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NJ Contract RFP 2001

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This Request For Proposal (RFP) is issued by the Purchase Bureau, Division of Purchase
and Property, Department of the Treasury, on behalf of the State of New Jersey,
Department of Corrections (DOC) and Juvenile Justice Commission (JJC). The purpose
ofthis RFP is to solicit bid proposals from qualified bidders for inmate/resident telephone
control service. The intent of this RFP is to establish a contract with one provider for the
services specified herein. Bidders may submit several alternatives. This RFP is issued by
the Purchase Bureau, Division of Purchase and Property, Department of the Treasury.
The State will select the bid proposal that best represents, in its opinion, the most
advantageous solution for the State price and other factors.
The DOC and JJC desire to provide inmate/resident telephone service to all of the State
owned correctional facilities in New Jersey. This contract will also be extended to a
number of county correctional facilities in New Jersey. All commission rates and services
provided to the DOC and JJC are to be extended to the county correctional facilities in
New Jersey. Attachment 1 lists the counties that will be participating.
All bidders have to be approved by the New Jersey BPU to provide telephone service in
this State in accordance with appropriate tariff( s).
The objectives of the DOC and JJC is to provide a controlled environment to prevent
telephone abuse and harassment of DOC and JJC officials, witnesses and other parties
involved in criminal prosecution.


The State of New Jersey Office ofInformation Technology (OlT) is responsible for
provisioning and administering telecommunications services for all Executive agencies to
assure efficiency and economy. OlT offices are located at 300 Riverview Office Park,
Trenton, New Jersey 08625.
Inmate/resident telephone service is currently provided by AT&T. There are
approximately 29,037 inmates/residents and 1,585 inmate/resident telephones installed in
29 State correctional facilities.
The State is seeking to award a contract to provide inmate/resident telephone service for
all of the State operated correctional facilities in New Jersey. The intent of this RFP is to
award a contract to that responsible bidder whose bid, conforming to this invitation for
bids, is most advantageous to the State, price and other factors considered.

TRE - 1018




Precedence of Purchase Bureau Standard Terms and Conditions
Unless specifically noted, the Purchase Bureau's Standard Terms and Conditions found,
near the beginning of this RFP, take precedence over any similar terms and conditions
located in other sections of this RFP.


Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference
A Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference has been scheduled for this procurement. The date,
time and location are noted on the cover page of this RFP. Since the conference is
mandatory, failure to attend will disqualify a firm from submitting a bid proposal in
response to this RFP. Bid proposals will be automatically rejected from any firm not
represented and properly registered at the Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference. The purpose of
the Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference is to provide a structured and formal opportunity for
the State to accept questions from bidders relating to this RFP.
Any major revisions to the RFP as a result of the Mandatory Bidders' Conference, or
answers to deferred questions, will be made in the form of written Addenda to this RFP.
The State may also distribute additional background information or material at the
Mandatory Bidders' Conference.


Question and Inquiries
Bidders are encouraged to submit questions in advance of the Mandatory Pre-Bid
Conference so that answers may be prepared by the time of the Conference. Lengthy or
mUltiple questions should be submitted in writing. Oral explanations or instructions given
over the telephone before the award of the contract shall not be binding. Bidders are
cautioned that all questions and inquiries regarding this RFP must be directed to the
Purchase Bureau buyer listed on the coversheet of this RFP. Written questions should
specifically reference the RFP page number and section number to which the question
relates. Questions submitted in writing at the Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference must be
hand delivered to the Purchase Bureau buyer.
The purchase Bureau is the sole point of contact for information concerning this RFP.
Questions must be mailed or faxed to the attention of the assigned buyer at the following
PO BOX 230
TRENTON, NJ 08625-0230
TELEPHONE: (609) 984-9703
FAX: (609) 292-5170
ATTN: Ms. Antoinette Lello


Revisions to this Request for Proposal

TRE - 1019

In the event that it becomes necessary to revise any part of this RFP prior to the
Mandatory Bidders' Conference, revisions will be provided in the form of an addendum to
all bidders to whom the Purchase Bureau mailed the initial RFP. If revisions are
necessary after the Mandatory Bidders' Conference, the revisions will be provided only to
those bidders who attended and properly registered at the Mandatory Bidders' Conference.

Compliance with Public Works Contractor Registration Act
Contractors must be in compliance with the Public Works Contractor Registration Act.
Under the Act, no contractor/subcontractor will be permitted to engage in a contract for
public work unless that contractor/subcontractor is registered with the New Jersey
Department of Labor. The Act provides that upon registration with the Department of
Labor, a public works contractor/subcontractor will be issued a certificate by the
Department indicating compliance with the Act's requirements. There is a registration fee
of $300 per year. Contractors should submit a copy of this certificate to the Purchase
Bureau with their proposals, or within five days of request by the Purchase Bureau.
Evidence of such registration is a condition precedent to the award of contract.
For further information vendors can contact the Contractor Registration Unit at:
New Jersey Department of Labor
Division of Wage & Hour Compliance
PO Box 389
Trenton, NJ 08625-0389
Telephone: (609) 292-9464
Fax: (609) 633-8591
In addition, labor rates must be in accordance with the Prevailing Wage Act. The
Prevailing Wage Rates by county may be obtained at the following web site:


Registration with Division of Revenue
Proof of valid business registration with the Division of Revenue, Department of the
Treasury, State of New Jersey should be submitted by the bidder and, if applicable, by
every subcontractor of the bidder, with the bidder's bid. No contract will be awarded
without proof of business registration with the Division of Revenue. Any questions in this
regard can be directed to the Division of Revenue at (609)292-1730.


Issuing Office
This RFP is issued by the State Division of Purchase and Property, Purchase Bureau. The
issuing office is the sole point of contact between bidders and the State for purposes of
this RFP.


Contents of Bid Proposal
The entire content of every bid proposal that is publicly opened and read becomes a public
record notwithstanding any disclaimer by the bidder in the bid proposal.

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All bid proposals, as public records, are available for public review and inspection.
Persons who which to review bid response must make an appointment with the Purchase
Bureau. Inspection is subject to the rules of the Purchase Bureau.

Price Alteration
Bid prices must be typed or written in ink or the bid will be automatically rejected. Any
price change (including "white-outs") must be initialed or that item will be disqualified.
This policy is meant to protect both the State and bidders.


Oral Presentation
Each Bidder that submits a bid proposal in response to this RFP may be required to give
an oral presentation concerning its proposal to the State. The State may require the bidder
to submit written responses to questions from the State regarding its proposal.
The purpose of the State's communication with a Bidder, either through an oral
presentation or a letter of clarification, is to provide an opportunity for the Bidder to
clarify or elaborate on its bid proposal. Original bid proposals submitted cannot be
supplemented, changed, or corrected in any way. No comments regarding other Bidder's
or their bid proposals are permitted. Bidders may not attend presentation made by their
Each Bidder must clearly understand that it is the State's sole option to determine which
Bidder(s), if any, will be invited to make oral presentations andlor be asked to supply
written clarification. The Bidder shall not construe the list of firms invited, if any, to
imply acceptance or rejection of any bides). The Division of Purchase and Property,
Purchase Bureau, will schedule the time and location of any such presentations. The
Purchase Bureau will be the sole point of contact regarding any request for written


The State reserves the right to conduct a site inspection at a location where the bidder is
currently providing the specified services. The State will absorb all necessary State travel
expenses related to any such inspections. All such costs will not be considered in the
evaluation process. Any site inspection will be scheduled by the Purchase Bureau.


Bid Bond
This section supplements Section 3.3a of the Standard Terms and Conditions. A
Performance Security in the amount of $250,000.00 will be required to be submitted with
the proposal.


Performance Bond
This section supplements Section 3.3b of the Standard Terms and Conditions. A
performance security in the amount of $500,000 is required. The performance security
must be posted within thirty days of the effective date of contract award. The

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performance security must remain in full force for the term of the contract and any
extension thereof.


Cost Liability
The State of New Jersey assumes no responsibility and no liability for costs incurred by
firms prior to issuance of an agreement, contract or purchase order.


