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June 24, 2013
Michael Crews, Secretary
Negotiation Team -ITN #12-DC-8396,
Statewide Inmate Telephone Services
Shane Phillips, Bureau of Contract Management and Monitoring
Randy Agerton, Bureau of Security Operations
Steve Wilson, Office of the Inspector General
Julyn Hussey, Procurement Manager, Bureau of Procurement & Supply
Recommendation of Award
In accordance with s, 287,057 (1) (c) 5" the Department's Negotiation Team hereby provides its recommendation of award to Embarq
Payphone Services, Inc, dba CenturyLink for ITN # 12-DC-8396 Statewide Inmate Telephone Services,
Historv: The Department released the Invitation to Negotiate (ITN) in April 2013 and opened on May 21, 201J The Department
evaluated the responses against evaluation criteria and conducted negotiations with three (3) companies: Global Tel'Link Corporation,
Securus Technologies, Inc, and Embarq Payphone Services, Inc, dba CenturyLink, Subsequent to negotiations, the Department
issued its Request for Best and Final Offers (BAFO) and each vendor was provided an opportunity to respond with their BAFO to the
Basis of Selection: While each vendor's BAFO demonstrated the ability to provide the required services as set forth in the ITN, it has
been determined that Embarq Payphone Services, Inc, dba Century Link demonstrates the best value and to be the most
advantageous to the Department due to the following proposed deliverables,
A complete turn-key inmate telephone system that provides the Department with enhanced communication, security and
forensic investigation options allowing the department to conduct detailed analysis of external and internal calling data,
A system that will deploy call processing, storage and network which will be 100% dedicated to the Department
A pricing structure that increases the department's commission rate by approximately 27% while lowering the cost of a 15
minute collect phone call to inmate family and friends by approximately 25%, The lower cost per call should lead to increased
communication between inmates and their family and friends which will ultimately help support the Department's Re-Entry
Additional negotiated services reflected in the department's recommendation include:
o Free Calls
o Forensic Options
o Investigative Function
o Cell Phone Detection
o Interactive Voice Response (IVR) Scheduling
o Inmate Voice Mail
o Ability to search by keyword
o Capability to capture inmate to inmate telephone communications
A 5-Site video visitation pilot with the ability to implement statewide at the Department's discretion
For these reasons, the negotiation team would like to award the contract to Embarq Payphone Services, Inc, dba CenturyLink,
Mike Dew, Chief of Staff
Jodi Bailey, Director of Procurement & Contract Management
Rosalyn In~, Bureau of Procurement & Supply
\Uf0/J ~
5454 W. 110th Street, 3rd Floor
Overland Park, KS 66211
June 18, 2013
Julyn Hussey, Procurement Manager
Cc: Kelly Wright, Purchasing Analyst
Florida Department of Corrections
Bureau of Procurement and Supply
501 South Calhoun Street
Tallahassee, FL 32399-2500
Re: Request for Best and Final Offer, ITN # 12-DC-8396
Dear Ms. Hussey,
On behalf of our entire account management and service teams, thank you for this opportunity to
provide a Best and Final Offer to the Florida Department of Corrections.
As shown in our response, CenturyLink is able to provide all the additional negotiated services at
affordable pricing. In addition, our network capabilities and existing presence in Florida would enable
us to provide all these capabilities with the highest service standards – to the Department, its inmates,
and their family members.
If you have any questions please contact me at the number below, or Vicki Johnson at 888.375.7318 or
850.212.8880. Thank you again and we look forward to hearing from you.
Paul Cooper
General Manager
CenturyLink Correctional Markets
State of Florida
Department of Corrections
In Reference To
ITN # 12-DC-8396
June 14, 2013
Responses to RBAFO Due By
Close of Business (5:00 p.m. ET) Tuesday, June 18, 2013
(850) 717-3679
FAX (850) 488-7189
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ITN 07-DC-7904
Embarq Payphone Services, Inc. dba CenturyLink
Submitted: June 18, 2013
Primary Contact: Victoria Johnson
victoria.l.johnson | 850.212.8880
The Florida Department of Corrections has issued this
This is the Request for Best and Final Offer (RBAFO) in response to negotiations with three (3) respondents to the
Department’s ITN# 12-DC-8396. This RBAFO contains Pricing, Additional Negotiated Services, and Value Added Services as
discussed during negotiation and outlined below. The other specifications of the original ITN, unless modified in the RBAFO,
remain in effect. Respondents are cautioned to clearly read the entire RBAFO for all revisions and changes to the original ITN
and any addenda to specifications, which are incorporated herein and made part of this RBAFO document.
Unless otherwise modified in this Request for Best and Final Offer, the initial requirements as set forth in the Department’s
Invitation to Negotiate document and any addenda issued thereto have not been revised and remain as previously indicated.
Additionally, to the extent that portions of the ITN have not been revised or changed, the previous reply / initial reply provided
to the Department will remain in effect.
CenturyLink has read and understands these requirements.
The Respondent shall provide their Best and Final Offer for rates on the below Cost Proposal Table. Costs should be
submitted with the most favorable terms the Respondent can offer.
NOTE: Blended Telephone Rates for family and friends shall not exceed two dollars and ten cents ($2.10) for a
fifteen (15) minute call.
The Department is seeking pricing that will provide the best value to the State. The Department desires that the
resultant contract generates the highest percentage of revenue for the state and the lowest possible telephone call
rate charges for inmate families and friends.
Commission %
Rate Proposed
Telephone Rate
for All Calls*
(inclusive of
5 years
CenturyLink’s offered calling and commission rates are meant to best balance calling rates with
commission revenue to the State. We also add that the blended rate offered above does NOT utilize a
per-call surcharge – i.e. CenturyLink would charge end-users $0.099 per minute, without a per-call
Request for Best & Final Offer
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Embarq Payphone Services, Inc. dba CenturyLink
Submitted: June 18, 2013
Primary Contact: Victoria Johnson
victoria.l.johnson | 850.212.8880
surcharge. This constitutes a significant decrease in end-user rates while providing a substantially higher
commission to the State.
While including a per-call surcharge could decrease our reported blended rate (by spreading the
surcharge over the maximum call length of 15 minutes/call, rather than actual call length), CenturyLink
advocates this rate structure for the Department:
The issue of refund disputes is eliminated – e.g. if a family member accidentally hook-flashes
during a call – because called parties pay only for the minutes they use.
Inmates make more frequent calls and connections with family members, since a short call is
less expensive. Our experience in other States shows that this more frequent calling has the
added benefit of providing more overall commission revenue.
Further, CenturyLink reaffirms that the commission percentage above will be paid on all call charges
from all phones – both inmate and coin-operated – and that commission payments will be audited biannually by a certified public accounting firm.
Finally, we ask for special consideration of CenturyLink’s revenue performance vs. other
providers as presented in our ITN response and negotiation session. CenturyLink’s billing
& customer service program consistently completes more calls and generates 25% or
more commissionable revenue than other providers, in addition to providing
fundamentally better service to end-users.
The Department is interested in the following services that were addressed during negotiations:
The Respondent shall provide a detailed description of each of the below services, systems and/or equipment
functionality, in narrative form. If included in the Contractor’s BAFO and all, or a portion of, are accepted by the
Department, these services shall be provided as part of the contracted service, and at the rates shown in the Cost
Proposal (see Attachment 1) submitted in the respondent’s BAFO.
CenturyLink has read, agrees, and will comply. Our solutions for each of the additional services
requested are industry-leading, and meet or exceed the Department’s requirements. Detailed
descriptions are provided below under each service.
Investigative functions : An Investigative tool with the ability to import external sources of data and at
least one (1) dedicated staff person to assist with analyzing investigative data;
CenturyLink is able to provide to the Department. These functions are a standard feature of
our proposed system, and we are able to provide dedicated staff with minimal impact to our
financial offer as shown in Attachment 1.
Specifically addressing staffing, our proposal includes one (1) qualified full-time staff
member, with competitive salary and benefits, f that is 100% dedicated to investigation
work, as well as an in-state Program Manager with investigations as a primary function.
Additional personnel are of course available to the Department if needed.
Request for Best & Final Offer
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Embarq Payphone Services, Inc. dba CenturyLink
Submitted: June 18, 2013
Primary Contact: Victoria Johnson
victoria.l.johnson | 850.212.8880
The Enforcer platform is equipped with an import utility that will accept & import data from
external sources. This import utility\application will accept data in any pre-defined format
and the application will normalize the data into XML format prior to updating the
centralized database. Both the source file and the normalized XML file will be stored and
achieved to audit data integrity.
CenturyLink will collaborate with the Department to customize the link analysis and
resulting reporting on our dedicated platform.
Custom query analysis
Through custom query analysis, users are able to define patterns and criteria that are
suspicious and require follow-up by Department or CenturyLink investigations staff.
Suspicious calls may be notated in the system and/or marked for follow-up by another
investigator, or marked for personnel to listen to directly for further analysis.
Because CenturyLink would implement a system dedicated to FL DOC, custom queries and
reports are able to be developed in an accelerated timeframe, with criteria and screens
customized to the Department’s business rules.
Request for Best & Final Offer
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Embarq Payphone Services, Inc. dba CenturyLink
Submitted: June 18, 2013
Primary Contact: Victoria Johnson
victoria.l.johnson | 850.212.8880
Listening queue
Once calls are identified as suspicious and needing further review, the Enforcer’s Listen
Queue tool helps Investigations manage case activities. Depending on the Department’s
rules, authorized listeners can choose calls randomly or be ‘forced’ to listen to identified
calls in order, then include notes and follow-up. All functions are tracked for management
Listening productivity is also enhanced by the Enforcer’s Enhanced Call Player, which allows
users to isolate portions of the call, skip, or speed up playback (note human speech can be
sped up approximately 130% without loss of understanding). In this way a 15 minute phone
call can be reviewed and notated in as little as 3 or 4 minutes.
Request for Best & Final Offer
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Embarq Payphone Services, Inc. dba CenturyLink
Submitted: June 18, 2013
Primary Contact: Victoria Johnson
victoria.l.johnson | 850.212.8880
Forensic extraction options: Minimum of six (6) Universal Forensic Extraction Devices (Cellbrite or
equivalent); and off site examination of data - maintaining a defendable chain of custody;
CenturyLink is able to provide to the Department the required number units, along with offsite examination of data. More units are available by negotiation.
CenturyLink offers Cellebrite’s UFED Ultimate all-in-one mobile
forensic solution. UFED Ultimate performs physical, logical, and file
system extractions of cell phones – performing a complete data
extraction of existing, hidden, and deleted phone data, including call
history, text messages, contacts, email, chat, media files, geotags,
passwords, and more. UFED Ultimate will the Department
unparalleled access to investigative cellular data.
Ultimate also includes UFED Physical Analyzer, the most powerful and feature-rich mobile
forensics tool in the industry. UFED Physical Analyzer highlights the most critical
components of an extracted phone’s memory data, making navigating through the data
easier and more flexible than ever. Users can generate reports, print them, and/or save
them to their computer in PDF, HTML, XLS, and XML formats.
Each Cellebrite unit will be coupled with a dedicated computer configured with a shared
drive and interfaced with the CenturyLink secure network. The authorized Cellebrite user
would utilize the export utilities inbedded in the device to transfer an image of the extracted
extracted cell phone data to the shared drive. This data image will be hashed to ensure its
integrity and support downstrean data authentication. Additionally, the Cellebrite utility
will export the extracted data in XML format and move to the shared drive on the computer.
CenturyLink will configure its centralized platform to query these shared drives every 15
minutes and automatically transfer the data image and XML files to the centralized secure
data repository.
Extracted data can subsequently be merged with the calling data from the inmate calling
platform and utilized to generate activity activity leveraging link analysis tools.
Request for Best & Final Offer
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Embarq Payphone Services, Inc. dba CenturyLink
Submitted: June 18, 2013
Primary Contact: Victoria Johnson
victoria.l.johnson | 850.212.8880
Video visitation: Pilot program at five (5) facilities, identified by the Department, with an option for
statewide implementation, at the Department’s discretion.
CenturyLink is able to provide to the Department. The industry-leading video visitation
program offered is available to be deployed without impact to our financial offer for inmate
calling services and in fact provides an additional revenue source for the State.
CenturyLink, along with partner HomeWAV, is pleased to offer the HomeWAV Web Access
Visitation System to the Department. The System basically works like the inmate telephone
system. The inmate visitation stations are installed in facility dayrooms or other locations,
often near inmate pay phones, for convenient inmate access. Also, as described below, the
System employs a dynamic, immediate scheduling approach that avoids the need for facility
personnel involvement in "schedule in advance" programs utilized by other video visitation
system. This approach avoids the costs and logistical problems and frustration encountered
reacting to daily facility operations (lockdowns, transportation, etc.) with visitation systems
that require advance visitation scheduling.
The System will make use of the existing wiring, cabling and video visitation stations
currently located in the facility to the extent possible. At least one of the existing video
visitation stations in each dorm, pod, or room will be left in service until the System is
installed and accepted by the Department. This avoids any interruption in video visitation
while installation is underway.
System Description
The System is comprised of off-the-shelf hardware consisting of visitation stations, signal
converters and servers as required. The visitation station contains the processor, monitor,
camera, and handset; the physical dimensions are 26” width, 18 ½” high, and 6” deep.
The System’s unique, patent pending software allows inmates to initiate video visits, on the
inmate visitation stations, direct with approved visitors. No Facility personnel are required in
order to schedule or to connect an inmate’s video visit with his pre-approved visitor. No
other Internet based video visitation system offers this significant cost saving solution. The
System essentially works just like the Facility’s inmate pay phones.
The System does not require a minimum call length or require a connection fee. The System
supports call lengths from one minute to the maximum set by the Facility in one minute
increments, charges in one minute increments, and allows visitors to buy minutes in one
minute increments. Additionally, the System allows inmates and visitors to send one minute
video messages that the receiver can view the next time they accesses the System. If
desired, these instant video messages may be used to communicate convenient times for a
visit between the inmate and visitor.
The System provides for positive identification of inmate and visitor with unique personal
identification numbers, and can record all visitation events simultaneously.
Visitors do not need to purchase any proprietary hardware or software in order to use the
System from their home computers; all that is needed is a computer with high speed
Internet access, Adobe Flash Player, a web camera, microphone and speakers. Visitors can
also connect with an Android or Apple smart phone with dual cameras for remote visitation.
The System allows every station to be used simultaneously. The number of approved visitors
who take part in on-site video visits can be set at any number the Facility determines; the
System does not limit the number of approved visitors who take part in off-site video visits.
Request for Best & Final Offer
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Embarq Payphone Services, Inc. dba CenturyLink
Submitted: June 18, 2013
Primary Contact: Victoria Johnson
victoria.l.johnson | 850.212.8880
In addition, the System has comprehensive visitation reporting capabilities with user friendly
filtering options.
Visitors and inmates are notified in both English and Spanish that their visit is being
monitored and recorded
The System is permissions-based to allow the Department to assign different levels of access
to allow individual users access to different privileges in the System
The System provides for visitation recording with the following capabilities:
Automated management capabilities.
Recordings stored in Cloud-Based off-site storage servers for sixty days from the date
visits take place.
Method to determine if information was altered.
Form of a digital file.
Accessible via a web portal.
Can be sorted and are searchable.
Can be downloaded for review and can be saved to a hard drive.
Access to recordings and logging is permissions based.
Recordings are date and time stamped.
Recordings have archiving capabilities.
Administrative/ Control Station
The Administrative Station is connected to high speed Internet access and will allow
designated facility personnel to monitor, record, and interrupt visits, and to perform other
functions as described herein. The Administrative software has the following capabilities:
Terminate any or all video visitation conferences at will.
Interrupt a video visitation conference while in progress.
Monitor any video visit in progress, without knowledge of the participants.
Allow inmate to re-connect an interrupted video conference call for the unused
remaining predetermined time.
Adjust the pre-determined visitation time and length of any or all video visits, before or
during the visit.
Provide a graphical representation for the different status of all video visitation
Control remote connectivity within the facility.
Additionally, the System has a Dashboard for visitation management purposes with the
following capabilities:
Request for Best & Final Offer
Set up visitations designated by user type (standard or professional) with preset
User type visitation information can be displayed
Set a time duration for visitations that will automatically end after the designated time
Blind monitor non-confidential visits; participants aren’t aware of monitoring
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Embarq Payphone Services, Inc. dba CenturyLink
Submitted: June 18, 2013
Primary Contact: Victoria Johnson
victoria.l.johnson | 850.212.8880
On-site training will be provided to facility personnel to ensure they have the skills to run
and administer the system. The first session will be prior to the System turn-over, the
second session at turn-over, and the third just after turn-over. All training will be
coordinated with the Department. Instruction will not begin until the System is installed
and ready for use.
The training sessions cover system concepts and the control console operation in detail,
stressing all important operational and service diagnostic information necessary for
maintenance and operational personnel to efficiently use and maintain the System.
CenturyLink will provide copies of the operator’s manual, which is written in laymen’s
language, and describes all control panel icon operations, graphic symbol definitions, and a
complete explanation of all software and functions. Video training materials will also be
Technical Support
HomeWAV has a toll-free telephone technical support center that provides technical
support to their customers. The technical support center is staffed with trained and
certified video technicians that can assist staff and visitors in the use and problem resolution
of the System.
The same CenturyLink’s field technicians servicing the inmate telephone system would also
carry spare parts and be certified for repair of the video visitation system. This minimizes
response times and disruptions to Department facilities.
Inmate Operation of the HomeWAV System
1. Go to any available inmate station
2. Press any button on keypad to wake up the station
Request for Best & Final Offer
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Embarq Payphone Services, Inc. dba CenturyLink
Submitted: June 18, 2013
Primary Contact: Victoria Johnson
victoria.l.johnson | 850.212.8880
3. Using the keypad; enter your Inmate ID number, then Press * (asterisk symbol)
4. Enter PIN number; Press * (asterisk symbol)
5. System displays “Accepted” or “Invalid PIN Number”
6. If accepted, the screen displays the list of registered visitors.
7. Available visitors will display a green ball; Unavailable visitors will display a red ball
Select a Visitor:
1. Select the desired available visitor by pressing the visitor's number on the keypad
2. System will automatically place the video call to selected visitor:
The visitor must accept the incoming call.
30 seconds after the call is accepted, the billing starts.
3. Billing stops when call is terminated by the visitor, terminated by the inmate using the
* key automatically disconnected by default visit time length, when available minutes
run out or are terminated by the facility.
Initiating a session is that simple. When combined with our no-minimum, per-minute
billing per session the issues inherent with traditional scheduled visitation systems –
refund requests, complaints, re-schedules, etc. – are all but eliminated.
