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Massachusetts DOC - Securus contract 2018-2023

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This form is jointly issued and published by the Executive Office for Administration and Finance (ANFl. the Office of the Comptroller (CTR) and the Operational Services Division (OSD)
as the default contract for all Commonwealth Departments when another form is not prescribed by regulation or policy. Any changes to the official printed language of this form shall be
void. Additional non-conflicting terms may be added by Attachment. Contractors may not require any additional agreements, engagement letters, contract forms or other additional
terms as part of this Contract without prior Department approval. Click on hyperlinks for definitions, instructions and legal requirements that are incorporated by reference into this
Contract An electronic copy of this form is available at www mass aov/osc under Guidance For Vendors - Forms or www mass aov/osd under OSD Forms
CONTRACTOR LEGAL NAME: Securus Technologies


(and d/b/a):

MMARS Department Code: EPS

Legal Address: (W·9, W-4,T&C): 4000 International Parkway Carrollton, TX 75007

Business Mailing Address: 1 ASHBURTON PLACE, RM 2133, BOSTON, MA 02108

Contract Manager: Robert E. Pickens

Billing Address (if different):

Phone: 972-277-0300


Fax: 972-277-0514

Contract Manager: NILSA MORALES

I Fax: 617-727-4764

Contractor Vendor Code: VC7000090409

Phone:617·27 4-5558

Vendor Code Address ID (e.g. "AD001"): AD..QQL


(Note: The Address Id Must be set up for EFT payments.)

RFRIProcurement or Other ID Number: RFR-BD·18·1044-EPS17-EPS1-19423

PROCUREMENT OR EXCEPTION TYPE: (Check one option only)
_Statewide Contract (OSD or an OSD-designated Department)
_Collective Purchase (Attach OSD approval, scope, budget)
X Department Procurement (includes State or Federal grants 815 CMR 2.00)
(Attach RFR and Response or other procurement supporting documentation)
_Emergency Contract (Attach justification for emergency, scope, budget)
_Contract Employee (Attach Employment Status Form, scope, budget)
Legislative/Legal or Other: (Attach authorizing language/justification, scope and

Enter Current Contract End Date Prior to Amendment: _ _, 20_.
Enter Amendment Amount: $ _ _ _. (or "no change")
AMENDMENT TYPE: (Check one option only. Attach details of Amendment changes.)
Amendment to Scope or Budget (Attach updated scope and budget)
Interim Contract (Attach justification for Interim Contract and updated scope/budget)
Contract Employee (Attach any updates to scope or budget)
Legislative/Legal or Other: (Attach authorizing language/justification and updated
scope and budget)

The following COMMONWEALTH TERMS AND CONDITIONS (T&C) has been executed, filed with CTR and is incorporated by reference into this Contract.
JL Commonwealth Terms and Conditions - Commonwealth Terms and Conditions For Human and Social Services
COMPENSATION: (Check ONE option): The Department certifies that payments for authorized performance accepted in accordance with the terms of this Contract will be supported
in the state accounting system by sufficient appropriations or other non-appropriated funds, subject to intercept for Commonwealth owed debts under 815 CMR 9.00.
X Rate Contract (No Maximum Obligation. Attach details of all rates, units, calculations, conditions or terms and any changes if rates or terms are being amended.)
Maximum Obligation Contract Enter Total Maximum Obligation for total duration of this Contract (or new Total if Contract is being amended).
PROMPT PAYMENT DISCOUNTS (PPD): Commonwealth payments are issued through EFT 45 days from invoice receipt. Contractors requesting accelerated payments must
identify a PPD as follows: Payment issued within 10 days_% PPD; Payment issued within 15 days_% PPD; Payment issued within 20 days_% PPD; Payment issued within
30 days_% PPD. If PPD percentages are left blank, identify reason: JLagree to standard 45 day cycle_ statutory/legal or Ready Payments (G.L. c. 29, § 23A); _only initial
payment (subsequent payments scheduled to support standard EFT 45 day payment cycle. See Promo! Pav Discounts Policv.)
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF CONTRACT PERFORMANCE or REASON FOR AMENDMENT: (Enter the Contract title, purpose, fiscal year(s) and a detailed description of the scope
of performance or what is being amended for a Contract Amendment. Attach all supporting documentation and justifications.) Contract for Secure Inmate Calling System and
Related Services per the specifications and requirements of COMMBUYS Bid Number RFR·BD·18·1044·EPS17-EPS1-19423, including Exhibit A attached hereto and
made a part hereof..
ANTICIPATED START DATE: (Complete ONE option only) The Department and Contractor certify for this Contract, or Contract Amendment, that Contract obligations:
JL 1. may be incurred as of the Effective Date (latest signature date below) and no obligations have been incurred fili.Qr to the Effective Date.
_ 2. may be incurred as of _ _, 20_, a date LATER than the Effective Date below and no obligations have been incurred fili.Qr to the Effective Date.
_3. were incurred as of _ _, 20_, a date PRIOR to the Effective Date below, and the parties agree that payments for any obligations incurred prior to the Effective Date are
authorized to be made either as settlement payments or as authorized reimbursement payments, and that the details and circumstances of all obligations under this Contract are
attached and incorporated into this Contract. Acceptance of payments forever releases the Commonwealth from further claims related to these obligations.
CONTRACT END DATE: Contract performance shall terminate as of March 2, 2023, with no new obligations being incurred after this date unless the Contract is properly amended,
provided that the terms of this Contract and performance expectations and obligations shall survive its termination for the purpose of resolving any claim or dispute, for completing
any negotiated terms and warranties, to allow any close out or transition performance, reporting, invoicing or final payments, or during any lapse between amendments.
CERTIFICATIONS: Notwithstanding verbal or other representations by the parties, the "Effective Date" of this Contract or Amendment shall be the latest date that this Contract or
Amendment has been executed by an authorized signatory of the Contractor, the Department, or a later Contract or Amendment Start Date specified above, subject to any required
approvals. The Contractor makes all certifications required under the attached Contractor Certifications (incorporated by reference if not attached hereto) under the pains and
penalties of perjury, agrees to provide any required documentation upon request to support compliance, and agrees that all terms governing performance of this Contract and doing
business in Massachusetts are attached or incorporated by reference herein according to the following hierarchy of document precedence, the applicable Commonwealth Terms and
Conditions, this Standard Contract Form including the Instructions and Contractor Certifications, the Request for Response (RFR) or other solicitation, the Contractor's Response,
and additional negotiated terms, provided that additional negotiated terms will take precedence over the relevant terms in the RFR and the Contractor's Response only if made using
the process outlined in 801 CMR 21.07, incorporated herein, provided that any amended RFR or Response terms result in best value, lower costs, or a more cost effective Contract.