As used herein, the following terms shall have the definitions set forth in these
paragraphs. These definitions shall also apply to the entire RFP and resulting Contract
unless otherwise defined therein. By submitting a bid proposal in response to this RFP
the bidder certifies that it understands and agrees that all of these definitions will
automatically become a part of any Contract( s) awarded or order( s) placed as a result of
the RFP, unless specifically and expressly modified by reference in the RFP or in a
written document executed by the Director, Division of Purchase and Property or the
designee thereof.
ADDENDUM - Written clarification or revisions to this RFP issued by the Purchase
AMENDMENT - A change in the scope of work to be performed by the Contractor. An
amendment is not effective until it is signed by the Director, Division of Purchase and
BIDDER - An individual or business entity submitting a bid in response to this RFP.
CONTRACT - This RFP, any Addendum to this RFP and the bidder's proposal submitted
in response to this RFP and the Division's Notice of Acceptance.
CONTRACTOR - The Contractor is the bidder awarded a contract.
CORRECTIONAL FACILITIES - State run penitentiary housing and residential
programs for incarcerated inmates and residents under the care of the DOC or JJc.
COUNTY CORRECTIONAL FACILITY - County run penitentiary housing for
incarcerated inmates and residents under the care of the County.
DIRECTOR - The Director, Division of Purchase and Property, Department of the
Treasury. By statutory authority, the Director is the chief contracting officer for the State
of New Jersey.
DIVISION - The Division of Purchase and Property.
DOC - Department of Corrections
EVALUATION COMMITTEE - A committee established by the Director, Division of
Purchase and Property to review and evaluate bid proposals submitted in response to this
RFP and to recommend a Contract award to the Director.

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INMATE - An resident incarcerated in a correctional facility under the care of the
Department of Corrections and/or the Juvenile Justice Commission and/or County
correctional facility.
INMATEIRESIDENT TELEPHONES - Uniquely designed telephone used by the
inmates and residents for outbound calling only.
system designed for use by the inmates and residents residing in the DOC and JJC
institutional facilities.
JJC - Juvenile Justice Commission
LEC - Local Exchange Carrier
MAY -Denotes that which is permissible.
MODIFICATION - A modification to the Contract is a minor change in the manner of
performance of the Contractor under the Contract. A Modification may be agreed to in
writing by the Using Agency.
MUST - Denotes the imperative and makes known a mandatory requirement. Failure to
meet these mandatory requirements may result in the rejection of a proposal as nonresponsive.
OIT - Office ofInformation Technology
OIT POINT OF CONTACT (OIT POC) - Individual appointed to interface with the
Contractor for the implementation of service.
PIN - Personnel Identification Number.
POC - Point of contact
Postalized Transport and Service Charge - Same charge per call/minute regardless of hour
of day or day of week.
PROJECT - The undertaking or services that are the subject of this RFP.
REOUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) - This document which establishes the bidding and
contract requirements and solicits proposals to meet the purchase needs of the Using
Agencies as defined herein.
RFP - Request for Proposal
SBI NUMBER - State Bureau Investigation number
SHALL OR MUST - Denotes that which is a mandatory requirement. Failure to meet a
mandatory requirement will result in the rejection of a bid proposal as materially nonresponsive.

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SHOULD -Denotes that which is recommended, but not mandatory.
STATE - The State of New Jersey
STATE CONTRACT MANAGER - The individual responsible for the approval of all
deliverables, i.e. tasks, subtasks or other work elements in the Scope of Work.
STATION - Any wall mounted coinless telephone and/or analog wall jack used for
inmate/resident calling.
SUBTASKS - Detailed activities that comprise the actual perfonnance of a task.
TASK - A discrete unit of work to be perfonned.
USING AGENCY - Agency or the entity for which Division has issued this RFP and will
enter into a contract.
VENDOR - A vendor is any business entity interacting with the Purchase Bureau,
independent of a specific solicitation process. The vendor becomes a bidder by
responding to this RFP.




Contract Period and Extension Option
Any contract resulting from this RFP shall be for a five-year period commencing with the
date of fonnal award with two (2) one-year contract extensions. The contract period shall
be considered as running from the date of award.
Contract extension shall be at the option of the State with the concurrence of the vendor.
The State shall notify the vendor of its intent to extend ninety days prior to the expiration
date of the initial contract period or any extensions thereof.


Contract ContinuityiTransitional Period
In the event the services are scheduled to end either by contract expiration or by
tennination of the contract by the State of New Jersey (at the State's discretion) it shall be
incumbent upon the contractor to continue the service, if requested by the State, for up to
120 days, until new services can be completely operational. The contractor will be
reimbursed for this service at the contract rate in effect when this transitional period
clause is invoked by the State.


Contractor Responsibilities
The contractor awarded said service shall assume sole responsibility for delivery of that
service. This contractor will assign a person to be the sole point of contact with regard to
scheduling and implementation of that service, in connection with the guidelines
stipulated in this RFP.

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The contractor is responsible for assuring that the subcontractor(s) are in compliance with
all terms and conditions of this RFP.


This section is in addition to Section 3.11 ofthe Purchase Bureau's Standard Terms and
conditions. If any part of the work is to be subcontracted as part of the proposal, the
contractor shall provide a detailed written description of the work to be subcontracted and
the proposed subcontractor(s).
The State reserves the right to reject the proposed subcontractor(s). The requirements, as
outlined in this RFP for the contractor, apply to any subcontractor(s).
Any proposed changes in approved subcontractors during the term of the contract require
the prior written approval of the Director of the Division of Purchase and Property.


Board of Public Utilities/Federal Communications Commission Requirement
The Contractor or the proposed carrier/subcontractor must be licensed by the BPU/FCC as
a common carrier. Any failure on the part of the Contractor or its carrier to continue such
compliance shall be cause for termination of the contract.


Procedural- New Technology

After the contract award, additions and/or substitutions will be allowed provided:



It is approved in writing by the Director, Division of Purchase and Property,
with or without consultation from OIT, DOC and JJC;
Product/service meets or exceeds performance of the original; and
Product/service is compatible with the original.

If new service, having the same functional purpose and a demonstrated nexus to
the service under the contract, is developed and comes into standard production
after the contract award, that service will be considered for addition and/or
replacement for the service under contract. The contractor must make a written
request to the Purchase Bureau for new service to be added to the contract.
Such written request must include the specifications for the new service,
evidencing that the new service serves the same functional purpose and has a close
nexus to the service under contract.
All proposed additions or replacements are subject to a review and written
acceptance by the Director, Division of Purchase an Property. The sale of new
service accepted in writing by the Director shaH be governed by the terms of the
contract, including price. The aggregate price of any new services must be equal
to or less than the existing contracted service.


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These requirements constitute the State's inmate/resident telephone control service needs
encompassed by this Request for Proposal.

Disaster Recovery Plan
The contractor will have an alternative detailed plan for resolution of service
during a major outage including the availability of redundancy of each system.
The DOC and/or JJC POC will be given updated progress reports every fifteen
minutes until all service is restored. The definition of a major outage is, but not
limited to the following:

Cut or damaged network cable
Loss of a Central Office
Major stonn damage
Outage of more than 25% of the stations in anyone housing unit
Outage of the system call restriction capabilities
Outage of the system PIN recognition capabilities
Total or partial work stoppage

The DOC or JJC may identify any failure of services as a major outage which it
deems critical to the operation and safety of each facility.

Fraudulent Calls
The State will not be held liable for any fraudulent calls originating externally,
traversing its facilities, and gaining egress to the public switched telephone
network. Any charges resulting from such calls will not be paid by the State.


Call Routing
The Contractor will bear all costs of miss-routed calls such as those resulting from
improperly programmed inmate approved telephone numbers.


Quality of Service
The Contractor must design its network and all integral components using a P.OI
grade of service at all times, including the busy hour.


