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IL Contract with Consolidated Communications 2002

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The undersigned AGENCY and VENDOR,the PARTIES to this CONTRACT, agree to perform in accordance with
the provisions of this CONTRACT consisting of this page and the altachments described below.

TERM OF CONTRACT: The term of Ihis CONTRACT and provisions for renewal and termination are as
specified in this altachment.


DESCRIPTION OF SUPPLIES AND SERVICES: VENDOR shall provide the supplies and/or perform the
services specified in this attachmenl.


PRICING/COMPENSATION: AGENCY shall pay VENDOR for the supplies and/or services contracted In
accordance with the rates or prices established in this attachment.


Standard terms, conditions and
certifications applicable to Ihis CONTRACT are specified in this attachment.


OTHER ATTACHMENTS: Additional terms and conditions are shown in the following attachments:
Agency Supplemental Terms and Conditions
Yes X No
Vendor Provided Additional Malerial and Exceptions
Yes X No

In Witness whereof, AGENCY and VENDOR have caused this CONTRACT to be executed by duly authoriZed
representatives of the respective PARTIES on the dates shown below.
IENDOR (show Company name and DBA)
McleodUSA Public Services Inc.

CCPS - (Consolidated Comunications
Public Services. Inc.)



Printed Name
Tille Vice President and General Manager
of CCPS Public Services, Inc.

,Date / !-/S-dga;)..

. Date 05/13/02

Address 1501 Charleston Ave

Dept. Of Central Management Services (if required)

Mattoon, IL 61938


Phone =---=<.......








Ccnlraa #,





Agency CFO



C;o\xCII SlI/ec/ion: IFB (including Mu/li-S(IIP)_ RFP_
.rllmp! from Ccdll_ Oth¥ (descnbe}

revised 01·15-2002

RFP PlaA _


S~ Scurcll_


Project 10



The undersigned AGENCY and VENDOR, the PARTIES to this CONTRACT, agree to perform in accordance with
Jle provisions of this CONTRACT consisting of this page and the attachments described below.

TERM OF CONTRACT: The term of this CONTRACT and provisions for renewal and termination are as
specified in this attachment.


DESCRIPTION OF SUPPLIES AND SERVICES: VENDOR shall provide the supplies and/or perform the
services specified in this attachment.


PRICING/COMPENSATION: AGENCY shall pay VENDOR for the supplies and/or services contracted in
accordance with the rates or prices established in this attachment.


Standard terms, conditions and
certifications applicable to this CONTRACT are specified in this attachment.


OTHER ATIACHMENTS: Additional terms and conditions are shown in the following attachments:
Agency Supplemental Terms and Conditions
Yes X No
Vendor Provided Additional Material and Exceptions
Yes X No

In Witness whereof, AGENCY and VENDOR have caused this CO
presentatives of the respective PARTIES on the dates shown 10
VENDOR (show Company name and DBA)
McLeo<:!USA Public Services Inc.

CCPS - (Consolidated Comunications
Public Services. Inc.)






/1- IS-doD..:L-.

Printed Name


TiUe Vice President and General Manager
of CCPS Public Services. Inc.

Date 05113/02

Address 1501 Charleston Ave

Dept. Of Central Management Services (if required)

















.~9 Se't1CJion:

IFS (including Uu/tl-slep)_ RFP_
e>tt- (do=ibe)

IEJI/'Jmpllrom Code_

RFP P&A_ Small_Solo S0<A'C9 _


revi$ed 01·15-2002

Project 10





Obligation 1::



The undel'3igt1ed


of CCD!!S' Management SeptiC1JS


Con§Olidated Commynjglio(\, Public: SeNiees. Inc.




agree 10 AMEND the cfeccribed CONTRACT as follows:
Originaf Contract tJ:





Inmate Calling Service Master ContraC1

TERMS AND CONDITIONS: This AMENDMENT is on the same terms and conditions as the CONTRACT tieing
amended except as change<! and described herein. AU required CGttI'tieations and disclosufC'S nave been made and
3re current.


AMENDMENT TERM: This AMENDMENT shall begin from the date of eMS exvculion anll Shall run
Ihrcugh tnt term of lila original contract including arty runewals.



Consolidated Communications will utilize the Stare', existing recorders to provide services under lhis
agreement and must upgrade these recorders so Ihat inmate services comply fully with all specificatior.s in
this agreement.
Consolidated Communications will provide for all maintenance on bot" existing and new recorders at no
cost to the State. Should any of the State's exisling recorders require replacement during the lerm of (his
agreement. Consolidated Communications will provide replacemenl recorders at no cost to the State. New
recorders will be the property of Consolidated Communications.
All existing recorders owned by the State will remain property of the Stale. When any of the Stale's
eQuipment is removed, Consolidated Communications shan prompUy notiiy the Stale and return the
equipment to the CMS Telecommunications warehouse located at116 W. Washington, Springfjel~, Il

All sites must be converted by February 1, 2003.


Consolidaled Communications will provide the Stale with a signing bonus of $515,926.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned panieS have caused this AMENDME
below by representatives autllori~ to bind the respective PARTIES.



Printed Name:
VB t

SignabJre: ""'-b'-~~~~:"'=""",,,'------Tl1/e: _",:"_,"",,a..~'f:i!2~?:::._--_- _ _




IIrJ la ,J OiL


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St- .


UliS 3&

Phone Number: _

Fax Number.
S TATE USE ONL y. Source Selection;








_,Fe (ittdUding MIIfli401JJ


_~1lCy _El(~/1oIrICode


PaytMtl'Method: _Payable In Advance _Ot/W {_ciIIJ



TOTAL P.ta3! .--,.








8egirt"ing and end dateo( initial term.



~~9heU ~egiAo 8Ao~~1-.~e92-tRFOtl~e~Q,~1.

The contrac~ ~9
June 30, 2007.


from the

,,'ll"CCPS assumes thl! beginning of the contract will




of CHS



but understands the end date of

the Q)ntnet will rel'W13in June 30,2007.

I\enewal. Except as othetWise shown. the State rese~ the right to renew the contract for the

ot lesser length of term as the ini~ term 3(1d on the same tert'1'l$ and conditions.

At the Stale's op~Qnl the oontract may be renewed annually for up to five addit:onal one-year
cCPS un~nd$ tho rln.-aJ optiG"S and wiU comply "'ith the Sutc Qf lIIi"ois

Early Termination. The State reserves tI\e rig tit to 1ermit\ate Ulis contr.Jd wiU\out C3lfe aaG.;91_ •• 8~ eF-ft.N#I........a!S"Mfll ~ 'lqlll __ l.Ipon 30 days prior written notice. ~­
eMf(.iGe-of'~Qic -I'tQb~ -AG6NG¥- .eRaU- ~ veNPOR"(~Jo c~e&- ;Ad- .£GPliaos.. .~lQ$i~
prlil~dW ~,*..jQalCfoo.~~4z8of JonJ;IiaatioQ.


The successful Vendor must ;gree to prcr"ide \he SeNlce cmd pay the stated comm~io"s tOf the ini1i~1
\erm. except O\at Ole commis:$iorl rates may be inCfeased by the Vendor at any time during Ille inilial
and/or any 11!tIew31 terms upon ~ppl'O'tlal by eMS.


Equipment Clf\4 seMce mUSt De installed and operational ",;thin 180' ~ -ah:x:mtraet ~:a!t:d~­
by February 1, 200~.

CCPS agfNS to provide the ~ces and pay the statM commissions for tho initial t6m of tl\e

eonmct. CCPS;t!so agrees to instaU and begi" commencement of tria setVi~ within the
negotiated rtmeftame agreed between the State of Illinois and CCPS.

~ St3~e w~r.~o~t



that the Contract is terminated in its entirety by the
term, the State agrees to
payConsol~datedCommun~cations$100 per line per month for the
remain~er or the initial contract term.
The State reserves che right to
close, downsize, or add sites without penal~y for the duration
of the Contract and any renewal cerms.





Need for Supplies and Services.
The Illinois Departmenl of Correclions (DOC) operates thirty adult correctional centers, eight juvenile cenlers,
twelve adult transition centers, and thirteen work camps located throughoullhe State. Aboul forty thousand
inmates are housed within these facilities. One of the many services which must be provided to these inmales is
the ability to make telephone calls 10 family, friends. and legal counsel. This inmate collecl calling control service IS
provided by telecommunications vendors with no charge to Ihe State. Currently this inmate service is provided
under contract by four vendors. This proposal combines the 44 locations under the existing contracts into one all
inclusive statewide contract. These locations. along with the number of existing telephones, are identified in
Attachment A.
CCPS understands that the enclosed 44 sites will be combined together under one contract between the
State of fJIinois and their choice of Vendor. The contract will be to provide collect calling control service to
the Inmates Incarcerated with the 44 facilities referenced In this proposal. CCPS will provide the inmate
collect calling services between the Inmates and their family, friends, or legal counsel at no cost to the
State of Illinois.
For the purposes of this RFP. the term Inmale Collect Calling Control Service (hereinafter referred 10 as "Inmate
Phone Service· or ·Service") is used to broadly describe a control and management system which allows
correclional institution management to control telephone calling patterns and usage by individual inmates,
telephone instruments for use by the inmates, and local and long distance collect telephone calling selVice.
Commissions on collect calls made by inmates are a fixed percentage of total gross revenues and are paid to the
State of Illinois.
CCPS will provide the Inmate Collect CaHing Control Service to the"inmates and provide a fixed percentage
commission of total gross revenues. These revenues will be paid to the State of Illinois.


Agency's Goal.
The purpose of this RFP is to establish a full service Contract with a single experienced provider of inmate collect
call services to replace all existing equipment, install new equipment and service on an as-needed, If-needed
basis, and for the payment of commissions based on gross billings for calls made using the Services.
CCPS will provide all services necessary to allow the inmate to place collect calls. CCPS will replace,
install and maIntain equipment on an as-needed basis. CCPS will process the calls and pay the State of
Illinois a fixed percentage commission of the total gross revenue.


Scope of Work
The follOWing explains in generallerms the services required by the State.

The Vendor will provide, install, own, and maintain telephone equipment, an Inmate Collect Calling
Control System. and local and long distance telephone calling operator services in correctional institutions
as described in this RFP.
CCPS will install, provide, own, and maintain all telephone equipment, processing equipment, and
automated operator services for the Inmate institutions.

revised 01-15-2002

Inmate Phones T2oo2oo012. TCVS 0302








It is understood and the Vendors hereby agree that they will be solely responsible for everything
necessary to provide the Service unless specifically excluded elsewhere in this RFP. It is the
responsibility of the Vendor to verify the completeness of all components of the Service proposed, and
any additional equipment, material, or services required for its installation, operation, or maintenance WI!I
be provided by the Vendor without claim for payment or reduction in commissions; it being understood
that a complete statewide operating Service is required.
CCPS understands and will provide all equipment necessary to provide the Services at our CCPS'
cost. Any services excluded from this provision would be noted within the State of Illinois RFP


The Service will provide a means for managing the calling patterns of Inmates, tracing abuse and
harassment calls to the originator, and restricting calls to specific locations and telephone numbers
through an Inmate Personalldentificalion Number (IPIN) system.
CCPS will provide the tools to supply the State of Illinois the means to manage calling patterns of
Inmates, abusive use of phones, and PIN restrictions based on the State's requirements.


The Vendor will be responsible for billing and collecting all calls made using the Service at rates and
charges which are reasonable and customary, without any special administrative surcharges of any kind,
at rates not to exceed those charged for an identical call carried by the Local Exchange Company (for
Local and IntraLATA calls), or AT&T (for InterLATA calls). For this purpose, rates include both usage and
surcharges. The Vendor will be responsible for all non-eollectable and non-billable calls.
CCPS will provide all billing and collecting of revenue for the Service at no cost. The rates will not
exceed the sac Ameritech for local and Intralata calls or AT&T for interlata calls for the same type
of services. CCPS's rates have been provided In the Appe!'dix E.


The Vendor will provide and coordinate all Local Exchange Company services associated with providing
the contracted Service. including ordering, administration, installation coordination, maintenance, and
making payment for same.
CCPS will contact all necessary parties to provide the Services including ordering, administration,
installation coordination, maintenance and rendering payments. Currently all sites have sufficient
cabling to prOVide the Inmate services as described within this RFP as stated in Addendum #3,
Inmate Collect Calling Vendor Questions, question 12.


The Vendor will pay commissions based on all calls completed using the Inmate service on a monthly
basis, to include reports indicating usage, revenues, and commissions due.
CCPS will pay a monthly commission based on gross revenue and provide monthly reports to
support the commission payment.


Vendor must provide a Site Administrator for collection of data to input into the IPIN system daily or as
required by the Warden and to provide technical assistance/repair for all equipment.
CCPS will continue to provide the same exceptional Site Administration service that we currently
provide to sites under contract. Our technicians will work with each site to determine the on-site
necessity for repair and technical problems. CCPS will continue to work with each warden or
administrator to determine the best overall solution for both parties concerned.


The Vendor will prOVide training and needs analysis to administer and manage the Service, as described
in this RFP.
CCPS will provide the training needs as required by each individual site.


The Vendor will provide all maintenance for all software it prOVides for operation, administration, and
management of the Service. In the event of a failure, it will be the Vendor's responsibility to isolate the
trouble to the software or state-provided equipment.

revised 01·15-2002
Inmate Phones T200200012, TCVS 0302

CCPS will provide maintenance and troubleshooting for' any software owned and operated by
CCPS. Any downtime will be CCPS's responsibility to trouble shoot and determine where the
problem lies.


Tl:le 'Jendor must a6&Ume the-maintonaAGe af the in piasa e\'entide resorcers and monitoring equ~
&ash site at no sost to tho State..


Per Addendum # 3 section 3.10 has been deleted.

3.10.1 The vendor must prOVide recorders and monitors at each site equal to or better than the
recorders/monitors presently installed. The vendor will install and assume maintenance of any
recording/monitoring equipment at no cost to the State.
As refereed in addendum #4, CCPS understands the States desire to improve the recording and
monitoring capabilities. Eventide has available it's next generation technology which CCPS has
evaluated and would deploy. CCPS recognizes Eventide recording system as the leader in the
inmate industry today. We have listed CCPS' experience and Justification for the continued use of
Eventide recording system with CCPS's proprietary central office based service approach.

Reliability, we have used Eventide for more than 3 years with no service failures on inmate
call processing or recording.


With the replacement of tape drives, no infonnation has been lost due to the logger design
to record on the hard disk and second tape drive simUltaneously.


Proven to be reliable, hard disks have nover gone bad in any of the recorders although if
one would fail it would still record and archive to the tape andlor DVD-RAMS.


No lost recordings because of the back·up unit design. An entire sites recordings could
only be lost in the rare case of both a main !m! back·up power loss.


Recording, monitoring andlor downloading are accessible from the logger and the PC.
The PC accessibility Is for a more user.friendly access.


If the PC falters it would have no affect on the loggers as they continue to record.
Accessibility to the recordings would take place via the logger until the PC was replaced.


Eventide's (Archive Review) software can be loaded on a stand alone PC. This gives each
site or warden accessibility to replay archived recordings without ever being connected to
actual Eventide logger. There 15 no need to be networked to the loggers.


Current systems In the field can be upgraded to search calls via ANI # and PIN # and
networked for office Investigation and call retrieval reconciliation.


While other vendors log their recordings on the PC's hard disk and archive to other means
by setting a time of day downloading schedule automatically, Eventide records the calls
on its logger system that is separate from the PC. If the server, PC, hard disk or operating
program fails for CPE based vendors, calls being made have the possibility of completing
without being recorded. If the CPE based recording loggers were centrally located and the
server, PC, hard disk or Its operating programs failed multiple sites could be affected.

CCPS platform design provides for the best and most reliable solution for the State's inmate
recording needs. Our operating history proves this design enhances the call monitoring process.
CCPS will upgrade all sites to the next generation software that will allow the user to search by
ANI and PIN.

revised 01-15-2002

Inmate Phones T200200012.

revs 0302

CCPS wants to reiterate our fears of a centralized recording solution of unproven systems could
adversely effect the recording capability of the State of Illinois calls. The risk is to large to try an
unproven solution on such important data.
CCPS is committed to work with Eventide to improve the recording and/or monitoring capabilities
of their system. Together with the State of Illinois we believe we can support any solution that the
State comes up with. Our past history of flexibility with the State speaks for itself.

Minimum mandatory requirements shown in this RFP are for service to replace Inmate telephones and
local/long distance calling that are currently in place at existing locations. for Ihe installation of the Service
at new locations, and for any growth or expansion at existing locations. Select institution personnel WI!I
be trained and allowed access through a personal computer terminal.
CCPS understands and will comply with the requirements to replace and maintain equipment in all
existing sites as well as additional new sites or expansion at existing sites.


"State" refers to the State of lIJinois.
·Correctional institution" refers to the Illinois Department of Corrections (DOC) and its subordinate
correctional Institutions.
"Vendor" refers to persons or firms submitting a Proposal in response to this RFP and/or persons or firms
who are awarded a contract resulling from this RFP.
"Service" refers to the integrated whole of all components p~ovided by the Vendor in response to this
RFP. and may consist of, but not necessarily be limited to,- the following: all hardware and software
components; all telephone sets and ancillary or peripheral equipment provided by the Vendor; all wire,
cable. and supporting and connecting devices (except as noted elsewhere in this document); and the
local and long distance inmate collect calling service.
·Days· refer to calendar days. unless otherwise specifically stated.
"Inmate· refers to a law offender in the custody of the Department of Corrections, assigned to either a
secure institution or a work camp for purposes of this RFP.
CCPS understands the tenns defined in section 3.12.



AA inventory of locations with installed Inmate telephones included in this RFP is provided in APPENDIX

A. The inventory is included to provide Vendors with an understanding of the magnitude of this RFP and
the Scope of Service required. The Vendor will be expected to provide Service at DOC institutions by
deploying new equipment, replacing existing equipment, and adding stations as needed. Any equipment:
Inmate Phones; jacks; and other equipment. must meet or exceed the mandatory requirements of the
CCPS understands the Inventory of locations provided In Attachments, as Attachment A and
revised as Attachment A·1. This Attachment was included in Addendum 2 and a copy is behind
the Attachment tab. CCPS will provide the services as described above with equipment that
meets or exceeds the mandatory requirements of this RFP. CCPS will be responsible for campus
wiring from the OMARC to the individual stations.

revised 01-15-2002

At some institutions, there may be insufficient Inmate Service installed to meet the needs of the institution
and/or Inmate calling requirements. The Vendor will be expected to assist the State in identifying Ihis
need and propose the installation of additional Inmate Service; however, the final decision to install
additional Service will be at the sole discretion of the State. Institutions are customarily equipped with
one Inmate station for every ten 10 Inmates. This reference to station quantities is prOVided as an

Inmale Phones T200200012.

revs 0302




estimate only, and will not obligate the State to order any minimum unit Quantities or dollar values
amounts. Nor will any such reference serve to establish any maximum unit quantity or dollar value of
equipment which the Vendor is required to furnish.


