or both) and the
, desired report period. .
Currently Suspended Telephone
Provides a list of inmate telephone accounts
where callhig privileges have 'been suspended
during the desired period. The report can be
obtained by entering the desired report period.
Extra Dialed Digits
Provides a list of all calls where extra dialed .
digits were detected dUring the desired period.
The report can be obtained by entering the
desired report period
Frequently Dialed Numbers
Provides a list ofthe telephone numbers called
more than a specified number oftimes within a
specified range of dates. The report can be
obtained by entering the minimum number of
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
--------------,--RFP No. 2005·081·011
calls to the telephone number and the desired
report period.
Inmate Directory
Provides a log of all inmates. The report can be
obtained by entering the desired report period.
Inmate History
Provides all transactions associated with an
inmate telephone account over a specified time
including commissary account debit calls, collect
calls, deposits, refunds, transfers, and/or changes
to inmate telephone list. The report can be
obtained by entering the inmate and a specified
time frame.
Inmate ::rransfers
. ::;
.:', :'. ~.'~. ~r'
Quantity of Calls Placed
• i.1
: ~.'
Provides a list inmate telephone accounts that
have been received or transferred during a
specified time. The report can be obtained by'
entering the inmat~ and a specified time fr'\IDe;·
Provides a list of all inmates that have placed
calls in excess ofthe user-defined number of calls
in a specific time period. The report can be
obtained by entering the minimum calls
threshold, type of call (collect, debit, or both),
and desired report.period.
This report provides a list of all inmates that have
placed calls in excess of a user defined total
amount ofm#1Utes in a specific time period. The
report can be .obtained by entering the minimum
amount of minutes threshold, type of call (collect,
debit, or both), and desired report period.
Released Inmates
Displays inmates released and removed from the
inmate telephone ~ystem. The report can be
obtained by entering the desired report period.
Speed Dial Search
Displays inmates who have called the same
telephone number during a specified time. The
report can be obt,ained by entering 3-digit speed
dial codes.
Quantity of Minutes Called
.... ::
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
":: . ;
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
Telephone Numbers Called by
More than One Inmate
Provides a list oftelephone numbers that have
been called by a user defined number of inmates
within a specific time period. The report can be
obtained by entering the minimum number of
inmates calling and the desired report period.
Telephone Numbers Listed in More
than One Account
Provides the telephone numbers that are on more
that one inmate's list of numbers allowed to be,
dialed. TheTep~rt can be obtained by entering
the minimum number of inmates calling and the
desired report period.
Telephone Number Usage
Provides a list of all calls made to a user specified
telephone number(s). The report can be obtained
by entering the telephone number, type of call
(collect, debit,· of both), completed, uncompleted,
or both calls, minimum call duration, and a
specific tiin~ period:
Toll Free' Numbers Called by
Provides a list ·oftoll free numbers (800, 866,
877, 888 etc.) called by inmates. The report can:·
be obtained by entering the desired report period.
Three Way Call Detect
Provides a Ust of how many 3 Way Call attempts. .
were detected. The report can be obtamed by
entering the desired report period.
In addition to a pre-packaged CDR report, a flexible, user friendly CDR Browser ad hoc
query feature will be provided. The presep.tation format can be· customized to:
• -Display or suppress any stored piece of IDformation about a ~all record,
Sort ascending or descending on any of the fields selected,
Select for one ormore values in each selection field (e.g. multiple originating
stations, multiple called numbers)
Allow card search criteria'
Select for a range of dates and times
Search calls of a specified length
Search calls of a particulartype
Any call selected can be played I exported with the appropriate security level
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
Save frequently used ad hoc queries for future use.
-The user will enter the GUI interface, select their search criteria for a specified report,
- click on the preview/print button and view the report results.
Call Detail Repor:t
. , ..
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005·081·011
The Call Umif Status Tab dfsplays read-only rOJomlation regarding the remaining limits for the number
of ,calls, number of minutes, and number o.Wries. To adjust any ofthe maximums aHowed for the
current GaS, either n1O{jify the COS: from the ~'~Malntenance screen which change the settingslor
all :inmates for the CUflt!nt COS, or modiiy [he access, prlll.ileges for a particular inmate 'from the Access Control
Figure a Cal! Limit Shl:ius Tab
Number ,of Cans area displays the maximum, used, and remaining number of caHs allowed forfue '
inmate's COS. The calls are categorized by debit. cojjec~ and tota}. Each field contains 'figures for the
current ·day, week, and month.