On Site System Equipment
Only new on site equipment will be acceptable for all systems and telephones in
each correctional facility. No old, refurbished or reused equipment will be


TRE - 1026

The bidder should provide with the response the type of equipment to be located
on site to work with the remote master system for all of the correctional facilities.
Due to the age of many of the correctional facilities, the environmental conditions
will vary. The State can not guarantee continuous operating ranges oftemperature
and humidity. The electrical and space requirements needed will be approved by
the DOC and/or JJc. All equipment will be installed in a DOC and/or JJC
approved secured space and location. Lightning and/or surge protection should be
provided on all network and electrical circuits. No control or wiring equipment
will be exposed to the general popUlation of any correctional facility.
Consideration for future growth of each system should be planned.
The Contractor shall protect and secure all materials, supplies and equipment. All
reasonable requests made to the DOC and/or JJC to secure such property shall be
complied with wherever possible. The Contractor shall retain ownership and be
responsible for loss and damage of all materials, supplies and equipment. The
Contractor shall clean up and remove all debris and packaging material resulting
from any work. The premises shall be left in a clean and orderly condition.

6.1.6 Dialing Plan
The dialing service provided by the Contractor must adhere to all standards for the
North American dialing plan. Expansions and upgrades for the North American
dialing plan will be the responsibility of the Contractor with no charge to the State.
International calls will not be authorized.


Non-recurring Charges
The State will not accept any non-recurring charges related to the following
service issues:

Equipment additions, changes and/or deletions
Maintenance issues with any equipment, service and/or wiring
Record keeping or report generation
Service or system upgrades
System software additions, changes and/or deletions
System software information bubble forms

Any charges that the Contractor wants to bill the State/county must first have
approval from the DOC or JJC POCo


System Evaluation
Six selected bidders will be required to install a fully operational system and
telephones, prior to the contract award, in a DOC correctional facility for
evaluation. The bidder will be given thirty(30) days from the official notice to
have this service on-line for a test period oftwo(2) months. Correctional facilities
to be used for this test will be selected by the DOC.


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The six bidders will be selected after meeting all of the terms and conditions set
forth in this RFP.
Each bidder's system will be evaluated for the following items:

Ability to submit the commission check
Ability to supply the itemized report per section 6.10
Ability to supply usage study reports per section 6.3.3
Coordination and efficiency of installation
Coordination and efficiency of maintenance, if required
Ease of system functionality
Proper performance of all features and restrictions
Quality of the network
Quality of the system
Quality of the telephones
Quality of the post installation support

The system equipment of each of the selected six bidder's will be installed in a
State controlled room. An RJll connecting block will be installed, in this room,
on each telephone circuit for testing purposes. Each bidder will be responsible, if
desired, to secure their own equipment within this room.
The billing period will start and end for all of the six selected bidder's on the same
day. All reports and the commission check should be forwarded to the Purchase
Bureau, Division of Purchase and Property, Department of the Treasury within
fifteen days after the end of the billing period for this evaluating period only.


Implementation Plan
The Contractor shall appoint a Project Manager to oversee the total installation of
service to each correctional facility. This Project Manager will be responsible for
all coordination with the existing Local and/or Interexchange Telephone
Companies concerning installation and maintenance of all inmate telephones.
However, the Contractor will not order or place in service any type of equipment
or facility, which would result in charges to the State, without a written order from
the State.
The Contractor shall be solely responsible for the compatibility of the proposed
service and equipment with any and all circuits and facilities as provided by the
LEC and all other common carriers to meet the requirements of these
It is imperative that the existing levels of service only be minimally interrupted or
diminished in each facility. The Contractor will develop a plan that will ensure
total system wide interoperability for any or all services provided to the DOC and
JJc. This plan will be reviewed and approved by the DOC and JJC prior to
implementation of service.

The Contractor will provide a detailed time line schedule for all in service and/or
change of service activity. Critical Path/GANTT charts or other management

TRE - 1028

tools should be used. The Contractor will perform end to end testing on all
The project will require completion within three months from the date of the
contract award.


Basic Service

The State requires that the bidders network meet or exceed all industry standards.
On line performance requirements are at 99.999%. The bidder must also meet
certain performance standards such as Mean Time To Respond, Mean Time To
Repair and Timely Installations as defined in the States Performance Standards


States Performance Standards (SPS)
The State requires that the Contractor meet the following standards 24 hours a day,
365· days a year:

Network Performance Standards

All service must meet or exceed SPS at a 99.999% performance

Maintenance and Provisioning Response Time

The DOC and/or JJC POC will be notified 72 hours
prior to any scheduled maintenance shutdown.


Mean time to Respond: Response to a reported trouble on
voice circuit problems is 30 minutes unless the DOC and JJC
POC assigns a high severity. A response is considered to be
the actual start of the physical process of resolving the problem
not just forwarding the report. A verbal response to the DOC
and JJC POC will be hourly.


Mean time to Repair: Total outage time on any reported
shall be no longer than twenty-four hours. Total duration time
may be less than twenty-four hours if the reported trouble is
deemed a higher severity level by the DOC or JJc. Service
must be restored within the time frame assigned. The
following is the required duration by severity level.

Severity level 1 Severity level 2 Severity level 3 Severity level 4 -

outage cleared within 24 hours.
outage cleared within 8 hours.
outage cleared within 4 hours
Outage cleared within 2 hours.


TRE - 1029


Provisioning Due Dates: All new circuits and telephones shall
be installed within 3 days of order receipt. Additions and/or
changes to the software of each system will be completed
within 24 hours unless deemed a high severity by the DOC or
JJC. Once a firm due date is given, service shall be operational
by five PM on that date.

Failure to respond to the time frames indicated above would be
considered to be non-compliant to the awarded contract.

Failure ReportinglResponse Requirements
The Contractor must provide a toll free single point of access to a
problem reporting and maintenance system that is staffed 24 hours
per day, 365 days per year. The Contractor must respond to trouble
reports within thirty minutes of notification. For purposes of
definition, a response is considered to be the actual diagnostic
process of resolving the problem and not merely the process of
logging the report for later action.
A verbal report of trouble clearance shall be furnished within one
hour of the trouble clearance. A written report (trouble ticket)
listing the time and date of notification, response and restoration of
service along with the description of the identified troubles shall be
provided to the DOC or JJC POC if required.


Authorization List
The DOC and JJC will provide a list of names that are authorized to approve
additions/changes in each system. This list will consist of one or more people
from each correctional facility. Any requests for changes from anyone other than
these authorized individuals should be denied.


Outgoing Calls
All systems will permit individual inmate/resident selected outgoing collect calls
only. These numbers will be reviewed and authorized by the DOC and/or JJC
prior to being programmed into each system. In addition, the following
organizational numbers will be programmed into each system for the general
population with no call limit.


Aids hot line - 800 service
Ombudsman - 800 service
Public Defenders Office - 800 service
Special Investigation Division - collect calls accepted

No other calls will be permitted unless approved by the DOC and/or JJC POc.

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Call Billing
One flat rate service charge should be billed for all calls regardless of time of day
and/or day of week.
IntraLATA - service charges not to exceed $2.00
InterLATA - service charges not to exceed $3.00
Interstate - service charges not to exceed $3.00
A separate postalized transport charge should be billed for each of the above areas
regardless of the time of day and/or day of week.
These rates should be capped for the duration of the Contract. Billing of calls will
not begin until an off-hook, voice acceptance and interactive signal is received
from the called number. Call detail must be provided for every outgoing call.


Remote Access Software Rearrangements
The DOC and JJC coordinators will require remote access to the system for "read
only" capability and to run standard and administrative reports.
In future, the DOC and JJC county coordinators may require a remote access
capability to a system, which will administer their individual correctional facility
applications software for non-billable in service programming changes. This
system will provide centralized interface for station and system feature
configuration changes for telecommunications management. Their will no charge
to the State for this program.
There will be a minimum of 29 different correctional facility databases throughout
the State of New Jersey. Each database will be individually secured with overall
system access to an assigned State Primary System Manager(s).
This system must be a PC windows based or alternative, menu driven, point and
click application with uniform screens for every DOC and JJC correctional facility
database. The Remote Access Software Rearrangement application must include
but is not limited to the following:




Individual and Bulk Station Feature Changes - User scheduled changes on
group and/or individual analog and digital lines. All changes will be
scheduled by date and time up to 6 months in advance. All priority changes
should have the capability of completion within five minutes.
Query Information - Line queries should display all assigned information.
This option should provide the capability to search the system for a variety
of items. Enhanced queries should have the capability to search across all
partitioned databases.
Reports - All reports to be uniform in design and flexible in content.
Required details will be provided by the DOC and JJC. Quantities on
database infonnation must be retrievable on an individual and overall basis.
Customized reports should be available upon request.
User Identification - Provide a unique ID to each assigned database

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coordinator. Maintain on screen data indicating the date and time ofthe last
programming change and the ID of the person performing that change.
The Contractor will provide on site training to the DOC and JJC coordinators
on this system so that these State agencies can have the ability to fully
manage each database.

