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Rates and Fees | Nevada Department of Corrections
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Nevada Department of Corrections
Rates and Fees
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Inmate telephone charges and rates for Nevada Department of Corrections
The Nevada Department of Corrections (NDOC) provides inmate phone services to inmates through a contract with CenturyLink. Commissions received from the
inmate telephone services go to the Inmate Welfare Fund, which is used to provide services for inmates including but not limited to satellite TV service, recreation
equipment, law library services and indigent inmate medical costs. All commissions are paid to the Inmate Welfare Fund and they are not used to reduce the
operational costs of the NDOC.
Because of the telephone commissions received during the course of the contract with CenturyLink, we have been able to provide inmates with additional,
non-essential services such as the capability to access their bank balances through the phone at no cost; the ability for inmates to access email message delivery;
and recently, the capability of voice mail messaging, at a low cost. Again, in addition to the benefits mentioned above, these non-essential telephone services are
only available because of the commissions the Inmate Welfare Fund receives from each telephone call.It is necessary for the NDOC to periodically review and
adjust rates to ensure compliance with State and Federal regulations, and to ensure a consistent rate of commissions are paid to the Inmate Welfare Fund as well
as. As of September 15, 2014, international rates will be lowered as indicated in the chart below. Local, Intrastate and Interstate rates remain the same.
The rate schedule for all calls, (Prepaid Collect, Collect, or Debit Phone Time) is:
*Inmate Phone Calls - New Rates as of September 15, 2014
Does not include taxes
*Rates are subject to change at NDOC's discretion.
Call Type
Per Minute Rate
Total 15 min. Call
Interstate - Collect
Interstate - Prepaid/Debit
*Llamadas de reclusos telefónicas - tarifas nuevas a partir de 15 Septiembre 2014
No incluye impuestos
Tipo De llamada
Cargo De Conexion
Cargo Por Minuto
Total delas llamadas 15 minutos
Interestado - Cobrar
Interestado - Prepago/Debito
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