CCPS will assist the State in determining additional needs for Service and to provide the
additional hardware and software at no cost to the State.

The State also may add additional service to the contract at new or existing correctional institutions as
necessary to meet the needs of DOC at any time during the initial term or any renewal period. For new
institution locations, an estimated Inmale population, and the DOC estimate of the number of Inmate
telephones required will be provided, using the above one station per ten Inmates estimate. The Vendor
will be expected to provide Inmate Service at new institutions as they are activated.
CCPS will prOVide additional Service to new sites added to the State during any time of the initial
agreement or any renewal period.


This section contains mandatory requirements. At a minimum the vendor must indicate that they understand and
comply with each subsection. However, where additional information is required. vendor must provide a plain
language response including any necessary attachments. Failure to do so may result in rejection of your
CCPS understands that Section 4 is mandatory and has answered all questions. No exceptions have
been provided.



Inmate System. The primary intent of the Service is to establish management of Inmate telephone
privileges as an effective management tool for the Department of Corrections. This Service must support
an Inmate Personal Identification Number (IPIN) System and interface to an IBM-compatible token ring
Local Area Network (LAN) running under Novell Netware. network operating system software. Each
Inmate will be permitted a specified list of telephone numbers which he/she can call. These permitted
numbers must be definable and controlled for each Inmate by the institution management. This control
will allow the institution to establish an incentive program of telephone privileges for Inmates. The Inmate
Service will be administered by a site administrator via a personal computer terminal on site at each
Currently our system will be a central office based system as directed within the Instruction
section of this RFP, section 1.36 e. All positions will be connected using an Ethernet LAN running
under UNIX. CCPS Is unclear of the requirements of the Interface to an IBM-eompatible token ring
Local Area Network (LAN) running under Novell Netware. In Addendum #3, inmate collect calling
vendor questions, question 19, it states no to the question If this was connecting all the facility
stations together for common Inmate call processing information could be shared. CCPS would
be available to discuss the IDOC roquirements for this application.


Equipment. All equipment and hardware installed will be new and suitable for the Corrections
environment. No equipment of any type is acceptable if serial numbers or any other manufacturer's
identifying labels or marks have been removed. obliterated. or changed in any way.
CCPS will Install new andlor refurbished (as noted In Addendum 4, Inmate Collect Calling Vendor
Questions - Round 2, question 1), equipment and hardware SUitable for an Inmate environment.


revised 01-15-2002

Telephone Instruments. All telephone instruments will be dumb. "gorilla" type telephones suitable for use
in a corrections environment. The industry terms "dumb" and "gorilla" mean that the instruments will be
tamperproof and consist of steel encased housings and shockproof keypads. All handsets will be of
heavy-duty construction with no removable parts. The handset cord will be armored with a stainless steel
lanyard. All phone instruments will be waterproof and fireproof and have key-locked mountings to the
wall. All phone instruments will be line powered.
Inmalo Phones T200200012. rcvs 0302

CCPS will provide telephones suitable to the inmate services environment. They will be
tamperproof, steel encased, shockproof pads, non·removable handset parts, armored cord, key.
locked mountings and line powered.
Vendor's Proposal will explain in detail the equipment being proposed and will discuss the security
features of the equipment, including Vendor's experience with repair. Include illustrations.
CCPS will provide the Quadrum Telecom 6Q Prison Phone.

Stainless Steel exterior
Armor Dial Keypad with 1/8" thick steel plate
Off-hook mlcroswltch hookswitch activation
One piece switch hook with moisture seal gasket
Enable/Disable Keypad strap
4 Security Screws
Transmitter Sidetone Reduction Feature with 3 Levels
Volume Control

Please see AppendiX A for specification sheet and collateral.

Recorder/Monitoring Equipment Existing Sites:
The VeAEler mllst 3ss~me respon6ibility fur maintaiRing el';sting &all monitoring an~ reGording
eqllipment at 03GI=I site ",n($or IRis GantFaGt. The Ven~er mU6t pre...ide a~Gitianal r9G9HlerG at these
silss at na cast if require($ by tl:le State. Vendor will ass",me all costs af installation an~ wiring
366aGiated witJ:l tt:lis eqllipment.
Per Addendum # 3 Section has been changed to the verbiage below.
The Vendor must assume responsibility for installing and maintaining recording and call monitoring
equipment at no cost to the State at each site under this contract and each new site added under
this contract. Vendor must provide additional recorders at these sites at no cost if required by the
State. Vendor will assume all costs of installation and wiring associated with this equipment.
CCPS will maintain all existing Eventide call monitoring and recording equipment and
install new Eventide recorders at the remaining sites during the term of this contract at no
cost to the State.

The VenGer 61:1all replace 3n)' or all af tJ:1e call rRonitGring and reGarding eql:lipmont
swring the term of tRis COAtrCK:t at "a Gast to tl=\e State,

36 reqWed

Per Addendum # 3 Section has been changed to the verbiage below.

The Vendor shall replace any or all of the recording and call monitoring equipment as
required during the term of this contract at no cost to the State.
CCPS will replace and maintain the call monitoring and recording equipment for the term of
the contract at no cost to the State. Recorders must be capable of simultaneously recording all lines in the inmate call
system with playback equipment and terminal device to be located in the Intemal Affairs office at
each site or as otherwise specified by DOC. This equipment will be used to generate reports from
information collected by the inmate call processing equipment.

revised 01-15-2002

Inmate Pho:'les T2oo2oo012. TevS 0302


CCPS will provide Eventide recorders that will simultaneously record all lines in the inmate
system with playback equipment to be located at the DOC specifications. Reports can be
generated from the call records generated by the Inmate Calling System. Monitoring equipment, instruments, and all status indicators will be provided by vendor.
There will be approximately 3 monitoring stations per site and one station should be located in
each Internal Affairs office. The State reserves the right to increase or decrease the number of
monitoring stations as needed.
CCPS will provide the number of workstations necessary to provide the DOC with the
capability to monitor as needed. CCPS understands that the State reserves the right to
Increase or decrease this total. The vendor must assume all costs of the equipment, installation and maintenance.
CCPS understands that the State is not responsible for any cost associated to the
equipment, installation andlor maintenance of the Inmate Calling System. CCPS will bare
all costs. The vendor shall replace any or all of the call monitoring and recording equipment as
required during the term of this contract at no cost to the State.
CCPS understands the replacement of all call monitoring equipment as required during the
term of the contract will be at CCPS's sole expense. New Sites:
The Vendor must aSSl:IFRe respoRsibility tGr providing and maintaining Gall monitoriAi ang reGonjing
equipment at eaGt::l new site added ~ndeF tRis E:9Rtracl. Tt::le eql:lipmeAt must include a multiGAanRel quality digital FeGorder manufactureQ by eventide or eq\livalenl approved ey gOe With
seAware Gl:IstOFRf2:e9 to gOC requirement6-.
Per Addendum # 3 Section has been changed to the verbiage below.
This equipment must include a multi-channel quality digital recorder or equivalent approved by
DOC with software customized to IDOC requirements listed herein. The recorders must provide
the ability to search for calls by date. time, channel of the recorder. and/or IPIN number. The
recording system will permit retrieval at the institution via, at minimum. Inmate PIN (the eXisting
alphanumeric Inmate 10 numbers may be used as the Inmate Calling System identifiers), date/time
of call, and dialed number. This equipment will be used to generate reports from information
collected by the inmate call processing equipment. Al a minimum, the recording system will store
up to six months' recording available on hard disk or other acceptable medium, Le. CD, on-line,
CCPS will utilize the Eventide digital recorders on the existing sites and Install new
Eventide digital recorders at sites not currenUy possessing recorders. The State will
access call records by date, time, channel of recorder, PIN and called number.
CCPS currently maintains the call recordings on the logger database for 1-3 months
depending on the volume of calls generated at the particUlar site. The calls are recorded
simultaneously on the tape/DVD drive and the hard drive therefore if the hard drive crashes
or one of the dual tape drives crashes there Is a back-up. We have three chances to record
the call. Currently the sites we provide recording to are archiving the call records
anywhere from 1 year to permanently.
Selective call recording will be included for all DOC institutions. The institutions will be able to
record (both sides of conversation) one or all lines on an as-needed basis. Playback and terminal
device will be located in the Internal Affairs office at each site or as otherwise specified by IDOC.

revised 01-15-2002

Inmale Phones T200200012, TCVS 0302

CCPS will provide selective call recording for all IDOC institutions. Both sides of the
conversation will be recorded on one or all lines as needed. CCPS will provide the
administrative terminal at each site. The location of the administrated terminal will be
determined by the IDOC.
The system must be capable of providing unmonitored or unrecorded attorney calls with vendor
verification of Attorney or Legal telephone numbers.
Currently CCPS records all calls including attorney calls and some of the sites have curbed
fraud In progress. An example is when an inmate calls into the law office and speaks to the
receptionists and then is transferred to another department and they in turn three way the
customer out to an outside line.
CCPS and Eventide Is In the final stages of testing to place the attorney numbers into our
database then scan each number as it Is dialed. If the number dialed is on the attorney list,
the OMS 250 switch will not send out the call supervision tone and will. therefore, not
activate the recording mechanisms in the Eventide recording. Recorders must be capable of simultaneously recording all lines in the inmate call
system wit h playback equipment and tenninal device to be located in the Internal Affairs office at
each site or as otherwise specified by DOC. This equipment will be used to generate reports from
information collected by the inmate call processing equipment.
CCPS will provide Eventide recorders that will simUltaneously record all lines in the inmate
system with playback equipment to be located at the IDOC specifications. Reports can be
generated from the call records generated by the Inmate Calling System.

4.1 A .4.1;1 Monitel'iRg eq~ipmentl instruments. and all &lalus indiGaters will ~e preIJiG9d by \l9ndor.
TI:l9re will be approximately;) monitoring stations p9r site aAd one station should be located in
eaGf:Hnternal AffaiFS offlGe. TRe Stale reG9F\'eS IRe rigR! to IRGreaGe or deGreas9 '!':Ie rUlInber of
mORitsrlng stations 3S R9eG9d.
Per Addendum # 3 Section has been deleted. Monitoring equipment, instruments, and all status indicators will be provided by Vendor at no cost
to the State. There will be approximately 3 monitoring stations per site and one slation should be
located in each Internal Affairs office. The State reserves the right to increase or decrease the
number of monitoring stations as needed.
CCPS will provide all equipment necessary to monitor and/or record Inmate conversations
at no cost to the State. CCPS will provide monitoring stations as required by each
Individual site. CCPS understands approximately 3 monitoring stations per site are
required and the State reserves the right to Increase or decrease this number of stations.

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Inmate Phones T200200012.

Tevs 0302

Service will be installed such that IDOC management will be able to monitor Inmate cans (both
sides of conversation), on a real time basis, placed from one or more Inmate telephone(s) or
other telephones utilizing the institution's call control system. Proposals will describe how this
feature can be activated and deactivated by IDOC management.

CCPS will provide the number of workstations necessary to provide the IDOe with the
capability to monitor as needed. ecps understands that the State reserves the right to
increase or decrease this total.

+he lJendgr must 3SSIJme all costs of the equipmaRt, iRslallatK)R ang maint9A3M£O.

Per Addendum # 3 Section has been deleted. Vendors must propose a solution which will provide IDOe upgraded technology to record, archive
and retrieve inmate call data. At a minimum, any solution must provide IDoe the ability to
network sites so that access can be attained remotely. Vendor should thoroughly explain their
solution and must provide a complete list of management reports and capabilities with your

ecps understands that the State is not responsible for any cost associated to the
equipment, Installation and/or maintenance of the Inmate Calling System. CCPS will be
utilizing the Eventide recorders, Which will allow the following:
Network Access Software
A versatile method of operating and monitoring the VR320 over an existing or dedicated
Ethernet LAN. Full access to mUltiple units by multiple users is available with an array of
features that Include the ability to grant or deny access (on a channel-by-ehannel basis) to
the Internal hard disk; archive drives. or live audio. VarIous ··.wav" file recording options
are available that allow the customer to recreate events, edit existing files to remove
unwanted audio or noise, and create a comprehensive local library of communications
stored in standard PC formal. Available alone or as a complete, integrated package.
Easy Intranet/Internet Access
A standard feature in all VR320s shipped after Y2K Is the ability to access the logging
recorder over an existing Ethernet network. Add the logger to your existing network by
using the front panel controls to entor a TCP/IP address. Then access the logger using
either the Netscape or Internet Explorer web browser by "book marking" the TCP/IP
address the same way you would type a URL address of your favorite web site.
PC Remote Software
Eventide·s remote access software controls the logger using an RS2321RS485 interface.
The software may be used to recreate events by compiling .wav files, monitor live or
archived communications through the computer sound card. and optionally call the logging
recorder from any touch·tone telephone. Available alone or as a complete, intograted PC
Call Records Database
Standard in all VR320 units, the Call Records Database can be accessed from the front
panel of the logging recorder, from a PC over a network connection, or from a stand- alone
PC equipped with ArchiveReview™ software. A call list Is automatically compiled with the
voice recording. Call data Includes time, date. duration, DTMF or CLIO data. channel
descriptor. and channel number. Custom applications can be accommodated if additional
data is needed (such as PIN numbers or other user-identification). To make searching and
sorting through communications fast and easy. Eventide stores each record on the hard
disk and medium in the order it was received. A few quick clicks and the operator can

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recreate events, compile comprehensive call records, find specific users, create usage
reports, sort, search, play, and edit.
ArchiveRevlew N Software - a new way to play archives
With AtchiveRevlew, the original archive medium recorded on an Eventide VR320 can be
played on a standalone PC that has a SCSI DVO-RAM or OAT drive. Neither a physical
connection to the logger nor converting the data to a .wav file is necessary. Complete
access to all archived communications, Including the Call Records Database, is available. A
simple, intuitive user interface makes ArchiveReview easy-to-use by incorporating familiar
controls for play back of up to 24 channels simultaneously and providing multiple rewind
and fast-forward speeds. Back and Next buttons also help to sort through the data with
ease. The interface windows can be expanded to fill an entire computer screen-ideal for
viewing in a public setting such as a courtroom -or minimized to allow simUltaneous
operation of the computer for other tasks. An optional foot control is available for users
who wish to transcribe communications into a word processor while listening to the
original archive.
Current reports offered for call detail:




Message by property
Preliminary Property Report
Calls by Date I Time
PIN Number Detail
Calls by Trunk line
Called Number Detail
Frequently Called Number
Frequently Used PIN Numbers
Inmate PIN Summary Listing
Inmate PIN Detail Listing
Calls to Employees
Hot Numbers
Long Duration Calls by Duration
Inmate PIN Allowed List
Inmate AJlowed List Delete Function

CCPS has the ability to generate other reports if required by the IDOC. CCPS will continue to work
together with the IDOC to customize reports to the IDOC's needs.
Please refer to tab marked Appendix C for copies of the above mentioned reports. TAs venEler GRail Feplase any OF all of tAe call monitoring
\t:le term of \hiG sonlrast at RO S9St ts the State.



Feq~iFed d~FiA9

Per Addendum # 3 Section has been deleted. The existing recorders will remain in place for a minimum of three months for IDOe to retrieve
past recordings and for a minimum of twelve months at Stateville. Menard. and Logan facilities. or
as requested by IDOe. The State will assume responsibility for the maintenance of the Eventide
recorders until they are removed. The Vendor shall remove existing Eventide recorders as
requested by DOC and ship recorders back to the State warehouse located in Springfield at no
cost to the State.

As stated in addendum #4, The State prefers that the vendor replace the existing recorders
with newer technology. The State will use the Eventide recorders to access archived data.
CCPS understands the preference of the State to replace the current Eventide recorders
with newer technology, however CCPS has decided to continue using the Eventide
recorders. As stated In statement 3.10.1 we feel that the Eventide recording equipment is
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Inmate Phones T200200012. Tevs 0302

the leader in tho industry today. CCPS will assume responsibility for the maintenance of
the Eventide recorders currently being utilized as well as the maintenance for the new
Eventide recorders to be installed.

Quantities. The number of Inmate telephones to be installed at each existing State Institution will be
initially based on APPENDIX A. These quantities may vary over the term of the Contract based on usage
and service requirements. and on additional locations established by the State. (The State makes no
guarantees in regard to future institutions or capacities). Institutions are customarily equipped with one
Inmate station for every 10 Inmates. Vendor must acknowledge in writing their capability and willingness
to provide this ratio of service.
CCPS understands the number of phones referenced in APPENDIX A, Attachment A-1. CCPS
agrees to the number of phones listed in Attachment A·1 and would discuss the necessity for
additional phones with each institution.


FCC Registered. All equipment interfacing with the public telephone network will be FCC registered.
Vendors will be prepared to provide FCC registration information upon request by the State.
All CCPS equipment interfacing with the public telephone network will be FCC registered. We will
comply with registration Information upon request by the State.


Handicap ReqUirements. Telephones and ancillary items necessary to meet Federal, State, and Local
Government Handicap and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements and their implementing
rules and regulations will be installed by the Vendor, as required by the State.
CCPS understands and will comply with the ADA requirements.
TOO installation: Vendor must provide two Telecommunications Devices for the Deaf (TDDs) with printers
at each facility. The State reserves the right to require other TOO instruments if and when the need
should arise. Vendor must provide network lines to support each TOO at no cost to the State.
CCPS will prOVide the TOO phones with printors to the State at no cost for the equipment,
installation, or monthly line charge.