System Administrator
System Administrator(s) may be required in each correctional facility. These
Administrator(s) will report directly to the facility and take direction from the onsite contact. Their activity may include, but not be limited to the following:


Software maintenance issues
Station software installs, moves and changes
System software additions, changes and deletions

InmatelResident Telephone Control System
The inmate/resident telephone control system will be programmed to allow outgoing,
station to station, collect calls only. Each inmate and resident will be assigned a unique
six digit personnel identification number (PIN). This PIN will identify that individual for
authorization to call a preapproved number.
The system to be installed for this contract must be compatible with all the existing
numbers previously assigned all inmates and residents. Inmates andlor residents will not
be reassigned new numbers.
The Contractor will administer the inmate and resident PIN and all software to each
system. A twenty-four hour completion of software additions/changes is required unless
deemed a high severity by the DOC andlor JJc. All software additions/changes must not
require the system to be taken off line at any time. The DOC and JJC will provide the
following information on Contractor provided, State approved, bubble forms for each
inmate and resident:

Correctional facility
Housing Unit
Name of inmate
DOC or JJC inmate/resident number
SBI number
Personnel Identification Number (PIN)
Name of called party (limited to ten friends/family numbers)
Address of called party
Relation to inmate or resident
Area code and number to be called
Name of Attorney (unlimited list of legal numbers verified, by the Vendor, through
the NJ Law Directory)
Address of Attorney
Telephone number of Attorney
Signature of inmate or resident

TRE - 1032


Date and authorization signature from DOC or JJC

The Contractor will provide, at no charge to the State, scanners at each correctional
facility and to\l free access to the system software for processing bubble forms. Scanning
of these forms may be performed by the DOC and/or JJC staff. Reports of successfu\ly
transmitted and failures of these forms will be provided on a daily basis.
The DOC and JJC may require, in the future, a debit ca\l option in addition to the co\lect
ca\l option. The Contractor will develop and maintain a\l records of money in each
inmate and/or resident account. Reports of account activity may be requested for review.

Authorized System Features



A\I dialing instructions, warnings and messages should be available in
English and Spanish for each data base.
A\I telephones turned on and off at predetermined hours.
Announcement on each ca\l, except legal or Ombudsman, that ca\l may be
subject to monitoring and/or recording.
Announcement on legal or Ombudsman ca\ls that they are not monitored or
Automated voice announcement to ca\led party identifying correctional
facility name and address and a prerecorded inmate name.
Ca\l splitting to isolate calling party from ca\led party during calI setup.
Ca\ler ID information passed to ca\led party after ca\l splitting.
Cutoff keys will be insta\led, at a DOC and JJC approved location, on every
inmate/resident telephone line in each facility. These keys will enable the
DOC and JJC to separately cut off service to any and a\llines serving any
Interactive acceptance or denial of ca\l by ca\led party.
On demand statewide blocked numbers.
Permit outgoing station to station co\lect ca\ls only and billed to the ca\led
Prompts inmate/resident through dialing instructions.
Provide inmatelresident with appropriate message (i.e. "ca\l not accepted",
"ca\l blocked").
Security announcement instructing switch hook operation from either party
to terminate call.
Service must provide a capability to interface with both touch tone and rotary
telephones at the called party location.
System must be DTMF dialing only.
System must limit access to one ca\l per connection.
Telephone switch hook operation will indicate disconnect of ca\l only.
The DOC and JJC will have the capability to monitor and record all ca\ls on
each line as needed from a central point in each facility without Inmate or
ca\led party detection.

The DOC locations require monitoring and recording of a\l individual Inmate
ca\ls. Monitoring equipment will be provided by the Contractor in each
correctional facility. On site storage of these recorded calls need to be maintained

TRE - 1033

for 90 days. Discs used for investigations or legal action are marked as evidence
and maintained permanently. All recording equipment must be compatible with
existing system to read all discs currently on file. The bidder should provide
information on additional system features available for consideration.

System Controls and Restrictions

Block call forwarding from originally called party
Fifteen minute time limit on every authorized call with a warning tone thirty
seconds to termination
No access to an Operator
No call waiting acceptance
No collect calls accepted to inmates and/or residents
No credit card calls
No incoming calls
No partial service during system failure
No person to person calls
No pulse dialing
No third party billing of calls
No third party conference calls
No transfer of calls
No two telephones can be connected to the same line at the same time (i.e.
Maximum Security)
Ten time call limit, per facility, on any authorized number per day except for
the four approved general population numbers.
Time of day restrictions on a called number. This option provides automatic
enforcement of called party requests, facility requirements and legal

The bidder should provide information on additional system controls and
restrictions available for consideration.

Usage Studies
The Contractor will provide to the DOC and JJC, on a monthly basis, detailed
usage information at no charge to the State. In addition, some on demand
administrative reports may be requested within thirty (30) minutes. These studies
may include but not be limited to the following:





Inmate/resident name
Inmate/resident DOC or JJC number
Inmate/resident SBI number
Inmate/resident PIN
Correctional facility
Calling number
Called number
Name of called party
Time and date of call
Duration of call

TRE - 1034


Most frequently cal1ed number
Words or group of words used during conversations

This information should be retrievable in a printed format or other electronic
media. These records shal1 be retained by the Contractor for the life of the
contract and transferred to the State at the termination of the contract.


InmatelResident Telephones
The telephone instruments must be standard in design and operation. The specifications
for these telephones are as follows:

All ringers must be disabled.
AI1 telephones must be equipped with a sealed calling instruction card.
All telephones must be hearing aid compatible.
AI1 telephones must be line powered. No AIC power will be available.
All telephones will be made with heavy gauge steel housings with no coin slots.
All telephones will be surfaced mounted on the wall or communications module using
secure mountings. Isolation panels must be provided were applicable.
One telephone in each group must be no higher than 55 inches from floor to top of
housing to meet the State and Federal handicap requirements.
Only new equipment will be acceptable.
Telephone dials must be of heavy duty metal construction and sealed against water
and weather conditions in a process accepted as industry standard.
Telephone handset cords must be heavy duty steel construction with stainless steel
Telephone handsets must be made of heavy duty, molded construction with no
removable parts. AI1 caps will be sealed with Epoxy to eliminate removal.
Telephones to be installed must be equal or comparable to existing telephones.

The DOC andlor JJC will supply 2500 type telephones to work with this system within
specified units. The Contractor may be required to provide analog trim line telephones.
They will operate with the same features and restrictions as the Contractor provided
telephones. They will operate with the same features and restrictions as the Contractor
provided telephones. These telephones will be installed by the Contractor in the
following areas:


Administrative Segregation Unit
Hospital units
Maximum Security Facilities

In addition, telephone devices for the deaf may also be required. These devices will also
operate within the system using the same features and restrictions.

The Contractor will be responsible for all new and existing wiring at no cost to the State.
All cabling used must be properly labeled at every terminating point. Each system should

TRE - 1035

be, wherever possible, wired separately from the correctional facilities administrative
telephone system. In some cases, it may be necessary to share communication cables and
conduit facilities due to environmental limitations. When this occurs, separate clearly
labeled wiring blocks must be used.
All new cable must be installed in conduit. No exposed wiring to the general population
will be acceptable. This cable and conduit must be placed by the Contractor at no cost to
the State. All cable and wiring must meet all Federal, State and local electrical,
environmental, safety and security rules and regulations. Approval by the DOC and/or
JJC is also required. If conduit is required for any new cable it will be supplied and
installed by the Contractor. This new cable, if adequate, may be shared by other
communications suppliers.