. Date: .:;_ -:11--1 l.
(Signature and Date Must Be Handwritten At Time of Signature)
Print Name


Print Title:






Print Name:
Print Title:




. Date:



I {


~(Signature and Date Must Be Handwritten At Time o Signature)

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The following instructions and terms are incorporated by reference and apply to this
Standard Contract Form. Text that appears underlined indicates a 'hyperlink" to an Internet
or bookmarked site and are unofficial versions of these documents and Departments and
Contractors should consult with their legal counsel to ensure compliance with all legal
requirements. Using the Web Toolbar will make navigation between the form and the
hyperlinks easier. Please note that not all applicable laws have been cited.
CONTRACTOR LEGAL NAME (AND D/B/A): Enter the Full Legal Name of the
Contractor's business as it appears on the Contractor's W-9 or W-4 Form (Contract
Employees only) and the applicable Commonwealth Terms and Conditions If Contractor
also has a "doing business as" (d/b/a) name, BOTH the legal name and the 'd/b/a" name
must appear in this section.
Contractor Legal Address: Enter the Legal Address of the Contractor as it appears on
the Contractor's W-9 or W-4 Form (Contract Employees only) and the applicable
Commonwealth Terms and Conditions, which must match the legal address on the 10991
table in MMARS (or the Legal Address in HR/CMS for Contract Employee).
Contractor Contract Manager: Enter the authorized Contract Manager who will be
responsible for managing the Contract. The Contract Manager should be an Authorized
Signatory or, at a minimum, a person designated by the Contractor to represent the
Contractor, receive legal notices and negotiate ongoing Contract issues. The Contract
Manager is considered 'Key Personnel" and may not be changed without the prior written
approval of the Department. If the Contract is posted on COMMBUYS, the name of the
Contract Manager must be included in the Contract on COMMBUYS.
Contractor E-Mail Address/Phone/Fax: Enter the electronic mail (e-mail) address,
phone and fax number of the Contractor Contract Manager. This information must be kept
current by the Contractor to ensure that the Department can contact the Contractor and
provide any required legal notices. Notice received by the Contract Manager (with
confirmation of actual receipt) through the listed address, fax number(s) or electronic mail
address will meet any written legal notice requirements.
Contractor Vendor Code: The Department must enter the MMARS Vendor Code
assigned by the Commonwealth. If a Vendor Code has not yet been assigned, leave this
space blank and the Department will complete this section when a Vendor Code has been
assigned. The Department is responsible under the Vendor File and W-9s Policy for
verifying with authorized signatories of the Contractor, as part of contract execution, that
the legal name, address and Federal Tax Identification Number (TIN) in the Contract
documents match the stale accounting system.

Complete this section ONLY if this Contract is brand new. (Complete the
CONTRACT AMENDMENT section for any material changes to an existing or an
expired Contract, and for exercising options to renew or annual contracts under a
multi-year procurement or grant program.)
PROCUREMENT OR EXCEPTION TYPE: Check the appropriate type of procurement or
exception for this Contract. Only one option can be selected. See State Finance Law and
General Requirements, Acquisition Policy and Fixed Assets, the Commodities and
Services Policy and the Procurement Information Center (Department Contract Guidance)
for details.

