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Central Office
April 15, 2014
All Offenders
John R. King, Assistant Commissioner - Facil~-ยท- "'----
Offender phone rate change
On August 9, 2013, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) adopted the Inmate
Calling Report and Order and Further Notice of Prnposed Rulcmaking, lowering the
cost for all interstate long distance telephone calls for incarcerated individuals. T his \.Viii
allow offenders to communicate with family and friend s at an affordable cost.
On February 6, 2014, Global Tel Link (GTL) implemented the FCC ruling. A long
distance interstate debit/prepaid call was lowered to .21 cents a minute, and long distance
interstate collect call was lowered to .25 cents per minute.
The Minnesota Department of Corrections has decided to initiate a pilot project at MCFMoose Lake/ Wi llow River and MCF-Faribault, implementing a Oat rate for all debit
telephone calls. This will allow for all offenders to make affordable long distance debit
telephone calls.
On May I 5, 20 14, the pil ot project will be implemented utilizing a flat rate, reduc ing the /
'- 6 Ct4. '- Li P telephone call rate to .07 cents per minute for all debit telephone calls, both local and long
r~ l , ?J? distance. A local or long distance 15 minute call will now cost $1.05, plus applicable
Fotz LS"tr1 <tU taxes.
The lower cost flat rate will eliminate the need for the use of technological assistance, such
as "Google Voice," to make long distance calls.
Using such technological assistance is a violation of DOC Division Directi ve 302.210,
.. Offender Telephone Use. "
With the implementation of the flat rate, the Office of' Special Investigations (OSI) will
begin blocking all local telephone prefixes on May 15, 2014. If yo u have friend s or family
who li ve locally, contact OSI by kite wi th veril~ cation of their local telephone number by
May 15, 2014.
Cellular telephones with a local prefi x are acceptable. hut not necessary with the fl at phone
Contributing to a safer Minnesota