The inmate/resident telephone control system, telephones and all wiring will be fully
maintained by the Contractor. All maintenance required, including material, will be
performed at this Contractor's expense for the duration of this contract. Clearing time for
every maintenance problem should meet the States Performance Standards as set forth in
section 6.2.2.


The Contractor should have sufficient personnel to respond to multiple maintenance
problems at the same time. A profile of the maintenance force responsible for on-site
service to each facility should be provided. A list of work center locations, technical
personnel and management contact telephone numbers to be used in support of each
system is required. All personnel entering any correctional facility must pass security
clearance prior to entry. No individual with a criminal record will be allowed access.


The Contractor will provide on site system and telephone training to authorized
communication coordinators in each correctional facility. This training will be schedUled,
by the DOC and JJC, to meet the availability ofthe communication coordinators in each


The Contractor will provide system and telephone documentation and training manuals to
each correctional facility. This documentation should explain the functionality and
operation of each system and telephones installed.
The Contractor will label every telephone with an identifying code. A list of these codes,
associated telephone numbers and specific locations are to be provided to the on site POc.
This information will be updated with every move, addition and/or change.


Commission Structure


TRE - 1036

The commission to the State shall be in the fonn of a straight percentage of all originating,
billable revenue. Commission must be applied to all charges from all telephones on each
system. Revenue not collected will not reduce the commission amount. Commission
plans restricted to minimum thresholds are unacceptable.
A commission check must be submitted to the Department of Treasury c/o Division of
Administration, PO Box 211, Trenton, NJ 08625 on a monthly basis, fifteen days after
the end of the billing period. Also included, should be an itemized report listing the
following infonnation:

Correctional facility
Telephone line number
Minutes of usage
Total charges for each line number
Commission amount for each line number

Individual counties will provide the location for the submittal of commission checks.





The bid proposal is the State's primary vehicle for obtaining essential infonnation
on which contract award decisions are based. The bidder may submit multiple
Bidders must submit responses that are not merely a replication of current tariff,
but to identify features, functions and services in addition to tariff.


Bidders are cautioned that failure to submit the infonnation as required may result
in a detennination that the bidder's proposal is non-responsive to the RFP's
requirements. Any exceptions or deviations from the RFP's Standard Tenns and
Conditions, Special Tenns and Conditions, Specifications or other RFP
requirements, as evidenced by specific annotations in the bid proposal and/or
language contained in pre-printed literature deemed material, may result in the
rejection of the proposal. Consequently, the bidder's eligibility for contract award
may be jeopardized. Therefore, bidders are encouraged not to take exception to
the State's tenns, conditions or specifications.


All instructions contained in the RFP must be complied with to qualify for
consideration for award. Proposals which do not meet all requirements or comply
with all instructions including the fonnat and sequence in Section 7.4 may be
considered non-responsive.


The infonnation required to be submitted in response to this RFP has been
detennined by DOC, JJC and the Purchase Bureau to be essential for use by the
State in the bid evaluation and contract award process. The Director, Division
Purchase and Property, will use this infonnation as a basis for detennination of
contract award.

TRE - 1037



Responses should be complete and comprehensive. Elaborate binders or literature
are not necessary, but all documentation must be clear and legible. Poor quality
copies of materials may be rejected. For uniformity and filing purposes, all
proposals shall be submitted using the format and sequence as listed in Section
7.4. Proposals shall be bound and not larger than twelve inches high by twelve
inches wide, with an identification insert on the front cover and spine.

Proposal Delivery and Identification
It is the responsibility of the bidder to clearly and properly identitY and label the bid
response proposal to aid the Purchase Bureau in properly handling the bid. The exterior
of the bid submission package must be clearly labeled with the solicitation number,
correct final bid opening date and buyer name and solicitation name/description.
Anticipate potential delivery delays by allowing adequate time for hand, postal/courier or
other delivery service.


Nnmber of Bid Responses Proposal Submissions Required
Bidders must submit one (I) clearly marked original bid response proposal and ten (10)
complete/exact copies of the original. It is suggested that the bidder makes and retains a
full copy of its bid response proposal for its records.


Proposal Format, Content and Sequence
The proposal should be submitted in one volume (where practical) beginning with the
executive summary and required forms with the additional required information divided
into three (3) easily identified and numbered parts as follows:


Required Forms and Executive Summary
Proposal shall begin with the required forms as listed below and the Executive Summary.
The Executive Summary shall condense and highlight the contents of the technical
proposal in such a way as to provide the State with a broad understanding of the entire
Required Forms are as follows:
A. Ownership Disclosure Form
In the event the bidder is a corporation or partnership, the bidder must complete the
attached Ownership Disclosure Form. A completed Ownership Disclosure Form
must be received prior to or accompanying the bid. Failure to do so will preclude
the award of the contract.


TRE - 1038

B. MacBride Principles Certification

The bidder must complete the attached MacBride Principles Certification
evidencing compliance with the MacBride Principles. Failure to do so may result
in the award of the contract to another vendor.
C. Affirmative Action
The bidder must complete the attached Affirmative Action Employee Information
Report, or, in the alternative, supply either a New Jersey Affirmative Action
Certificate or evidence that the bidder is operating under a Federally approved or
sanctioned affirmative action program. The requirement is a precondition to
entering into a valid and binding contract.
D. Bid Bond
This Section supplements Section 3.3a of the Standard Terms and Conditions. The
amount of the bid bond is noted on the RFP cover sheet. The bid bond must be
submitted with the bidder's proposal
E. Registration with Division of Revenue
Bidder must submit poof of registration with the Division of Revenue.
F. Certificate from the Department of Labor


General Instruction - Technical
Part 1 - Technical Proposal
This section shall describe the bidder's approach and plans for meeting the requirements
identified in Section 6. Scope of Work. Each response must be cross-referenced to the
appropriate RFP Section. These "plans and approaches" must demonstrate and describe
the effort and skills necessary to satisfactorily complete the contract. Mere reiteration of
the requirements is strongly discouraged, as it does not provide insight into the bidder's
understanding of and ability to provide the required services.
The bidder must document that it can meet the technical requirements of this RFP. Each
response in the proposal to a mandatory item in the RFP must contain clear language that
states full compliance. If a mandatory requirement permits the bidder an option as to a
method of satisfying the requirement, the proposal must provide at least one method to
satisfy the condition but it may also provide additional options that meet the requirement.
Each option should be clearly identified and priced. Samples of all specified and
proposed reports MUST be submitted with the proposal.
The proposal must clearly define the State's responsibility for any implementation or
operational task(s).


Disaster Recovery Plan

TRE - 1039

Attach a detailed disaster recovery plan to be implemented during a major service
outage including the availability of redundancy of each system. Provide
emergency numbers, dispatch procedures, escalation contact list and restoration
time frame schedules.

Fraudulent Calls
Provide response to the agreement to the billing issues on Schedule A.


Call Routing
Provide response to the agreement of the billing issues on Schedule A.


Quality of Service
Provide response to the agreement of the design issues on Schedule A.


On Site System Equipment
Provide response to on site system equipment to be installed and related issues on
Schedule B.


Dialing Plan
The inmate/resident telephone control service network must adhere to all
standards for the North American dialing plan.
Provide response to dialing plan issues on Schedule C.


Non-recurring Charges
The State will not accept any non-recurring charges related to this service, system
and telephones provided. The State will consider to pay for services performed
due to State initiated remodeling within each correctional facility.
Provide response to the non-recurring charge issues, including cost and conditions
that these charges would apply, on Schedule D.


System Evaluation
The bidder will be required to install a fully operational system and telephones in
both a DOC and JJC correctional facility for evaluation.
Provide a response to the system evaluation issue on Schedule E.


Implementation Plan
The bidder will provide an Implementation Plan to effectively install the
inmatelresident telephone control system in each correctional facility. This plan
will ensure total system and network wide interoperability for any and all services

TRE - 1040

provided to the State. The bidder must also describe in detail its approach to
managing this service for the life of the contract.