Statewide Contract (OSD or an OSD-designated Department). Check this option for a
Statewide Contract under OSD, or by an OSD-designated Department.
Collective Purchase approved by OSD. Check this option for Contracts approved by
OSD for collective purchases through federal, state, local government or other entities.
Department Contract Procurement. Check this option for a Department procurement
including state grants and federal sub-grants under 815 CMR 2.00 and State Grants and
Federal Subgrants Policy, Departmental Master Agreements (MA). If multi-Department
user Contract, identify multi-Department use is allowable in Brief Description.
Emergency Contract. Check this option when the Department has determined that an
unforeseen crisis or incident has arisen which requires or mandates immediate purchases
to avoid substantial harm to the functioning of government or the provision of necessary or
mandated services or whenever the health, welfare or safety of clients or other persons or
serious damage to property is threatened.
Contract Employee. Check this option when the Department requires the performance of
an Individual Contractor, and when the planned Contract performance with an Individual
has been classified using the Employment Status Form (prior to the Contractor's selection)
as work of a Contract Employee and not that of an Independent Contractor.
Legislative/Legal or Other. Check this option when legislation, an existing legal
obligation, prohibition or other circumstance exempts or prohibits a Contract from being
competitively procured, or identify any other procurement exception not already listed.
Legislative 'earmarks" exempt the Contract solely from procurement requirements, and all
other Contract and state finance laws and policies apply. Supporting documentation must
be attached to explain and justify the exemption.
---------------'--"------'------Complete this section for any Contract being renewed, amended or to continue a lapsed
Contract. All Contracts with available options to renew must be amended referencing the
original procurement and Contract doc ids, since all continuing contracts must be
Vendor Code Address ID: (e.g., 'AD001") The Department must enter the MMARS maintained in the same Contract file (even if the underlying appropriation changes each
Vendor Code Address Id identifying the payment remittance address for Contract fiscal year.) "See Amendments. suspensions. and Termination Policy.)
payments, which MUST be set up for EFT payments PRIOR to the first payment under the
Contract in accordance with the Bill Paying and Vendor File and W-9 policies.
Enter Current Contract End Date: Enter the termination date of the Current Contract
being amended, even if this date has already passed. (Note: Current Start Date is not
COMMONWEALTH DEPARTMENT NAME: Enter the full Department name with the requested since this date does not change and is already recorded in MMARS.)
authority to obligate funds encumbered for the Contract.
Enter Amendment Amount: Enter the amount of the Amendment increase or decrease to
Commonwealth MMARS Alpha Department Code: Enter the three (3\ letter MMARS a Maximum Obligation Contract. Enter "no change" for Rate Contracts or if no change.
Code assigned to this Commonwealth Department in the state accounting system.
AMENDMENT TYPE: Identify the type of Amendment being done. Documentation
Department Business Mailing Address:
Enter the address where all formal supporting the updates to performance and budget must be attached. Amendment to
correspondence to the Department must be sent. Unless otherwise specified in the Scope or Budget. Check this option when renewing a Contract or executing any
Contract, legal notice sent or received by the Departmenfs Contract Manager (with Amendment ('material change" in Contract terms) even if the Contract has lapsed. The
confirmation of actual receipt) through the listed address, fax number(s) or electronic mail parties may negotiate a change in any element of Contract performance or cost identified
address for the Contract Manager will meet any requirements for legal notice.
in the RFR or the Contractor's response which results in lower costs, or a more costDepartment Billing Address: Enter the Billing Address or email address if invoices must effective or better value performance than was presented in the original selected response,
be sent to a different location. Billing or confirmation of delivery of performance issues provided the negotiation results in a better value within the scope of the RFR than what
should be resolved through the listed Contract Managers.
was proposed by the Contractor in the original selected response. Any "material" change
Department Contract Manager: Identify the authorized Contract Manager who will be in the Contract terms must be memorialized in a formal Amendment even if a
responsible for managing the Contract, who should be an authorized signatory or an corresponding MMARS transaction is not needed lo support the change. Additional
employee designated by the Department to represent the Department to receive legal negotiated terms will take precedence over the relevant terms in the RFR and the
notices and negotiate ongoing Contract issues.
Contractor's Response only if made using the process outlined in 801 CMR 21.07,
Department E-Mail Address/Phone/Fax: Enter the electronic mail (e-mail) address, incorporated herein, provided that any amended RFR or Response terms result in best
phone and fax number of the Department Contract Manager. Unless otherwise specified in value, lower costs, or a more cost effective Contract.
the Contract, legal notice sent or received by the Contract Manager (with confirmation of Interim Contracts. Check this option for an Interim Contract lo prevent a lapse of Contract
actual receipt) through the listed address, fax number(s) or electronic mail address will performance whenever an existing Contract is being re-procured but the new procurement
meet any requirements for written notice under the Contract.
has not been completed, to bridge the gap during implementation between an expiring and
MMARS Document ID(s): Enter the MMARS 20 character encumbrance transaction a new procurement, or to contract with an interim Contractor when a current Contractor is
number associated with this Contract which must remain the same for the life of the unable lo complete full performance under a Contract.
Contract. If multiple numbers exist for this Contract, identify all Doc Ids.
Contract Employee. Check this option when the Department requires a renewal or other
RFR/Procurement or Other ID Number or Name: Enter the Request for Response amendment to the performance of a Contract Employee.
(RFR) or other Procurement Reference number, Contract ID Number or other Legislative/Legal or Other. Check this option when legislation, an existing legal
reference/tracking number for this Contract or Amendment and will be entered into the obligation, prohibition or other circumstance exempts or prohibits a Contract from being
competitively procured, or identify any other procurement exception not already listed.
Board Award Field in the MMARS encumbrance transaction for this Contract.
Legislative "earmarks" exempt the Contract solely from procurement requirements, and all
NEW CONTRACTS (left side of Form):
other Contract and state finance laws and policies apply. Attach supporting documentation
to explain and justify the exemption and whether Contractor selection has been publicly
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Identify which Commonwealth Terms and Conditions the Contractor has executed and is
incorporated by reference into this Contract. This Form is signed only once and recorded
on the Vendor Customer File (VCUST}. See Vendor File and W-9s Policy.
Identify if the Contract is a Rate Contract (with no stated Maximum Obligation) or a
Maximum Obligation Contract (with a stated Maximum Obligation) and identify the
Maximum Obligation. If the Contract is being amended, enter the new Maximum
Obligation based upon the increase or decreasing Amendment. The Total Maximum
Obligation must reflect the total funding for the dates of service under the contract,
including the Amendment amount if the Contract is being amended. The Maximum
Obligation must match the MMARS encumbrance. Funding and allotments must be
verified as available and encumbered prior to incurring obligations. If a Contract includes
both a Maximum Obligation component and Rate Contract component, check off both,
specific Maximum Obligation amounts or amended amounts and Attachments must clearly
_o_utl_in_e_th_e_C_o_n_tra_c_t_br_ea_k_d_ow_n_t_o_m_a_tc_h_lh_e_e_nc_u_m_b_ra_nc_e_._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
-----------------'--'--------------Payments are processed within a 45 day payment cycle through EFT in accordance with
the Commonwealth Bill Paying Policy for investment and cash flow purposes.
Departments may NOT negotiate accelerated payments and Payees are NOT entitled to
accelerated payments UNLESS a prompt payment discount (PPD) is provided to support
the Commonwealth's loss of investment earnings for this earlier payment, or unless a
payments is legally mandated to be made in less than 45 days (e.g., construction
contracts, Ready Payments under G.L. c. 29. s. 23A). See Prompt Pay Discounts Policy.
PPD are identified as a percentage discount which will be automatically deducted when an
accelerated payment is made. Reduced contract$ rates may not be negotiated to replace a
PPD. If PPD fields are left blank please identify that the Contractor agrees to the standard
45 day cycle; a statutory/legal exemption such as Ready Payments (G.L. c. 29. § 23A); or
only an initial accelerated payment for reimbursements or start up costs for a grant, with
subsequent payments scheduled to support standard EFT 45 day payment cycle. Financial
hardship is not a sufficient justification to accelerate cash flow for all payments under a
Contract. Initial grant or contract payments may be accelerated for the first invoice or initial
grant installment, but subsequent periodic installments or invoice payments should be
scheduled to support the Payee cash flow needs and the standard 45 day EFT payment
cycle in accordance with the Bill Paying Policy. Any accelerated payment that does not
provide for a PPD must have a legal justification in Contract file for audit purposes
explaining why accelerated payments were allowable without a PPD.
_ _ _ _ _B_R_IE_F_D_E_SC_R_l_PT_l_O_N_O_F_C_O_N_TRA_C_T_P_E_R_F_O_R_MA_N_C_E_____
Enter a brief description of the Contract performance, project name and/or other identifying
information for the Contract to specifically identify the Contract performance, match the
Contract with attachments, determine the appropriate expenditure code (as listed in the
Expenditure Classification Handbook) or to identify or clarify important information related
to the Contract such as the Fiscal Year(s) of performance (ex. "FY2012' or "FY2012-14").
Identify settlements or other exceptions and attach more detailed justification and
supporting documents. Enter 'Multi-Department Use' if other Departments can access
procurement. For Amendments, identify the purpose and what items are being amended.
Merely stating 'see attached' or referencing attachments without a narrative description of
performance is insufficient.
The Department and Contractor must certify WHEN obligations under this
ContracVAmendment may be incurred. Option 1 is the default option when performance
may begin as of the Effective Date (latest signature date and any required approvals). If
the parties want a new Contract or renewal to begin as of the upcoming fiscal year then list
the fiscal year(s) (ex. 'FY2012' or 'FY2012-14') in the Brief Description section.
Performance starts and encumbrances reflect the default Effective Date (if no FY is listed)
or the later FY start date (if a FY is listed}. Use Option 2 only when the Contract will be
signed well in advance of the start date and identify a specific future start date. Do not use
Option 2 for a fiscal year start unless it is certain that the Contract will be signed prior to
fiscal year. Option 3 is used in lieu of the Settlement and Release Form when the
ContracVAmendment is signed late, and obligations have already been incurred by the
Contractor prior to the Effective Date for which the Department has either requested,
accepted or deemed legally eligible for reimbursement, and the Contract includes
supporting documents justifying the performance or proof of eligibility, and approximate
costs. Any obligations incurred outside the scope of the Effective Date under any Option
listed, even if the incorrect Option is selected, shall be automatically deemed a settlement
included under the terms of the Contract and upon payment to the Contractor will release
the Commonwealth from further obligations for the identified performance. All settlement
payments require justification and must be under same encumbrance and object codes as
the Contract payments. Performance dates are subject to G.L. c.4. § 9.