Number of Minutesare.a displays the maximum. used, .and remaii1ing number of minutes aHawed for
the inmate's. COK The minutes are categorized by debit, collect, and totaL Each neld contains
figures for the current day! week, and month.
Number of Inquiries :area dispJays the maximum, used, and remaining number of inquires allowed for
the inmate's COS. The inquiries are categorized by l'TS, Canteen, and Fund Transfers to rrs. Each
field contains figures for tile current day, week, and month.
Call Limit Status Screens
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
.. ,
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No, 2005-081-011
CDR Browser Screen
Inmate Financial Detailed Info
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005·081·011
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Frequently Dial Numbers Report
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
I.nmate Access Control
The system shall provide centralized system reporting capabilities and shall
be capable of producing immediate, real-time reports as well as having the
database administrable from the centralized location. In proposed systems
using location processors, the local database shaH be updateable from the
location processor. Updating the location processor sh~1I automatically
update the central processor.
Mel Response:
Mel has read, understands and will comply.
In both an on-premise and off-premise ITS system, all databases are updated in real-time,
thus providing for real-time reporting capabilities. Reports are produce;d from the
workstations and the workstations generate such reporting details from the respective onpremise or off-premise ITS.
As explained in earlier sections, the built in redundancy with mUltiple locations for
backups of the call detail records, even if one system is down, the reports can be
generated from other locations.
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
mm. The system shall permit an inmate'to keep the same PIN and PIN database (permitted.
telephone numbers and restrictions) regardless of the SCI in which the inmate is incarcerated
at the time. The Contractor shall explain, in detail, how this requirement shall be accomplished.
Mel Response:
Mel has read, understands and will comply.
Inmate Transfers- The proposed Focus 100 is :installed:in a Wide Area Network
configuration offering the maximum flexibility: for managing callprocessing amongst'
sites .. When an :inmate·is to be transferred
one site to another, the site administrator
will access the workstation ands<?lect th~'~ate Account Transfer function. With a few
simple mouse clicks, the inmate data is transferred to the site with all account settings
intact. Allowing the inmate to keep his / her PIN numbers, Allow List, Block List, '"
Recordings, Phone Schedules, etc. No data re-entry is required. If the customer elects to
activate the debit calling feature, the transfer function also shifts the inmate'sphone fund
account'balance to the new site. At any time, inmate,transfer? for a defined date range
may be reviewed in the Inmate Activity Report.
nn. The Commonwealth recognizes that there is ongoing effort in the vendor community to
develop advanced technological features in addition to the 3-way call detect/disconnect
capability that, if viable, may enhance the effectiveness of inmate telephone call control
systems. Examples include the capability for positive voiceprint matching of a specific PIN to a
specific inmate's voice, the capability to search recorded inmate calls and to recognize and
docket specific, preprogrammed, spoken words, and the capability to match an inmate
fingerprint to a specific inmate PIN, and other newer technological features. Contractors are
invited to include in their proposal any of these types of advanced technological
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
features that are demonstrable as elements of installed inmate telephone call systems.
The proposal must include verifiable success ratio statistics.
Mel Response:
MCI has read, understands and will comply.
For a reduction in commissions that can be negotiated at contract time, the Focus 100
uses a combination PIN plus Voice Recognition capability that provides the optimum
method of performing Inmate Speaker Identification. When the Imnate makes a call for
the first time he must enter his PIN and is prompted to speak his name twice. After the
initial registration, whenever the inmate places a call he must enter his PIN and speak his
name at the prompt. The spoken name is compared to the original voiceprint registration
for the PIN and, if positive, the call is allowed. If negative, he is prompted for a
configured number of allowed retries. Name recordings can be reset from the
administrative workstation. The successful verification of such voice print is above 98%.
MCI will be providing a Word Search / Recognition system that is integrated with the
Focus 100 ITS. The Focus 100 System V-Scan feature allows users to scan call
recordings for
specific words and
phrases. Multiple
options are
including real-time
call scanning.
However, when all
calls are searched
. . Jor 'general terms
and, the
. word reco guition
capability actually
has a negative
effect by creating
work. Our
configuration is to
automatically scan
'. call recordings as
they occur but to only index the phonemes to facilitate rapid searches on demand later.