Basic Service

The State is requiring commitment from the bidder on the reliability/availability
standard for on line performance.


States Performance Standards (SPS)
The State is requiring commitment from the bidder to meet or exceed SPS on aH
service provided.

99.999% Network Performance Standard
Prior Notification of Scheduled Maintenance Shutdowns
Mean Time to Respond
Mean Time to Repair
Provisioning Due Date
Failure Reporting Process

Provide response to SPS issues on Schedule F.

CaH Billing
Provide the description and charges for component parts to be applied to aH
inmate/resident station to station coHect caHs. Describe the unit of measurement
of time for each cal1 and the billing rate for this time. Also provide a postalized
transport charge and the flat rate service charge for a five (5) minute cal1 placed at
any time, as col1ect station to station cal1 to the NPA-NXX examples provided.
Provide information for the above issues on Schedule G.


Remote Access Software Rearrangements
Provide availability and feasibility of having remote access capability for read
only and on demand reports to each database. Also provide the availability of ful1
remote access for al1 administrative activity. Attach detailed description and
operational characteristics of the functionality and flexibility of the software. Also
attach examples of system screen data and reports.


System Administrator
Provide availability of System Administrator(s). Identify if any or al1 of these
System Administrator(s) will be included with each system or if the monthly
commission percentage rate will be reduced as payment options. This reduction, if
applied, should include single administrator options, multiple Administrator
options and transportation options.

TRE - 1041

Provide response to the above issues on Schedule H.

InmatelResident Telephone Control System
The bidder should be able to provide a system that will allow programmed outgoing,
station to station, collect calls only. Inmate/resident authorization to place a call will be
identified from an assigned PIN.
Provide the capability of system administration with twenty- four hour completion of
software additions/changes and availability of scanners at each correctional facility as
stated in section 6.3 on Schedule 1.

Authorized System Featnres
Each system should include, but not be limited to, the features listed in section
Provide availability, detailed description and operational characteristics ofthese
features on Schedule J.


System Controls and Restrictions
Each system should have the capability, but not limited to, the controls and
restrictions listed in section 6.3.2.
Provide availability, detailed description and operational characteristics of these
controls and restrictions on Schedule K.


Usage Studies
Provide availability to print usage study information, listing restrictions and/or
enhancements available, on Schedule L. Also attach an example of requested data
for review.


InmatelResident Telephones
Provide detailed description and operational characteristics of inmate telephones and the
ability to meet the specifications listed in section 6.4 on Schedule M.


Provide response to the agreement of the wiring issues on Schedule N.


The bidder should include a detailed description of their trouble reporting and
maintenance procedures to be provided.
All maintenance required, including material, will be performed at the Contractor's
expense for the duration of the contract.

TRE - 1042

Provide response to the maintenance issues on Schedule O.

Attach a list of work center locations, technical personnel and a management escalation
contact list of names and telephone numbers to be used in support of each system.


Provide the response to system and telephone training requirements for each facility on
Schedule P.


Provide a response to availability of system and telephone documentation and training
manuals to each facility and telephone labeling information on Schedule P.


Commission Structure
Identify the percentage rate to be applied to the total billable revenue for each year of the
contract. Also provide the ability to deliver, via a printed report, the required information
with the commission check to the Department of Treasury c/o Division of Administration,
PO Box 211, Trenton, NJ 08625 on a monthly basis, fifteen days after the end of the
billing period. In addition, same services would be extended to the county correctional
Provide a response to the above issues on Schedule Q.


Award Date plus 9 days


The awarded Contractor(s) will create an implementation team, to interface with DOC and
JJC POC to develop a detailed conversion plan for timely and responsive implementation
of new service.
Award Date plus 41 days
A joint Contractor implementation team will meet with the DOC and JJC team and other
representatives as necessary on a regular basis as required by the DOC and JJC POC to
develop a schedule of events such as Critical Path/GANTT charts or other management
tools to ensure the minimal disruption of service to users. The implementation plan will
be presented to DOC and JJC POC's for hislher approval.
No service will be implemented without the concurrence of the DOC and/or JJC POC
approval. All new service will be implemented using the State's Request for
Telecommunications Service (RTS) for new circuits will be tested prior being cut over.
The implementation plan will develop fallback strategy in event of failure and the
recovery data or any live traffic. A Contractor management representative will be
available on site to ensure an effective cutover of all service. The first circuit shall be cut
over within forty-five days of the order based on the approved plan. Full circuit
information shall be submitted to the DOC and/or JJC POC ten days before cutover.

TRE - 1043

The Contractor(s) shall be responsible for all coordination with the Local and/or
Interexchange Telephone Companies concerning installation ofthe service. However, the
Contractor will not order or place in service any type of equipment or facility, which
would result in charges to the State, without a written order from the State.
The Contractor shall be solely responsible for the compatibility of the proposed system
and equipment with any and all circuits and facilities as provided by the LEC and all other
common carriers to meet the requirements of these specifications.
The Contractor(s) will submit weekly status reports to the DOC and/or JJC POC outlining
the progress toward completing the tasks contained in the implementation plan during the

General Instruction - Organizational
Part II - Organizational Support, Experience and Qualifications
This section shall contain all pertinent information relating to the bidder's organization,
personnel, and experience including, but not limited to, references, together with contact
name and telephone number that will serve to substantiate the bidder's qualifications and
capabilities to perform the services required by the RFP.
Provide the following information:
7.18.1 Location of the bidder's office responsible for managing this contract. Include the
telephone number and the name of the contact individual.
7.18.2 An organization chart with names, identifying
individuals, (including sub-contractor's personnel) to be assigned to the contract.
7.18.3 Qualifications of key staff to be assigned to this contract for the implementation
effort and customer service requirements. This shall be in the form of resumes.
7.18.4 A representative listing of contacts (a minimum of five contacts/references) of a
similar size and scope under which services have been/are being successfully
performed by the bidding firm as documentation ofthe firm's ability to
successfully undertake and complete the services required by this RFP. Emphasis
should be placed on contracts that are very similar in size and scope to those
required by this RFP, and if possible, should include public sector contracts. A
description of the contract should be included and should show how the project
relates to the ability of the bidder to complete the services required by this RFP.
Include the name of the firm, address and telephone number of the reference
together with a person to contact for a reference check and contract dates.
7.18.5 Describe your experience with major customer networks.
A. Percentage of backbone facilities owned versus leased in your network.
B. Type facilities in network (Analog, Digital, Fiber and cable etc.).

TRE - 1044

C. Percentage of network utilization.
7.18.6 Describe your quality control procedures, service locations and support personnel
7.18.7 The bidder should provide evidence of the finn's financial capability and
capabilities to undertake and successfully perfonn under this contract. A financial
statement for the most recent fiscal year or bank references is acceptable.
7.18.8 The bidder will comply with requirements of Purchase Bureau Standard Tenns
and Conditions Section 3.11 concerning sUb-contracting. In addition, the bidder
will supply the following detailed infonnation concerning any sub-contractor
proposed as part of the project team or to be used during the tenn of the contract.



Name and address of sub-contractor(s}.


Detailed description of services to be provided by each sub-contractor(s}.


Proof of registration with the Division of Revenue


Subcontractors registration with Department of Labor


Detailed resumes for sub-contractor(s} personnel assigned to the project
that demonstrates the individuals knowledge, ability and experience as it
relates to your proposal.


Documented experience of the sub-contractor( s} in successfully perfonning
work on contracts of a similar size and scope to that required by this RFP.

