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LA Contract Request for Proposal -- Vendor Questions -- 2001

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State of Louisim<1., R.FP for Prison Pay Telephone Service

Vendor Questions

State of Louisiana
Request for Proposal (RFP) for Prison Pay Telephone Service
Vendor Questions

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Ifthe proposed sy5b:m provides thc same If not better function as the existing Meleo "moop
phones" will the St3!e requn that the Vendor continue to suppon these Meleo phones?


Will the State provide copics of all questions submitted by each of che Vendors with the State


With rcprd to lhIs item as weD as RFP section 6.2.9, will the State agree to the following
.. . clarification:'
-cause" shall mean a failurno perform • material obligatiOl1 under this


.Agreement whicb is not rcncdjed withln thirty days of ~ipt of written Dotice of the failure?

No. 26

With regard to this item as well as RFP section 6.1 Aplcase confirm that the contract will be
govcmed by and interpreted in accordance with Louisiana taw except to the extent federal law


Will the State consider the addition of the following lan~ge?
"10 the event this provision is invoked, the buyer seeking indemnification hereunder shall gJve
the CODttaCtor prompt written notice of such Claim and full ri~t and opportunity to conduct
the defense thereof. tOl:ether with full infonuation and aU reasonable cooperation. In no event
shall the Contrae:tor be !Jable for any indin:c:t, incidental, punitive or CO[lliBqueotial damages
• sustained or Incurred in connection with Contiactor's perfonnancc under this contract,
n=gsrdlw of the form ofaction, whether in contnlc:t, tort (ioduding nepjgcncc). strict liability
or olhcrwi:Je lIDd whether or not such damages an foreseen or unforeseen."




We Intetpl'etthis Special Terms and Condition as applying to the State's purchase of
lOads/commodities, and thc:rcCore, respem1WJy 8ubmitslhat It Is inapplicable to the
contemplated contract far provision of~lcc:ommunicatioDS services for inmates. Will the State
consider deletin; this provision?
Will political subdivisio~ ODd quasi awe a£meies have the opportunity to purchase from this
With regard to the Contract Usage Reporting. is this nquircment inapplicable to tbe
colllempl81ed COlltnct for provision oftelccomm1ll1ications servites for inmates? Will the State
consider. deleting this provision7


No. 12



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State of Louisiana, RFP for Prison Pay Telephone SemC(:
Vendor Questions

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11.1 Description
of Equipment,
System, or
I service to be

1.2 nonexclusive

! This item Dotes thOll the RFP requires inmate call control systems for fifteen (15) Stare adult and
juvenile institutions. This infunnation corresponds with the location listing provided in Section
g aD page 57. However itEm 8.1 OD page 58 includes two additional locations, SCCY·M and
WNC. 11 the State n:quiring that services be provided at these two locations or are they under
sl:plU1lte inmate call control system couttaets? Iftmdcr sepvate connets, what Is the
expiration date ofthese contnlCts and will the locations beGddcd to the State contraCt at time of
contract expintion? .
'Please coo£)' if it is the State's Intent to award a single contract to a single vCDdor for the'
services requested in item 1.1 and If these 5elViccs are to be c:lCcJusivcly provided by the
awarded vendor for the term of tho apm1~?




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Is a single system located at the Main DCI facility mmdatory if an alternative is proposed lbat
wW provide the ability for both facilities to manage Inmate lclephones from at either location
through a Detworlced solution?


System Features

Bullet items 34 and 3.5 require that caD deWl records be stored for a period of (3) three yoars
both on site and at a ccmtr1l1zcd database managed by the Vendor. Given that this i3 a five (5)
yClII' contract with opdons to renew, please clarify that the State understands that call detail
records older than 0) three years would be dIscarded. The State may WPQt to consider
changing then items·to require call detail storage be maintained for the life oCthe cQDtraet at
the Vendor man.aged centtal dat3bue and for a period of(S) five years on site.

Will the Stlte allow Vendor provided OD-site adInin.tstmOIS a~ss to the State's imnatc
database to assist with the required cWa CDtl')' at the,HUllt and A%lgola &cllitic$7



3.3.1 Delivery

Would tho Ststa amsidcr languasD thatwou)d excludo the liquidated damages iflbe pbones
c:amJotbc installeO withiD 30 c:tay"due to delays asaociated with obWn.lng me access lines'
'Deeded 10 support the pbcme£ c:au.secl. the J.,oeaJ ExchanJ:e Carrier (LEC)7 Execution
of Work

Is it the Stzt:'s intent that the contract would not be cauc:eUed for default if the Contrad.or
removes skilled and experienced pC10nncl for aood and valid reilSOI1S?

3.3.6 Acceptm1CC

What W1lJIBnty is beiug referenced?