Power, Space and Environmental Requirements. Equipment other than the telephone instruments and
the administration and management terminal will. wherever possible. be installed in the existing telephone
room at the institution. Proposals will include floor plans and space, power, and environmental
requirements for a typical installation of the Service. If multiple configurations (e.g. based on number of
Inmate telephones supported) are necessary, provide this information for each configuration. The State
will prOVide power (if reqUired). terminated in a conventional three-prong grounded duplex electrical wall
outlet. Special outlets andlor connectors must be specified by the vendor and furnished and installed by
the State.
One rack has dimensions of 21 Inches wide by 84 Inches high by 15 inches deep. This site has 3
racks next to each other making It @ 63 Inches wide combined and currently holds 12 circuits.
The left rack holds our cross.connectlon blocks and back-Up batteries. The middle rack holds 2
channel banks consisting of 96 circuits, one being a CDR circuit and an uninterruptible power
supply. The 3nl rack holds another channel bank 16 circuits out of 48 being utilized so you could
easily add 32 phones to this bank. You could also add another channel bank to this rack and have
another 48 phones making an add~n total of 80 phones.
More space Is needed during the Installation to work freely and have better access to the area.
After the install, we would require only a foot or two on both sides of the racks to be able to
access for trOUbleshooting purposes. Some smaller sites we could possibly mount the system on
a wall in a cabinet that would be hinged and swing away from the wall to gain access to the
backside. Possibly, a 4·foot by 4-foot area would be required.
Our system operates on 48 volts of D.C. current. We need an outlet of 115 volts of A.C. current.
We would prefer this outlet to be on Its own dedicated circuit breaker. We convert the A.C.

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voltage to D.C. voltage through an uninterruptible power supply. The power supply has back-up
batteries attached to it to support the system in case of a power outage. The batteries would
maintain for approximately 2 to 4 hours.
Please see Appendix A for pictures of the rack mounted equipment.


Safety Standards. The Vendor will comply with or exceed all pertinent safely standards for the installation,
operation, and maintenance of the service (e.g. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).
American National Standards Institute (ANSI), National Electric Code (NEC), National Electric Safety
Code (NESC), federal, state, and local codes and standards).
CCPS will comply with all safety standards for installation, operation, and maintenance of the

4.1.1 0

Hardware and Software. All hardware and software required for the operation of the Service will be
provided and installed at no cost to the State. The Vendor will provide, at no cost to the Siale, all
necessary fulure upgrades to both hardware and software. Maintenance and installalion of both hardware
and software as well as upgrades will be the responsibility of the Vendor. All provided hardware and
software will be used by the State royalty-free throughout the term of the Contract and will nol be
deactivated or removed until subsequently supplanted by a new contract vendor and olher
hardware/software, or removed Without the express consent of State. Inmate data entered into this
software will remain the property of State. An additional copy of all vendor-installed software and all
supporting documentation and upgrades will be provided al no additional charge 10 the State during the
term of the Contract.
CCPS will provide all hardware, software and upgrades as needed at no cost to the State inclUding
both Installation and maintenance of such hardware and software. CCPS will not move the inmate
equipment until supplanted by a new contract vendor.
inmate data will remain property of the


Any software or hardware provided for the Control, Administration and Management of the Inmate
System must be provided in quantities appropriate for statewide operation of the Service, and provide for
local adminislration of Inmate PIN numbers and adding, deleting and changing telephone numbers.
CCPS will provide the appropriate number of software and/or hardware for statewide operation of
the Service and provide for local administration of Inmate PIN numbers and adding, deleting and
changing telephone numbers.



Call ReGarding. SeleGti'le Gall reGarding wil~ge included fer alf DOCi"stiMians. The institution will be al}le
~h sides af GGRversatiaA) one or allURes OR an as desired basis. Ti:1e recarding system will
permit retrieval at the institlolliaA via, at miAimum, Inmale PIN (the existing-alphanlolmeric Inmale 10
n~mbers may be used as tt:le Inffiate Calling System iElentifiers), date/time af Gall, and Elialed-mlmber. Al
a minimum, the recording system will store \;Ip to she mGRtt:ls' reGGrdiRg available OR hard disk,
The system must-be capable of proviEling u"monitored or uRrecarl:led auomey Galls, will=l vandor
verification af Attorney or legal telept:lane n\;lmber&.
This section was deleted per Addendum #3.


Call Monitoring, SeF\liGe will be installed 6UCt:l that COC management will ~e able t-o-m9Riler IRmate~
(botA sides 9f C9Ryersation), aR a raal time basis, placed fFem ene ar mere IRr+lale telepRQRes or ol~
telephGReS wUliziRg-tt:le iRstiMjen's Gall Gont,:;1 6ystem. +he Venl:lor will be F8SpgRsible for pre>:idiRg the
sail menitoFiRg equipment. Prapesals will de6cribe t:low tRis feature GaR be aGli'Jateg and deactivated by
DOC r+lanageffient,
This section was deleted per Addendum #3.

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Inmate Phones T2oo20oo12. TeVS 0302



310 Party Detection: Vendor's Service will be able to detect a hookswitch flash by the called party (e.g. as
for a call transfer) and will immediately disconnect the call should one be detected. A recording or other
notification will be given to the calling party as to why the call was disconnected and the call detail record
will be annotated accordingly. Vendor's Proposal must state what notification method is used
The notification will be in the form of a message such as: "Due to a 3-way call attempt, this call
will be terminated now". The call will be terminated and the CDR record on the 3-way call detector
will be created with the information required for the DOC personnel to review. The CDR will be
sent to the AS400 via a real time socket connection and fed to the INMATE system. The AS/400
INMATE system will provide on-line screen access to this data. CDR Information will include Site,
Calling number, Called number, PIN, Date, Time. Lookup criteria
andlor ranges will be available on all fields.


Fraudulent Call Transfer Protection. The Service will provide a means of preventing fraudulent call
transfers by the called party, other than by hookswitch detection as described in the subsection above.
Vendor will describe the system in detail to include a description of how the calling and called parties are
notified of the fraudulent transfer, and how the call detail record is annotated.
Call transfer is defined as the calling party to flash hook and extend the call to another telephone
number per Addendum #3. CCPS's DMS250 switch detects when a switchook is flashed and the
three way call detector will disconnect the call.


Call Blocking. The Service must allow the called party the capability of blocking unwanted calls at their
instrumenrs keypad.
1) Customer will be given a message with the option to block future calls from the calling Inmate
by depressing or dialing a single digit at the time the collect callis rejected. The customer
can still receive calls from other inmates at that same site or at a different site.
2) If the customer depresses the appropriate digit, the system will record this information in the
Inmate allowed number file as disallowed
3) If customer decides to accept future calls from this particular inmate, the customer will
request the CCPS Customer Support personnel to 'allow' the Inmate to place calls to their


Operator Services. The State requires the use of automated operator platforms. They must comply with
State requirements whether the call is local, intrastate, or interstate. Automated Operator Services must
be available seven (7) days per week, twenty-four (24) hours per day. No live operator service will be
CCPS provides full automation operator services and can determine the jurisdiction of the call.
Jurisdictional boundaries Include local, Intralata, intrastate and Interstate. CCPS's automated
services are available 7 days a week, 24 hours per day, 365 days a year. The availability to the live
operator Is blocked based on scripting of the automated trunks. The scripting is dependent upon
the originating trunk group of the correctional Institution. Ail of the State's originating trunk
groups are loaded Into the automation platform and the scripting allows only automation. If the
Inmate would try to "0" out for a live operator the automation platform will not allow the "0" key to
be dialed. The "0" key Is di&abled and the call will not be transferred to the operator.
Proposals will describe how they identify calls as coming from a correctional institution, and how control
over Inmate toll abuse, third party billing abuse, and credit card fraud are handled.
Individual telephone sets at each facility are connected to a specific time slot on a dedicated T-1
that terminates at the CCPS DMS250 switch. Each individual time slot is classified as an inmate
line and routed to the call processing equipment. The automation system houses software that
allows only collect calls and further restricts the calls to a pre-selected list of telephone numbers.

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An important factor in using the T-1 interface versus a PIC'd line is that the inmate telephone sets
are not connected to the public switched network prior to reaching our network. With this type of
interface we have complete control of the calls originating from the inmate telephones. With the
automated call processing equipment, there is no opportunity to place calls using any other
billing methods, specifically station paid, third party, calling card or credit card.
For any calls handed off to an IXC, CLEC or ILEC, the automated Operator Services platform must pass
the appropriate restriction code to that carrier's services, enabling that operator center to recognize the
restriction code as designating a correctional institutionllnmate phone call. Further, call splitting by the
operator to isolate the calling party from the called party during call setup is required.
CCPS will handle all calls internally. We do not hand any calls off to another IXC, ClEC, or IlEe.
Vendor will provide automated operator services in both the English and Spanish languages.
CCPS provides automated operator service in both English and Spanish.

Announcement of Inmate Calls. DOC requires that Inmate collect calls be announced as being from a
correctional institution. The announcement must include the specific name of the Inmate and the name or
the correctional institution. The announcement of the Inmate's name may be performed by an automated
system or by the Inmate. Positive call acceptance by the called party will be required.
CCPS will provide an announcement once the called party answers the line. An example of the
brand could be, This is a collect call from the Decatur Adult Correctional Center, inmate Susan,
will you pay for the call?
If Inmate voice announcement is allowed, Vendor will state the.'ength of time or ·window" available for the
Inmate to state his/her name. DOC considers four seconds fo be sufficient time. The call·connection
process will take no longer than sixty seconds. Describe any safeguards available to prevent passage of
information prior to call acceptance and describe how system operates. Include error rates for
Currently CCPS provides 3 seconds for the recording of the inmate name. This tength field is
modifiable; CCPS will work with the IDOC to reach an acceptable length for recording.
With the 3-second time frame we believe the availability to pass messages Is minimal, however wo
are investigating an enhancement to pre·record inmate names Which will prevent the passing of
information through the name recording part of the call process.
The pre-recorded name would be tied to their PIN number for later retrieval and play when they
attempt to call. This would be a coordinated effort with the IDOC and CCPS. The Inmates name
would be recorded with the first call they attempted then used for all future calls. If the system
cannot find the pre-recorded name then It will prompt the inmate for their name as it does today
and recorded again for future use.
A clean call from start to finish with no mistakes In pin, caller acceptance, caller rate quote not
selected and first time acceptance by voice or keypad will take approximately 35 to 50 seconds.
This is due to all the screening and messages that are built into the system for clarity. Call
connection can take up to 50 seconds if all the messages are played to completion and the called
party requests a rate quote for the call and listens to the complete rate quote messages. All
warnings and error messages add time to the entire call connection.
The functionality error rate currently for call processing, PIN insertion, call acceptance and voice
recording Is 2 to 10 percent. This error rate varies from day to day. During a typical day the error
rate can be 2 to 5 percent and another day with the same call volume can run from 5 to 10.
The standard errors are as follows:

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Incorrect PIN
Call acceptance by called party not pressing correct key to accept
Call acceptance not saying "Yes, I accept" loud enough or clear enough
Call acceptance by a new called party not listening to the branding message
stating, "This is an automated operator," and the called party starts talking and
does not understand they must state "Yes I accept" or key the appropriate number
to accept.
Entering numbers not on Inmates "allowed" list

This error rate is based on our Communication System Analyst's observations of the call
preparation and flow when checking the system during routine maintenance checks. Call traces
are also analyzed during different time windows of the day. The main areas of errors lie in the
inmate entering a number not on their "allowed" Jist and entering the wrong PIN number.

Incomplete Inmate Calls. DOC requires that a message be provided to the calling Inmate for all
incomplete collect calls. The message must include a reason for all calls not completed to the called
telephone number. (charges refused. line busy. called number blocked by called party or local carrier).
CCPS has various recordings that are played to the inmate for incomplete collect calls. Please
review the below recordings:

revised 01·15-2002


Toll limit
"The number you have called has reached their established monthly toll limit. The called
number will be blOcked until the first day of the following month."


Called party blocked by called party
"The number you have called has requested not to'accept collect calls from the
correctional facilities."


Toll limit - needing credit info or prepayment
"The called party has accepted a large amount of calls in a very short period of time. The
number will be blocked until credit information can be provided or a prepayment made to
their local telephone company. The called party should call 1-800-235-4416. Thank you."


No Billing name and address
"We were unable to obtain a name and address from the called party on this phone
number. The called party should call 1-800-235-4416 Thank you."


Called party blocked by LEC
"The number you have called has an unpaid telephone bill with their local telephone
company. The called party should pay their outstanding balance then call 1-800-235-4416.
Thank you."


Called party blocked by CCPS
"The number you have called has an unpaid telephone bill with CCPS. The called party
should call 1-800-235-4416 regarding their outstanding bill."


Incorrect Billing name and address
"We were unable to obtain a correct name and address from the called party for billing
purposes on this number. The called party should call 1-800-235-4416. Thank you."


Incorrect Social Security number
"We were unable to obtain a correct SocIal Security Number from the called party. The
called party should call 1-800·235-4416. Thank you."

Inmate Phones T200200012. TCVS 0302



"The number you have called has been blocked fro'm receiving collect calls due to non·


No billing agreement
"The number you have called has been blocked from receiving collect calls. We do not
have a billing agreement with the local Telephone Company. The called party should call
1-800-235-4416. Thank you."


No activity
"The number you have called has been blocked from receiving collect calls due to no
activity for the last 3 months."

Number of Calls per Connection. Inmate telephones must be limited to one call per connection, Upon
completion of dialing. the telephone hookswitch and dial pad must be disabled or otherwise restricted to
control pulse or DTMF dialing and to prevent obtaining dial tone or bong tone via hookswitch operation or
other method. Proposals will describe the control features. which will insure.that access is limited to one
call per connection. Vendors must provide a plain-language response to this subsection in their
Upon completion of a call placed by an inmate through the automated system, there is no dial
tone returned to the telephone set until the set has been placed back in an "on-hook" condition.
Once dial tone is returned to the telephone set, a new call will process through the call processing
system that will class the call as collect.

4.2.10 Local and Long Distance Service. The Vendor will provide the capability for Inmates to make collect-only
local, IntraLATA, and InterLATA calls from Inmate telephones, Vendor must be able to complete calls 10
all locations in the 50 United Stales and all telephone companies in North America. The State reserves
the right to approve a primary rong-distance carrier. Vendor must provide the name of the carrier within
its proposal and agree in writing to this provision.

CCPS will provide only collect calls for local, intralala, Interlata, and interstate calls. CCPS has
the ability to place calls to all telephone companies throughout North America. CCPS will be the
long distance carrier for all the traffic.




Administration and Management System. The Vendor must provide an Administration and Managemenl
System for use by DOC. Proposals will include an explanation of how System Administration and
Management is conducted, to include a description of the human-machine interface (e.g. descriptions of
menus provided. method of use, etc.). The Proposal must include a description of the hardware and
software proposed by the Vendor to perform this runction, and it must meet the requirements of
subsection 4.1.
The AdminIstration and Management system will consist of a workstation located at the facility
and connected to the AS/400 system located in Mattoon. The software will be a menu-based
system allowing the user to choose a variety of reports.
The workstation will consist of a PC running Windows 2000 or Windows NT. Connection to the
AS-400 will be done using IBM Client Access software.
Connectivity to the Mattoon Data Center will occur using a Local Area Network internal to each
facility. The LAN will connect via a dedicated circuit to Mattoon. CCPS will assume all costs for
the connectivity to the Maltoon Data Center.
Please refer to Appendix C for Menu screens and associated reports.

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The Administration and Management System proposed must provide the following minimum functional
capabilities: Proposals must explain and relate how the implementation of these capabilities will allow
institution management to manage Inmate calling priVileges; Management of the Inmate Calling Database must include assigning personal authorization codes to
each Inmate and assigning allowed telephone numbers to each authorization code. The proposed
system must permit the institution to globally add or delete one or more specific allowed phone
numbers from all Inmates' allowed call list.

Inmate number assignment is done at the Reception and Classification Center
The IDOe downloads this Information to CCPS
CCPS takes the 5-digit number and randomly assigns a 3-digit pin number. The
combination of the inmate and pin number becomes the Inmates PIN number
The PIN will be In the system within 24-48 hours of retrieving the inmate number
from the IDOC
The Inmate fills out a paper copy of their requested "allowed" numbers.
The "allowed" lists are picked up on a daily basis and entered into our database.
The "allowed" numbers will be available to the Inmate for call processing within
24-48 hours after CCPS receives the "allowed" list.

CCPS would block the number globally for the institution. CCPS allows a global addition
andlor deletion of a specific number(s) from all Inmates allowed call list.
This is
accomplished by entering Into the CCPS administration system selecting the field for
customer bill to. We will block the customers ANI then do a query for all the PIN according to
the DOC must be able to obtain call detail reports and recurri[lg routine (e.g. daily, weekly, and monthly)
reports of all calls made from Inmate telephones. Vendor must describe standard and custom
reports, which can be obtained by the institution, how they are obtained, and how often they can be
produced. Vendor must provide examples of standard reports that are available for this purpose.
Within the CCPS Investigative Management System there are several reports that can be
pulled at any time. Any custom reports can be discussed between CCPS and IDOC. CCPS
has been very flexible in customiZing reports on behalf of the IDOC and will continue to give
the same support In the future.
Please see Appendix C for report examples.

revised 01·15-2002

Inmate Phones T200200012.

revs 0302 DOC must be able to obtain ad hoc reports of calls made from the institution, with the ability to sort
by calling number or station identification. called number; Inmate authorization code, date and time,
call duration, and other report information as required by DOC. Vendor shall describe all data
elements by which these data can be sorted and provide examples of typical reports available, and
how these reports are generated. Vendors must explain any other capabilities, which will assist the
institution in tracing harassment and other unauthorized calls.
Current reports offered for call detail:







Message by property
Preliminary Property Report
Calls by Date I Time
PIN Number Detail
Calls by Trunk Line
Called Number Detail
Frequently Called Number
Frequently Used PIN Numbers
Inmate PIN Summary Listing
Inmate PIN Detail Listing
Calls to Employees
Hot Numbers
Long Duration Calls by Duration
Inmate PIN Allowed List
Inmate Allowed List Delete Function

Please see Appendix C for report examples. DOC must have the capability to obtain the following information on Inmate calls through on-line
inquiry of the call detail database:

Sort call records by called number and determine, on a near-real time basis, the Inmate(s)
who made call(s) to that number.
CCPS provides on-line access to the call detail database and can sort the call records
by called number and determine which Inmate placed the call. The call records are
available within 3 minutes of completion of call.