General Instructions - Cost and Information Schedules
Part III - Cost Proposal
7.19.1 Bidders shall submit cost and infonnation on the RFP Schedules A through Q.
Failure to submit all infonnation requested will result in the bid being considered
non-responsive and subject to rejection. All circuit pricing will be from end point
to end point with no use of the existing State facilities.
7.19.2 Cost and infonnation must be submitted for the following:
Schedule A - Fraudulent Calls
Schedule A - Call Routing
Schedule A - Quality of Service
Schedule B - On Site System Equipment
Schedule C - Dialing Plan
Schedule D - Non-recurring Charges
Schedule E - System Evaluation
Schedule F - States Perfonnance Standards
Schedule G - Call Billing
Schedule H - System Administrator
Schedule I - Inmate/resident telephone control system

TRE - 1045

Schedule J - Authorized System Features
Schedule K - System Controls and Restrictions
Schedule L - Usage Studies
Schedule M - Inmate/resident telephones
Schedule N - Wiring
Schedule 0 - Maintenance
Schedule P - Training
Schedule P - Documentation
Schedule Q - Commission Structure


Proposal Evaluation and Contract Award
For purposes of bid evaluation, cost ranking will be determined based upon prices bid on
Schedules A through Q.
Award shall be made with reasonable promptness by written notice to that responsible
bidder whose bid, conforming to the invitation for bids, will be most advantageous to the
State, price, and other factors considered. Any or all bids may be rejected when the State
Treasurer or the Director of the Division of Purchase and Property determines that it is in
the public interest so to do.
This evaluation will consist of two phases.
Phase One will be the evaluation of the bidder's bid response based on the criteria listed
below. Six vendors who received the highest points will advance to Phase Two.
Phase Two will require the bidder to make fully operational the exact system proposed in
their bid response in a correctional facility selected by the State.


Phase One
The following criteria, not necessarily listed in order of significance, will be used to
evaluate proposals in Phase One.


Bidder Experience
The bidder's experience and past performance in providing Service of a similar
size, scope and nature to that required by this RFP.


Bidder's Financial Capabilities
The financial capability of the bidder to perform under the contract.


Bidder's Personnel
The project staffing proposed to support the contract during the implementation
and operational phases.


Implementation Plan

TRE - 1046

The bidders proposed methodology for the implementation of services in meeting
the RFP requirements and the State resources that will be required to support
implementation and operation.
8.1.5 Technical Responsiveness of the Proposal
The capability of the proposed services to meet the RFP functional and technical
8.1.6 Overall Reliability and Security of the Proposed Solution
Including proposed redundancy and back-up capability.

Cost to the End User
The rate to be billed to the called party for each call placed by an inmate or

8.1.8 Commission Rate
Percentage of billable revenue to be given to the State for each year of contract.

Phase Two
The following criteria, not necessarily listed in order of significance, will be used to
evaluate the system performance.

Commission Check
Ability to submit the commissions check and the itemized report per section 6. I 0
and the accuracy and quality of both items.


Installation of System
Coordination and efficiency of system implementation.


Coordination and efficiency of system and telephone maintenance issues.


Features and Restrictions
Proper performance of required system functionality.


Usage Study Reports
Ability to supply reports with the required information per section 6.3.3 and the
accuracy and quality of each report.

TRE - 1047


Quality ofthe Vendor's Network
Proper and clear connections on each call.


Quality of the Vendor's System
Proper function of the system using all vendor supplied equipment and supplies


Quality of the Vendor's Telephone
Properly constructed telephones meeting all of the State's requirements.


Quality of the Post Installation Support
Proper information and referral numbers supplied to access qualified personnel.

8.2.10 Cost to End User
Properly billed calls using the rates provided on Schedule G.
8.2.11 Commission Rate
Proper percentage rate used on all billable revenue per Schedule Q.


Supplement to Standard Terms and Conditions
The following paragraph supersede the Standard Terms and Conditions as listed in the
Request for Proposal OI-X-32533:
Standard Terms and Conditions
Section 2 Liabilities, Paragraph 2.2 Indemnification is modified as follows:
The contractor assumes all risk and responsibility for, and agrees to indemnifY, defend
and save harmless the State of New Jersey and its employees from and against any and all
claims, demands, suits, actions, recoveries, judgments and costs and expenses in
connection therewith on account of loss of life, property or injury or damage to the
person, body or property of any person or persons whatsoever, which shall arise or result
from: (I) any willful misconduct or negligent act or omission of the contractor; or (2) the
work, materials or services supplied by the contractor under the contract to the extent that
such work, materials, or services are defective or not complaint with this contract; or (3)
the contractor's breach of this contract. The State agrees to notifY the contractor as soon
as is practical of any claim, demand or action for which the State will request
indemnification's from the contractor.
This indemnification obligation does not extend to incidental, special or consequential
2.3 Insurance, Subparagraph a.

TRE - 1048

Comprehensive General Liability Insurance
The minimum limit of liability shall be $1,000,000 per occurrence as a combined single
limit for bodily injury and property damage together with excess coverage or umbrella
coverage with the same terms and conditions as the primary underlying coverage
(following form) in an amount such that the primary and excess coverage or primary and
umbrella coverage together equal or are greater than $15,000,000. Said excess or
umbrella policy shall contain a clause stating that it takes effect (drops down) in the event
the primary coverage is impaired or exhausted.
The above required Comprehensive General Liability policy shall name the State, its
officers, and employees as additional insured.
The coverage to be provided under this policy shall be at least as broad as that provided
by the standard basic, unamended, and unendorsed comprehensive general liability
occurrence coverage forms currently in use in the State of New Jersey, which shall not be
circumscribed by an endorsement limiting the breadth of coverage.
The insurance policy shall be endorsed to include contractual liability coverage, broad
form property coverage, independent contractor's coverage and personal injury coverage.


TRE - 1049

Inmate/Resident Telephone Control Service
Schedule A
System Network
Willingness to accept the terms as set forth by the State.
Please initial response.


Fraudulent Calls

No charge for fraudulent

Call Routing

No charge for miss-routed

Quality of Service

Network designed using a
P.Ol grade of service.



TRE - 1050


Inmate/Resident Telephone Control Service

On Site System Equipment
Willingness for the Contractor to provide only new
system and telephone equipment and retain ownership for
all materials, supplies and equipment. Please initial


New equipment only
Lightning and surge
protection to be provided
Contractor retain

Provide information in detail to the following
What equipment will be located on site?

What will be the electrical requirements for this

What will be the space requirements for this equipment?

Will this on site equipment improve the quality of
service and if yes, how?



TRE - 1051

InmatelResident Telephone Control Service
Schedule C

Dialing Plan
Response for compliance to the Dialing Plan Standards.
Please initial response.



North American Dialing Plan

Response to no charge to the State for Dialing Plan
expansions and upgrades. Please initial response.


Free Dialing Plan expansions
and upgrades


Any charges not identified will not be paid by the


TRE - 1052

Inmate/Resident Telephone Control Service
Schedule D


Non-recurring Charges
Willingness to accept the terms of no charge for the
following issues as set forth by the State. Please
initial response.


Equipment additions, changes
and/or deletions
Maintenance on equipment,
service and/or wiring
Record keeping or report
Service or system upgrades
System software additions,
changes and/or deletions
System software information
bubble forms
Provide the rate and conditions that charges would
apply for State initiated activity.

State initiated activity


Time &




Any charges not identified will not be paid by the


TRE - 1053

Inmate/Resident Telephone Control Service
Schedule E


System Evaluation
Willingness to install a fully operational system and
telephones, prior to the contract award, in both a DOC
and JJC correctional facility for evaluation. Please
initial response.

Install a system and
telephones in a DOC
correctional facility
Install a system and
telephones in a JJC
correctional facility



TRE - 1054


Inmate/Resident Telephone Control Service
Schedule F


States Performance Standards (SPS)
Willingness to accept the terms as set forth by the
State. Please initial response.

Network Performance Standards
Meet or exceed 99.999%
performance level
Maintenance and Provisioning Response Time
72 hour prior notification
of scheduled shutdowns
Mean time to Respond
Mean time to Repair
Provisioning due dates
24 hour software additions
and/or changes
Failure reporting process



TRE - 1055


InmatelResident Telephone Control Service
Schedule G (REV 1)

Cal1 Bil1ing
Provide the description and charges for the component
parts to be applied to all inmate/resident station to
station collect calls and the measurement of time for
these charges.