This allows the user to search specific calls or calls from specific inmates for words or
phrases pertinent to the investigation. This approach provides the highest level of
accuracy and effectiveness from any work/phrase search tool.
Both a single word and groups of words can be searched on the voice recordings.
Although several issues can affect the accuracy of word recognition including
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical ReqUirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
slurred/impaired speech, foreign dialects, and excessive background noise from the
imnate's phone location, the expected accuracy is above 70-75% positive matches with
the false positive below 20%. The positive match accuracy can be increased but the false
positive percentage may increase al~o.
to implement the feature and provide the necessary training to
Commonwealth staff.
MCl developed the investigative tool specifically for its hnnate Telephone System
(ITS) customers .. IMS was
to facilitate s
erations for
and mrrlate:S/Vlrard
;": ..
application that comprises
The modules run outside
corlCUlIerLtly with the other.
dule and.:
The application combines three sets of data that can be searched by user-initiated queries.
The first data source, provided by MCl, is a database created from call detail records
The other two sets
DOC personnel who haveanIMS user name and password will be able to access the
Web-based application and perfonn queries from an existing workstation. IMS is an
easy-to-learn, user-friendly, intuitive application.
. ..;,:.
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
:. ,.
_Results, \
• 'j
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
The system shall be capable of denying certain specific telephone numbers from Inmate
calling. Contractors shall state the number of eleven digit-numbers that can be blocked per PIN.'
The centralized processor shall have the capacity to block at least 100,000 common eleven
digit numbers. This feature Is used for family and friends who have contacted DOC to block
them from access by inmates.
Mer Response:
MCl has read, understands and wilt comply.
There is no limit to th~ number'oft"e1ephone numbers that'can be denied or blocked for a
facility or individual i:n:mate pm.
pp. The system should be capable of providing dial-tone to all inmate telephones at the same
time I.e., one central office line per inmate telephone or a concentration of lines giving a P.01
grade of service (one (1) call block in a hundred can be blocked), so the system is designed to .
meet this criterion. When concentration Is Used, full traffic studies will be conducted and
submitted to DOC and OA monthly to insure that there will be no blockage of inmate calling for
this reason at any Inmate facility.
Mel Response:
. MClhas read,understands'and will comply.
Section 2
Tab 6- Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
The ITS will be configured for a 1: 1 ratio of inmate phones to outbound trunks thus
allowing for 100% utilization of all inmate phones simultaneously.
MCI will provide telephone reception and transmission quality which meets if not
exceeds all industry standards for service quality as defined by the FCC as well as
BellCore standards. MCl's network is also engineered for a minimum ofP.OlIevel or
grade of service;
qq. The systern shall be capable of processing collect and prepaid calls c;m a selective,
bilingual basis (English and Spanish). The inmate shall be able to select the preferred language
using· no more than a two digit code.
MCr Response:
MCI has read, understands and will comply.
The system shall support user friendly voice prompts. Voice prompts shall be available in
any variety of languages, based on needs of the DOC, although at this time only English and '.
Spanish are required. The DOC may issue changes in the reqUirements during this contract,.
depending on inmate population. Contractor shall describe proposed system capabilities ot
meeting any other language requirements such as various Asian languages (various Chinese,,'
dialects, Philippine, Korean, Laotian, etc.) as may be required in addition to English and
Spanish. Contractor shall also describe in the proposal time frames needed to do the recording
and for installation of voice prompts.
MCr Response:
MCl has read, understands and will comply.
The Focus 100 is set up with customized user friendly. voice prompts reflecting the name
of the facility, the inmate's name, and instructions for accepting the call, etc. This .
announcement also states that the call will be monitored and recorded and that the use of
3-way or call waiting will ,disconnect the call. The announcement can be customized to . ,
meet the Commonwealth's current announcement. When the called party answers, both:
the inmate and called party will hear an announcement similar to the following: '
"This is a MCICollect Call from "Inmate Name" at the "Facility Name"; This call wil}'
be monitored and recorded. The use of3-way or call waiting will disconnect the calL To
hear the cost ofthis call, dial 8 now. If you wish to block any future collect calls, dial 77. To refuse this call, hang up. lfyou wish to accept and pay for this call, dialS now.
The Focus 100, will provide the option of either English or Spanish voice messages or
prompts selectable on the individual inmate's account information. The default setting
will be English and will be settable by DOC personnel only. Atotal of 10 different
languages may be programmed. MCl will work with the Commonwealth in providing
any additional foreign language for inmate use.