The Department must enter the dale that Contract performance will terminate. If the
Contract is being amended and the Contract End Date is not changing, this date
must be re-entered again here. A Contract must be signed for at least the initial duration
but not longer than the period of procurement listed in the RFR, or other solicitation
document (if applicable}. No new performance is allowable beyond the end dale without
an amendment, but the Department may allow a Contractor lo complete minimal close out
performance obligations if substantial performance has been made prior to the termination
date of the Contract and prior to the end of the fiscal year in which payments are
appropriated, provided that any close out performance is subject to appropriation and
funding limits under state finance law, and CTR may adjust encumbrances and payments
in the state accounting system to enable final close out payments. Performance dates are
subject to G.L. c.4. § 9.
See Department Head Signature Authorization Policy and the Contractor Authorized
Signatory Listing for policies on Contractor and Department signatures.
Authorizing Signature for Contractor/Date: The Authorized Contractor Signatory must
(in their own handwriting and in ink) sign AND enter the date the Contract is signed. See
section above under "Anticipated Contract Start Date'. Acceptance of payment by the
Contractor shall waive any right of the Contractor to claim the ContracVAmendment is not
valid and the Contractor may not void the Contract. Rubber stamps, typed or other
images are not acceptable. Proof of Contractor signature authorization on a Contractor
Authorized Signatorv Listing may be required by the Department if not already on file.
Contractor Name fTitle: The Contractor Authorized Signatory's name and title must
appear legibly as it appears on the Contractor Authorized Signatorv Listing.
Authorizing Signature For Commonwealth/Date: The Authorized Department Signatory
must (in their own handwriting and in ink) sign AND enter the date the Contract is signed.
See section above under "Anticipated Start Date". Rubber stamps, typed or other
images are not accepted. The Authorized Signatory must be an employee within the
Department legally responsible for the Contract. See Department Head Signature
Authorization. The Department must have the legislative funding appropriated for all the
costs of this Contract or funding allocated under an approved Interdepartmental Service
Agreement (ISAl. A Department may not contract for performance to be delivered to or by
another state department without specific legislative authorization (unless this Contract is a
Statewide Contract). For Contracts requiring Secretariat signoff, evidence of Secretariat
signoff must be included in the Contract file.
Department Name [Title: Enter the Authorized Signatory's name and title legibly.
Notwithstanding verbal or other representations by the parties, the "Effective Date" of this
Contract or Amendment shall be the latest date that this Contract or Amendment has been
executed by an authorized signatory of the Contractor, the Department, or a later Contract
or Amendment Start Date specified, subject to any required approvals. The Contractor
makes all certifications required under this Contract under the pains and penalties of
perjury, and agrees to provide any required documentation upon request to support
compliance, and agrees that all terms governing performance of this Contract and doing
business in Massachusetts are attached or incorporated by reference herein:
Commonwealth and Contractor Ownership Rights. The Contractor certifies and agrees
that the Commonwealth is entitled to ownership and possession of all "deliverables'
purchased or developed with Contract funds. A Department may not relinquish
Commonwealth rights to deliverables nor may Contractors sell products developed with
Commonwealth resources without just compensation. The Contract should detail all
Commonwealth deliverables and ownership rights and any Contractor proprietary rights.
Qualifications. The Contractor certifies it is qualified and shall at all times remain qualified
to perform this Contract; that performance shall be timely and meet or exceed industry
standards for the performance required, including obtaining requisite licenses,
registrations, permits, resources for performance, and sufficient professional, liability; and
other appropriate insurance to cover the performance. If the Contractor is a business, the
Contractor certifies that ii is listed under the Secretary of State's website as licensed to do
business in Massachusetts, as required by law.
Business Ethics and Fraud, Waste and Abuse Prevention. The Contractor certifies that
performance under this Contract, in addition to meeting the terms of the Contract, will be
made using ethical business standards and good stewardship of taxpayer and other public
funding and resources to prevent fraud, waste and abuse.
Collusion. The Contractor certifies that this Contract has been offered in good faith and
without collusion, fraud or unfair trade practices with any other person, that any actions to
avoid or frustrate fair and open competition are prohibited by law, and shall be grounds for
rejection or disqualification of a Response or termination of this Contract.
Public Records and Access The Contractor shall provide full access to records related to
performance and compliance to the Department and officials listed under Executive Order
195 and G.L. c. 11. s.12 seven (7) years beginning on the first day after the final payment

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under this Contract or such longer period necessary for the resolution of any litigation,
claim, negotiation, audit or other inquiry involving this Contract. Access to view Contractor
records related to any breach or allegation of fraud, waste and/or abuse may not be denied
and Contractor can not claim confidentiality or trade secret protections solely for viewing
but not retaining documents. Routine Contract performance compliance reports or
documents related to any alleged breach or allegation of non-compliance, fraud, waste,
abuse or collusion may be provided electronically and shall be provided at Contractor's
own expense. Reasonable costs for copies of non-routine Contract related records shall
not exceed the rates for public records under 950 C.M.R. 32.00.
Debarment. The Contractor certifies that neither it nor any of its subcontractors are
currently debarred or suspended by the federal or state government under any law or
regulation including, Executive Order 147; G.L. c. 29. s. 29F G.L. c.30, § 39R, G.L. c.149, §
27C, G.L. c.149, § 44C, G.L. c.149, § 148B and G.L. c. 152, s. 25C.
Applicable Laws. The Contractor shall comply with all applicable state laws and
regulations including but not limited to the applicable Massachusetts General Laws; the
Official Code of Massachusetts Regulations; Code of Massachusetts Regulations
(unofficial); 801 CMR 21.00 (Procurement of Commodity and Service Procurements,
Including Human and Social Services); 815 CMR 2.00 (Grants and Subsidies); 808 CMR
1.00 (Compliance, Reporting and Auditing for Human And Social Services); AICPA
Standards; confidentiality of Department records under G.L. c. 66A; and the
Massachusetts Constitution Article XVIII if applicable.
Invoices. The Contractor must submit invoices in accordance with the terms of the
Contract and the Commonwealth Bill Paying Policy. Contractors must be able to reconcile
and properly attribute concurrent payments from multiple Departments. Final invoices in
any fiscal year must be submitted no later than August 15th for performance made and
received (goods delivered, services completed) prior to June 30th, in order to make
payment for that performance prior to the close of the fiscal year to prevent reversion of
appropriated funds. Failure to submit timely invoices by August 15th or other date listed in
the Contract shall authorize the Department to issue an estimated payment based upon
the Departmenfs determination of performance delivered and accepted. The Contractor's
acceptance of this estimated payment releases the Commonwealth from further claims for
these invoices. If budgetary funds revert due to the Contractor's failure to submit timely
final invoices, or for disputing an estimated payment, the Department may deduct a penalty
up to 10% from any final payment in the next fiscal year for failure to submit timely invoices.
Payments Subject To Appropriation. Pursuant to G.L. c. 29 § 26, § 27 and § 29,
Departments are required to expend funds only for the purposes set forth by the
Legislature and within the funding limits established through appropriation, allotment and
subsidiary, including mandated allotment reductions triggered by G.L. c. 29, § 9C. A
Department cannot authorize or accept performance in excess of an existing appropriation
and allotment, or sufficient non-appropriated available funds. Any oral or written
representations, commitments, or assurances made by the Department or any other
Commonwealth representative are not binding. The Commonwealth has no legal
obligation to compensate a Contractor for performance that is not requested and is
intentionally delivered by a Contractor outside the scope of a Contract. Contractors should
verify funding prior to beginning performance.
Intercept. Contractors may be registered as Customers in the Vendor file if the Contractor
owes a Commonwealth debt. Unresolved and undisputed debts, and overpayments of
Contract payments that are not reimbursed timely shall be subject to intercept pursuant to
G.L. c. 7A, s. 3 and 815 CMR 9.00. Contract overpayments will be subject to immediate
intercept or payment offset. The Contractor may not penalize any state Department or
assess late fees, cancel a Contract or other services if amounts are intercepted or offset
due to recoupment of an overpayment, outstanding taxes, child support, other overdue
debts or Contract overpayments.
Tax Law Compliance. The Contractor certifies under the pains and penalties of perjury
tax compliance with Federal tax laws; state tax laws including but not limited to G.L. c. 62C,
G.L. c. 62C, s. 49A; compliance with all state tax laws, reporting of employees and
contractors, withholding and remitting of tax withholdings and child support and is in good
standing with respect to all state taxes and returns due; reporting of employees and
contractors under G.L. c. 62E, withholding and remitting child support including G.L. c.
119A, s. 12; TIR 05-11; New Independent Contractor Provisions and applicable TIRs.
Bankruptcy, Judgments, Potential Structural Changes, Pending Legal Matters and
Conflicts. The Contractor certifies it has not been in bankruptcy and/or receivership within
the last three calendar years, and the Contractor certifies that it will immediately notify the
Department in writing at least 45 days prior to filing for bankruptcy and/or receivership,
any potential structural change in its organization, or if there is any risk to the solvency of
the Contractor that may impact the Contractor's ability to timely fulfill the terms of this
Contract or Amendment. The Contractor certifies that at any time during the period of the
Contract the Contractor is required to affirmatively disclose in writing to the Department
Contract Manager the details of any judgment, criminal conviction, investigation or litigation
pending against the Contractor or any of its officers, directors, employees, agents, or
subcontractors, including any potential conflicts of interest of which the Contractor has
knowledge, or learns of during the Contract term. Law firms or Attorneys providing legal