Local rate


IntraLATA rate


InterLATA rate



Interstate rate




TRE - 1056



TRE - 1057

Inmate/Resident Telephone Control Service
Schedule G

Call Billing (continued)
Provide a postalized transport charge, flat rate
service charge and any additional surcharges for a call
of 5 minutes placed at any time period, as collect
station to station from NPA-NXX 609-292 to the

Call Charge
Trenton - NPA-NXX 609-292

Transport charge
Service charge
BPU/FCC surcharge


Atlantic City - NPA-NXX 609-441

Transport charge
Service charge
BPUjFCC surcharge


Jersey City - NPA-NXX 201-795

Transport charge
Service charge
BPU/FCC surcharge



Red Bank - NPA-NXX 732-741

Transport charge
Service charge
BPU/FCC surcharge


Camden - NPA-NXX 856-614

Transport charge
Service charge
BPUjFCC surcharge




TRE - 1058

Inmate/Resident Telephone Control Service
Schedule G

Call Billing (continued)
Elizabeth - NPA-NXX 908-820
Transport charge
Service charge
BPU!FCC surcharge


Newark - NPA-NXX 973-648
Transport charge
Service charge
BPU!FCC surcharge


New York City, NY -.NPA-NXX 212-425
Transport charge
Service charge
BPU!FCC surcharge


Philadelphia, Pa - NPA-NXX 215-965
Transport charge
Service charge
BPU!FCC surcharge


San Juan, Puerto Rico - NPA-NXX 787-725
Transport charge
Service charge
BPU!FCC surcharge



Any charges not identified will not be paid.


TRE - 1059

Inmate/Resident Telephone Control Service
Schedule H

System Administrator
Availability of Full Time on Site System
Administrator(s). Please initial response.



Single Administrator Availability
Multiple Administrator Availability
Transportation Availability

Number of System Admini-lq
each system.

strator(s) included with

System Administrator(s) included

Percentage of monthly commission to be reduced to
provide on-site System Administrator(s) and options

Daily Rate
Weekly Rate
Monthly Rate
Yearly Rate
Multiple Administrator Discount
Transportation Rate

Any charges not identified will not be paid by the


TRE - 1060

Inmate/Resident Telephone Control Service
Schedule I

Inmate/Resident Telephone Control System
Willingness to accept the terms of no charge to the
State for the following issues. Please initial
Administer all software
Design software to accept
all information provided
Provide and administer PIN
Provide software compatible with
existing numbers previously
Provide software out going
only-collect calls
Provide 24 hour completion
of all software requests
Provide shorter than 24 hour
software completion interval
if required
Provide bubble forms for
software input
Provide scanners with toll
free access to system software
Provide daily reports of
Successful and failure


TRE - 1061


InmatelResident Telephone Control Service
Schedule I


Inmate/Resident Telephone Control System
Ability to provide and maintain a debit call option for
each inmate and/or resident. Please initial response.


Provide and maintain a
debit call option
Software additions/changes
will not require down time


Any charges not identified will not be paid by the


TRE - 1062

Inmate/Resident Telephone Control Service
Schedule J

Authorized System Features
Ability to provide Authorized System Features for each
data base. Please initial response.
All dialing instructions,
warnings and messages in
English and Spanish
All telephones turned on and
off at predetermined hours
Announcement of call monitoring
and/or recording with exceptions
Announcement of no monitoring or
recording of legal or Ombudsman
Automated voice announcement
to called party
Call splitting of calling
party from called party
Caller ID info passed to called
party after call splitting
Capability to monitor and
record all calls on each line
Cutoff keys on all system
telephone lines
Interactive acceptance or
denial of call
Monitoring and recording
Capability without detection


TRE - 1063


InmatelResident Telephone Control Service
Schedule J

Authorized System Features (continued)
On demand statewide blocked
Permit outgoing collect calls
Prompts for dialing instructions
Provide appropriate message
Recording discs available for
review and/or permanent storage
Recording equipment to be
compatible with existing system
Security announcement instructing
switch hook operation terminates
Service to interface with both
touch tone and rotary service
System must be DTMF dialing
System must limit access to
one call per connection
Telephone switch hook operation
indicates disconnect of call


TRE - 1064


InmatelResident Telephone Control Service
Schedule K

System Controls and Restrictions
Ability to provide System Controls and Restrictions for
each data base. Please initial response.
Block call forwarding from
originally called number
Fifteen minute time limit on
every call with warning tone
No access to an operator
No call waiting acceptance
No collect calls accepted to
inmates and/or residents
No credit card calls
No incoming calls
No partial service during
system failures
No person to person calls
No pulse dialing
No third party billing of calls
No third party conference calls
No transfer of calls
No two telephones can be
connected to the same line
at the same time


TRE - 1065


Inmate/Resident Telephone Control Service
Schedule K

System Controls and Restrictions (continued)
Ten time call limit on any
authorized number per day
Time limit on total minutes
per month
Time of day restrictions
on a called number



TRE - 1066


Inmate/Resident Telephone Control Service
Schedule L


Usage Studies
Willingness to provide Usage Studies.

Please initial


Usage study(S) Availability
List the type of reports available, their limitations
and duration from request to completion.

Reports and Retention
Monthly reports available
On demand reports available
within thirty(30) minutes
Retain records for the life
of the contract

Also attach examples of additional reports available.


TRE - 1067

InmatelResident Telephone Control Service
Schedule M

Inmate/Resident Telephones
Ability to meet the specifications for inmate/resident
telephones. Please initial response.
All ringers must be disabled
All telephones equipped with
sealed calling instruction card
All telephones hearing aid
All telephones line powered
All telephones made with heavy
gauge steel and no coin slots
All telephones surfaced mounted
One telephone in each group to
meet handicap requirements
Telephone dials made of heavy
duty metal and water proof
Telephone handset cords made of
heavy duty stainless steel cable
Telephone handsets made of heavy
duty molded construction with
-------no removable parts
Provide analog trim line
telephones with same features
and restrictions
Provide telephone devices for
the deaf with same features and


TRE - 1068


Inmate/Resident Telephone Control Service
Schedule N


Willingness to accept the Wiring terms as set forth by
the State.
Please initial response.

Contractor to be responsible
for all new and existing wiring
All cabling to be properly
labeled at every terminating
Share communication cables and
conduit facilities
Install separate clearly labeled
wiring blocks
New cable to be install in
conduit at the Contractors expense
and meet all environmental, safety
and security regulations
New cable may be shared by
other communications suppliers



TRE - 1069


InmatelResident Telephone Control Service
Schedule 0


Willingness to accept the Maintenance terms as set
forth by the State. Please initial response.

Contractor to be responsible
for all system software and
Contractor to be responsible
for all telephones and
replacement parts
Contractor to be responsible
for all wiring and material
Contractor to perform all
maintenance at no charge to
the State
Contractor to meet all clearing
times as set forth in the
States Performance Standards



TRE - 1070


Inmate/Resident Telephone Control Service
Schedule P

Training and
Willingness to provide the Training and Documentation
required by the State. Please initial response.
Contractor to provide on site
system and telephone training
to authorized communication
coordinators in each
correctional facility

Contractor to provide on site
documentation of the
functionality and operation
of the system and telephones
at each correctional facility
Contractor to provide on site
training manuals to each
correctional facility

Telephone labeling information
Label each telephone and
provide required information
and updates


TRE - 1071


Inmate/Resident Telephone Control Service
Schedule Q (Rev 1)

Commission Structure
Percentage rate to be applied to the total billable
revenue for each year of the contract.
Oct. 1, 2002 - Sept. 30, 2003


Oct. 1, 2003


Sept. 30, 2004

Oct. 1, 2004


Sept. 30, 2005


Oct. 1, 2005 - Sept. 30, 2006


Oct. 1, 2006 - Sept. 30, Z007
One year renewal terms at the Statels option.
Oct. 1, 2007 - Sept. 30, 2008
Oct. 1, 2008 - Sept. 30, 2009

Ability to provide commission check and the required
information to State Treasurer's office. Please
initial response.
Send to State Treasurer's
office each month within
fifteen days


TRE - 1072


County Inmate Phone Systems














Cape May









































TRE - 1073