When a call is placed, the inmate will be provided with the option of either English or
Spanish voice prompts, "For English, press one (1), Para Espanol, marque dos (2). Once
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
.. : . .
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
the selection is made, all voice prompts for the balance ofthe call in progress are given in
the desired language. If desired, the inmate's language preference can be provided by the
DOC with his PIN and automatically selected for all further conversations. When PINs
are in use, a language preference may also be selecte~ for each allowed number on their
call allow list, as detailed in the image below. Calls placed to that number would utilize
the specified language automatically for the called party announcements. The inmate is
never allowed to affect the language selection ofthe called party during the call.
Inmate's Allow List
If the location processor or system control device fails, the inmate stations at that SCI·
shall continue to be operativej line powered, if possibJe,using the automated attendant and all
call restrictions.
. . : "... 55.
Mel Response:
MCI has read, understands and will comply.
MCr recommends that in the event of a system control device such as the Inmate
Telephone System, that all inmate calls are not allowed to process. Reasons being that it
may be impossible to validate calls, and a call may be allowed to an individual that has
either requested that their call be blocked, or the call may not be on the call allow list
since the sever is down and can not be validated. Additionally, ifthe call control system
is down, the calls would not be recorded and it is therefore the recommendation of Mel
. that the inmate calls not be allowed to process in the event of a system control device
outage. The workstations would however be able to function.
The system shall be capable of limiting the dollar charges to a specific telephone number
during a telephone service provider-billing period. The system shall not complete and shall
disconnect calls to that number when the dollar limit is reached. An appropriate announcement
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
shall be given to the caller in the case of a no-completion. In the case of a disconnection, a
warning tone or appropriate announcem~nt shall be given to the caller prior to the call being
MCI Response:
MCI has read, understan~s and will comply.
Such capabilities do exist with the Focus 100 system. Such limits are programmable.
uu. The Contractor shall explain from its company experience information related to putting
dollar limits on inmate's families and/or businesses to prevent an inmate family member or a
business that could be running scams. Contractor will recommend dollar limit and any
additional infoImation on running scams.
MCI Response:
MCI has read, understands and will pomply.
It has been the past experience ofMCI in managing 17 State Department of Corrections
contracts the due diligence in setting financial limits on individual telephone nUmbers .
helps both parties. It reduces the damage of high scam or fraudulent activities and ... :.
reduces the fmancial bUrden on families. After a few months of calling patterns and:the·~·!::.·
proof ofpaying such bills, increased limits can be established, or alternate payment
methods can be established.
w. The Contractor shall provide an alternative billing option to called parties who are
categorized as unbillable. by virtue of their selection of an alternative local carrier for service.
System proposed must permit the first call attempt to complete and must provide the called·
party with immediate access to a customer service representative for account setup. Such .
access must be accomplished by pressing a single key on the calJed party's telephone keypad.
Although the called'party may be provided a toll free number to call for information or account
set-up, this must not be the only alternative. Called party account set up must include various·
payment options. Extended periods of being placed on hold will not be tolerated. Explain in .
detail the procedure for services provided ..
Mel has read, understands and will comply.
In today's diverse telecommunications industry, there are situations when collect calls
cannot be billed to the called party's phone bill,· or they wish to establish alternative
billing options. For these customers, MCl has a variety of alternate billing options that
allow the inmate to stay in touch with their family and friends. Since it is in the best
interest of all parties; the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, MCI, VAC, and the inmates
and their faniiliesto allow every possible call to complete, MCI offers families with
CLEC or other un-billable local exchange service, V- CONNECT, VAC's advanced pay
product. The V-C9nnect application will automatically be implemented upon receipt of a
non-billable response from MCl's validation services.
Here's how the process works:
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
·RFP No. 2005-081-011
• . The inmate places a call to a non-billable number.
• Voice prompts are 'played to the inmate and the called party stating "You have a
collect call from (name), an inmate at (facility name). This telephone will not
allow collect calls to be billed from this location. To receive calis, you can be
connected to our account center and set up an account immediately by dialing 9
now. rfnot, to receive future calls :from this location, please call1-800-XXXXXXX and establish an account.
To repeat this message dial 3,
• To talk to this imnate for a one minute one-time courtesy call dial 4 now.