Request for Best & Final Offer
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Embarq Payphone Services, Inc. dba CenturyLink
Submitted: June 18, 2013
Primary Contact: Victoria Johnson
victoria.l.johnson | 850.212.8880
Security Administration Capabilities Overview:
Initially, Home WAV provides the Facility Administrator a User Name and Password with all
permissions allowed. During training and installation, a CenturyLink or Department
Administrator can then set up operators with different sets of permissions based on the
operator’s requirements.
Department of Corrections Tab
Request for Best & Final Offer
Can view facility settings
Can disable all calls for an facility
Can edit maximum call length
Can view all operators in the system
Can create new facility administrator
Can delete a facility administrator
Can make changes to a facility administrator
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Embarq Payphone Services, Inc. dba CenturyLink
Submitted: June 18, 2013
Primary Contact: Victoria Johnson
victoria.l.johnson | 850.212.8880
Inmates and Visitors Tab
Can view all inmates in the system
Can disable an inmate from logging in and making calls
Can reset an inmate's login PIN
Can toggle recording on inmate calls
Can view all visitors registered to the facility
Can approve/disapprove a visitor
Can view individual visitor details
Request for Best & Final Offer
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Embarq Payphone Services, Inc. dba CenturyLink
Submitted: June 18, 2013
Primary Contact: Victoria Johnson
victoria.l.johnson | 850.212.8880
Video Playback Tab
Can playback previously recorded calls
Can download a previously recorded call
Can playback previously recorded video messages
Can quarantine a video message
Can refund a call
Usage Tab
Request for Best & Final Offer
Can monitor active calls
Can view facility usage by day/monthy/year
Can disconnect an active call
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Embarq Payphone Services, Inc. dba CenturyLink
Submitted: June 18, 2013
Primary Contact: Victoria Johnson
victoria.l.johnson | 850.212.8880
Free Calls: In 5, 10 and 15 minute increments. Calls will be authorized at the Department’s discretion.
CenturyLink is able to provide to the Department, and without impact to our financial offer.
As discussed during our negotiation with the Department, free calls are easily configured
within the system – either manually from the inmate screen or through an automated
interface from the Offender Management System.
Calls to DOC-designated information, informant, or other lines are easily configurable as free
to authorized users.
In addition, specified numbers of free calls for designated inmates – e.g. as a reward system
as discussed during negotiation – are also able to be designated by authorized users. The
number of free calls, in addition to their duration, are configurable by inmate as shown on
the screen shot below.
Request for Best & Final Offer
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Embarq Payphone Services, Inc. dba CenturyLink
Submitted: June 18, 2013
Primary Contact: Victoria Johnson
victoria.l.johnson | 850.212.8880
Again the scope of free calls discussed with the Department are such that CenturyLink is
able to provide without requiring increased calling rates or decreased commissions. In
summary, calls to Department-designated numbers such as the PREA line, an investigator,
automated information, etc. are always free and provided without any impact to our
financial offer. Free calls for specified inmates as discussed during negotiation will also be
made available to the Department without impact to our financial offer.
Cell phone detection: Minimum of 15 detection units (cellsense or equivalent).
CenturyLink is able to provide and exceed the minimum number of units requested through
partner MetraSens, maker of the CellSense product. Our ‘base’ offer described in
Attachment 1 includes twenty (20) units with a very modest
impact to commission, with additional units available by
CellSense, by MetraSens, is a proven system for detecting the
presence of cell phones in or on the body, even if the phone is
switched off. Operational prison deployments have
demonstrated it to be reliable, accurate and effective. It has the
advantage of also detecting other contraband items such as
shanks, knives and small blades.
Rapid and un-announced deployment and the ability to scan up
to 40 individuals per minute means that it is clearly the most cost
effective and flexible cell phone detector available worldwide. It
can even be deployed covertly since it has the ability to scan
through brick, wooden, or plasterboard walls.
CellSense is designed to detect moving “ferromagnetic” objects
and will not false alarm on static metal items, no matter how
close. CellSense has the portability of a wand and the full body
Request for Best & Final Offer
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Embarq Payphone Services, Inc. dba CenturyLink
Submitted: June 18, 2013
Primary Contact: Victoria Johnson
victoria.l.johnson | 850.212.8880
scanning convenience of an archway metal detector. The unit can scan 40 individuals per
minute without contact or intrusion which makes it the most cost effective cell phone
detection system of its kind.
Interactive Voice Response (IVR) scheduling: appointments, grievances etc.
CenturyLink is able to provide to the Department. These functions are a standard feature of
our proposed system, and we are able to offer them without impact to our financial offer.
Through standard IVR data entry and response technology, the Enforcer can be used to
deliver medical or other appointment information to and from inmates. This provides an
automated means for inmates to request appointments and receive responses, all in a
single, trackable system. The system’s voice messaging module can also be used, for
example, for inmates to describe symptoms to medical staff.
This improves the efficiency by reducing labor costs as information passing move away from
traditional paper ordering as staff spends less time collecting and processing medical forms.
Implementation will be custom-designed for FL DOC’s needs, with screens and/or search
criteria developed on CenturyLink’s FL DOC-dedicated platform for its use.
Staff is able to respond by voice (through staff-to-inmate voicemail) or through text
(through the Enforcer’s imbedded text-to-speech converter). Regardless of the method, all
communications are recorded and auditable.
Request for Best & Final Offer
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Embarq Payphone Services, Inc. dba CenturyLink
Submitted: June 18, 2013
Primary Contact: Victoria Johnson
victoria.l.johnson | 850.212.8880
Other Information sharing: Inmate Information Line / ”Message of the Day”
Both functions are already in place at the Nevada DOC.
The Inmate Information Line allows inmates to check information such as release dates,
account balances, and other simple information through straightforward prompts within the
ITS. Velocity restrictions can also be placed so that inmates are able to call into the IVR no
more than once or twice a day.
Using a voice messaging system Facility staff can create a “Message of the Day” that is
delivered to inmates via inmate phone during a specified time period. Facility staff can type
the message into the ITS, and the message is translated to a voice recording using text-tospeech technology; or staff can use traditional voice recording to record their message. They
then enter the time window (start/stop dates and times) during which the message will be
played to inmates. Any time an inmate picks up any inmate phone during the designated
timeframe, they will hear the Message of the Day before call connection. When the message
expires, it is no longer played to inmates, with no further action necessary from Facility staff.
Individual facilities can use the Message of the Day feature to share information with
inmates facility-wide. Additionally, with proper authorization CenturyLink or Department
Request for Best & Final Offer
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Embarq Payphone Services, Inc. dba CenturyLink
Submitted: June 18, 2013
Primary Contact: Victoria Johnson
victoria.l.johnson | 850.212.8880
staff can create messages to inform inmates of new product rollouts, Facility-approved rate
modifications, or other changes to inmate calling services.
Grievances – 100% paperless reporting
Our grievance reporting process can supplement the Department’s existing grievance
reporting process. With our paperless telephone process, inmates can file grievances, make
PREA or crime tip reports, or even file complaints about the Inmate Telephone System – all
using secure voice mailboxes on any standard inmate telephone.
Depending upon the type of inmate report, the appropriate Facility staff will be
automatically notified when an inmate files a new grievance. Using text-to-speech
technology or traditional voice messaging as described, staff can respond to inmate reports
via the ITS, and the response will be delivered to a secure voice mailbox for inmate retrieval.
All grievances and responses are tracked and can be provided through a custom-developed
report for the Department.
CenturyLink is able to provide these additional services over the ITS due to its position as a
network provider, which in turns allows us to “over-provision” the extra bandwidth
needed to handle these types of transactions. In addition, by moving these simple highvolume transactions from the kiosks to the inmate phones, kiosks are freed-up for other
Continuous Voice Biometrics
CenturyLink is able to provide to the Department. Industry-leading voice biometric
technology has already been integrated into our proposed Enforcer inmate telephone
system platform. Because this technology involves 3rd-party royalty costs, deployment does
impact our financial offer as described in Attachment 1.
The Investigator
CenturyLink has partnered with JLG Technologies, LLC to offer the most advanced voice
biometrics software available in the corrections market today. The Investigator
incorporates technology developed for the United States Department of Defense for its own
voice security and detection applications. CenturyLink has had the Investigator deployed
for over 5 years and is the only provider to have continuous voice biometrics deployed in a
state DOC. We invite the Department to contact the Nevada and/or New Hampshire
DOCs to discuss how The Investigator has positively impacted those agencies.
Advanced voice biometric technology automatically detects and marks suspicious activity
Suspicious Call Finder
Conventional voice verification systems – where inmates’ voice prints are verified before the
call starts but not after – have two major limitations: first, they do not detect inmates
Request for Best & Final Offer
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Embarq Payphone Services, Inc. dba CenturyLink
Submitted: June 18, 2013
Primary Contact: Victoria Johnson
victoria.l.johnson | 850.212.8880
handing the phone to another inmate after validation, and second, in the case of a
verification failure, they only record the event.
The Investigator’s Suspicious Call Finder module eliminates these limitations and provides
analysis of inmate voices throughout the entire call; in addition, it provides the key piece of
information correctional facilities value: the probable identities of imposters. When a call is
completed, the Investigator goes to work uses specialized hardware and software to
perform the billions of mathematical computations necessary to intelligently compare
previously enrolled inmate voice models against the voices on the call, determining the
highly probable identities of imposters.
Pre-Call Imposter Detection
The Investigator Pre-Call Imposter Detection module provides pre-call imposter screening.
When an inmate initiates a call attempt, the Pre-Call Imposter Detection module compares
likely imposters against the voice being provided at the time of the call initiation. Instead of
the conventional approach of comparing the inmate voice against a previously recorded
sample of the inmate voice, it utilizes its imposter detection system to see if an imposter is
trying to make the call and alerts the facility of which inmate imposter is trying to defeat the
Voice-Biometrics Enhanced Link Analysis
The Investigators QuickFind tool results take into account all the intelligence the system has
acquired and returns it in easy to understand statements. Each statement represents types
of calls the inmate has made or information that associates that inmate with other inmates
and their outside called parties.
Categories of calls the investigator can quickly search on are:
Completed calls made by that inmate PIN
Any calls where a 3 way call has been detected (a means to hide contact with an
unknown called party)
Calls when the inmate used another inmate PIN (an attempt to hide the inmate
Calls made where other inmates have used this inmate’s PIN (an attempt to hide
their identity)
Request for Best & Final Offer
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Embarq Payphone Services, Inc. dba CenturyLink
Submitted: June 18, 2013
Primary Contact: Victoria Johnson
victoria.l.johnson | 850.212.8880
Other Investigator System Reports
The Investigator features a number of different system reports that assists the facility
investigator in focusing the attention on the most valuable calls to investigate. For
investigators, the reports include: enrollment reports, pre-call imposter reports, high-value
target calls for review, high-interest-group activity, and a variety of other reports that show
frequent abusers of accounts, accounts being abused, and involved called parties. For
leadership, the Investigator includes Management Reports to track product usage, ensure
user accountability, and provide instant access to any case or inmate-sensitive call activity.
For brevity, a small sample of these reports and search screens are provided below.
Investigators are able to quickly search for all calls with suspected of PIN abuse, by calls
using a specific inmate’s voice, or any other number of search criteria
A sampling of the structure of High Interest Groups (HIGs) in the Investigator Pro system
Request for Best & Final Offer
Page 21 of 35
Built into the Investigator Pro system is the ability to record, track, analyze and
Embarq Payphone Services, Inc.make sense of inmates “of high interest” to officr s from a var i ePrimaryi Contact: Victoria Johnson
dba CenturyLink
ty o a
f genc e .
High Interest Groups, or HIGs (as they are referred to within the system), can
Submitted: June 18, 2013
victoria.l.johnson contraband, | 850.212.8880
include gangs and other security threat groups, introductions of
parolees, escape risks, ande
other categories. One of the unique capabilities of the
management team is to defin th a tri b es , o parameters, of these groups. Below
e t
is a sample listing of High Interest Groups and parameters that are fully editable by
the management team.
High Interest Group:
High Profil
Reason [text]
Name [text]
A sampling of the structure of High Interest Groups, or HIG’s, in the Investigator Pro system.
©2011 JLG Technologies, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Patents Pending.
High Interest Group:
*** Confidnt i a ***
Automatic reporting on High Target Calls for Review:
Page 26
Page 26
*** Confid nt i a ***
Investigator Pro Training Workbook
Management Reporting:
Request for Best & Final Offer
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Embarq Payphone Services, Inc. dba CenturyLink
Submitted: June 18, 2013
Primary Contact: Victoria Johnson
victoria.l.johnson | 850.212.8880
Inmate voice mail: Maximum of thirty (30) seconds for friends, family and staff
CenturyLink is able to provide to the Department. Note that voice mails sent from staff to
inmates are always provided at no cost or impact to our financial offer; in addition, voice
mails from friends & family to inmates incur a modest fee that is fully commissionable to the
Staff-to-Inmate Messaging
CenturyLink offers an inbound messaging service that allows facility staff and called parties
to leave messages for inmates. Messages may be automatically retrieved by inmates
through the inmate phone system and are available for access by facility personnel for
security purposes, for the entire contract term. Using text-to-speech technology or
traditional voice messaging, facility personnel and called parties can leave messages for
inmates via The Enforcer, and the response will be delivered to a secure voice mailbox for
inmate retrieval.
To create a message using text-to-speech technology, authorized facility personnel may
simply log in to the system and type the desired message in the field provided and select the
recipient, as shown in the screen below. Users have the option to send a message to an
individual inmate, multiple inmates or the entire facility.
Inmate Messaging interface
Inmate messaging services are fully integrated with TheEnforcer. A call detail record and
recording will be recorded for each voicemail message and associated with the inmate’s PIN.
The advantage of hosting these voicemail boxes on the system is that each message will be
attached to a complete CDR showing exactly what phone left the message, at what time,
and the system user logs will track and time-stamp when each message is played back and
by what user. Investigators can also use the Add Notes tools to notes for each call when
they followed up on it, what they did etc. These notes will also be time-stamped and saved.
The State will therefore have a complete and completely verifiable track record for
Request for Best & Final Offer
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Embarq Payphone Services, Inc. dba CenturyLink
Submitted: June 18, 2013
Primary Contact: Victoria Johnson
victoria.l.johnson | 850.212.8880
Family-to-Inmate Voicemail
The ENFORCER can also accommodate messages left by called parties. The voicemail system
requires the outside party to have an established PrePaid Collect account prior to accessing
the system. The outside party would access the voicemail system by dialing the published
toll-free number. Once connected to the voicemail platform, the outside party will be
prompted to enter their PrePaid Collect account information to confirm availability of funds.
If funds are available, the system will prompt the user to enter the inmate ID, or enter the
first 3 letters of the inmate’s last name to retrieve an inmate listing. The user will select an
inmate from the listing and will be able to record a 30-second message.
Below is a sample call flow of the inmate messaging system.
Inmate Messaging Call Flow
Request for Best & Final Offer
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Embarq Payphone Services, Inc. dba CenturyLink
Submitted: June 18, 2013
Primary Contact: Victoria Johnson
victoria.l.johnson | 850.212.8880
Ability to search calls by keywords.
CenturyLink is able to provide to the Department. To meet this requirement, Century Link
will deploy keyword search from Nexidia™-- a state-of-the-art phoneme-recognition
technology. This technology is vastly superior to traditional speech-to-text transcriptionand-spotting programs because it identifies utterance patterns rather than specified words.
As a result is widely deployed in banking and stock trading, in addition to correctional
Features of the Nexidia key word search tool include:
Phoneme based search: Reduces words to sounds of spoken language. Enables the
software to match utterances – even those with an accent – with keywords (even if misspelled in the search database).
Nested Queries: Many searches (i.e. calls where the word “dope” is used) will return
more calls than an investigator has time to listen to. Nested queries allow you to run a
search, then search again within the results (i.e. first search for “dope” then search
within results for “soon,” or “get.”)
Structured Queries: The meaning of many words or phrases depends on context.
Nexidia allows you to run structured queries using and/or statements to quickly identify
only those calls where a word is used in a particular way. For instance you could search
for “Don’t + tell,” or “Beat-down + saw or heard.”
These capabilities are fully integrated into the Enforcer WordFinder Tool to simply searches
using user-defined criteria:
Request for Best & Final Offer
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Embarq Payphone Services, Inc. dba CenturyLink
Submitted: June 18, 2013
Primary Contact: Victoria Johnson
victoria.l.johnson | 850.212.8880
Capability to capture inmate to inmate telephone communications
CenturyLink is able to provide to the Department. Through our partnership with JLG
Technologies CenturyLink offers this capability to the Department at no cost or impact to
rates or commissions.
JLG Technologies developed ICER (short for Inmate Inter-Communication Evaluation and
Reporting) to assist correctional agencies in the discovery and identification of phone calls
where inmates are talking to other inmates — whether between pods or between facilities,
typically through an accomplice or through some form of outside-facility call conferencing
mechanism. When such calls happen with the use of the inmate telephone system, these
calls are known as incidents of Inmate-to-Inmate Communication — or “ITIC events” for
ICER’s sole purpose is to analyze, and thus uncover, links. ICER accomplishes this goal in
order to detect these ITIC events.
The impetus for the development of ICER was a state DOC investigator who had randomly
discovered an ITIC event. Two of the agency’s inmates were communicating between
facilities through an outside third party. The correctional administration had intentionally
housed the two inmates in separate facilities for security reasons, in an effort to prevent
them from communicating with each other. Each inmate had dialed a different phone
number in a different state and the third parties bridged the callers together through a lowcost, off-the-shelf call conferencing system.
A noteworthy aspect of this case was that the call bridging was not performed via a 3-Way
call. As a result, no form of 3-Way call detection system would have detected the bridging of
these calls.
The most significant call bridging event uncovered during the evaluation period involved a
series of calls where 5 different inmates from several different facilities had orchestrated a
means to be connected simultaneously by dialing multiple different phone numbers.
Request for Best & Final Offer
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Embarq Payphone Services, Inc. dba CenturyLink
Submitted: June 18, 2013
Primary Contact: Victoria Johnson
victoria.l.johnson | 850.212.8880
ICER System Description
The JLG Technologies ICER system uses advanced voice analysis technology to generate a
“call signature” — a representation of the call that does not include any of the original audio
— for each completed inmate telephone call. Call signatures are then encrypted and
transmitted to the central data center at JLG Technologies headquarters in Framingham, MA
for analysis. Because none of the original audio is used in a call signature, the ICER system is
in full compliance with the myriad state laws regarding the transmission of call recordings.
Under normal operations, call signatures are created, transmitted and received at the data
center within seconds of each completed call. Upon arrival, the call signature is immediately
analyzed and checked against other call signatures. If an ITIC event is detected, it is logged
in the ICER system database, and investigators from all relevant facilities are alerted through
their Inmate Telephone System.