services are required to identify any potential conflict with representation of any
Department client in accordance with Massachusetts Board of Bar Overseers (BBO) rules.
Federal Anti-Lobbying and Other Federal Requirements. If receiving federal funds, the
Contractor certifies compliance with federal anti-lobbying requirements including 31 USC
1352; other federal requirements; Executive Order 11246; Air Pollution Act; Federal Water
Pollution Control Act and Federal Employment Laws.
Protection of Personal Data and Information. The Contractor certifies that all steps will
be taken to ensure the security and confidentiality of all Commonwealth data for which the
Contractor becomes a holder, either as part of performance or inadvertently during
performance, with special attention to restricting access, use and disbursement of personal
data and information under G.L. c. 93H and c. 66A and Executive Order 504. The
Contractor is required to comply with G.L. c. 931 for the proper disposal of all paper and
electronic media, backups or systems containing personal data and information, provided
further that the Contractor is required to ensure that any personal data or information
transmitted electronically or through a portable device be properly encrypted using (at a
minimum) Information Technology Division (ITDl Protection of Sensitive Information,
provided further that any Contractor having access to credit card or banking information of
Commonwealth customers certifies that the Contractor is PCI compliant in accordance with
the Payment Card Industry Council Standards and shall provide confirmation compliance
during the Contract, provide further that the Contractor shall immediately notify the
Department in the event of any security breach including the unauthorized access,
disbursement, use or disposal of personal data or information, and in the event of a
security breach, the Contractor shall cooperate fully with the Commonwealth and provide
access to any information necessary for the Commonwealth to respond to the security
breach and shall be fully responsible for any damages associated with the Contractor's
breach including but not limited to G.L. c. 214, s. 3B.
Corporate and Business Filings and Reports. The Contractor certifies compliance with
any certification, filing, reporting and service of process requirements of the Secretary of
the Commonwealth, the Office of the Attorney General or other Departments as related to
its conduct of business in the Commonwealth; and with its incorporating state (or foreign
Employer Requirements. Contractors that are employers certify compliance with
applicable state and federal employment laws or regulations, including but not limited to
G.L. c. 5. s. 1 (Prevailing Wages for Printing and Distribution of Public Documents); G.L. c.
7, s. 22 (Prevailing Wages for Contracts for Meat Products and Clothing and Apparel);
minimum wages and prevailing wage programs and payments; unemployment insurance
and contributions; workers' compensation and insurance, child labor laws, AGO fair labor
practices; G.L. c. 149 (Labor and Industries); G.L. c. 150A (Labor Relations); G.L. c. 151
and 455 CMR 2.00 (Minimum Fair Wages): G.L. c. 151A (Employment and Training); Q,____l
c. 151B (Unlawful Discrimination); G.L. c. 151E (Business Discrimination); G.L. c. 152
(Workers' Compensation); G.L. c.153 (Liability for Injuries); 29 USC c. 8 (Federal Fair
Labor Standards); 29 USC c. 28 and the Federal Family and Medical Leave Act.
Federal And State Laws And Regulations Prohibiting Discrimination including but not
limited to the Federal Equal Employment Oppurtunity (EEO) Laws the Americans with
Disabilities Act,; 42 U.S.C Sec. 12, 101, et seq., the Rehabilitation Act, 29 USC c. 16 s. 794;
29 USC c. 16. s. 701; 29 USC c. 14, 623; the 42 USC c. 45; (Federal Fair Housing Act); Q,
L. c. 151B (Unlawful Discrimination); G.L. c. 151E (Business Discrimination); the Public
Accommodations Law G.L. c. 272, s. 92A; G.L. c. 272. s. 98 and 98A, Massachusetts
Constitution Article CXIV and G.L. c. 93, s. 103; 47 USC c. 5. sc. II, Part 11, s. 255
(Telecommunication Act; Chapter 149, Section 105D, G.L. c. 151C, G.L. c. 272, Section
92A, Section 98 and Section 98A, and G.L. c. 111, Section 199A, and Massachusetts
Disability-Based Non-Discrimination Standards For Executive Branch Entities, and related
Standards and Guidance, authorized under Massachusetts Executive Order or any
disability-based protection arising from state or federal law or precedent. See also MCAD
and MCAD links and Resources.
Small Business Purchasing Program (SBPP). A Contractor may be eligible to
participate in the SBPP, created pursuant to Executive Order 523, if qualified through the
SBPP COMMBUYS subscription process at: and with acceptance of
the terms of the SBPP participation agreement.
Limitation of Liability for Information Technology Contracts (and other Contracts as
Authorized). The Information Technology Mandatory Specifications and the IT Acquisition
Accessibility Contract Language are incorporated by reference into Information Technology
Contracts. The following language will apply to Information Technology contracts in the
U01, U02, U03, U04, U05, U06, U07, U08, U09, U10, U75, U98 object codes in the
Expenditure Classification Handbook or other Contracts as approved by CTR or OSD.
Pursuant to Section 11. Indemnification of the Commonwealth Terms and Conditions, the
term 'other damages" shall include, but shall not be limited to, the reasonable costs the
Commonwealth incurs to repair, return, replace or seek cover (purchase of comparable
substitute commodities and services) under a Contract. 'Other damages· shall not include
damages to the Commonwealth as a result of third party claims, provided, however, that
the foregoing in no way limits the Commonwealth's right of recovery for personal injury or
property damages or patent and copyright infringement under Section 11 nor the
Commonwealth's ability to join the contractor as a third party defendant. Further, the term