Once the called party elects to be transferred to a Customer Service Representative, an
account can immediately be set up through a variety of payment options 'including credit
cards, direct billing, or through secured payments such as money orders and cashier's".;,
checks. Credit card transactions will be applied immediately and imnate calls allowed:
within approximately a half hour. Secured payments such as money orders and cashier:s
checks are accepted at VAC's payment processing center and inmate calling is allowed
immediately upon receipt. Both MCl and VAC are continually working to establish "!-" :
payment outlets that are convenient and accessible to the inmates friends and family~~,,:,:, ;"
including web payments.
Once the party that the inmate called selects the option to set up an account now, they c
will be immediately transferred to a Call Center that is staffed with live customer service
representatives. At the call center, the friend or family member path will be similar to the
• Customer will be greeted with "Welcome to Value-Added Communications. For
'-,; English, press one (1), Para espano!, marque dos (2).
• The billing telephone number will be requested in the requested language.
• The facility from which calls will be placed is confIrmed.
The telephone number block will be confIrmed in both Mcr and VAC'sRMS
• The agent will offer the customer the option to establish the account immediately
using Visa or MasterCard. In the alternative a Cashier's check or Money Order
can be mailed~and the account will be set up up on receipt.
• The credit card will be validated and upon approval,
• The account will be established. ,
• Inmate calling will be activated within fifteen (15) minutes of credit card
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
Station Equipment Standards: The inmate telephones shall have physical and design
characteristics that include the following:
Chrome plated DTMF tone dial that is water, flame and shock resistant.
Hearing aid compatible.
Manual volume control.
Noise suppression transmitter.
A steel housing that protects the electronic components of the telephone.
Paint/finish is mar, mark and scratch resistant.
Operating ease with concise instructions on the faceplate.
A weatherproof housing design that resists the most severe weather conditions. Some of
the DOC .inmate phones are located in outside recreational areas.
Industry standard design.
An armored handset cord at least 18 inches long, but no more than 24, that is
resistant to stretching and breaking to eliminate out-of-service conditions.
Ta:h,per proof housing and handset.
l)1stallation reinforced by security studs to prevent easy removal of the
Mel Response:
, , MCr has read, understands and will comply.
Mer is proposing to provide and utilize Wintel ITC7042 iiunate telephone station
'instruments. Wintel formerly lalown as Phillips and Brooks/Gladwin (PBG) is the
leadingmanufactur~r ofinmate telephone station equipment utilized through the
Commonwealth and County. Cor,rectional markets. The WinteUTC7042 inmate
telephone set is a proven product provid.i:b.g security, reliability and durability despite the
harsh correctional andjail inmate facility environments. The telephone instrument ,.;
.- utilizes pin in head security'screws that can only be removed with a special screwdriver
to protect access to the inner workings of the phone. This phone instrument utilizes line
power, is UL approved, and complies with the applicable NEC requirements. Please
refer to the specifications allocated in the following illustration.
The overwhelming choice for State Prison Systems, The Federal Bureau of
Prisons and County Facilities nationwide.
• Proven reliability, durability, and flexibility.
DuraClear® Technology
All-in-one electronic dial features modular incoming line and handset connections
for quick maintenance. Carbon (HS) and DuraClear® (DURA) Handsets have
separate 4-pin connections.
Section 2
Tab 6- Technical Requirements
.::' !
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005·081-011
• Built-in user controlled volume "LOUD" btltton for ADA mandated volume
'control (user-controlled volume amplification AND volume must reset to nonnal
with on-hookto meet ADA requirements)
• Powder Coated cold rolled steel provides rugged vandal resistant
telephone housing designed and built for inmate use
Confidencer technology, built into every dial, filters out
background noise at the user's location, allowing better sound to
the called party
• Heavy chrome metal. keypad bezel, buttons, and hookswitch
lever withstand abuse and vandalism
All telephone stations are equipped with a compact tamper
resistant window card holdero
All telephone station features, including size, mounting
hardware, meet telephone industry standardso
All telephone stations are equipped with armored handset cord is
equipped with a steel lanyard (1000# pull strength) and secured
with a 14 gauge retainer bracket for maximum vandal resistance.
Handset has a sealed transmitter and receiver caps, suitable to
withstand heavy use and abuseo
.. iI
• Handset has sealed transmitter and receiver caps, suitable
for heavy use and abuse locations
ITC7042 Full Size Blue
Pin-in-head security screws minimize tampering
... ' •
Hearing aid compatib.le and FCC registered cDF4USA-75652-CC-E)
Station Installation Staridards:
Station Code Identification: The selected Contractor shall establish, in cooperation with
the Department of Corrections, a systematized method of location codes for each inmate station
in a SCI.