Due to the CenturyLink Team’s strong existing customer base of Florida County Jails, we are
also able to detect inmate-to-inmate events across different detention facilities.
ICER provides facilities with a detailed report of each detected ITIC event by means of a
graphical user interface (GUI), so the facility can review the phone call involved in the ITIC
event, and take appropriate action.
Location based services of called cell phones.
CenturyLink is able to provide to the Department. Because the service requires payments to
a third party provider, implementation would have a modest impact to our financial offer as
shown in Attachment 1.
CenturyLink will leverage the Switchblade® platform to provide Location Based Services to
the Department. Utilizing a combination of carrier network-based location and GPS, the
Switchblade platform can access the consumer location regardless of carrier or cellular devise
type. These Location Based Services are currently supported by Verizon, ATT, Sprint, T-
Request for Best & Final Offer
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Embarq Payphone Services, Inc. dba CenturyLink
Submitted: June 18, 2013
Primary Contact: Victoria Johnson
victoria.l.johnson | 850.212.8880
Mobile, Cricket, Boost and Virgin Mobile. The service will be expanded to include U.S. Cellular
and MetroPCS later this year.
The capability is straightforward. In conjunction with the call delivery to the cellular device,
the consumer will be prompted to allow the carrier to utilize their location (Opt In) or the call
delivery greeting will be enhanced, based on carrier specifications, to notify the consumer
that acceptance of this call will allow the carrier to identify their location and demand
positive acceptance to proceed. Once positive acceptance is granted by the consumer and
captured by the platform, the call is connected and the latitude/longitude coordinates are
passed to the CenturyLink centralized platform and stored in the database.
Leveraging this expansive Switchblade® platform and the aforementioned operational
process, CenturyLink can establish a “Geo Fence” perimeter around each facility and
generate notifications or alerts to investigators when an inmate call is accepted within the
designated Geo Fence perimeter. CenturyLink will work with the Department to implement
this service so it will not impact operational efficiency or revenue generation while at the
same time delivering the valuable security information to the Department.
In order to provide the best value to the state, the Department reserves the right to accept or reject any or all of the
additional negotiated services.
CenturyLink has read and understands the Department’s right to accept or reject any of the
additional negotiated services.
Request for Best & Final Offer
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Embarq Payphone Services, Inc. dba CenturyLink
Submitted: June 18, 2013
Primary Contact: Victoria Johnson
victoria.l.johnson | 850.212.8880
Value-added services include any services, including additional services that the Contractor offers to provide as part
of the Contract resulting from the ITN that is either not required to be provided in the ITN or RBAFO or clearly
exceeds the minimum requirements of required service. The Respondent shall provide a detailed description of each
value-added service, system and/or equipment functionality, in narrative form. If included in the Contractor’s BAFO
and accepted by the Department, “Valued-Added Services” shall be provided as part of the contracted service at no
additional cost to the Department and with minimal impact to family and friends.
Read, agreed, and will comply. CenturyLink remains committed to providing the value-added
services detailed in section 3.1 of our original response, and reiterates its commitment to provide any of
those services if desired by the Department.
For brevity and to maintain the file size of this document for electronic delivery, we have provided the
summary table of these services contained in our original response. Because some of those services
were requested in this RBAFO, we have added a comment column for notation.
Value-Added Functionality – No Cost to the Department, Inmates, or Friends & Family
(1) Inmate Medical
Reduced staff
(2) Inmate
Information Line and
“Message of the Day”
Reduced staff
Enhanced inmate
(3) Grievance Hotline
Reduced staff
(4) Friend & Family
Reduced Staff
Request for Best & Final Offer
Inmates can schedule appointments
over the phone using automated
prompts. Inmates select medical
appointment times over the phone
and receive messages back when
times are confirmed.
Inmates are able to track
appointment, parole, court, and
release dates, in addition to
commissary balances and other
routine information.
Should the Department implement
CenturyLink’s PAN Auto-enrollment
process, synergies would allow us to
add a Grievance hotline feature to the
Routine announcements such as
visiting times, release dates, etc. can
be handled by an IVR, eliminating staff
time required to answer phones.
Page 29 of 35
Included in section
B – additional
negotiated services
Included in section
B – additional
negotiated services
Included in section
B – additional
negotiated services
throughout the
contract at no cost
Embarq Payphone Services, Inc. dba CenturyLink
Submitted: June 18, 2013
(5) Emergency AutoDialer
Reduced staff
with inmate
friends &family
(6) Data Detective
7) PAN AutoEnrollment
Eliminate paper
PAN forms
verification of
associated name
and address for
Increased staff
reduction of
criminal activity
8) Data Sharing with
Florida Counties
(9) Additional
(Includes Access to
Additional Reverse
Lookup Databases)
(10) ITS Training
Request for Best & Final Offer
Increased staff
reduction of
criminal activity
Reduced staff
instructions to
Primary Contact: Victoria Johnson
victoria.l.johnson | 850.212.8880
CenturyLink has the capability, on
fairly short notice to generate a calling
campaign to provide general
information to friends and family. For
example, if a disaster at a facility (fire,
flood) that causes the ITS to no longer
function, a automated calling
campaign could provide a status to all
members of an inmate’s PAN
Data Detective works with
CenturyLink’s inmate E-mail and photo
offerings. The system automatically
identifies key words and phrases, and
reports connections with other
inmates and those on the outside.
By augmenting staff to our existing
PAN verification center in Rocky
Mount, NC, CenturyLink offers to take
over the paper-based process
managed by the Department,
providing name and address
information for each PAN prior to
allowing inmate calls to that number
For those counties that share the
same ITS platform as the Department,
mutual arranges could be made to
give investigators from the counties
and the Department mutual authority
to listen to recordings and view data.
As both entities would be using the
same ITS platform, there would be no
additional training required.
Name and address information for all
approved numbers provided in
multiple locations, including simple
“hot-link” from call record reporting
Exclusive access to Local Exchange
Routing Guide (LERG) – provides
carrier information and subpoena
contacts for phone numbers.
CenturyLink has an in-house video
development group and can produce a
video tailored to the Department on
the features of the ITS, which can be
used at the intake facilities to
familiarize the inmates with the ITS.
Page 30 of 35
throughout the
contract at no cost
throughout the
contract at no cost
throughout the
contract at no cost
throughout the
contract at no cost
Inherent part of
CenturyLink service
throughout the
contract at no cost
Embarq Payphone Services, Inc. dba CenturyLink
Submitted: June 18, 2013
(11) Phone-Based
Commissary Ordering
Reduced staff
Primary Contact: Victoria Johnson
victoria.l.johnson | 850.212.8880
Should the Department wish to
investigate alternatives to their
existing processes, CenturyLink can
provide detailed information on this
throughout the
contract at no cost
Commissary items can be ordered and
prepackaged for pickup or delivery.
Value-Added Functionality – No Cost to the Department /
Funded by Fees Inmates or Friends & Family
(12) Video
(13) Inmate
Reduced staff time
Vehicle for inmate debit
account refunds
Increased communication
with family
Revenue source
(14) Inmate E-Mail
(15) Inmate
Electronic Photo
Request for Best & Final Offer
Reduced contraband
Reduced staff workload
Improved investigative
All messages retained
Faster inmate/family
Reduced contraband
Reduced staff workload
Improved investigative
All messages retained
Faster inmate/family
Video Visitation with
either facility-controlled
scheduling or inmatecontrolled scheduling.
CenturyLink would
recommend a pilot at one
facility to evaluate the
concept by the
Standard inbound
voicemail from family
members to inmates,
maintaining security
Incoming email processed
through Data Detective.
Potential to integrate
download using an inmate
kiosk. Two-way feature
available to allow inmate
to respond to sender.
Up to 36 photos can be
reviewed on-line quickly
by staff. Photos can be
printed or potentially sent
to inmate kiosk Data
Detective integration.
Page 31 of 35
Included in section B
– additional
negotiated services
Included in section B
– additional
negotiated services
Available throughout
the contract at no
Available throughout
the contract at no
Embarq Payphone Services, Inc. dba CenturyLink
Submitted: June 18, 2013
Primary Contact: Victoria Johnson
victoria.l.johnson | 850.212.8880
Value-Added Functionality – Impacts Commission Offer to the Department and/or Calling Rates to Inmates
& Friends/Family Members
(16) Voice Biometrics
throughout the call)
Reduced PIN stealing
Helps locate
suspicious behavior,
including biometric
identification of 3-way
Biometric officer
check-in available
This offering (Investigator Pro)
allows continuous voice
biometrics (as opposed to a
random check throughout the
call), and provides enhanced
tools for investigators.
Included in section B
– additional
negotiated services
Phase 8 - Best and Final Offers
Respondents will be asked to submit to the Department their Best and Final Offer in accordance with revised
specifications, if applicable, as set forth in the Department’s Request for Best and Final Offers. The vendors’ Best
and Final Offers shall contain the best pricing option the vendor is prepared to offer as specified in Section A, Pricing,
however, after submission of Best and Final Offers, the Department reserves the right to clarify any element of
required service or further negotiate pricing with a single or all qualified respondents prior to final award. After receipt
of BAFO’s, the Negotiation Team will prepare a summary report of negotiations and enter a recommendation as to
which respondent provides the best value to the state. Award will be made in compliance with Section 287.057 (3)
(b), Florida Statutes.
Read and understood.
Responses to this Request for Best and Final Offer shall be received no later than close of business (5:00 p.m. ET),
Tuesday, June 18, 2013. Responses may be emailed (preferred), faxed or sent hard copy sent via mail. If
submitting via email, please submit to with a cc to
Faxed responses may be sent to 850-488-7189
Read and understood.
The Respondent shall include a signed statement acknowledging acceptance of the minimum specifications and their
intent to comply with all terms and conditions indicated in the ITN, Respondent’s Initial Response, the Request for
Best and Final Offer and Respondent’s Best and Final Offer.
When a contract is established between the Department and the successful Respondent, the ITN, the Initial
Response to the ITN, the Request for Best and Final Offer and the Respondent’s BAFO shall be incorporated into
and thereby become a part of that contract. If there is a conflict in language, the Department's contract will govern.
Request for Best & Final Offer
Page 32 of 35
Embarq Payphone Services, Inc. dba CenturyLink
Submitted: June 18, 2013
Primary Contact: Victoria Johnson
victoria.l.johnson | 850.212.8880
Respondent Embarq Payphone Services, Inc. dba CenturyLink (“CenturyLink”) has read, agreed,
and will comply with all requirements as stated in this section F. In addition, CenturyLink acknowledges
receipt and its agreement to comply with the Department’s response to the two subsequent vendor
Q#1 received 6/17/2013 from Kelly Wright:
Section A. Pricing/Cost Proposal
1. Please confirm the Department is seeking a Blended Telephone Rate for All Calls inclusive of all
surcharges stated as a cost per minute in this section.
In this Section, the Department is seeking a Blended Telephone Rate per minute inclusive of all surcharges.
Q#2 received 6/18/2013 from Kelly Wright:
Page 10 sec 2.6 of ITN states that Commissions are calculated as a % of gross revenues as reported within
the CDR’s. Therefore we assume all proposed per minute rates, including those associated with Value
Added Services in Section C of the RBAFO, must be commissionable and not proposed as noncommissionable adjustments?
Correct. Revenue shall be paid to the Department in accordance with section 2.6 of the ITN.
Embarq Payphone Services, Inc. dba CenturyLink
Authorized Representative Acknowledging Acceptance:
Paul Cooper, General Manager
Signature of Authorized Representative:
Date of Signed Acknowledgement:
Request for Best & Final Offer
Page 33 of 35
Embarq Payphone Services, Inc. dba CenturyLink
Submitted: June 18, 2013
Primary Contact: Victoria Johnson
victoria.l.johnson | 850.212.8880
CenturyLink is pleased to offer this Cost Proposal for Additional Negotiated Services. Please also see explanatory notes below.
Additional Negotiated Services
Cost Proposal
Additional Negotiated Services
Additional Charge Per
Minute to Blended
Telephone Rate
Proposed *
(i.e. $.01 increase)
“To Connect”
(i.e. $.25 per call)
Percentage Change to
Commission Rate
(i.e. 2% reduction)
2.) Free Calls
0.11% reduction1
4.) Investigative Function
0.30% reduction2
5.) Cell Phone Detection
0.23% reduction3
6.) IVR Scheduling
$0.023 increase4
$.006 increase6
10.) Capability to capture inmate to
inmate telephone communications
11.) Location Based Services
(cell phones called)
$0.11 per call7
3.) Forensic Extraction Options
Commission % Rate
1.) Video Visitation (5 pilot sites)
Blended Video Visitation
Per Minute Rate Proposed
(inclusive of surcharges)
7.) Continuous Voice Biometrics
8.) Inmate Voice Mail
9.) Ability to search calls by
*If no additional charge per minute is being proposed respondent must indicate NC (no charge)
**If no surcharge is being proposed respondent must indicate NC (no charge)
Request for Best & Final Offer
Page 34 of 35
Embarq Payphone Services, Inc. dba CenturyLink
Submitted: June 18, 2013
Primary Contact: Victoria Johnson
victoria.l.johnson | 850.212.8880
***If no change to initial department commission rate is being proposed respondent must indicate NC (no change)
1. Includes six (6) units along with a dedicated computer for each unit. More units may be negotiated at the Department’s discretion.
2. Investigative software is available at no impact to the Department. Commission reduction is to fund the additional associate – with competitive
salary and benefits – to assist the Department. More personnel may be negotiated at the Department’s discretion.
3. Includes twenty (20) units. More units may be negotiated at the Department’s discretion.
4. Alternatively, continuous voice biometrics could be funded by an 8.0 percentage point decrease to commissions. As an alternative, if the
additional charge could be treated as non-commissionable (which we understand is not consistent with rules as stated), the additional perminute rate could be reduced to $0.008.
5. Note this is a per-call charge to friends and family send a voicemail to an inmate, NOT a surcharge to all inmate phone calls if the service were
6. If this additional charge could be treated as non-commissionable (which we understand is not consistent with rules as stated), the additional
per-minute rate could be reduced to $0.002.
7. If this additional charge could be treated as non-commissionable (which we understand is not consistent with rules as stated), the additional
per-call surcharge could be reduced to $0.05 per call.
Request for Best & Final Offer
Page 35 of 35
Transmittal Letter
Transmittal Letter
June 18, 2013
Department of Corrections
Attn: Julyn Hussey, Procurement Manager
Bureau of Procurement and Supply
501 South Calhoun Street
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2500
Phone: (850) 717-3679
Re: RBAFO for Statewide Telephone Services - ITN #12-0C-8396
Dear Ms. Hussey,
Securus is pleased to have the opportunity to provide our response to your request to enter into
competitive negotiations and to provide additional information for this Request for Proposal. We
acknowledge acceptance of the minimum specifications and it is our intent to comply with all terms
and conditions indicated in the ITN, our initial response, the Request for Best and Final Offer, and
our Best and Final Offer to the Department.
Securus has responded to each and everyone of the additional services the Department has
requested with a comprehensive approach, which we believe provides the best value to the
Department. Our operational efficiencies enable Securus to aggressively address your requirement
for both low rates and high commissions, in fact, we project that the Department will benefit from a
thirty percent (30%) increase in inmate calling based upon our experience with similar rate
Securus looks forward to additional discussions with the Department and the opportunity to
demonstrate our proposed technologies when appropriate.
Please do not hesitate to contact me or Bryan Carrell, System Administrator at any time you require
additional information from Securus. Mr. Carrell can be reached by telephone (850) 893-6921 or by
email at
Robert E. Pickens, Chief Operating Officer
Securus Technologies, Inc.
14651 Dallas Parkway, Suite 600, Dallas, Texas 75254
§). SECu.I3JJ~r
RBAFO Statewide Inmate Telephone Services - ITN #12-0C-8396
© 2013 Securus Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.
RBAFO – ITN #12-DC-8396
RBAFO – ITN #12-DC-8396
This is the Request for Best and Final Offer (RBAFO) in response to negotiations with three (3)
respondents to the Department’s ITN# 12-DC-8396. This RBAFO contains Pricing, Additional Negotiated
Services, and Value Added Services as discussed during negotiation and outlined below. The other
specifications of the original ITN, unless modified in the RBAFO, remain in effect. Respondents are
cautioned to clearly read the entire RBAFO for all revisions and changes to the original ITN and any
addenda to specifications, which are incorporated herein and made part of this RBAFO document.
Unless otherwise modified in this Request for Best and Final Offer, the initial requirements as set forth in
the Department’s Invitation to Negotiate document and any addenda issued thereto have not been
revised and remain as previously indicated. Additionally, to the extent that portions of the ITN have not
been revised or changed, the previous reply / initial reply provided to the Department will remain in effect.
The Respondent shall provide their Best and Final Offer for rates on the below Cost Proposal
Table. Costs should be submitted with the most favorable terms the Respondent can offer.
NOTE: Blended Telephone Rates for family and friends shall not exceed two dollars and ten
cents ($2.10) for a fifteen (15) minute call.
The Department is seeking pricing that will provide the best value to the State. The Department
desires that the resultant contract generates the highest percentage of revenue for the state and
the lowest possible telephone call rate charges for inmate families and friends.
5 years
Commission %
Rate Proposed
Rate for All
(inclusive of
RBAFO Statewide Inmate Telephone Services – ITN #12-DC-8396
© 2013 Securus Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.
RBAFO – ITN #12-DC-8396
The Department is interested in the following services that were addressed during
The Respondent shall provide a detailed description of each of the below services, systems
and/or equipment functionality, in narrative form. If included in the Contractor’s BAFO and all, or
a portion of, are accepted by the Department, these services shall be provided as part of the
contracted service, and at the rates shown in the Cost Proposal (see Attachment 1) submitted in
the respondent’s BAFO.
Investigative functions : An Investigative tool with the ability to import external sources of
data and at least one (1) dedicated staff person to assist with analyzing investigative
Securus will provide our THREADS data analysis investigative tool, giving the Department
the ability to easily import external sources of data and one (1) dedicated staff person to
assist with analyzing investigative data. The THREADS investigative tool and the
investigative staff person were offered at no charge to the Department in the Securus ITN
response and will continue to be offered at no charge to the Department in this RBAFO
A full description of the THREADS investigative offering and the Florida based Investigative
Services Specialist (dedicated staff person) can be found in the Securus ITN response. The
key THREADS description begins on page 145 and ends on page 148. The Investigative
Services Specialist description is located on page 313.
The next two paragraphs include summary descriptions of THREADS and the Investigative
Services Specialist.
