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State of Minnesota
Offender/Client Telephone Calling System
February 24, 2010
After discussion on February 22nd. DOC/DHS and GTL agreed upon the following: GTL agreed
when contacting the existing telephone monitoring systems contract vendors to copy Don
Rothstein and Sara Rose on all correspondence relating to mapping changes.
15) 2.33 - Telephone calls for a minimum of the previous 60 days will be made available for
monitoring via this method. The Contract requires 60 days of phone call recordings (but 9 months
of phone call data) to be retained. You have proposed retaining 9 months of phone call recordings.
Is there a substantial price difference were GTL to retain60 days of phone call recordings as opposed
to 9 months of phone call recordings.
There is no substantial cost difference between the storage options, GTL will provide nine (9)
months of phone call recordings as originally offered.
16) 2.3.2 - Digital offender/client name announcement. We are looking for a digital/synthesized
recording, not an actual voice recording.
Clarification was presented for this desirable requirement. There is no tlmeframe currently
available for this development.
17) 2.21.2 Automated PIN assignment. We are looking for an automated process that does not
require staff involvement.
Clarification was presented for this desirable requirement. This would require development
to the existing NCC feed that GTL currently provides to DOC/DHS. There Is no tlmeframe
currently available fonhls development.
@2010 Global Tel*Link
Negotiation Points