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Room 112 Administration Bldg.• 50 SherbumeAve., S1. Paul, MN 55155; Phone: 651.296.2600, Fax: 651.297.3996
For nyrrDO communication. contact us through the Minnesota Relay SeNice at 1.800.627.3529.
DATE: MARCH 30, 2007
PHONE: 651.201.2448
NET 30
2609 Cameron Street
Mobile. AL 36607
(Formerty MCINerlzon Business)
VENDOR NO.: 20035830304
CONTACT: Michael Patterson •
PHONE: 916.779.1922
FAX: 509.752.6309
CONTRACT USERS. This Contract is available to the Department of Corrections Correctional Facilities and the
Department of Human Service locations at Moose Lake and St. ~eter, MN.
STATE AGENCY CONTRACT USE. This Contract must be used by State agencies unless a specific exception is granted
by the Acquisition Management Specialist listed above.
AGENCY ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS. Orders are to be placed directly with the Contract Vendor. The State agencies
should use a contract release order (CRO) or a blanket purchase order (BPe). The person ordering should include his or
her name and phone number. Orders may be submitted via fax.
SCOPE. To provide Offender/Client Phone System for the Department of Corrections and Department of Human
S8rvices located at Oak Park Heights. Stillwater, Rush City, St. Cloud. Faribault. Lino Lakes, Moose Lake. Red Wing,
Shakopee, St. Paul and St. Peter.
The State r858rves the right to renegotiate the resulting Contract if additional Department of Correctlons' and Department
of Human Services' facilities are added. Also, the State, with the consent of the Contract Vendor, reserves the right to
extend the contract to other State agencies or political SUbdivisions who are members of the State's COoperative
Purchasing Venture (CPV) program.
COOtract Release 7 (O8lO3)
Contract Release T-512
The purpose of this Contract is to provide the best combination of security, reliability, service and long distance calling
commissions using a combined debit/collect call system. Long distance calls shall be at the predominant carrier collect
rates; International calling access shall be provided in the form of debit only. The State does not want to invest capital
expenditures to procure equipment that provides the required service. Installation fees, including the other common
carriers' charges required for installation of special circuits or local lines that might be required to operate the service. are
the responsibility of the Contract Vendor. The Contract Vendor will also pay all monU1ly charges and maintenance costs for
the term of the Contract including all extensions
PRices. This is a commission only Contract, at no cost to the State.
The Contract Vendor will be responsible for all collections from collect calls, local and long distance, and will send each
facility its share of the revenue within 45 days from the end of the month covered. The Contract Vendor will provide a
statement for all debit calls and the amount due, within 45 days from the end of the month covered.
The Contract Vendor shall provide offender/client - calling service/systems at the locations listed below:
DOC Central Office.145O Energy Park Drive, Suite 200, St. Paul. MN 55104
DOC Correctional Facilities
Faribault, 1101 Linden Lane, Faribault, MN 55021
Lino Lakes. 7525 4th Ave., Lino Lakes, MN 55014
Moose Lake, 1000 Lakeshore Drive. Moose Lake, MN 55767
oak Park Heights, 5329 Osgood Ave., oak Park Heights, MN 55082
Rush City, 7600 52SU' St.. Rush City, MN 55069
Red Wing, 1079 Hwy. 292, Red Wing, MN 55066
St. Cloud. 2305 Minnesota Blvd, St. Cloud, MN 56304
Shakopee, 1010 W. 611I Ave., Shakopee. MN 55379
Stillwater, 970 Pickett St. North, Bayport, MN 55003
DHS Facilities
St. Peter Regional Treatment Center, 100 Freeman Dr., St. Peter, MN
MSOP - 1111 Highway 73, Moose Lake, MN 55767
General Requirements:
Call charges, inclUding per call surcharges and per minute charges, shall not exceed standard industry rates for intra-Inter
LATA services, nor local exchange carrier rates for local calling services for comparable services charged to the person
called. This includes all rate categories. Except for International call rates (which are identified in Exhibit A to the Contract),
the call charges of this Contract are set forth in the Rate Schedu" below. The Contract Vendor shall provide 30 days'
prior written notice of any rate changes to the Acquisition Management Specialist and the DOC and DHS Financial
services Operations Director as clarified in Contract Vendor's BAFO response dated December 1, 2004.
The Contract Vendor is to be responsible for fraudulent calls, uncoU8Ctibles or disputed charges. Such matters will be
between the Contract Vendor and the calledlbilled party (for collect calls) or the offender/client (for debit calls) and will be
governed by Contract Vendor's appliceble Federal or State tariff(s) and their successor(s) in effect during the Contract
term. The State will assurne no liability. Fraudulent calls, uncollectibles or disputed charges will not reduce the
"Commjssionable Revenue" on which Contract Vendor will pay the State commissions, per Contract Vendor's response to
RFP Section 7.