Securus’ THREADS application is a powerful and easy to use investigative platform
providing law enforcement and Corrections customers using SCP with focused leads to
drive information led policing. This software analyzes corrections and communications data
such as inmate information, call data from SCP, public phone records (obtained through
normal legal process), money transfer transactions, cell tower record downloads, data from
confiscated cell phones (text messages, emails, calls, contacts, pictures), and called party
data including billing name and address, communication history, and much more –to
generate focused and targeted investigative leads for investigators.
Florida-Based Investigative Services Specialist
Securus is proposing to provide to the Department a full time Investigative Services
Specialist employed by Securus to serve the Department as a new resource to ensure you
receive the full incredible benefits of our THREADS application. This person will be
provided at no additional cost to the Department. The proposed Investigative Specialist will
be thoroughly trained by Securus and Guarded Exchange to work side by side with the
Department investigators, on a full-time basis, and will provide daily assistance in running
THREADS investigative reports. The proposed Specialist will also be responsible for
assisting investigators in integrating THREADS information with ACISS information and
ensuring that the THREADS investigative analytical tool is adding value to the Department’s
investigative staff.
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Securus, along with our partner Guarded Exchange, is pleased to offer increased staffing
levels to assist with analyzing investigative data. This offer is in addition to the minimum
requirement of at least one (1) dedicated staff person to assist with analyzing investigative
data. This enhanced offer includes staffing to monitor approximately two and one half
percent (2.5%) of all inmate calls on an annual basis. Department regulations make
Wardens responsible for ensuring that staff conducts a minimum of forty (40) hours of
monitoring per month. Work release centers are not subject to telephone monitoring.
Accordingly, the Department has 101 facilities that require a minimum of 40 hours of
monitoring per month, totaling a minimum of 4,040 hours of monitoring. By having
Guarded Exchange monitor 2.5% of all inmate calls guarantees that an average of 4,288
hours will be monitored each month, giving Wardens additional options to maximize
utilization of existing staff. Options could include keeping Department staff monitoring
4,040 more hours of inmate calling and having staff follow up on actionable intelligence
generated from Guarded Exchange monitoring efforts.
Specifically, Guarded Exchange will be responsible for the following:
Provide a sufficient number of personnel to listen to and review a minimum of 2.5% of all
offender calls, in their entirety. The 2.5% of offender calls to be monitored will be based on
the use of proprietary data mining, behavioral analysis and filtering technologies and other
proprietary strategies in conjunction with the intelligence gathering priorities established
by the Department. In providing the monitoring and review of offender calls, Securus,
through Guarded Exchange, will incorporate any data mining strategies established by the
Department. The monitoring will use a combination of technology from Guarded Exchange
and Securus and sufficient personnel for the purposes of collecting intelligence from the SCP
The use of sufficient personnel, strategies, and technologies that will identify at a minimum
the following:
Suspicious or suggestive key words or phrases
Calls that suggest threats to the safety and security of the facility, staff, volunteers,
and inmates entrusted to the care of the Department
Criminal activity inside and outside of the facility
Upon approval from the Department, Securus will provide Guarded Exchange with the
associated interface to access records that will be required to facilitate direct input into the
Guarded Exchange proprietary software for the purposes of this solution.
The Guarded Exchange proprietary software also includes the Echo™ Voice Biometric
Echo is the only continuous voice biometric solution that does not require a resource
intensive, formal enrollment process. Instead, biometric voice prints (BVPs) are
automatically generated from call recordings and are perpetually improved with each pass
through the system, ensuring the highest possible accuracy rate.
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Regardless of whether the speaker is the calling party (inmate) or the called party (civilian),
Echo can print and identify speakers on both sides of the call, further enhancing its ability to
identify persons of interest.
In addition to identifying speakers who are currently incarcerated (on both sides of the
call), Echo is able to analyze calls and identify individuals who have been previously
incarcerated such as ex-inmates, parolees, etc., and notify Guarded Exchange monitors of
such events.
Further, Echo is able to create voice prints on request; for example, when a suspect is not an
inmate and may be reached on numerous telephone numbers (a condition virtually
impossible to detect outside of Echo). Once the print is created, the suspect’s voice can be
searched for through historical calls and added to a watch list for future calls so monitors
can be proactively notified of the presence of the speaker in a call, enhancing their ability to
extract potential intelligence from the call recording(s).
The Echo system is entirely independent of language, channel, or text: This means the BVP
can be generated from any audio source and used to match the speaker in any other
channel. For example, audio captured via the inmate telephone system during an
investigation can be compared to audio obtained using a microphone during interrogation.
Additionally, regardless of what language the BVP is created in, it can be matched to a
speaker in any language he may speak, regardless of the words he chooses to use.
To facilitate investigations, the Echo database can be queried by voice, identifying all the
calls in which a targeted inmate may have spoken. Much more than this, a voice of a
targeted NON-INMATE can also be run against the database giving investigators
unparalleled intelligence gathering tools.
Securus will submit all gathered intelligence in a format agreed to by the Department. All
gathered intelligence would be submitted to the Department upon discovery.
In addition to the daily and or weekly business meetings with the Office of Inspector
General, Securus will also co-chair an account team, consisting of Securus and On-Site
Guarded Exchange Analysts. The team will be proactive in meeting with the Department
and the Office of Inspector General on a routine basis for the purposes of reviewing the
success of the program, making adjustments as necessary, and participating in creative
sessions to add to this solution.
Securus and Guarded Exchange are providing these same monitoring services to the
Missouri Department of Corrections (MO DOC). Guarded Exchange is monitoring 5% of MO
DOC calls, over 8,000 hour per month (twice the amount of hours being proposed in this
Securus encourages the Department to call MO DOC to verify the success of this program.
Securus is willing to sponsor a trip for the Evaluation Team members or other designated
Department representatives to travel Jefferson City, MO to see a firsthand account of the
Guarded Exchange monitoring and operations center (co-located in same building as MO
DOC Investigator General).
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Pricing for this enhanced staffing is included in Attachment 1 – Additional Negotiated
Services Cost Proposal - Investigative Function.
Forensic extraction options: Minimum of six (6) Universal Forensic Extraction Devices
(Cellbrite or equivalent); and off site examination of data - maintaining a defendable
chain of custody;
Securus will provide six (6) Universal Forensic Extraction Devices and off site examination
of data while maintaining a defendable chain of custody. Securus proposes to provide the
Department with six CelleBrite UFED forensic extraction devices to be delivered to the
Department’s location(s) of choice.
Utilizing this new technology will result in substantially more rich information available to
investigators. CelleBrite and UFED are the recognized leaders in cell phone extraction
capabilities; however, not all cell phones are capable of being decrypted with these devices
alone. Securus will provide you access to utilize additional tools such as Encase, the leading
software-based solution capable of extracting electronic media in addition to cell phones,
through your dedicated Investigative Service Specialist working with our partner, Guarded
Exchange. Upon extraction, cell phone forensics data will be loaded into THREADS for
immediate availability and Departmental access. Information can also be submitted directly
to the Department via FTP or other preferred medium. Usage of Securus’ Forensic Analysis
Program eliminates the need to hire incremental staff to administer such programs being
considered for development. Also, through Securus’ exclusive partnership with Guarded
Exchange, Certified Forensic Examiners are fully trained and available in order to maintain
Chain of Custody for evidentiary purposes.
The six CelleBrite UFED forensic extraction devices were offered at no charge to the
Department in the Securus ITN response and will continue to be offered at no charge to the
Department in this RBAFO response.
Guarded Exchange Forensic Services
Guarded Exchange is fully certified to use the CelleBrite Universal Forensic Extraction
Device Touch Ultimate. The CelleBrite UFED Touch Ultimate currently supports physical
and logical extraction of over 3000 mobile devices. Guarded Exchange can also provide
training and support for directly importing extracted data into the Securus data analysis
tool THREADS, for use by Department investigators.
The Department, at its option, can ship confiscated cell phones to the GEX Forensics lab
located in Jefferson City, Missouri, using the GEX Chain of Custody protocols. GEX will
perform a data extraction of the device at no additional cost to the State. Information
recovered, at the Department’s option, will be made available via secure FTP site for
download, within 3 business days of receipt of the device. The device, along with a certified
copy of the extracted information on CD, will be shipped back to the originating location
following Chain of Custody protocols.
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Along with the Off-Site examination option, Guarded Exchange will also offer its expertise
and assistance to the department for the purpose of developing a Departmental Digital
Forensics Unit, if desired.
Guarded Exchange forensic services also has access to numerous industry standard
Computer Forensic programs (Encase, Internet Evidence Finder, Passware, Oxygen Phone
Forensic Suite, Forensic Explorer) that are also able to perform data extraction on mobile
devices as well as Forensic software and hard ware to perform in depth forensic analysis on
images/acquired devices as well and any form of digital media, at no additional charge to
the State.
Guarded Exchange currently employs CelleBrite UFED Touch certified users as well as a
certified Digital Forensic Examiner and Missouri Licensed Private Investigator with over 4
years of experience in the field of data extraction, data analysis and cyber crime.
The combined experience of the Guarded Exchange staff combined with the Industry
leading hardware and software would ensure that the highest quality of digital forensic
services on mobile and any digital media.
The policies and procedures for maintaining a chain of custody that were approved by the
Missouri Attorney General were modified for the private sector and adopted for Guarded
Exchange Forensic Services. These polices for chain of custody and data extraction and
analysis were tried and tested polices based on Law Enforcement cyber crime programs.
These Policies were designed and implemented to maintain strict chain of custody doctrines
and maintain them throughout the process from receiving of the evidence, data extraction
and return of the evidence. Mobile Device policies and procedures are also based upon
industry recognized polices as recommended by CelleBrite. A copy of Guarded Exchange
Forensic Services Policies and Procedures, including all forms and documents will be made
available to the Department.
Every item received by Guarded Exchange Forensic services in entered into an electronic
spreadsheet as well as individually labeled and attached to an Acquired Property form,
where custody within the Guarded Exchange offices is maintained and documented. All
received evidence is secured in a locked room with access to a signal proof Faraday cage to
maintain original data on all evidence.
The Guarded Exchange forensic lab and evidence is a locked, secure room with access
limited to staff approved by the Forensics Services Coordinator.
Personnel Training and Staff Education
As well as secure, professional off site data extraction of mobile devices and digital media
forensic analysis, Guarded Exchange staff is also available to provide training to Department
staff. This training may be provided in house at Department facilities or via a live or
prerecorded webinar. Staff will be trained on the correct procedures for securing seized
mobile devices or other digital media so as to ensure the integrity of the device and any
contained evidence. Staff will also be trained on correct packing and shipping procedures
for seized/recovered mobile devices or other digital media.
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Guarded Exchange is also partnered with H11 Digital Forensics to provide CelleBrite UFED
Certification Training to select staff at an approved Department training location. Guarded
Exchange will provide a week long Certification Class to be conducted by H-11 for up to 9
Department staff at a Department training facility of the Departments choice.
Certified CelleBrite Training Courses and Cell Phone Forensics
These certified CelleBrite training courses begin with the core components of the CelleBrite
UFED Ultimate system and advance for comprehensive mobile device forensic
examinations. Participants will learn how to perform the following extractions: Logical, File
System, Passcode Recovery, and Physical. These CelleBrite training courses are not a
glorified repeat of the user guide or merely imaging lots of phones. The H-11 Certified
CelleBrite training courses are engineered, updated, and modeled for those cell phone
forensic examiners who want to learn sound methodologies and comprehensive skills.
Participants will learn proper extraction processes, how to read HEX dumps, PDU encoding,
and specialized techniques to better utilize the CelleBrite UFED Ultimate & CHINEX systems
to their full potential and capabilities.
Video visitation: Pilot program at five (5) facilities, identified by the Department, with an
option for statewide implementation, at the Department’s discretion.
Securus will provide a Video Visitation Pilot program at five (5) facilities, identified by the
Department, with an option for statewide implementation, at the Department’s discretion.
During the pilot program Securus will work with the Department to help develop policy and
procedures for a potential roll out of a statewide solution. A successful pilot should generate
sufficient volumes of paid visitations; an average of one visit per inmate per month is the
norm for a successful pilot. Securus proposes to provide the Department with this statewide
Securus Video Visitation Services at no cost to the Department.
The price for visitors using the system and proposed commission rate to the Department is
identified in Attachment 1. – Additional Negotiated Services Cost Proposal - Video Visitation
(5 pilot sites).
This new service can provide the Department with additional revenues through new
commissions as well as positively contribute to the Department goal of reducing recidivism.
The deployment of Securus Video Visitation will also have a positive impact on friends and
family members who can now conduct a visit from their home instead of traveling across
the state of Florida or even from outside of the state. Similarly, families who struggle to
afford to travel to prisons for visits will now have a way to communicate with inmates
without incurring the cost of hotel rooms, fuel costs and tolls.
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All video visitation sessions can be monitored and recorded, providing a video record of the
visit. All visits can be immediately terminated by supervisor staff during visit if necessary.
The Securus Video Visitation system enables you to conduct visitations safely, securely, and
with fewer burdens on facility staff. This advanced solution provides the Department with
multiple benefits, including:
Enhance facility security by reducing the possibility of inmate confrontation
Enhance facility operations by reducing transport of inmates
Improve the ability of the inmate to communicate with legal
representation//family, and any other persons authorized by the Department
Reduce contraband infiltration
Reduce inmate and visitor movement through a facility
Increase security for visitors
Increase inmate and visitor morale with increased opportunities to visit
Reduce man-hours needed to escort inmates and visitors to visiting areas
Generate income for the facility as a shared revenue producer
The Securus Video Visitation solution is a centralized system, similar to the SCP system, that
allows automatic technology and feature upgrades. After the system has been implemented,
it is easy for Securus to enable new features and modules by activating the feature in the
centralized system.
How it Works
The Securus Video Visitation solution allows user fees to be assessed and collected by the
system. As friends and family or members of the public elect to conduct remote visitation
sessions, they pay for the visit on a per-session basis.
Inmates’ friend and family members access a simple website via the Internet, designed with
the look and feel of access to other Securus services. The inmate’s friend or family member
schedules and pays for a video-visitation session by going to website.
Using the video visitation website, they can select the facility and inmate they wish to
participate in the video visitation session. The scheduling application automatically
schedules visits according to the housing location of the inmate in the facility, which
terminals are available to that specific housing location, and available times for video
visitations to be held. Fees are accessed and collected at the time the visit is scheduled via
credit or debit card.
At-Home (Remote) Video Visitation
This method allows remote visitors, such as friends and family, probation officers, and
attorneys to securely communicate with inmates from outside the facility via a broadband
Internet connection.
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Remote visitors access Securus Video Visitation through the website.
The visitor selects the facility and inmate they would like to visit. The visitor is able to do
the following:
Create, edit, and/or delete scheduled video sessions with inmates
Pay for the scheduled session with a credit or debit card
Start sessions with inmates (no officer intervention required)
Remote users will need to use personal computer or laptop with a built-in or exterior USB
camera, a microphone and speakers, or a headset.
Securus Video Visitation is a 100 percent Web-based video visitation and integrated
inmate kiosk solution specifically designed for correctional facilities.
Our video visitation service provides Securus clients the very best in video visitation
without the burden and costs of managing the system. We maintain the video visitation
system 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. The Department benefits from a
quality of service that is fast, accessible, and secure.
Free Calls: In 5, 10 and 15 minute increments. Calls will be authorized at the
Department’s discretion.
Securus proposes to provide 10,000 free calls annually at no charge to the Department for
the purposes of free inmate calling. During the Negotiation session, there we very good
reasons given for the need to allow for free calling. Securus believes that 10,000 free calls
on an annual basis will give the Department the flexibility needed to accomplish its goals.
Securus will set up an account for each inmate in which the Department may authorize free
calling in increments of 5, 10 or 15 minutes. The calls may be placed on the inmate’s
accounts directly by an authorized Department official or the request to add time to an
account may be emailed to Securus and the call will be credited to the inmates free call
Pricing for Free Calls is included in Attachment 1 – Additional Negotiated Services Cost
Proposal - Free Calls.
Securus will also provide the ability to use this free call allowance to designate certain
called numbers as a free call.
Authorized Department staff can add numbers to the free call list through the SCP user
interface, as shown in the following figure:
RBAFO Statewide Inmate Telephone Services – ITN #12-DC-8396
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Configuring Free Calls
Proprietary and Confidential
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Free by Dialed Phone Number
Any phone number can be set up as “Free” with appropriate permissions, through the global
list. The following screen shot identifies how an authorized user can set the phone number
with a Free dialing class of service.
Setting Free Calls in Global Lists
Proprietary and Confidential
Cell phone detection: Minimum of 15 detection units (cellsense or equivalent).
Securus is proposing the deployment of 15 MetraSens CellSense full body scanning units
across the State at no cost to the Department. The 15 MetraSens CellSense devices were
offered at no charge to the Department in the Securus ITN response and will continue to be
offered at no charge to the Department in this RBAFO response.
Securus is also offering through the Additional Negotiated Services process to provide the
Department with another 115 CellSense devices.
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Pricing for these additional 115 units is included in Attachment 1 – Additional Negotiated
Services Cost Proposal - Cell Phone Detection.
Immediately upon execution of a contract with the Department, Securus will place the order
to purchase the Cellsense units on behalf of the Department. These units are being offered
to address the growing issue of cell phone proliferation within prisons and we believe they
have the potential to be a critical perimeter-based first step in assisting the Department
with identification of contraband cell phones in your facilities. These units will be shipped
directly to the locations designated by the Department and can be immediately operational.
Cellsense is a proven, highly effective system that detects all cell phones even when they are
switched off and with or without batteries. Modern cell phones increasingly contain
minimal amounts of metal and conventional archway metal detectors struggle to detect
them. Cellsense detects essential cell phone components and the human body is unable to
mask the presence of cell phones to Cellsense so that internally inserted cell phones are
readily detected.
Cellsense is capable of scanning large numbers of inmates in a short time, much quicker
than utilizing hand wands. It’s innovative technology and portability allows it to be
deployed anywhere in the prison and set up in less than one minute.
Interactive Voice Response (IVR) scheduling: appointments, grievances etc.
Securus uses the services of Telerus to provide our inmate Interactive Voice Response
capabilities using its Automated Information Services (AIS) 2.0. Securus will provide the
services described below for the price provided in Attachment 1 – Additional Negotiated
Services Cost Proposal - Cell Phone Detection.
The IVR offering is a robust offering which handled more than 6.5 million interactions over
the last year with a very efficient average session time of one minute and twenty two
Automated Information Services is the industry’s first and only hosted interactive voice
response (IVR) system that automatically provides general facility information and inmatespecific information to inmates over the phone. All of this functionality is automatically
available around the clock, so that inmates can always get the information they need when
they need it.