Sort call records by Inmate and determine. on a near-real time basis. the numbers called
and other call detail data (e.g. date and time of call). for a specified period of time.
CCPS provides on·llne access to the call detail database and can sort the call records
by PIN and detennlne the numbers called and other call detail for a specified period of
time. The call records are available within 3 minutes of the completion of the call. DOC must be able to retrieve individual call detail records. or a series of call records over a user
input period of time. based on called number. in order to obtain an immediate trace on harassment
CCPS provides the ability to retrieve Individual call detail records, or a series of call records
over a user Input period of time. based on called number, in order to obtain an Immediate
trace on harassment calls. The call records are available three (3) minutes after tennination
of the call. Please see Appendix C for report examples.

revised 01·1~2002

Inmate Phones T200200012,

revs 0302 DOC must be able to manage access to the Administration and Management System, to include
assigning and changing passwords or other security codes. The Proposal must explain. in detail,
the security aspects of the Service. and how unauthorized entry and changes are prevented and
detected if they occur.
The First step In receiving access to the InMates System is to submit a request to tho
Customer Service Supervisor at CCPS for a user profile to be entered. This information is
entered and a user 10 and password are Issued. For security purposes, the user is asked to
change their password during the first session in the InMates System. The password should
consist of a familiar, but not obvious word with 4-7 characters. User 10's and passwords
should not be shared If possible. If a new user is added then a new User 10 and password
should also be added.
Once the Customer Service Supervisor at CCPS receives this Information. an additional Site
User's profile Is entered In the InMates System. This profile will limit the user's access to
individual reports. Their profile can also be set up for user access to only allow inquiry only
on certain screens. In this section of the security, you may limit a user to certain menu's or
reports. If for example. you had an officer who was in charge of tracking all complaints
concerning blocked numbers, It would only be necessary to give him access to Menu #1.
Option #14. This would allow him or her to do his or her assigned duties in the system
without giving him or her access to confidential Information.

If a user tries to view or print a report which he or she does not have access, the message
"Secured Option" will appear next to their choice. DOC must be able to download call detail records to disRette or other electronic media for backup.
storage, and archiving by the institution. The System must also allow for these records to be
temporarily retrieved or accessed from the backup media for reports and call tracing and other
investigative purposes.
Call detail records are available on line for 90 days. This data Is backed up to tape daily and
retained for 90 days. so In effect there Is 180 days of data eithor on-line or available from
back ups. The backed up data can be restored upon request. The same data is placed on
CCPS's FTP server for Springfield 100C pickup on a daily basis. The data will be stored on
the FTP site for one year. Access to the Administration and Management System must be at no cost to the State. This
specifically applies to centralized Administration and Management Systems. which must be
accessed by dial-up or private line circuit. If dial·up. toll tree access must be provided; if private line
circuit. the Vendor will arrange for and pay for the circuit.
CCPS will provide access to the Administration and Management System at no cost to the
State. Access to the Administration and Management System must be from a single workstation or server
screen. Menu functions must be available on a point-and-click basis to select and print
administrative reports. program Inmate restrictions, program Inmate authorization codes. line
restrictions and program any additions/deletions and changes to the Inmate Calling Database or
restriction tables on a global or individual Inmate basis.
Access to the Administration and Management System can be accessed from an ICON on the
administrative terminal. The menu functions are available through keypad selections.
Changes to the Inmate Database or restriction tables can be on a global or individual Inmate

revised 01·15-2002

Inmale Phones T200200012,

revs 0302


Service Ooeration. The Inmate Service will require the use of unique authorization codes, of at least eight (8)
alphanumeric digits in length. One code will be assigned to each Inmate. Each Inmat':l's authorization code
will have associated with it a list of up to 30 telephone numbers to which calls are allowed, as specif:ed by
each Warden. These authorization codes and their associated lists of allowed telephone numbers are
referred to as the Inmate Calling Database in this RFP. It will insure that Inmates are prevented from making
calls to telephone numbers, which are not in the database for their authorization code. Inmate Service which
uses a speed dialing process to accomplish this requirement is acceptable.
CCPS currently has a PIN number for the inmate, which is made up of the 5-digit inmate number
combined with a random 3-dlgit pin assigned by CCPS. If a telephone number is not on the
"allowed" list, the inmate will not be able to complete the call. CCPS will support up to 30 telephone
numbers for each Inmate's "allowed" list.

A means of on-line management of the Inmate calling database must be provided. Each institution will
control its own Inmate calling database. Changes to the database must be implemented on all Inmate
telephones at each institution by the site administrator as required by each Warden.
CCPS will allow an on-line management of the inmate calling database.

Coordinated Inmate Calling Database. The Inmate calling database (the database of Inmate authorization
codes and their associated allowed called number lists) will be configured or coordinated in a such a manner
that inmate data will be transferred from one institution to another without having the new institution retype
the data into their database. The existing alphanumeric Inmate 10 numbers may be used as the Inmale
Calling System identifiers. Transferring a printout of the Inmate data will not meet the desired functionality.
Vendor's proposal will describe in detail how the data transfer is accomplished between institutions.
Vendors must provide a plain-language response to this subsection in their proposals. The database will
allow an Inmate to be entered at any of the confinement sites, as required by DOC.

If an inmate moves from one facility to another facility that CCPS does prOVide service to, their PIN
number and allowed list are transferred over to the new site. CCPS does not retype any information
nor is a new PIN number assigned.
CCPS receives a download dally from the illinois Department of Corrections in Springfield, which
changes any information on that inmate including transfers. When the IDOC moves the inmate from
one site to another site, all Information on that inmate stays the same In our system with the
download. When the Inmate arrives at the new facility, he will be able to use the same PIN number
and dial any of the allowed numbers he had previously on his list at the last site.

Call Data Reporting. Real-time reporting of call data to the DOC General Office in Springfield should be in
ASCII format for reporting and analysis. Vendors should maintain a standard FTP site. allowing
authenticated DOC users access to inmate data. DOC staff will retrieve data from the vendor's FTP sites
using standard FTP protocols from a workstation. Data will be subsequently stored on DOC's dedicated
server(s) or on a mainframe system for further analysis by the facility's investigators and the production of
standardized reports. The call data should be maintained and remain on the vendors' FTP sites for a
minimum of one year. A standardized naming convention, including the current date as part of the file name,
should be employed to identify the files to be downloaded.
The IDOC call detail records file, which is prOVided daily, Is currently stored for 60 days on CCPS's
FTP site. There Is adequate space (DASD) to store a year of data.
The current file naming convention is docd.CCVYMMOOHHMMSS, where 'docd.' is constant and the
extension represents the current date/time stamp (4 digit year, month, day, and time). The example
below Is the flIe put on the FTP server for 3/25/02 around 3:00 AN..

revised 01·15-2002

Inmale Phones T2002000 12. revs 0302


Dialing Restrictions. Service will be limited solely to the placing of automated operator assisted collect calls.
No other type of call will be allowed. Inmates will be restricted from making person-to-person calls. making
calls using the 0-, 10XXX, 1010XXX, 950-XXXX. 1-800, and other dialing sequences to reach another
carrier. They will also be restricted from placing calls to NPAs 700, 800, 888, 887 (loti free) and 900. as welf
as to 976 numbers, 9-1-1, and Directory Assistance (e.g. 411.555-1212. and NPA-555-1212). Debit card
accounts and any type of telephone calling cards are not allowed.
CCPS will restrict the inmate to placing only collect calls. The dialing of porson to person, 0-. 10XXX,
1010XXX, 950·XXXX, 1-800, or any other avenues of reaching another carrier is restricted. CCPS also
restricts the dialing of 700,800,888,887,900,911,411,555·1212, and NPA 555-1212.
Currently CCPS is investigating the use of a debit system for the placing of inmate calls. The theory
of operation would be as follows:
Inmate places call using PIN
Automation requests 1 for English, or 2 for Spanish
Automation requests 1 for collect or 2 for debit
Inmate chooses 2 for debit
Called number is screened for "allowed" list
Called number ;s screened for debit balance
Call connected using same timing parameters, recording and monitoring
functions, etc.
After call completion, account balance is decremented
If debit balance Is reached prior to the end of the conversation, call will be


Reslrictions from Incoming Calls. In accordance with Siale rules for this Service, Ihe telephone lines used for
Inmate telephone service must be restricted to outgoing calls only~
CCPS will restrict aJllnmate lines to outgoing calls only. No incoming calls will be allowed to the
inmate lines.


Timing Restrictions. The Service proposed will have the capability to restrict the length of calls automatically
terminating the call at the expiration of the designated time. This will be a programmable variable timing
restriction. which can be set individually by each institution and applied either globally (institution wide).
individually (authorization code) and by groups of Inmate stations. As a minimum. the timing variable will be
zero to sixty (0 to 60) minutes, in increments of five (5) minutes or less. A waming tone or announcement
must be given to the caller prior to the call being terminated. DOC institutions generally impose a liming
restriction of thirty minutes per call for general population and fifteen minutes for segregation.
Timing Program Outline
A) The hierarchy for applying Timing Programs would be as follows:
1) An Indication of 'C' grade from the dally DOC inmate feed would override any Inmate
Timing Program.
2) If an Inmate Is not flagged as 'C' grade, then a Timing Program at the inmate level would
be in effect.
3) If a Timing Program is not indicated at the inmate level, then a Timing Program at the
Station level based on origlnatfng ANI would be in effect.
4) If a Timing Program is not Indicated at the inmate/station lovel, then a Timing Program at
the site level would be the default.
B) The DOC would send the selected Inmate Timing Program on the dally inmate feed. This could
be a two-byte field with a limit of 99 different Timing Programs.
C) An Inmate Timing Program would be In effect until another program was sent in the daily DOC
Inmate feed.
D) A Timing Program can be made applicable to the Site, Station, or Inmate. A Timing Program
will include:
1) The maximum length of call (number of minutes In 1 minute increments) in minutes for
first, second. and third calendar month. Note: Calendar month is preferred over 30 day
time frames due to admInistration complexity and system tracking.

revised 01·15-2002
Inmate Phones T2002oo012. TeVS 0302


2) A single from/to time range per day of week. In effect there could be seven different time
ranges ..•one for each day of week. There would not be multiple time ranges for a single
day. If calls are allowed anytime during a specific day of week, then values of 7:00, 22:00
would be specified. If no calls are allowed during a specific day of week, then values of
00:00, 00:00 would be specified.
3) A special from/to time range will be allowed on Christmas Day
4) The number of calls allowed would be on a per calendar month basis for first, second, and
third calendar month.
An example of a typical situation:

If an inmate was Incarcerated on 1/5 and was in an Inmate Timing program that allowed 5 calls in the
first calendar month, 10 calls in the second calendar month, that inmate would be allowed 5 calls on
his/her first day of incarceration through 1/31. On 2/1 the inmate would be allowed 10 more calls
through the 2/28. If all 10 calls were made on 2/1, then the inmate would not be allowed any more calls
until 3/1.

An example of an a-typical situation:
If an Inmate was incarcerated on 1/31 and was In an Inmate Timing program that allowed 5 calls in the
first calendar month, 10 calls in the second calendar month, that inmate would be allowed 5 calls on
his/her first day of incarceration. On 2/1 the Inmate would be allowed 10 more calls through the 2/28.
E) Information needed in a Timing Program:
1) Maximum Length of Call In minutes for first month
2) Maximum Length of Call in minutes for second month
3) Maximum Length of Call In minutes for third month
4) Sunday allowable time range (HH:MM, HH:MM)
5) Monday allowable time range (HH:MM, HH:MM)
6) Tuesday allowable time range (HH:MM, HH:MM)
7) Wednesday allowable time range (HH:MM, HH:MM)
8) Thursday allowable time range (HH:MM, HH:MM)
9) Friday allowable time range (HH:MM, HH:MM)
10) Christmas Day allowable time range (HH:MM, HH:MM)
11) Maximum number of calls per calendar month for first month
12) Maximum number of calls per calendar month for second month
13) Maximum number of calls per calendar month for third month
F) All new Timing Programs must be pre-submitted 10 business days prior to expected
Implementation on a Consolidated Communication Timing Program Request form.
G) Implementations/changes of existing Station and Site Timing Programs will be requested 24 hours
in advance. These requests will be made to Consolidated Communication contacts. Note: Inmate
Timing Program changes could be requested on a case by case basis, but the preferred method
would be through the dally DOC Inmate feed.
H) An edit will be performed on the daily DOC Inmate feed that will determine if the program is active.
If the program has not been Implemented, the Timing Program will not be In effect for that
particular Inmate.
CCPS plays a recorded message to both parties before the termination of the call.

Time of Day Restrictions. The Service proposed will permit each institution to determine the hours of the day
during which Inmates will be allowed to place calls and to enable the Service only during those hours. The
Proposal will describe how this capability is implemented, to include pre-scheduling these times over an
extended period and the capability to vary these times by day-of-week, by authorization code andlor location
of the telephone.
Please refer to Timing Program Outline in question 4.3.7


Other Calling Restrictions. The Service proposed will have the capability to permit the institution to restrict
the number of connected calls an individual Inmate is permitted to make during a variable interval of time.
The system must be capable of identifying and restricting the number of inmate connected calls by IPIN
during a given time period, I.e. one connected call per month, three connected calls per month, etc.

revised 01-15-2002

Inmate Phones T200200012, TCVS 0302

Please refer to Timing Program Outline in question 4.3.7
4.3.10 ~C· Grade. The system must be capable of supporting inmate calling restrictions, i.e. ·C· Grade (loss of
telephone privileges). via access to the DOC Offender Tracking System. Vendor will access DOC offender
tracking system via dial-up access daily for 'mplementation of call restrictions.
Please refer to Timing Program Outline in question 4.3.7


Rotary Phones. Service will be provided to called parties having rotary-dial telephones.
CCPS will provide the called party to accept calls via a rotary phone. To accept the call the
customer must state, .. YES, I accept", there Is no need to use a touch tone keypad for




Installation Standards. All equipment, wiring, and supporting equipment and hardware will be installed in
accordance with accepted industry standards and applicable codes.
Where special installation
considerations are appropriate or required because of environmental conditions. the type of operation at
the installation site, or other factors, the Vendor will take these conditions into account and provide for
CCPS will Install all equipment, wiring and supporting equipment and hardware in accordance
with the accepted industry standards and applicable codes.


Electrical Surge. Electrical surge and ground protection will b.e provided for all equipment. for both the
power source and the telephone line. Installations will meet NEe and other pertinent codes.
CCPS understands and wilt comply.


Installation Compatibility. All equipment, wiring. and supporting equipment and hardware will be mounted
compatible with standard telco mountings, and, for locations where existing equipment is being replaced.
will be mounted equal to or better than the equipment which is being replaced.
CCPS will mount all equipment with standard telco mountings at equal or better than existing
equipment if replacement Is necessary.


Supporting Eguipment and Hardware. The Vendor will be responsible for providing and installing
pedestals, shelters, enclosures, isolation panels, mounting hardware, signage, and any other ancillary
items associated with or necessary to providing the Service, at no cost to the Slate. In locations where
Vendor's equipment will replace existing equipment, the supporting equipment and hardware will be
functionally and aesthetically equal to or better than that existing. In new locations. the supporting
equipment, hardware. and other items will be appropriate for the location, use. and environmental
conditions at the site. DOC will have final approval on the configuration and specific supporting
equipment and hardware at all locations. Any damage to State property caused by the Vendor during
installation or maintenance will be repaired at the Vendor's sale expense. The Vendor will remove all
debris from the installation site at least daily.

As stated In addendum #3, pedestals, shelters, enclosures, and Isolation panels and required
signage with the exception of Instructions will be provided by the State.

revised 01·'5-2002

Inmate Phones T2oo2ooo12. revs 0302


Intercom Calling. Inmate telephones must be isolated or prevented from intercom calling. such that no
two Inmate telephones can be connected together.
This may be accomplished via wiring or
programming: Proposals must describe the method used.
Inmate telephones are connected to the CCPS call processing equipment located in Mattoon,
Illinois via a direct connection. Telephone facilities from Mattoon terminate to a channel bank at
the correctional center. Each individual channel has a house cable pair connected directly to the
telephone instrument. The switching equipment to the inmate telephones does not allow inward
dialing. This prevents Inmates from calling from one phone to another, as well as to an external
number and back to another inmate telephone.


Hardening. All equipment that will be used by Inmates will be hardened as necessary to limit malicious
damage. Vendor is fully liable for all damage to its equipment. This includes all station wiring from the
nearest IOF cross connect block to the station jack, the jack and the instrument. Inmate telephones will
have !lQ coin slots. and ringers must be disabled.
The eqUipment CCPS deploys is recommended for inmate use. CCPS will be responsible for
damage to our equipment. The inmate telephones will have no coin slots and no incoming ringing
will be allowed.


Cutoff Keys. Cutoff keys will be installed on all Inmate phone lines such that the institution has the
capability to separately cut off Inmate phone service individually to each Inmate telephone. Cutoff keys
will be arranged and labeled such that institution personnel can easily determine the location of the
telephone associated with the key. and grouped by building or other logical grouping. Cutoff keys will be
installed at a location agreed to by the institution management.
CCPS wlll provide cutoff keys at each site giving the indiv.!dual institution the capability to cut off
inmate phone services individually at each telephone line: CCPS will work with each site for the
location of installation and the labeling sequence.