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"other damages" shall not include, and in no event shall the contractor be liable for,
damages for the Commonwealth's use of contractor provided products or services, loss of
Commonwealth records, or data (or other intangible property), loss of use of equipment,
lost revenue, lost savings or lost profits of the Commonwealth. In no event shall "other
damages' exceed the greater of $100,000, or two times the value of the product or service
(as defined in the Contract scope of work) that is the subject of the claim. Section 11 sets
forth the contractor's entire liability under a Contract. Nothing in this section shall limit the
Commonwealth's ability to negotiate higher limitations of liability in a particular Contract,
provided that any such limitation must specifically reference Section 11 of the
Commonwealth Terms and Conditions. In the event the limitation of liability conflicts with
accounting standards which mandate that there can be no cap of damages, the limitation
shall be considered waived for that audit engagement. These terms may be applied to
other Contracts only with prior written confirmation from the Operational Services Division
or the Office of the Comptroller. The terms in this Clarification may not be modified.
Northern Ireland Certification. Pursuant to G.L. c. 7 s. 22C for state agencies, state
authorities, the House of Representatives or the state Senate, by signing this Contract the
Contractor certifies that it does not employ ten or more employees in an office or other
facility in Northern Ireland and if the Contractor employs ten or more employees in an office
or other facility located in Northern Ireland the Contractor certifies that it does not
discriminate in employment, compensation, or the terms, conditions and privileges of
employment on account of religious or political belief; and it promotes religious tolerance
within the work place, and the eradication of any manifestations of religious and other
illegal discrimination; and the Contractor is not engaged in the manufacture, distribution or
sale of firearms, munitions, including rubber or plastic bullets, tear gas, armored vehicles or
military aircraft for use or deployment in any activity in Northern Ireland.
Pandemic, Disaster or Emergency Performance. In the event of a serious emergency,
pandemic or disaster outside the control of the Department, the Department may negotiate
emergency performance from the Contractor to address the immediate needs of the
Commonwea:th even if not contemplated under the original Contract or procurement.
Payments are subject to appropriation and other payment terms.
Consultant Contractor Certifications (For Consultant Contracts "HH" and "NN' and
"U05' object codes subject to G.L. Chapter 29, s. 29A). Contractors must make required
disclosures as part of the RFR Response or using the Consultant Contractor Mandatory
Submission Form.
Attorneys. Attorneys or firms providing legal services or representing Commonwealth
Departments may be subject to G.L. c. 30, s. 65, and if providing litigation services must be
approved by the Office of the Attorney General to appear on behalf of a Department, and
shall have a continuing obligation to notify the Commonwealth of any conflicts of interest
arising under the Contract.
Subcontractor Performance. The Contractor certifies full responsibility for Contract
performance, including subcontractors, and that comparable Contract terms will be
included in subcontracts, and that the Department will not be required to directly or
indirectly manage subcontractors or have any payment obligations to subcontractors ..
For covered Executive state Departments, the Contractor certifies compliance with
applicable Executive Orders (see also Massachusetts Executive Orders), including but not
limited to the specific orders listed below. A breach during period of a Contract may be
considered a material breach and subject Contractor to appropriate monetary or Contract
Executive Order 481. Prohibiting the Use of Undocumented Workers on State Contracts.
For all state agencies in the Executive Branch, including all executive offices, boards,
commissions, agencies, Departments, divisions, councils, bureaus, and offices, now
existing and hereafter established, by signing this Contract the Contractor certifies under
the pains and penalties of perjury that they shall not knowingly use undocumented workers
in connection with the performance of this Contract; that, pursuant to federal requirements,
shall verify the immigration status of workers assigned to a Contract without engaging in
unlawful discrimination; and shall not knowingly or recklessly alter, falsify, or accept altered
or falsified documents from any such worker
Executive Order 130. Anti-Boycott. The Contractor warrants, represents and agrees that
during the time this Contract is in effect, neither it nor any affiliated company, as hereafter
defined, participates in or cooperates with an international boycott (See !RC § 9991bl(3).(1), and IRS Audit Guidelines Boycotts) or engages in conduct declared to be unlawful by
G.L. c. 151E, s. 2. A breach in the warranty, representation, and agreement contained in
this paragraph, without limiting such other rights as it may have, the Commonwealth shall
be entitled to rescind this Contract. As used herein, an affiliated company shall be any
business entity of which at least 51 % of the ownership interests are directly or indirectly
owned by the Contractor or by a person or persons or business entity or entities directly or
indirectly owning at least 51 % of the ownership interests of the Contractor, or which directly
or indirectly owns at least 51 % of the ownership interests of the Contractor.
Executive Order 346. Hiring of State Employees By State Contractors Contractor certifies
compliance with both the conflict of interest law G.L. c. 268A specifically s. 5 and this
order; and includes limitations regarding the hiring of state employees by private
companies contracting with the Commonwealth. A privatization contract shall be deemed

to include a specific prohibition against the hiring at any time during the term of Contract,
and for any position in the Contractor's company, any state management employee who is,
was, or will be involved in the preparation of the RFP, the negotiations leading to the
awarding of the Contract, the decision to award the Contract, and/or the supervision or
oversight of performance under the Contract.
Executive Order 444. Disclosure of Family Relationships With Other State Employees.
Each person applying for employment (including Contract work) within the Executive
Branch under the Governor must disclose in writing the names of all immediate family
related to immediate family by marriage who serve as employees or elected officials of the
Commonwealth. All disclosures made by applicants hired by the Executive Branch under
the Governor shall be made available for public inspection to the extent permissible by law
by the official with whom such disclosure has been filed.
Executive Order 504. Regarding the Security and Confidentiality of Personal Information.
For all Contracts involving the Contractor's access to personal information, as defined in
G.L. c. 93H, and personal data, as defined in G.L. c. 66A, owned or controlled by
Executive Department agencies, or access to agency systems containing such information
or data (herein collectively "personal information'), Contractor certifies under the pains and
penalties of perjury that the Contractor (1) has read Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Executive Order 504 and agrees to protect any and all personal information; and (2) has
reviewed all of the Commonwealth Information Technology Division's Security
Policies. Notwithstanding any contractual provision to the contrary, in connection with the
Contractor's performance under this Contract, for all state agencies in the Executive
Department, including all executive offices, boards, commissions, agencies, departments,
divisions, councils, bureaus, and offices, now existing and hereafter established, the
Contractor shall: (1) obtain a copy, review, and comply with the contracting agency's
Information Security Program (ISP) and any pertinent security guidelines, standards, and
policies; (2) comply with all of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Information
Technology Division's "Security Policies') (3) communicate and enforce the contracting
agency's ISP and such Security Policies against all employees {whether such employees
are direct or contracted) and subcontractors; (4) implement and maintain any other
reasonable appropriate security procedures and practices necessary to protect personal
information to which the Contractor is given access by the contracting agency from the
unauthorized access, destruction, use, modification, disclosure or loss; (5) be responsible
for the full or partial breach of any of these terms by its employees (whether such
employees are direct or contracted) or subcontractors during or after the term of this
Contract, and any breach of these terms may be regarded as a material breach of this
Contract; (6) in the event of any unauthorized access, destruction, use, modification,
disclosure or loss of the personal information (collectively referred to as the "unauthorized
use'): (a) immediately notify the contracting agency if the Contractor becomes aware of the
unauthorized use; {b) provide full cooperation and access to information necessary for the
contracting agency to determine the scope of the unauthorized use; and (c) provide full
cooperation and access to information necessary for the contracting agency and the
Contractor to fulfill any notification requirements. Breach of these terms may be regarded
as a material breach of this Contract, such that the Commonwealth may exercise any and
all contractual rights and remedies, including without limitation indemnification under
Section 11 of the Commonwealth's Terms and Conditions, withholding of payments,
Contract suspension, or termination. In addition, the Contractor may be subject to
applicable statutory or regulatory penalties, including and without limitation, those imposed
pursuant to G.L. c. 93H and under G.L. c. 214, § 38 for violations under M.G.L c. 66A.
Executive Orders 523, 524 and 526. Executive Order 526 (Order Regarding NonDiscrimination, Diversity, Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action which supersedes
Executive Order 478). Executive Order 524 (Establishing the Massachusetts Supplier
Diversity Program which supersedes Executive Order 390). Executive Order 523
(Establishing the Massachusetts Small Business Purchasing Program.) All programs,
activities, and services provided, performed, licensed, chartered, funded, regulated, or
contracted for by the state shall be conducted without unlawful discrimination based on
race, color, age, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression,
religion, creed, ancestry, national origin, disability, veteran's status (including Vietnam-era
veterans), or background. The Contractor and any subcontractors may not engage in
discriminatory employment practices; and the Contractor certifies compliance with
applicable federal and state laws, rules, and regulations governing fair labor and
employment practices; and the Contractor commits to purchase supplies and services from
certified minority or women-owned businesses, small businesses, or businesses owned by
socially or economically disadvantaged persons or persons with disabilities. These
provisions shall be enforced through the contracting agency, OSD, and/or the
Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination. Any breach shall be regarded as a
material breach of the contract that may subject the contractor to appropriate sanctions.