Examples of information that AIS can automate information, such as:
Court Dates, Times, and Locations
Projected Release Date
Commissary Balance
Visitation Eligibility
General Scheduling
Grievance Processing
Setting and Managing Appointments
RBAFO Statewide Inmate Telephone Services – ITN #12-DC-8396
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AIS provides unmatched secure access into facility and inmate information. This
information is pulled from a facility’s various Management Information Systems (MIS)
including the Department’s management system every 15 minutes. The service offers an
English and Spanish interface, text-to-speech playback of inmate names, and touchtone and
speech recognition interface.
The proposed IVR will be custom designed to provide for all the inmate information the
Department is able to make available to the AIS system which can be accomplished using
IVR technology. The following is a typical implementation schedule for turning up our AIS
AIS Preliminary Project Plan
Execution of Agreements
Test Plan
Identification of Needs and Requirement
Project "blueprint" including Scripts, Flow
Charts, Data Requirements, Sign-off by
Plan provided to your facility with all Use
Cases and Test Data requirements
Core Development
Site Configuration
Week 1
Securus/Telerus, First Draft: Week 2
Final: Week 3
Week 3
Application Programming, FTP
configuration, Voice File Recording.
Week 6
Quality Assurance
Execution of Test Plan, Load testing, Voice
Files Double-Checked, Bugs Resolved.
Week 7
User Acceptance Testing
All parties confirm system performs to
exact specifications.
Week 8
Cutover to production architecture;
Securus/Telerus Development team
available 24/7.
Week 9
Continuous Voice Biometrics
Securus has one of the largest base of customers using voice biometric services. Customers
in Arizona and Texas represent over 150,000 inmates using the Securus voice biometric
service. This service will be provided on all calls at no charge to the Department.
As an option, Securus is also making the Investigator Pro application from JLG available to
the Department at a commission reduction of 7%. Pricing for these optional services are
detailed in Attachment 1 - Additional Negotiated Services Cost Proposal - Continuous Voice
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Securus has also included a third optional continuous voice biometrics solution (Echo™
Voice Biometric Solution) that was included in the Guarded Exchange proprietary software
under the Investigative Functions section above.
Inmate voice mail: Maximum of thirty (30) seconds for friends, family and staff
Securus is one of the only inmate telecommunication vendors to provide secure voicemail
opportunities to the facility. Voicemail provides a new path of communication for the
inmates, their friends and family members, and attorneys. In addition to communication
options, it provides investigative opportunities. This service will be provided at the price
provided on Attachment 1 - Additional Negotiated Services Cost Proposal – Inmate Voice
Mail, with a maximum of 10 messages per month per inmate. Additional messages can be
made upon mutual agreement.
Securus’ Voice Mail has the capability for two-way messages, meaning the inmate can leave
messages for site administrators, corrections officers, their attorneys, or friends and family,
and receive a response by voice mail. This benefits inmates and other involved parties
because it allows communication even when the called party isn’t at the phone to receive
the call.
Voice Mail
In the past, facilities have hesitated to offer a voice messaging system because of the lack of
system capabilities and security concerns. Accordingly, one-way telephone calls are still the
primary form of communication. If a call is placed and the called party does not answer,
communication is not possible and the call is terminated.
Limited communication options have caused complaints to be filed by inmates and friends
and family members resulting in increases in staff labor due to the handling of complaints,
as well as a reduction in facility operational efficiencies due to the loss of contact
How It Works
Securus has simplified the process for using Voice Mail. Any caller that has a Voice Mail
account with the existing platform can leave a voice message. Messages can be left for
individual inmates or multiple inmates in multiple facilities. Using their existing PIN,
inmates can retrieve Voice Mail’s on the SCP system.
System Security
Since messaging runs on Securus’ SCP, facilities have the same control of recording and
monitoring as with their inmate telephone system. Only the inmate, the sender, and
approved facility personnel can access Voice Mail messages.
Increased Investigating Capabilities
Messaging provides investigators with the same recording and monitoring capabilities as
any call. However, with friends and family member’s new capability to call and leave a
message, investigative possibilities are increased substantially
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Ability to search calls by keywords.
Securus is proposing to provide Word Spotting application which provides the ability to
search for keywords at no charge to the Department. The Securus Word Spotting solution
was developed specifically for the corrections environment. Securus built and tested this
technology in our development lab using actual calls placed by inmates with feedback and
direction from real investigators. This approach ensures that the Department will be using
an investigative tool to compliment the other investigative suite of services provided by
Securus. This includes the potential of incorporating Word Spotting into the suite of
investigative tools for Guarded Exchange monitoring services.
SCP’s Word Spotting features include the following components:
The default dictionary has more than 7,500 search words, which can be customized to meet
the facility’s needs, including slang and jargon not found in standard dictionaries.
As security threat groups expand their code word vocabulary and new intelligence is
gained, new keywords can be easily added.
User-friendly interface where suspicious inmates or phone numbers can be selected
for ongoing searches.
The Word Spotting search engine automatically processes offenders based on their
custody account number or based upon a target phone number with no additional
involvement from facility staff.
Integrated reporting that allows users to identify calls where specified keywords
were identified.
Unique feature that allows users to select suspicious recordings from the standard
Call Detail
Report and send them through the search engine with a single mouse click.
Capability to capture inmate to inmate telephone communications
Securus will capture inmate to inmate telephone communications using the ICER
Investigative application for JLG. The ICER technology identifies inmates communicating
with other inmates within and between participating facilities, including all of the facilities
served by Securus as well as those served by other inmate calling providers in the ICER
Securus will provide the ICER application at no charge to the Department.
ICER works by creating a “compact biometric model” for each call by collecting voice data
points plus call information available from Call Detail Records (CDRs) to generate a “call
signature” – which is then compared to other call signatures to determine a match. When an
inmate is identified as talking to another inmate ICER generates an automatic email
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Location based services of called cell phones.
The Securus Location Based Services (LBS) will be provided at 15 facilities at no cost to the
Department. LBS was offered at no charge to the Department in the Securus ITN response
and will continue to be offered at no charge to the Department in this RBAFO response.
Location Based Services for all other facilities are offered at the price provided on
Attachment 1 - Additional Negotiated Services Cost Proposal, - Location Based Services (cell
phones called).
The following is a description of Securus’ Location Based Service offering featuring GEO
Fencing and On-Demand location identification of cell phones.
Customer feedback, from the Department uncovered a need to identify the location of the
cell phone an inmate is calling. We took that feedback and worked to develop a solution that
went beyond what was requested. With Securus’ proprietary Location Based Services (LBS),
the Department can determine the true location of a cellular phone that is called by an
inmate. LBS will also track the location of the cell phone during the inmate call and identify
the distance of the cell phone from the correctional facility. This allows the Department to
place a perimeter around all of your facilities and block calls to cell phones if they are
located within a certain radius of your facility.
Integrated with SCP, Location-Based Services can:
Provide the called party’s true location at the time of an inmate’s call via a link in
the Call Detail Record (CDR)
Set up a “Geo Fence” perimeter around a location to notify investigators when an
inmate calls a cell phone that is within the Geo Fence perimeter
Identify the real-time location, on demand, of a suspect’s cell phone (requires
warrant/subpoena documentation)
Securus has recognized that Department investigators have had to contact cellular carriers
to find the location of cell phones during investigations. This can be time consuming and
challenging. Securus addresses this issue by offering as an integrated feature which is now
available on our Securus SCP inmate calling platform, our Securus Location Based Services
(LBS). With the cooperation of cellular carriers, Securus has developed LBS that will provide
the Department with immediate access to identify the location of a cell phone called by an
inmate by simply logging into the SCP inmate calling system. This will provide immediate
access to our LBS service and the ability to identify the location of the cell phone in
With Securus’ proprietary Location-Based Services (LBS), the Department can determine
the true location of a cellular phone that is called by an inmate. LBS will also track the
location of the cell phone during the inmate call and identify the distance for the cell phone
from the correctional facility. This allows the Department to place a perimeter around all of
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© 2013 Securus Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.
RBAFO – ITN #12-DC-8396
your facilities and block calls to cell phones if they are located within a certain radius of
your facility.
Integrated with SCP, Location-Based Services can:
Provide the called party’s true location at the time of an inmate’s call via a link in
the Call Detail Record (CDR)
Set up a “Geo Fence” perimeter around a location to notify investigators when an
inmate calls a cell phone that is within the Geo Fence perimeter
Identify the real-time location, on demand, of a suspect’s cell phone (requires
warrant/subpoena documentation)
With roughly 80 percent of calls being placed from wireless devices nationwide, this
presents a tremendous challenge to corrections, law enforcement, and investigators.
Securus is the first communications company to offer a product to address this issue with
Location Based Services.
Reports generated from the CDR contain an icon that identifies calls to a wireless number.
Location Based Services provides an additional link that maps the location of a wireless
number when the inmate placed the call.
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Wireless Location on Call Detail Records Report
GEO Fencing
With Geo Fencing, the Department can set up a perimeter around Department facilities that
identifies when an inmate calls a cell phone that is located within that perimeter at the time
of the call. Geo Fencing can generate a Covert Alert notification to investigators that allow
them to act quickly on real-time information. This valuable capability helps protect your
perimeter and is helpful in preventing escape attempts or the introduction of contraband
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© 2013 Securus Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Geo Fence Management
Covert Alert connects a call to an authorized remote number for dialed numbers, phones,
inmates PIN, or Geo Fence perimeters that are under surveillance. Authorized personnel can
monitor a call from any designated location, while the call is in progress.
The investigator enters a telephone number (such as cellular, home, or office), which is
where he or she wants the call sent to for live monitoring. When a call is placed by an
inmate that meets the Covert Alert trigger criteria, it automatically routes to the predesignated investigator phone number(s). A call can be sent to multiple numbers
simultaneously allowing several investigators to listen into the call.
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Covert Alert on Geo Fence Perimeter
On Demand - Real-time Location Based Services
On Demand cell phone location identifies the location of a suspect’s cell phone, in real-time,
regardless of whether a call is in progress. This feature will aid investigators, with
appropriate warrant documentation, in locating persons of interest faster and requiring
fewer resources.
Location-Based Services
Securus’ proprietary Location-Based Services will
Increase the efficiency of your investigative staff
Prevent and minimize contraband at your facilities
Increase the safety and security of your community
No other inmate communications service provider can deliver this kind of identification of
call terminations. Without it, corrections officers and law enforcement personnel are left in
the dark; not knowing where the calls are being placed as was commonplace with
traditional landline telephone service.
In order to provide the best value to the state, the Department reserves the right to
accept or reject any or all of the additional negotiated services.
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Value-added services include any services, including additional services that the Contractor
offers to provide as part of the Contract resulting from the ITN that is either not required to be
provided in the ITN or RBAFO or clearly exceeds the minimum requirements of required service.
The Respondent shall provide a detailed description of each value-added service, system and/or
equipment functionality, in narrative form. If included in the Contractor’s BAFO and accepted by
the Department, “Valued-Added Services” shall be provided as part of the contracted service at
no additional cost to the Department and with minimal impact to family and friends.
Inmate PAN Automation
Securus currently employs 17 Site Service Representatives dedicated to the Florida
Department of Corrections, whose primary function includes daily Personal Allowed
Number (PAN) management for inmates. We have re-committed each of the 17 headcount
in support of the ITS ITN. However, as technology has evolved the Department may wish to
utilize automated technology in order to improve PAN management efficiencies. Currently,
correctional staff and paper are required to process inmate PAN requests and updates.
Through Securus’ Inmate Managed PAN feature the inmate would be able to initiate the PAN
request changes via telephone, bypassing the need for paper and correctional officers
The Securus Inmate Managed PAN application allows inmates to manage phone numbers
on their list, such as adding a new number, removing a number, checking the status of a
phone number, or hearing, which phone numbers are on their list. When an inmate adds a
phone number to their list, the automated system conducts a real time Billing Name and
Address (BNA) lookup on the phone number. If a valid BNA is found, the automated system
calls the phone number requesting to be added and asks the called party if they wish to be
placed on the specific inmates PAN list.
This eliminates Site Service Representative’s requirement for manual entry and lookup of
BNA creating greater efficiencies and improved overall productivity. Any number which is
validated for addition to the inmate’s PAN list may still be subject to manual approval
should the Department elect to implement a secondary approval process which will be
carried out by the Securus Site Service Representative at the direction of the Department.
After the automated PAN system has been in place, if the Department agrees that the
efficiencies created have lead to an opportunity to reduce the number of Site Service
Representatives, the overall headcount will not be reduced but may be reallocated, with the
Department’s approval, to programs such as a Security role in support of our proposed
Forensic Extraction program. Ultimately, the reassigned role would be conducted at the
Department’s discretion. The Inmate Managed Pan is available to the Department at no cost
and requires little or no training because of the easy to follow voice prompts. The Inmate
Managed PAN application is already part of the SCP platform and simply needs to be
enabled on the provisioning page by Securus.
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© 2013 Securus Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Inmate Debit Calling Accounts
Securus understand that the Department has stated that Inmate Debit Calling is not a
service included in this contract.
However because the contract has the potential to run up to ten years, and due to on-going
pressures to allow Inmate Debit through the FCC Proposed Rulemaking process, Securus is
offering to enable Inmate Debit Calling at any time during the contract. The Department
could benefit significantly from the implementation of Inmate Debit Calling. Securus Inmate
Debit accounts are inmate-owned phone accounts that allow inmates to fund phone calls to
numbers on the Department approved allowed list. Because the calls are funded by the
inmate, there is no cost to the called party. An inmate can transfer funds from the
commissary system to his Inmate Debit calling account. The inmate initiates the funds
transfer from the commissary system to his Inmate Debit calling account at the commissary.
The inmate will provide his inmate identification at the point of sale and request the
transfer of funds. The transfer amount will be deducted from the inmate’s trust or
commissary account and added to his Inmate Debit calling account. Debit transactions will
include inmate ID and the dollar amount transferred, and will be sent electronically from
the commissary to the Securus secure FTP server. The resulting electronic data exchange
immediately updates the inmate telephone system to show the inmate identification and
amount of debit time added to the phone account (by each inmate).
As an added advantage, Inmate Debit accounts can also be funded by friends and family
members. This creates more revenue—inmates can make more calls because they now have
additional funds. In addition, unlike traditional prepaid collect accounts, the inmate owns
his Inmate Debit account and is not limited to calling only the numbers funded by friends
and family members. Inmate Debit accounts increase the inmate calling opportunities,
thereby increasing revenue and commissions for the Department
This new calling method will result in increased call volume and additional commission
dollars. DOCs across the country have implemented inmate debit and have found that the
increased call volume has resulted in more friends and family communication between
inmates and outside parties.
Commissary Order by Phone
Securus proposes to provide a unique and time saving feature of our SCP inmate calling
system; Commissary Order by Phone. This feature will increase commissary ordering
efficiency and at the same time save staff time. Securus’ Commissary Order by Phone product
provides inmates with the ability to order commissary items using the same inmate
telephones used to place calls to friends and family members.
Benefits for Your Facility
This product saves facility staff time processing commissary orders and handling
commissary order complaints. Commissary Order by Phone frees up your staff to focus on
important activities like safety and security. Orders can be placed when needed by inmates,
and as frequently as needed, thereby reducing complaints. Increased sales on commissary
items by offering an additional point of sale, may also increase the Department’s
commissionable revenue.
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Benefits for Inmates
Inmates also benefit from using Commissary Order by Phone. If Department policy permits,
Inmates can place orders when they want to, as frequently as they want to without having to
wait on facility staff. It is convenient, easy, and accessible.
To place an order using Commissary Order by Phone, inmates can simply go to any inmate
telephone and dial a designated number. The call then connects to the commissary’s IVR
where the inmate can place their order by following the voice prompts and pressing keys on
the key pad of the phone.
Benefits for Commissaries
Commissaries also benefit. Our Commissary Order by Phone product opens up another
point-of-sale for commissary companies, helping to increase their revenue through the sale
of more products and/or through improving inventory turn times as more orders are placed
more frequently because it is more convenient for inmates.
Officer Check-In
Securus proposes to provide the Securus Officer Check-In function as a fully integrated
feature of our SCP inmate calling platform. This feature will provide the capability for
correctional officers to “check in” from any offender telephone without the need for
specialized buttons or magnetic wands. Each officer will simply lift the receiver of any
inmate telephone; enter his or her unique Officer Check-In PIN and record observations
during their rounds to the SCP phone system. At the end of their rounds, the authorized
users will have the ability to search Officer Check-In calls, as well as accounts providing exact
date and time of entry into each cell location as well as playback of the recorded
conversation of any observations during their rounds.
For staff convenience, the Officer Check-In feature is always active regardless if the
telephone set is automatically programmed to be off during their rounds. However manual
cutoff switches are required to be in the “on” position enabling connectivity between the
telephone and the SCP.
SCP is quite flexible in allowing officers to “check in” from any telephone. Each officer is
provided a unique PIN as well as a personalized mailbox to record an observation during
duty rounds. All information can be obtained simply by generating a report for a single
officer PIN or a group of officers by selecting Officer Check-In report module. Once the
report is generated, personalized messages can be retrieved by authorized personnel from
any workstation with access to the SCP user interface secure Web site. This efficiency
enhancing capability provides audit capabilities that help indemnify your facility and provide
savings on costs related to stand alone check in systems.
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© 2013 Securus Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Re-Entry Assistance
Jobview is a small business based in Minnesota producing software that operates in public
access terminals placed in high traffic locations to assist in finding jobs. Jobview has been
one of only a few providers of this niche job search service for nearly 20 years. Jobview
offers a specific job finding service designed for use in correction re-entry programs.
The financial incentive for prisons utilizing job service is compelling. If only one offender
finds a job in three years of using their product, it pays for itself in reduced recidivism costs.
Over the past three years, Jobview has grown the Federal Corrections business to now 15
prisons who host our service. This is over 15% of the total federal prison market. In 2012
over 65,000 job search sessions were conducted with the offenders looking at over 450,000
jobs. This service is a success by any measure. Nearly 650,000 people are released from
state and federal prisons yearly and far greater numbers re-enter from local jails. Each of
them needs a job.
Securus is proposing to make Jobview available to the Department at up to three of its
current re-entry centers.
JOBview 2nd Chance gives inmates a 30-60 day head start on finding a job.
Jobview 2nd Chance is a computer terminal or kiosk that allows people returning to the
community from prisons to search for statewide and nationwide jobs without direct access
to the internet. Jobview 2nd Chance kiosks are “prison-ready” because the user does not
have access to a keyboard or to the internet. Job listings are accessed through a secure
wireless connection from the kiosk to the Jobview datacenter via a virtual private network.
Jobs can only be searched on the kiosk using a touch screen user interface which controls
and limits what the user can see and do. Job descriptions, along with job application
requirements and instructions, can be printed directly from the kiosk to assist the user with
later follow-up. The JOBview program is self-service and requires no user training. The kiosk
is ready for use the minute you plug it in.
