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DOC General Services Division Inmate Telephone System Faq's
Yes, you can deposit trust funds for an inmate directly through Telmate. You can
deposit any amount up to $300.
Are there fees for depositing money to an inmate’s account?
There are no fees for depositing money to an inmate’s phone account. There are
fees for depositing money to an inmate’s trust account through Telmate, as follows:
Cash: $2.50 per transaction
Credit/Debit: $4.50 per transaction
Live Operator Trust Transactions: $5.50 per transaction
Can I still deposit money to an inmate’s trust account directly through DOC?
Yes, DOC will still accept money orders and cashier’s checks for depositing funds to
inmate trust accounts by mail and, until further notice, in person at the Dome
Building (DOC Administration – 2575 Center Street NE in Salem). No fees will apply
for money deposited through this method. Mail the money order/cashier's check to:
Central Trust, Inmate's Name and SID Number
Oregon Department of Corrections
PO Box 14400
Salem, OR 97309‐5077
What is the maximum and minimum amount that I can deposit for prepaid
phone time?
Currently, there is no maximum or minimum amount of money you can deposit for
phone accounts. You can deposit as much or as little as you wish. For trust accounts,
you can deposit any amount up to $300.
How do I send an inmate a voicemail?
You can leave a voicemail (up to 3 minutes in length) for $1.25 by calling
1.866.516.0115, pressing 4 and following the prompts.
What is Telmate Veriﻐied?
Telmate Veri𐀆ied is the way you, as well as your phone number, are approved to
receive phone calls from inmates in Oregon DOC facilities. You must be Telmate
Veri𐀆ied to receive phone calls and deposit funds for inmates.
How do I become Telmate Veriﻐied?
The 𐀆irst time an inmate calls you using the new Telmate system, you will be asked to
enter some basic information that is then con𐀆irmed. Once you verify, you will not
need to verify again. Additionally, you can verify yourself by setting up a free Telmate
account through the Telmate website or at any Telmate payment kiosk.
How much will an inmate call cost?
No matter what facility an inmate lives in, the phone rates are the same statewide.
The 𐀆lat‐rate structure includes all taxes and fees. There will be no additional taxes,
no monthly maintenance fees, no bill statement fees and no deposit fees for phone
accounts. The rates are:
Call Type
Domestic Calls
All calls in the USA
Including collect & prepaid
International Calls
Including Canada & Mexico
Including collect & prepaid
$0.16 / minute
30 minute call = $4.80
20 minute call = $3.20
5 minute call = $0.80
$0.50 / minute
30 minute call = $15.00
20 minute call = $10.00
5 minute call = $2.50
How long can a phone call last?
The maximum call length is 30 minutes. On average, inmate calls last 20 minutes.
My phone company said there were no blocks on my phone. Is the Oregon DOC
blocking me?
Your phone company does not have access to information that will identify who
blocked the phone from receiving inmate calls. If you feel your number is blocked,
call the service provider at 1.866.516.0115 for more information.
How can I block my number from receiving inmate calls?