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Dennis J. Reinhold
Senior Vice President and General Counsel

March 1, 2018
Via Email

Nilsa Morales
Director of Fiscal Affairs
Massachusetts Executive Office of Public Safety and Security
1 Ashburton Place - Room 213 3
Boston, Massachusetts 02108
Re: Securus Technologies
Dear Ms. Morales:
Based upon the requirements of the RFP and the call data provided, we expect the
monthly commissions to the DOC, at the commission rate of 76.2%, to be approximately
$324,958 per month.
9.1.1 The Contractor shall comply with the inmate calling rates set forth below for all
local, intra-LATA and inter-LATA calling within the continental United States for the
duration of the contract.
The inmate calling rates are as follows:
Cost for Calls within Massachusetts


Call Type
Collect: $.10 Per Minute
Pre-Paid Collect: $.10 Per Minute
Pre-Paid Debit: $.10 Per Minute

Cost for Calls Outside of Massachusetts


Call Type
Collect: $.14 Per Minute
Pre-Paid Collect: $.11 Per Minute
Pre-Paid Debit $.1075

Let me know if you have any questions.
Best Regards,

Dennis J. Reinhold
V.P., General Counsel and Secretary
4000 International


Carrollton, Texas 75007





Exhibit A
Delaware Secretary of State Name Change Amendment



Exhibit A to Massachusetts Standard Contract Form
This Exhibit A is attached to and forms a part of the Agreement ("Contract" or "Agreement") by and between
the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Office of Public Safety and Security ("you" or "Customer") and
Securus Technologies, Inc. ("Securus/"'we/"'us/' or "Provider'') (collectively "Parties''). The Contract is
comprised of the following documents:


The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Terms and Conditions ("Commonwealth Terms and Conditions");


The Commonwealth Standard Contract Form ("Standard Contract Form'') to which this Exhibit A is


The Request for Response identified as Request for Response for Secure Inmate Calling System and
Related Services (ICS) COMMBUYS Bid Number: RFR - BD-18-1044-EPS17-EPS1-19423 ("RFR''); and


Securus' responses to the RFR.

The order of priority of documents and the order of precedence in interpreting the Contract (collectively, "Order
of Precedence") shall be as follows:


The Commonwealth Terms and Conditions;


The Standard Contract Form, to which this Exhibit A is attached;


The RFR requirements as stated in the RFR; and
Securus' responses to the RFR.

The parties agree as follows:

1. Applications. This SOW specifies terms and conditions under which we will provide certain inmate-related services and
applications (the "Application(s)") to you.
2. Use of Applications. You grant us the right and license to install, maintain, and derive revenue from the Applications
through our inmate systems (including, without limitation, the related hardware and software) (the "System'') located in and
around the inmate confinement facility or facilities identified in the Schedule (the "Facility" or "Facilities''). You are
responsible for the manner in which you and your respective users use the Applications.
3. Software License. We grant you a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable license (without the right to sublicense) to
access and use certain proprietary computer software products and materials in connection with the Applications (the
The Software includes any upgrades, modifications, updates, and additions to existing features that we
implement (the "Updates'').
4. Ownership and Use. We (or our licensors, if any) have and will retain all right, title, interest, and ownership in and to
(i) the Software and any copies, custom versions, modifications, or updates of the Software, (ii) all related documentation,
and (iii) any trade secrets, know-how, methodologies, and processes related to our Applications, the System, and our other
products and services (the "Materials''). The Materials constitute proprietary information and trade secrets of Provider and
its licensors, whether or not any portion thereof is or may be the subject of a valid copyright or patent.
5. Confidentialitv and Non-Disclosure.
The System, Applications, and related call records and information (the
"Confidential Information'') will at all times remain confidential to Provider. Customer understands and acknowledges that
Provider, as a common carrier, is required by Section 222 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C.
Section 222, to maintain the confidentiality of "Customer Proprietary Network Information", or "CPNI", which protects from
disclosure consumers' sensitive personal information (including phone numbers called by a consumer; the frequency,
duration, and timing of such calls; and any services purchased by the consumer). Customer understands and acknowledges
that such Confidential Information may be exempt from public disclosure and you agree that, except as required by the
Massachusetts Public Records Law, you will not disclose such Confidential Information to any third party without our prior
written consent. Because you will be able to access confidential information of third parties that is protected by certain
federal and state privacy laws through the Software and Applications, you will only access the Software with computer
systems that have effective firewall and anti-virus protection.
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Addendum to Massachusetts Standard Contract Form - Proprietary & Confidential

6. Customer acknowledges that the information available through the below described Applications (THREADS™ , LBS,
Investigator Pro, ICER, Guarded Exchange, VRS, and VINES) includes personally identifiable information and that it is
Customer's obligation to keep all such accessed information secure. Accordingly, Customer will (a) restrict access to such
Applications to those law enforcement personnel who have a need to know as part of their official duties; and (b) ensure
that its employees (i) obtain and/or use information from each such Application only for lawful purposes. Furthermore,
Customer understands and acknowledges that all information used and obtained in connection with each such Application is
"AS IS." Customer further understands and acknowledges that such Applications uses data from third-party sources, which
may or may not be thorough and/or accurate, and that Customer will not rely on Provider for the accuracy or completeness
of information obtained through such Applications.