JOBview 2nd Chance provides access to nearly 2 million job listings. The listings are updated
daily so users are always searching current jobs. A “disconnected” version of the kiosk is also
available and job listings are updated through a JOBswap media device on a regular basis. A
“software only” version of the JOBview 2nd program is available for facilities that already
have a secure computing environment that is accessible by inmates.
Inmate Benefits
Get a 30-60 day head start on a job search
Browse state and nationwide jobs that are current and updated nightly
Start thinking about jobs before release; putting their mind on something positive
and productive
See what skills and specific requirements they will face well ahead of release
Match educational programs they are using to the types of jobs they may be
qualified for
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Practice electronic job searching which is technology they will commonly see upon
Job listings of interest can be printed and used for reference after a kiosk session
Correctional Facility Benefits
No job-seeker training costs because the JOBview 2nd Chance user interface is selfexplanatory
Staff no longer needs to find and print job listings for their transitioning inmates
Job listings for all types of jobs and levels of experience in cities nationwide
Turnkey service; Jobview takes care of everything
No long-term contracts; annual renewal option
TouchPay—Payment Systems and Related Services
TouchPay Payment Systems has existing payment locations within the state of Florida and
across the United States that can be used by friends and family members to make payment to
the Department.
TouchPay has also developed the interface requirements between Securus and TouchPay for
investigations, transactions, customer service, and maintenance purposes.
TouchPay’s core competencies, when combined with the Securus capabilities, differentiate
us from similar service providers and position us as the industry leader in delivering
convenient funding solutions through:
Ability to Accept Phone Payments – TouchPay has a strategic partnership with
Securus. Providing it’s convenient payment system, including Kiosk-based cash
transactions, has proven to drive incremental phone revenues.
Ability to Accept Multiple Payments – In addition to accepting inmate trust
deposits, TouchPay can also accept visitation, background check, parole, alternative
sentencing, work-release, fines, fees, and any additional payments that would be of
value to the Department.
Release Cards – TouchPay’s Release Card is available to the Department at no cost,
and it would eliminate the need for the Department to issue checks or cash to
inmates at release. A PIN number is issued with the Release Card, giving the
released offender immediate access to their funds.
Online Payments
TouchPay’s online payment-portal accepts Visa and MasterCard credit/debit cards for a
variety of transactions. TouchPay provides a secure web-payment server, and our existing
infrastructure easily allows additional facilities to be added so they can begin taking
payments immediately. Utilizing the existing TouchPay merchant-account network provides
instant transaction postings to the Department’s back-office reporting system.
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Walk-in Retail Payments
Cash customers can safely and securely make deposits with TouchPay’s Walk-in Retail
Payment service. In-store deposits can be made at select retailers who participate in the billpay network, which provides great convenience for cash depositors.
WellCard Prescription Discount Card
Securus proposes to provide WellCardRX brochures to appropriate Department facilities
where they can be distributed to inmates upon release. These small, simple brochures
include a prescription card that provides savings of up to 50%, and sometimes more, on
quality prescription and health care services for employees, inmates and family members,
which inmates can use upon release to purchase prescriptions at a discount.
Securus will provide this without any charge and will provide the Department’s inmates with
a valuable tool in their ability to assimilate back into the general population, helping improve
recidivism rate, and at the same time provide substantial savings to them for prescriptions,
lab tests and other medical procedures. Department employees, family and friends will also
benefit by enjoying the same benefits.
This is a free prescription discount program for all customers.
Cardholders receive discounts on more than 60,000 name-brand & generic
Many nonprescription, specialty and lifestyle medications are also included.
The overall national average discount is 45%.
The overall national savings per prescription is $24.25.
Each month, 24% of cardholders save 70+%.
The card can be used at over 60,000 pharmacies nationwide.
The card is accepted by all Major pharmacy chains and 95% of independent
Cardholders also receive a 50% - 80% discount on lab & imaging tests.
Who does this benefit?
The uninsured.
The underinsured.
Those with Health Savings Accounts (HSA’s).
Those who have high deductibles.
Those who have not reached their annual deductible.
Those whose medications are not included in their insurance formularies.
Those whose insurance benefits do not extend to lifestyle medications.
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Those whose insurance does not cover prescriptions while they are in another
Those whose insurance does not cover medications for pre-existing conditions.
Eligibility Requirements:
No applications, registration, approval process, or waiting periods.
No restrictions, exclusions, or limitations.
No one is turned down regardless of age, health, or pre-existing conditions.
Easy to Use:
Simply present the card and prescription to any participating pharmacy.
There is no expiration date.
There are no restrictions or limits on how much or often a card is used.
One card can be used by an entire family.
There is nothing to sign, no pre-authorizations, or claim forms.
All cardholder information is confidential and not sold or used for any other
Phase 8 - Best and Final Offers
Respondents will be asked to submit to the Department their Best and Final Offer in accordance
with revised specifications, if applicable, as set forth in the Department’s Request for Best and
Final Offers. The vendors’ Best and Final Offers shall contain the best pricing option the vendor
is prepared to offer as specified in Section A, Pricing, however, after submission of Best and Final
Offers, the Department reserves the right to clarify any element of required service or further
negotiate pricing with a single or all qualified respondents prior to final award. After receipt of
BAFO’s, the Negotiation Team will prepare a summary report of negotiations and enter a
recommendation as to which respondent provides the best value to the state. Award will be
made in compliance with Section 287.057 (3) (b), Florida Statutes.
Responses to this Request for Best and Final Offer shall be received no later than close of
business (5:00 p.m. ET), Tuesday, June 18, 2013. Responses may be emailed (preferred), faxed
or sent hard copy sent via mail. If submitting via email, please submit to with a cc to Faxed responses
may be sent to 850-488-7189
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The Respondent shall include a signed statement acknowledging acceptance of the minimum
specifications and their intent to comply with all terms and conditions indicated in the ITN,
Respondent’s Initial Response, the Request for Best and Final Offer and Respondent’s Best and
Final Offer.
When a contract is established between the Department and the successful Respondent, the ITN,
the Initial Response to the ITN, the Request for Best and Final Offer and the Respondent’s BAFO
shall be incorporated into and thereby become a part of that contract. If there is a conflict in
language, the Department's contract will govern.
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RBAFO – ITN #12-DC-8396
Additional Negotiated Services
Cost Proposal
Additional Negotiated Services
Additional Charge
Per Minute to
Blended Telephone
Rate Proposed*
“To Connect”
Percentage Change
to Department
Commission Rate
Proposed ***
(i.e. 2% reduction)
Video Visitation Only
(i.e. $/01 increase)
Blended Video Visitation
Per Minute Rate Proposed
(inclusive of surcharges)
Commission % Rate
(i.e. $.25% per call)
1.) Video Visitation (5 pilot sites)
2.) Free Calls
3.) Forensics Extraction Options
4.) Investigative Function
6% Reduction in
5.) Cell Phone Detection
6.) IVR Scheduling
7.) Continuous Voice Biometrics
NC for Securus CVV
7%reduction in
Commission if FL
DOC requests JLG
8.) Inmate Voice Mail
9.) Ability to search calls by
10.) Capability to capture inmate
to inmate telephone
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RBAFO – ITN #12-DC-8396
11.) Location Based Services
(cell phones called)
RBAFO Statewide Inmate Telephone Services – ITN #12-DC-8396
© 2013 Securus Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Global Tel*Link Corporation
Executive Offices
12021 Sunset Hills Road
Suite 100
Reston , VA 20190
fax 703.435.0980
Corporate Headquarters
107 St Francis St
32"d Floor
Mobile, AL 36602
ph: 251.338.8859
fax. 251.434.8695
June 18, 2013
Julyn Hussey - Procurement Manager
Department of Corrections
Bureau of Procurement and Supply
501 South Calhoun Street
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2500
SOLICIATION NO: 12-DC-8396 - Request for Best and Final Offer
Dear Ms. Hussey,
Global Tel*Link (GTL) is pleased to submit our response to ITN #12-DC-8396, for Statewide Inmate
Telephone Services to the State of Florida, Department of Corrections Request for Best and Final
Offer (RBAFO). We appreciate this opportunity to present our final offer for the Department's
requirements and to demonstrate why GTL offers the best value to the State of Florida.
As required by RBAFO Section F., GTL acknowledges the minimum specifications and our intent to
comply with all terms and conditions indicated in the ITN, GTL's Initial Response, the Request for
Best and Final Offer and GTL's Best and Final Offer. GTL understands when a contract is established
between the Department and GTL, the ITN, the Initial Response to the ITN, the Request for Best and
Final Offer and GTL's BAFO response, shall be incorporated into and thereby become a part of that
contract. If there is a conflict in language, the Department's contract will govern.
We believe we have prepared an overall response which provides the best value to the State Florida,
all constituents and users of the inmate telephone system demonstrated as follows
24% reduction in rates, which means more contact with friends and family
41 % increase in commissions compared to the current contract
600+ Feature Centralized ITS
All New Network Infrastructure and Telephone Equipment
Full deployment of Additional Negotiated Services
Additional Value Added Services at No Cost to the Department including
a. Visitation Scheduling Software for All Department Visits, including on-site as well as
video visits
b. Pilot for Wireless Devices for Inmate Education, Re-entry Programs and Secure
c. $100,000 Annual Technology Grant
d. JLG Investigator Pro Technology
e. Debit Calling Option
f. Call Track - Parolee Monitoring Services
Executive Offices
12021 Sunset Hills Road
Suite 100
Reston , VA 20190
Global Tel*Link Corporation
Corporate Headquarters
107 St Francis St
32"d Floor
Mobile, AL 36602
251 .338.8859
7. Meaningul utilization of certified small, disabled veteran, minority and woman owned business
including PRIDE and RESPECT
8. Project Team with unsurpassed DOC experience
9. Upon contract award, GTL will assume the risk of transitioning in less than 80 days, in spite of
what other providers may do to delay the transition.
We reiterate our commitment to the Department to transition in 70 days or 10 days less than the ITN
If any clarification or additional information is needed about our response, GTL will respond
immediately to any such request. Please contact your Account Executive, Andrew Merrill, at (916)
698-8343. As an alternative, you may contact Ms. Rae Pearson, our RFP director, at (317) 558-3151.
We are ready to implement our Best Value Solution for the State of Florida Department of
Select a Partner with Today's Capabilities AND Tomorrow's Vision: Global Tel*Link.
Jeffrey B. Haidinger
President and COO
State of Florida
Department of Corrections
In Reference To
ITN # 12-DC-8396
June 14, 2013
Responses to RBAFO Due By
Close of Business (5:00 p.m. ET) Tuesday, June 18, 2013
(850) 717-3679
FAX (850) 488-7189
The Florida Department of Corrections has issued this
This is the Request for Best and Final Offer (RBAFO) in response to negotiations with three (3) respondents to the
Department’s ITN# 12-DC-8396. This RBAFO contains Pricing, Additional Negotiated Services, and Value Added Services as
discussed during negotiation and outlined below. The other specifications of the original ITN, unless modified in the RBAFO,
remain in effect. Respondents are cautioned to clearly read the entire RBAFO for all revisions and changes to the original ITN
and any addenda to specifications, which are incorporated herein and made part of this RBAFO document.
Unless otherwise modified in this Request for Best and Final Offer, the initial requirements as set forth in the Department’s
Invitation to Negotiate document and any addenda issued thereto have not been revised and remain as previously indicated.
Additionally, to the extent that portions of the ITN have not been revised or changed, the previous reply / initial reply provided
to the Department will remain in effect.
The Respondent shall provide their Best and Final Offer for rates on the below Cost Proposal Table. Costs should be
submitted with the most favorable terms the Respondent can offer.
NOTE: Blended Telephone Rates for family and friends shall not exceed two dollars and ten cents ($2.10) for a
fifteen (15) minute call.
The Department is seeking pricing that will provide the best value to the State. The Department desires that the
resultant contract generates the highest percentage of revenue for the state and the lowest possible telephone call
rate charges for inmate families and friends.
GTL Response:
GTL’s BAFO pricing is reflected below. The blended telephone rate per
call represents a 24% discount compared to today’s rates while our proposed commission offer
will generate an additional 41% in annual commissions in the first 5 years and 52% in the
renewal years.
Furthermore, if inmates take advantage of the lower rates and increase the number of calls
made per month such that their total spend equals what it is today ($14.5mil/yr), your
commission dollars will grow to $9.4mil in the initial term ($14.5M x 65%) or 85% more than you
are being paid under the current contract. In the renewal years, this will grow to $10.2mil
($14.5M x 70%) or 100% more than you are being paid under the current contract.
©2013 Global Tel*Link – BAFO Response
Page 2 of 24
Commission %
Rate Proposed
Telephone Rate
for All Calls*
(inclusive of
5 years
The Department is interested in the following services that were addressed during negotiations:
The Respondent shall provide a detailed description of each of the below services, systems and/or equipment
functionality, in narrative form. If included in the Contractor’s BAFO and all, or a portion of, are accepted by the
Department, these services shall be provided as part of the contracted service, and at the rates shown in the Cost
Proposal (see Attachment 1) submitted in the respondent’s BAFO.
GTL Response
We have provided a detailed narrative for each of the additional
negotiated services and additional Value Added services below. In addition to the Additional
Negotiated Services and Value Added Services, GTL’s core offer includes the following:
600+ Feature Centralized ITS
All New ITS Network Infrastructure
All New Telephones
Unsurpassed DOC Staff Experience
Meaningful utilization of certified small, disabled veteran, minority and woman owned
business including PRIDE and RESPECT
Upon contract award, GTL will assume the risk of transitioning in less than 80 days, in
spite of what other providers may do to delay the transition.
Investigative functions : An Investigative tool with the ability to import external sources of data and at
least one (1) dedicated staff person to assist with analyzing investigative data;
GTL Response
“If you can think it, we can link it”
With the same ‘link charting’ techniques used in the Boston Marathon Bombing investigations,
GTL Data IQ provides the Department with the robust capabilities to analyze data beyond call
analytics including the capability to analyze external data in addition to internal data such as the
DOC’s F.A.S.T system, OBIS, GTL’s call data, video visitation, prepaid deposit data and data
extracted from the Cellebrite cell phone forensics units. To maximize the power of GTL Data IQ,
GTL will provide one dedicated staff person PLUS our staff located in our offices in Lake Butler,
FL to assist with analysis regardless of the source of the investigative data. There are no limits
to the analytical capabilities of GTL Data IQ: “If you can think it, we can link it”.
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Florida Department of Law Enforcement and Department of Financial Services
Both the FDLE and DFS are existing users of the underlying technology used to power GTL
Data IQ providing the Department with the capability to access additional investigative data.
Should the Department need to expand an investigation with the FDLE, investigators for both
the Department and the FDLE are already familiar with the use of this technology saving time
used for investigations instead of learning a different analytics tool.
GTL Data IQ Investigative Data Sources – Advanced Intelligence Gathering
GTL Data IQ is far more intelligent than other packages that just
focus on inmate calling data. Inmates have ‘touch points’ with
the outside through means other than telephone calls. GTL
Data IQ was designed with these additional touch points in
mind. Its comprehensive data investigation incorporates
the following sources of data:
Inmate Telephone Calls – Basic Intelligence
Offender Management System Data – Advanced Intelligence
Kiosk Data – Advanced Intelligence
Financial Transaction Data – Advanced Intelligence
Visitation Data - Advanced Intelligence
Video Visitation Data – Advanced Intelligence
Public Information Resources – Advanced Intelligence
Cellebrite Forensic Cell Phone Data – Advanced Intelligence
Additional Information Data Sources: GTL Data IQ provides the Department with a unique
investigative resource within the public domain. Within the State of Florida, investigators will be
able to pull data from public information data sites across a wide cross section. The following is
a partial listing of those public sites available to investigators:
HIDTA (pending in Florida)
Southwest Border Alliance
Consumer Finance Businesses
Correspondent Lenders
DIF Open Fugitives
Health Department License
Health Facilities No License
Home Improvement Sellers
Loan Originators
Money Transmitters
Mortgage Brokers and Lenders
Motor Vehicle Lenders
Retail Installment Sellers
Sales Finance Businesses
Securities Firms
Data mining technologies allow investigators to uncover linkages between telephone numbers
and people/organizations to expose complex communication networks, identify investigative
targets, and track chronological or sequential calling patterns.
Searching by inmate, depositor, phone number or visitor enables visualization of:
Connections between inmates and those making deposits to inmate accounts
Phone numbers being called by multiple inmates
Visitors visiting multiple inmates
Financial transactions made via kiosk
Video Visitation system
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Closer examination of some links might reveal no untoward activity; for example, a single phone
number dialed by multiple inmates might belong to an attorney representing each of those
inmates. Other links may provide valuable investigative benefit by revealing patterns and
evidence indicative of ongoing criminal enterprise, gang activity and communication with former
GTL Data IQ is one of the most powerful analytical packages available on the marketplace with
a specific focus on Law Enforcement and public safety related interests. The system was
designed to handle large volumes of data coming from multiple, disparate sources. The unique
features of GTL Data IQ enable the Department to easily review and analyze the networks,
relationships, and connections associated with their inmate population.
Forensic extraction options: Minimum of six (6) Universal Forensic Extraction Devices (Cellbrite or
equivalent); and off site examination of data - maintaining a defendable chain of custody;
GTL Response
GTL is including a minimum of 6 Cellebrite forensic extraction
devices with our offer. Off site extraction and examination of data while maintaining a
defendable chain of custody is provided via our offices in Lake Butler, FL where our
experienced investigative staff will supplement the Department’s investigative staff. In addition
to the minimum of 6 units to be provided to the Department, GTL will also purchase units to be
held at the Lake Butler office for GTL’s investigative staff. In addition to assisting with
investigations, these units could be used as real-time replacement ‘spares’ should one of the
DOC units fail. In that instance, Lake Butler would deliver the spare unit and have the damaged
unit replaced so that investigators lose no productivity in their investigations.
Additionally, GTL offers the Department an annual technology grant, which could be used for
additional Cellebrite units. The details of the annual technology grant are detailed in our
response to Section C – Value Added Services.
Video visitation: Pilot program at five (5) facilities, identified by the Department, with an option for
statewide implementation, at the Department’s discretion.
GTL Response
GTL’s offer includes a pilot program at five (5) Department
facilities, identified by the Department.
GTL’s unmatched experience and DOC customer base has given us unique insight into the
needs of large State Departments of Corrections. While other providers may have experience
implementing video visitation for small population facilities, GTL’s video visitation product is the
only hardened solution proven in high-volume environments, such as the LA County Jail. The
number of visits at LA County alone eclipse those processed by all other video visitation
providers combined. When comparing video visitation technology from your finalists, only GTL’s
video visitation technology has been deployed at a DOC – Colorado DOC.