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Sbte of Louisiat12, RFP for Prison Pay Telephone Service
Vendor Questions

6.1.9 Force



; "Notwithstanding anything 'to the contrary contained in this RFP and Contractor's Response
(including butJ10t limited to installation and deUvCJ)'), eoametor sball Dot be IiBble for loss or
damage or be deemed to be in breach oftho AgecmtDI due to Contnc:tor's failure of
prnormma, wholly or in pan. under the Agreement jf su~ failure or delay of'Pc:rformance. is
due to causes beyond Contractor' & reasonable connoJ or beyond the reasonable coDtrol of its
subcontractors or agents ("(orce majm-), includin: but not llmited to, acts of God, fire, flood,
explosion, Slorm or other i1milar ocxunences; any law, order or regulation eftho UniLed St.arcs
govemmeztt or of my govcmment, agency. colJIlnission or court havfn:jurlsdie:tion; cable cuts;
riob; wars; suikes, or other sw:h labor diffic:ulties; acts ofthe local exchange company or other .
• ....-. ·"dth'd'Part)"bcyoud1M-1nSOO8.blO'Ccoi:roFof.eOntradcr'.":·ADy·dclqresuldng thenfmm shall \ .
DXtmd performance accordingly Of excuse ~rmance by Contr3CtDr in Whole or in part, as
may be reasonable."?
will the approve the following clarification to 'RFP scaion 6.2.15:
"Contractor may assign this Agreement to lUtY parent. subsidiary, affiliate or purchaser of aU or
subsw.ually all its asscts"?
6.3:1. lnSUl'3IJce
Types and

Subminion ofinsunnce policies to the Sw.c could make them publicly available under the
Louisiana Public Records Act. Therefore. lfrequested to produce copies of insurance policies.
C2Q the Contractor comply by mll1dn: policies available for Inspection at: the Contractor's
Insurance policies may cover numerous contracts. Therefore, wlU the State delete the
rl:quir'emeut tbat the Stile must approve canccllation, expinuion or changes to insurance
Will the state agree to the following modified vCl'Iiion oftbc last sentence in the
paragraph I'CllU'ding Compensation Insurance: "lJ1 case any class of employees engaged in
WOB under the contract &t the site of the projea Is Dot protected under the Workers'
COJUpeDSlltioD Statute. the ContractOr,shall Quse any and all subcontnc:tan to provide
Employer's Liability Insunnc:e for.the pro~on ofsuch employees not pro~ted by the
.. :i.
Worktn' Compensation Stiltute"?
With ~ to the puagrapbnJanDg to Commercial General Liability, will the State
delete ~ references to subcontraetofS with'the l1ndcrstaDdmg that die ContraetorwiU be
required to flow this provisiOl1 down 10 aU subcontractm and require them to obtain the
to CO" er the 'actions of the subcontraetors and their employees?




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Sute'of Louisiana, RFP for Prison Pay Tdcpbone Service
Vendor Questions

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Will the State ilccept the following modified language for this



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COIlU'1lctor agrees that it shalllndcmnify and hold harmless the Owner against any damages.
judgements, or expeD'eS resulting nom a third part)' claiIll that any SeNic~ equipment. or other
mllterial provided by Contractor UDder its proposal and the CODtract documents infringes a U.S.
copyright. U.S. patent. U.S. trademark, ar other propriewy right recognized under U.S. law, 01"
constitutes misappropriation of a trade secret under U.S. law IDd shall defend at its OWD
expense any clahn, suit or proceeding brou:bt aguJnst the Owner alleging such infringement or
misappropriation. Contractor shan have the exclusive right to defend, countenue. or settle any
such claim, suit or proceeding and to coUet;t all damages, cents, fees, and other charges
awarded from any sucJrctatm. suit or prOcecdiDg. This indannity b conditioned upon (a) 1he
Contractor rcccivtDg l'8ll9onably ~pt nodce in writing of any such claim, suit or proceeding,
'amf(b)'thc ~ef piOVtcfing'canniCioi; ai-Comnci:Qi's eXpcose, allinfonnanon and assistance'
reuonabJy ~qucsted by ConU"ador to settle, defend, or bring a countersuit in conjunction with
any such t:laim, suit or proceeding. If1he Ow:aer' 5 usc of any such equipment or mate:rial is
prevemed by hijuDctiou orjudgement, Contractor shid!, at its option and cxpense, either (i)
proeure for tbe Owner the right to cartinl1C usmc :ruch equtpmmt or other material; or (ij)
modify it in a. manner so as to become non-infringlni: while still complying with the mBIeriaI
requirements o{thc contract; or (Iii) substitute other non-infringiIJg equipment or other
materials that comply with the material requirements of the contrad; or (iv) unoae of the
preceding remedics is tell90nably ctnamerc:lally fC8S1'ble. terminate provision of the affected
For purposes gftbt exclusive remedies and limitations of lIabUity set forth in this section,.
Contractor shall be cleaned to include itself, ia parcn!, subsidiaries. and their affiliates. and the
directors, officers, empJO)'ec$, agents, representatives, subcontractors and suppliers oran of



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