MCl Response:
MCl has read, understands and will comply.o
MCl will establish, in cooperation with the Department of Corrections, a systematized
method oflocation codes for each inmate station in a SCI.
Standard Pattern for Code Assignment: Not only shall each inmate station have its own
code identifier, but the pattern of code assignment shall be the same in each cell block, yard
area, etco in a SCI. In the process of identifying a station, and therefore an inmate, while a call
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2006·081·011
is in progress, several Corrections Officers working different elements of the control system
need to be able to quickly coordinate the identification of the station in question.
Mel Response:
MCI has read, understands and will comply.
Not only shall each inmate station have its own code identifier, but the pattern of code
assignment shall be the same in each cell bl9Ck, yard area, etc. in a SCI and will use the
same code identifier in setting up the inmate, phone stations on the Call Control system
to help identify where a particular phone call is being made.
Required Reports: The following system and usage reports are required on a monthly
basis. A copy of the report for each specific SCI shall be delivered to each SCI and to the
Department of Corrections Central Office.
Record, by day, of PIN adds or deletes by SCI.
Mel Response:
MCI has re;:td, understands and will comply.
MCI will"provide a monthly report to identify the record by day, of PIN adds or deletes""
by each SCI 'shall be provided.
Total billed revenue and commission by SCI.
Mel Response:
MCI has read, understands and will comply.
MCI will provide a monthly report for total billed revenue and commission by SCI,' ,
shall be provided.
Frequently calle.d number report· weekly by PIN and SCI.
Mel Response:
MCI has read, understands and will comply.
MCI will provide a monthly report for frequently called number report - weekly by PIN
and SCI shall be provided.
PIN numbers in use.
Mel Response:
MCI has read, understands and will comply.
MCI will provide a monthly report for PIN numbers in .use shall be provided.
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
Station Message Detail (SMD) reports.
Specific numbers called by PIN.
Mel Response:
Mer has-read, understands and will comply.
Mer will provide a monthly SMD report for specific numbers called by PIN numbers'
shall be provided.
Duration of all calls.
Mel Response:
Mer has read, understands and will comply.
Mer will provide a monthly. SMD report for duration of all calls shall be provided.
Date and time of 'all calls.
Mel Response:
Mer has read, understands and wj11 comply.
Mer will provide a monthly SMD report for date and time of all calls shall be provided:
Call charge - local, IntraLata and InterLata.
Mel Response:
..Mer has read, understands and will comply.
Melwill provide a monthly SMD report for call charge by Local, illtraLata, and
InterLata shall be provided.
Inmate telephone being used by location code.
Mel Response:
Mer has read, understands and will comply.
Mer will provide a'monthly SMD report for Inmate telephone being used by location
code shall be provided.
Reports on inmate calling activity by DOC inmate number or inmate name on request.
Mel Response:
Mer has read, understands and will comply.
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
Mcr will provide a monthly Reports on inmate calling activity by DOC inmate number
or inmate name on request
Include in the proposal copies of the Contractor's current standard reports.
Mel Response:
MCr has read, understaIids and will comply.
In compliance with reporting requirements is as depicted below from the list of standard
reports in conjunction with the ad-hoc query that allows virtually any permutation ofthe
Call Detail Record information to be searched and reported.
Standard reports are as follows:
Chronological List of Calls
Section 2
Provides a log of the calls attempts (successful and
unsuccessful) in the order that they were placed. The
report can be obtained by entering the type of call
(collect, debit, or both) and the desired report period.
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
The Chronological List of Calls report displays a log of calls from Ja facility in the order
that they were placed. This report displays all attempted calls. The Chronological List of
Calls report displays the following infonnation in chronological order.
: ....
;:;:·:',-·r" .......... ,.,;....;... . .
.", .:
... :,
Daily Call Volume Summary
The Chronological List of Calls andthe Quantity of Calls Reports, both illustrated
below, will provide cumulative call statistics.
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
Sample Chronological List of Calls Report
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone'Services
Sample Quality of Calls Placed Report
Chronological List of Calls
Provides a log of the calls attempts (successful
and unsuccessful) in the order that they were
placed. The report can be obtained by entering
the type of call (collect, debit, or both) and the
desired report period.