Wiring and Cabling. The vendor is responsible for installation and maintenance of any new wiring
required, and maintenance of all existing interbuilding and intrabuilding premise wire and cable facilities
for inmate telephones at all institutions. The Vendor may utilize existing State owned inter-building cable
facilities with the approval of the State, if available.
Per Addendum #3, all phones currently have sufficient cabling to provide service and the Vendor
Is responsible for campus wiring from DMARC to station. CCPS will install and maintain the
campus wiring from the DEMARC to the stations.


labeling. All operating controls must be properly labeled. All cable must be properly labeled at each end
and at any midpoint cross connects. All telephones will be equipped with calling instruclions which
explain how to make a call and must meet all applicable regulatory (e.g. FCC and ICC) and legal requirements. Content of these instructions will be customized to the location of the telephone and approved by
the State.
CCPS will meet the above requirements regarding labeling of operating controlS, cables and cross
connects. Calling Instructions will be provided customized for each site.

revised 01.15-2002

Inmate Phones T2{:0200012. TCVS 0302

4.4.10 Implementation. The Vendor will replace existing service and install new service at DOC managed
institutions. Upon execution of the contract. the Vendor will obtain approval from the Slate of a final
implementation plan including firm schedules for each location where Service is replaced. added or newly
installed. It will define lhe entity (the State or Vendor) responsible for the task or milestone. It will name
the site project manager(s) for each location and/or geographic area in which Service is to be
implemented. This Implementation Plan will be subject to approval by the State. and will be submitted no
later than ten working days after award of the Contract. The State will consider, on a case by case basis.
written requests for extensions of this schedule based on extenuating circumstances which are beyond
the control of the Vendor.
10 days after award of the contract. CCPS will submit an implementation plan to the State for
approval. Each site will be listed with the responsible party listed for each task. The State will
have final approval of the plan.
All implementations will be planned and coordinated with the State and the existing Vendor so as to
minimize the downtime (out of service time) of service at any location. At locations where multiple existing
telephones are being replaced. installations will be phased such that a minimum number of telephones
are out of service at anyone time. Service will be preserved without interruption in areas of the institution
where installation is not taking place. In no case will existing Service be inlerrupled for longer than four
CCPS will work with the State for a smooth Implementation with little or no downtime. Installation
will be phased where multiple telephones exist and CCPS agrees to no service interruption for
more than four hours. The Vendor will convert all existing systems within
of eMS execution.


hundred eighty (180) days from the date


CCPS agrees to convert all existing systems within 180 days from the date of eMS
execution. The Vendor will keep the State informed of progress and report all deviations from the planned
implementation schedule. The schedule will be revised to reflect these changes and the new
schedule provided to the State. The vendor will provide weekly status reports electronically to
the State.
CCPS will provide a weekly status report of the implementation of each site. If any
deviations from the Implemontatlon plan occur, they will be reported to the State and the
plan will be revised. The State Implementation Team will consist of eMS and DOC staff for overall project direction
and program oversight. The Vendor may work directly with DOC institution management under
the overall direction of the State Implementation Team. for implementation, support, and
maintenance of the Service during the term of the Contract.
CCPS understands direct contact and work relationships will be with members of CMS
and IDOC. Each institution will appoint a project coordinator to work as part of the State's implementation
team for that location. The institution project coordinator will coordinate all activities of the
institution during installation. acceptance, operation, and maintenance of the Service at that
institution, and will work closely with DOC to insure that the Vendor's responsibilities are mel.
CCPS understands the role of the project coordinator.

revised 01·15-2002

Inmate Phones T2oo200012. TCVS 0302 The Vendor will be responsible for the dala entry required to build all or part of the initial Inmate
calling database, restriction tables, etc. at each institution. The completer-ess and accuracy of
Ihe Database will be approved by DOC, prior to cut over of any service. At all times, the State
retains ownership of all data contained in the Inmate Call Control Database(s).
CCPS understands we will be responsible for the Implementation of the initial Inmate
Database, restriction tables, etc. at each institution and the looe will review for
completeness and accurate data before the service is turned up. CCPS understands this
information will be entered into the Inmate database will remain the property of the State
of Illinois. Vendor Loss or Damage. The Vendor will at all times protect and secure all its materials,
supplies, and equipment during installation, support, and maintenance of the Service.
Reasonable requests made of DOC to provide storage for such property may be met where
feasible. The Vendor will retain ownership of all Vendor-provided materials, supplies. and
equipment. The Vendor will be responsible for loss or damage to its equipment and hardware,
to include malicious damage by users of the equipment and hardware, regardless of whether or
not DOC provides storage space.
ecps understands we will be responsible for the Vendor equipment at all times,
however the State may provide storage if possible. All equipment, materials, supplies
and equipment will remain the ownership of ecps.


Testing and Acceptance. Testing and acceptance will take place in two phases, as described below.
CCPS understands. Acceptance Tests. The Vendor will, no later than tWenty (20) days after Contract Execution.
submit to CMS for its approval, a list of proposed functional tests to be performed on the
Service installed at each institution. The tests proposed by the Vendor must be capable of
demonstrating whether or not the Service meets DOC's requirements. The State will have the
right to review the tests proposed by the Vendor, and to add additional tests and requirements
as it deems necessary to demonstrate whether the Service complies. The tests proposed by
the Vendor, as approved, modified. and added to by the State, will constitute the "Acceptance
Twenty (20) days after execution of the contract, CCPS will provide a list of functional
testing to be performed. The State has the right to add additional testing if it deems it
necessary. The flnal functfonal testing document including the proposed testing by
CCPS and the State will become the "Acceptance Test". The Vendor will notify CMS in writing once the installation at the institution has been completed
and is fully operational and ready for acceptance testing. Thereafter, the DOC will coordinate
the Acceptance Tests, which will be completed within 30 days from receipt of the Completion
Notice. The Testing Period may be extended, at the option of the State.
eeps will notify CMS in writing when installation is completed, fully operational and
ready for acceptance testing. The fDOC will coordinate the "Acceptance Test" with
CCPS within 30 days of the Completion Notice.

revised 01-1 $.2002

Inmate Phones T200200012. revs 0302 Once the following have beel'1 rnet, acceptance testing will be considered by DOC.

Vendor provided e<;';ipment, software. and Service at the installation location is one
hundred percent (100%) operational for thirty (30) consecutive days; and.


The Service meets all specifications and minimum requirements of the Contract; and.


The Vendor has completed preparation of the initial Inmate calling database, restriction
tables, etc., to the satisfaction of the institution project manager; and.


Changes have successfully been made to the Inmate calling database. adding new
authorization codes, and changing the Inmate's list of allowed numbers. by the site
administrator; and,


Calling restrictions have been verified as being provided in accordance with the Contract;


Call timing parameters have been set and tested as accurate, and the warning
tonelrecorded announcement functions as described in the Proposal are functional; and,


Automated Operator Services have been verified as being perlormed in accordance with
the Contract.
CCPS understands the above points a. through g. must be met before the IDOC will
consider doing an "Acceptance Test".


Full·Time Vendor Representative. The Vendor will provide an Account Manager as a single point of
contact for all coordinating, problem solving, and troubleshooting of any and all issues that may arise
during the term of this Contract.
Cathy Janssen will be the single point of contact for all coordinating, problem solving, and
trOUbleshooting for all issues during the term of this contract.


Training. On-site training for DOC institutional personnel to administer and manage the Service must be
provided at each institution. Training schedules will be coordinated with the schedules developed per
subsection 4.4.11, Testing and Acceptance. Vendors will describe the nature and content of their
training program for this purpose. As a minimum, it must include hands--on instruction on the use of the
Administration and Management System (subsection 4.3.1 l, as well as any other topics required for full
understanding, administration, and operation of the Service. An Evaluation Instrument must be included
in each training module. Each trainee and the institution project coordinator will be provided a complete
set of operating instructions for the Administration and Management System. They will be sufficiently
detailed such that an individual familiar with rudimentary PC operation can administer and manage the
System using the operating instructions provided.
Ongoing training will be provided to DOC institullon personnel at no cost by the Vendor at any time the
software and/or operation of the Administration and Management System is changed. Revised wriHen
operating instructions will also be provided prior to the change.
CCPS will provide on-site training of all aspects of the Inmate Calling system at each individual
Institution. Training will be coordinated with the Implementation of each site. Additional on-site
training and updated training material will be provided during the contract at no eost to the state
when the software and/or operation of the Administration and Management System Is changed.

revised 01-15-2002

Inmate Phones T200200012. TeVS 0302










Inmate I PIN process
Reports I Screens
Blocking Codes
NPAlNXX Splits
PIN Process I C-Grade
Daily DOC Feed
PIN Sheets
PIN Number Feedback To Inmates
Trouble Reports
Customer Service 800 Number
Rate Quotes
TCPIIP Recordings
Direct Bill Process
User Input I Feedback


State Initiated Orders
All orders for Service and/or orders to proceed from the State to the Vendor will be in writing, issued and
signed or electronically transmitted by the State. The Vendor will not install, remove, modify, or change
Service at any location without this written approval.

CCPS will not install, remove, modify, or change Service at any location without written approval
from the State.

Telco Service Ordering, Payment and Coordination
The Vendor will be solely responsible for ordering of and payment for any local or Interexchange
telephone company service necessary to provide the service. The Vendor will be responsible for all
coordination with the local and Inlerexchange telephone companies as necessary to install, operate. and
maintain their service.
CCPS will be solely responsible for ordering and any payments for installation, operation and
maintaining service for local or Interexchange telephone company service necessary to provide
this service.
The Vendor will be solely responsible for the integration and compatibility of the service with any and all
circuits and facilities as may be provided by the local telephone company and/or carriers. The Vendor will
coordinate removal of Inmate telephones with current providers at locations at which it is installing
replacement service. It is the intent that the State receive no billing from any provider of ancillary or
supporting service which is associated with the provision of the service.
CCPS will be compatible with the carriers who provide service for us. CCPS will coordinate with
the Incumbent provider for removal of all telephones and the service, which is provided for that
purpose. CCPS will be responsible for all costs associated with the new installation of service
and services going forward.

revised 01.15-2002

Inmate Phones T20020C012.

revs 0302




Vendor Service Center. The vendor must provide and maintain a 24 hours per day, seven days per
week, a toll free telephone number to receive assistance calls from DOC maintenance and inmate call
recipients and for trouble reporting. Vendors will describe how they will provide this telephone
assistance, level of staffing at this facility, and how the requirement for coverage will be met.
CCPS has a highly experienced and knowledgeabte staff dedicated to providing customer
assistance and trouble reporting. A toll free number is provided to both the IIlino;s Department of
Corrections and inmate call recipients with 24 hours a day, 7 days a week staffing. Management
employees are accessible 24 by 7 to respond to and remedy any emergency situations.


Vendor Information letter: Vendor shall initiate an information letter to each recipient of inmate calling
upon entry of authorized telephone numbers into the IPIN collect call system. This information should
include the 800 number established by Vendor to receive user general service and billing information.
Vendor shall provide a sample letter with its proposal.
CCPS provides the Vendor Information Letter to each recipient of inmate calling.
Appendix C for a copy of the current letter we send today.


Please see

Backup Service. Proposals must provide a backup plan in the event the Inmate Calling and Control
Service and/or the Administration and Management System fails, which guarantees some Service
restricted to collect only calls. Proposals will describe how this backup Service will be provided during
CCPS provides several types of redundancy to eliminate a total outage in the case of network


Multiple DS1s for larger sites
Multiple FX lines for smaller sites
MUltiple Channel Banks at the Mattoon centralized location
Multiple automated call processing equipment
Dual database servers

In the case of a total automation outage, CCPS would route the traffic from the automated
positions to the live operators for generic collect only call processing. This would only be in an
emergency situation because we would not have the capability and restrictions of the automated

Maintenance. The Vendor will maintain the telephones and supporting equipment and hardware in good
working order and clean condition. Inoperative or damaged items will be repaired or replaced as required
below. The Vendor will satisfactorily perform all other work necessary for their efficient use and
operation, or as customarily performed in connection therewith. All maintenance personnel must maintain
certification from the equipment manufacturer for the term of the Contract. The Vendor will provide
escalation procedures. names. and telephone numbers, within twenty (20) days after award of the
CCPS will maintain the telephones and supporting equipment in good working order; damaged
items will be repaired or replaced. All maintenance personnel will maintain certification during the
term of the contract. CCPS will provide an escalation list within twenty (20) days after the award
of the contract.

revised 01·15-2002
Inmale Phones T2002C0012.

revs 0302 Maintenance Expense. The Service will be fully maintained by the Vendor, to include circuits,
hardware, software, and all other components. Any and all repairs will be performed at the
Vendor's sole expense during the term of the Contract and any renewals, to include any charges
by the LEG for fault isolation to the Vendor's equipment.
CCPS will be solely responsible for maintaining the circuits, hardware, software and all
other components. Major Outages. The Vendor must respond within two hours of notification of any major outage. A
major outage is defined as a failure of twenty-five percent (25%) or more of the stations at any
single location, al/ stations in one Inmate living area, building, cellblock or pod, to include call
processing; any disruption to the call restriction capabilities; or any loss or impairment of the
ability of the institution personnel to administer and manage the Service. Failure inclUdes loss or
malfunction of software required for proper operation of the service and/or loss of service from the
local exchange carrier or Interexchange carrier. Major outage also includes any outage,
impairment, or degradation of service which the DOC deems critical, for whatever reason.
CCPS understands and agrees to respond to any major outage within two (2) hours of
notification. CCPS understands the States definition of a major outage as described
In the event that the contractor fails to provide maintenance services for a major failure
(emergency) to a particular DOC facility within two hours of time trouble condition reported,
contractor agrees to pay liquidated damages of $200 per incident.
CCPS understands if response Is not within two (2) hours of a major outage the State will
Impose a fee of $200.00 per incident. Minor Outages. The Vendor must respond within twenty-four (24) hours of notification of any
minor outage. A minor outage is defined as a failure which is not designated as a major outage.
Minor outages extending greater than thirty (30) r:lock hours will automatically upgrade 10 a major
CCPS understands and agrees to respond to any major outage within twenty-four (24)
hours of notification. CCPS understands the States definition of a minor outage as
described above.
In the event that the contractor fails to provide maintenance services for a minor failure to a
particular DOC facility within 24 hours of time trouble condition reported, contractor agrees to pay
liquidated damages of $100 per incident.
CCPS understands and agrees to respond to any minor outage within twenty.four (24)
hours of notification. CCPS understands the States definition of a minor outage as
described above. Software Maintenance. The Vendor will provide all maintenance for all software it provides for
operation, administration, and management of the Service. In the event of a failure, it will be the
Vendor's responsibility to isolate the trouble to the software or state-provided equipment.
CCPS will provide all maintenance for all software it provides for operation,
administration, and management of the Service.

reYise1l 01-1 502002


Inmate Phones T200200012, TeVS 0302 Trouble-Call Records. The Vendor will maintain records of all trouble calls, to include the
telephone number or other unit identification and location of the service. the date and time
reported. the maintenance action taken, and the date and time restored. The Vendor will
maintain these records in a central location for the term of the Contract, and for at least twelve
(12) months after its expiration, and will make them available for review by the State at its
request. A monthly summary maintenance report will be provided to the State by the 10th of
each month for the prior month's service. The monthly summary will include. as a minimum. the
telephone number or other unit identification. date and time reported. the date and time restored
to service, the total time out of service (hours and tenths), the reason for outage, and repair
action taken. The Vendor will prepare quarterly reports on phone maintenance problems and
CCPS will keep a record of all trouble calls as described above for a period of twelve (12)
months after expiration of the term of the contract. The records will be available for review
by the State. CCPS will provide a monthly and quarterly summary of the trouble reports as
described above.


Remote Maintenance and Administration. The Vendor will be able to perform remote maintenance and
administration of the proposed Service.
CCPS will provide remote maintenance and administration of the inmate services.




Call Charges aRE! 8illiAg. Call GRarges, l"sludlng per ~all surcharges and per miRlite or p~-a
miAute Gf:larg86\ will not eXGeed tRose tariffed by the-Local Exchange Company (for lOGal and
IRtraLATA calls), QF by AT&T (for InterbA.TA and Interstate) fGr an Identical sail. Calls w~be raled
based on sistanGe (V&H R'lileage Jrom poinl of originatioR to point at terFAinalion resardl8&& of the aGt~al
FO~lin8 of the call), lime oJ Elay. day of weekA'loliday, and other factors used by ttle abolJe carrier~
¥endOF will have fwll liability to the caller an4-billed party ror ltle aSG~rasy of all GRarg6s fer calls FRaga
uGing the IAFRate SalVisa. Tha Vendor will defin8 a~l,lal rates-kH>e sharged, insloo~UcatieFl of any
GAanges. Vendor mllsl ad"is9 ttle State iA wriliFlg to no 1866 lhan 3Q days prior to makiAg-a~
iAvolving inmate call rales, inmate/b1G8r sail anno~ncemOAl6 or f.eah:lre shanges.
Per Addendum #3 the verbIage In Section 4.7.1 has been replaced with the verbiage below.
Call Charges and Billing. Call charges, including per call surcharges and per minute or portion of a
minute charges, will not exceed those tariffed by SBC Ameritech (for Local and IntraLATA calls) and by
AT&T (for InterLATA and Inlerstate) for an identical call. based on rales as of February 22. 2002.
CCPS will not exceed SBC for local and Intralata calls or AT&T for interlata and interstate calls.
Vendor may propose postalized rates for all calls not to exceed the above rates or may rate calls based
on time-of-day, day-of-weeklholiday and distance (V&H mileage from point of origination to point of
tennination regardless of the actual routing of the call) used by lhe above carriers. The Vendor must
submit and will define actual rales to be charged. All rates submiUed will be fixed as of the date of RFP
issuance February 22,2002 for the length of the contract term, including renewals. The Vendor will have
full liability to the caller and billed party for the accuracy of all charges for calls made using lhe Inmale
CCPS has submitted the tariffs for local, Intralata, interlata and Interstate calls. Please refer to
Appendix E for a copy of all rates.

revised 01·1>2002

Inmale Phones T200200012.

revs 0302


Calls, which are not completed, will not be billed. Proposals must describe the Vendor's method of
determining when the call is answered and when they begin billing.
CCPS marks the call as answered after we see hardware answer supervision from the terminating
end of the call, however billing does not occur until we get hardware answer supervision, and
then we get a positive customer acceptance response.


Proposals will describe Vendor's billing system, including how billed parties are credited for incorrectly
dialed calls and disputed billing charges, and how eligibility for credits is determined. For this purpose,
the billing system is defined as the method by which the Provider bills the called party.
Customer Adjustments
When a customer calls In regarding a cutoff, wrong number or disputing charges on their phone
bills, we investigate the questioned call and determine whether the customer should receive credit
on their bill. On cutoffs, we normally fill out a trouble report and have the technician pull that call
and determine whether it was really cut off or if the inmate hung up. If it was a cutoff, CCPS wilt
adjust (SEE Appendix C for a copy of this form) their telephone bill for the amount of the
surcharge plus tax for the call or calls. Usually If a customer calls in stating they did accept a call,
which did turn out to be a wrong number, CCPS is able to determine that by the length of the call.
These calls are usually less than 2·3 minutes long. CCPS will also send in that call on the form
listed above. If a customer calls in disputing charges, CCPS normally investigate all aspects of
that call to determine whether they shOUld really receive credit. After Investigation, CCPS will let
the customer know that either adjustment of the call will transpire or the call will sustain. If they
refuse to pay for that call or calls, CCPS will block their line.


