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AR Union County - CTC contract commission rate 2018

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City T<elc-Coin Company, Inc.
4501 Marlena Street, Bossier City,\ A 7ll.l:t
_ _ -~~682:!!_707 / ww_w citytelecoin.corn

As to any inmate phone that is located within those lo ati ns listed .in Section A. l whereby s rvi ·e t lhat ph :uc is
being pr vide<l by CTC successive or cu t-over, r venue shall be deemed commis. io:uable <1nd henccfortb p<1yable
by CTC to UNION commencin~ with the exact point in time in which lhe first billable or prepaid all Im be n
initiated from that phone; moreover, such revenue shall re11rnin commissionnble and payable on imy snch pbon
until service to that phone Lrn ·been reassigned thrnugh contractual rellSs ignment.

TC shall remit to UNJON 52% (Fifty-Two Pitrce11t) of all Billable Usage Revenue generated throu h
Gross Collect, Prepaid Inmate C11/li11g Crm/.v, mu/ /)irecl P(fy telephone traffic (loc<d, intraLATA,
interLATA, und interstate ori •inating t'rom the fa ility mnnnge{L by UNfON, as listed in S ction A ''The
Work" am.l pro essed by . T " call processing system. TC shall remit to UNlON 35% 011frty··Fi11e of all Revenue<.I through Remote Video Visilalion via inmate video traffic. Billable
Usag Reve11ue is defined as Qr ss Revenu minus all applicable state, County, ci ty, and/or f lernl taxes.
and all fees applicable by law. CTC will pay all said commi 'Siems on a monthly ba i along wi th a monthly
rep rt of all said monies.

(2) Remilfance a11tl Acceptance - Remittflnce of commissions ·ltall c mme.uce Twenty (2()) Days after
insta llation of quipmc.lrl!. Furthermore, CTC hall remit commis ion payments to UNlON on n monthly
basis on or around the 20 111 day of ach montb. Any objecrion to a co1ru11ission payment shall be brought
lo th · attenti o11 of CTC by way of ·wrillen notice by UNION and hall b · made within 30 clays after
receiving said ommis:;ion payment. Accepla11ce of snid commission pa mcnt shnl! be fina l and bin ling
if no objections arc brought forth within 30 c'lays ath:r receipt U1ereof.

(3) A dverse onditions - At any Lime wl1il e thi contract is in force and effect, should the Arkansas Public
Service Commission, the Loui siana Pnblic Service Conunission, the Federal Communications
ommi ion or any other governmenta l or regulatory agency that has legal uuthorily vcr inmate
telecom munication!:!, change ra tes or impo e restTi 1it ns or otherwise modify any rules or regulations 1111der
which inmate telec mmunicat i ns are currt:ntly pcrntmg, so that : u b chan es, reslri lions, or
modifications ffeet inmnt tel phone hTiflic i11 a way that callscs UNIO ' S gencm1t cl revenue fr m su h
traffi t be adversely arl"cted. then boU1 parties agree to work t gether toward the benefit of each other
and mny renegotiate th terms of this ogre me11t temp )l'arily or Jlcnnanently.
The inilial term of agreement shall be for peric d begi1llliug
'ompleted i.n Forfy~Eight (48) Months 011

2018 with l'h initial term
2022. At lhc initia l tem1 complclion dak:, or any

subsequent.renewal term mpletion dal , TC <>r UNJON, at its opti u, has the right to rel'usc this contract 1111clcr
Lhe t rms and eondiiioni:: set forth by this contract, by giving certified notice to NJON or CTC. Any cert ified
notice halJ be majled and re e.ived Ni 11cly (IJO) days prior t ·chcduled terminoli n dnt < f thi · contract or
m1bscq 11c ut renewal term Lu the ;iddre:s:s provitlctl her In. This iniriaJ contract, and any renewal thereof shall
continue in force automatico lly fo r additional forty- igh t (48) M nth periods hollld no acti n b Lak n by either
party witl1i11 the ti me frame set out h rein.
CTC's interest in and to this service agreement may be Lrausforred or assig1 eel, at the discretion of CTC, to any
O.S. ba.ed hanking (lr fin.ancial inslitntion to provid the financial requiremen needed to provide the equipment
and services listed in Lhi agreement, r any the!' financi al entity.
C'IC agrees to provide for UNlO adequate equipment wilh tlte ability to perform m nitoring, rccor ling, and cul
off wi tches. CTC has rhc right, and maintains lhc right to remove or relocate any telepho11 • eqnipment . from any
locatio n which is the su bject of and g verned l y the terms f this agreemen t 1·hat C'l'C, in its · le and ab lute
discretion, determines is not ·c0nomically pr (ilab le. Th~ ri:;111 val or relocation of the equipment shnll not be
und · rt.1lcc11 until UNION is give1J ten 10) days wri tten no11ce of ,TC's mtent l rc.m vc sa id equ ipment. The
removal of equipment under tem1s herein hall in no way reate r con titutc a defoult of the r rm.~ oflhis contrnct.
CTC agrees rhot 11pon removal or relocation ofcquipm tll it wil l restore tbe site where sa id equipment was rcruo n l
from lo its <>rigina l condilkin. This ex.e lude~ ordimny wenr and tear, ai1y c udi1ion .) rcsultlng frnm prior material.
and any condition(s) resulting from ac1io11 f individual lbcr chan employees or agents uf CTC. CT agre t
instti ll and maintain at least the minimum number of coin-less inmale tel ephones as nc dcd at the faci li ty and/or as
many as requested by UNION, subject to indust1y standards.