As the leader in the corrections technology industry, we are confident our VisManager Video
Visitation (VVS) service is the best solution for the Department.
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GTL will provide the Department’s needed services for:
Complete Turn-Key Solution
Web-based system
Registering and Scheduling for on-site as well as remote video visits
System Interface to OMS
Staff Access
Advantages of GTL’s Video Visitation Solution
Studies and reports continue to support that recidivism can be
significantly reduced by regular connection and communications
between inmates, families and friends – 13% reduction in
felony reconviction and a 25% reduction in technical
Provides family and friends a secure visitation with an inmate,
without having to travel long distances.
Reduces the possibility of contraband being brought into the facility.
The visitation backbone rides on the industry’s leading scheduling software that can be
used for even face-to-face visits.
The granularity of the visitation management software is unmatched by any other
offering in corrections, allowing for the most robust and personalized solution for the
Revenue Generation
While the demands of your staff and facility continue to grow, budgets continue to shrink. As a
result, correctional facilities have sought out ways to generate revenue to offset costs. Services
such as inmate phones, commissary, and inmate deposits have helped to defray costs; but until
now, there has not been an effective system to generate revenue from inmate visitation.
GTL’s VVS Solution can optionally generate revenue, for example, by charging for additional
visits; those beyond the number permitted at no cost during a specified time period. You might
designate specific days, times of day, or locations for free visits and charge for any other visits.
Whether you offer on-premise video visitation, Internet video visitation, face-to-face visitation or
a combination of these, our VVS Solution’s advanced revenue generation module gives you the
option of generating revenue. Unique to our proposed software, GTL’s visitation management
is the only software that can schedule all types of visits.
VVS Revenue Option Features
Generate revenue from internet, on-premise video visitation and/or face-to-face visitation
Charge for visits in excess of inmates’ “free visit” quotas
Charge during specific days or times of the day
Charge for specific locations (i.e. downtown visitation center)
Set up unique fee structures
Create override and refund polices
Generate billing reports
Automated refunds for inmate releases, movements, etc.
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Managed Hosting
Industry leading visitation management without added expenses of servers and IT staff
GTL’s hosted VVS Solution eliminates many of the financial barriers that can keep you from
implementing a visitation management solution. Managed hosting gives you the same advanced
functionality as our best-of-breed visitation management solution. Through managed hosting,
you can dramatically reduce your up-front capital investment and in-house resource
Video Visitation Functional Overview
GTL’s Video Visitation System, powered by Renovo, includes the VisManager visitation
management scheduling software platform that provides correctional facilities the tools to
manage and control all types of visits through a single web interface: contact, face-to-face,
video, Internet (at-home) and professional. The software was first deployed in 2003 and has
been expanding ever since. VisManager is the clear leader in the visitation management
market. By incorporating customer feedback into development every year, the VisManager
software continues to provide the most comprehensive and configurable visitation platform.
GTL recommends the Department source the very best in scheduling software when selecting
their vendor. VisManager is an all-encompassing visitation management solution developed
specifically for correctional facilities. The system’s modular design allows facilities to install only
the functionality that applies to their department and opt for a phased deployment. This unique
approach allows facilities to add additional functionality as policies and other factors change
over time.
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Whether your solution includes on-premise video visits, internet video visits or simply scheduling
and managing face-to-face visits, this modular-based platform will equip you with the tools to
effectively manage your visitation environment. Our VVS Solution’s flexible, scalable, easy-touse interface allows you to deliver exceptional service to the community while cutting the chaos
out of visitation.
Often times, facilities offer a combination of these types of visits based on the classification of
inmates or the type of visit (public or professional). Based on the customer’s needs, the platform
can handle any combination of traditional contact or non-contact barrier type visits, video visits,
remote (internet) video visits and professional visits.
VisManager is designed to allow each facility to configure the system with their own specific
policies and procedures—without the need for custom development or other interventions on
GTL’s part. Policies can be set up globally or applied only to certain housing units (visitation
quotas, restrictions, approved visitor lists, etc.).
This allows facilities to schedule, manage, and track all visits and visit history in one system.
Utilizing VisManager results in tremendous labor savings and operational efficiencies for
correctional institutions of all sizes.
Features of the VisManager Scheduling Software Solution
Scheduling a visit
Charging for visits
Event and Conflict Checking
Warrant Checks
Easy Visitor Check-Ins
User Groups and Privileges
The modularity and hardware neutrality of this software helps protect investments and prevent
technology obsolescence. This system will include all visiting stations, video monitors, web
cams, handsets and codecs for both onsite and remote video visitation. Our flexible solution
supports a variety of configurations:
On-Site Facility Visitation – Inmate and visitor video visitation units are located within a
facility; allowing visits at the facility without the need for additional security.
Multiple On-Site Facility Visitation – Video visitation units are located at two or more
facilities; allowing visitor at one facility to visit inmates at the two or more facilities.
External Visitation – Video visitation units are located at a facility and at an approved
remote location such as courthouse or visitation center to permit video visitation between
these units.
Remote Visitation – Video visitation units are installed at facilities, which allow visits
with remote home computers.
In-Pod Video Visitation- Video Visitation is also available on GTL’s In-pod kiosk for use
by inmates , if the county procures these services at a later date for inmate email,
commissary ordering, media/education digital content distribution, or electronic inmate
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Enclosure Features
Off-the-shelf components
High resolution cameras
Corrections-grade handsets and lanyards
standard monitors (minimum)
Corrections-grade hardened steel
Liquid and vandal resistant
Optional features including: mobile enclosures, dual handsets, and hardened keyboards.
Internet Video Visitation
Reduce Costs… Reduce Crowds… Simplify visitation
Video chat is nothing new, but effectively managing the complexities of inmate visitations via the
Internet requires an Internet visitation environment that accurately accommodates the increased
need for security and tracking associated with inmate visitation. GTL’s VVS Solution provides
the restrictions, quotas, billing rules, warrant checks, and video check-in functionality that are
specific to Internet video visits with incarcerated offenders.
With one simple, easy-to-use website, visitors can register, schedule, and complete visits from
their PC, laptop or tablet PC (iPad and Android). Most importantly, when an Internet video visit
is not an option for the visitor, your staff can use the system to schedule and manage both
Internet and on-premise visits using the appropriate quotas, restrictions, schedules, monitoring,
and recording rules.
Free Calls: In 5, 10 and 15 minute increments. Calls will be authorized at the Department’s discretion.
GTL Response
GTL will provide free calls in 5, 10 and 15 minute increments.
GTL understands free calls will be authorized at the Department’s discretion.
Cell phone detection: Minimum of 15 detection units (cellsense or equivalent).
GTL Response
GTL is including a minimum of 15 Cell Sense units to be deployed
at locations selected by the Department. In addition to the minimum of 15 units to be provided
to the Department, GTL will also purchase units to be held at the Lake Butler office. These units
could be used as real-time replacement ‘spares’ should one of the DOC units fail. In that
instance, Lake Butler would deliver the spare unit and have the damaged unit replaced so that
investigators lose no productivity in their investigations
Additionally, GTL offers the Department an annual technology grant, which could be used for
additional Cell Sense units. The details of the annual technology grant are detailed in our response
to Section C – Value Added Services.
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Interactive Voice Response (IVR) scheduling: appointments, grievances etc.
GTL Response
GTL’s offer includes both an ‘internal’ IVR for scheduling
appointments, grievances, etc and an ‘external’ IVR for public information inquiries.
Internal IVR
GTL’s ‘internal’ IVR provides inmate’s with a speed dial option from the ITS to schedule
appointments such as sick calls, more fully described below, lodge grievances and report
Sick Call Scheduling GTL has proactively contacted the state’s selected inmate health care
providers, Wexford and Corizon, for the purposes of defining the specifications for providing an
automated, secure, and documented “sick’ call IVR solution. Our Sick Call Scheduling solution
will assist inmates in appointment scheduling thus decreasing staff time to managed paper and
work flows. Our solution is PIN driven; an inmate would pick up the phone, dial his or her PIN,
access the automated IVR, leave a message, which would then be sent to the appropriate staff
to triage the severity of request. Our solution greatly simplifies appointment scheduling. This
solution follows the current Department’s sick call sheet DC4-698A Rule 33.402.101, F,A,C, or
any other new form that may be revised during the course of the contract.
Grievances and Trouble Reporting GTL proposes to provide one-way IVR capability to the
inmates for the purposes of reporting grievances or problems to minimize Department staff from
handling calls or complaints that might otherwise demand facility staff attention:
Inmate Complaint Line at which inmates may leave questions or messages about
problems they encounter using the inmate telephone system.
Called Party Help Line at which outside parties (families and friends) may leave questions
or messages concerning inmate calls, for example: phones inoperable, blocked calls, et
The Inmate Complaint and Called Party Help Lines will be regularly checked by GTL Site
Administrators, who will respond to each caller’s question or complaint and take appropriate
action to clear up any issues.
Hotline Signage
Easily readable signage, provided by GTL at locations approved by the Assistant Warden of
Programs throughout and on the grounds of the institution, will inform inmates of the existence
of the “hotlines”; explaining the purpose of each, and providing the toll-free number for each.
Each grievance or trouble report will be researched by GTL staff to determine if a valid condition
exists. If a valid condition exists, GTL will provide Department staff with the appropriate
information including the nature of the grievance or problem along with the inmate’s name and
our recommended course of action to remedy the grievance or problem.
External IVR - Automated Answers for Frequently Asked Questions
GTL’s Facility Services Secretary (FSS) is an automated attendant system that allows families
and friends of inmates to easily interact and access, through a single toll free number, facility
information, inmate status and other available services such as court dates, release dates,
facility address, etc. Department staff is no longer burdened with answering basic and repetitive
questions and can redirect and focus on Department priorities such as managing inmates.
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The FSS has the capability to provide answers to the following topics via a simple menu driven
toll free IVR
Court Dates
Release Dates
Facility Address and Directions
Facility Rules and Policies
Visitation Information and Hours of Visitation
Relocation Due to Hurricane?
We can automate answers to any topic the Department desires. For example, if the Department
wanted to provide information about the relocation of inmates due to a pending hurricane, the
FSS could be quickly programmed to provide this information for affected family members
providing peace of mind about their loved one’s whereabouts.
FSS Integration with OBIS
The power of FSS is greatly enhanced through the integration with the Department’s OBIS
system. Once the interface is established with OBIS, FSS automatically updates the answers to
common questions based upon the automated updates from OBIS thus eliminating an additional
step requiring human intervention.
GTL has extensive experience interfacing with Offender Management Systems nationwide.
This is especially important to demonstrate we have the proven capabilities to interface with
OBIS for the FSS. As evidenced below, we have interfaced with a variety of different
technologies for 3rd party system interfaces including:
Direct Database Access
Watchdog Applications
Screen Scraping
Web Services
Shared File System
Batch Export to File
Socket Communication
Application Program Interfaces
Benefits to the Department
Drastically reduces staff time answering frequently asked questions
Reduces staff otherwise spent updating answers to frequently asked questions
Re-purposes valuable staff time to Department Priorities
No cost to the Department
Benefits to Friends and Family Members
Toll Free Access to Important Information
7x24x365 Access to Important Information
Instantaneous Access– no time on hold for Department staff
Benefits to the Inmates
Personal information such as court dates or release dates available immediately to
friends and family members
Peace of mind during relocation due to a hurricane
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Continuous Voice Biometrics
G T L R es pons e
Utilizing the underlying technology for Apple’s SIRI, GTL is able to provide
the Department with our latest addition to the GTL Voice Biometric solution, which is a unique speaker
verification system that enables verification and identification of an inmate in real time, using a simple
spoken pass phrase. Totally language and accent independent, the GTL voice biometric feature
provides a secure, efficient and extremely convenient method to verify an inmate’s identity. Our voice
biometric solution is fully integrated and is easy to deploy within Department facilities.
Designed exclusively to meet strict global security standards, GTL’s voice biometric solution has
successfully passed independent security audits. Our state-of-the-art voice biometric accuracy is used
to secure access to remote services, telephony and Web applications, effectively combating identity
fraud and enhancing the customer experience. GTL’s voice biometric solution has been selected as
the verification platform of choice by leading correction industry and security organizations.
Language and accent independent
State-of-the-art accuracy
Fully Integrated with ITS
Straightforward deployment
Integrated security
Convenient and non-intrusive (no personal information required)
Multi tenancy, scalability, and multi-site high availability
Future proof affording the ability to expand capabilities
Multi-engine architecture allowing further flexibility and interoperability
How It Works
GTL’s voice biometric solution is an integrated component of GTL’s ITS solution which provides
secure access to initiate the verification process. The inmate's pass phrase is acquired by GTL’s
voice biometric solution in order to verify a claimed identity. A verification result is then returned to
confirm the inmate’s identity.
Enrollment in GTL’s voice biometric solution is carried out by an inmate stating three consecutive
renderings of the selected pass phrase, creating a unique voiceprint.
GTL’s voice biometric solution verifies the inmate by comparing a single repetition of the enrolled
pass phrase to the voiceprint stored in the system’s voiceprint repository.
C ontinuous V oic e B iometric :
Additionally, GTL will provide the Department the GTL Continuous Voice Biometric feature, which is
a continuous scan for inmate, and called party phone swap control and prevention feature. The ITS
continuous voice biometric solution is fully integrated with the ITS. GTL will deploy the continuous
voice feature in conjunction with the initial voice verification biometric feature.
Operates in Real-Time as opposed to other voice biometric products which are strictly post
Resides as an integral component of the ITS and does not require 3rd party software to be
opened outside of the ITS user interface.
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Also, as described below the technology is working throughout the call and will prevent
fraudulent handover of the handset to a different inmate.
With our continuous voice search (Voice IQ) feature enabled, line-monitoring modules continuously
tracks the inmates voice during the conversation; once system detects a ‘Speaker Change’ event, it
triggers an event alert. The alert is capable of performing any combination of the following actions:
Alert both parties that a “Speaker Change” event has occurred.
Terminate the call.
Store ‘Speaker Change’ event information in the ITS database.
Alert designated Department personnel
Mark recording for future search of speaker change events including location offset
Actions shown here are triggered in real time, which is a GTL exclusive feature. After call
completion, the Speaker Change Events collect during the call are stored in the ITS database. All
Speaker Change Events for all inmate calls at Department facilities are stored collectively in the ITS
database for further search and retrieval.
Additional Features:
Seamless Enrollment
Feature can be enabled for inmate or called party audio
Speaker Change Events are stored separately, not altering the original recording in any
Future Features on Product Roadmap
Identify each speaker on the call
Identification of former inmates on the called party side
Should the Department be interested in JLG’s Investigator Pro with enhanced Continuous Voice
Biometrics, we have included additional details in our Valued Added Services section.
Inmate voice mail: Maximum of thirty (30) seconds for friends, family and staff
GTL Response
GTL will include inmate voice mail for friends, family and staff with
a maximum message duration of 30 seconds. Our inmate voice mail solution will be fully
integrated within our ITS thus the Department retains security controls including monitoring and
recording capabilities of inmate voice mails.
Ability to search calls by keywords.
GTL Response
NexidiaT M Keyword Search
GTL has partnered with NexidiaT M, a leader in voice and speech pattern recognition solutions,
to provide word data-mining capabilities. The need to analyze data gathered from telephony
audio sources, in multiple languages, is mission critical for corrections agencies and we are
confident the NexidiaTM solution will exceed the Department’s expectations in this area.
Nexidia’s Keyword search is far superior to in-house developed application using patented
technology and support for more than 35 languages and dialects.
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The Problem
A considerable amount of audio recorded is being analyzed using only metadata that is strictly a
single dimension view into the contents of the overall audio, resulting in an unreliable and
fragmented investigation. The sole use of metadata also leads to a very inefficient search
process where significant time is spent listening to audio data that is not relevant to the focus of
an investigation. Department staff responsible for identifying and assessing current and future
threats understand that the information they uncover is time sensitive and loses its value if it
takes too long to extract. Legacy audio search methods are not capable of operating at the
same speeds and the indexing utilized by those methods results in call transcriptions being
delayed and often skipped due to their inefficiencies. Nexidia provides the ability to stream,
index and search spoken words in a matter of seconds after the call has been completed.
The NexidiaT M Solution
NexidiaTM will enable Department investigators to tap into the massive amounts of recorded
audio communications at the fastest speeds, highest accuracy and with the most integrated
deployment options. Department staff can now index large amounts of recorded audio from
phone calls or computer voicemail making content instantly searchable directly from the same
user interface where a call detail report is generated, further increasing the time saved. By
eliminating the need to translate speech to text, and then mining that text, NexidiaTM provides
indexing speeds never before imagined.
NexidiaTM can instantly search any spoken word, enabling the timely identification of relevant
threats and trends, and empowering agencies to immediately respond with preventative,
protective action. The patented phonetic search technology enables searches on proper names,
inexact spellings, industry terms, jargons, slang and colloquialisms—all without extensive
training, large dictionaries or vocabulary updates. Nexidia’s extensive language capabilities
leverage the linguist by delivering highly accurate results regardless of the speakers’ gender,
age, dialect, accent or speaking style.
Nexidia’s Extensive Language Capabilities
Nexidia™ supports more than 35 languages and dialects. Language models are created with
representative audio that provides a robust language recognition capability out of the box.
Language support can also be further refined using Nexidia’s extensible language tuning
framework. Because the technology does not require a dictionary, new language capabilities
can be developed relatively quickly.
How NexidiaT M Phonetic Search works
Nexidia™ technology is based on phonetics—the systematic study of the sounds of human
speech. In all the languages of the world, there are about 400 distinct sounds (known as
“phonemes”) though most languages use only a fraction of that total. By using these tiny
components of language, Nexidia is able to capture a true record of what is being said in an
audio track, which can be searched more quickly, accurately and flexibly than with any other
The process works in two phases. In the first phase, recorded audio is streamed into the system
and a time-aligned phonetic index is created. Because phonemes are simply uttered sounds,
the indexing is not affected by factors such as background noise, languages, dialects or
speaking styles.
The second phase begins when a search is requested. Searches are performed directly on
words or phrases, or using special operators such as Boolean strings or time-based proximity to
other content. Nexidia’s proprietary and highly efficient search engine identifies and matches the
phonetic equivalent of the search string and returns relevancy-ranked results.
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The result is a process that not only creates the truest representation of spoken audio, but also
enables the fastest, most accurate access to the information contained within the audio files.
Whether used to improve the tagging of audio for syndication, to perform ad hoc searching for
audio discovery and evidence, or for analysis and reporting on large volumes of customer call
data, NexidiaTM delivers advantages no other technology can match.