The called party will be able to obtain call cost information, prior to accepting a collect call. The call cost
must be quoted on a "first minute" and "each additional" minute. basis or a fixed, uniform per-minute basis.
CCPS currently provides rate quotes based on first minute and each additional minute.


Commissions and Reports. The commission rates for Inmate Service, proposed in Section 10, Pricing, will
be a function of all calls completed using the Service, both usage and surcharges. The commission rates
will represent the fixed percentages of total revenues generaled by the Service that the Vendor will pay to
the State. Commission rates which are based only on usage or revenues exceeding certain minimum
thresholds, or which are based on collected (versus billed) revenues, are not acceptable. Likewise,
commission rates which are based on the State assuming any costs, or assuming ownership, liability or
responsibility for any components of the Service. are not acceptable. The Vendor will assume all liability
for fraud, billing. and collections. A commission rate which is based on adding surcharges or other costs
to the billed party above those tariffed by the local Operating Company and AT&T is not acceptable.
CCPS will pay commissions based on completed calls combining both usage and surcharge.
Commissions will be based on a fixed percentage as described in the Pricing envelope.
Commissions are based on gross revenue. Fraud, billing and collections are the responsibility of
CCPS. +Re-Vendor must {)e 8ble to provide GeffiFAission payrRents and reports as descRbeel below.
GoolmiosiGn payrRents will be deposited FlO later theA si~y (GO) Ela~ fello"JiFtg the j'}re',iouo
mGRth-!a service, eMS ',viII pro\'ide, and the Vendor will comply With, specmc.payment instr~iGAs
after Contract executiGA.

Per Addendum #11 Section has been changed to the below verbiage.
Vendor must provide commissions to the Department of Central Management Services.
Communications Revolving Fund payable from the effective date of the contract and received by
the State within 60 days following each 3Q-day billing cycle. In addition, vendor may be directed
by CMS to pay a portion ot the commissions directly to the Department of Corrections The
amount of the commission paid shall be based on gross billings from the system.

revised 01·15-2002

Inmate Phones T2002ooo12, TeVS 0302

CCPS will provide the commissions (based on gross revenue) to Central Management
Services Revolving Fund andlor lJIinois Department of Corrections within 60 days
foJ/owing each 30 day billing cycle. Commissions will be paid on all Inmate calls carried by the Vendor during and after Testing and
Acceptance. Commissions paid under this provision will in no way constitute acceptance of the
Service, which will occur in accordance with subsection of this RFP.
CCPS will pay commissions to the State during and after testing and Acceptance but
understands this does not constitute an agreement of acceptance of service until the
"Acceptance Testing" has occurred.

Usage, Revenue, Commission Reports and Payments. The Vendor must provide flexible, hierarchical
reports capability for the reporting of usage, revenues, and commissions. Minimum data elements which
must be included for all such reports and broken down by call type are as follows: Location and
Telephone Number(s} or other unique identification of each telephone station; and Minutes of Use,
Number of Calls, Usage Revenue. Surcharges, and Commissions Due. Detailed usage data must be
reported on each telephone number (ANI). Sample reports using typical formats and data must be
submitted with the Proposal. Reports must be SUfficiently comprehensive to enable external auditors to
verify that all traffic. called party charges, and commissions are consistent with the requirements of this
CCPS understands the requirements for the commission reports and will comply. Please see
Appendix C for a copy of the current commission reports and paperwork sent to the State.
4.7.6,1 The hierarchical reports structure must allow the grouping of data by stations. by location, by
subgroups and groups of locations, indiVidually and at a summary level for selected time periods.
At a minimum the time periods must be monthly, quarterly and annually.
CCPS can provide grouping of data for commissions by stations via the Messages by
Property Report; by location via Preliminary Property Report, by SUbgroups, groups of
locations, individually and at a summary level for selected period of times would be on a
requested report, Proposals must include a detailed description of the reporting system's ability to provide flexible
and comprehensive reports and include sample reports. and will state the number of hierarchical
levels which are available in the proposed reports system.
Please refer to Appendix C for a copy of reports. With regard to commissions due. the reports capability must allow for different commission rales
to be used in the calculation and payment process. The commission amount shown on the
report(s} provided to CMS must be that which is paid to them.
CCPS has the ability for different commIssion rates to be used in the calculation and
payment process. CCPS assures the State what appears on the commission report will be
the commission paid. One copy of reports of the Inmate Phone Services will be mailed to the designated eMS contact
at the time of commission payments.
CCPS will mail one copy of the commission reports to CMS at the time of payment. If the Vendor fails to submit commission payments within the time specified in subsection above, it
is understood that the Vendor will pay late fees at the rate of 1% of the total commission payment
per month that commissions are past due and unrebated. Notwithstanding the foregoing, failure
to pay commissions on time is a malerial breach and existence of the late payment provision shall
not be a bar to declaring the Vendor in breach.

revised 01·15-2002

Inmale Phones T2oo200012, TCVS 0302

CCPS understands that if we fail to submit payment within the specified timeframe of 60
days following the 30 day billing cycle that CCPS will be responsible for late fees at a rate
of 1~o of the total commission payment per month.

This section contains desirable requirements and will be awarded technical points. The Vendor will not
be disqualified if desired entities are not offered.

Vendor must provide a Site Administrator for collection of data to input into the IPIN system daily
at each site or as required by the Wardens as indicated in Mandatory Section 4.1.1. It is Ihe
State's intent that the Site Administrator will also provide assistance for technical and/or
maintenance problems for all System equipment. Considering that the assignment and entry of
new IPINs must be completed within 48 hours of new Inmate arrivals or as required by each
facility, the Vendor should include detailed information on how the initial IPIN assignments and
ongoing changes will be accomplished. Vendor's response will be evaluated as part of the
CCPS will provide a Site Administrator to collect IPINs on a daily basis. Currently CCPS
inputs the "Allowed" numbers Into the system and the inmate has access to place calls
within 24-48 hours after pick-up of PIN list.


Inmate number assignment is done at the Reception and Classification Center
The IDOC downloads this information to CCPS
CCPS takes the 5-digit number and randomly assigns a 3-dlgit pin number. The
combination of the inmate and pin number becomes the inmates PIN number
The PIN will be in the system within 24-48. hours of retrieving the inmate number
from the IDOC
The Inmate fills out a paper copy of their requested "allowed" numbers.
The "allowed" lists are picked up on a daily basis and entered into our database.
The uallowed" numbers will be available to the inmate for call processing within
24-48 hours after CCPS receives the "allowed" list.

Maintenance Plan. Vendor may include, as part of its proposal, a preventative maintenance plan
which would provide a thorough description of how the vendor will maintain these systems in
accordance or in excess of the requirements of the contract to minimize downtime at each site.
Each facility has an assigned technician. The technician makes daily visits as required by
the site for preventative maintenance. CCPS has a 24-hour a day, 7 days a week message
service to answer any trouble reporting that might occur. All trouble will be responded to
within a 2-hour tlmeframe.


DOC would like access to a national directory listing database incorporated in the call processing
procedure. The data should include the names and addresses of published. unlisted. and nonpUblished telephone numbers. All costs associated with this service, if any. should be disclosed
in the vendor's pricing proposal in Section 10 and will be factored in the pricing evaluation. as part
of the award.
CCPS will give the IDOC access to the National Directory Assistance database via the web
site. We will assign a user 10 and password specifically for the IDOC.

revised 01-15·2002

Desktop Directory Assistance
The corporate Directory Assistance database access application Is designed to offer
companies a direct user-friendly connection to nationwide telephone company directory
assistance data. The corporate application Is intended to be easily accessible and
securely accessed by users anywhere, anytime and via any web browser. The product
represents an advance over eXisting products by using software already resident on the
majority of desktops, a web browser. The customer is able to login and have access to the
database in just four easy steps.
Inmale Phones T200200012. TeVS 0302


Once logged In the user may perform a variety of searches including searches for a
residential telephone listing, a business or government listing, a telephone number search
(CNA), or the premium search 'search on address'. Powerful search strategies are
supported using wildcards, aliases. and geographic expansion. Expandable searches can
include adjacent communities, entiro area codes, entire states, or even the entire country.
In addition to access to LSSi's National Directory Assistance database, customers may
Initiate searches by business category and query "yellow pages" data in LSSi's enhanced
services database. Customers can search a business by such headings as bridal or pizza.

A central office based or an off-site central locahon system is preferred for additional security.
durability, quick repair. and efficient call validation. Vendor must describe in detail their proposed
CCPS provides a central office based solution. Our inmate calf processing system is
located in Mattoon, Illinois with access to the individual correctional institutions via 051s.
CCPS currently provides this type of service to the State of Illinois for all sites currently
CCPS believes this is the optimal solution with diagnosis available from our central office.
We have a 24·hour a day manned site for trouble shooting and access via dial-up from
each technician's home.


Qualifications of Vendor and/or Vendor's staff (or others who would perform)

Vendor employees or agents must be trained and experienced in performing the type of work specified
and must have any required licenses.
CCPS employees are trained and possess the knowledge in performing the work to install and
maintain the Inmate Collect Calling system.
All individuals who enter correctional facilities to provide maintenance. installation, or training are subject
to a complete background check, which includes drug testing. All employees/suo-contraclors of the
vendor must comply with the laws of the Slate of Illinois and the regulations of the Department of
Corrections while in a correctional facility.
CCPS employees have had background checks performed and will comply with the laws of the
State of Illinois and the regulations of the 100C.
At the State's option. any additional locations, new facilities including DOC agencies and existing and
other agency facilities may be incorporated into this contract.
CCPS agrees to add additional facilities including additional locations and/or new facilities.

Account Team Organization
The Vendor must describe the organization and physical location of the account team
that will be committed to the State for the term of this agreement. The Vendor must
include a complete top-dawn description of the account learn. including areas of
responsibility and/or expected levels of involvement. The vendor must also include
contact numbers (business. pager and/or cell phone).
CCPS's account team has a combined experience of 200+ years. Their knowledge and
experience In providing, maintaining, and working with Inmate Collect Calling systems is
second to none. Please refer to Appendix B for a flowchart of the account team as well as
complete details of Individual experience.

revised 01·15-2002

Inmate Phones T200200012. TCVS 0302

... , ,


The Vendor should include the resumes of all key Account Team personnel detailing experience
and expertise within their fields.
CCPS has provided the account resumes In Appendix B.


The vendor must provide the Slate with a minimum of 5 references for projects of equivalent size
and scope (at least 2 references should be for State-operated facilities). References should
include the company name. contact name. address. phone number. and e-mail address. Vendor
should describe in general terms the size and scope of the project.
CCPS has provided the required 5 references in the tab marked References. We
encourage the State to contact any or all of the references. We believe our experience in
both the County facilities and State Correction sites are above any company in the


Subcontracting/Joint Ventures.

.lL Allowed_ _ Not Allowed

The State intends to contract with one entity per contract and that entity shall be contractually
responsible for performance. However, if the entity is a joint venture, one of the parties te the
joint venture must take full contractual responsibility for performance under the contract.
CCPS understands but will not be contracting with anyone for this RFP. CCPS will be the
responsible party for this contract.
If Vendor is providing Professional and Artistic Services. the names of subcontractors and
amounts to be paid to each must be shown. The AGENCY may require the same or similar
information in relation to contracts for other supplies or services. Subcontractors are subject to
approval of the AGENCY.
CCPS will not be providing Professional and Artistic Services as describe din section 7.

reVised 01-15-2002

Inmate Phones T200200012. revs 0302





Consolidated Comm
Consolidated Comm








Decatur. 2175 E. Pershina Rd, 65256
Joliet. Rte. 53 & Airoort Rd, Romeoville. 60446
Peoria, 607-613 Main, 61602
Southern Illinois. 805 W Freeman, Carbondale,
Winnebaao. 315 S. Court. Rockford. 61102

Consolidated Comm










~ia MuddY. 251 N IL

HWY 37, Ina 62846

rCentralia Shattuc Rd, 62801
r-Oanville, 3820 E Main 61834
Oixon. 2600 Brinton Ave. 61021
Dwiaht Rle 17 West, 60420
East Moline, 100 Hillcrest Rd., 61244
Graham Hwv 185, Hillsboro. 62049
Hill 600 S. Linwood. Galesbura, 61401
Illinois River, Rte 9 W. Canton, 61520
Jacksonville, 2268 E Morton, 62650
Lincoln 1096 - 1350"',62656
Laoan. 1096· 1350 • Lincoln, 62656
Menard. 711 Kaskaskia 62259
Pontiac 700 W Lincoln, 61764
Robinson. 13423E 1150'" Ave. 62454
Shawnee. 6665 Rte 146 E Vienna, 62995
Sheridan 4017 E 2603 Rd.• 60551
Southwestem Illinois, 950 Kingshighway, East
St. Louis 62203
Stateville. Rte 53. Joliet, 60434
Tavlorville, Rte 29 S. 62568
Vandalia. Rte 51 N, 62471
Vienna Hwv 145 E 62995
Western Illinois Rte 99 S, Mt. SteriinQ. 62353

Consolidated Comm
Consolidated Comm
Consolidated Comm
Consolidated Comm
Consolidated Comm
Consolidated Comm
Consolidated Comm
Consolidated Comm
Consolidated Comm
Consolidated Comm





















Match 26. 2002


IYC Harrisburg, 1201 W Poplar, 62946
lye Joliet, 2848 McDonOUQh, 60436
IYC 51. Charles, 4450 Lincoln HWY, 60175
lye Valley View, 34W826 Villa Maria


Consolidated Comm

' #OF


























Work Camp. 207 W Morgan, 62324

Consolidated Comm



Dixon Springs Impact Incarceration Program,
Hwv 146 E, Grantsburg, 62943
DuQuoin Impact Incarceration Program, RR1,
Ed Jenison Work Camp, 14295 E 1200 Rd.
Paris, 61944
Green County Impact Incarceration Program,
Hanna City Work Camp, 14617 W Farmington,

Consolidated Comm







Consolidated Comm







Consolidated Comm







Consolidated Comm













Consolidated Comm












Am eri techlMCI













Hardin County Work Camp, RR 1, Cave-In·
Rock, 62919
Kankakee. 37040 S Illinois, Manteno. 60950
Pittsfield Work Camp, RR 2, 62363
Springfield Work Camp, State Fairgrounds,
BldQ 29, 62702
Tamms Work Camp, 200 E Supermax Rd,



Joliet Treatment & Detention Facility. 401

Ameritech Basic


C.O. Inmate Service
Woodruff, 60432
- Needs to be upgraded to IPIN System w/recorders & mOnitors




·"Needs to be upgraded to IPIN System - no recorders or monitors
= Rated Facility Capacity
UAVG POP" Daily Average Population
Call Usage shown is based on monthly averages.


Call Usage Assumptions:



Mard. 26, 2002


Detail pricing/compensation requirements with at least the following categories of information.
Vendor shall provide a base commission rate for inmate calling service at the correctional facitities defined herein based
on gr08s billings, payable to the State.
Considerations other than the commissions below (whether related or not to this contract) may be proposed and will be
considered prOVided they are quantifiable in dollar terms, to determine which proposal provides the best overall value to
the State.



_ _~5:::.:6=-_%


July 1, 2002 through June 30, 2007
July 1, 2005 through June 30, 2008 (first renewal)
July 1, 2006 through June 30, 2009 (second renewal)
July 1, 2007 through June 30. 2010 (third renewal)
July 1, 2008 through June 30, 2011 (fourth renewal)
July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2012 (fifth renewal)

National Directory Listing Database

$ 0.10 per query after first 1.000 per month

CCPS will provide the first 1,000 NDA lookups per month at no cost to the state. After the Initial 1,000 per
month CCPS will bill the State of Iilinois $0.10 per query.

Payment Terms

arid Conditions (including when paid, frequency and relainage).

\leRder RUIS! prg'Ade semmissieRs Ie the Depaf1l:ReRI ef CeRlrsl MaRagemeRI Services. CemmuRicalioR6
Re'..01vlR9 J:\:IRd payable ff:em Ihe effective dale ef ceRlract aRd received by n·le Siale \"IilhiR 30 days fellewiAg eact:l
30 day l;)iIIiAQ cYGle. IR a additieR. '<'eRdor A=lay be ElireGted by eMS 10 pay a portieR ef lhe cemFRissieR6 directly to
IRe l;)epartmeRI ef CeFFeGtieRs. TRe ameuRt ef Ihe semmissioR paid shall be basel:! en gross billings ff:oFR the
Vendor must provide commissions to the Department of Central Management Services, Communications
Revolving Fund payable from the effective date of the contract and received by the State within 60 days following
each 30-day billing cycle. In addition, vendor may be directed by eMS to pay a portion of the commissions directly
to the Department of Corrections. The amount of the commission paid shall be based on gross billings from the
Should CMS determine that it becomes imperative to reduce charges below those permitted under the applicable
approved tariff rates (see subsection ~ 4.7.1). CMS will initiate negotiations with the vendor toward such a
reduction. No such event is anticipated. Excepting this or other extraordinary circumstance. the vendor may charge
up to the full amount permitted under applicable approved tariff rates.

Tax Exemption. AGENCY'S State of Illinois tax exemption number is E9989004603. The Federal tax exemption
certificate is available on request.


McLeodUSA Telecommunications Services, Inc.
Inmate Services

Day Rates


1- 99999


Evening Rates

Each Add


Night/Weekend Rates

Each Add



Current as of: April 3, 2002


Each Add

McLeodUSA Telecommunications Services, Inc.
Inmate Services

Day Rates



Evening Rates

NightIWeekend Rates


Each Add


Each Add


Each Add









Current as of October 5, 2001



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McLeodUSA Telecommunications Services, Inc.
Inmate Services
Day Rates


1 - 10
11 - 16
17 -22
23 -40
41 +


Each Add

Evening Rates

NightlWeekcnd Rates

Each Add



Current as of:


Each Add

McLeodUSA Telecommunications Services, Inc.
Inmate Services

Day Rates


17 - 22
23 -40
41 +

Evening Rates

Night/Weekend Rates


Each Add


Each Add


Each Add










Current as of:


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TERM AND RENEWALS: The length of the CONTRACT, including any renewals, may not exceed that
allowed by law, Including 30 ILCS 500/20-60. When the term begins on execution, that means the date
•. of final execution by the State. If the commencement of performance is delayed because lhe
CONTRACT is not executed by the State on the start date, the State may change the start date, end date
and milestones to reflect the delayed execution. No renewal may be effective automatically. No renewal
may be effective solely at the Vendor's option.
CCPS understands the length of the contract and any renewals cannot exceed the limit allowed by
law. We also understand that the term begins upon execution of the contract and the term may
change with any delays. Renewals are not automatic and must be agreed upon by both the
Vendor and State of illinois.