The Contract Vendor shall be solely responsible for the Integration and compatibility of offered services or system
equipment with the existing Marcom telephone monitoring system, including all circuits and facilities provided by the local
telephone company or other carriers.
The Contract Vendor shall be responsible for all coordination with the current Mercom Contract Vendor and both the local
and inter-eXchange carriers. The Contract Vendor is not to order or place in service any type of equipment or facilities that
would result in charges to the State without a written purchase order from the State.
The telephone-to-offender/client ratio will be determined by each correctional facility/hospital.
Contract Release 7 (08103)
Page20f 4
Contract Release T-512
The Contract Vendor shall provide detailed flow charts depicting the call-processing sequence inclUding all associated
Ptrmll, UctnIIf and E_: The Contract Vendor must obtain and pay for all permits. inspection fees, licenses,
insurance, etc., necessary for the performance of the work included herein. The Contract Vendor is responsible for all
certificates and approvals necessary to operate pay phones in Minnesota.
SupportIMaintenanc;e The Contract Vendor must supply support and maintenance for the system and for leased TTY
and telephone equipment at no cost to the State.
The Contract Vendor shall have a certified and/or fUlly trained technician to do all installation, maintenance and repair.
A maintenance facility or certifted and/or fully trained technician shall be located within 100 miles of each State correctional
fa cilitylhospital.
All Contract Vendor employees must have security clearance to perfonTl work on correctional facilities/hospitals premises.
Security clearance requirements to be determined by DOCIDHS personnel.
The Contract Vendor shall provide one technical contact person available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and one
business contact available during normal business hours.
The Contract Vendor will offer continuing software updates as technology allows and maintain the current version at each
site at no additional cost to the State. The Contract Vendor must provide a schedule of planned upgrades to each site.
Service response wUI include any necessary replacement of failed parts to make the equipment fully operational. This
work will be coordinated with the customer. On-site support and replacement of parts and leased equipment will be at no
cost to the State.
Repair and maintenance is to be provided, solely at the expense of the Contract Vendor.
Repair must be available 24 hours a day, seven days a week including hOlidays.
Type of Call
No Surcharge
IntraLATA Interstate
InterLATA Intrastate
See Below
Rate ·1 M Minute
Rate· each Add'i Min.
• International Debit Rate SChedule:
For International Debit Calls that originate from a State Department of Corrections or Department of Human services
facility covered by this Contract, the call will be charged at a rate of $0.34 per unit based upon the terminating Country.
Listed below is a complete Country listing providing the number of units charged per minute and the effective rate per
Contract Vendor will allow for International Collect calls under this Contract upon written request from the Sate of Minnesota
Department of Administr8tion and the state of Minnesota Department of Corrections. In any case, Contract Vendor will allow
for International Collect SUbject to the following: (a) Contractor Vendor does not bill collect call recipienls in the terminating
foreign countries, but instead the foreign telephone companies bill and collect from the collect call recipients in their respective
countries. in the currencies of that country, and (b) Contractor Vendor has settlement agreements with mostforeign telephone
companies for handling of international collect caUs such that, at the end of a billing cycle, Contract Vendor sends billing
records to the foreign telephone companies and collects a settlement payment, which Is calculated based upon settlement
rates that are negotiated between the foreign telephone company and Contract Vendor, and the monies paid to Contract
Vendor based upon the negotiated settlement rates is the only revenue received by Contract Vendor for these coJlect call types.
Contract Release 7 (O8l03)
Page30f 4
Contract RIle• • T·512
AcconiIinIIY,lIIthOwgh CoI'1tr1ld Vendor wID pay the Slate of Minneeotll commiAions at the rate lilted within the chosen option
on it............. CCIIIeCl ........ percentage wit be calculated on • monthly . . . against theltltt*nent revenuet received
by CGntrMt veMarfrom IMt fcnign telephone comp8niH. T~ Stdt of Minnesota underst8nds n 811"" that l8U1ement
........ n••• II... d periocI_ty and are aubject to change. This proceaa to pay commission on setUement rates for
Jntem81ionaI Collet doeS NOT impact the commiUions paid on IntemationaJ Debit calls.
The Contract with MCt Communications Services, Inc., hal been acquired by Global Corp.
The Contract h. been extended through January 6,2010, at the same prices, terms and conditions.
Contract Release 7 (08103)
Page40f 4