Key Benefits to the Department
Greater Speed: Phonemes are the tiniest building blocks of language. Using these small bits
enables faster processing of audio and the ability to find words and phrases within context
without requiring complex and difficult-to-maintain dictionaries.
Greater Accuracy: Today’s languages are changing rapidly. New words, industry terms,
blended words, proper names, slang, code words, brand names, and even the non-standard
mixing of different languages are all easily processed with the phonetic approach.
Greater Flexibility: Because Nexidia technology is not dictionary-based, there is no need to
train the system for dialects or accents. Additionally, Nexidia™ is unaffected by unique speaking
styles, jargon and even audio quality that can impact the performance and accuracy of text-tospeech methodologies, so you get what you need faster and with less impact on your
Capability to capture inmate to inmate telephone communications
GTL Response
As a member of the ICER consortium, GTL provides the
Department the capability to capture inmate to inmate telephone communications. ICER
(Inmate Communication Evaluation and Reporting) is an emerging technology offered by JLG
Technologies, which attempts to detect inmate to inmate telephone calls. The ICER technology
is a post call event analysis tool used to analyze call data to identify potential inmate to inmate
telephone calls.
Location based services of called cell phones.
GTL Response
Utilizing powerful and accurate GPS location based services, GTL Cell Point can access a
consumer’s cell phone location regardless of the network or device type. Using carrier networkbased location and GPS, GTL Cell Point can help you locate cell phone users through pinpoint
location, latitude/longitude coordinates or geo-fencing proximities. Investigators within our
reporting application can select a ‘Get Location’ button, which will provide the user a map with
the location of the cell phone user. Location based services are most effective with the major
wireless carriers including ATT, Sprint and Verizon Wireless who provide a combined 83% of
wireless service.
Features of GTL Cell Point include:
GEO Fences
Adjustable GEO Fences – User Defined
Real time notifications
Ad Hoc Queries
Court order may be required for on-demand cell phone locations
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What is Geo Fencing?
Geo Fencing is setting up a perimeter in an area of interest and determining if calls from a
Department facility are going to said area of interest.
Example of Geo Fencing: Alerts if a cell phone was called by an inmate phone within a ½ mile
of the facility and provides ability for administrator/investigator with proper rights to listen to that
call LIVE. This is of interest to a facility where a suspect is about to bring in drugs at visitation,
throwing any form of contraband over the wall or in the recreational area, etc.
Geo Fence can be established for an area around the facility, a known drug house, area of high
gang activity, etc.
Ad Hoc/On Demand Search
Department staff enters a cell phone number and the system ‘pings’ the cell phone to determine
its location. The degree of accuracy is dependent upon the number of towers near the cell
phone – i.e. rural towers with fewer towers = lower accuracy while metropolitan areas with more
towers = greater accuracy.
Location information is derived from the longitude and latitude of the cell phone towers.
GTL follows all applicable law enforcement guidelines for providing cell phone locations
Location services provide a moment in time location snapshot
Historical locations and movements are available via a subpoena or court order.
In order to provide the best value to the state, the Department reserves the right to accept or reject any or all of the
additional negotiated services.
GTL Response
GTL understands the Department reserves the right to accept or
reject any or all of the additional negotiated services.
Value-added services include any services, including additional services that the Contractor offers to provide as part
of the Contract resulting from the ITN that is either not required to be provided in the ITN or RBAFO or clearly
exceeds the minimum requirements of required service. The Respondent shall provide a detailed description of each
value-added service, system and/or equipment functionality, in narrative form. If included in the Contractor’s BAFO
and accepted by the Department, “Valued-Added Services” shall be provided as part of the contracted service at no
additional cost to the Department and with minimal impact to family and friends.
GTL Response
GTL is proposing a number of value added services beyond the
minimum specifications of the ITN and Additional Negotiated Services, which further
demonstrate the present and future value of our capabilities to the Department.
1. Visitation Scheduling
2. Pilot for Wireless Devices for Inmate Education, Re-entry Programs and Secure
3. $100,000 Annual Technology Fund
4. Investigator Pro Technology with enhanced Continuous Voice Biometrics
5. Debit Calling Option
6. Call Track – Parolee Monitoring Services
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Value Added Service #1 - Visitation Scheduling for All Department Visits
GTL’s fully-integrated prison solution includes supplying the Florida Department of Corrections
with the “best in class” Visitation Scheduling Software powered by Renovo. GTL’s exclusive
relationship with Renovo Software means that only GTL has the ability to provide the most
powerful and comprehensive visitation management and scheduling software in the Country.
This mature and fully proven solution will revolutionize how the Department manages visitation
today. Friends and family will now schedule, track and receive notification of inmate visits
without the hectic “first-come, first-serve” visitation policy. Visitations are scheduled online using
a simple website that can be accessed at home or via Smartphone.
Visitation Scheduling & Automation
Inmate visitation management should not be one-size fits all – visitation management software
must address your unique policies, challenges, and requirements. GTL’s video visitation
solution is designed to let you to create specific policies, quotas, and restrictions that allow for
effective and accurate visitation scheduling – reducing costs, crowds, and conflicts.
GTL’s Visitation Scheduling Software, is an all-encompassing visitation management system
developed specifically for correctional facilities. The system’s modular design allows facilities to
use only the functionality that applies to them and opt for a phased deployment. This unique
approach allows facilities to add additional functionality as budgets, policies, and other factors
change over time. The software is designed to allow each facility to configure the system with
their own specific policies and procedures—without the need for custom development or other
interventions on GTL’s part.
Policies can be set up globally or applied only to certain housing units (visitation quotas,
restrictions, approved visitor lists, etc.). Often times, facilities offer a combination of these types
of visits based on the classification of inmates or the type of visit (public or professional). Based
on the customer’s needs, our platform can handle any combination of traditional contact or non©2013 Global Tel*Link – BAFO Response
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contact barrier type visits, video visits, remote (internet) video visits and professional visits. In
addition, this software can be configured with rules and policies specific to each visit type. This
allows facilities to schedule, manage, and track all visits and visit history in one system. The
GTL Scheduling Software results in tremendous labor savings and operational efficiencies for
the Department.
Benefits to the Department
Friends and family can schedule visits on-line or on their Smartphone - reducing parking
lot congestion, reducing public visitor conflicts, reducing staff stress and overall,
automating all aspects of visitation scheduling and public communications.
Components of the web-based and lobby scheduling software:
Multilingual web and kiosk interface
Professional web-based registration and scheduling allows the Department to set
unique policies for professional visitors
The ability to provide visitor kiosk registration and scheduling via ID card reader
Conflict checking to ensure inmate visitation availability, based on:
Inmate and station availability
Inmate and visitor quota verification
Inmate and visitor restrictions
Housing unit visitation schedules
Visitation center hours
Schedule events as exceptions to regular visitation schedule (holidays, lockdowns, maintenance, etc.)
Number of visitors allowed per visit
Ability to automatically match visitors to wheelchair-accessible stations.
Friends and family receive automatic confirmation of visits. When an inmate’s housing
unit or status changes, our solution will automatically reschedule affected visits. If visits
cannot be rescheduled, they are cancelled and visitors are notified via email and
automated phone messages.
Automated inmate updates and cancellation notices
Fully configurable policies and quotas that can be set:
For both inmates and visitors
By day or by week
Ability to set different quotas for different housing units
Custom visitation schedules for different housing units and visitation centers
Assign staff users to user groups with specific privileges
Inmate & visitor restrictions
Reconfigure policies at any time without redeployments or further development
When the facility cancels a visit, friends and family are automatically notified via a prerecorded telephone message (in English or Spanish) and email. This eliminates the
need for staff to manually notify visitors.
Seamless interface of the scheduling software into the Department’s current Offender
Based Information System (OBIS). Inmate bookings, movements, and releases are
immediately propagated throughout the system, providing up-to-date visitation
schedules, with visibility across the facility.
Mass email of notifications to all active visitation scheduling users in the public visiting
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Revenue generation opportunities for how visitation is conducted today:
Charge for visits in excess of inmates’ “free visit” quotas
Charge during specific days or times of the day
Charge for specific locations
Set up unique fee structures
Create override and refund polices
Generate billing reports
Extensive reporting capability and intelligence tools for GTL’s Data IQ product and for
investigators across the Department.
Ability to conduct pre-visit warrant checks, to support security and public safety.
ID card readers for visitor registration, scheduling, and check-in.
The Department will be assigned a team of experts to install, configure, and train the
Department and every facility on how to use the scheduling software. This solution empowers
the Department to streamline visitation processes through increased efficiency. GTL offers the
Renovo Visitation Scheduling Software at no cost to the Department.
Value Added Service #2 - Pilot for Wireless Devices for Inmate Education, Reentry Programs and Secure Communications
Imagine a Department facility where inmates have a correction’s grade tablet capable of offering
Department approved curriculum toward completion of a GED or educational content aimed to
improve the recidivism rate for inmates, all from their housing units.
Sound farfetched? In reality, these capabilities exist today. GTL has corrections grade wireless
tablets and telephones ready to pilot with the Department. While a quality corrections grade
device is important, it is only half the story. Through our relationship with Smart Horizons and
Sandy Osteen of Critical Connections, we will have curriculum designed for inmate education
and re-entry ready to deploy.
In addition to benefits of education, these wireless devices could also be used for telephone
calls and video visitation sessions. If interested, GTL would work with the Department to
safeguard these features and ensure only Department authorized communication takes place
from these devices preventing inmates from impermissible internet access and unauthorized
GTL is willing to jointly pilot with the Department wireless devices for use by inmates for inmate
education, re-entry programs and future communication options such as video visitation and
telephone calls. GTL offers this pilot at no cost to the Department.
Value Added Service #3 - $100,000 Annual Technology Fund
Each year, our customers are faced with tighter budgets and difficult choices in how to manage
to these budgets. Beyond commissions, our $100,000 annual technology fund provides the
Department with the flexibility to fund additional technology such as Cellebrite or Cellsense
units, implement a cell phone interdiction program or any other technology deemed a priority by
the Department. This annual technology fund is offered at no cost to the Department.
As an additional option to the Department, the amount of the yearly technology fund may be
increased with minimal impact to family and friends.
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Value Added Service #4 - Investigator Pro Technology with Enhanced Continuous
Voice Biometrics
As an alternative option for the Department’s need for inmate calling verification of identity, GTL
is able to provide the JLG continuous voice biometric inmate identification system.
The Investigator Pro™ system is a powerful suite of investigative analysis tools that identifies
inmates over telephone calls and exposes those who try to hide their identities to engage in
criminal activity.
It automatically flags criminal calling patterns and other case sensitive issues, and alerts
investigators to suspicious calls so they can quickly prioritize investigations. The system’s
dashboard automatically collects and analyzes a vast amount of information that would
otherwise be labor intensive to gather and interpret.
The Investigator Pro system biometrically analyzes the entire phone call. The system then
detects suspicious patterns across the entire call database, and automatically presents its
findings. As a result, investigators no longer have to drill down through mountains of information
to make the connections.
Investigator Pro Feature Highlights
High Interest Call Feature: Automatically identifies and alerts investigators to high interest
calls so they can spend less time monitoring and more time investigating.
3-Way Call Detection: Exposes inmates' attempts to disguise their identities and leave no trail
Intelligence Analysis: Proactively analyzes criminal calling patterns to intercept illicit activities.
Administrative Reports: Optimizes information so you can better manage your priorities.
Case Evidence Management Tools: Collects and organizes your evidence all in one place
with state-of-the-art tools.
Interagency Intelligence Sharing: Gathers more credible intelligence information for you to
share with other public safety agencies.
If the Department desires to implement the JLG continuous voice biometric solution, this
technology is available with minimal impact to family and friends.
Value Added Service #5 - Debit Calling Option
Debit calling is a proven call option, which benefits the Department in the following ways
Increased contact between inmates and their friends and family members
Increase in annual commissions
The same security features as Collect and PrePaid Collect calling
Offered at no cost to the Department
For example, a large DOC with nearly 50,000 inmates experienced a doubling of call volumes
since the implementation of an integrated debit calling option, which generated additional
commissionable revenue while providing inmates another option for communication at
affordable rates.
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GTL’s ITS provides traditional collect calling as well as prepaid call options to ensure that
inmates have every possible opportunity to connect with their friends and loved ones. Roughly
half of all telephone numbers in the United States, including almost all cell phone numbers, are
restricted from receiving traditional collect calls. Prepaid calling options including debit calling
overcome this limitation; enabling the completion of many more, otherwise approved, inmate
calls. Debit calls are subject to the same ITS call restrictions and security functions as collect
Debit calling allows inmates to pay for calls directly from their existing commissary/trust
accounts, eliminating the need for calling cards that can be lost or stolen. This is accomplished
via an interface between the ITS and the facility’s Offender Management System or the
Commissary Banking system.
Inmate Debit Calling
• Inmate debit can fund both domestic and international calling.
• Inmate debit allows access to many more phone numbers because so many numbers
are blocked from traditional collect calling.
• Inmate debit provides international calling without the security and financial risks
associated with international collect.
• Inmate debit calls are more likely to be accepted since the answering party does not
have to pay for the call.
Fully Integrated Debit – This innovative approach allows inmates to make calls using money
that exists in their commissary/trust accounts. Cardless (Seamless) Debit calling is offered at
no cost to the Department. Inmates can easily fund debit calls through the inmate telephone
system at a moment’s notice and complete calls to any facility-approved telephone number he
or she chooses. Family and friends may contribute to an inmate’s debit calling ability by
depositing money directly into the inmate’s commissary or trust account.
Inmates use their confidential Personal Identification Numbers (PINs) to place debit calls. The
advantage to Carless (Seamless) Debit calling is that it has proven superior to the selling of
commissary time or calling cards and best of all no human intervention is required.
The advantages of fully integrated debit include:
When GTL implements fully integrated debit the result is usually a substantial increase in
call volumes and commission revenues for the facility.
Less busywork for staff with greater system accuracy and fewer data entry errors.
No calling cards to sell, monitor, or worry that they are being used for gambling.
Inmates have access to their existing funds in real-time through the ITS to pay for debit
Quicker, easier debit calling through the OMS/accounting module.
Automatic deactivation of an inmate’s debit account upon the inmate’s release from
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Value Added Service #6 - Call Track – Parolee Monitoring
Call-Track is a phone and web-based service used to track low-risk offenders while freeing up
case managers to focus on higher-risk offenders and other tasks.
How it Works
The Call-Track program is a fully-integrated module within the GTL Case Management System
(CMS), but can also operate as a stand-alone system for monitoring low-risk offenders via
phone and web-based reporting services. The Call-Track service is no cost to the Department
with low fees incurred by the offenders being monitored. Payments may be accepted via an
IVR or directly through the web-reporting site itself.
Offenders are assigned to various reporting schedules, ranging from weekly to bi-weekly to
monthly. Offenders may be assigned to phone and/or web reporting services. Each reporting
method may have multiple services associated with it, each with its own set of custom-defined
questions. A history of all recorded responses, both audio and web-based, is maintained for
offenders enlisted in the Call-Track service.
Call-Track Alerts are generated when an offender responds to a question that triggers a
change in data, such as a change in address, employment, recent arrest or admittance to
violating their terms of probation. When an alert is triggered, case managers receive updated
information in the CMS and can also choose to have notifications sent via email, phone, text
message, etc.
Case managers supervise their Call-Track caseloads through the Call-Track Management
module. This module utilizes a Dashboard utility to present users with information in an easy-toanalyze format. Color-coded notifications identify upcoming or past due calls, missed payments
or offender reports that generate Alerts. In addition to reviewing reporting information, case
managers can send mass voice and/or electronic communications to individuals or groups of
offenders. Offenders may also receive additional reminders for things like upcoming reports,
office visits, court dates, etc.
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Phase 8 - Best and Final Offers
Respondents will be asked to submit to the Department their Best and Final Offer in accordance with revised
specifications, if applicable, as set forth in the Department’s Request for Best and Final Offers. The vendors’ Best
and Final Offers shall contain the best pricing option the vendor is prepared to offer as specified in Section A, Pricing,
however, after submission of Best and Final Offers, the Department reserves the right to clarify any element of
required service or further negotiate pricing with a single or all qualified respondents prior to final award. After receipt
of BAFO’s, the Negotiation Team will prepare a summary report of negotiations and enter a recommendation as to
which respondent provides the best value to the state. Award will be made in compliance with Section 287.057 (3)
(b), Florida Statutes.
GTL Response
GTL has submitted its Best and Final Offer in accordance with the
revised specifications and instructions.
Responses to this Request for Best and Final Offer shall be received no later than close of business (5:00 p.m. ET),
Tuesday, June 18, 2013. Responses may be emailed (preferred), faxed or sent hard copy sent via mail. If
submitting via email, please submit to with a cc to
Faxed responses may be sent to 850-488-7189
The Respondent shall include a signed statement acknowledging acceptance of the minimum specifications and their
intent to comply with all terms and conditions indicated in the ITN, Respondent’s Initial Response, the Request for
Best and Final Offer and Respondent’s Best and Final Offer.
When a contract is established between the Department and the successful Respondent, the ITN, the Initial
Response to the ITN, the Request for Best and Final Offer and the Respondent’s BAFO shall be incorporated into
and thereby become a part of that contract. If there is a conflict in language, the Department's contract will govern.
GTL Response
Please see the attached cover letter preceding our Best and Final
response, which includes a statement that GTL, is acknowledging minimum specifications and
our intent to comply with all terms and conditions indicated in the ITN, GTL’s Initial Response,
the Request for Best and Final Offer and GTL’s Best and Final Offer.
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Additional Negotiated Services
Cost Proposal
Additional Negotiated Services
Additional Charge Per
Minute to Blended
Telephone Rate
Proposed *
(i.e. $.01 increase)
“To Connect”
(i.e. $.25 per call)
Percentage Change to
Commission Rate
(i.e. 2% reduction)
2.) Free Calls
4.) Investigative Function
3.0% reduction
5.) Cell Phone Detection
6.) IVR Scheduling
7.) Continuous Voice Biometrics
1.5% reduction
8.) Inmate Voice Mail
9.) Ability to search calls by
1.5% reduction
10.) Capability to capture inmate to
inmate telephone communications
11.) Location Based Services
(cell phones called)
3.) Forensic Extraction Options
Commission % Rate
1.) Video Visitation (5 pilot sites)
Blended Video Visitation
Per Minute Rate Proposed
(inclusive of surcharges)
4% reduction
*If no additional charge per minute is being proposed respondent must indicate NC (no charge)
**If no surcharge is being proposed respondent must indicate NC (no charge)
***If no change to initial department commission rate is being proposed respondent must indicate NC (no change)
Request for Best & Final Offer
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