VENDOR shall submit invoices to the address, on the schedule and with the detail required by
the ordering AGENCY. Invoices for supplies ordered or services perfonned and expenses
incurred prior to July 1st must be presented to the AGENCY no later than July 31; otherwise
VENDOR may have to seek payment of such Invoices through the Illinois Court of Claims (30
ILCS 105/25). Billings shall be made to conform to State fiscal year requirements. including
prorating if necessary, notwithstanding any contrary provision in this CONTRACT or order.
CCPS understands any invoices sent to the State of illinois for services prior to July 1
must be submitted no later than July 31.

VENDOR shall not bill for any taxes unless a statement is att~ched to the bill identifying the lax
and showing why it is legally chargeable to the State. The State does not warrant the interest
component of any payment, including installment payments, are exempt from income tax liability.
CCPS understands that the State will not be charged taxes.


By submitting an invoice VENDOR certifies the supplies and services met all requirements of the
CONTRACT, and the amount billed and expenses incurred are as allowed in the CONTRACT.
CCPS understands that an invoice sent to the State certifies CCPS has met all
requirements of the CONTRACT.


Late payment charges, if any, shall not exceed the formula established in the Stale "Prompt
Payment" Act (30 ILCS 540/1) and rules (74 III. Adm. Code 900). Payments delayed at the
beginning of the State's fiscal year (JUly and August payments) because of the approprialion
process shall not be considered a breach.
CCPS understands that late payment charges will not exceed the formula In the State
"Prompt Payment" Act and delayed payments for July and August will not be considered a
breach of contract.

The AGENCY shall not be liable to pay for any supplies or services, including related expenses
subject of this CONTRACT incurred prior to the beginning of the tenn of this CONTRACT. My
CONTRACT or order labeled "subject to financing" or words to similar effect is subject to the
AGENCY obtaining suitable financing.
CCPS understands and will not bill tho State for supplies or services Incurred prior to the
beginning of the tenn of this CONTRACT.

revised 01·1~2002

Inmate Phones T200200012.

revs 0302


The approved invoice amount will be paid less any retainage and previous partial payments.
Final payment shall be made upon determination by the AGENCY that all requirements under this
CONTRACT have been completed, which determination shall not be unreasonably withheld.
Such final payment will be made subject to adjustment after completion of an audit of vendor's
records as provided for In this CONTRACT.
CCPS understands final payment on an invoice will be made less any retalnage and
previous partial payments.


Any contract or order requiring payment of financing interest is subject to the interest rate
limitation set by law of the greater of 9% or 125% of the G.O. Bond Index (30 tLCS 305/1).
CCPS understands the Interest rate limitation as set by law.


As a condition of payment, Vendor must pay its employees prevailing wages when required by
law (e.g., public works, printing, janitorial, window washing, security guard and food service), and
must pay Its suppliers and subcontractors providing lien waivers on request.
CCPS understands and complies with paying our employees, suppliers and sub·
contractors the prevailing wage.


AVAILABILITY OF APPROPRIATIONS (30 ILCS 500/20·60): AGENCY shall use its best efforts to
secure sufficient appropriations to fund this CONTRACT.
However, the AGENCY'S obligations
hereunder shall cease immediately, without penalty or further payment being required, if the Illinois
General Assembly or federal funding source fails to make an appropriation sufficient to pay such
obligation. The AGENCY shall determine whether amounts appropriated are sufficient. AGENCY shall
give VENDOR notice of insufficient funding as soon as practicable. VENDOR'S obligation to perform
shall cease upon receipt of the notice.

CCPS understands that the State will use Its best efforts to secure appropriations to fund this
CONTRACT. However the States obligation will cease Immediately without penalty if the General
Assembly or federal funding source fails to make the appropriate sufficient to pay such
obligation. The State shall give VENDOR notice as soon as possible and the VENDORS obligation
to perform will cease upon notification.

CONSULTATiON: VENDOR shall keep the AGENCY fully informed as to the progress of matters
covered by this CONTRACT. Where time permits and VENDOR is not otherwise prohibited from so
doing, VENDOR shall offer the AGENCY the opportunity to review relevant documents prior to filing with
any public body or adversarial party.
CCPS will keep the AGENCY fully informed to progress of matters covered by this CONTRACT
and VENDOR will allow the State to review relevant documents prior to filing with any pUblic body
or adversarlal party.


PERFORMANCE REVIEWS: The State may conduct a post performance review of lhe VENDOR'S
performance under the CONTRACT. Any professional and artistic services performed under this
CONTRACT shall be subject to a post performance review. The VENDOR shall cooperate with the State
in lhis review, which may require that VENDOR provide records of its performance and billing. Vendor
shall provide any required information within 30 days of the AGENCY'S request. This post perfonnance
review may be used by any State agency in determining Whether to enter into other contractual
relationships with the VENDOR.
CCPS understands that the AGENCY may perform a post performance review and VENDOR will be
required to provide required information within 30 days of request.

revised 01-15-2002

Inmate Phones T2OO2ooo12. Tevs 0302


AUDIT I RETENTION OF RECORDS (30 ILCS 500120-65): VENDOR and its subcontractors shall
maintain books and records relating to performance of the CONTRACT or subcontract and necessary to
support amounts charged to the State under the CONTRACT or subcontract. Books and records shall be
maintained by the Vendor for a period of 3 years from the later of the date of final payment under the
CONTRACT or completion of the CONTRACT, and by the subcontractor for a period of 3 years from the
later of the date of final payment under the subcontract or completion of the subcontract. The 3-year
.' period shall be extended for the duration of any audit in progress during the term. Books and records
required to be maintained under this section shall be available for review or audit by representatives of
the Auditor General, the AGENCY, and other governmental entities with monitoring authority upon
reasonable notice and during normal business hours. VENDOR and its subcontractors shall cooperate
fully with any such audit. Failure to maintain books and records required by this Section shall establish a
presumption in favor of the State for the recovery of any funds paid by the State under the CONTRACT
for which adequate books and records are not available to support the purported disbursement.
CCPS understands we must maintain records for 3 years past the termination date or date of final
payment and must be extended during any audit period for the purposes of aUditing. Any subcontractors must abide by the same rules.


SCHEDULE OF WORK: Any work performed on State premises shall be done during the hours
designated by the State and shall in any event be performed so as to minimize inconvenience to the State
and its personnel and minimize interference with the State's operations.
CCPS understands that the State will only allow CCPS to perform work during designated hours
and CCPS will comply.


INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR: The VENDOR shall be an independent contractor. Supplies provided
andlor services performed pursuant to this CONTRACT are not rendered as an employee of the
AGENCY or of the State of Illinois. Amounts paid pursuant to this CONTRACT do not constitute
compensation paid to an employee.
CCPS understands that we will act as an Independent contractor to the State. Any services
provided and paid will not be construed as an employee of the AGENCY or the State of Illinois.


RESPONSIBILITY FOR AGENTS AND EMPLOYEES: VENDOR shall be responsible for the negligent
acts and omissions of its agents, employees and subcontractors in their performance of VENDOR'S
duties under this CONTRACT. VENDOR represents that it shall utilize the services of individuals skilled
in the profession for which they will be used in performing services hereunder. In the event that the
AGENCY determines that any individual performing services for VENDOR hereunder is not providing
such skilled services, it shall promptly so notify VENDOR and VENDOR shall replace that individual.
CCPS takes full responsibility of our agents. employees and subcontractors while performing
duties under this CONTRACT. CCPS will use employees that deal directly with the services


VENDOR may not assign, subcontract, or transfer any interest in the work subject of this
CONTRACT without AGENCY'S prior written consenl In the event the AGENCY consents, the
terms and conditions of this CONTRACT shall apply to and bind the party to whom such work is
subcontracted. assigned, or transferred as fully and completely as VENDOR is hereby bound and
obligated. This includes requiring such parties to submit certifications and disdosures to
AGENCY for review and approval upon request.
CCPS understands that we cannot assign, subcontract, or transfer any interest in the work
without the AGENCY's prior written consent. If the AGENCY consents all tenns and
agreements of this CONTRACT will remain in effect.

revised 01·15-2002

Inmate Phones T2002oo012. TCVS 0302


Where VENDOR is providing professional and artistic services, names and addresses of all
subcontractors utilized by VENDOR shall be listed in an addendum to this CONTRACT together
with the anticipated amount of money that the subcontractor is expected to receive pursuant to
this CONTRACT (30 ILCS 500/35-40).
CCPS will not be using subcontractors at this time.


If VENDOR is unable to secure or maintain individuals named in the CONTRACT to render the
services, VENDOR shall not be relieved of its obligations to complete perfonnance. AGENCY
shall have the option to accept a substitute or to terminate the CONTRACT.
CCPS understands If we cannot retain the individuals named In the contract to render the
services, we are not exempt from our obligations to complete the contract The AGENCY
has the right to accept the substitutions or tennlnate the CONTRACT.


After notice, AGENCY may transfer the CONTRACT or payment responsibility to another State
agency, or assign the CONTRACT to a third-party for financing purposes.
CCPS understands the AGENCY may transfer the CONTRACT or payment responsibility to
another State agency or assign the CONTRACT to a third party for financing purposes.


LICENSE: VENDOR, direcUy or through its employees. shall have and maintain any required license.
With consent of the AGENCY, VENDOR may meet the license requirement through a subcontractor.
CCPS understands and has the required licenses to provide Inmate Call1ng Services in the State
of illinois.


The AGENCY reserves the right to maintain any equipment purchased under this CONTRACT
using AGENCY personnel or third-party maintainers. In such case, VENDOR shall provide the
AGENCY or its maintenance provider with such services, documentation, materials and parts
under reasonable terms and conditions and at reasonable costs. The AGENCY reserves the
right to return to VENDOR'S maintenance following written certification by VENDOR that the
equipment is eligible for VENDOR'S maintenance. VENDOR'S standard charges for the
certification inspection, plus any applicable charges required to bring the equipment into eligibility
for VENDOR'S maintenance shall apply. Exercise of Ihese rights by the AGENCY shall be
without penalty or sanction by VENDOR.
CCPS understands and will comply with the above mention of maintenance assurance.

If VENDOR discontinues service or maintenance of equipment or software provided under this
CONTRACT, VENDOR shall provide to the AGENCY at no cost adequate documentation and
access to specialized or proprietary tools to allow the AGENCY or a subcontractor to maintain the
equipment or software. This provision shall not apply if VENDOR arranges for continued service
and maintenance through another vendor and at a price acceptable to the AGENCY.
CCPS understands and will comply with the rules stated in section b regarding the
maintenance of equipment.


Any documents or information obtained by VENDOR from the AGENCY in connection with this
CONTRACT shall be kept confidential and shall not be provided to any third party unless
disclosure is approved in writing by the AGENCY.
CCPS understands that any Infonnatlon or documents obtained from the AGENCY will be
kept confidential and shall not be provided to any third party unless agreed in Writing by



Unless otherwise agreed in writing the following applies. Work product produced under this
CONTRACT, including, but not limited to, documents. reports, information, documentation of any
Inmate Phones T2002oo012. TeVS 0302

sort and ideas, whether preliminary or final, shall become and remain the property of the STATE.
including any patent. copyright or other intellectual property rights. With the exception of ideas,
all such work products shall be considered works make for hire within the meaning of 17 U.S.C.
§101. To the extent that any portion of such work product is not a work made for hire. VENDOR
completely and without reservation assigns to the AGENCY all right, title and interest in and to
such portion of the work products, as well as all related intellectual property rights, including
patent and copyright. AG ENCY shall exercise all rights of ownership In all such work prOduct
without restriction or limitation including as to use, and without further compensation to VENDOR.
VENDOR shall not acquire or have any right to use, disclose or reproduce the work product or
any equipment. documents, information. media, software, or know-how obtained from the State
except to perform this CONTRACT. Nothing herein shall be construed as precluding the use of
any information independently acquired by VENDOR without such limitation.
CCPS understands and will comply.

The ideas, methodologies, processes, inventions and tools (including computer hardware and
software where applicable) that VENDOR previously developed and brings to the AGENCY in
furtherance of performance of the CONTRACT shall remain the property of the VENDOR.
VENDOR grants to the AGENCY a nonexclusive license to use and employ such software, ideas,
concepts, methodologies, processes, inventions and tools solely within its enterprise.
CCPS understands and will comply.


VENDOR warrants that all services will be performed in a good and professional manner. Unless
otherwise agreed, Vendor warrants that supplies shall be new, unused, of most current
manufacture and not discontinued, shall be free of defects in materials and workmanship, shall be
provided in accordance with manufacturer's standard warrantY and shall perfonn in accordance
with manufacturer's pUblished specificstioPls. VENDOR warrants it has title to, or the right to
allow the State to use, the supplies and services being provided and that the State may use same
without suit, trouble or hindrance from VENDOR or third parties.
CCPS understands and will comply.

VENDOR, for itself and its subcontractors and agents, represents and warrants that: (i) all
products delivered and services performed under this CONTRACT (the ·Products") are uYear
2000 Compliant, II and will and are designed to accurately receive, retrieve, process, provide and
output date/time data from, in and between the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, and from, in
and between the years 1999 and 2000. In the event of a breach of this Year 2000 warranty,
VENDOR shall, at its sole expense and without interrupting ongoing business of the State,
immediately take all necessary actions to cure the breach.
CCPS understands and will comply.


VENDOR agrees to assume, without limitation, all risk of Joss and to indemnify and hold the
State, its officers, agents and employees, harmless from and against any and all liabilities.
demands, claims, suits, losses, damages, causes of aclion, fines or judgments, InclUding costs,
attorneys' and witnesses' fees, and expenses Incident thereto, relating to bodily injuries to
persons (inclUding death) and for loss of, damage to, or destruction of real and/or tangible
personal property (inclUding property of the State) resulling from the negligence or misconduct of
VENDOR. its employees, agents, or subcontractors In the performance of the CONTRACT.
VENDOR shall assume risk of loss until delivery to the agency's facility. VENDOR shall do
nothing to prejudice the State's right to recover against third parties for any loss. destruction, or
damage to State property, and shall at the State's request and expense, furnish to the State
reasonable assistance and cooperation, including assistance in the prosecution of suit and the
execution of instruments of assignment in favor of the State in obtaining recovery.
CCPS understands and will comply.

revised 01·15-2002

Inmale Phones T200200012, TCVS 0302


VENDOR shall maintain public liability, casualty and auto insurance in sufficient amount to protect
the State from liability for acts of VENDOR and risks and indemnities assumed by VENDOR. If
VENDOR does not have minimum coverage for bodily injury of $250,000 per person/$500,OOO
per occurrence, and for property damage, $100,000 per occurrence. VENDOR must inform the
AGENCY and seek written permission for lesser coverage. VENDOR shall carry Worker's
Compensation Insurance in am~unt required by law. Upon request, VENDOR shall provide and
maintain any bond required by law or the AGENCY. VENDOR shall provide copies of certificates
of insurance eVidencing the coverage described in this paragraph.
CCPS understands and will comply.


VENDOR shall, wilhout limitation, at its expense defend the AGENCY against all claims asserted
by any person that anything provided by VENDOR infringes a patent, copyright, trade secret or
other intellectual property right and shall, without limitation. pay the costs, damages and
attorneys' fees awarded against the AGENCY in any such action, or pay any settlement of such
action or claim. Each party agrees to notify the other promptly of any matters to which this
provision may apply and to cooperate with each other in connection with such defense or
settlement. If a preliminary or final jUdgment shall be obtained against the AGENCY'S use or
operation of the items provided by VENDOR hereunder or any part thereof by reason of any
alleged infringement. VENDOR shall, at its expense and without limitation, either (a) modify the
item so that if becomes noninfringing; or (b) procure for the AGENCY the right to continue to use
the item; or (c) substitute for the infringing item other itemes) having at least equivalent capability;
or (d) refund to the AGENCY an amount equal to the price paid, less reasonable usage from
installation acceptance through cessation of use, which amount shall be calCUlated on a useful
life not less than 5 years, and pIus any additional costs the State may incur to acquire substitute
supplies or services.
CCPS understands and will comply.


AGENCY assumes no liability for actions of VENDOR and is unable to indemnify or hold
VENDOR or any third·party harmless for claims based on this CONTRACT or use of VENDOR
provided supplies or services. Unless provided by law, VENDOR is not eligible for indemnity
under the State Employee Indemnification Act (SILCS 350/1). The State's liability for damages is
expressly limited by and subject to the provisions of the Illinois Court of Claims Act (705 ILCS
505/1) and to the availability of suitable appropriations.
CCPS understands and will comply.


Neither party shall be liable for incidental, special or consequential damages.
CCPS understands and will comply.


TAX COMPLIANCE: VENDOR shall be in compliance with applicable tax requirements and shall be
current in payment of such taxes.
CCPS is in compliance with applicable tax requirements and is current in payment of such taxes.

revised 01-1>2002

Inmate Phones T2oo200012, TeVS 0302


SOLICITATION AND EMPLOYMENT: VENDOR shall not employ any person employed by the
AGENCY during the term of this CONTRACT to perform any work required by the terms of this
CONTRACT. As a condition of this CONTRACT, the VENDOR shall give notice immediately to the
AGENCY'S director if VENDOR solicits or intends to solicit for employment any of the AGENCY'S
employees during the term of this CONTRACT. AGENCY has no authority to contractually refuse to hire
•. VENDOR'S employees who apply to the State for employment.
CCPS agrees not to employ anyone from the State during the term of this contract and will give
notice to the State if we Intend to solicit any State employee for hire.