Reports may be represented in graphical usage also as shown below with the Phone
hourly usage report showing the number of calls and attempts by hour.
Section 2
Tab 6 -Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
Inmate Account Summary
;" Call Detail
Provides the completed calls by inmate (in the
order that they were placed) over a specified
time. The report can be obtained by entering the
inmate and a specified time frame. Total number
of calls will be summarized.
The Account Summary additionally displays an inmate's ITS account information. This
information is stored locally on the site server as well as at the HQ server and VAC's
When an inmate is transferred from one facility to another, the inmate's· account
information, including ITS balance, Class of Service (COS) and phone lists is transferred
to the new facility; The inmate's previous ITS data is available from theHQ Archives.
Inmate information available from the Account Tab screen includes:
Section 2
Tab 6 -Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
Account Activation Date
Arrival Date
ITS Account Balance
Inmate Status
Suspension status (box checked indicates currently suspended)
Alert status (box checked indicates all calls from this inmate triggers an Alert)
Information regarding the inmate's suspension
.... ..
' ..
':- :,j!'
The Call Records Tab screen displays record information for each call placed. The
range of dates displayed is determined by the year and month selected. Other
information on the Call Records screen includes the date, time of the call, the digits
dialed, duration in minutes, the cost of the call, the call type (Debit or Collect), the call
result as shown by the Completion Code, and alert type.
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
Inmate History
Provides all transactions associated with an
inmate telephone account over a specified time
including commissary account debit calls, collect
calls, deposits, refunds, transfers, and/or changes
to inmate telephone list. The report can be
obtained by entering the inmate and a specified
time frame.
Additionally, the Imnate Account Infonnation utility/screen allows the facility staff to
create or edit an account for the inmate and also perfonn a search for the inmate. A
facility staffmember can perfonn manual transactions in the inmate's Focus 100 ITS
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
The History Tab screen display.s ITS transactions for an inmates account for the year and
month selected- This includes debit calls. collect calls, deposits, refunds, transfers, and/or
changes to the inmates telephone list. For each transaction the follow data displays:
Date (date the transaction occurred)
Time (time the transaction occurred)
Type (type of transaction)
Amount (amount of the transaction)
Balance (remaining balance of an account)
Facility (where transaction occurred)
Reference Number
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
, RFP No. 2005-081-011
Frequently Dialed Numbers
Section 2
Provides a list of the telephone numbers called
more than a specified number of times within a
specified range of dates. The report can be
obtained by entering the minimum number of
calls to the telephone number and the desired
'report period.
Tab 6- Technical Requirements
Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
,,' • .. ·.t;,>;;':lIl'tA;:
.. ..
The Quantity of Calls Placed report .lists calls placed by the :inmate that exceeded 'the:':' ..
user-defined parameters. The facility may optionally select only Debit calls, CQllect :1: '. : .. '
calls, or both (completed calls ONLY). The Quantity of Calls Placed report displays ;the .' .
following information sorted by the number of calls made in descending order.
'. :,:
Section 2
Tab 6 -Technical Requirements
", ~
I':::'. •
I ' ';':
. Payphone and Inmate Telephone Services
RFP No. 2005-081-011
.Illllta;te "Bhtm.e·Svsrem:.·
.. " .. '~~~:;t~81~;
"'.... .....
'. 'j.
The flexible, user :friendly CDR Browser ad hoc query feature provided allows for
specific detailed infonnation to be displayed in report fonnat, including but not limited to
specific telephone numbers dialed. The presentation fonnat can be customized to:
Display. or suppress any stored piece
. of infonnation about a call record,
. !'.
Sort ascending or descending
on any of the fields
. .:1 ':
. . . .
•. ;, Select for one or more values in each selection field (e.g; mUltiple originating
.. "stations, mUltiple called numbers)
Allow wild card search criteria
CDR Browser Ad-Hoc Query - This ad-hoc query function enables administrative users
of the V AC system workstation to generate a virtually unlimited array of inm~te call .
record queries and reports; The user may customize by inmate, called number, date,
time, etc. Using one program, gathered calls that fit the specified criteria maybe printed,
recordings play.ed or archived on CD for evidentiary use. The user may utilize .3-DES
encryption for exported calls to provide the highest level of secUrity. Queries of
particular value may be saved and named for future use.
Section 2
Tab 6 - Technical Requirements
: ~
. ' . '.
..' •