Secure Call Platform: Secure Call Platform ("SCP") provides through its centralized system automatic placement of calls by
inmates without the need for conventional live operator services. In addition, SCP has the ability to do the following: (a)
monitor and record inmate calls, (b) prevent monitoring and recording of private calls (i.e., attorney client calls, clergy calls,
or other calls as approved and implemented by you); private number settings allow you to mark these calls not to be
monitored or recorded, and you are solely responsible for identifying, approving and disabling requests for private
treatment; (c) automatically limit the duration of each call to a certain period designated by us, (d) maintain call detail
records in accordance with our standard practices, (e) automatically shut the System on or off, and (f) allow free calls to the
extent required by applicable law. We will be responsible for all billing and collections of inmate calling charges but may
contract with third parties to perform such functions. SCP will be provided at the Facilities specified in the RFR.
SCP also includes the ability to integrate inmate Debit accounts. A Debit account is a prepaid, inmate-owned account used
to pay for inmate telephone calls. A Debit account is funded by transfer of inmate's facility trust/commissary account funds
to inmate's Debit account. Provider will also allow inmate friends and family members to fund an inmate's Debit account via
multiple points-of-sale. Funds deposited by friends and family members into an inmate's Debit account become property of
the inmate. Provider establishes inmate Debit accounts which are associated with the inmate's Personal Identification
Number ("PIN''). Provider requires inmate to key in his/her PIN at the beginning of every Debit call to complete the call and
pay for the call using the inmate's Debit account. If implemented, Customer agrees to have the Debit module of Provider's
SCP Call Management System enabled for the Facilities to offer Debit account to inmates. If implemented, Customer also
agrees to use Provider's SCP User Interface or utilize integration with Customer's trust account system to process inmate's
fund transfer requests. Notwithstanding, Provider will not be responsible for any delays due to (i) Customer's failure to
perform any of its obligations for the project; (ii) any of Customer's vendors' failure to perform any of its obligations for the
project; or (iii) circumstances outside of Provider's control.
Collect and Inmate Debit Calls. We will pay you commission (the "Commission'') based on the Gross Revenues that we earn
through the completion of collect and inmate Debit calls placed from the Facilities as specified in the RFP and Response, RFR
Offer #1. Call rates as specified in RFR Section 9.1.1 and Monthly Commission Percentage 76.20 shall apply (inclusive of the
equipment referenced in RFR section 5.2.1.).

Secure Calling Platform User Interface. We will provide you with the Software regarding the Secure Calling Platform
Interface (''S-Gate User Interface'') which may be used only on computers and other equipment that meets or exceeds the
specifications as set forth in Section 5.2 in Securus' RFR, which we may amend from time to time ("Compatible Equipment'').
Customer represents that (i) it will be responsible for distributing and assigning licenses to its end users; (ii) it will use the
SCP User Interface for lawful purposes and will not transmit, retransmit, or store material in violation of any federal or state
laws or regulation; and (iii) it will monitor and ensure that its licensed end users comply with as directed herein.

The THREADS™ application allows authorized law enforcement users to analyze corrections and communications data from
multiple sources to generate targeted investigative leads. THREADS™ has three main components: data analysis, data
review, and data import. In addition, THREADS™ offers an optional "community" feature, which allows member correctional
facilities to access and analyze corrections communications data from other correctional facilities within the community and
data imported by other community members. Customer's use of THREADS™ is governed by and conditioned upon the
terms set forth herein.
The cost of THREADS™ was considered and included in offering the Commission percentage and other terms contained
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Addendum to Massachusetts Standard Contract Form - Proprietary & Confidential

Customer has elected to opt in to the community feature, and Customer reserves the right to determine which communities
shall have access to Customer's data. The community feature allows authorized users access to analyze communications
data generated from other corrections facilities within the community, as well as any data imported or added by other
authorized community members. Customer acknowledges an'd understands that data from its facility or facilities will be
made available to the community for analysis and review.
Securus' Location Based Services ("LBS'') provides Customer with a mobile device user's approximate geographical location
("Mobile Location Data" or "MLD'') by way of (i) information derived from calls placed on a Securus device by an inmate
confined at a Customer Facility and received by such mobile device user, or (ii) mobile device user information (such as
mobile device number) provided to Securus by Customer. When a mobile device user's prior approval is required by law for
MLD to be provided to Customer, such approval will be obtained by Provider in accordance with wireless carrier-approved
disclosure and opt-in processes. LBS will capture approximate latitude and longitude coordinates of a mobile device user at
the times at which the called party accepts the call, and when the call ends. LBS will display geographical information on a
map and will combine covert alert functionality with approximate geographical coordinates when calls are accepted by the
called party or end, and operate on demand in (near) real time. Customer's use of LBS is governed by and conditioned upon
the terms set forth herein.
The cost of LBS was considered and included in offering the Commission percentage and other terms contained herein.

Investigator Pro™ is a telephone safety, security, and investigative feature of SCP. Investigator Pro™ uses continuous voice
identification technology to determine what inmate(s) are speaking on the call, detect certain three-way call violations, and
help investigators find correlations between calls that might otherwise go undetected. Inmates must participate in a
supervised voice print enrollment process. This inmate voice print enrollment process will be the responsibility of Customer.
The cost of Investigator Pro™ was considered and included in offering the Commission percentage and other terms
contained herein.
Provider, through its subsidiary Guarded Exchange™, shall provide an Offender Call Monitoring System ("GEX System'')
which includes call monitoring services of inmate calls originating from the Facility(s) that is designed to identify:


Suspicious or suggestive key words or phrases;


Phrases that suggest threats to security of the Facility(s) and Facility personnel; and


Criminal activity in and outside of the Facility(s);

The ICER™ system provides authorized users the means to detect intra- and inter-Facility inmate-to-inmate communications
from multiple sources to generate targeted investigative leads.
Provider will provide the Automated Information Services (AIS™) as described herein upon the request of Customer, on such
terms and conditions as mutually agreed to by the parties. Once Facility staff has uploaded all required information, the
system is able to automate information such as Commissary Balances (pending MIS system data flow); Charge Information;
Court Appearance Dates, Times, Locations; Bond Amounts, Types; Projected Release Dates; and Visitation Eligibility, Times.
The application is accessed through a telephone IVR system and provides all information automatically without staff
intervention 24/7.
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Addendum to Massachusetts Standard Contract Form - Proprietary & Confidential

Automated Information Services is configurable to meet the specific needs of Customer's Facility. The standard AIS options
include automation of inmate and Facility information to (1) constituents who call Customer's existing main telephone
number; and (2) inmates at Customer's Facility using the inmate telephone system. The following additional options are
currently available for AIS:
../ Ability to open or fund a Securus pre-paid telephone account (AdvanceConnect)
../ Ability to fund an inmate phone account (Inmate Debit where available)
../ Ability to supplement inmate deposit services by funding an inmate trust account
../ Ability to leave a voice mail (AIS™ Jail Voicemail)
The AIS™ Jail Voicemail feature is a one-way communication product that allows friends and family members calling a
facility to leave a 45-second voicemail for an inmate providing a quick way for friends and family to initiate communication
or deliver timely information to an inmate prior to a scheduled phone call or visitation.
Customer understands and agrees that Provider may, upon future release, expand the AIS™ services offering to include
additional constituent notification services or Additional AIS™ Options upon 30 days advance written noticeCustomer
represents and warrants that it is legally authorized to allow Provider to deploy the Automated Information Services (AIS™)
as agreed and described herein.
The cost of AIS™ was considered and included in offering the Commission percentage and other terms contained herein.

Securus' Video Relay Service application ("VRS'') provides a fully integrated video relay service offering into the Secure Call
Platform (SCP) allowing critical call controls to be maintained. This service allows deaf and hard-of-hearing inmates the
ability to communicate with friends and family via a videoconferencing service.
The cost of VRS was considered and included in offering the Commission percentage and other terms contained herein.



Customer understands and agrees that it is solely responsible for the following:

Determining which inmates are eligible to use VRS.


Providing inmates access to the VRS application.


Configuring SCP to allow eligible inmates access to the VRS application on ConnectUs-enabled terminals.


Designating which VRS numbers for which calls are not to be recorded, by marking those numbers as "private"
within SCP.

Securus shall furnish at its expense complete fiber backbone to include twelve (12) strands of single mode fiber.

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Addendum to Massachusetts Standard Contract Form - Proprietary & Confidential