BACKGROUND CHECK: The State may conduct criminal and driver history background che<:ks of
VENDOR'S officers, employees or agents who would directly supervise or physically perform the
CONTRACT requirements at State facilities. Any officer, employee or agent deemed unsuitable by the
State must be replaced immediately.
CCPS understands the State can conduct criminal and driver history background checks of any CCPS
officers, employees or agents who would directly supervise or perform the services providod under this
contract. Any CCPS personnel referenced In the previous sentence deemed unsuitable by the State must
be replaced Immediately.


lEGAL ABILITY TO CONTRACT: VENDOR certifies it is under no legal prohibition on contracting with
the State of Illinois, has no known conflicts of Interest and further specifically certifies that:
CCPS Is under no legal prohibition on contracting with the State of illinois, and has no conflicts of

VENDOR, its employees and subcontractors will comply with~ applicable provisions of the U.S.
Civil Rights Act, Section 504 of the Federal Rehabilitation Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act
(42 U.S.C. 12101 et seq.) and applicable rules in performance under this CONTRACT.
CCPS complies with all applicable provisions of the U.S. Civil Rights Act, the American
Disabilities Act and applicable rules In performance under this contract.


VENDOR is not in default on an educational loan (5 ILCS 385/3).
CCPS is not In default of the educational loan.


VENDOR has informed the director of the AGENCY in writing if VENDOR was formerly employed
by that AGENCY and has received an early retirement incentive under Section 14-108.3 or 16·
133.3 of the Illinois Pension Code (30 ILCS 105/15a).
CCPS employees are not former employees of the Agency and have not received an early
retirement incentive under Section 14-108.3 or 16-133.3.


VENDOR has not been convicted of bribing or attempting to bribe an officer or employee of the
State of Illinois or any other State. nor has made an admission on the record of having so bribed
or attempted to bribe (30 IlCS 500/50-5).
CCPS employees have not been convicted of bribing or attempting to bride an officer or
employee of the State of Ullnols or any other State or has an admission on the record of
having so bribed or attempted to bride.


If VENDOR has been convicted of a felony, at least five years have passed after the dale of
completion of the sentence for such felony, unless no person held responsible by a prosecutor's
office for the facts upon which the conviction was based continues to have any involvement with
the business (30 ILCS 500/50·10).
CCPS employees have not been convicted of a felony.

revised 01·15-2002

Inmate Phones T20020C012.

revs 0302


VENDOR is not barred from being awarded a contract because the VENDOR is delinquent in the
payment of any debt to the State, unless VENDOR has entered into a deferred payment plan to
payoff the debt, and VENDOR acknowledges the contracting state agency may declare the
contract void if the certification is false (30 ILCS SO0/50-11 , effectIve JUly 1, 2002).
CCPS is not delinquent in the payment of any debt to the State.


VENDOR has not paid any money or valuable thing to induce any person to refrain from bidding
on a State contract, nor has VENDOR accepted any money or other valuable thing, or acted upon
the promise of same, for not bidding on a State contract (30 ILCS 500/50-25).
CCPS has not paid any money or valuable thing to induce any person to refrain from
bidding on a State contract, nor has CCPS accepted any money or other valuable thing, or
acted upon the promise of it, for not bidding on a State contract.


VENDOR is not in violation of the "Revolving Door" section of the lIJinois Procurement Code (30
ILCS 500/50-30).
CCPS is not In violation of the "RevolVing Door" section of the Illinois Procurement Code.


VENDOR will report to the Illinois Attorney General and the Chief Procurement Officer any
suspected collusion or other anticompetitive practice among any bidders, offerors. contractors,
proposers or employees of the State (30 ILCS 500/50-40 1 150-45,/SO-50).
CCPS wfJI report to the illinois Attorney General and the Chief Procurement Otticer any
suspected collusion or other antlcompetitJve practice among any bidders, ottarors.
contractors, proposers or employees of the State.


VENDOR will, pursuant to the Drug Free Workplace Act. provide a drug free workplace, and if an
individual shall not engage in the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation. possession or
use of a controlled substance in the perfonnance of the CONTRACT. This certification applies to
CONTRACTS of $5000 or more with: individuals; and to entities with twenty-five (25) or more
employees (30 ILCS 580).
CCPS Is a drug-free workplace.


Neither VENDOR nor any SUbstantially owned affiliate is participating or shall participate in an
international boycott in violation of the U.S. Export Administration Act of 1979 or the applicable
regulations of the U.S. Department of Commerce. This certification applies to CONTRACTS thai
exceed $10,000 (30 ILCS 582).
Neither CCPS nor any affiliates are participating or shall participate in an international


VENDOR has not been convicted of the offense of bid rigging or bid rotating or any similar
offense of any State or of the United States (720 ILCS 5/33E·3. 5/33E-4).
CCPS has not been convicted of the offense of bid rigging or bid rotating of any State or of
the United States.


VENDOR complies with the Illinois Department of Human Rights Act and rules applicable to
public contracts, including equal employment opportunity. refraining from unlawful discrimination,
and having written sexual harassment policies (775 ILCS 5/2.105).
CCPS complies with the I/Iinols Department of Human Rights Act and rules applicable to
public contracts l InclUdIng equal employment opportunityl refraining from unlawful
discrimInation, and having written sexual harassment policies (7751LCS 5/2-105).

re'ilsed 01·15-2002

Inmala Phones T2002OC012, TCVS 0302

VENDOR does not pay dues to, or reimburse or subsidize payments by its employees for, any
dues or fees to any -discriminatory clubIlCS 25J2).



CCPS does not pay dues to, or reimburse or subsidize payments by its employees for, any
dues or fees to any "discriminatory clubll (nSllCS 25/2).

• CONFLICTS OF INTEREST: VENDOR has disclosed, and agrees it is under a continuing obligation to
disclose to the AGENCY. financial or other interests (public or private, direct or indirect) that may be a
potential conflict of interest or which would prohibit Vendor from having or continuing the CONTRACT.
This includes, but is not limited to conflicts under the -Infrastructure Task Force fee prohibition- section of
the State Finance Act (30 IlCS 105/8.40), Article 50 of the Illinois Procurement Code (30 IlCS 500/50),
or those which may conflict in any manner with the VENDOR's obligation under this CONTRACT. Vendor
shall nol employ any person with a conflict to perform under this CONTRACT. If any conflict under
Section 50-13 exists. no contract may be issued without an exemption from the Governor pursuant to
Section SQ.20 of the Illinois Procurement Code. An exemption is necessary if:
CCPS understands and will comply.
a) the person intending to contract with the State, their spouse or minor child:
1. holds an elective office in Illinois;
2. holds a seat in the Illinois General Assembly;
3. is an officer or employee of the Capital Development Board or the Illinois Toll Highway Authority;
4. holds an appointed position or is employed in any of the offices or agencies of the State
government and who receives compensation for such employment in excess of 60% of the salary
of the Governor (currently $90,420.00). (The conflict of interest threshold of 60% of the
Governor's salary set forth in Section 5Q.13 does not apply to elective office holders, legislators,
and officers or employees of the Capital Development Board or the Illinois Toll Highway
b) the contract is with a firm, partnership, association or corporation in which a person covered by item
(a) above receives more than 7%% of the total distributable income or an amount in excess of the
salary of the Govemor (currently $150.700).
c) the contract is with a firm, partnership, association or corporation in which a person covered by item
(a), together with their spouse or minor child, receives more than 15% in the aggregate of the total
distributable income or an amount in excess of 2 times the salary of the Governor (currently
$301,400) from the firm, partnership, association or corporation.
CCPS understands and will comply.


penalty to the AGENCY or further payment required in the event of: (i) any breach of this CONTRACT
which, if it is susceptible of being cured, is not cured within 15 days of the AGENCY giving notice of
breach to VENDOR, including but not limited 10 failure of VENDOR to maintain covenants.
representations. warranties, certifications, bonds and insurance; (ii) commencement of a proceeding by or
against VENDOR under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code or similar law; or any action by VENDOR to dissolve,
merge, or liquidate; or (iii) malerial misrepresentation or falsification of information provided by VENDOR
in the course of any dealing between the PARTIES or between VENDOR and any State agency.
CCPS understands.


FORCE MAJEURE: Failure by either party to perform its duties and obligations will be excused by
unforeseeable circumstances beyond its reasonable control, Including acts of nalUre, acts of the public
enemy, riots, labor or material shortages. labor disputes, fire, flood, explosion, legislation. and
governmental regulation.
CCPS understands and will comply.


revised 01-15-2002

Inmate Phones 7200200012, TCVS 0302

. .ttl




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ANTITRUST ASSIGNMENT: Vendor hereby assigns, sells and transfers to the State of Illinois all r(ght,
titre and interest In and to any claims and causes of action arising under antitrust laws of illinois or the
United States relating to the subject malter of the CONTRACT.
CCPS understands and will comply.
"NON-DISCRIMINATION: In compliance with the State and Federal Constitutions, the Illinois Human
Rights Act, the U. S. Civil Rights Act, and Section 504 of the Federal Rehabilitation Act, the AGENCY
does not unlawfully discriminate in employment, contracts, or any other activity.
CCPS understands.


APPLICABLE LAW: This CONTRACT shall be construed in accordance with and be subject to Illinois
laws and rules, including the Standard Procurement Rules (44 III. Adm. Code 1). The Department of
Human Rights' Equal Opportunity requirements are incorporated by reference (44 1/1. Adm. Code 750).
Arty claim against the State arising out of this CONTRACT must be filed exclusively with the Illinois Court
of Claims (7051LCS 505/1). The State shall not enter into binding arbitration to resolve any CONTRACT
dispute. The State of Illinois does not waive sovereign immunity by entering into this CONTRACT. Any
provision containing a citation to an Illinois statute (cited ILCS) may not contain complete statutory
language. The official text, which is Incorporated by reference, can be found in the appropriate chapter
and section of the Illinois Compiled Statutes. An unoffICial version can be viewed at www./
CCPS understands.


NOTICES: Notices shall be in writing and may be delivered by any means. Notices by fax must show the
date/time of successful receipt. Notices to VENDOR shall be sent to the person shown on the signature
page. Notices to AGENCY shall be sent to the executive head of the AGENCY at AGENCY
headquarters. Notice of any name, address. or fax number change sheW be given to the other in writing.
CCPS understands and will comply.


ENTIRE CONTRACT: This CONTRACT, with attachments. constitutes the entire agreement between the
PARTIES concerning the subject matter of the CONTRACT. Modifications and waivers must be in writing
and signed by authorized representatives of the PARTIES. Any provision of this CONTRACT officially
declared void, unenforceable. or against public policy, shall be ignored and the remaining provisions of
this CONTRACT shall be interpreted. as far as possible. to give effect to the PARTIES' intent. All
provisions that by their nature would be expected to survive. shall survive termination of this CONTRACT,
inclUding withoullimilation provisions relating to confidentiality, warranty. ownership and liability.
CCPS understands and wiIJ comply.


CONTRACTING AUTHORITY: Certain contracts must be signed or approved by the Director of the
Department of Central Management Services (CMS) before they are binding on the State. In those
instances CMS shall not be responsible for costs or funding even though payments may be made through
CMS' facilities.
CCPS understands.

revised 01·15-2002

Inmate Phones T20020c012.

revs 0302


11: 36




The following supplementallerms and conditions. if checked, are attached and are applicable to this CONTRACT:


Public Works Requirements.·
Prevailing Wage (ianitoria'. security guard, window washing and food service if

valued at more than $200 per month or $2000 per year).·
Prevailing Wage (all printing contracts).Prohibition on Contingent Fees (certain federally funded contracts)

Other (describe)

·'nformation regarding prevailing wage. benefit and working condition requirements may be obtained from the
Illinois Deoartment of Labor (217-782-8208) and information may be Viewed al their web site
( You must check with IDOL before submitting your offer to determine the prevailing
e.s, benefits and working conditions applicable to this solicitation.

,~~~lLW 1. Addendum 1, 2, 3, and 4 were submitted to vendors and are
incorporated herein •
. Technical Clarification 11 was submitted to vendor.
is attached.



Inmate Phones 'T2OO2GOO12. TCVS 0302



By submitting a bid or proposal or entering into this contract, the Vendor certifies its compliance with applicable public
r,orks requirements. and specifically certifies those employed under the contract as laborers, workmen and mechanics will
receive. the prevailing wage rate and work under conditions prevalent in the locality in which the work is performed.

All Vendors shall familiarize themselves with all provisions of all Acts referred to below, shall make an
investigation of labor conditions and all negotiated labor agreements which may exist or are contemplated at this
time, and shall conform to alllllinofs statutory requirements regarding pUblic works, including but not limited to the

Illinois Constitution, Article 1, Section 17, requires that the employment opportunities be free from


The Illinois Human Rights Act, as amended (775ILCS 5) and implementing rules.


The Public Works Employment Discrimination Act, as amended (775 ILCS 10).


The Veterans' Preference Act, as amended (330 ILCS 55).


The Service Men's Employment Tenure Act, as amended (330 ILCS 60).


In accordance with the Public Works Preference Act (30 ILCS 560) shall utilize Illinois laborers to Ihe
extent they are available and capable of performing the work of the contract.


In accordance with the Employment of Illinois Workers on PuPlic Works Act (30 ILCS 570), all laborers
(whether. skilled, semiskilled, unskilled, manual or nonmanual) used on this project must be Illinois
residents for at least 30 days prior to the effective date of the contract resulting from this bid. No more
than three regular executive or technical employees of the vendor may be excluded from the residency
requirement. Other exceptions are authorized if there are not sufficient qualified Illinois residents.
However, the vendor must first certify to that fact and obtain approval from the state project manager.


The Illinois Steel Products Procurement Act (30 ILCS 565). Steel products used or supplied in the
perfonnance of this contract shall be manufactured or produced in the United Stales, unless an exception
is granted by the executive head of the procuring agency.


In no event shall minors be employed except as authorized by the Child Labor
ILCS 205).


In no event shall convict labor be employed except as authorized under Unified Code of Corrections. as
amend (730 ILCS 5).


The Prevailing Wage Act, as amended (820 ILCS 130). This Act provides, in part, that wages paid to
employed laborers, workmen and mechanics performing work under a public works contract must be not
less than the prevailing rate of wages as determined by the Illinois Department of Labor. The Vendor
shall prominenUy post the current schedule of prevailing wages at the project site. Nothing in the Acts
referred to in this paragraph shall be construed to prohibit the payment of more than the prevailing wage

Law, as amended (820

Vendor must contact the Illinois Department of Labor to determine whether this provision is applicable
and what the prevailing wages, fringe benefits and working conditions are for the locale in which the
contract is to take place. It is your responsibility to ensure you pay the current rate at all times.
The Vendor and subcontractors shall keep or cause to be kept an accurate record of names, occupations
and actual wages paid to each laborer, workman and mechanic employed by him in connection with the
Contract. The record shall be open at all reasonable hours for inspection by any representative of the
procuring agency or the Illinois Department of Labor, and must be preserved for three years following
completion of the Contract.
re'Med 01·15-2002

Inmate Phones T200200Q12. TCVS 0302



The Illinois Department of Labor determines the prevailing wage applicable to the locale in which this
contract is to take place. The applicable rate for each skill category and location must be obtained from
the Illinois Department of Labor. IDOL lists prevailing wage rates at and can
be reached by telephone at 217·782·1710.


CCPS has read the above requirements regarding the Public Works requirements and agree to
conform to all Illinois statutory requirements including but not limited to the above rules.


Performance Bond.
Project Performance Bond 100% of labor cost needed to complete the contract
For all contracts having a stated face value of $5000 or more. Vendor shall provide a project performance
bond equal to the above dollar amount (or % of the contract price) for the initial term. During any renewal term
the amount shall remain the same unless otherwise agreed. The cost of the performance bond shall be included
in the price offered to the state.
The perfonnance bond is intended, in part. to ensure the payment of prevailing wage and benefits.
CCPS understands and will comply with providing a project performance bond within 10 days of the
award of the contract.




Inmate Phones T200200012,

revs 0302

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Any additional material and any exceptions must be noted on this page and provided as part of this attachment.
We do not encourage taking exceptions. We have extremely limited ability to grant exceptions particularly in
regard to statutory requirements (those cited with ILCS. meaning illinois Compiled Statutes). We are not required
to grant exceptions and depending on the exception, we may have to reject your offer.
Additional Material (mark one)
No other material included


Other material included (describe--attach additional pages if needed)

CCPS has added additional sections to the bid as follows:
Appendix A contains telephone, TOO, recorder and call processing equipment specifications and
collateral material
. AppendIx B contains Account team infonnation and resumes
Appendix C contains copies of reports that can be provided to the State of Illinois
Appendix D which contains a copy of the 10K for the year ending December 31, 2001
Appendix E which contains the tariffs that are filed through the illinois Commerce Commission


Attachments contain Attachment A-1 and Attachment B. These were prOVided within Addendum 1 on
March 26, 2002.
Addendum 1 contains addendum 1, provided by the State of illinois on March 26, 2002.
Addendum 2 contains addendum 2, provided by the State of illinois on May 2, 2002.
Addendum 3 contains addendum 3, provided by the State of illinois on May 8, 2002.
Addendum 4 contains addendum 4, provided by the State of illinois on May 28, 2002.
Exceptions (mark one):


No exceptions

______ Exceptions taken (describe--attach additional pages if needed)

revised 01-15-2002

Inmate Phones T200200012. rcvs 0302

Taxpayer Identiflcation Number


r· Under penalties of perjury, I, (print and sign)


Brian Carr
that the name, taxpayer identification number, and legal status listed below are correct.


Name of VENDOR (and DBA): The name of the firm making the offer and shown on contract documents
must be the legal name associated with the taxpayer's identification number. Show the official business
name used to file Illinois and United States taxes using the SSN or EIN shown below. If you are an entity doing
business in another name, please show the name of the official entity and the name of the entity you are doing
business as in the following form: "Official EIN Name" d.b.a. "Name Of Contracting Entity"
Name (official EIN name) McLeodUSA Public Services, Inc.
d.b.a. CCPS (Consolidated Communications Public Services. Inc.)

Taxpayer Identification Number; If you are an individual, enter your name and SSN as it appears on your Social
Security Card. If completing this certification for a sole proprietorship, enter the owner's name followed by the
name of the business and the owner's SSN. For all other entities, enter the EIN.)

Social Security Number

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ or

Employer Identification Number


legal Status (check one):
_ _ _ Individual

_ _ _ Nonresident Alien

_ _ _ Sole Proprietorship

_ _ _ Tax Exempt'HospitallExtended Care Facility

_ _ _ Partnership/Legal Corporation

_ _ _ Pharmacy/Funeral Home/Cemetery Corporation

----'x~_ Corporation

_ _ _ Medical Corporation


_ _ _ Pharmacy (non-corporate)

Estate or Trust


revised 01·15·2002

Inmate Phones T200200012.

revs 0302




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